Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

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Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Aeoles on Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:58 pm

In perfect handwriting, but terrible grammar a new News Leaf is spread across the empire, baring the same mark of Goblin Publishing. The below text has been edited for easier reading.

"Corruption has been uncovered in the Imperial Guard, certain high-level members have been implicated in ongoings of kidnapping, harassing, and killing of individuals. These actions are done in such a manner they draw little attention, yet to those with keen eyes and savvy sense they have been brought to light. These Members take the bodies, and even living persons, to Unnamed Nobles for illegal, and illicit, experiments that go beyond the scope of what is allowed in the Empire. Until more information is garnered the names of those implicated will not be published, this is a warning, trust no one, not even the Guard, always travel in the company of well-armed friends and companions lest you be next. This is the first warning, keep an eye out for an addendum to this flier, be warned, be ready, be prepared.

-Hurk Burkburger"

These news sheets are spread far and wide, reaching as far as Virelith and beyond, each is plastered to any open wall that could be found by tree sap and rosin.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Balard on Thu Jul 25, 2019 2:27 pm

The warlord and commander of the Imperial Guard had received and read this news leaf and he would chuckle a bit as he shook his head the most amusing thing he had read all day "This piece of crap isn't worth wiping my ass with." He screwed it up and threw it into the trash and he would mutter to himself with amusement "The ones that are of high ranking are myself, my secretary Miyuka and Carthad." Balard would sit down as he considered visiting this Hurk person or goblin due to the name of the publishing.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Aeoles on Thu Jul 25, 2019 5:40 pm

The same handwriting as before, perfect to the final dot, but this time the message is different, once more edited for easier reading:

"Two names have come to light, those in the Guard who are the blame for organizing the actions! Those names are Balard, the commander, and Carthad, a high ranking individual within the unit! These names were not easy to come across, but their names should be well known, we at Goblin Publishing are not asking for the people to take action, but to avoid action. The Nobles who were implicated have yet to be named, but we are searching diligently for evidence onto who they are. There is news that one of them may be a necromancer, one of the vilest in the regions. Should anyone find information on who these Nefarious Nobles are, please, find Hurk and give him the names, we need to spread this news as wide as possible, get the word out, and maybe, the correct channels will take action to bring down these wrongdoings!

-Hurk Burkburger"

As per usual the fliers are plastered across the towns, as far as the poor goblin can reach.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Tawny on Thu Jul 25, 2019 8:52 pm

Whispers had made her way from the island to town this day. She had supplies she wanted to pick up and maybe even visit the Naked bird while she was here. An ever so slight breeze made the flier move and caught her attention. She walks towards it since most times fliers were about fun things like dinners or events. She stood there reading the thing and excitement quickly turned to anger then rage. How dare someone write such vile lies about Balard. She didn't know the other name but these kind of lies could get Balard hurt or worse and as she stood there a plan began to form in her head. If Hurk wanted information then she need only find him and give him some information. But where to find him? Well she figured the inn would be the best place to start. She turned her path towards the Inn as her ears went back and she tapped her bappin stick against the ground hard with each step she took.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Markov_ on Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:20 pm

Oh... oh, this was becoming an interesting situation.

The sylvan's face remained fairly passive as he read the posters scattered around the inn. Well... one thing was clear... something was going to happen... maybe not something big, but the situation was such that something had to happen... and damn if he wasn't curious to see what it would be. Somehow, Balard had never seemed the sort to him to be involved in such a 'coverup'... but, well, he supposed it wasn't impossible... regardless, the sylvan came to a conclusion as he stared at the wanted poster, and the two accusations of corruption.

He wasn't sure that his plan could be called 'good'... after all, it was his... and he didn't believe he was capable of such a thing... but, it might work... and that was what would matter.

First things first, find this 'Hurk'... shouldn't be too hard. He'd seen him before, after all.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:09 pm

Aeoles wrote:The same handwriting as before, perfect to the final dot, but this time the message is different, once more edited for easier reading:

"Two names have come to light, those in the Guard who are the blame for organizing the actions! Those names are Balard, the commander, and Carthad, a high ranking individual within the unit! These names were not easy to come across, but their names should be well known, we at Goblin Publishing are not asking for the people to take action, but to avoid action. The Nobles who were implicated have yet to be named, but we are searching diligently for evidence onto who they are. There is news that one of them may be a necromancer, one of the vilest in the regions. Should anyone find information on who these Nefarious Nobles are, please, find Hurk and give him the names, we need to spread this news as wide as possible, get the word out, and maybe, the correct channels will take action to bring down these wrongdoings!

-Hurk Burkburger"

"Ahh haha..."

Abby looks up at the flyer plastered on the wall of one of the shops, noticing that 'Balard' and 'Carthad' are actually named this time. The two commanders of the Imperial Guards... Does Abby believe what is written here? Not completely, but since she has never worked within the Imperial Guards, Abby will be keeping herself open to the possibility of some truth in these claims - less so about Balard than with Carthad, who is a known Necromancer.

And Abby does not trust Necromancers very much.

The name 'Hurk Burkburger' would be noted, however, but it is not like Abby will go out of her way to hunt this goblin down.

That is not how she works.

But she will keep what she has learned to herself until she feels obligated to share them. In the meantime, she will at least be on the lookout for this so-called 'Hurk' and his winged associate.

As Abby walks away, she can hear people whispering about as they gather in front of the flyers.

Sounds like trouble might happen soon.

"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Balard on Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:40 pm

Walking through town another Goblin Publishers news leaf spotted on a wall and Balard saw it and he was now laughing as he decided to bring this goblin in once and for all and why not let others have a bit of fun too "Let's see how long it takes for this Hurk to be brought to me." The warlord would bring head to the Imperial Guard keep and he wrote out a wanted poster and he said to one of the other guards "Get more of these and place them around the towns and inns." Upon the the walls around various places a Wanted Poster
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Menhir on Sat Jul 27, 2019 9:30 pm

Menhir pauses near the messenger board and would consider the various parchments and scrolls pinned to it for a short time before reaching up to tug off one of the fliers that seems to have a rough image of a goblinoid creature on it as well as a few other letters and a large number at the bottom. He lets the parchment curl naturally and he slips it within the confines of his robe disappearing into some inner pocket.

"Interesting. A hunt is a hunt, after all." words without inflection, features unchanging, slit-pupil eyes gaining a predatory glint as he continues about his business.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:52 pm

Balard wrote:Walking through town another Goblin Publishers news leaf spotted on a wall and Balard saw it and he was now laughing as he decided to bring this goblin in once and for all and why not let others have a bit of fun too "Let's see how long it takes for this Hurk to be brought to me." The warlord would bring head to the Imperial Guard keep and he wrote out a wanted poster and he said to one of the other guards "Get more of these and place them around the towns and inns." Upon the the walls around various places a Wanted Poster

"A THOUSAND mehrials??"

Abby almost spat her drink back out when Airy presented the poster to her, back at Amethine's house east of town. A thousand mehrial bounty is nothing to scoff at; rarely do they get that high. And a thousand mehrials is half what the Empress herself paid people to help with the expedition to Dethsiris.

It speaks volumes that this much is offered for the capture of one goblin.

"And there's even a drawing about how he supposedly looks like... Except..."
Abby thinks back to the very first time they encountered the goblin. "... we've actually managed to speak with him and even saw him right before the problems with the vulpines happened." And then there is the information they recently gathered about Hurk.

And his association with another person.

And so Abby turns to her two friends and asks:

"So are we taking the job then?"
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:34 pm

And so Gabriel would too find the various flyers and posters pinned about town. Or caught the whispers floating about the goblinoid and his doings. A simple snort and chuff accompanied the slight shake of his head as he stuffed the flyer deep into the pockets of his long coat. He'd be off just as quietly and quickly as he appeared, intent on joining the hunt. Or maybe...even having a different idea on how to approach this situation.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby DiasEesha on Mon Jul 29, 2019 3:49 am

Of course, as much as the plucky goblin had his own eyes and ears, and apparently, ones that were able to yarn enough information for him to turn into quite the amusing story from both of those flyers shi was in no mood to tilt hir hand this time. Much like the last time, the chaos would come and it would be quite interesting to watch where the strings came and went what was pulled and what went slack. The Dragon Lady was simply content to perch upon tower crenelations and stare at the land that shi was servent and defender of.

Well well here we go again and a bounty this time? Interesting, that should certainly bring in some hungry eyes, and easy thousand for anyone is nothing to scoff at. Even if ultimately it'll be just as pointless as before.

Claws pressed into one of each of the flyers that where posted leaving the pinpricks clearly there. Nothing else would be done, shi'd let them stay up there with the obvious mark upon them. Perhaps, in a way this was what shi was look for right now though. Something new, a new game, shi did so love a good game.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Cangelosi on Mon Jul 29, 2019 10:20 pm

A rebuttal carrying the seal of St. Eva and the Northern Marches is released a few days later after this accusation had been displayed in the territory, and a few copies had finally made their way south, towards Nanthalion:

Our constabulary has received notification of these accusations and are conducting their own internal investigation. The Viceroy urges the populace to keep patient and trust the empire's good judgement, in this manner. In an unrelated statement, he has announced a temporary amnesty and a free meal for all those of the goblin race to come forward and testify their grievances against the Imperial Guard and general Empire departments to him at their early convenience. Please contact DragonRose Keep at your earliest convenience.

-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Farvel on Tue Jul 30, 2019 12:03 am

Farvel checks one of the pamphlets and suppresses the urge to laugh.

"So they're saying some in the Imperial Guard are corrupt, and harass and kidnap people for their own amusement? And they're trying to present this as news somehow? Next thing they're going to claim the Inn uses slave labour or something!"

Shrugging, he just moves on...
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sun Aug 11, 2019 6:44 pm

Katipo had noticed the fliers in town, both the ones she had heard were left behind by a Goblin and the ones left behind on behalf of the Imperial Guard that offered a reward for the capture of the goblin. As a member of the Guard she therefore was double motivated to capture the goblin for 'questioning'.

Sadly all the goblins looked alike to her and although she had turned a few in, not always in the same state as she had first found them in, none of them were good for any money. But she would continue her search.
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Re: Goblin Publishing: Corruption in the IG?

Postby Kiki on Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:43 pm

Bent over at the market square pillory, Lianna's unfocused eyes would blink after a moment, as the words on the crumpled flier lying on the floor would start to make sense to her. With how it was used as a gag only a few readable words were left. "Corrupt.....Imperial Guard....illegal, and illicit, experiments. Until more information".....and the rest she couldnt quite make out through splatter of stains. Giving a soft moan as a fresh dribble of seed would spill out of her red and abused sex, she could only imagine taking on the frustrations of the people with such rumors spreading about....all for the pleasure of Ishtar.

Was there a better use of the fliers? Definitely! Although this seemed to be a solution to all the excess lying about!
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