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- Slave Auction(s)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:04 pm
by Darkwolfe
To whom it may concern, or to whom all participated;

I just wanted to toss this up here, (still using his new-guy card) I spent the better part of the day yesterday roleplaying in the #The_Lonely_Inn and I stayed very busy reading and writing and interacting with players both IC and OOC (with the exception of a little 'crp', and having my dude beat down to 1 Life point). The Slave Auction was an absolute hit - coming from a new players perspective. I think only holding them quarterly or monthly is by far not enough! That being said, it was a treat. Good job!

I look forward to another one or many more, or such events just like it.

Also, I wanted to throw out a kudos to the player/character that hosted the entire ordeal and literally played that whole deal out for the better part of six hours (I'm guessing, that's just from what I saw, and I logged and came back hours later) so good job and keep up the great work! Kudos!


Re: - Slave Auction(s)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:08 pm
by Farvel
Bear in mind it may take several months (depending on RL schedule clashes) for characters to complete an IC week. So holding it more frequently than quarterly would be a bad idea because of that - people might end up enslaved to several characters at the same time!

It also depends on the availability of the person or people running these events, as these are ISA events run by the ISA managers, and RL can be hectic enough to prevent them from being online any more frequently.

Also, the novelty and excitingness would soon wear off if the event became a banality. The fact that it's rare is what makes it so interesting.

Re: - Slave Auction(s)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 12:39 am
by Darkwolfe
Farvel wrote:Also, the novelty and excitingness would soon wear off if the event became a banality. The fact that it's rare is what makes it so interesting.

Good point, I didn't think about that - though from a newguy's table, it was different.

Also, I mainly wanted to toss up a public acknowledgement and 'kudos' to the player(s) who hosted the entire deal. I can imagine it would be trying at times, given the length of the duration. Well played!

- Darkwolfe

Re: - Slave Auction(s)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:02 am
by Tawny
Thank you for the Kudos Darkwolfe I am very happy that you as well as all who attended had such a wonderful time. Farvel is right about how often I run these. I try for about 3 or 4 a year but too much of a good things spoils the pie and I love to do these simply because I know I am doing something that the players enjoy and all have a good time at. As I have said many times I do what I in the game for the players and for the ops and most importantly for the fun I can create for all. It is my pleasure to help in any way I can.


Re: - Slave Auction(s)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:17 am
by Fiona Sharora
Aurora had fun too. It was the first one I got to witness and participate in.
If I can help in any way in future ones IC or OoC feel free to send me a message ;)

Re: - Slave Auction(s)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:24 am
by Darkwolfe
Tawny wrote:Thank you for the Kudos Darkwolfe I am very happy that you as well as all who attended had such a wonderful time. Farvel is right about how often I run these. I try for about 3 or 4 a year but too much of a good things spoils the pie and I love to do these simply because I know I am doing something that the players enjoy and all have a good time at. As I have said many times I do what I in the game for the players and for the ops and most importantly for the fun I can create for all. It is my pleasure to help in any way I can.


You are welcome!

You did a great job and it was awesome from my seat! I look forward to the next one, and perhaps the next one my character won't be laying in a pool of blood! And can actually *participate. Hah!