House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Southern Part of the World with a large Ancient City

House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:23 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [May 2021]

Date: Fireday-2-Dryad's Dance (5-16-2021)

Location: Dethsiris, Lord Archaon's Castle

Members Present: Lord Archaon, Infernis, Aavran, Vexademus, Alexis|Rue|, Mae, Nighthawke, Nirnaeth, Risarah, BlackDawn, Van Masterson, Annwyn

Members Apologies: Angst, Joe, Larranyiel, Cassian Darkwing, Aurelius, Daimyon, Keegan, Zayla, Oruedin Kye, Kit`Ty, Coralia, Topaz, Atticus, LeLay, Vasara Hlatyl, ZndKra, Saphamira, Tra`Nal, Nasim, Cameo, Rezith, Rosette

Guests: 2 Unknown unintroduced men accompanied Infernis

Reading and Approval of Minutes: N/A


Agenda Item #1: Officer Reports
Discussion: None, as of yet.
Action: None, as of yet.

Agenda Item #2: Adviser's Reports
Discussion: None, as of yet.
Action: None, as of yet.

Agenda Item #3: Committee Reports
Discussion: None, as of yet.
Action: None, as of yet.

Agenda Item #4: Old Business
Discussion: Infernis regarded that Majordomo would differ to BlackDawn.
Action: BlackDawn to remain Majordomo of Dethsiris.

Agenda Item #5: New Business
1. Safety of the jungle and the city-ruins.
2. Safety and practice drills for aerial attack and defense.
1. Nighthawke tasked with patrols of both.
2. BlackDawn and Annwyn to use mephos for air-to-ground attack and defense training.

~BlackDawn to keep title of Majordomo.
~Moriel weapons and armor recovered have shown no degradation in sunlight when exposed, meaning that raids have begun to come for the Phoenix Stones.
~Dethsiris on War Alert.

Future Agenda Items:
~Stones to be replaced in items or re-enchanted?

Next Meeting: To be announced.

Minutes Prepared By: Vexademus
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:27 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [June 2021]

Lining out a schedule for June/July's events and discussing OOC matters in regards to the RP of the Black Phoenix Stone storyline.

Due to Admin concerns and uncertainty, we're going to be putting a hold on the Black Stone storyline. ICly, this will mean sealing up the Black Stone mine and securing it for the future. Those with Stones will be allowed to keep them, but they won't be a part of the ongoing House story for the time being, though allowance to finish the Mine Quest; finish should be on 06/13/2021: North America time.

Black Phoenix Stone storyline will be put on hold with the finish of the Mine Quest and efforts made to seal the mine for now. Those with knowledge of the stones will be encouraged to exercise discretion along with a hold on experiments on the stones.
The hope is that the stones will come back into play at a later date at the decision of the Admin.

The 'imminent war' aspect is continuing. Moriel will still be raiding city for stones with Dethsiris peoples trying to keep them out and keep the stones safe.

Those with knowledge of the stones will be encouraged to keep it quiet. No more experiments will be allowed with the stones for now. Black Phoenix Stone Bridge is still ACTIVELY an ongoing storyline. It means no transportation of them to other regions.

Aavran will be doing fruit deliveries every last Friday of the month, the first one beginning June 25th.

Vex and Aavran have quest plans. Vex's quests will start in July. BlackDawn is going to do a Festival/Holiday celebration with invitation to Matwyn as thanks for the Rooks.
Varis will speak to Matwyn about having a party at the Temple of Kirva for it's offical oppening, JULY 15th.

Annwyn has official nod to start writing on quests. She will be planning those after July.

Summer Solstice will be time for the seasonal summer drak sen celebration.

June Dethsiris Calendar: ... sp=sharing

Welcome Fayette, she's a House member from last year.

Random Portal events will fill in the last two weeks of JUNE.

Funding will not be a problem. Contact Archaon or Infernis.

Official calendar of Belariath: ~~ ~~

Large Magi festival June 18-21st.
~~ ~~

Nighthawk proposed an Aerial Race in JULY to include other houses to include mephos and rook riders as well. Medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners and prizes may be vouchers to the MMR for weapons/armor.

Map to be used for Rook/Mephos Aerial Race: ~~ ~~
Date of Aerial Races: (tentatively) JULY 27th TIME: To Be Announced ... uMkjE/edit

Fayette proposed an all races that are natural flyers will be included to races as well, using the same flight pattern map.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Fayette is NOT a mount for the races.

Melee contests to be announced later.

Next Monthly Dethsiris Meeting: JULY 10th, 11:00 am Central Standard Time

BlackDawn Proposed Holiday Festival to be held in August/September.

Check important links in the channel topic of #HouseDethsiris

Anniversary of Dethsiris' 'founding': To be announced.

Infernis announced that at an undisclosed date in the near future, he will be stepping away from Dethsiris to explore other parts and portions of the Belariath.

To that, we wish him all the luck and thank him for helping to make House Dethsiris unique and fun.

Saphamira: "Bestsiris"

Summary written by: Vexademus
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:28 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [July 2021]

Lining out a schedule for July's events and discussing OOC matters in regards to upcoming events and quests.

BlackDawn: First of all, I'd just like to say you're doing a great job throwing both public and house quest. Also, keeping the house active with the RPs between everyone.

Vexademus's weekly mini-House quest: Tuesday 13th and 20th, beginning at 6 pm CST and Nighthawke's Aerial race Saturday, July 24th - beginning at 11 am CST, and Aavran's monthly fruit delivery the 30th, beginning at 1 pm EST. ... 1691169772

Nighthawke's Aerial Race: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=24603

Varis's Temple Opening to be delayed.

Infernis has attended the Payroll clean-up. He's taken away nicks that are not active, and have not turned in a work log.

There has been a decision not to hire anymore alternative nicks; the reason being that Dethsiris needs to grow and bring in other players as well. Another reason reinforcing work logs; to make sure that character will receive pay but will also remain on payroll. Please make sure to post work logs for Dethsiris around the end of each month.

Welcome JedahEndless to Dethsiris.

Mae had some questions on how, when, and what to use as far as running or writing inside Dethsiris. They were asking for clarification of lore as well as when there would be further updates to it and creatures. They were interested in finding more information on what the plans were for Dethsiris in upcoming months.

Archaon answered that plans were being worked on, at the moment, since the land is L`aquera's idea and that we have to rely on her for base information regarding Dethsiris. A reassurance that the players will definitely be able to see and know lore in the future.

There was an agreeing consensus that quest-runners and other writers do not want to "step on toes".

Nighthawke: "Where are we with the unstable portal. I have ideas but need to know if it's a closed subject for now? Honestly, I don't know. There was a large diamond that exuded power but it wasn't a Phoenix stone."

BlackDawn: "I'd suggest to get with Infy about it and keep it going."

Mae would like to organize a Halloween-inspired party called "All Hallow's Eve". Throwing around the date of 30th of October at 1 pm EST. time. The main reason is to highlight the darker necromancer arts.

Mae: "I would like to start with a demonstration, perhaps that Archy could do a awesome demonstration for the guest. Maybe Jedah could assist him. Of course, we will have creepy foods and drinks. I already talked with Callie about it and she wants to help if she is available, otherwise, she would try to get somebody to be there from Callie´s. I would like to have a large drinking fountain with wine and stuff. Like bloodwine in the fountain, and creepy finger foods.
I would also like to create a haunted house for our guests. I have ideas for that too. Guests would be going into the haunted house in groups of 2 or 4 maximum. And I would like to use a local scary lore as theme for the haunting. We would transform some of the castle rooms into a scary haunted house. Guests will end up in the ´basement´ and then they will be transported to a maze where they need to solve a made-labrinth to get out. There will be a different channel to use for the haunted house and one of the groups will need to roll to see if people are getting scared from the 'hauntings' or not. 'Actors' will be needed to serve in the haunted house.
It would be an 'open to the public' event."

Next House Meeting is set for Saturday, August 7th, 2021.

Summary written by: Vexademus
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:31 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [August 2021]

Present at the meeting: BlackDawn, Carthellen_Orcrist, Nighthawke, Jaed|Hawke|, Mae, Shiho, Tennibrook`Balmossie. Pipistrelle, Ronja.

OOC announcements :
- We have 3 new members of the house as of recent. Jaed - Scribe, Jaescin - Overseer of Treasury, Ulf`Ivarsson - Blacksmith. Welcome aboard!
- I've been removing characters that no longer work for the House on the position list, and added recent hires so that it's now updated and accurate.
- Vexademus took a brief pause from the weekly quests she's been running, I spoke with her after our meeting and she informed me that she'll be running
them again from this coming Tuesday and announce it on our MB like before.

Agenda 1.
Regarding Quests and Events :

- The Aerial Race was originally set to a Saturday. 3 of those that signed up showed up. The comments when announced in the ooc of those that
would've otherwise liked to join, were these : They work Saturdays, and Saturdays are also the day when some have other rp'g, and for some it's the one day
in the week that they get to rp with rp partners that's not here in the weeks.
We postponed the Aerial Race to a Sunday, and everyone that had signed up came and attended.
My conclusion is that this is something we have to concider when we put up quests and events, and that Saturday isn't a good day for it in general.

Agenda 2.
Summary of the meeting with Stormwid and Naomi, regarding trading routes :
- Present at the meeting : Stormwind, Naomi, BlackDawn, Wade.

- We discussed where the trade routes would go, there's a lot of islands on the trip from Dethsiris to Virelith. The suggestion was to go as close to main land as possible
to avoid smugglers and pirates. However, then there's also a possibility of them attacking from land when they discover it.
- We'll also have to be wary of inside operations. If we can't track them out on open seas, there's a good chance they're doing operations on land like once encountered
in Thallis.
- For the time being, there excists no map of Virelith and it's coast. Naomi is working on it, and will give it to Dawn when it's finished.
- Wade has storages in Thallis, Virelith, Dethsiris, Nanthalion that he offered us to borrow if we need them. They are guarded.
- Naomi has a private island near the shipping lanes in Virelith with a Keep and cave systems that we also can use for storage. It's heavily guarded.
- There's a island 4 days from Thallis where the ships can stop for repairs.
- Naomi wishes to go on a trip on the Dethsiris ship for mapping purpouses. She works on Friday's and can't join the monthly quests, she'll be in touch with Shiho to
figure out something else.
- There'll be another meeting in near future to flesh out more details.

Agenda 3.
Summary of the meeting with Nairun`moon, Sea Captain of Thallis :

- Present at the meeting : BlackDawn, Mae, Aavran, Nairun`moon.

- Dawn told of the meeting with Stormwind and Naomi and the suggestion of the ships going on the inside of the island, closer to land. Aavran pointed out that in some
places they needed to go into deeper waters.
- Nairun`moon would like a collaberation with Dethsiris, and will join with his battleship.
- He needs helps with his battleship as it was under attack, some of the framework and deck needs to be replaced. Dawn offered that Dethsiris help him to get his ship
fixed, he accepted. I've been in touch with Katipo and Wade to help, and will have a meeting with the two. Mae and Aavran will also help.
- Mae suggested enchantments of the ships, and will get back to Dawn about which enchantments. Mae also offered to enchant Ray's ship, and will talk to Ray about it.
- Nairun`moon need a place to dock his ship - Dawn offered him to dock it in Dethsiris.

Comments, questions and answers during the meeting :

<@BlackDawn> And Naomi has a island with a Keep and cave systems where we can store things.
<+Carthellen_Orcrist> As far as military escorts. If i can be there Carthellen is happy to volunteer :)
<@BlackDawn> That's the beauty of this, lots of rp opportunities. And questing, as well.

<@BlackDawn> There's a island 4 days from Thallis where the ships can stop for repairs.
<+Carthellen_Orcrist> If need be we can also ask for temporary docking in thallis to find repairs if we're out that way yes?
<@BlackDawn> We could certainly ask Ray.
<+Carthellen_Orcrist> Makes sense.

<+Carthellen_Orcrist> Did we need anything on land to secure trade routes over land TO the docks safely? :3
<@BlackDawn> We do, Carthellen. We need to see the wares safely to the storages.
<@BlackDawn> But, we've yet to figure what storages we'll use.
<+Carthellen_Orcrist> If we've stores in the Dethsiris keep that can be temporarily used, could have some of the military on guard to ensure its security
<@BlackDawn> Also, that's where the army comes in to join, or do their own missions and quests on that part of the delivery.
+Carthellen_Orcrist> even if i can't be there for events. I can start having Carthellen doing patrols to fight back monsters on the roads and keep the trade roads safe :)
<@BlackDawn> Forexample.
<@BlackDawn> He could forexample do patrols along the roads in Dethsiris currently, to see that the wagons of fruit going down to the docks are being kept safe.

<@BlackDawn> - Nairun`moon would like a collaberation with Dethsiris, and will join with his battleship. He needs a place to dock it, and Dawn offered him to do that
in our port.
<+Carthellen_Orcrist> Of course
<+Carthellen_Orcrist> Should they need support they'll have it.
<@BlackDawn> We're reaching out to other houses, which will be a lot of fun and more rp opportunities.
<+Carthellen_Orcrist> Honestly there's a LOT more activity of late.
<+Carthellen_Orcrist> And that's really encouraging

Yes, it is! I'm amazed at all the work you all put in - you're doing a great job! :)
Our next meeting will be held Saturday September 11th, 11 am Central.
As always - if you have an idea, something you'd like for me to bring up or questions in general, slip me a pm.

Lastly, a bit of information (ooc) : I've mentioned before that I'm going under the knife. August 17th is the day, so I'll most likely be away
for a few days and it's uncertain how much I'm able to rp the coming days after, but if I'm not here and you need me send me a message on the MB
as I'll go in there and check once a day.

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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:34 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [September 2021]

We didn't have a meeting this month, as I had to postpone it but I'll do a little summary of our doings this month.

You've been wondering when the next meeting will be, and as mentioned I'm moving soon and will be without internet for a bit (not sure how long),
so I haven't set a date for it yet. I'll be posting it when I know.

We have 4 new members this month, Bel`Adin - Bestiary Assistant , and Dante Ambrogio - Shadow. The two has worked for Dethsiris before and has recently returned.
Welcome back! We also welcome aboard Yewakai - Hunter, and Zeddular - Mephos Rider.

The monthly and weekly quests are running like clockwork!

There's been occasions where people has tagged up and done worklogs in other channels than Borderlands such as Temple. We had a discussion about that in our ooc channel,and the conclusion is that it's fine as long as it doesn't become a habit every time one does a worklog, and to reason for it when one turns in the worklog. Then it's up to Tawny to approve the payout.

The Dethsiris battleships are updated with the enchantments - here's the details for it : viewtopic.php?f=286&t=24681. Great work!

Lord Matwyn will be invited to Dethsiris, as a thanks for giving us the Rooks.

There's been sightings of the moriels that attacked our city, reported by Yewakai( a mini-quest Infernis did a while back) and we are working on locating them. Have you seen a group of them somewhere? Oh, them buggers..they came from the mines that we sealed, and then attacked the city. Do report back if you happen to come across them!

Nighthawke is now operating as a temporary Warmaster, we got the word that Van has to sort some rL things and will be MIA until further notice. So do get back with Nighthawke regarding military matters.

The Halloween party is set for October 22nd, and will be announced on the MB around a month before.

Again, and I do think I say this everytime - but I'm impressed of the good work you do! It can't be said enough. ;)

Summary written by: BlackDawn
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:36 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [October 2021]

We are well into, and soon at the end of October and here's a summary since my last.
I'm now settled into my new house, the move went well - so I'm fully back! ;)

Joe pm'ed me a few weeks ago and let me know he steps down from his position as a Air Marshal due to RL. Good luck Joe, wherever your path may go from here on. :)
Zeddular is now our new Air Marshal. He'll be holding weekly practices for us, and others to join as posted here : viewtopic.php?f=74&t=24700

Varis has been a successful student and learned what he can of the dark arts under Mae, and has moved up from Apprentice of the Skull to Practitioner of the Skull,
which means he now masters the dark arts and will work alongside Mae still for our House.

Carthellen has become the Master Horseman of Dethsiris, and will be training our forces in battle on horseback. As well as those whom wishes, so send him a pm if you'd like to learn how to!

Vexademus will take a temporarily break from her quests, as she has posted on our MB.
I have taken a few more names off the payroll, those are alts and had been inactive for quite some time.
I've also added the new positions on the position list on our MB.

It is the spooky season of the year, and Mae is getting the castle ready for Friday! If you hurry, you might still have time to get your costume and sign up for the costume contest! :) viewtopic.php?f=108&t=24691

There's a upcoming House quest on November 3rd held by Varis, posted here viewtopic.php?f=286&t=24698&p=163708#p163708 , and Aavran's fruit quest is on for November 26th, the last Friday of the month - ... o/edit#gid.

I wish you all a delightful Halloween! :)

Summary written by: BlackDawn
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:37 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [November + December 2021]

Hello everyone!
It's been a bit of a challenge as of late to find a time and date for us to have a meeting again. Due to an amount of things, times colliding, busyness - etc, but such is life.
That is why I chose to make another summary here, and hopefully we can have another meeting together soon. We've launched off a few things lately, that have been
succesful. We had the Holiday party by Mae, and the cat quest by Varis (house quest.) I've talked to Varis about getting a summary of the quest to post on the MB, for those
whom couldn't join to see , what went down and what we were doing there. I asked Archy for a fund so that I could hand out money for rewards for when he's not here, and
he gave me 2000 mhl for that. We talked in the house channel about having a arena training for us, and others to join once a month for fun, to get familiar with the dice
and combat system. The details there still needs to be worked with to get it going, and Dawn and Annwyn will be the ones seeing to that happen. For that reason, Aavran's
fruit quest will continue not every month, but every other month so that we can do both and not ontop of each other. It was discussed that it might be too much if we did
both a month, with the result of people not joining, which I agree fully to. I also did a new clean up on the position list on our MB, I've removed a few that got their position
and since never played, and a few alts that was still on the list but not active for the house. I've removed these names from the payroll :

Atticus - 0 Mhl/month: Healer
Bel`Adin - 0 Mhl/month: Bestiary Assistant
Brian Perano - 0 Mhl/month: Rook Rider
Cameo - 0 Mhl/month: Aide to Overseer of Magic
Dante Ambrogio - 0 Mhl/month: Shadow
Zayla - 0 Mhl/month: Tender of Beetles
Zeddular - 0 Mhl/month: Air Marshal

On that note, I've allowed a few alts to be on the list because I do not feel it is fair to remove them if they've been active, and/or done a worklog. If you have questions or
objections about this, send me a pm. :)
I got requests a few times if we have a Discord channel. Now we do! Here's the link to join :

I have hired a new Air Marshal for the house - congratulations Tennibrook Balmossie!
Did you all now that our good Lord is getting his Lady? Love is in the air! viewtopic.php?f=74&t=24742
Congratulations, Archy and Vexy!

Summary written by: BlackDawn
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:41 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [May 2022]

House Informal Meeting: 04/16/2022

Discussing OOC matters in regards to changes in the position of "Mouth of Dethsiris", upcoming events, quests, and answering any questions put forth.

Archaon: Well, first off, things feel and seem to be more stable on my end so I will probably be here more often depending...but for the most part I'll be around more than I have been as of late. I was given a PM on the board probably a couple weeks or so ago; BlackDawn has decided to step down from her position due to real-life things. So, that leaves a pretty prominent position open. It may take some time to figure out how to fill that position up again, so if anything decides to crop up and I'm not around, feel free to leave a note on the Dethsiris Message Board PM. Hopefully, it won't take forever to do so.

Mae has been nominated 3 times in suggestion for "Mouth of Dethsiris".

Also, a hatching is in the planning/works for both mephos and earthshaper beetles. It may be a good time to seek out if other nobles govern people that are deemed worthy to receive one of those creatures.

Inquiries were made into what further can be offered to help Dethsiris prosper.

Aavran hoping to resume fruit delivery quests once more.

Tennibrook`Balmossie: That'd be nice. Hey, you can ship some Fire Peppers to Callie.

Zayla still available for care/feeding/info of earthshaper beetles.

Consensus that more new animal/flora/fauna would like to be seen in write-ups on the message board; as soon as they are approved, of course.

Archaon: If anyone's got a nice plant, animal, or otherwise suggestion that doesn't lean towards being too...mystical or otherworldly, feel free to suggest them in the forum.

There were further questions and clarifications regarding temples of Dethsiris; especially the Gaean Temple: if it had an active conductor, if the position was open, etc.

-Cooperation with the REB (Real Estate Brokers) needed to clarify/post further locations of housing/temples/other on Dethsirian map.
-Inquiries made as to what qualifications are needed to head the Gaean Temple in Dethsiris.
-Cooperation with Aavran needed for possibilities/questions/inquiries on anything ocean-related around Dethsiris. (Including fishfolks.)

Reassurance that if there is witnessed/experienced bullying/harassment; please notify an OP.

Next House Meeting: To Be Announced.

If there are more questions, don't be afraid to reach out to Archaon or Vexademus via message board (in this thread) or through MB PM - or even through the IRC chat.

And thank you to those who have been helping Dethsiris blossom and remain active! Our House is lucky to have you and you're appreciated!!
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:44 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [May 2022]

Present in channel: Mae, Pipistrelle, Aavran, Carthellen, Malevica, Ronja, Tennibrook
Time: May 27, 2022, 1 PM EST – 3 PM EST

- Updates House Members and Positions
Kable has joined us for the shadows and eyes
Rolan has become a Guard / Soldier
Ulrich has been hired for the Mage Brigade
Annwyn has stepped down from her position at the Mage Brigade and plans to instead get an alt involved with Dethsiris
James Vodera is considering joining Dethsiris
Yewakai is considering becoming a shadow

Mae has spoken with Archaon about the position on Alts. In the past it was a strong no, that has faded now and we will instead judge things case by case. Switching a char is always possible, getting an alt hired needs to be discussed with Mae so things can be weighed (reasons, opportunities for other people, activity)

Mae is going to talk with Archaon about hiring people for the Mephos and Jhore forces. What minimum criteria do they have to meet before they can be put on such positions (owning an animal, having the required skills). Using unbonded Mephos won’t let them think of the rider as their partner. Using hatchlings means we will have to wait months before the rider is of use.

- Recruitment
We can use more people for the positions that are currently available, especially getting new people involved with Dethsiris.
Tenni suggests getting some sort of hiring event happening, perhaps at the Guzzler or at Tenni’s beach villa.

- House Pins and Cloaks with Enchantments
Suggested is to have matching badges for the members of Dethsiris and to have these enchanted with message and cold enchants. In addition it is suggested that we could go with dress uniforms for our military members. (budget and plans are to be decided)

- Quests/Events & Parties
Job fair: Hiring Allivia from the CVC to cater a small banquet. Perhaps start things at the Guzzler for the job fair and then move on to Tenni’s beach villa afterwards for an after-hiring kind of house mixer. Suggested is to have the department heads being present so that interested candidates can ask questions and get to know their future leaders. Suggested is to have the Job Fair and the mixer be two separate events, done on different days so they don’t get in the way of each other. (budget and plans are to be decided)

Shipping quests: Aavran might do another sea quest on the 24th of June. The idea is to have these happening every other month. Fire peppers will be involved.

Vex quests: Mae is going to check if any more Vex quests are in the works.

The idea is to have regular events taking place (every month a quest, shipping, vex or other kinds). The parties/events would be separate to this.

- Worklogs
Everyone is very much encouraged to work with other members of Deth. Especially those in charge of a department are encourage to generate interest and activity. Don’t feel forced to only play with people within your own department.

- Contact with house members
We all miss Van and Nighthawke and hope they are doing well.

- Discord House Channel
There was a discord channel. Do we want a new one? So far people don’t see an added benefit in it and will simply be in the Deth channel when they are online.

- OOC House meetings
We are planning to have the ooc meetings every month (most likely the weekends). Time zones are hard in finding a time that works for everyone, so please let Mae know about subjects you want to be brought up, even if you can’t be there yourself.

Next meeting will be June 25th, 1 PM EST

- Questions/Suggestions
Mae will look into the noted points from the previous meeting:
-Cooperation with the REB (Real Estate Brokers) needed to clarify/post further locations of housing/temples/other on Dethsirian map.
-Inquiries made as to what qualifications are needed to head the Gaean Temple in Dethsiris.
-Cooperation with Aavran needed for possibilities/questions/inquiries on anything ocean-related around Dethsiris. (Including fishfolks.)

Additions to the Dethsiris flora and fauna are very much encouraged to write things up and to share it with Archaon so that things could be added to our lore.

Aavran encourages to share Deth adventures with other house member so that they can explore things further and it becomes part of our world.

Summary written by: Aavran
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:48 am

House Dethsiris OOC Meeting [June 2022]

Present in channel: Archaon, Carthellen, Emiko, Infernis, James`Vodera, Shiho, Tennibrook, Varis, Vexademus
Time: June 25, 2022, 1 PM EST – 3 PM EST

Updates House members and positions:
Silevrien has been hired as practitioner of the skulls
James`Vodera is hired to join the Mephos force as a trainee; Tenni is attending
Dante Ambrogio is a returning player and is hired back as a shadow.
Nirnaeth decided to step down and been taken off of payroll

House Pins & Cloaks & Military uniforms:
-Funds Acquired-
Silver cloak pins in the shape of a skull with black onyx stones as eyes {Enchanted with 'Message'} Can add extra enchantment of choice
Cloak is designed after House banner {Enchanted with 'Cold'}
The military uniforms: Black with red dragons on them

Quests/Events & Parties
Archaon Mephos Hatching: TBA
Incentive for acquiring mephos is to join Dethsiris Air Force!

-Funds acquired-
Varis and Tennibrook organized: TBA at later date. (Post by Tenniand/or Varis)
Department heads invited to help encourage recruiting!
House Event: TBA (after Job Fair)
-Suggested to use the event to hand out House pins and cloaks
Tentative?: Aavran Fruit Quest: August 26th, 2022 1 PM EST viewtopic.php?f=108&t=24966

-Suggestion to get access to forum for Emiko; to clean up some of the forum a bit to stream-line it and show less clutter
Example: 'Master of Secrets': Kable (was hard to find)
-Cooperation with the REB (Real Estate Brokers) needed to clarify/post further locations of housing/temples/other on Dethsirian map.
-Clear list of temples and assigned leaders (with description of interiors and such)
-Check with Matwyn on what Temples are under direct Dethsirian jurisdiction and speak on which temples are directly under 'All Religious Supervision"
-Suggestion for 'conversion kidnapping' for Kirva temple to gain followers
-Suggestion for duplicate post between House Dethsiris MB and "Creations" MB to post about "Dethsiris Flora and Fauna"; so that non-Dethsirians can see what is in the land
To Include: List of APPROVED Dethsirian Flora and Fauna
Submissions: (So far)

Contact other house members:
Nighthawke working to become more active soon.
Silevrien is hoping to return more as well.

Possible bonus to employees for hard work. List incoming soon to Infernis.

Next OOC House Dethsiris Meeting:
July 23rd, 2022 at 1 PM EST!

Summary written by: Vexademus
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby CallieO on Sat Jul 23, 2022 6:45 pm

Minutes for July House Dethsiris Meeting

- Welcome
Mouth of Dethsiris is leading the meeting. Notes are taken by Sea Admiral Aavran. Otherwise present (in channel): BlackDawn, Pipistrelle, Carthellen James, Malevica, Rolan, Ronja, Tenni, Varis, Vexademus. The lord is not present in channel but Vexademus is acting as proxy.

- Update House Members and Positions:
Varis has gotten the position of Hand of Dethsiris. BlackDawn has returned and is now working as the Martial Trainer. Victus Ambrogio has been hired as a scout and will also assist the naval force.

Van and Hawke have been absent from their posts for a while. Aavran and Tenni are interested in the role of Warmaster. The Lord had decided to take the matter up to a vote by those present. The vote is taken to secret ballot and Tenni is put into the position of Warmaster.

- House Pins & cloaks
House pins and cloaks are ready to be handed out. It is decided to do this during a ceremony at the house mixer.

- Quests/Events & Parties
- Job Fair: Didn’t happen yet as RL interfered for people. New date suggested either 19 or 20 August. At least the department heads are required to be present. Since Saturdays are assumed to work better, the event is scheduled for 20 August, 1 PM EST. Invitation will be posted on the forum by Varis. Fair will be taking place at the Guzzler in Dethsiris.

- House mixer: will follow the job fair, date still to be decided

- Fruit shipping event: Will be taking place August 26, 1 PM EST

- Drak-sen Summer Celebration: Date to be decided, there will be a hatching as well.

- Narrator story lines: Vol II will begin in August. Everyone is looking forward to the fun events.

- Burning house event: Tenni is doing very good with the event and is happy with the way the event has been received so far. Will be ongoing for the time being.

- Temples
Nothing for Dethsiris to concern themselves about, Matwyn has this handled.

- Aerial Race
Should Nighthawke be unable to host the event then Aavran has volunteered to host the event. Nighthawke is giving serious thought to leaving TLI.

- Forum Cleaning
A lot of the work is done, some posts and threads are still being worked on.

- Bonus
Mae has sent Infernis a list of people who could receive monetary bonuses in the future.

- Next OOC House Meeting
Mae is considering doing the next OOC house meeting on a Friday, as August will be a very busy month. She will post the date of the next meeting soon, and please contact her if you have something you wish to add to the agenda.

- Questions/Suggestions
Mae suggests that everyone in the house add the House Dethsiris channel to auto-join so that we don't miss important discussions or announcements. BlackDawn suggests the idea of having tournaments and/or arena fights between Dethsiris and other houses. Bel`Adin suggests the idea of having prizes for the tournaments. Tenni volunteers to put together prize packages. Tenni requests that if we start these up, that we not counter-program against her Greedy Pig Dice Games on Sundays.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Shiho on Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:01 pm

Summary of OOC House Meeting, August 19th 1 PM Eastern Time
Present in channel: Mae, Aavran, Carthellen, Jhalten, James, Lezlie, Ronja, Tenni, Vaden, Vexademus

- Welcome

- Update House Members and Positions
Aavran comments that he is happy with how things are run at the moment.

* New House members
Caolan has been hired as Head of the Tower of the Way (going to teach healers). Morgran is hired as Blacksmith. Van has been placed as Head of the Tower of Might. Lezlie and Naut are our newest healers. Jhalten has become an apprentice of the Skull. More people are interested in joining Dethsiris, as they should.

* Hiring alts
Archaon has decreed that max 2 alts (so 3 chars) of 1 player can be part of Dethsiris.

* The Dome
Vex runs the Dome, will be the same payroll as the rest of Dethsiris.

- Quests/Events & Parties
By the looks of things we can do about one event every month for the rest of the year:
* Job Fair (August (31st 1 pm?))
* House Mixer (September 10th 1 PM?)
* Halloween Party (October)
* Aerial Race (November)
* X-Mas Party (December)
* Hatching (Maybe part of the Aerial race)
* Tournament (Next year?)

Vex will put VOL II on hold for now until she gets time for it again.

- Next OOC House Meeting
September is a busy month, next meeting will be September 30th, 1 PM.

- Questions/Suggestions
Vex will work on the dome and share when the work is done.
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Shiho on Wed Sep 28, 2022 6:37 pm

Meeting September 28, 2022
Present: Mae, Aavran, Alexei, Gavin, James, Malevica, Pipistrelle, Ronja, Shyntolin, Tennibrook, Victus, Rolan

- Welcome

- Update House Members and Positions
* New House members: A new position has been created for the house: ‘Ear of Dethsiris’ this is the assistant for the Master of Secrets. Alyssa is our first Ear. Luciorus has been hired as martial trainer.
It is difficult to gain access to the forum of Dethsiris, Mae and Archaon are working on this. Victus comments that he has succeeded and will make a guide for it.

* The Dome: Vex is working on positions for the Dome, we will get updated on this.

- Payroll
* New system
With the new system it is important to let Mae know when you level up (or down) a rank in a skill you are using for your bonus pay (3 skills max). Most have informed Mae whether or not they will be working part time or full time. Do keep to these hours. If you can’t work or work less let Mae know so the payment for that month can be adjusted. If you don’t give a heads up you will be asked to sub a portion of your payment (1st time 25%, then 50%, 75 and then 100%), if it happens again or you refuse to sub the money you will get fired.

People will get paid on their ‘creation date’, please let Mae know when that is so we can come up with plans to keep things organized.

* Overwork time / bonusses
You will get paid for the hours you have agreed to work. Working more will not get you paid overtime. At official events for the House, bonusses will be handed out to those involved. At other times there might be bonusses for other things, so that also people that can’t make it to the house events will still be able to get a bonus at time.

- Quests/Events & Parties
* Job Fair & House Mixer: Evaluation: Both events sadly were quiet and ended soon. Time zones do complicate things as well as hosting things during the week is difficult because of people’s rl jobs.
* Halloween Party: Will be done on Friday 28 October. Prizes and CVC catering will be handled
* Aerial Race + hatching: Most likely the weekend of 18 November, depending on when the Lord can be present.
* X-mas Party: Will be happening in December, if anyone is interested in organizing the party, contact Mae.

- Next OOC House Meeting: Either 15 or 27 October as things stand now.

- Questions/Suggestions: No suggestions this time.
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Shiho on Sun Oct 16, 2022 6:56 pm

Agenda OOC House Meeting, October 16th 1 PM Eastern Time
Present in channel: Mae, Aavran, Era, Gavin, James, Malevica, Miniri, Pipistrelle, Ronja, Tenni, Varis

- Welcome

- Update House Members and Positions
* New House members
Aiden has joined the shadows. We are always looking for more people to fill positions at the house.
* Forum access
Ehlanna has given Mae the rights to accept people to the Dethsiris forum

- Payroll
New payroll is in place. viewtopic.php?f=287&t=25154 Should make clear what is expected of everyone. Place post your logs before the first of the month and keep Mae informed of changes in skills.

- Quests/Events & Parties
* Halloween Party: Mae is busy with it. viewtopic.php?f=108&t=25150&p=166482#p166482 Almost all vouchers have been collected for it. Anyone willing to help, please contact Mae.
* Aerial Race & Hatching: Still looking at the weekend Nov 18 for the Aerial race, depending on the possibility of Archaon to do the Hatching then.
* X-mas Party: Will be taking place in December. Anyone interested in organizing it, contact Mae. Varis has offered to organize it, although running it might be difficult.
* A Burning House storyline: Still ongoing, but Tenni will have to work out how things continue and how the big whoomp will play into things.

- Next OOC House Meeting
Date to be decided, depending on ic events and RL possibilities. Date will be posted in time to make arrangements for it.

- Questions/Suggestions
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Re: House Dethsiris OOC meetings summaries

Postby Odette on Thu Nov 17, 2022 7:15 pm

OOC House Meeting, November 17th 1 PM Eastern Time
Present in channel: Mae, Gavin, Miniri_Southrend, Pipistrelle, Shyntolin, Malevica, James Vodera, Aavran, Aiden, Ronja

- Welcome

- Update House Members and Positions
We don’t have new House members since our last meeting. If anybody still need acces to the House Dethsiris forum part, please let Mae know and she will add you.

- Payroll
We have had our first month with the new payrol system. There are still people who haven´t placed their worklogs of October nor have responded or contacted Mae. Mae needs to keep poking people about it so please respond to her or communicate with her and place your worklog of October ASAP! It wouldn´t be fair for people to be paid while not having done a worklog while others have done a worklog.
We have made a summary on what is expected: viewtopic.php?f=287&t=25154, and you place your worklog here: viewforum.php?f=287.
We rather have you put on 0 if you cannot work or have some rl stuff then have to poke you all the time.. ^^'
If you want to change your hours, gotten a skill improveent or cannot work at all, let Archaon or Mae know.
Archaon and Mae are keeping a schedule to keep track of things with the Payrol.
So please place your worklog of october ASAP if you haven´t done it!
We are going to see how november goes as well but if there comes changes in things, Archaon or Mae will let you know.

- Quests/Events & Parties
Halloween Party: We had our halloween party and eventough there were less people present then last year, it still was very fun. Mae believes people enjoyed the Haunted House again and the winners of the costume parade were happy. Mae has discovered that Angst is doing something during halloween as well every year, so it is a good thing to approach her next year to avoid getting events too close or on the same day. Overall it was a great event.

Aiden: Can we run things a bit longer next year? I was working granted, but I wanted to see the costumes and I know timezone are a thing so maybe like do a 24hr thing if it's not tons of hassle?
Mae: Well that all depends on who can attend. Like timezones are a thing indeed. For me and aavran for example..we are from the netherlands and most events that we plan are at our 7 pm time. So we mostly try to stay up as long as we can. But..if we can fix people to ´take over the shift´ so to speak. It also depends on the visitors as well. If people leave soon then you can hardly stay in channel alone. But I get that it can suck sometimes.

We are going to think about it and to see if we can come up with a solution for this.

Aerial Race: Aavran has been busy with organizing it but unfortunately there aren´t many people who have signed up for it yet. So we have decided to reschedule the Aerial Race. So on the 3th of December the Aerial race and the first rounds will happen. On the 10th of december there will be the finale of the Aerial Race and a Hatching. If you want to sign up for the race, please go here: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=25228
If plans change for the aerial race and the hatching, Archaon or Mae will let us know.
Spread the word about the Aerial race and lets hope there will be more contestants for the new date

X-Mas Party: We have talked about letting someone organize the X-Mas party. Mae knows Varis had said he might want to organize it but probably couldn´t attend himself. If people would like to organize the X-mas event for House Dethsiris, please let Mae know ASAP! Then we can schedule a date for that as well and you have enough time to organize and arrange things.
If you would like to organize the party, let Mae know within a week from now.

A Burning House storyline: As tenni isn´t present, I hope she will give us a update soon again if this storyline is going to continue or if it has ended.

- Next OOC House Meeting: Mae will post the next OOC House meeting announcement on the House Dethsiris forum part again []. She isn't sure how her rl stuff is going to look in December as it is a busy month but for now she's looking to organize it perhaps on the 17th of December. Once the date is certain, you can look it up on that forum part section.

- Questions/Suggestions
There were no questions nor suggestions.
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