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Dockyard and Portal Status

PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 4:49 pm
by Archaon
As the Wildgrowth plague continues to surge throughout, it has become apparent that it cannot be entirely contained. Measures would need to be taken to ensure it does not get any worse, and to try and lock it down within Dethsiris as best as possible until such an end can be found to neutralize it once and for all. The drak begins to scribble down notices for important locations to ensure news of this would spread enough through the region and hopefully help contain the situation.

Until further notice, travel from Dethsiris to other regions will be strictly monitored due to the rising epidemic of the plague. Any travel via ship from the dockyard is shut down to prevent further spreading to other regions of the Empire. Travel through the Portal between the Umbara and Unigo outpost towers will be heavily observed, and inspected to ensure no plague escapes. Any able bodied healers and extra guard shall be posted near the Portal for such inspections. Once you have been deemed safe, your travels may resume, otherwise you may become subject to quarantine until such time that the plague has been eradicated.

Travels into Dethsiris may also be scrutinzed in the same manner to ensure complete safety. If anyone is considered to be a carrier of the plague, report them to the nearest guard on duty. Do Not attempt to apprehend them without support and proper precaution.

The documents were then signed appropriately with the official Dethsiris insignia, and the signature of the Lord, Archaon, before being distributed for posting within the borders of Dethsiris.