An assistant

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An assistant

Postby Infernis on Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:05 pm

Infernis is seeking a second assistant to help Vexademus handle the workload that's been put upon her in her job in Dethsiris.

If you're interested in the job, expect to be harassed by Inf and/or Vex. I prefer someone smart, ambitious, a magic user ideally.

The job entails helping Vex with her tasks, organizing events and tasks for Dethsiris. This means working closely with Inf and Vex and likely Archaon as well.

The pay will be 200 mhl a month, with expected monthly worklogs in the proper forum.

If female, expect harassment from both parties, but nothing done without OOC consent, of course.

If interested, seek out Inf ICly or find me OOCly.

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Re: An assistant

Postby Rhezha on Thu Nov 05, 2020 4:24 pm

Luciorus would most certainly be interested in getting paid to abu- assist the lovely Miss Vexademus. While not a magic user, he can be quite devious and is rather ambitious when it comes to furthering his goals. His only reservation would possibly be swearing fealty to the house.
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Re: An assistant

Postby Infernis on Thu Nov 12, 2020 6:21 pm

Thank you to everyone who PMed me about the position. Regrettably, I can only choose one at the time being and that position is now filled.

Thank you again,

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