Combat Spheres

Questions and suggestions for new weapons, changes to weapons and the combat system

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Combat Spheres

Postby Viktor Corsarris on Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:43 pm

So after a couple bad weeks at work, draining my creative energy let me get back to one of the things I am fairly good at. Combat Skills Spheres I know are being worked on and I figured I would do my best to help at. With my library of RPG's, RPG Guides, and much more then that. I have thousands of skills both made by me for my paper and dice game, and many many others. So without further ado, lets begin.

Warrior/Warlord: True Masters of Combat, and Tacticians of the Empire.

Rage of the Warlord
Warlord x5
The loss of a solider, damage done to the point of exhaustion, anger beyond belief. This is the most fearsome of skills a warlord has. Upon the release of his rage, he/she can fight long after the edge of death. A will so powerful that even wounds themselves are ignored for the one goal of killing an opponent.

Mech:Duration 1 round for every 3 slots taken. 1-15+ to all attacks. 1-15 Sta loss. The skill is used by the warlord, and he is able to ignore all pain all life damage. Even death itself for as long as the skill is in effect. Once the rage ends.. If they are below 0 life. They still die, but in hopes they did not die alone.

Moral of Battle
Warlord x4
A warlord will, and battle prowess are unmatched among the physical classes, and as such all those fighting with him gain the confidence of the moral of battle. Based upon the slots taken. All those in combat fighting upon the Warlords side gain 1-15 Stamina, and Life. Including the Warlord him/herself.

Mech: The Warlord, and all combatants fighting with him gain the bonus of 1-15 Sta, and Life, but it also costs 15 sta at max to use.

Will of Iron
Warlord x3
Through years of training the Warlord has learned to steady heart and mind. When activated, the warlord based upon the (amount of slots/or skill level how ever that is going to work) Is able to resist all Aura's and mind altering spells for as many rounds as slots used.

Mech: As long as resist roll is at least half of the spells casters roll. The Aura/Mind Altering spells will be resisted as long as Will of Iron is active.

Aura of War
Warlord x2
The warlord has a way about him, the ability to rally even those that are slow to fight to battle. When the warlord puts of this Aura. Only those of the strongest will would not wish to take up arms and fight along side him/her. Most often used in times of war. This Aura gives a since of calm in battle and respect for the one who carries it.

Mech:Simple Resist roll can be made to fight this Aura.

Combat Force:
A skill that allows the warlords attacks to have concussive force and cause them to knock back or disrupt enemy attacks. Putting all their weight and force they can muster into the attack to stagger the opponent. The skill disrupt the opponents next attack. No duration, only effects the next attack.

Mech: Just a simple combat based attack, that can stagger the opponent. If it lands the opponent is unable to attack on their next round.

Call of Battle
Warrior x6
Unlike the Warlord that moves up and becomes, the tactician in battle there are those Warrior's that love the scent of blood and death upon the battle, field their ability to fight and cause damage in battle increase with the Call of Battle. Adrenaline rushes through them and all attacks are more powerful. Both the rounds and the attack rolls are effected by this Skill. The Warrior who uses this gets 1-15 attack damage bonus based upon attack roll, and is not effected by weapon carried.

Mech: No matter what weapon they have in hand be it fists or simply a fork as a weapon the call of battle give them a +1-15 to attack roles. Example: Someone with 5 slots using their fist to attack after using the skill would roll !clophyatk +5

Eye of Experience
Warriorx6/Warlord x4
Through many battles the warlord has gained the eye of experience. For them battle seems to slow down, the eye is able to read movements of the body, and the direction of weapons. A warlord who has taken this skill, when used gains the ability to easier dodge attacks coming their way. This is a base bonus added to defense, based upon slots/skill level taken. Due to the nature of the Skill is does stack with other defensive abilities a Warlord may have.

Mech: Like all defensive spells it adds a base 1-15 to the roll based upon skill level taken. If other defensive spells have been cast upon the Warlord they will stack.

Desperate Resolve
Warriorx7/Warlord x 5
Experience has taught the Warrior/Warlord, that there are times when one must risk their life to land the killing blow. When this skill is used, the Warlords own Life Points are sacrificed for more damage to an attack that is landed. Based upon slots/skill level used. 1-15 Life can be used up to up the damage of the attack by 1-15. If the attack fails and defense is made the Warlord still loses the life he expended for the blow.

Mech: I believe the mechanic for this is rather simple. +1-15 to damage roll upon hit, as they are sacrificing their own life for that attack. The 1-15 is base damage no matter what the outcome of the Roll.

Strategic Blow
Warriorx5/Warlord x3
A warrior/warlord knows that limiting an opponents ability to fight, can mean the difference between victory or defeat. By activating this skill and pinpointing an attack. The warlord may disable his/her target. A strike to tendons, joints. Things that will slow the opponent or make them unable to move or limit attack range.

Mech: Simple really, aim for tendon, blow lands.. Arm/Leg = Useless.

Ok break time.. I will continue with more soon.
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Re: Combat Spheres

Postby Viktor Corsarris on Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:50 pm

Well since I have not been flamed yet for my combat sphere ideas..... Back to work. Let see if I can finish my ideas for Warrior/Warlord sphere first. I will start with an oldie but it at least is one that is is just about every rpg known to man.

Shield Bash
Do I really have to give much of an description here? It's like the movie Snakes on a Plane... Opps don't have to see it now but thanks for letting me know all about the plot. Silliness aside, it is a combat staple for any class that uses a shield and more often then not. Using this skill a Warrior or Warlord can attack and if successful, cause their friendly spell caster not to be able to cast a spell for the next round. Roughly said.. Me bash head.. You no talk.. perfect for the Barbarian warlord in you.

Mech- 1-15 means basically the more skill you have in it the better chance you have of shutting that damn Mage up.. (Ok honestly that is going to be my only non-serious one because it seems a given for Physical Classes that use Shields)

Grand Parry
Warrior X5
Those that say upon the path of a Warrior will find themselves, growing more and more used to the battle field. This is skill born of reflex and a quick blade. Defending an attack can come with rather decent openings, a Warrior who has seen battle for years knows such things, and can take advantage of such openings.

Mech- This Skill has to be called upon the Warrior's round before the attack comes. If attack is successfully defended.. This means the warrior takes no Life damage from the other combatant. Then 1-15 points of Life will be taken from the Life of the combatant. No Defense roll given.. At the cost of the Warrior's next attack.

Dual Wield
There is a choice in a Warrior's life if they must choose to either focus on destruction or defense. This is that choice. If a Warrior chooses this path, they no longer can choose defensive skills. Or equip a shield, this is the ultimate sacrifice for choosing the path of destruction, yet there is more too it forced to focus upon offense means that defense is ignored and the bonus's of using two weapons are removed from their ability to defend.

Mech- This skill does not grant a second attack per turn, but with each skill level they add is is a base damage bonus that can stack with other skills, as if they are attacking with two weapons. But that stacking bonus to attack is later taken from their defense rolls.

Example: A warrior with maxed dual wield, and maxed call of battle get a +30 to their attack roll so !clophyatk +30.. But their defense roll also gets a -30 because of the sacrifice of defense for attack.

Warrior's Cry
A great warrior's cry can inspire courage, in his allies and inspire fear in his enemies. This is that cry, allies running from battle will turn and charge, while enemies will become the ones that begin to cower. This is the weapon of warriors that have lived long enough to see old age.

Mech- This skill must be called at the start of battle, all those fighting with the warrior including the warrior himself gain 1-15 Bonus to Initiative roll, while all those fighting against them get a negative 1-15. Simple Resist rolls can be used to attempt to resist.

Aura of Blood
Warrior x4
A warrior that chooses to follow that of the road of combat and not leadership, gain this Aura, and unlike the Warlord. This does not call others to their cause. Oh no this is much different. This releases a killing intent from them, causing fear, and those around to know that his man is one who was chiseled into a warrior through the path of blood.

Mech- Similar to that of the Necromancer fear Aura, though there is not instant wish to run from their presence, that Killer Intent might can be focused upon a person via line of sight.

More often then not with the younger warrior's they do not understand the dance that is battle. Falling into a trance at the first sight of blood, that makes them seem as if they are completely out of control. While older warriors may fall into this state, when a friend or son falls next to them during battle. They are extremely hard to kill in this state, and their skill in combat seems to come from instinct alone.

Mech- Duration of this is 1 round for every 3 slots taken. All attack and defense rolls are equal to the amount of slots taken +15 max. Yet there is a down fall to such crazed tactics. 1 life and 2 sta are lost for each slot of this skill used. Unlike the Warlord's Rage this does not ignore the edge of death, if hp hits 0 they are dead.

Ok need a break again and I need to revise a couple of my earlier skills made.
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Re: Combat Spheres

Postby miyuka on Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:53 am

Gotta say, some of these are looking really good. I dunno how they'd actually fit into Belariath properly, but I'm not a dev, so it's not even my call...I won't even speculate like I know what's going on. I am especially interested in the Dual wielding thing you got going there. Really would like to see physical classes get something more. It'll make spars much more fun.
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Re: Combat Spheres

Postby Viktor Corsarris on Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:51 pm

Thank you very much Yuka. I am not part of dev either, though I once was.. And figured, maybe I might be able to help. Soo once again I got back to work.. I promise I will finish Warrior and Warlord today... I think..

Flash of Steel
Warrior x3
Seed can be as much a skill as anything else, this attack comes to those that have chosen the path of battle. A flash and their opponent did rarely knows what it was that hit them. Flash of Steel often comes as a first attack catching the opponent off guard the speed of which is hard to follow with the eye.

Mech- This attack does not work as a bonus to damage instead the speed of the attack effects it's ability to be blocked. 1-15 slots taken = a - 1-15 to the Opponents defense.

OOB- Voice of Experience
Oh how enraptured people can become by stories of war, and battles past. Warlords. Have a way to interest and draw attention to themselves if they choose. Those within the sound of their voice seem pulled to be pulled to the voice of the Warlord who is sharing, past war stories. Respect and complete attention it given to the Warlord, such skills are often used to teach those under them important lessons of about battle, and war.

Mech- Your normal resist roll can be rolled to completely ignore the effects of Voice of Experience.

Advanced Combat
My how the young warrior has began to mature, and soon will becoming upon a choice to lead or continued the blood soaked journey of the battle field. Yet first there is their abilities in Advanced combat to take into consideration. When this skill is used their training in advanced combat comes to life and their attack and defense goes up.

Mech- 1 round duration for every 3 slots taken. 1 point bonus to attack and defense for every three slots taken. If The Basics and Advanced Combat are taken and both maxed the duration is push to 8 rounds and Bonus to Attack and Defense is +10 - Stacks with Weapon Damage. Stamina is 15 for skill and weapons damage for every attack after

The Basics.
Yes we all start off in the same place in this land of combat. A warrior that has learned the basics may improve attack and defense by, showing they have mastered this skill.

Mech - 1 round duration for every 5 slots taken. 1 point bonuse to attack for every 5 slots taken. If maxed it stacks with Advanced combat, and stacks with weapons damage. Stamina cost is 15 for skill and weapons damage for every attack after.

Alright, I think that is enough for the lovely Warrior and Warlord skills for now.. Next up is one of my favorite classes, to think up skills for Thieves. Soooo lets start at the top and work our way down.

Thief x5
(Like no one saw this skill coming) A thief in combat is no less a thief, sleight of hand and damage can make a potent combo for a thief, that has been caught but does not with to give up on their pilfering. Thus a good thief can still get their gold without their prey noticing in combat until it is too late. Upon a successful attack the sneaky little crooks hand pilfers a little gold with the damage they have done to their opponent.

Mech- This is a basic bonus to attack skill. 1-15, but on an successful attack. Our thieving friends get 1-15 + half the damage done rounded down in gold from their unsuspecting opponent. Stamina cost for such is 2 sta for each slot used. 2-30.

Example: WhitMist is caught on a regular pickpocket attempt.. Fight starts.. She punches said person in the face while using the mug skill, the punch lands and she does 23 damage. Her mug skill is maxed. So she gets. 26 mhl plus does the damage to said person. 15 for the maxed skill, and 11 for the damage done rounded down.
(Yes this means WhiteMist would be able to punch you in the face and still get your gold...)

Sleight of Hand - OOB
What a wonderful think a thief stealing in plain sight is, and yet with a simple card trick or a little "magic." Sleight of Hand can be a rather potent assistant to such things. A little distraction goes a long way.

Mech- When using this skill the Thief must have their marks attention, using some sort of distraction to pull their attention away from from their true intent. This is a bonus to pickpocket rolls, and hopefully would and interesting aspects to rp. 1-15 bonus to the roll.

Dance of the Thief
Thief x4
Getting caught as a thief is one of the worst things that can happen, but for the skilled, wise thief the know well how to dance out of the hands of those that would seek to capture them. Using this skill give the thief, a bonus to Initiative, Defense, and the ability to fade into shadows the moment they are out of line of sight. This is the ultimate escape ability for the wise and skilled thief.

Mech- This can only be used to escape, a thief can not use this for combat. Initiative Roll +1-15, Defense roll +1-15. Once they are out of line of sight they are gone. Though a single resistance roll against skill can be used to see of the one chasing spots them. - This skill does not effect memory, so even if they escape if they were not disguised the one who caught them would remember their face.

Master Thief
Thief x7
The best thieves are the ones that stick to the path the longest, the ones that have seen the trials of their failures, have enjoyed their spoils, and in the end can truly say, that have Mastered their craft. Used in combat or not this skill is rather nice for a true thief.

Mech- +1-15 to all rolls, be it pickpocketing, shop steal, attack, init, or defense. This can only be used the round it is called. If it is at the start of combat. Initiative roll, and first attack would get the bonus, and first defense then skill fades. It has to be called before pickpocketing attempt, or a shop steal, and can only be used once during combat.

Break time again
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Re: Combat Spheres

Postby Viktor Corsarris on Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:44 pm

Well since once again no one has told me to stop doing these.. I will get back to work.. Today I continue ideas for Thief.

Fade into the Background
Thief x3
A skilled thief, knows how to be unnoticed while moving around crowds, even those that would have called the thief, might not even notice the thief as they walked around in shadows, waiting to choose their mark. They use this skill to do just that fading back away from those around them. So that they can watch with skilled eyes to pick the one they wish to steal from.

Mech- Similar to other Aura's but in this case it is so they are not noticed, even those that would call the character friend would barely notice the thief. A skill resist roll can be used to drop the effect. Must be called when the thief enters the room.

Quick Feet
Thief x6
After years and years of running away and working hard not to be caught while doing their acts of larceny, a thief has gain an agility that very few others can match. Dodging attacks have become almost second nature to a thief. As such, skills old thieves have learned to use agility in combat.

Mech- 1-15 bonus to Defense Rolls.

Nerve Disruption
Thief x6
Masters at getting away from people many thieves learn over time, and the right blow to a nerve or area of the body often gives them the chance to do just that. Be is the solar plexus, or hitting the nerves in the legs to cause them to go numb, a shot to the temple to stagger their opponent. This attack does just that, giving the thief time to escape or press the advantage.

Mech- A +1-15 to attack roll, and if landed staggers the opponent for one round. Making an attack impossible. The same nerves can't be struck twice in the same fight and this attack can't be used for at least 2 rounds after the first attempt.

Throwing Mastery
Thief x2
Even young thieves know that distance is the key to a good escape, and thus many have taken up the skill of throwing weapons. A well placed throwing dagger to the side of a pursuers head more often then not makes them think twice about following. Both for combat or as an attack this skill surely fits as one of the thieves most useful skills.

Mech- 1-15 added to ranged attacks with throwing weapons. 1-15 sta drain.

Not a Peep
Even the lowliest of Thieves must learn to move soundlessly, and without detection. How does one sneak up on another if they make to much noise. With footfalls that make no sound, and movements that seem to gracefully avoid touching anything else, this skill allows them the beautiful luxury of soundless movement.

Mech-Simple resist again skill can be used to see if there is a crack in the thief's ability to sneak up on you.

Masters of Deception
Thief x4
With a will and practice that few ever meet, a thief often become Masters of Deception. Disguised, and silver tongued. The thief can lie better and deceive even the best of mages and those that could force them to tell the truth.

Mech- Acts, as truth hear, and change self spell wrapped into one, and allows them to convincingly lie to anyone they speak to. The more slots of this taken. Say a Mage casts Truth Speak with 3 slots. The Thief has Masters of Deception on of 4 slots. The Mage will believe they Thief is telling the truth, but they do not need to speak the truth. At max level 15 slots.. Masters of Deception wins as well, it has to be on for this to work. A thief can't have Truth Speak cast upon them and then use Masters of Deception. The skill has to be in effect before the Truth Speak spell is cast.

Break time again.
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Re: Combat Spheres

Postby Soreni on Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:59 am

I am new to the game but I like these allot! It seems to me that it would help bring the physical classes up a notch!
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Re: Combat Spheres

Postby miyuka on Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:02 am

I can now say (as I'm part of dev now unlike my first post up there) that such things are being looked at and worked on! It'll be some time though.
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