Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind)

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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Tue May 24, 2011 1:35 am

Alren felt rather out of place as Valene and Stormwind sank to their knees and embraced. The mage never did feel comfortable in situations he knew so little about. Valene wanted him here, he would be here for her if nothing else to observe and to help her however he could.

The mage's eyes flickered over his surroundings as he wondered of the history of this place and how it tied into Valene's race. Alren knew she rejected it all once, and knew her reasonings for it, yet she could never fully tear herself compleatly free from it. The man couldn't qutie tell if that was a bad thing or not. But she was here now, and it seemed that Stromwind had been able to calm the woman where he could not.

Alren waited, doing his duety to his mate as his worries only mounted.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Tue May 24, 2011 2:21 am

Vale lay there, unable to really move, her hand still gripping the club, fire racing through her arms until she just dropped the club. She felt herself go slack, a cool rush ran over her. "I hate her.." she hissed quietly, unable to hold back the tears, her body twitching. She barely believed herself, using the goddess to focus all her pain on, all her anger. She blamed her for much, for some reason not wishing to admit the truth of it that her family was just fucked.

She shifted a little or at least tried to, her eyes looking away from Storm, away from the statue, she tried to push him back, almost living in the pain, needing it though even at that she could barely move. She felt like little more then a pool of water, like she could be easily sucked up with a sponge and dropped in a bucket only to be wrung out again and again.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Tue May 24, 2011 2:43 am

Storm allowed her to pull away from him, allowed her to shove at him, to strike him, if such was what she needed to do, and then he stood. It is not her that you hate." he said quietly, calmly, letting the goddess give him the words that her daughter would need to hear. "One does not seek out that which they hate. Do you think, love, that i have not been listening all this time, have not been observing all this time? No, I think, that what you hate, is exactly what you said. You hate being left alone. But, are you alone? I am here, your husband is here. Even the goddess is here, if you will but listen. The only ones who are not here, are those who hurt you, those who shoved you away."
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Tue May 24, 2011 3:23 am

The sound of alren's boots echoed against the floor as he walked up beind Valene. His hand moved to rest upon her shoulder should she allow it. "You are well loved Valene. More that most woman are. Leave your past behind you lest it consume you. Look to what you have and what will yet be yours. It doesn't matter what Sheara thinks, what matters is what you think. You are what is importaint. You're stronger then this. You have others that depend on you.. and they do so willingly because you see things.. do things that no one else can. Where is this anger comming from?" Alren asked her. Her past had been with her for some time, but the mage was at a loss as to why it was flooding to the surface now of all times.

His hand gave her shoulder a squeeze as he silently waited for her to respond, waited to find some manner to be usefull to his mate that seemed to be in so much pain.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Tue May 24, 2011 10:40 pm

She shook her head, her eyes closed, she let out sobs as she shifted just a little bit, taking a deep breath, I.. I just don't know what to do..” she said quietly, whimpering, shifting just a little more, her eyes finally flicking up to look at both of them, biting her lower lip she took a deep breath. “I just don't know..” she said quietly, licking her lips, moving to stand up, her eyes moving to Alren, a shaking of her head, moving to lay against him a second, “I.. I don't..” she took a breath, shifting a bit more, pouting just a little bit, licking her lips, her eyes on him, her arms around his waist, “the nightmares.. I.. why.. why would I have the nightmares?” She looked back to Stormwind, wondering if someone would have an answer for her.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Wed May 25, 2011 4:18 pm

Alren's arms moved to embrace Valene as she stood up and leaned aginst him. It tore at the mage to see her like this and to be so utterly helpless. Thoughts swam over past events untill something stood out to the man. "When I suffered from nightmares after the war with the K`sir ended you told me that the temples can help with that Valene. Thats.. that's why we're here now isn't it?" he asked as he held her agaisnt his solid chest protectivly.

"Is it possable that you can help free her of these dreams Stromwind?" he asked looking towards the other man. His voice calm, yet powerful as it held in the air. Alren was seeking some path of action in hopes that it would be better then being as powerless as he was now.

Alren relaxed his hold upon her allowing her to move as she wished. Valene seemed somewhat better now, at least she wasn't about to try and break anything at the moment.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Thu May 26, 2011 2:26 am

Storm stood slowly, and nodded, trying to strangle the brief, muffled growl that was trying to crawl up his throat at the Air mage's words. "I... think that I can, yes, and I am more than willing to make the attempt if Valene is willing to trust me, to allow me. But, as I prepare to try. I would, like you to consider something for me Alren, please. The last time that we spoke for any length of time, you turned a simple job offer, into a lecture on respect. A lecture which I heard and understood, which was why you never heard a word about it. So, tell me, how would you react, how would you feel, if I were to walk into your place of worship... the temple of ishtar was it, and tell you, or anyone, that it did not matter what your goddess thought?" asked the chirot, before moving to take the few items he had gathered, from on top of the alter, before covering the surface with the clean lennin cloth over the surface, before whispering softly. "Valene, love. will you please, lay here, on your belly, please?" he asked, taking up the small vial of oil in his left hand.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Thu May 26, 2011 2:55 am

She watched Alren, nodding at his words, she had suggested he seek out a cleric, someone that could and would help him. She closed her eyes, her body resting against his a moment, hearing him ask for the help made her smile. She bit her lip though, hearing the admonishing words, giggling a little already seeing so many similarities and differences. She couldn't blame Stormwind for his words, he had the right to feel them and she hoped Alren wouldn't be too upset. She reached up and kissed him on the cheek, "stay with me.." she said quietly, not sure what would happen, what would be demanded of her. "What are you going to do?" She asked him outright, pulling the robe tighter around herself, her wings pressing to her own back as she kept her eyes locked onto Stormwind for the moment.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Thu May 26, 2011 3:18 am

"I don't want to mince words here Stormwind. I don't give a fuck about what you would say in the temple of Ishtar or anywhere else. All a care about is my wife. If you want to bring our dissagreement in as leverange in helping her get better then you and your Godess can go fuck yoursleve," he said as a charge came into the air.

It was clear to Alren that Stormwind was mixing his own personal ego in with temple business. Trying to take advantage of the man and using his connection with Valene as a dagger at his throat. "He will heal you dearest.. but you don't really want me here," He said after his mate kissed him on the cheek. Alren watched her as she turned to Stormwind for answers. Alren turned from them and started from the temple in search of his own.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Thu May 26, 2011 10:09 pm

He sighed, and rolled his eyes in response to the man's childish, self centered behavior, resisting the urge to follow after the idiot and his swollen head, beating him until he couldn't bleed any more. None of that would solve anything, and it would leave Vale alone, something he was not about to do. Instead, he turned to Valene, and whispered softly. I'm sorry lover. I, only wanted him to show the same respect to my goddess that i would show to his. I, did not mean to cause him to run off." he said quietly, and then continued, "And in answer to your question, he is right. I mean to heal you, no matter what it takes. But, i need you to remove the robe first. Mother's spells work best when I am in contact with bare skin."
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Thu May 26, 2011 10:25 pm

Valene's mouth dropped open as she watched Alren leave, shoulders slumping a little and she sighed. She needed to realize that both of them would never see eye to eye nor actually get along. Really when she thought about it it was selfish of her to ask them to but she couldn't help it. She had wanted Alren there for a few reasons but wouldn't push him.

"Alren!" she called out after him, running toward him a moment, "Why.." she watched him, shaking her head, "I.. don't want you to leave.. but.. I won't make you stay.." she said quietly, "I just.. really wanted you to be here.. to help.." she bit her lower lip, looking at him, not wanting to fight, knowing if he just walked away without her trying there would be one.

She looked to Stormwind a moment, rubbing her neck, "bare skin.. uhm.. right.." she smiled, looking at Alren again she gave him a kiss, leaving it up to him as she pulled back. She needed to be rid of this, one way or another and this would help now. She let her robe slip down her, adjusting her nightgown as she moved along, slipping atop the alter a moment before she moved to slip those off as well, laying down she pressed her wings tightly to her back, her face growing warm.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Almondus on Thu May 26, 2011 11:00 pm

Alren paused mid step as Valene ran to him. The patter of her tinny feet the only thing breaking the silence for a tense moment. He turned to look at her. The madness that had claimed her before clearly gone. The rage no longer in her eyes as it once was. She already looked cured.

"Valene you know that..." he started, but before he could finish she'd turned away and stripped for her lover. His face hardened. Were it not for her attachment to the other man he'd have laid him out by now. A long breath exhaled as he shook his head. There were few things that could actually bite into the mage, but one of them was stripping and laying herself out on the alter.

As he left the temple and started down the path that lead home he thought about their past, on the freedoms that she'd allowed him. Yet never once did he ask her or submit her to what he was called into this day. His thoughts played out to the crunch of earth beneath his boots as he felt far more alone then he had since first meeting her.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Thu May 26, 2011 11:53 pm

Stormwind gathered her things as she let them fall, folding them, he respectfully, and then sighed softly, caressing her gently, lovingly before pausing to warm the oil between his palms, and then begining to coat her body, in slow, sensual, circular motions, all the while using the touch, the motion, to force himself to calm, knowing that anger would not help him contact the mother in Valene's moment of need.

Once her dark flesh was finally properly anointed, he laid his hands on her shoulders, trying desperately to be respectful of her relationship with Alren, trying to keep the touch, chaste. But then, he had never -tried- to disrespect the man, despite Alren's personal feelings on the matter. All he wanted, was the same respect in turn. Still, that was no longer his concern at this particular moment.

Softly at first, he began to sing his prayer to the goddess. Slowly, but steadily, his voice began to rise. Gradually, the goddess's magic began to flow into her, surrounding the pair of them with a purple aura that lashed out like summer lighting. <unshackle the spirit> As the spell took its hold on her, not only would Valene feel her mind begin to clear, a touch of peace like a soft caress granted to her, but interestingly, and, what neither of of them could have expected, she would feel those scars in her back, the long ago curses that had been carved in her flesh, lift from her, leaving only, fresh, clean, newly healed skin.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby Isla on Fri May 27, 2011 2:10 am

Valene had been worried but that was pushed aside as a peace washed over her. She shuddered, then there was nothing, lightness enveloped her, She couldn't tell the time nor could she tell the day, the hour the moment, all she knew was there was nothing but perfect peace. An almost joy-filled peace. She felt herself leaving her body, yes she could feel it, as if her skin were being stripped away and she was pulled off. She could see her body slump and go into a puddle. She felt like pure energy. What happened next she would never be able to explain, never, there was something like a voice, far gentler then she had ever expected, there just in the back of her mind, just one simple word, 'come' was given and she was not near her body, not near her self, not near anyone. She couldn't recall what happened, only that she was pushed back down, into the realm of those in skin, the energy was shoved full force back into her body and she was cleansed.

Slowly her eyes opened, she shuddered, looking around a moment, she felt weak and yet.. not. She pushed herself up, her back arched, wings moved, opened fully then closed all the way, not trusting herself to speak she just stayed there in silence for a few moments, her eyes down on the alter.
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Re: Sheara works in mysterious ways (For Alren and Stormwind

Postby StormWind on Fri May 27, 2011 2:50 am

Storm shivered, and his knees buckled, glad they were alone in the shrine now. Glad that Alren was no longer there to see him on his knees. The prayer-spell had taken, nuch out of him, but, remembering who it was on the alter, there was no question for him that it was worth it. He reached up, grabbing her hand, and she could no doubt feel the unnatural chill of his flesh, as he whispered. "Do you, feel better love?"
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