Intro Posting

Introducing new characters (optional)

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Intro Posting

Postby Saddle_Girl on Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:14 am

Hey, everyone. I'm Belinda, and I'm new to Belariath. My character, Pussywillow Berryhill, is a sassy Halfling with delusions that she can become a mighty warrior or even a member of the Imperial Guard, all because she was lucky enough to kill a scrawny, solitary goblin that she was unfortunate enough to encounter while roaming in the hills north of the Goblin Marsh. Those who meet her will notice right off how chatty she can be. They may also notice that she spins yarns at a constant pace, getting more and more fanciful as she babbles on. In spite of those shortcomings, she is very friendly. She does put on the tough girl act when she meets new people (laughable, considering her size and physical nature), but quickly warms up when she sees that the new faces aren't really trying to threaten her. Her community is a small, 100% Halfling one, and though she has seen Men before, other races are still new to her and her reaction can be described as "yokel" when she encounters something that she's never seen. She is just a couple of years past "Coming of Age" (which, for Tolkien hobbits, is 33, and I'm playing that as well, since the Halfling description doesn't really cover ages much) and she isn't a virgin. She knows what sex is, though she isn't widely experienced with it, having had only a couple of liaisons. If you want to read her sheet, that's located here >> ... s_levval=1

and if you'd like to see a picture, its here >>

I had a really good first day, RPed with a bunch of people and PMed like a hundred others. I can't wait to play with as many of you as I can!
We've all got both Light and Dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. ~~Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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Re: Intro Posting

Postby Balard on Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:15 pm

Welcome and will see you around here then :)
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Re: Intro Posting

Postby Azara on Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:49 pm

Welcome to Belariath!

First, I love your char's picture! I, too, have a halfling. Well, she's a self-proclaimed "quarterling" as she's half human/half halfling. Perhaps they can get into some trouble together. Give those much taller folk a run for their money. By the way, her name is Phelonie... and, she's a thief. A bright beacon for trouble and chaos.

I play one or two *coughs* other characters: DaeLaren, Jaenelle, Daravana... okay, that's three, but I think that's -all-. *glowers at anyone who may contradict this* Anyway, feel free to PM me, or approach me IC'ly. You'll be more than welcome.

One more tiny fact I should share with you... ALL of my girls are good girls. Please ignore any rumors to the contrary.

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Re: Intro Posting

Postby Ehlanna on Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:45 pm

Azara wrote:One more tiny fact I should share with you... ALL of my girls are good girls. Please ignore any rumors to the contrary.


We will be taking a collection for the fallen fairies ... ;)
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Re: Intro Posting

Postby Saddle_Girl on Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:47 pm

Azara wrote:Welcome to Belariath!

I play one or two *coughs* other characters: DaeLaren, Jaenelle, Daravana... okay, that's three, but I think that's -all-. *glowers at anyone who may contradict this* Anyway, feel free to PM me, or approach me IC'ly. You'll be more than welcome.


Oh!!! So this is the Dae! *hugs* So nice to meet you and learn about the other characters. Now I can look them up as well. And I'd love to meet your "quarterling" sometime :D
We've all got both Light and Dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. ~~Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
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Re: Intro Posting

Postby Azara on Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:10 am

Ehlanna wrote:We will be taking a collection for the fallen fairies ... ;)

Ehlanna, for a Goddess, you are so mean. :cry:

Saddle_Girl wrote:Oh!!! So this is the Dae! *hugs* So nice to meet you and learn about the other characters. Now I can look them up as well. And I'd love to meet your "quarterling" sometime :D

Yes! I am the Dae! *squeezes* I hope to see you IC, soon! 8)
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