Week of December 14th Topic is Jingle Bells!

Weekly projects with absolutely no chance of either fortune or fame. Open to all.

Moderator: Tehya

Week of December 14th Topic is Jingle Bells!

Postby Tehya on Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:56 pm

Its that time of year again, this week's topic is Jingle Bells, and you can submit any original stories, art, poems, and photos.

Any time period is welcome this doesn't have to be TLI based and you can include Father Winter, anything goes.

Please watch the boards to come back and comment on your fellow players work. I am sure they would appreciate it.
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Re: Week of December 14th Topic is Jingle Bells!

Postby Tehya on Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:54 pm

Pride vs Christmas

Another day of work and another hour drive each way. It was early in the morning, and I drove by the same houses every day. Balancing my hot chocolate, and eating my hard roll I looked over to the right and seen the same old man sitting on his porch and always in the same position. His hands were clasping his knees and his eyes were looking at the floor of the porch and then back up to the road. He had white hair, and wore dark blue pants and a light blue shirt. Even in the winter he looked forlorn and bored. My heart went out to him every time I passed him, but didn’t know what to do.

The days were growing colder, and yet he never gave up his daily routine of sitting on the porch. It didn’t matter if it was 8:00 AM or 5:00 PM when I rode by he was sitting there. With the weather becoming just too cold, I didn't see him so often and yet I looked for that familiar face every day.

Christmas was coming and my Christmas funds were barely going to be enough for gifts for the family. Stores were bustling and the music enhanced everyone’s Christmas spirit. I bought small gifts for my family, but things they would enjoy and use. Making my last stop Christmas shopping I went into a large department store that had two long bargain aisles. They had a kitchen set with a duck designed butter dish, napkin holder, sugar and creamer. Having ten dollars left, the price on the set was $6.99. Immediately the old man’s face came to my mind, and I purchased all four pieces.

Everyone loves Christmas gifts; well at least my family did, so I bought enough wrapping paper to wrap each piece individually. Sitting at my mom’s table while she wrapped her gifts she asked who the gifts were for, and I explained I was going to give them to the old man. I had butterflies in my stomach being a shy person, but I was determined to make the old man’s Christmas a merry one.

“Wish me luck mom, I am going to drive over and give him the gifts so he has them tomorrow to open.”

He didn’t live far from my mother’s house. I drove into his driveway filling my arms with the wrapped gifts. It had snowed that day and there was a coating of snow on the steps which I struggled up without slipping, and knocked on his door. I only hoped he didn’t think I was crazy.

He opened the door, and his blue eyes were cloudy from cataracts, only to glare at me.

“What do you want?”

I was nervous as it was and handed him the gifts explaining.

“I drive past your house everyday and see you alone on the porch so I thought you might like these presents I bought you for Christmas.”

His voice was crisp and brusque as the cold air outside, and he yelled at me.

“Get away from here girlie! I don’t need charity.”

I shivered from the cold and my nervousness, only to apologize leaving the gifts by the door after he slammed the door in my face. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to come unannounced, and I began to walk away quickly only to look back and him looking out the window with tears in his blue eyes.

His pride drove me away, but it wasn’t enough to spoil Christmas. The next day I drove by and he must have came out to get the gifts.

For two years I waved to him on the porch with no return wave, until last year when the porch was empty and the shades drawn on the now vacant house.

Every Christmas he comes to mind and I remember pride can never spoil Christmas.
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Re: Week of December 14th Topic is Jingle Bells!

Postby Ehlanna on Tue Dec 19, 2017 11:30 pm

Bloody Adobe Flash ... christ I hate that 'product'. I can no longer upload stuff to the gallery here, so let's see if I can 'import' from external source:

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Re: Week of December 14th Topic is Jingle Bells!

Postby Tehya on Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:16 pm

That's pretty awesome Ehl more more more :P
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