Real Estate Brokers

Property List

The following is a list of properties on the map, showing owners and prices. Imperial properties are shown as being owned by StormBringer:

1250.00EhlannaThe Naked Bird - 1ac - 0/250
10250.00StormBringer1ac - 0/250
2A500.00StormBringerGeneral Store - 2ac - 0/500
2B250.00StormBringerThe Bank - 1ac - 0/250
2C250.00StormBringerReal Estate Office - 1ac - 0/250
3250.00StormBringerThe Arena - 1ac 0/250
4250.00StormBringerMight Makes Right - 1ac - 0/250
5250.00StormWindThe Works - 1ac - 0/250
6250.00IshtarTemple of Ishtar - 5ac - 0/250
7250.00StormBringerBody Arts Shop - 1ac - 0/250
8250.00StormBringerImperial Slave Authority - 1ac - 0/250
9500.00StormBringerHealer's House - 2ac - 0/500
A250.00Muzna1ac - 0/250
BATHS500.00StormBringerThe Baths - 2ac - 0/500
INN500.00EhlannaThe Lonely Inn - 2ac - 0/500
ITAA250.00Azara1ac - 0/250
ITB250.00Elayne1ac - 0/250
ITBB250.00Thunder1ac - 0/250
ITC250.00Dante Ambrogio1ac - 0/250
ITCC250.00Shyntolin1ac - 0/250
ITD250.00Reinarr1ac - 0/250
ITDD250.00Danior1ac - 0/250
ITE250.00Marlon1ac - 0/250
ITEE250.00Cer`ale1ac - 0/250
ITF250.00BlackDawn1ac - 0/250
ITFF250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
ITG250.00Abby1ac - 0/250
ITGG250.00Sanjin Koukyu1ac - 0/250
ITH250.00Lyon1ac - 0/250
ITHH250.00Caolan Leafwhistle1ac - 0/250
ITI250.00Ehlanna1ac - 0/250
ITII250.00Yhanni1ac - 0/250
ITJ250.00StormBringerChocolates 2 Cherish - 1ac - 0/250
ITJJ250.00Brussk1ac - 0/250
ITK250.00Allivia1ac - 0/250
ITKK250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
ITL250.00Tallinna1ac - 0/250
ITLL250.00Belson1ac - 0/250
ITM250.00Naomi1ac - 0/250
ITMM250.00Sednar1ac - 0/250
ITN250.00Naomi1ac - 0/250
ITNN250.00Rezith1ac - 0/250
ITO250.00Odette1ac - 0/250
ITOO250.00Oruedin Kye1ac - 0/250
ITP250.00Thunder1ac - 0/250
ITPP250.00Rhezha1ac - 0/250
ITQ250.00Orael Brewster1ac - 0/250
ITQQ250.00Rolan1ac - 0/250
ITR250.00Vaila Tonder1ac - 0/250
ITRR250.00Tareth1ac - 0/250
ITS250.00Nairun`moon1ac - 0/250
ITSS250.00Malekith1ac - 0/250
ITT250.00StormBringerMinotaur's Bane - 1ac - 0/250
ITTT250.00LayTrayin1ac - 0/250
ITU250.00Ithilwen Moonshadow1ac - 0/250
ITUU250.00Even1ac - 0/250
ITV250.00Kable Syranos1ac - 0/250
ITVV250.00Angel`Wolff1ac - 0/250
ITW250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - NOT FOR SALE
ITWW250.00Vonni1ac - 0/250
ITX250.00Jarek Kaeden1ac - 0/250
ITXX250.00Rymos Gledrik1ac - 0/250
ITY250.00Gideon1ac - 0/250
ITYY250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
ITZ250.00Twerlinger1ac - 0/250
ITZZ250.00Amethine Tawariell1ac - 0/250
KIOSKA100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKB100.00Thiloa stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKC100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKD100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKE100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKF100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKG100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKH100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKI100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKJ100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKK100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKL100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKM100.00Yhannia stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKN100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKO100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKP100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKQ100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKR100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKS100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKT100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKU100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKV100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKW100.00LayTrayina stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKX100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKY100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
KIOSKZ100.00Unowneda stall in the market place in the town of Nanthalion
PALACEStormBringerThe Imperial Palace
Out of Town
AA350.00Makka2ac - 0/350
AB450.00Unana1ac - 0/450 - Stream
AC450.00Elira1ac - 0/450 - Stream
AD450.00Unowned1ac - 0/450 - Stream
AE450.00Gerard1ac - 0/450 - Stream
AF650.00Aina Isil3ac - 0/650 - Stream
AG850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AH1150.00Lightning Storm10ac - 0/1150
AJ850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AK850.00Sadyra5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AL850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AM850.00Saqwana Ironfist5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AN850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AO850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AP850.00Barador5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AQ850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AR650.00Barador5ac - 0/650
AS850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
AT650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
AU650.00Rita Highlander Hitar5ac - 0/650
AV650.00AdenVer5ac - 0/650
AW650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
AX550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
AY650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
AZ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
B250.00Becky Xevious Elfin1ac - 0/250
BA400.00Tachar1ac - 0/400 - Creek
BB400.00Joe1ac - 0/400 - Creek
BC250.00Quilain_Dreamstrike1ac - 0/250
BD500.00Unowned2ac - 0/500 - Creek
BE250.00Pipistrelle1ac - 0/250
BF400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
BG400.00Lightning Storm1ac - 0/400 - Creek
BH650.00Era Densetsu3ac - 0/650 - Stream
BJ850.00shasha5ac - 0/850 - Stream
BK850.00shasha5ac - 0/850 - Stream
BL650.00Malevica5ac - 0/650
BM650.00Malevica5ac - 0/650
BN850.00Breena5ac - 0/850 - Stream
BO850.00Odette5ac - 0/850 - Mountain, Stream
BP1050.00Unowned5ac - 0/1050 - Pond, Stream
BQ650.00Dias Eesha5ac - 0/650
BR1050.00Dias Eesha5ac - 0/1050 - Pond, Stream
BS850.00Cyan5ac - 0/850 - Stream
C250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
CA250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
CB700.00Vaden4ac - 0/700 - Creek
CC400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
CD350.00Unowned2ac - 0/350
CE250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
CF250.00Paige_Rhaine1ac - 0/250
CG250.00Paige_Rhaine1ac - 0/250
CH250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
CI250.00James Vodera1ac - 0/250
CJ350.00Unowned2ac - 0/350
CK400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
D400.00Shannah1ac - 0/400 - Creek
DA400.00Erik Darkwynd1ac - 0/400 - Creek
DB400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
DC400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
DD500.00Sanjin Koukyu2ac - 0/500 - Creek
DE250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
DF250.00Paige_Rhaine1ac - 0/250
DG250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
DH400.00Hilda Bearguard1ac - 0/400 - Creek
E450.00Sheba1ac - 0/450 - Stream
EA250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
EB400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
EC400.00Babi1ac - 0/400 - Creek
ED600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek
EE950.00Sanjin Koukyu4ac - 0/950 - Creek, River Frontage
EF650.00Cochanka1ac - 0/650 - Creek, River Frontage
EG650.00Merek1ac - 0/650 - Creek, River Frontage
EH600.00Remlie2ac - 0/600 - River Frontage
EI350.00Unowned2ac - 0/350
EJ900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
EK900.00remirez5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
EL900.00Karatha5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
EM650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
EN650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
EO650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
EP650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Hills
EQ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Hills
ER650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Hills
ES650.00Carthad Droman5ac - 0/650
ET650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
EU650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
EV1000.00StormWind6ac - 0/1000 - River Frontage
EW750.00Ime6ac - 0/750
EX750.00Ime6ac - 0/750
EY750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
EZ750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
F400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
FA250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
FB250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
FC800.00Adarok Rowell5ac - 0/800 - Creek
FD500.00Unowned2ac - 0/500 - Creek
FE400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
FF250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
FG250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
FH400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
FJ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
FK1050.00Iriam5ac - 0/1050 - Pond, Stream
FL850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
FM850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
FN650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
FP1100.00Zargek5ac - 0/1100 - Lake, Stream
FQ850.00Shiho5ac - 0/850 - Mountain, Stream
FR650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
FS800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
FT800.00Rita Highlander Hitar5ac - 0/800 - Creek
FU800.00Rita Highlander Hitar5ac - 0/800 - Creek
FV850.00Iriam5ac - 0/850 - Stream
FW850.00Velina5ac - 0/850 - Stream
FX650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
GD700.00Ehlanna3ac - 0/700 - River Frontage
GE600.00Unowned2ac - 0/600 - River Frontage
GF500.00Unowned1ac - 0/500 - River Frontage
GG600.00Amara2ac - 0/600 - River Frontage
GH700.00Tawny3ac - 0/700 - River Frontage
GJ800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GK800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GL800.00Tawny5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GM800.00StormBringer The Drunken Wolf - 5ac 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GN800.00Mayuki5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GP800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GQ800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GR650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
GS800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GT800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GU800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GV800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GW800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GX800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GY800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Irrigation Canal
GZ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
H250.00Sadyra1ac - 0/250
HA250.00Naomh1ac - 0/250
HB400.00Lethtal Nethalm1ac - 0/400 - Creek
HC250.00StormBringerEmpire Owned Land, 1ac - 0/250
HD250.00Terissa1ac - 0/250
HE250.00StormBringer1ac - 0/250
HF350.00Lindor Tindomerel2ac - 0/350
HH550.00Jaescin2ac - 0/550 - Stream
HI350.00Carthad Droman2ac - 0/350
HJ850.00Keegan5ac - 0/850 - Stream
HK850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
HM850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
HN850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
HO850.00Bessy5ac - 0/850 - Stream
HP850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Marsh, Stream
HQ800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Marsh
HR800.00MiyukaEstate Valentine - 5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Marsh
HS650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Marsh
HT650.00MatwynHouse Verkot - 5ac - 0/650
HU800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
HV700.00Ronja Mapleshield4ac - 0/700 - Creek
HW800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
HX800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
HY700.00Ronja Mapleshield4ac - 0/700 - Creek
HZ950.00Unowned4ac - 0/950 - Creek, River Frontage
J400.00Balard1ac - 0/400 - Creek
JA400.00Teofila1ac - 0/400 - Creek
JB400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
JC400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek
JD1100.00Era Densetsu4ac - 0/1100 - Creek, Pond, Stream
JE550.00Era Densetsu2ac - 0/550 - Stream
JF950.00Solomon4ac - 0/950 - Hills, Pond, Stream
JG450.00Whispers1ac - 0/450 - Stream
JH550.00Kir Trelander2ac - 0/550 - Stream
JI550.00Ray`El2ac - 0/550 - Stream
JJ850.00Syneria5ac - 0/850 - Stream
JK950.00JedahEndless4ac - 0/950 - Hills, Pond, Stream
JL850.00Rosa5ac - 0/850 - Stream
JM650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
JN650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
JO850.00Aurin Evanara5ac - 0/850 - Stream
JP650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
JQ1050.00Unowned5ac - 0/1050 - Pond, Stream
JR850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
JS850.00Faith5ac - 0/850 - Hills, Stream
JT850.00Toris5ac - 0/850 - Stream
JU650.00Toris5ac - 0/650
JV650.00Theressa5ac - 0/650
KA900.00Van Masterson5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
KB650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
KC650.00Van Masterson5ac - 0/650
KD650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
KE900.00L`aquera5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
KF1000.00Elahri5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Pond, Hills
KG2700.00Storvanya5ac - 0/800 - Creek
KH800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
KJ850.00Abby7ac - 0/850
KK1000.00Abby4ac - 0/1000 - Lake, Stream
KL800.00Menhir5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Hills
KM1050.00Oruedin Kye5ac - 0/1050 - Creek, Lake, Marsh
KN800.00Oruedin Kye5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Marsh
KO550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
KP850.00Valayne5ac - 0/850 - Stream
KQ850.00Matwyn5ac - 0/850 - Mountain, Stream
KR850.00Pipistrelle5ac - 0/850 - Mountain, Stream
KS650.00L`aquera5ac - 0/650
KT750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
KU650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Hills
KV650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
KW850.00Traael5ac - 0/850 - Mountain, Stream
KX650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
KY650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
KZ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LA800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
LB800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
LC650.00Danior5ac - 0/650
LD650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LE650.00Lindor Tindomerel5ac - 0/650
LF650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LG650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LH650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LI650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LJ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LK650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LL650.00Darkthorn Starseeker5ac - 0/650
LM1150.00Darkthorn Starseeker5ac - 0/1150 - Lake, River Frontage
LN650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LO650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LP650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LQ650.00Nesaia5ac - 0/650
LR650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
LS800.00Belson5ac - 0/800 - Creek
LT850.00Valarauko5ac - 0/850 - Pond
LU850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Creek
LV800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
LW900.00Amara5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
LX900.00Nylan5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
LY1100.00Viktor Corsarris5ac - 0/1100 - Stream, River Frontage
LZ900.00Theressa5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
MA650.00StormBringerIG Keep - 5ac - 0/650
MB850.00Duraak5ac - 0/850 - Pond
MC1500.00Duraak10ac - 0/1500 - Creek, Pond
MD800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
ME650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
MF750.00Shiho4ac - 0/750 - Stream
MG550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
MH550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
MI650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
MJ550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
MK550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
ML550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
MM850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
MN750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
MO750.00Jackal5ac - 0/750 - Stream
MP750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
MQ850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
MR850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
MS550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
MT450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
MU850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
MV850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
MW850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NA850.00StormWind5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NB850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NC850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
ND850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NE850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NF850.00Thad5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NG950.00Unowned6ac - 0/950 - Stream
NH950.00Unowned6ac - 0/950 - Stream
NI750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
NJ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
NK650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
NL650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
NM650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
NN650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
NO650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
NP650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
NQ850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NR850.00Maevin Bloodrose5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NS850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NT850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NU650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
NV850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
NW750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
NX550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
NY450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
NZ550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
OA800.00Marot5ac - 0/800 - Creek
OB550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
OC550.00Aurora4ac - 0/550
OD550.00Theressa4ac - 0/550
OE650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
OF650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Mountain
OG550.00Conri4ac - 0/1050 - Mountain
OH750.00Tramus 4ac - 0/750 - Mountain, Stream
OI950.00Mae8ac - 0/950 - Mountain
OJ950.00Mae6ac - 0/950 - Hills, Stream
OK750.00Vorzheva6ac - 0/750 - Mountain
OL950.00Sharna6ac - 0/950 - Mountain, Stream
OM1100.00Carthellen Orcrist5ac - 0/1100 - Mountain, River Frontage, Stream
ON850.00Marot5ac - 0/850 - Stream
OO750.00Kyie4ac - 0/750 - Stream
OP750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
OQ750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
OR550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
OS550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
OT650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
OU550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
OV650.00Willomena5ac - 0/650
OW1050.00Mae7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
OX750.00Vorzheva4ac - 0/750 - Mountain, Stream
OY750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
OZ750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
PA650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
PB850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
PC850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
PD750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
PE750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
PF750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
PG750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
PH550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
PI850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
PJ750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
PK850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
PL850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
PM850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
PN1050.00Rhain Stormcloud7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
PO1050.00Unowned7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
PP550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
PQ1300.00Ithilwen Moonshadow7ac - 0/1300 - Lake, Stream
PR1150.00Gray8ac - 0/1150 - Stream
PS1150.00Gray8ac - 0/1150 - Stream
PT1150.00Gray8ac - 0/1150 - Stream
PU1150.00Takao8ac - 0/1150 - Stream
PV1400.00Takao8ac - 0/1400 - Lake, Mountain, Stream
PW500.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
PX550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
PY450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
PZ450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
QA550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
QB850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850
QC950.00Danae6ac - 0/950 - Stream
QD1000.00Danae4ac - 0/1000 - Lake, Mountain, Stream
QE1050.00Solomon 7ac - 0/1050 - Mountain, Forest, Stream
QF650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Mountain
QG650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Mountain
QH900.00Danae5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage, Mountain
QI550.00Allivia4ac - 0/550 - Mountain
QJ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
QK650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
QL850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
QM1050.00Unowned9ac - 0/1050
QN950.00Unowned6ac - 0/950 - Stream
QO750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
QP650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
QQ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
QR1050.00Unowned7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
QS1050.00Unowned7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
QT1050.00Nirnaeth Aduial7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
QU1000.00Helena Eklund6ac - 0/1000 - Lake
QV750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
QW650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
QX650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
QY750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
QZ850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
RA850.00Talynn7ac - 0/850
RB750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
RC950.00Unowned6ac - 0/950 - Stream
RD950.00Unowned6ac - 0/950 - Stream
RE750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
RF950.00Unowned6ac - 0/950 - Stream
RG950.00Unowned8ac - 0/950
RH850.00Nixxle7ac - 0/850 - Mountain
RI750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
RJ750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
RK850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
RL850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
RM1100.00Unowned8ac - 0/1100 - Creek
RN550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
RO1000.00Syn6ac - 0/1000 - Hills, River Frontage
RP900.00Storvanya6ac - 0/900 - Creek
RQ900.00BlackDawn6ac - 0/900 - Hills, Creek
RR750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
RS1150.00Angst6ac - 0/1150 - Hills, Creek, Lake
RT950.00Vonni8ac - 0/950
RU900.00Durigon6ac - 0/900 - Creek
RV750.00Durigon6ac - 0/750
RW750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
RX850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
RY850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
RZ850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
SA900.00Unowned6ac - 0/900 - Creek
SB750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
SC900.00Unowned6ac - 0/900 - Creek
SD750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
SE800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Mountain
SF650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
SG900.00Zully6ac - 0/900 - Creek, Mountain
SH800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
SI1050.00Annalhe5ac - 0/1050 - Hills, Creek, River Frontage
SJ900.00Thilo5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
SK900.00Zar`Ruz5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
SL900.00Nixxle5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
SM900.00Zar`Ruz5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
SN650.00Nixxle5ac - 0/650 - Mountain
SO800.00Naomi5ac - 0/800 - Mountain
SP1150.00Vaila Tonder6ac - 0/1150 - Mountain, Creek, River Frontage
SQ750.00Ray`El6ac - 0/750 - Creek, Mountain
SR1100.00Jaescin7ac - 0/1100 - Mountain, River Frontage
SS900.00Ice5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
ST900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
SU850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
SV850.00Morgan Drakewing5ac - 0/850 - Stream
SW650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
SX650.00Morgan Drakewing5ac - 0/650
SY900.00Anaya5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
SZ1000.00Anaya6ac - 0/1000 - Hills, River Frontage
TA900.00Caolan Leafwhistle5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
TB900.00Caolan Leafwhistle5ac - 0/900 - Hills, River Frontage
TC1050.00Farvel5ac - 0/1050 - Creek, River Frontage
TD900.00Varis5ac - 0/900 - Hills, River Frontage
TE900.00Adrienna5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
TF650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
TG1000.00Rei-Kai6ac - 0/1000 - River Frontage
TH1000.00Aavran6ac - 0/1000 - River Frontage
TI750.00Eucep6ac - 0/750
TJ650.00Quinna5ac - 0/650
TK1100.00Morgan Drakewing7ac - 0/1100 - River Frontage
TL1000.00Unowned6ac - 0/1000 - River Frontage
TM750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
TN650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
TO650.00Infernis5ac - 0/650
TP900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
TQ950.00Scathien8ac - 0/950
TR750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
TS750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
TT1400.00Katipo10ac - 0/1400 - River Frontage
TU1200.00Vexademus8ac - 0/1200 - River Frontage
TV750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
TW750.00Irontail6ac - 0/750
TX850.00Irontail7ac - 0/850
TY950.00Lezlie8ac - 0/950
TZ900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
UA650.00Gali Shuminta5ac - 0/650
UB550.00Gali Shuminta4ac - 0/550
UC550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
UD550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
UE550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
UF550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
UG550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
UH550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
UI650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
UJ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
UK650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
UL650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
UM650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
UN650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
UO550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
UP650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
UQ650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
UR850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
US850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
UT850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
UU850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
UV1050.00Unowned7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
UW1150.00Unowned8ac - 0/1150 - Stream
UX1050.00Unowned7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
UY1050.00Unowned7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
UZ950.00Unowned6ac - 0/950 - Stream
VA950.00Sha-Ka6ac - 0/950 - Stream
VB950.00Sha-Ka6ac - 0/950 - Stream
VC950.00Unowned6ac - 0/950 - Stream
VD850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
VE850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
VF850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
VG850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
VH750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VI650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Stream
VJ750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VK650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Stream
VL750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VM650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Stream
VN750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VO650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Stream
VP850.00Unowned5ac - 0/860 - Stream
VQ750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VR750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VS750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VT850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
VU750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VV500.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
VW750.00Unowned4ac - 0/750 - Stream
VX850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
VY850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Stream
VZ1050.00Unowned7ac - 0/1050 - Stream
WA4050.00BlackDawnOff Map East - 80ac - 0/4,050 - Forest, Grassland, Moutian
WB300.00AbbyOff Map North - 5ac - 0/300 - Mountain
WC900.00Quilain_DreamstrikeOff Map North - 5ac - 0/900 - Mountain
WD1050.00ValythaOff Map North - 20ac - 0/1050 mhl - Hills
WE2150.00ChristolfOff Map East - 5ac - 0/2,150 - Forest, Moutian
WG800.00Elthorion KinslayerHouse Kinslayer - Off Map North - 15ac - 0/800 - Mountain
WH10050.00Davak LaRoneOff Map North - 200ac - 0/10050 - Mountains, Forest
WI300.00Elthorion KinslayerOff Map North - 5ac - 0/300 - Mountain
WJ100.00LanaOff Map North - 1ac - 0/100 - Mountains, Forest
WO1550.00StormBringerEmpire Owned - Off Map North - 30ac - 0/1550 - Mountain
WOODS850.00StormBringerThe Imperial Woods - 0/850
WU300.00Elthorion KinslayerOff Map North - 5ac - 0/300
XA1050.00NylanOff Map West - 20ac - 0/1050 - Forest
XB1300.00TheressaOff Map West - 25ac - 0/1300
XC550.00Gavin TalshineOff Map West - 10ac - 0/550 - Forest, Mountain
XD550.00TheressaOff Map East - 10ac - 0/550 - Hills, Grassland
XE550.00ScathienHouse of the Rising Pheonix - Off Map West - 10ac - 0/550
XH550.00MalekithThallis - 10ac - 0/550 - Grasslands, Forest, Mountain
XI300.00MalekithOff Map West - 5ac - 0/300 - Grasslands, Forest, Hills
XJ7550.00NaomhOff Map West - 150ac - 0/7550 - Forest, Grassland
YA2550.00UthelaOff Map East - 50ac - 0/2550 - Mountain, Hills, Forest, Grassland
YB5050.00Kir TrelanderOff Map South - 100ac - 0/5050
YF300.00BalardOff Map South - 5ac - 0/300 - Mountain, Forest, Grassland
YK1050.00Neko NightstalkerOff Map South - 20ac - 0/1050
ZA550.00DakralOff Map East - 10ac - 0/550 - Mountain
ZB550.00KeaniOff Map East - 10ac - 0/550 - Mountain, Forest, Hills
ZD250.00WadeOff Map East - 4 ac - 0/250
ZG100.00TwerlingerOff Map East - 1ac - 0/100 - Mountains, Forest
ZJ300.00CanthiaOff Map East - 5ac - 0/300 - Mountain
ZL550.00BrielleOff Map East - 10ac - 0/550 - Forest, Hills
ZM300.00DroynOff Map West - 5ac - 0/300 - Forest, Grassland
A1450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
A10450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
A11650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Forest, Stream
A2600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
A3450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
A4450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
A5600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
A6650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Forest, Stream
A7650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Forest, Stream
A8600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
A9450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
B1800.00Unowned3ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Stream
B10650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Forest, Grassland, Stream
B11650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
B12650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Grassland
B13650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
B2800.00Unowned3ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Stream
B3600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
B4600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
B5600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
B6600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
B7600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
B81000.00Sikyat Pallaton5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Stream
B91000.00Thunder5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Stream
C1650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Grassland, Stream
C10650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
C11650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
C12650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
C13650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
C14650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
C15650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
C16450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
C17450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
C18650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
C19450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest, Grassland
C2650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Grassland, Stream
C20650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
C21650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Grassland
C3650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Grassland, Stream
C4450.00Unowned4ac - 0/450 - Grassland
C5450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
C6450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
C7700.00Unowned3ac - 0/700 - Forest
C8450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
C9450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
D1650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
D10600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Hills
D11800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Hills
D12600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Hills
D13800.00Sorgram5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Hills
D14600.00Sorgram3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
D15600.00Meadow3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
D16600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
D17850.00Unowned3ac - 0/850 - Creek, Forest, Lake
D18850.00Frost3ac - 0/850 - Creek, Forest, Lake
D19850.00Frost3ac - 0/850 - Creek, Forest, Lake
D2650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
D3650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
D4650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
D5650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
D6800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Hills
D7650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
D8600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
D9800.00Shiho5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Hills
E1600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
E10600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
E11600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
E12600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
E13600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
E14600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
E15600.00AdenVer3ac - 0/600 - Shrine to Aden'Ver, Creek, Forest, Grassland
E161050.00Theressa5ac - 0/1050 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, River Frontage
E17600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
E18600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
E19750.00Unowned3ac - 0/750 - Creek, River Frontage
E2600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
E20650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E21650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E22650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E23650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E24450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
E25450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
E26650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E27650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E28650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E29650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E3600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
E30650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E31650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E32650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E33650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
E34450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
E35450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
E36450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
E37450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
E4600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
E5850.00Unowned3ac - 0/850 - Creek, Forest, Lake
E6400.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
E7850.00Unowned3ac - 0/850 - Creek, Forest, Lake
E8400.00Davak LaRone1ac - 0/400 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
E9800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
F1250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest
F10250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest, Grassland
F11900.00Naomi5ac - 0/900 - Grassland, River Frontage
F12450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F13650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
F14450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F15450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F16450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F17450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F18650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
F19450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F2850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Forest, Stream
F20450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F21450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F22450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
F3250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest
F4250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest
F5250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest
F6250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest, Grassland
F7250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest, Grassland
F8250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest, Grassland
F9250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Forest, Grassland
G1600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
G10450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
G2450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
G3450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
G4450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
G5800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Hills
G6650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
G7650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
G8450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
G9450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
H1700.00Unowned3ac - 0/700 - Forest, River Frontage
H10650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
H11450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
H12450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
H13450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
H14600.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Creek, Forest
H15800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
H16800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
H17800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
H18800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
H19600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
H2450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
H3450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
H4600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
H5600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
H6600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
H7600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
H8650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
H9650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
I1800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
I10800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I11800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I12800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I13800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I14800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I15800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I16800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I17800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I18800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I19800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
I2800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
I20600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
I21600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
I3650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
I4650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
I5650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
I6800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
I7800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
I8800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
I9800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
J1800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Hills
J10600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Hills
J11600.00Unowned4ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Hills
J12600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Hills
J13400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek, Forest, Hills
J2650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
J3800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
J4650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
J5800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
J6600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
J7800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Hills
J8800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
J9600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
K1850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Forest, Stream
K10800.00Unowned3ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Stream
K11650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Forest, Stream
K12450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
K13450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
K14600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
K15600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
K16450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
K17600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
K18600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
K19600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
K2850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Forest, Stream
K20450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
K21800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
K22800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
K23800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
K24800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
K25800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
K26800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
K27800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland, Hills
K28800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
K29950.00Unowned5ac - 0/950 - Forest, Hills
K31100.00StormWindThe Works - 5ac - 0/1100 - Forest, River Frontage, Stream
K30650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
K31850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Grassland, Stream
K4850.00Unowned5ac - 0/850 - Forest, Stream
K51000.00Infernis5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Forest, Stream
K6800.00Unowned3ac - 0/800 - Creek, Stream
K7650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Forest, Stream
K8650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Forest, Stream
K9800.00Unowned3ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Stream
L1450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
L10650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
L11800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
L12800.00Devlin5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
L2450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
L3650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
L4650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
L5450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
L6450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
L7600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
L8600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
L9600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
M1400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek, Grassland
M10600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
M11600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
M12600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
M13800.00Zully5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest
M14650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest
M15800.00Uvelcra5ac - 0/800 - Temple of Uvelcra, Living Volcano
M161000.00Viktor Corsarris5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Forest, Stream
M171000.00Viktor Corsarris5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Grassland, Stream
M181000.00Viktor Corsarris5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Grassland, Stream
M191000.00Unowned5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Grassland, Stream
M2400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek, Grassland
M201000.00Unowned5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Stream
M21800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
M22800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Hills
M231000.00Nighthawke5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Stream
M241000.00Carnage5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Stream
M251000.00Unowned5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Grassland, Stream
M26850.00Carnage5ac - 0/850 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
M27800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
M281000.00Aleric5ac - 0/1000 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Stream
M29700.00Mithaniel3ac - 0/700 - Forest, Lake
M3400.00Unowned1ac - 0/400 - Creek, Grassland
M30700.00Unowned3ac - 0/700 - Forest, Lake
M31700.00Unowned3ac - 0/700 - Forest, Lake
M32700.00Unowned3ac - 0/700 - Forest, Lake
M4250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Grassland
M5250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Grassland
M6800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek, Grassland
M7650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
M8650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland
M9600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
MINE5StormBringerHidden - Valicite
MINE6StormBringerHidden - Valicite
MINE7StormBringerHidden - Gold
N1StormBringerGarrison Building
N10400.00Karram Fartham1ac - 0/400 - Creek, Grassland
N11600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland, Hills
N12600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
N13600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
N14600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
N15450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland
N16450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland, Hills
N17650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Grassland, Hills
N18600.00Rossalee3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Grassland, Hills
N19450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest, Grassland, Hills
N2StormBringerGarrison Building
N20600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Hills
N21600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest
N22650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
N23450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Grassland, Hills
N24600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Grassland
N25650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Hills
N26650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650 - Forest, Grassland, Hills
N27600.00Unowned3ac - 0/600 - Creek, Forest, Grassland
N28450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest
N29450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest, Hills
N3StormBringerGarrison Building
N4StormBringerGarrison Building
N5StormBringerGarrison Building
N6450.00Cameo3ac - 0/450 - Grassland, Hills
N7250.00Yhanni1ac - 0/250 - Grassland
N8250.00Davak LaRone1ac - 0/250 - Grassland
N9250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250 - Grassland
VAA550.00Dante AmbrogioOff Map Valencia - 10ac - 0/550 - Mountains, Grassland, Forest
VALAStormBringerWrym's Nest
VALBStormBringerValancia Pravillion (MALL)
VALCStormBringerValencian Guard HQ and Barricks
VALDStormBringerReal Estate Office - 1ac - 0/250
VALF250.00Abby1ac - 0/250
VILLAGE1StormBringerShadows Keep Falls
VILLAGE2StormBringerIsle Groves
VILLAGE3StormBringerClan Silvercloud
VILLAGE5StormBringerAlon Canyon
ISLANDA1050.00Traael20ac - 0/1050 - Forest, Mountain
ISLANDAA550.00MathiuOff Map South - 10ac - 0/550 - Forest, Mountains
ISLANDB1050.00VarisOff Map East - 20ac - 0/1050 - Forest, Grassland, Mountians
ISLANDBB550.00Mae10 ac - 0/550 - Forest, Grassland, Mountains
ISLANDC3050.00Archaon60ac - 0/3050
ISLANDCC1050.00Streea ElemmirreOff Map East - 20ac - 0/1050 - Forest, Grassland, Mountain
ISLANDCR1050.00AavranOff map East - 20ac - 0/1050 - Forest, Mountain, Grassland
ISLANDD550.00Bane10ac - 0/550 - Grassland, Forest, Hills, River Island
ISLANDDD9490.00IstoajOff Map East - 10ac - 0/550 - Grasslands, Forest, Hills
ISLANDE300.00Davak LaRone5ac - 0/300
ISLANDEE550.00Adonai AyresOff map east - 10 ac - 0/550
ISLANDF550.00Angst10ac - 0/550 - Forest, Grassland, Mountain
ISLANDG550.00Shyntolin10 ac - 0/1950 - Grassland, Hills
ISLANDH1050.00Naomi20ac - 0/1050 - Grassland, Forest, Mountains
ISLANDI1050.00Naomi20ac - 0/1050 - Forest, Grassland, Mountain
ISLANDJ2550.00Van Masterson50ac - 0/2550 South, Mountains. Grassland
ISLANDK550.00Karatha10ac - 0/550 - Forest, Mountain
ISLANDL3050.00Thunder60ac - 0/3050 - Forest, Grassland, Mountain
ISLANDM1050.00Traael20ac - 0/1050 - Mountain
ISLANDN3550.00Naomi70ac - 0/3550 - Mountain, Forest, Grassland
ISLANDO550.00ThunderOff Map East - 10 ac 0/550 - Forest, Grassland, Pond, Creek, Mountian
ISLANDP550.00ThunderOff Map East - 10 ac 0/550 - Forest, Grassland, Pond, Creek, Mountian
ISLANDQ550.00Joe10ac - 0/550
ISLANDR550.00Zully10ac - 0/550 - Forest
ISLANDS1050.00Cameo20ac - 0/1050 - Mountain, Forest
ISLANDT4050.00Vorzheva80ac - 0/4050 - Mountain, Forest
ISLANDU550.00Meri10ac - 0/550 - Mountain, Forest
ISLANDV450.00Xembra8ac - 0/450 - Mountain, Forest
ISLANDW550.00Arctic Steam10ac - 0/550 - Forest, Mountain, Grassland
ISLANDX550.00Ascellon10ac - 0/550 - Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Hills
ISLANDY1550.00L`aquera30ac - 0/1550 - Forest, Mountain, Hill, Grassland
ISLANDZ300.00StormBringerThallis Castle - 5ac - 0/300 - Mountain, Hills, Forest, Grassland
NLAA12150.00StormBringer20 Ac - 0/2150 - Mountains, Forests
S10A2150.00Theressa10ac - 0/2150 - River Frontage, Beach, Seaside
S10B850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S10C550.00Wade4ac - 0/550
S10D450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
S10E650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S10F550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S10G650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S10H700.00Unowned4ac - 0/700 - Creek
S10I650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S10J650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S10K650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S10L650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S10M350.00Unowned2ac - 0/350
S10NUnownedImperial Property; Barracks, Viceroy's Manor
S1A1400.00Caolan Leafwhistle5ac - 0/1400 - Beach, Seaside
S1B900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
S1C1900.00Orik10ac - 0/1900 - Beach, Seaside
S1D2350.00Rei-Kai12ac - 0/2350 - River Frontage, Beach, Seaside
S1E850.00Yarost7ac - 0/850
S1F850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S1G550.00AdenVerShrine to Aden'Ver
S1H650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S1I650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S1J650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S1K750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S1L750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S1M750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S1N650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S2A700.00StormWind4ac - 0/700 - River Frontage
S2B900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
S2C1100.00Malekith7ac - 0/1100 - River Frontage
S2D750.00Unowned8ac - 0/750
S2E850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S2F650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S2G950.00Unowned8ac - 0/950
S2H650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S2I1100.00Unowned7ac - 0/1100 - River Frontage
S2J750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S2K1150.00Voknali10ac - 0/1150
S2L800.00Unowned4ac - 0/800 - River Frontage
S2M450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
S2N650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S3A1300.00Carthad Droman4ac - 0/1300 - Beach, Seaside
S3B650.00Unowned 5ac - 0/650
S3C1200.00Nairun`moon8ac - 0/1200 - River Frontage
S3D750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S3E350.00Unowned2ac - 0/350
S3F850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S3G750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S3H650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S3I700.00Unowned3ac - 0/700 - River Frontage
S3J550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S3K650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S3L550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S3M550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S3N650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S4A900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Fontage
S4B850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S4C900.00Farvel5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
S4D850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S4E550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S4F750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S4G650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S4H550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S4I650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S4J550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S4K550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S4L450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
S4M550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S4N650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S5A900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
S5B550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S5C900.00Unowned5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
S5D1050.00Kree5ac - 0/1050 - Seaside
S5E950.00Unowned8ac - 0/950
S5F750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S5G450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
S5H650.00Unowned6ac - 0/650
S5I550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S5J450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
S5K850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S5L450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
S5M550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S5N650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S6A1100.00Naomi7ac - 0/1100 - River Frontage
S6B750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S6C1600.00Angst12ac - 0/1600 - River Frontage
S6D1350.00Viktor Corsarris8ac - 0/1350 - Seaside
S6E650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S6F650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S6G950.00Unowned8ac - 0/950
S6H550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S6I650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S6J650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S6K650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S6L350.00StormBringerReal Estate Office - 1ac - 0/250
S6M550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S6N650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S7A650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S7B850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S7C700.00Devlin3ac - 0/700 - River Frontage
S7D800.00Unowned8ac - 0/800 - Creek
S7E650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S7F750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S7G850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S7H1150.00Unowned10ac - 0/1150
S7I850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S7J850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S7K550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S7L550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S7M450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450
S7N650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S8A700.00Unowned3ac - 0/700 - River Frontage
S8B550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S8C1750.00Amara8ac - 0/1750 - Beach, Seaside
S8D800.00Unowned5ac - 0/800 - Creek
S8E650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S8F950.00Unowned8ac - 0/950
S8G850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S8H550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S8I650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S8J650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S8K550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S8L550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S8M750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S8NUnownedImperial Docks
S9A1600.00Odette8ac - 0/1600 - Beach, Seaside
S9B850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S9C2000.00Ray`El8ac - 0/2000 - River Frontage, Beach, Seaside
S9D950.00Rida Cherryglade4ac - 0/950 - Seaside
S9E750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S9F650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S9G950.00Unowned8ac - 0/950
S9H850.00Unowned7ac - 0/850
S9I650.00Unowned5ac - 0/650
S9J950.00Unowned8ac - 0/950
S9K550.00Unowned4ac - 0/550
S9L750.00Unowned6ac - 0/750
S9M350.00Unowned2ac - 0/350
S9NUnownedImperial Market Place
TAA1300.00Viktor CorsarrisOff map Thallis – 25 ac – 0/1300"
TP01250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP02250.00Ray`El1ac - 0/250
TP03250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP04250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP05250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP06250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP07250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP08250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP09250.00Jinli1ac - 0/250
TP10250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP11250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP12250.00StormBringerReal Estate Office - 1ac - 0/250
TP13250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP14250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP15250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP16250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP17250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP18250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP19250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP20250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP21250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP22250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP23250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP24250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP25250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP26250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP27250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TP28250.00Unowned1ac - 0/250
TR011350.00Viktor Corsarris4ac - 0/1350 - Forest, Seaside, Beach
TR021550.00Salla Darklight4ac - 0/1550 - Forest, Seaside, Beach, Stream
TR03950.00Carthellen Orcrist5ac - 0/950 - Forest, Hills, Stream
TR041350.00Unowned6ac - 0/1350 - Forest, Hills, Lake, Stream
TR051100.00Unowned6ac - 0/1100 - Forest, Stream
TR06600.00Wade4ac - 0/600 - Forest, Grassland, Mountain
TR07950.00Unowned5ac - 0/950 - Forest, Hills, Stream
TR08800.00Unowned4ac - 0/800 - Forest, Mountain, Stream
TR091100.00Unowned6ac - 0/1100 - Forest, Hills, Stream
TR101050.00Unowned7ac - 0/1050 - Forest, Grassland
TR11750.00Sanjin Koukyu5ac - 0/750 - Forest, Grassland
TR12750.00Unowned5ac - 0/750 - Forest, Hills
TR13600.00Unowned4ac - 0/600 - Forest
TR14600.00Unowned4ac - 0/600 - Forest
TR15600.00Unowned4ac - 0/600 - Forest, Hills
TR161100.00Unowned6ac - 0/1100 - Forest, Hills, Stream
TR17650.00Unowned3ac - 0/650 - Forest, Stream
TR181800.00Unowned9ac - 0/1800 - Forest, Lake, Stream
TR191500.00Unowned10ac - 0/1500 - Forest, Mountain
TR201250.00StormWind7ac - 0/1250 - Forest, Grassland, Hills, Stream
TR21750.00Unowned5ac - 0/750 - Forest, Grassland
TR22750.00Unowned5ac - 0/750 - Forest, Hills
TR231100.00Unowned6ac - 0/1100 - Forest, Hills
TR241100.00Unowned6ac - 0/1100 - Forest, Stream
TR251550.00Unowned9ac - 0/1550 - Forest, Grassland, Hills, Stream
TR261250.00Naomi7ac - 0/1250 - Forest, Grassland, Stream
TR27950.00Taria5ac - 0/950 - Forest, Stream
TR28600.00Allivia4ac - 0/600 - Forest, Grassland
TR29950.00Unowned5ac - 0/950 - Forest, Grassland, Stream
TR301150.00Unowned6ac - 0/1150 - Forest, River Frontage
TR311500.00Unowned7ac - 0/1500 - Forest, Stream, River Frontage
TR321100.00Unowned6ac - 0/1100 - Forest, Stream
TR331100.00Unowned6ac - 0/1100 - Forest Stream
TR34600.00Unowned4ac - 0/600 - Forest, Grassland, Hills
TR35800.00Unowned4ac - 0/800 - Forest, Grassland, Hills, Stream
TR36450.00Unowned3ac - 0/450 - Forest, Grassland
TR37300.00Unowned2ac - 0/300 - Forest, Hills
TR38900.00Unowned6ac - 0/900 - Forest, Grassland, Hills
TR391100.00Unowned6ac - 0/1100 - Forest, Hills, Stream
TR40800.00Unowned4ac - 0/800 - Forest, Stream
TR41550.00Unowned3ac - 0/550 - Forest, Stream, Hills
TR42600.00Unowned4ac - 0/600 - Forest
TR43800.00Unowned2ac - 0/800 - Forest, Stream
TR441200.00Unowned3ac - 0/1200 - Forest, Beach, Seaside
TR451500.00Mae5ac - 0/1500 - Forest, Beach, Seaside
TR461500.00Ithilwen Moonshadow5ac - 0/1500 - Forest, Beach, Seaside
VR016300.00StormBringerVirelith - 25ac - 0/600 - Imperial Castle
VR021200.00NaomiVirelith - 5ac - 0/1200 - Mountain, Grassland, Forest
VR03800.00UnownedVirelith - 3ac - 0/800 - Mountain, Grassland
VR04900.00UnownedVirelith - 4ac - 0/900 - Mountain, Grassland, Forest
VR051200.00UnownedVirelith - 5ac - 0/1200 - Hills, Grassland
VR061300.00UnownedVirelith - 5ac - 0/1300 - River Frontage, Hills, Grassland
VR071300.00UnownedVirelith - 5ac - 0/1300 - River Frontage, Hills, Grassland
VR081000.00UnownedVirelith - 4ac - 0/1000 - Hills, Grassland
VR091300.00UnownedVirelith - 5ac - 0/1300 - River Frontage, Grassland
VR10800.00UnownedVirelith - 3ac - 0/800 - Hills, Mountain
VR111100.00ThunderVirelith - 5ac - 0/1100 - Hills, Mountain, Grassland
VR121200.00StormWindVirelith - 5ac - 0/1200 - Hills, Grassland
VR13800.00IceVirelith - 3ac - 0/800 - Hills, Grasslands