Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

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Callie's First Time with Danior

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:43 am

The Lonely Inn
December 22, 2018
Callie and Danior

<+Danior> The roads had taken Danior back to nathalion the satyr having followed a caravan of Amahil through one town after another untill the snow had gotten to deep for the wagons in places.. So now he needed a place to shelter.. and a place to excersize his favorit pass time.. Humming to himself with a deep and rumbling voice he would push the door open and step within the warmth of the inn his song and scent spreading through out the room. The warm light within would fall upon a large man.. with curled rams horn of a dark black collor atop of his head.. his dark brown hair braided and dyed at the wery tips in a deep blue collor just as the beard he sported a thick white cloak thrown over his shoulders open at the front to expose a simple tunic.. and a fur loincloth.. a tail brushing out from under its edge swaying back and forth slowly as his gaze wanderd across the room.

Callie Volopa comes out from Desdaemona's office after a two-hour-long payroll meeting that had bored the vixen halfway to death. She's dressed in a purple blouse with black and white trim, black knee-length skirt, and black boots with purple buckles on them. It doesn't take long for her to detect the telltale pheromones of a satyr, though... and as if they have a mind of their own, her eyes quickly lock onto Danior. Now *there's* an attractive fellow. "Been a long time since I've seen a satyr here," Callie comments in a lustful voice as she moves over towards him.

<+Danior> The Satyr definitely carved a figure.. larger than most of his race in build and the presence he brought with him wasnt just that of his pheromones no.. he also carried himself with quite a bit of confidence his back straight and his warm gaze filled with a inteligence like few others. He would great the vixen that aproached him a warm smile and he would bow towards her.. already reading her tails.. oh yes he was quite familiar with the vulpine race and their manerisms.. one didnt live as long as he had as a womaniser on the road and not pick up a thing or two. "hmmm it seems like it pleases miss too." she speaks in a deep and melodic voice that came from far within his whide chest and he would bow towards her low untill she could easily reach his horns. "im Danior miss.. what a pleasure to look upon such a beautiful Musha Villa"

"It's a pleasure to meet a lovely satyr too," Callie says, reaching out with her right hand to stroke Danior's left horn. "You, hmm... seem to know a bit about my people, to understand the term 'Musha Villa'. Good." She smiles and says, "My name's Callie Volopa, of the Verlosi Tribe. Would you care to come up to my room with me?" The vixen's going fast, even by her old standards, from when she first came to Nanthalion.

Danior would straighten up after she touched him.. grinning at the way her hand traced the base of his horn.. causing him to narrow his eyes in pleasure untill he finaly stood up that last bit responding with a warm chuckle to her words.. "well.. i dont know much of your language im afraid.. but ive had two vulpines women during my time on this world who followed me for a bit on my travels... i believe they were from some wooden tribe? im not sure i remember anymore.." he sighs a bit "lovely vixens.." he sais rumbling further and then he would take a step closer to callie.. giving her a stronger whiff of his scent.. earthy and sweet.. and intoxicating to some. "oh? i dont even have a room of my own and here im already being invited to another's.. lucky me" he chuckles and takes her hand bringing it up to his lips to kiss the knuckles of it. "it would be a pleasure..." he sais letting his tail brush along the side of her thigh.

Callie is almost overcome by Danior's pheromones, and his charm is quite lovely too. If he'd been a jerk to her, she could have easily resisted him, but it's the combination of the two that make him so powerful. The vixen takes hold of Danior's hand, and leads him up the stairs, to her room, number 412. She unlocks the door and precdes him in, and then uses Telekinesis to close the door behind him. Callie whirls around and immediately begins kissing him fully on his lips.

Danior was.. overwhelmed for a moment.. he hadn't expected the urgency of that kiss.. but it wasn't uncommon for more confident women to simply give in to the lust his scent brought so he quickly recoverd.. and his large hand would grasp the vixens rear firmly.. fingers finding the base of her tails cirkeling them gently proding at the cluster of nerves there whilst he deepens the kiss eagerly his other hand resting on Callie's waist.. pulling her closer untill his crotch pressed up agaisnt her.. a clear bulge feelt underneath that loincloth quickly growing from the womans presence and actions.. "careful now dear..." he sais with a chuckle "wouldnt want to go too fast..." he brushes that hand now through the fur of her cheek having moved it from her waist.. "it feels.. to me like youre in the mood to blow off steam... meybe thats why?" he grinns "im more than happy to help..."

"C-- could be," Callie murrs, and she takes a moment to try and regain her bearings. Hadn't they just exchanged names less than five minutes ago? "Sorry, this isn't a usual thing for me," she says. Maybe she should stop? No... she doesn't want to stop. And Danior *had* just given his explicit permission. She lowers his loin cloth down, and marvels at the size of his endowment.

<+Danior> The satyre would shake his head "i didnt take it for such" he sais with a warm voice right next to one of those large triangular ears.. letting his breath play against that fur.. smirking as he saw her expresion shift when she looked down.. he would then grasp himself by the base of his member and he would start to stroke it firmly in his hand.. "hmmm well... what would you expect from a satyr?" he sais with another chuckle.. grinning from one ear to the next. "now.. miss callie volopa.. Musha villa of the Verlosi tribe.. what do you want to do with it?" he would lick his lips and then let his tail brush against her again now following the inside of her legs causing them to part slightly until it brushed right agaisnt her crotch.

Callie takes hold of Danior's member with her right hand and says, "I was thinking something like this." She lowers herself down onto her knees and takes one single lick at the satyr's glans, smiling at how well-kept it is. She takes another lick and then, after a light grin, she opens her mouth and slips him inside of her.

<+Danior> The large satyr would tillt his head whilst looking down at the vixen.. watching her as she got onto her knees infront of him smirking knowingly as he feelt that tongue brushing along the side of his cock swirling across the wery tip of it.. oh if she wasnt feeling the efects of his presence before she sure would now.. being so close and activly tasting him well.. that was quite potent. He would stroke the top of the vixens head letting out a deep moan as she started to please him oraly.. taking that whide head between her lips.. he then would push just slightly deeper untill that head pushed at the back of her throat meeting her eyes with his own amber ones. "mmmm youre quite skilled at this... can you take it all?"

Callie looks up towards Danior's face and gives him a wink; she'd certainly give it a good try. She pulls herself down farther on his cock, taking him now seven inches into her mouth, the vixen beginning to swirl her tongue against his length. She slurps, and sucks, and makes a great deal of noise; occasionally the satyr would be able to hear an 'mmm' coming from her mouth as well. She takes hold of one of his hands, and places it on the tip of her upper tail, while with her other hand, she lightly pinches at his scrotum.

Danior was loving the sounds she was making... and the warmth of her maw had him feeling shivers running up along his spine.. his hands grasping her head now to hold her there. Gentle.. he didnt want to force his way down without her wanting to take that last bit within her.. "mmm youre almost there.." he sais with a warm grinn metting her gaze urging her on with a beging glacne down towards her.. "you feel quite amazing my dear vixen~ would you perhaps be wanting a meal?" he sais with a chuckle.. pre already leaking from the whide head of his member.. finding her tongue and her throat.. giving her a taste of what was to come later..

"Mmm-hmm," Callie murmurs, and she takes one more inch into her mouth. She's not balls-deep, but that's about as good as she'll be able to do, considering the length of Danior's penis. She begins to bob up and down him, her five tails swaying slowly behind her, showing her deep arousal and true enjoyment of what she's doing. Even through the fog of lust caused by pheromones and attraction, the fox finally manages to think of The Lady, and she silently prays that The Mother of All Vulpines look down on them with love as one of her Mushani Villa enjoys herself.

Danior would gritt his teeth now.. barring them in pleasure his face twisting from the building arousal he feelt.. and his member would start to throb within the vixens maw... feeling that warmth enveloping him.. she did give him permition.. so he cut loose.. not resisting it for a moment as he reached his climax.. his tail wrapping about the vixen's waist to hold her there as his seed started to fill her maw.. thick white and packed with those same pheromones he gave of.. and there was no small amount of it the satyre tightening his grasp of the vulpines head to hold himself steady.. his large frame shuddering for a moment before he settled from his release.. watching as that thick white mess ran down from her lips..

Callie begins to cough and sputter at just the sheer amount of thick spunk that she's getting from Danior's massive cock, and she quickly pulls herself off of him just so she can breathe better. She swallows much of it, but some of it drips down onto the floor as well; it was simply a realistic consequence of the sheer volume, viscosity, and velocity of Danior's semen. She reaches up for Danior's hands, and places them on the backs of her ears, encouraging him to lightly stroke her there.

<+Danior> The satyr would slow his breathing down after his climax.. calming himself as his member throbbed in front of the vixens now messy lips.. and he would smile down at her were she kneeled still quite rigid.. the room filled with the scent of arousal.. He would then smirk as she guided his hands and he would hapily start to stroke those triangular ears but they wouldnt stay there for long.. no he would grasp the back of her head again and press himself against her cheek to leave a messy smear of cum and saliva across that fur.. licking his lips as he does so.. "mmmm want to do it on the floor? on the bed or against a wall?" he sais with a teasing grinn "you pulled me up here after all.. i doubt you're satisfied with just a mouthfull.."

Callie casts Elemental Craft to create herself a tall glass of water, and she takes a long draught of it to wash her mouth and throat. "Oh, no, not satisfied at all. It was a pretty good warmup, though." And now that she's reached a certain critical mass with the pheromones, they aren't affecting her quite as much. Still, she enjoyed what she'd done, and doesn't regret it. "The bed," she says after a moment. She stands up and quickly doffs her clothes. "Carry me there."

Danior would let the rest of his robes part.. exposing his broad shoulders coverd in the same collor hair as the dark brown braids atop of his head his horns gleaming in the lantern light as he stands there tall and strong his amber hues watching her intently as she undressed herself.. how she revealed her sensual curves and how her tails swayed along behind her.. though he couldnt help but smirk as she made herself a drink "oh? do i taste to wild for you miss callie?" he sais with a deep rumble from his chest a finger scooping up a bead of cum from her cheek so he could lick it of his finger and have a taste for himself.. "Hmmm... will do.." and with that he sweept her up in a fire mans carry his large arms catching one about her back and one under her legs.. his cock swaying back and forth along with his tail as he walks her over to the bed.. placing her down gently.. his large hands now wery tender and sensual as they starts to massage her legs.. moving up along her thighs up to her waist... as he got in position between them.

Callie giggles softly as Danior lifts her up in his massive, strong arms, and she looks into his eyes, wiggling her tails and toes as she imagines the hours of lovemaking the satyr and the vulpine have in front of them. Can she outlast him? That'll be a challenge she'll impose on herself. It's not impossible; vulpines have tremendous sexual stamina. When Danior lowers her down to the mattress, Callie looks up at him with those bedroom eyes of hers.

<+Danior> The satyr would loom over the vixen his large frame pinning her down agaisnt the matress as he lets his lips brush agaisnt her cheek and neck his dyed breard tickling her a bit as he starts to move his way downwards with soft kisses and strokes his hands still massaging those hips.. digits diging into that soft flesh and fur.. suple and curvy feeling the vixen up even as his kisses were moving down along her belly and her abdomen... and soon that large head was burried between her thighs taking in the scent of her with a sharp inhale.. his eyes still fixed on her.. "mmmmm thats a nice scent... and so wet already..." he sais with a glance.. letting his tongue brush across those sweet folds.. "mmmm mind if i return the favour?" he sais with a develish grinn.. wery much doubting she would protest.. but it didnt hurt to ask.

Callie lay there on the bed, murmuring a soft prayer to The Lady which is so quiet that Danior wouldn't be able to make out the words. But it's sincere, all the same; of course sex feels best when it's with someone she loves, but every now and then, she just needs to blow off some steam and have a no-strings-attached fuck session. She lifts her legs up into the air, and strokes the back of Danior's head as he moves down her, and when the satyr takes in her scent, she can feel his warm breath against her skin-- and then his tongue. "Mm, I don't mind at all," she gasps.

<+Danior> The satyr man would narrow his eyes feeling a shiver runing up along his spine as the beutiful vixen gave her permition.. oh it was like being oferd the most delicate of meals.. though instead of leaning forward and pressing his lips to those tender folds he would grasp the vixens rear and thighs with his large hands and lift her waist up to meet his lips.. letting his broad tongue brush right across the womans tender clit his grasp firm of her as he explores her.. tasting those juices as he lets his tongue dip further down along her sex and then push inside between th folds spreading them eagerly.. letting out a low moan at the warmth that met him.. his member rigid under neeth him.. pressed up agaisnt the bed staining the sheeths from the mess left of it previously.

Callie keeps herself in very good shape, and is able to bend the way Danior wants her to when he lifts her up partially off the bed. "Mmmmm, goddess," she murmurs. "Danior, you sure know how to treat a girl." She grins, and wriggles her tails cutely as she looks down at what he's doing to her. With each brushing of his tongue, she gets a little more excited.

<+Danior> The horned man would meet her gaze with his own burning with desire and passion.. growling eagerly at her praise and he would press himself tighter to that sex.. wrapping his lips around the vixens sensative clit his own tail brushing back and foorth behind him as he feelt how hers brushed across his chest. She had such a rich taste to her.. sweet and delicious to the likes of him.. His eyes would narrow as his tongue went deeper inside of her prodding and exploring against that upper wall now his nose pressed to the clit he had been teasing just moments ago.. "Mmmmm.." he wanted to fuck her so badly.. but not untill he had made her cum.. he wanted to make sure she had her fill of pleasure tonight...

Callie is amazed at just how long Danior's tongue is; it seems to be getting every little part of her, inside, and she's gasping in astonishment and lust, her fingers digging deeply into her sheets, while her toes curl and stroke against the sides of Danior's neck. She closes her eyes and begins to chant a prayer from one of Gelafo's Recitations, about the joys of meeting new species. Danior isn't the first satyr she's ever had sex with, but he *is* the second. She remembers Elkian, the Gentleman Satyr, with deep fondness and affection. Will things be the same with Danior, or a little different?

Daniors tongue was indead long.. and whide much becus of his satyr nature and his larger then average build.. but more importantly he was practised with it.. his hands grasped her thighs firmly keeping them spreed whide even as her feet brushed agaisnt his sides tickling his neck and his hair.. and briefly his horns would brush agaisnt her as well causing him to shudder.. his tail picking up speed in its sway.. he liked the building tension.. the arousal and warmth. the growing taste on his palate claiming all others.. "mmmm cum for me vixen.." he rumbles with a soft deep voice pulling away briefly a thumb moving in to cirkel the womans clit as his tongue starts to toy with those tender folds again.. stretching them gently.. preparing her for what was to come...

There's little to hear in the room except for the vixen's moans, and the beating of her heart, which sound like drums in her ears. The bed is also making light creaking noises; the sound of the metal springs. "Ohhhh, goddess," Callie murmurs, breaking the silence, and upon being told to cum, the vixen lets out a looooong gasp, as if that's what she'd been waiting for. Her legs shudder in Danior's grasp, and she lets loose all over the satyr's face.

Danior came away from it all with his partialy dyed beard dripping and his cheeks coverd in the vixens lust.. his eyes burning like warm coals as he watched the vixen ride and squirm out the last waves of her climax the satyr licking himself clean of the worst of it before he rose up between her legs again looming over her.. grasp taken about her thighs to lift her just slightly moar untill her rear rested in his lap.. her back still on the matress.. that mast nestled against her soaked sex... "Mmmm ready?" he sais as he starts to rub himself against her.. mixing those lewd messes further.. making sure it was all nice and slick to make it all the more enjoyable once he did thrust into her..

Callie is appreciative when he adjusts positions so that her back isn't at such an extreme angle, but it's still lifted somewhat off the mattress. "Hmm, I like where you're headed, but let's make this a little easier," she says. She flips him onto his back with strength that belies her smaller form, and gets into position above him, cowgirl-style. "Mmm, now, are *you* ready, Danior?" she asks him, a lascivious smile on her face.

Danior lets out a rumbling chuckle as hes bucked of and pressed to the matress... the larger man raising a bushy brow at her as she stradels him that mast of his pressing up between her legs once again making the head of it press up against her folds.. "mmmm you could have asked for a pillow below your back.." he smirks but he would indeed settle in to this new position noding "mmm fine.. i dont mind~" he would cup her breasts firmly massaging them in his large hands.. toying with the nipples surounded by that red coat of hers.. his tail wrapping about one of her legs.. tightly about the thigh the bushy end teasing her rear.

Callie giggles softly at Danior's comment. "Gotta protect my muscles from tearing, don'cha know." She's been injured a couple times in combat, but never while having sex, and she doesn't want to start now. She lines herself up with the satyr, and begins to slowly lower herself onto him as she feels her breasts being massaged by those strong, capable hands. "Mmmmmm..."

<+Danior> The large man would grinn at her.. watching as she first worked that large head whitin herself without much isue and then started to ease her way down further down his girth.. feeling how far she was being stretched and how tightly shee squeezed around him.. pleased by the sensation.. and the warmth that greated him deeper within. "mmmmm" one of his hands would let go of one of those breasts and he would instead rest it on her waist grasping it firmly.. to push her further down along him urging her down until he was pressed agaisnt her very core.. throbing against her cervix.. "thats better..." he hisses out.. then chuckles as he starts to bounce her gently in his lap rocking his hips softly though it was enough to rock the entire mattress.

"Ahhhh, yesssss," Callie groans softly as she feels Danior getting balls-deep inside her. Her mouth may not have been able to take him all the way, but her vagina sure can. She smiles down at the satyr in her passion as she places her hands down against Danior's shoulders. "Mmm, feels so good, Danior." Callie's mind turns to The Lady, who certainly ordained that vulpines would be strongly attracted to satyrs-- else, wouldn't She have made vulpines immune to their renowned pheromones? Clearly, Callie is fulfilling the First Tenet with what she's doing right now.

<+Danior> Oh if it was her gods doing or his was unclear in the end.. his thoughts were in no such place how ever. His mother had made him this way for a reason.. and if he served her by doing what he desired then he sure wouldnt disapoint her.. He grinns whide up at her at her words and he would grasp her full mounds in his large hands kneeding them as she rode him the satyr moaning with desire as thick pre cum started to leak out of the tip of his large member staining the vixens very core with it.. "mmmm thats a beautiful sight.." he growls and pinches her nipples playfully tuging at them slightly as he gives her a sharp buck of his hips from bellow sending her lifting a couple of inches from him before she slamed back down in her ride. "take it all out.. all that tension.. dont hold back one bit.."

"Mmm, I... I never do," Callie says with a grin, lowering herself down so that her body is mostly parallel to Danior's. Her lips capture his and tongue slips inside, dominating his tongue. Callie's five tails sway very slowly behind her in an expression of deep lust, and she feels herself hitting a pretty intense level of arousal already, as if she's almost ready to cum just from the last couple minutes of thrusting against him. Of course, immediately before that, he'd pleased her with his mouth.

Danior would let his hand slip from her breast down along her waist as she lays herself atop of him kissing him so passsionatly.. he would chuckle and return the kiss with a eagerness that spread through out him.. his member throbing within her pulsing agaisnt the inner walls.. The satyr's own tail would wrap about one of the vixens.. twining with it holding it in place as she moved atop of him his large hands now grasping her by the rear to guide her movments to speed up.. grind against him lewd wet noices spreading through out the room along with their moans. "good.. thats what i like to hear..."

The moans, breathy sighs, and sounds of flesh meeting flesh combine with the creaking of the mattress, but to Callie, the loudest sound in her perception is the beating of her heart, pounding as it is through her chest. Callie lets out a soft growl as she feels Danior's manhood hitting her in just the right places, and she begins to kiss all over his face, going up his head and starting to nibble and lick against the satyr's right horn, right at the base of it, where it's liable to be most sensitive.

Daniors eyes would whiden for a second as he feelt those kisses against his cheek moving up past his forhead wish caused his head to tillt a bit.. but the vixen moved along untill she came upon his black curled ram horns.. the satyre visible gritting his teeth his eyes drifting close as his rough fingers would dig into the base of the vixens tails ushing her harder down upon his member feeling how it pulsed inside of her.. "mmm thats feeels nice~ its been to long since someone played with my horns.." he sais letting his own tail tug at one of hers slightly.. chuckling before he kissed her chin gently.. "dont stop..." he sais his own hips rolling slower this time.. the large head of his cock rubbing against every little nock of her sex as it went along.. "mmm its growing so wet.. and warm..." he sais whispering next to one of her triangular ears this time.. catching it between his teeth for a moment before lettting go his broad tongue licking across her cheek. "can you move faster?" he sais with a chalanging grinn. "how rough can the five tailed vixen go on such a large cock?"

Callie gives an "mm-mmm" reply to Danior's request that she not stop kissing his horn, indicating that she has no intention of doing so. She traces her tongue and teeth lightly against the tough surface, especially where the bone meets the flesh. Then, as she moves to his left horn with her mouth, he asks her to move faster, and she nods. "Okay, hon," she says to him, and she starts bucking her hips up and down him quite a bit harder, but not yet, nearly, at her fastest pace. She doesn't want to burn herself out immediately.

<+Danior> The large satyr man would lift his legs up gently bending at the knees just slightly diging his hooves into the matress as she continued to ride him at that pase.. his hand giving her rear a slap right next to that cluster o tails a deep pleased moan escaping from within his chest as she continued to kiss in that fashion.. but he wasnt quite getting there yet.. oh no satyrs were quite known for their stamina even if they didnt hold back. "mmmm thats a good vixen.." he sais followed with a chuckle "milk that cock.." he couldnt help but snuiker at that one.. so cliche but he was realy feeling well.. classic at the moment and he didnt mind some corny dirty talk. "you want it badly dont you? naughty fox~" he sais that last part in a almost melodic voice. "you keep pace with the naughtiest of nymphs"

Callie groans when she hears the dirty talk of the satyr, which spurs her on to go faster, her adrenaline really kicking into high gear now. "And you were born to fuck, Danior. You're literally hot sex incarnate." It's true; satyrs can't go more than a day or two without having sex, unless they want to risk death. As a result, Callie feels almost a bit of an obligation to fuck any satyr she sees, at least the ones who have manners.

<+Danior> oh if that rumour was true or not.. that was debatable.. Danior hadnt actualy tried it out for more then two days and after that he had become so iritable that he had raped a poor lass... it wasnt his proudest moment.. but he barely remember it.. Such thoughts were far gone how ever as the vixens words got him to laugh "oh damn right i was!" he grins whider and then he grasps her tails in one hand stroking it back and forth along the base of them all as he meets her wild bucks and rolls with his own unrestrained thrustsh causing the bed under them to protests from the shifting weight back and forth.. the wood groaning and the springs protesting but that was almost completely drowned out by the sounds of their love making.. he could feel her juices runing down along his hefty sack.. staining the sheets under them.

Callie groans as she feels Danior grabbing hold of a couple of her tails, and she rubs the rest of them against the satyr's hands, feeling herself starting to succumb to the pleasure infusing her form. "Ahhhh, goddess," the fox murmurs. "Mmmm, I'm gonna come... I'm gonna come all over that cock. Ah, Danior... make me come for you..." She moves a hand down to Danior's scrotum and begins to pinch at the spaces between his balls.

<+Danior> The skin would tighten around those large orbs as the vixen's hand found its way there.. and his eyes would squeeze shut at that sensation.. the man letting out a deep moan as his entire member shuders within those tightening walls.. loving the feeling of how the vixen squeezed around him as she moved at that fast passed.. his breathing was quickening his heart beating faster against his large chest and he was moaning "yes.. cum hon.. cum for me.." he sais with a whide smile giving her another couple of eager thrust pushing right up agaisnt her wery core each time.. his free hand sliding down along her front down along her flat stomach down to dip between her thighs his thumb cirkeling the vixen's clit roughly.. mostly letting her movments cause her to grind against that digit.

When Callie feels Danior's thumb finally rubbing against her clit, she lets out a long gasp, her eyes going wide as she comes hard all over him, looking deeply into the satyr's eyes as if viewing his soul with her own, Lady-given one. Her tails and toes curl tightly, and she lifts Danior up to a seated position so that she can buck harder and harder against him, and kiss him with deep, unrestrained passion.

<+Danior> The large barrel chested man would wrap his arms around her as she pulled him up in that fashion.. though one hand was still diped between the vixens thighs letting her ride out that climax... feeling how her walls moved and cleanched around his cock.. that thick girth spreading the woman whide.. and his breath would play with the fur at her neck before he was pulled in for that kiss... His eyes closed and he would let out a satisfied moan to those lips.. his member throbing now close to his own release.. oh so wery close... "mmmm were do you want it my dear?" he sais pulling away from those lips breathing heavy barely able to restrain his release now...

"Mmmm, right here," Callie moans, moving a hand down to her pussy and using her index and middle fingers to pry open the lips a little bit-- just long enough to indicate that he's to keep his cock right where it is. She's not at all worried about it; satyrs can't breed, and vixens can only breed after their Visitations. And surely neither of them have any diseases.

Danior would nod.. oh he wasnt worried either he just wanted to hear her.. wanted to get that last bit of confirmation.. he would grasp her by the shoulder and then he would turn things around completely pulling the vixen onto her back again lifitng up her legs around his waist high as he gives a last thrust pinning her down under his weight as he ejaculates deep within her.. his seed thick and wery warm... hot to the feeling even as it starts to pour in right against her wery core working its way in deeper.. making a last claim as he lets out a deep groan and leans his head forward in pleasure gritting his teeth with his jaw clenched tail frozen mid motion as shivers rand down up along his large back...

"Ahhhhh, yesssssss," Callie murrs as she feels Danior's hot spunk invading her, filling up her womb and sex with its thickness and viscosity. The vixen holds Danior tightly against her body, so that he'd get every little bit inside her, but some of it *does* fall out of her pussy, down the satyr's cock, and stain the red bedsheets beneath her body. "Mmmmm, man, I love being filled up," she says, and after a moment she finally slips off of him, moving onto her back and lying beside him.

<+Danior> The satyre would grinn proud at her words and when she slips of his member and that seed came pouring out he couldnt help but to move to lay on his side just to watch it.. licking his lips as he strokes his sensative cock.. it was still at half mast despite all this.. but he was looking a bit drained.. "thats good.. becus its what i do.." he sais reaching out with his hand gently to stroke the poor vixens clit with his thumb.. rubing some of that sticky mess along it...
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie's First Time with Gavin Talshine

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:45 am

January 29, 2019
Callie and Gavin Talshine

It's a little after seven o'clock in the morning, and Callie Volopa is making her way back into her room, where Gavin awaits her in bed. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen of the Verlosi Tribe is dressed only in a black nightgown, and she has a tray in one hand, upon which she carries two bowls of min'taba quiche, two mugs of coffee, and various essentials like a sugar bowl, some cloth napkins, and silverware. Callie uses her other hand to turn the doorknob, and she places the food tray down on the table inside her room, which has two chairs. Callie's room also has a queen-sized bed with red sheets and pillowcases; a desk with chair; a pair of end tables; and two lanterns. Callie and Gavin had gone upstairs together last night after their delightful time in the baths, but hadn't done anything in bed except cuddle. They'd kinda worn each other out.

Gavin had stirred to awakening while she had been out making the delicious food she brought before him. He sat there waiting for her his wings pulled about him and offered her a very satisfied smile as she entered. "Good morning Callie..."

Callie grins and says, "Good morning! Did the smell of food wake you up? I made us some min'taba quiche for breakfast. It's got cheese, potatoes, sausage, onions, eggs, and milk in it. It's one of my favorite dishes that I make here." As the fox speaks, she removes the food from the tray and slides everything onto the table, then she places the tray atop her dresser.

Gavin looked to her and nodded, his face serious. "That sounds amazing..." He slipped over to the table, clothed once more now. As he took a seat there he looked over everything. "I think you are bound determined to make sure I can't get enough of you or your cooking Callie. I wholeheartedly approve." He grinned to her and waited for her to find a seat to join him. This was...different for him. It wasn't solitude.

Callie takes the seat directly across from Gavin, and says, "You're probably right. If I don't reel you in with sex, I'll reel you in with food. Anyway, I'd like to say a prayer over the food... and then vulpine tradition states that I take my first bites before you take yours, since I'm the cook. Is that okay?"

Gavin chuckled softly and leaned over and kissed her upon the lips softly. "Oh trust me I'm quite reeled in. Please do. I always want to not only learn your traditions but also follow them. It sounds that that fox saved my life. I'm not sure what was behind it or who but I'm grateful for it."

"You've got me absolutely convinced that that fox saved your life," Callie says. She stretches her hands across the table, resting the backs of her hands against the backs of Gavin's, before she closes her eyes. When she prays, she speaks in Common, so that Gavin can participate as well. "Thank You, Our Lady, for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails. Bless the food we're about to eat. Bless she who prepared it, and those who prepared its ingredients. Thank You for bringing Gavin into my life and, if it indeed *was* Your Divine Influence that saved his life, thank You for that as well. Keeshan." ["Amen."] Callie opens her eyes and takes her first bite of min'taba, chasing it with a very small sip of black coffee just to fill the tradition so that Gavin needn't delay his drink any further. In the meantime, she adds three sugars and a small bit of cream to her coffee.

Gavin smiled softly as the prayer concluded and began to eat the food he knew would be wonderful before the first bite. He was eager to sample more of Callie had to offer him. The first bite was just heavenly to his taste and he sighed happily before taking a small sip of his water. "Hmmm...wonderful as always..."

Callie grins. "I'm glad you like it." She's tempted to ask him if this is the first time he's sampled vulpine cuisine, but she remembers that he'd been under the collar, so to speak, of another vixen for three years prior to meeting Callie, so she's afraid she'd just bring up bad memories by asking that question. Callie takes another couple bites of her min'taba, and then tests the coffee again. Just right.

Gavin commenced with eating slowly enjoying the food and just relaxing into this moment with her. It was nice to let the moments just tick by as he stared out a nearby window and ate the food. There was a serenity in it when he had nothing to worry about but a tender moment with someone you were beginning to grow close to.

Callie eats her food in silence for a few moments, and she looks out the window herself when she notices that Gavin is doing the same. "Yeah, it's not snowing, for a change," she posits. "A nice little touch of spring for a couple of days before the weather fae remind us where and when we really are."

Gavin finished the rest of his food and smiled to her and gave her another kiss though this one was not quite so soft, perhaps a bit insistent as his hands ran down her sides. He murred softly into the kiss before giving the base of her tails just a little attention.

Callie had just about finished her own food when Gavin finishes, and without saying a word, he leans in and kisses her. She lets out an 'mmm' and angles herself into it, smiling as she feels her tails being stroked. When the kiss is broken, she says, "You're thinking of picking up where we left off, aren't you?"

Gavin chuckled and smirked to her. "I'm thinking of a great many things...I just wanted to make sure the tails got proper attention is all." He gave her a now innocent smile. He didn't really expect her to buy it. "You said never to forget about the tails." He pulled back and returned to his seat and sat there with a knowing smile upon his lips

"Oh, I see," Callie says with a chuckle. She takes another sip of her coffee, which puts it below the halfway mark. "It's true, I *did* say that. Take care of the tails, and the tails will take care of you. Did I tell you how I got them?"

Gavin shook his head and grinned. "No you have not. But I would be delighted to hear your stories. I am so very curious about all that you are Callie..."

Callie finishes her coffee and her food, and says, "Well, then, let me give you a history lesson. Come back into bed with me." Callie rises to her bare feet and grabs a brush from atop her dresser, motioning for Gavin to sit up in bed with his back against the headboard.

Gavin wasn't sure what she had in mind or what he might have started with those actions a moment ago. He did however move to the bed and sit as she instructed him to do and looked to her attentively.

Callie hands Gavin the brush, and then sits in front of him, stretching out her legs and smiling. She puts the brush on her left tail. "This tail is the one I was born with. I'm 37 years old, and I was born the oldest of my litter of six siblings. Four new kits were born to my parents a little over three years ago, so I'm now, overall, the oldest child of ten."

Gavin took the fluffy tail and pressed his cheek into it a moment relishing the feeling of it upon his skin before running the brush with the grain of her fur to attend to her tail. He was more than happy to assist her this way really and nodded as she told her tale. "Ah. I see." He murmured as he continued to brush that tail of hers.

Callie reaches behind herself and moves Gavin's hand to her rightmost tail. The tails are in a cross formation, with a left tail, right tail, upper and lower, and a central one. "I was born in Verlosi'ka, about a day's travel south of here on mephos. Took me two weeks to get here on an Amahil caravan, though. I didn't earn any new tails until after I'd been in Nanthalion for a few months. There were two bounty hunters going after a friend of mine named Zaphikel; they tried to kidnap him out of The Lonely Inn and take him to... goddess knows where. I stood in their way with a loaded crossbow. One of them tried to shatter it with a chop of their hand, but the crossbow, made from the bark of a strong zelbringi tree, held together. I'll show it to you sometime; it still has an indentation where that chop occurred. My best friend at the time, Katie Valina, was *furious* with me for putting my life on the line like that. But when I woke up the next morning, The Lady had blessed me with my second tail. The one you have in your hands now."

Gavin nodded and now brushes her second tail as she spoke, slow strokes of the brush through her tails. He didn't seem to have issues with doing so for her, as if he had done this before. His hands were strong and confident upon her beautiful tails and he had not even the need to look upon them as she spoke, rather giving her words his full attention.

Callie takes hold of Gavin's hand again, moving it to her upper tail. "The story of my third tail is kinda funny. I'd been a mage for a few months at that point, and it took me a short time to decide what I wanted to do afterward-- should I continue on the Arcana path, specialize, or what? My Verlosi Tribe is a breakoff of the Water Tribe, and ultimately I decided on the path that so many of my ancestors chose-- I would become a water mage. One day I spent about eight hours thoroughly reading every page of the Water Mage Cantrip Journal, and doing the exercises between each chapter. After I finished it, I fell into a deep sleep, right there on the floor."

Gavin nodded to her and worked on that tail while she spoke. This was deeply calming for the metal smith and he was greatly enjoying his time working on her wonderful tails. Truth be told, due to his past he might have just a smallllll thing for vulpines but hey. Nobody's perfect.

"When I woke up," Callie continues, "I had three tails, and blue fur." Callie lifts her right hand up to the five-tailed fox earring in her right ear, pinches it between her index finger and thumb, and speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani. Her fur changes from crimson red and creamy white, to arctic blue and icy white. The color of the earring changes in like fashion. "This indicated both that I had become a water mage, and that The Lady was pleased with my choice. After a few minutes of looking at myself in the mirror, I went downstairs, where my best friend Allisa was sitting at a table. I hugged her, and she fell over and out of her chair, in shock and surprise. She didn't recognize me. I had to tell her how I met before she would believe it was me."

Gavin cocked his head to the side and then raised a brow as he looked to her. "Hmmm...that is extraordinary." He ran his round hands into the different color fur of her tail now and smiled to her. "I suppose she works in mysterious ways."

Callie decides to leave her fur blue for now, and she smiles as she moves Gavin's hand down to her lower tail. "The lower tail was granted a couple years later; my fourth. I don't really know what the tipping point was, on that. I guess it was just general self-improvement. You're right about The Lady; she's mysterious. And She doesn't feel the need to explain Herself."

Gavin just seemed to continue what he was doing now, seemingly lost in some thought. He was hearing her and understand if only subconsciously but he continued to brush the tail in a seamless pattern. His eyes were distant as a memory gripped him as he listened to her.

Callie allows Gavin to stroke and brush her lower tail for another full minute before she finally reaches the conclusion of her story. "I earned the fifth one, and the title of Musha Villa, when I helped rescue my future wife Allisa from a band of slavers, and assisted her in finding her long-lost sister. That's another funny story, in retrospect: She went out to find her sister, didn't come back, so I went out looking for her. Allisa had been captured by slavers, but had killed most of them before I got there to save her. The next day, we found her sister, whom Allisa had thought was a slave... but was actually happily married, with children."

Gavin blinked a few times and looked down to her fifth tail that he was now brushing. He shook his head a few times casting off the memory that was equal parts pleasant and painful. He nodded to her as he went back to brushing her final tail and forced a fragile grin upon his lips. "Well that's good at least. Well that's good! Everyone was found safe and sound." He tried to just hold onto that grin though it was likely that Callie didn't buy it. He set her tail down and ran a hand through her hair. That was when it hit him square in the temples. The migraines. One hand went to his forehead and his face scrunched up into a mask of pain. He set the brush down and turned his head away hoping he could hide it before callie saw he was in pain.

"Yes," Callie says. "Everyone was safe and..." Then she hears a subtle cry of pain from Gavin, and she turns around, looking at him with concern. "Are you all right, hon?" she asks. She soon realizes that he certainly isn't; he looks like he's in tremendous agony. "Goddess... is it your head? Did you hit it on something?"

Gavin swung his legs off the bed and moved away, his other hand used as a guide not to run into anything. He got to the door and reached into his pocket for a piece of parchment. He knelt down to the ground and went through the spell wizard's mark 3 times placing 2 blue wings with a hammer affixed over one wing and sword affixed over the other. He let out a ragged pant as the pain began to recede. "Dammit. I hate these migraines. It is my head...I have these migraines. Only focusing like doing magic or forge work helps."

"Do whatever you have to do," Callie encourages Gavin, drawing herself up into bed and sitting against the headboard with her legs stretched out in front of her. "Don't worry about me; take care of yourself. Is there anything *I* can do to help?" The vixen gives Gavin a concerned, compassionate smile.

Gavin stood back up and shook his head. "I wish there was. It's just something I have to deal with. I've had them since I was first taken. I'm just glad I learned to do simple spells like that to have an outlet. I keep the parchment with so I don't have to use a wizard's mark on someone's property."

"That's very wise," Callie says, "not defacing anybody else's personal stuff. If you're ever here and this happens, and you find yourself without paper, let me know, okay? You can always use some of mine. Have you tried going to the Healer's House? Maybe someone there can help you?"

Gavin moved back to her and crawled onto the bed with her. He leaned into her just setting his head upon her chest for a moment. "It's just that I haven't worked in a forge in a while. It's something that springs up when I can't do the work. I feel like I ruined a perfectly good morning. I'm sorry Callie."

Callie smiles gently, stroking her fingers against Gavin's ear. The other hand goes to one of his wings, but instead of targeting an erogenous zone, she deliberately goes for one of the calming points, as if she was a mother taking care of a sick child. "You haven't ruined anything, sweet one," Callie says. "I promise."

Gavin looked up to her and smiled wanly and moved to kiss her again, though this time it was a gentle kiss and his hand stroked her cheek tenderly. "Thank you..." He felt rather awful that was for sure. But this...was nice. he didn't feel so bad about all of it right now as if you werent all out of his control.

Callie's bedroom door opens slowly as an Elemental Servant comes in with two tall glasses of milk on a tray. "Here, let's have some milk together," the fox suggests. "It won't ease your headache or anything, but milk always makes *me* feel better, anyway." Callie gently helps Gavin to sit up.

Gavin chuckled and accepted the milk as it came in and began to drink it with. He grinned to her and nuzzled at her neck a moment before drinking the rest of his milk. The Torian seemed to be doing better now and stroked one of her tails gently just enjoying the feeling of it beneath his hand.

Callie drinks her milk far more slowly than Gavin, setting her glass down on the nearby end table when it's about half-empty. She smiles at the light touching of her hand to her tail. "Are you feeling better, hon?" she asks him. He looks like he's starting to relax quite a bit, and that pleases the fox.

Gavin nodded to her and set the glass aside before turning to her and pulling her close again "I am..." He leaned in and gave her a slow kiss again his hands resting upon her shoulders as his tongue slipped past her lips to dance with hers for a moment. He did seem quite taken with her.

Callie leans into the kiss, deciding to let Gavin dominate her tongue for a change, and then she breaks it, looking up at him as the Elemental Servant leaves with the dirty dishes, leaving only Callie's half-filled glass of milk. The vixen positions herself down on her back, and looks up at Gavin with an innocent smile on her face.

Gavin looks to her and that innocent smile and lofts a brow at her. "Oh my dear sweet Callie. What are you planning now, hmm?" He wasn't sure what she was going to do next but he thought it might be something. Was she gonna drive him crazy again, or perhaps wrap him up in her tails? Regardless he leaned down and kissed her lips again his hands going to caress and tease the bases of her tails.

Callie kisses Gavin again, and puts his hands on the back zipper of her nightgown. Her black nightgown, the only thing she wears, is shoulder-length, and starts at just above her white-furred breasts, terminating a few inches beneath her crotch. She breaks the kiss and breathes a little puff of air against Gavin's face.

Gavin tried to take a moment to catch his breath as she looked into her eyes, his azure orbs beginning to be tinged with desire. The Torian grinned down to her as he breathed in that puff of air. "Hmmm...hi there." He began to pull the zipper down ever so slowly.

Callie smiles sweetly and says, "Hello, Gavin," and she reaches out and lightly strokes his left wing with her right hand. This time, instead of going for the comforting area, she's quite deliberately going for the erogenous zone. She lifts up her left foot, and strokes her toes against his ankle.

Gavin groaned and leaned down and began to kiss along her neck lower down to her collar bone and back up to her ear his breath hot upon her neck. He moaned softly in her ear and helped her out of her nightgown the rest of the way before claiming her lips in another scorching kiss while his hands continued to massage her lovely tails.

Callie lets out a murr of delight through the kiss as Gavin removes her nightgown, leaving her as naked as the day she was born. She makes no attempt right now to divest Gavin of his tunic or pants, however. Instead, she continues to stroke his wings, now using her left hand to stroke his right wing in concert with her other hand.

Gavin whimpered out softly and began kissing down her neck with a murmur. His hands began to stroke up and down her tails as his lips continued their descent downward and he began tenderly sucking upon one of her nipples and moaned out softly the vibrations radiating out into the tender flesh as his tongue swirled around her nipple. He pressed against her, she could already feel how hard he was getting from this.

Callie gasps excitedly as she feels her tails and breast being played with, and she can feel his manhood pressing tightly against her, helping to further spark her desire. The vixen cries out, "Yes... yesssss, Gavin," and her fingers wiggle around in Gavin's wings, before her right hand moves off of his left wing, and onto the back of his head, which she'd found out last night really excites him. She strokes the hair there, and lightly pinches it.

Gavin positively writhes against her, her words urging him on to suck harder. Her hand in his hair just magnified everything, as she strokes his hair and his sensitive scalp. He moaned out audibly into her breast which only served to send vibrations through his tongue to be absorbed by the tender flesh of her nipple. Her words only seemed to make him more aroused.

Callie wriggles her fingers gently against Gavin's wing and the back of his head as her body lifts up, of its own accord, slightly off the mattress. After a moment, she murmurs, "Lick my pussy, Gavin. Mmmm, I wanna feel how good you are at that." Last night, Callie had sucked Gavin's cock, but then they'd made love the traditional way, with no oral reciprocation.

Gavin moaned out audibly and kissed down to her stomach and licked her lower lips ever so slowly letting his tongue slip inside her finally. He had of course meant to reciprocate but then she had yawned from fatigue. He had intended to wake her up this way but she made breakfast! So now he pressed in close to her and began to let his tongue lash out at her, moaning at the sweet taste of her.

Callie wriggles a little bit at the delightful feel of those kisses moving down her stomach, and she lets out a soft "mmmmm" of delight as she feels her pussy being explored by the bluewing's tongue. "Yessss, Gavin," she says. "Oh, just like that. Go in a little deeper. Rub my clitty with your thumb, too."

Gavin didn't have to be told really he was getting to that. However he did do as the vulpine requested, going in a bit deeper and his thumb slipped past her lips to rub and tease her. His other hand reached up and once more sought out the base of her tail, massaging and caressing the sensitive area he found there.

Callie smiles lasciviously upon feeling her clit and her tailbase played with at the same time, while Gavin's tongue works its magic on her sex. The fox is lost deeply in her lust and desire for the bluewing, who's already found his way into a special place of Callie's. She doesn't often sleep with someone on the first day that she'd met him, anymore, but he seems to be a kindred spirit, gentle, and passionate.

Gavin continued to do as she had been instructing though he passionately moaned now. He tasted the hot sweetness and pressed close as he could, his wings flapping gently behind him as he worked upon the writhing vulpine beneath him. His rough hands sought out a different tail and ran down it to find the base of another tail.

Callie leans her tail into Gavin's hand as he goes about his lovely task, and she murmurs out a prayer in Vulpani: "Our Lady... thank You for bringing Gavin into my life. Look down upon us with love as one of Your Mushani Villa does her best to fulfill your First Tenet. Bless Gavin in what he does; make the empire a safe home for him. Keep him alive and thriving for many years to come. Keeshan." Gavin would probably recognize none of those words, except for his own name, and the words 'Mushani Villa'. But he'd certainly be able to recognize, from context, that she's praying for him. For Callie, sex is a very spiritual experience.

Gavin was not really aware of all that was said but upon hearing his name he looked up to the vulpine, her juices coating his face as he cocked his avian head to the side and winked to her before returning to his lovely task of bringing the vulpine high priestess pleasure.

Callie looks down at Gavin just long enough to catch him winking at her, before he moves back to what he was doing. "Mmmmmm, Gavin," she murmurs. "Just like that, baby." Callie lifts her bare feet off the mattress, and strokes them against Gavin's arms while she tightly grips the hair on the back of his head with her right hand. Her left hand strokes very delicately against the top of his head; his wings are a bit out of her reach right now.

Gavin was coaxed on by her words and let his tongue lash that most sensitive area of hers, pulling it closer and sucked on it gently his other hand now caressing two of her tails at once like the mischeivous torian he was. He knew he was teasing her so much right now, but it was all to take her to greater heights of pleasure.

Callie is quite enraptured by what Gavin is doing right now, and nothing short of a clear and present danger would compel her to get up and walk away at this moment. She stretches her feet out, and wraps her legs around the bluewinged torian's body, pulling him as close to herself as she can. "Mmmmmm, make me come for you," she murmurs. "I wanna come for you."

Gavin suddenly pressed himself in further with her assistance and cried out, his hand slid by to the last two tails and squeezed and caressed tenderly along them. His teasing touches weren't the only thing he did though, also lashing and sucking on her most sensitive area with renewed attention trying to drive her over the edge now.

"Ahhhhh, goddess, yesssss," Callie exclaims. "Oh, Lady... ohhhhh, Gavin!" With that, she comes hard, her tails and toes curling tightly as the fox trembles in Gavin's embrace. Her sweet nectar pours over his face, and some of it gets onto the sheet below their bodies. Even as she orgasms, Callie can smell the delightful scent of fresh bread, coming from the kitchen. She can't tell right now if she's smelling it through her own senses or those of the Elemental Servant downstairs, however.

Gavin moaned out and drank down her juices happily. This was after all one of his favorite ways to pleasure a woman. He licked allll of her nectar up that he could and then pulled back and looked to her lust lidded eyes. " expected callie. Every part of you is irresistable. You certainly know how to welcome a new arrival." He smirked gently and reached up to cup her cheek in his hands. He leaned in and gave her one of those slow scorching kisses that he seemed to adore giving her but this time his tongue moved with hers, not letting her dominate the kiss for a moment.

Callie chuckles softly at Gavin's comment; she doesn't *want* him to be able to resist her. The Lady gave Callie a wonderful body and a beautiful spirit, and Callie had crafted her own intelligence and skills. She's quite amazing, and she knows it. When Gavin kisses her, she lets out an "mmmmm" of appreciation at the way he's taking over the gesture, and she tastes herself on his mouth.

Gavin smirked into the kiss and as he pulled away he licked his lips savoring the taste of her upon him. He smiled and just snuggled up next to her holding her close to him and nuzzling into her neck. He was at peace for the moment and whispered to her. "I'm really glad I chose Nanthalion to come to."

Callie nods, and pulls the blanket up to cover the both of them. "I'm glad, too. I have a little time before restaurant duties will pull me into the real world... let's just rest here for a little while, okay?" Callie's left hand strokes at the calming parts of Gavin's lovely, blue wing.

Gavin nodded to her and let his eyes close and lay there, just cuddling into the vulpine. He let out a content sigh and nuzzled into her neck again. It was a gentle expression full of compassion and safety from him for he truly did feel that way right now. "That sounds marvelous Callie."

Callie smiles, breathing in the delightful scent of the potato rolls, buttermilk biscuits, and Lingori'naan that she has her Elemental Servants baking downstairs. "You know, something I do with the bread is wrap them in cloths that are enchanted with the Warmth spell," she says. "The bread remains as hot at 8 o'clock in the evening as it was when I took it out of the oven at 8 o'clock in the morning. Rather clever, I think. Magic really improves my life."

Gavin smiled and just lay there under the blanket with her. He hadn't had well...ever. And he was pretty sure he liked it. Another part of him asked, where was the other shoe. It was going to fall, that other part said. It made him wonder if Callie was just waiting for a chance to hurt him. He pushed such dark thoughts away though and started to fall asleep in her arms.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:46 am

March 1, 2019
Callie and Gray (also called Athena)
Feat. Caroline

It's a little after seven o'clock at night, and Callie Volopa is sitting on the couch near the lit fireplace at Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, reading a book by the light of the fire and nearby lanterns. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen is dressed in a purple blouse with black and white trim; a black, knee-length skirt; and underclothes, leaving her feet comfortably bare. Behind her, sitting on top of the couch and facing outward, is her red tabby cat familiar, Caroline, who's positioned like that so that she can see anyone who comes by, and share that information through her psychic link with the fox. The restaurant is illumined by all the lanterns which serve as the centerpiece of each dining table, and there are more on the bar, between every third stool. Outside, the snow is blowing hard, and Callie would be very surprised if anyone came out in this mess. But Callie has two Elemental Servants out in downtown Nanthalion, in the form of four-armed, two-legged humanoids, with shovels in each of their hands. One is on Main Street, and one is on Meridian. Both of them are clearing snow off the roads.

Gray had found herself out in the snow and the weather, trudging through the streets. Taking the sojourn as a means of thought and inspiration, her form huddled in her cloak. It had been the elementals that had drawn her attention, but with the remembrance of Callie's magic, and the recognition of the streets, Gray found her steps truding towards the restaurant without so much as a concious thought. Soon, Gray stood out front of the restaurant, cloaked in the thick travelling cloak, begining to pad up to the door. She kicks her wet boots near the entrance to remove most of the snow, shaking open her cloak before stepping into the restaurant. The same familiar clothing hugged her body, but today, the tunic hang against her breasts, apparently going unbound as Gray pulls off her cloak to hang it by the door. Gaze shifting over the inside of the tavern as her hands moved to her arms, rubbing them softly to warm herself from the chill.

Through her bond with Caroline, Callie sees Gray stopping in front of the 15-foot-tall, glass-paned double doors that serve as the front entrance to CVC. As Gray prepares herself to enter, Callie has plenty of time to set her book down on the coffee table, rise to her feet, and make her way towards the doors. When Gray enters, Callie waves at her. "Vizhra and good evening, Gray!" she exclaims. [Vulpani: "Greetings"]. "Welcome to Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, and thank you for braving the weather to be here. I hope you enjoy my hospitality today!" The furnishings, paintings, painted bar counter, and warm atmosphere lend a very different feeling to CVC than The Lonely Inn has. This is clearly a classy place.

Gray smiles warmly seeing Callie, offering a slight tilt of her head at the Vulpani word used to greet her, but she nods. "Greetings, Callie, or is Callista?" Gray offers with a soft voice but warm tone. Pausing to glance around for a moment before looking back to Callie, another slight smile coming to her lips. "Though once again I feel like I am exploiting said hospitality, but at least I bring some coin with me." Gray shares, hands easing from her arms as the warmth of the room begins to soak into her.

"You can call me Callie," the vixen says. "Callista is my full name-- Callista Kayami Volopa-- and it's the name I went by when I started the restaurant, but I'm more casual now. Come, sit. Can I get you something to drink? As far as hot beverages, I have coffee, mulled cider, and hot water for tea all ready, and I can make hot chocolate too, if you give me a few minutes."

Gray pauses gently, eyes moving to cast around the restaurant for a moment. "Are you busy?" Gray asks gently, before looking back to Callie, nodding with the instruction moving to approach the bar for a moment, easing into a seat as those eyes track Callie. "I think... The cider, please." Gray answers with a small nod.

Callie nods, and grabs two mugs shaped like the face of a nonsapient red fox, vulpes vulpes. Into these mugs, she pours some mulled cider, and then she provides Gray with a bottle of room-temperature rum, should she wish to spike her drink. Callie chooses to leave hers as is, and she takes a gentle sip. "No, not busy at all," the vixen insists.

Gray tilts her head gently at the mug, brow rising softly as she looks up to Callie. "You mentioned the original colour of your fur once... Can I ask what it was?" Gray querries softly, smiling at the fox, before she moves to take a soft sip. A moment's consideration given, before she reaches for the bottle of rum, and with a faint smile of abashment, guiltily spikes the sweet drink, before closing the bottle and setting it back.

If Callie notices that Gray feels slightly embarassed by her decision to put some booze in her cider, the vixen has the forbearance not to mention it aloud. Some people prefer spiked mulled cider, others like it the way it comes, and there's no right or wrong answer to that question. Callie gestures to herself. "What you're looking at, right here, is the original color of my fur. I have a Color Change enchantment on my earring." Callie turns her head to the left so that Gray can see the earring in her right ear, which is that of a red-furred, five-tailed fox. She turns back to face her. "And I can change the color back at will." Callie touches her earring with thumb and forefinger, and speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani. The vixen's fur of crimson red and creamy white changes to arctic blue and frosty white. "This is what I woke up to the morning I became a water mage," she says.

Gray blinks softly, offering an abashed smile with her mistake, moving to take a sip of her now spiked cider. A low hum of pleasure as the warmth spreads through her chest. Her eyes shift over Callie, as she pondered softly. "I do like the red the most, but I think the blue and white are also beautiful." Gray shares gently, pausing as she blinks gently. "I mean, if it's not rude of me to comment about the colour of your fur."

Callie shakes her head. "You can ask me anything you want," the vixen replies, and she repeats the process with her earring to re-activate her Color Change spell. If Gray's paying particularly close attention, she might notice that the word of Ancient Vulpani Callie uses this time is different than the first one. "I agree, the blue and white are beautiful. I didn't think so at first, which is why, after becoming a water mage, I was so quick to get this earring. But I *do* think that red is definitely more my color."

Gray considers Callie's original statement softly, a moment of thoughtfulness before she nods in agreement with the colour. "Honestly, I believe you would look good in nearly any colour." Gray states softly, blinking slightly at her own statement, before with a softly abashed smile she queries. "Is it a bad time to ask you about some things I have been... Struggling with?" Gray ventures, a self-concious glance around her, before her gaze returns to the vulpine. "If it's ah... Intruding, I can try another time."

"It's not a bad time at all," Callie says. "Hm, but let's get some food started. I'm going to have a bowl of min'taba quiche for my dinner. Would you like the same?" Callie pulls out a menu, opens it up, and shows Gray the listing for the sausage and quiche entree. The vixen's five tails sway lightly behind her in a friendly manner.

Gray looks to the menu with Callie's stated choice, reading the listing for a moment, before her eyes shift to Callie's tails with the moment. A humoured smile coming to Gray's lips before her eyes rise to meet Callie's. "Sounds lovely." Gray answers, nodding her confirmation.

"Okay," Callie replies. She turns to face away from Gray and towards the cooking appliances for a moment, and she speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani while wiggling her fingers just so. Another Elemental Servant appears, this one in the restaurant, bringing the total number of Callie's active minions to three, with the other two still outside, shoveling snow. This particular minion, however, looks a lot like Callie, except that it has but one tail, and is made out of translucent-blue hard water surrounded by a thick membrane. It's this creature that begins cooking the meal. Callie, meanwhile, sits down across from Gray at the bar counter, and says, "What would you like to talk about?"

Gray tilts her head gently, eyes following the Callie-Elemental for a few moments before looking back to Callie. A slight flush coming to Callie's cheeks for a moment before she shrugs gently. "I am guessing you have picked up on my... Awkwardness, and you've mentioned and... Shown, the- uh... Pursuit of pleasure..." Gray begins, flushing gently as her eyes fall to the cup in her left hand, her right rising to scratch gently at the side of her neck as she flushes between embarassment and abashment.

Callie would have to be daft indeed not to notice Gray's embarassment now. Indeed, Callie herself sometimes rubs the side of her neck when she gets embarassed, or when she's about to say something that she knows won't be taken well by her listeners. "I've noticed, yes," the fox comments. "I was raised in a fairly free and open city, even by vulpine standards; not everyone has the same opportunities, I know."

Gray nods softly to Callie, gaze falling back to her cup self-conciously. "My uh... Education so far hasn't been... Pleasant. I, ah... Know how to do... Things that men enjoy, I was in no uncertain terms taught them- But I have found myself... Wanting to do them, and with- ah... Women." Gray flushes deeper here, her uncertainty growing as her gaze flicks up to Callie in a furtive glance. "But you don't seem to think that such pursuits are wrong, and I feel... Feel like I can trust your opinion."

Callie nods. "I do *indeed* do those things with both men *and* women. I consider myself to be pretty much pansexual, though there are a couple of species who don't interest me sexually. Centaurs, for one. But no... vulpine culture doesn't condemn bisexuality, and promiscuity is considered a virtue. It's all part of the 'pursuit of pleasure' command of the First Tenet."

Gray hums softly, gaze rising to Callie, bashful and uncertain but she moves to offer a gentle nod of her head. "I guess I still feel... Conflicted... This place is so different from my father's house." Gray states softly, a bashful but warm smile comes to Gray's lips as she nods gently to Callie. Before with a gentle flush Gray's eyes fall back to the cup as she querries softly. "Um... Could I brush your tails sometime? I am kinda... Fascinated by them."

Callie smiles gently. "You can brush them right *now*, if you'd like," she says. "I've got a brush inside my coffee table drawer. I brush my tails every day to keep them looking their best, but it *is* so much nicer when someone else does it for me." The vixen looks quite pleased that Gray has asked to do this for her.

Gray smiles up to Callie, that bashfulness lingering but her demeanour turning warmer, more casual as she nods. "I thought it was going to be weird." Gray confesses with a warm note of humour. "But uh, thanks for putting up with me, and that... Especially when you've only just met me." Gray comments with easing embarassment.

"Well, you're pleasant to talk to, and I make it a point to never turn down tail-brushings from nice people," Callie says. "Besides, the quiche will take about another ten minutes to cook. We've plenty of time." Callie rises to her bare feet and moves over towards the coffee table, grabbing her brush out of its drawer. While she's doing that, Gray would suddenly feel a furred form brushing against her left foot, and a soft 'meow?'

Gray followed Callie with her eyes, attention pausing only when her gaze falls down to the brush at her feet, assuming it to be a feline of some kind, she reaches down before really looking. Fingers moving to tease about the familliar's ear and begining to scritch gently at and around it's base. "Awww, who's a pretty kitty." Gray states softly to the familiar.

Caroline adjusts her head a little bit to aid Gray in scratching behind her ear, and the little cat begins to avidly purr, her tail standing almost straight up except for a light curl at the tip. Callie smiles, and feels the cat's contentment through their psychic link. "That's Caroline, my familiar," Callie says as she returns with the brush. She takes the barstool to Gray's left, and hands the woman the brush. "She likes to make friends."

Gray smiles down at the cat, attention easing back to Callie with her statement and approach. Gray offers a simple nod of acknowledgement, before she smiles bashfully to Callie. "Would it be rude to make a joke about it being your turn to get petted?" Gray asks softly, moving to take the brush. Gray offers the cat a bashful smile as her gaze turns to Callie's tail, moving to gently take the left one. Gripping the base gently, moving to work the brush into slow, smooth strokes, brushing about a foot each time, slowly working around Callie's tail to ensure every inch in that first foot is covered.

Callie chuckles softly. "Well, whether it's rude or not, you just *did* make the joke, and you can't take it back." She laughs softly. "My preferred tail-order is left, right, upper, lower, center, by the way. That's the order in which they were granted to me. Well, I was *born* with my left tail, actually."

Gray smiles warmly with Callie's laugh. "Ah, I probably shouldd've asked about the order, but atleast I'm right so far." Gray smiles warmly, the brush working steadily higher, gently tilting Callie's tail this way and that from the base. An eye shifting to Callie's expression as with a gentle curiousness, Gray begins to gently squeeze, alternating her fingers and rolling her palm to gently knead at the base of Callie's tail. All while brushing the fur higher up Callie's tail.

Callie grins at that, but Gray can't see it, because the fox has her back turned to her. She reaches out with her right hand to grab another few sips of that mulled cider. "Vulpines are born with anywhere from zero to two tails. The vast majority of us get but one. My best friend, Syl`Zhalti-- who's a very talented artist who painted the very bar we're sitting at-- was born with no tails, and didn't get her first until several years after she became an adult. Zero-tailed vulpines face discrimination and mockery in our society, I'm sorry to say. The first time I saw Syl, she was getting beaten up by a much bigger, older child, on account of being a zero-tail. I stood up to him and basically saved Syl's life; she was in a bad way. Afterwards, the boy's mother went up to my mother and complained about how I'd treated her son, but when she saw the extent of Syl's injuries, she was far more contrite."

Gray blinks softly with Callie's statement, letting both hands slowly work up Callie's tail. Once gently rubbing and kneading as the other brushes the furr. Gray's eyes drifting between her work and Callie's back. Gray offers a tender hum at the end of the tale, nodding gently even if Callie couldn't see it. "I can feel for her... But yes, I hope that were I in that situation I would do the same." Gray shares softly. "I am glad that your friend got her tail, or tails in the end. Such stigma can be rather unsettling at times." Gray states gently, letting the brush ease from the tip of Callie's tail, the kneading hand following shortly. Before Gray's attention moves to Callie's right tail, keeping with the mentioned order.

"Yeah. I left Verlosi'ka and eventually made my way here about 12 years ago," Callie says. "I didn't know how long I'd be, but I just felt some wanderlust. So I didn't really tell anyone that I was leaving, or where I was going, because for all I knew, it'd be temporary. So, a few years later, Syl got her first tail after sketching an extraordinary rendering of me. She decided to go looking for me, and found me behind the bar of The Lonely Inn. Mmm, that feels good," Callie adds.

Gray shifts her right hand, moving it before the brush now. Her fingers press into Callie's fur, rubbing with her finger-tips at the center of Callie's tail, scritching at it gently as those fingers draw up the tail, pausing now and then to grip softly as she trails the brush through Callie's fur. Alternating the motions slowly as she steadily works over Callie's second tail. "I have always been envious of artists, to work like that with one's hands and to produce something beautiful. I imagine that render of you must have been very beautiful."

"It was exquisite," Callie says. "After spending some time up here, making a bit of money, Syl got enough to buy herself a house in town. She invited me in to see it, and I used my Elemental Craft spell to fashion a pair of sleeping bags for us, because it was completely bare of furnishings. Syl fell asleep almost immediately, and The Lady appeared to me-- granting Syl her second tail." Callie beams brightly. "It was quite the sight, witnessing one's own goddess manifesting on the earth. I was frightened at first, though, because I feared that The Lady was coming to take Syl away."

Gray tilts her head softly as she listens, moving to the next tail, begining to scratch and knead her way up it, brushing with the other hand. Choosing the 'upper' tail next. Eyes falling to her work then back up. "I can imagine... Any god manifesting would be scary, even the good ones." Gray observes softly, blinking with the final statement. "Can I ask why you thought your Lady would take her?" Gray queries.

Callie closes her eyes, her bare toes curling in pleasure as Gray starts to work on her upper tail. "Well, I love The Lady, and She's even taken over my body once in the past, but I feared what Her manifestation might mean. I guess my faith faltered. I was just... so used to seeing Syl get hurt, or at least, disappointed. I couldn't believe it would be good news, is all." Callie chuckles softly. "Although, once I punched that guy, the bullies in Verlosi'ka understood that Syl`Zhalti was off-limits. No one wanted a piece of me growing up. Vulpines are fiercely loyal to our friends, and vicious towards our enemies."

Gray continues quietly, though smiling, eyes shifting up to Callie's back with those final words. "Well, I hope to continue thusly, and emulate your fine example." Gray states softly, working on Callie's tail and perhaps brushing a little bit more then necessary, fingers working a little longer on Callie's tail before they finally move to the 'lower' tail. "Are your tails as sensitive as one another, or do you get different sensations from them?" Gray offers the curiousity.

"They're all just a little bit different," Callie says. "I've been a five-tailed vulpine for several years and what I'm about to say has long since been moot, but-- there's something called a ganyo'pal, a 'tail adjustment period', that we get when a new tail is granted by The Lady. Part of it is, we have to readjust our center of gravity. Just about everyone falls the first time they try to walk with the sudden extra weight. But the more fun part of it is, our tails are extra-sensitive for a few weeks. Of course, our lovers *quite* enjoy taking advantage of that." The vixen laughs, and wiggles all of her tails except for the bottom one, which is the one being brushed right now.

Gray offers a warm hum of humour as Callie wriggles her tails, pausing to gently brush her 'kneading' hand into the writhing limbs, stroking the wiggling tails. "Do you like playing with them... During ah, being taken advantage of?" Gray attempts to query the topic, only to stumble over her own awkwardness, a tender laugh slipping form her lips at her own fumbling. Hand returning to Callie's tail, finally moving to take the center one. But Gray moves to pause, easing her hand down to the base, moving to spread her fingers between Callie's tails, begining to drag in finger-tip in towards the center and out again.

"You mean, 'while being made love to'?" Callie asks. "Sounds better than 'being taken advantage of.' That implies that I'm a not-altogether-willing participant. Anyway, the answer is a definite yes. Tail-brushing and caressing is great foreplay for a vulpine. Especially when someone touches the tailbases, which are an erogenous zone. But it's not the *entirety* of foreplay, of course." Callie smiles. "In any event, we vulpines have tremendous sexual stamina, and most of us are well-educated in the ways of sex. At the age of 18, I was put into a sex ed class, complete with a thick textbook covering the likes and dislikes of every sapient species. We even had sex in school. And I graduated at the top of that class."

Gray blinks gently, fingers pausing gently, head tilting softly. "So... This is a rather forward touch?" Gray querries gently, rubbing those fingers around the bases of Callie's tailing, shifting the brush to begin to brush the center all the while. Gray's cheeks meanwhile flush at the mention of the sexual education class. "I ah... Cannot begin to imagine that... I suppose it is another subject to ask you about sometime..."

"It's not *too* terribly forward, no," Callie says. "Anyway, as I said, I like you, so you can brush my tails whenever you like. As for sex ed..." Callie chuckles softly. "We were actually assigned partners for our first time. I was assigned a very nice man named Hikasha Romaine. Rather than have our first time in front of the class, though, we went out into the woods and had our own little private time to ourselves. We thought we were being so subversive, but I found out later that that's rather common. Hikasha later realized he was gay, and got married to a soldier, while he himself owns Hikasha's Knickknack Shack back home in Verlosi'ka."

Gray blushes faintly with the offer of brushings whenever. "I'll take you up on that..." Gray comments softly, blinking gently as the story turned to the class. She holds a warm smile, begining to brush Callie's center tail now, the last. Hand still moving to stroke, tease, scritch and rub at the bases of Callie's tails, and the small of Callie's back above and around them. "I can't say I can really imagine a whole class of Vulpani rutting at once... Okay, maybe I can..." Gray comments, flushing gently. "But I think I would've done as you did, seeked some manner of privacy."

Callie nods. "Turns out more than half the class did the same thing. It's not really against the rules, but it's frowned upon. And actually, Vulpani is just the name of the language. We're known in both Common and Vulpani as being 'vulpines'. So, yeah, it wasn't just me and Hikasha, though. By the end of the class, I'd made love to most of it. The lessons are pretty extensive and thorough. One thing that I discovered about myself is that I don't like to be tied up."

Gray blinks softly, brow rising with that statement, offering a quiet hum of acknowledgement. "I... Cannot say that I blame you?" Gray ventures with faint, perhaps tentative humour. Brushing along Callie's tail, working the tips of fingers around the very base, rubbing around the bottom of each tail. Letting the brush rise and fall, and rise, as Gray nears the end of Callie's final tail. "Did you have a ah... Favorite, in your class?"

"Gosh, I'd have to give it some thought," Callie says. But then it comes to her very quickly. "Clarice. Clarice Punta. But lemme give you some background information, 'cuz there's a pretty funny story behind that. Clarice was one of my best friends growing up, and I was always very attracted to her. Well, one day during sex ed class-- this was after I'd had sex with Hikasha but before they'd announced the next set of partners-- Clarice and I got into an argument with each other. Can't remember what it was about."

Gray offers a faint huff of humour with Callie's prompt answer after stating it might be a while. Gray's head tilts softly, watching Callie idly. "Sooo, you have that argument, and the next thing is, they tell you to have sex with one another?" Gray querries, tone too humoured to show any form of abashment or scandal. But there was a faint flush to her cheeks, which she moves to hide by looking down at Callie's tail. A hint of curiousity coming as she lifts it gently, brushing the tip softly against her features, a quick sniff to note the scent of Callie's fur.

Right now, Callie's fur smells primarily of flour and cooking oil, but it's not an altogether unpleasant smell. It's the scent of hard work in the kitchen. "Actually, I was in my room later that day doing my homework, and I get a knock on the door. It's Clarice, wanting to apologize. We make up, start talking, and..." Callie makes a gesture with her hands.

Gray hums softly, nodding gently. "I can... See how that happened." Gray states softly, letting those tails trail across her lap, once she finished. A hand moving to rise gently, teasing behind Callie's ear to scritch at it softly. Much the way that Gray had down with the cat. All the while the knight watches and listens.

Callie murrs as she feels Gray starting to scritch her ear, and beneath their feet, Caroline begins grooming herself, by licking at her paw and then rubbing it behind her ear. "So, a little later I hear the door opening, I turn, and there's my mother looking at me kinda askance. And that's when I realized there's no nonchalant way to remove your head from another girl's crotch."

Gray smiles warmly with Callie's murr, fingers working along the base of Callie's ear. The other hand moving to reach around Callie, set that brush in Callie's lap. Other hand moving to rise and begin to scratch at the other. Gray moving to gently lean into Callie's back. Covered breasts pressing into Callie's back. A tender gasp comes with the mentioning of the door opening, and a moment before Gray manages a gentle hint of laughter at Callie's statement. "I... I imagine that to be quite hard, yes." Gray agrees with a faint blush.

Callie grins. "So, Mom closes the door without saying a word. Clarice and I look at each other and just start laughing; we get our clothes back on without finishing. This is on one of the days in which my entire nuclear family is home for dinner, see. Oftentimes we're with den-parents instead of our regular parents. More of them; easier to give everyone individualized attention. We head out, trying to be all cool and collected-- and Mom has just finished setting an extra place at the table for Clarice, for dinner."

Gray shake my head softly, hands slowly teasing down from Callie's ear. A tender hum of thoughtfulness as Gray moves to gently rest her hands on Callie's sides. "Would you like some more brushing or scratching?" Gray querries gently. Before with a tender hum of agreement she shares. "That must have been awkward."

"Nah, dinner's ready," Callie says, as the Elemental Servant puts the sausage, potato, cheddar cheese, onion, and egg quiche into two bowls, and gives each of them a bottle of sweet tea to go with it. "Min'taba quiche and Callie's 'Darn Good' sweet tea, sha la zosho ki kuna palza," Callie says. "That means, 'from my heart to your stomach.' A traditional vulpine meal blessing."

Gray smile warmly, before with a gently bashful smile moves to step back from Callie. Attention turning to the food, a slight rumble of her stomach sharing both her desire to eat it, and perhaps how long it had been since she had good food. "Cooked with love and magic." Gray comments softly, eyes slipping to Callie. "Thank you, Callie." Gray states as she moves to take a seat once again.

Callie remains at the seat next to Gray, and she takes her first bite of min'taba. The bottles of sweet tea actually have an image of Callie on them, quaffing a bottle and looking quite happy. Above her image, in both Common and the flowing language of Vulpani, are the words 'Callie's "Darn Good" Sweet Tea'. Beneath her image, in both languages, are the words, 'Your taste buds deserve nothing less!' "Yes, love and magic, literally, in the case of the latter," Callie says.

Gray would begin to eat, the first bite the slowest as she began to hum gently with pleasure, letting the food linger in her mouth as she savours the taste. Eyes turn to Callie with unbridled affection and thanks, as she returns to steadily eating. Pausing only after a few bites to take the tea, considering it a moment before taking a long sip. A long sigh of pleasure slipping from Gray's lips as she relaxes in her chair. "I do believe I am enjoying this." Gray confesses quietly.

"Oh, good," Callie says with a beaming smile. "My cooking is something that I take great pride in. I've had many jobs-- head of the Sorcerous Sanctuary, soldier, General Store clerk, bartender, detective-- but this is the one that's brought me the most joy in my life." Callie takes another bite. "So, what's *your* story, Gray?"

Gray blinks softly with the various jobs. Quickly staring at Callie, with a gentle raise of a brow that mixtures disbelief, humour and awe into a single expression. Then that question and Gray falters slightly, attention returning to her plate though it seems to sour her appetite a bit. "Nothing grand, or really interesting." Gray states gently, moving to set down her fork before looking to Callie fully. Tentative for a moment, hesitating, as her eyes look to Callie's, appraising for just a moment before she bows her head in acquiescence. Though her gaze falls back to her plate. "My father was a knight, my mother the daughter of a rich merchant. My father chose her because her dowry could pay for a new road. I... Had, an elder brother, but he passed when I was young."

"I'm sorry about your brother," Callie says, bowing her head respectfully. "You're a knight now yourself? Following in your father's footsteps?" She takes a long sip of her sweet tea, and asks, "Did he train you?"

Gray nods softly, though there seems to be a lack of pleasure with that statement. "when he lost his brother, and his heir, he well... turned to me. My life changed suddenly then." Gray observes gently, pausing to roll her jaw in a tender mulling of her feelings. "I was mostly ignored by him as a girl, but once my brother passed... He started having me dress like a boy, train with swords, even chose the toys I was allowed to play with." Gray comments softly, rolling her shoulders idly. "And then... He ordered the serfs on his land to refer to me as Gray, and as his male heir." Gray comments with a sense of bitter humour, looking to Callie. "I... Didn't tell you my name was Athena, did I?"

Callie sighs softly, knowing from experience the discrimination women suffer sometimes in the military. "No, you didn't tell me that. Would you prefer I call you Athena?" Callie gives Gray a gentle smile, willing to do whatever she needs to to make the other woman feel comfortable. She's away from her father now; she can go by whatever name she wants, is Callie's opinion.

Gray hums softly, a tender note of consideration before she smiles warmly to Callie. "I would like it if -you- called me Athena, yes." Gray smiles, a hand rising to scratch gently at her neck, a slight blush coming to her cheeks. "Maybe not in public though?" Gray adds gently, glancing down at her food. "And... Where was I?" She querries softly. "Oh right... Yeah... After that, I met my father's liege... Entered his service as a squire, then a page..." Gray trails off softly, a slight tension coming to her jaw. Eyes steeling themselves.

Callie nods at Gray's suggestion. "Athena, but only in private," she murmurs. Okay. She can do that. When she sees Gray starting to tighten up, the vixen figures it's the same old story; the liege took advantage of her after discovering she was female. "If he hurt you, you don't have to talk about it," she encourages her.

Gray shrugs softly, calming with that statement as Gray's grey eyes turn to Callie's a mixture of relief and gratitude. "I ... Imagine you know the rest already... He kept my secret atleast, let the courts pretend I was my father's son. After a few years I was released from my vow, and now... Here I am." The last comes with a hint of relief as Gray looks around the restaurant, before looking back to Callie. "And I would like to believe making friends."

Callie smiles gently. "Well, you certainly *have* made at least *one* friend, Athena," she says. She reaches out and gives the human a light hug. Meanwhile, the Elemental Servant comes out from behind the bar and locks both the 15-foot-tall double doors, and the fae door, which stands two feet high and four feet off the ground. In fact, if Gray looked around the restaurant, she'd see that it's designed with accessibility in mind for all races. The stools and chairs are all reinforced, but each of them also has a series of rungs on them for species like dwarves and halflings. There's even fae-sized furniture atop the bar counter, towards the middle. There's also a shot glass full of sugar cubes on the bar near the fae furniture, but now that the shop is closed for the evening, the minion dumps it back into the sugar bag.

Gray grasps Callie warmly, the followig squeeze perhaps a little tight for just a moment. Gray's body pressed warmly against Callie's as Gray's chin moves to rest on Callie's shoulder. A low hum of pleasure with the embrace and that statement. Gray's eyes tearing up gently. Only for the sound of those doors locking causing Gray's head to rise. Moving to lean back to bring her gaze to look into Callie's eyes, blinking back the hint of tears. "Are you... Locking the doors for a reason?" Gray manages gently, lips taking a warm, affectionate smile.

Callie gives Gray a gentle, reassuring smile. "It's closing time, is all," she says. "I need to do a little bit of paperwork. You're free to leave, but you could stay here for the night, if you'd like to. I've got a customer bedroom, in accordance with the laws of my hometown of Verlosi'ka. Every business is required to have at least one bedroom. If you'd like to hang out until I'm done with the ledger, there's a couch there, and a bookcase."

Gray smiles with the offer, head tilting gently. "Or... If it's not too much distraction, I do have a brush and you do have some lovely tails that could use some more pampering?" Gray offers gently, a bashful note coming to her lips. "I am quite taken with them, and I do know the order now."

Callie chuckles softly. "Hee, if you do that while I'm trying to do the ledger, I'll never get it done," she says. "My tails are sensitive enough that I just sorta forget myself when they're being brushed. But my paperwork shouldn't take *too* awfully long, and then you can go right back to pampering mah tails."

Gray seems pleased with Callie's laugh, a sincere smile coming to the woman's lips as she offers a soft nod. "Alright, I will wait patiently." She answers Callie gently, looking like a kid being told to wait for candy for just a moment. "I think I will explore the room and bookcase you mentioned."

Callie grins, and takes hold of Gray's hand for a moment, squeezing it gently. Then she goes behind the bar counter and retrieves the ledger before heading upstairs. The first door she'd come to is for her bedroom/office, and she opens it, sitting at her desk and breaking out the abacus. In the meantime, Callie's Elemental Servant starts in with washing dishes.

Gray squeezes Callie's hands softly, watching the fox slip away. A slightly wistful look coming to the knight's eyes for a moment before she begins to look about herself, pausing to pull off her boots. She lets her pale feet pad along the floor as she moved to explore the restaurant. Pausing as her curiousity moved to pull her gently towards that servant. Eyes resting on the watery-form of a single tailed Callie. But whatever thought that lingered in Gray's mind was abandoned as she would turn and proceed to seek out that room. Moving to sprawl across the bed on her back. "I wonder what would have happened if I stroked the... What did she call them? ... But the water Callie's tail." She shares the question with the room.

Callie hears Gray's question upstairs through the ears of the Elemental Servant, and chuckles. Speaking through the voice of the minion for the first time, Callie says, "The water Callie's cleanin' up, Athena! Shoo! Read a book or somethin'; I'll be right with you." There are several books on the shelf, including a few novels, and the triestan religious canon, but by far the thickest one is entitled "The Verlosi Tribe Guide to Multi-Species Sex Education, 23rd Edition".

Gray blinks with Callie's answer, cheeks flushing with abashment. "I guess that answer's that question." Athena answers with quiet humour. And with that very suggestion, she moved to check out the books and... Naturally found the thickest once. A flush coming to her cheeks, as she glanced out of the bedroom for a moment. Furtively moving to draw it gently. "Just a peek..." she whispers to herself, sitting on the foot of the bed, opening the book gently. "For... For... Ah... Legitamate reasons I will come up with later..." she explains absently, begining to flick through the pages as her cheeks coloured more and more.

The elemental servant watches as Gray takes hold of a book and goes into the customer bedroom, sitting down to read it, but it doesn't observe which book Athena had chosen. It's got its own duties, and so does Callie. As Gray flips through the sex book, she'd see full-color illustrations of every species, male and female, and information about their erogenous zones, and comfortable sexual positions. There's even some things in there about their religion and literature. This is not a book that's *just* about intercourse. It's about understanding one's partner on a deeper, emotional and cultural level.

Gray would shift between the pages, checking to see if it covered Vulpines as well. Easing onto the bed, she let the book rest open as she laid upon her stomach. Cheeks flushed, finger teasing across the page as she would at the illustrations, half marveling at the art, half staring bashfully. "Wow... I'm half envious of just being vulpine..." Gray murmurs to herself, smirking softly. "My father would've hated me saying that."

Indeed, the book covers vulpines as well. It mentions the tail-adjustment period that Callie had told Gray about; how a vulpine with a new tail needs time to get used to having it, and until then, it's extra-sensitive. It talks about the proper way to brush a vulpine's fur, and where on their tails to touch. It mentions that their feet are usually erogenous zones, as opposed to other races, whose feet are often ticklish. It also brings up the place behind their ears. And it covers vash'ri [full-furred] and nal'ri [little-furred] vulpines alike. Nal'ri vulpines have fur only on their ears and tails.

Gray hums with gentle interest as she reads, half caught between simply studying, and fantasizing. As she garners that information, she pauses gently. Cheeks flushed, she moves to stand and for the moment carry the book back to the shelf, replacing it gently. And moving to pad softly back to the bedroom to wait. Not wanting to be caught reading it, but also left curious and wondering. Feet, ears, tails... the specific techniques for the tails playing through Gray's mind as she lays, staring up at the ceiling almost dreamily.

Callie comes back down from the bedroom after completing her ledger for the day and locking it up in her desk. The Elemental Servant had completed its task and disappeared while Gray had come out to the living room to put the book away "Athena?" Callie says. "Athena, still about?" Callie walks down the stairs, not seeing her new friend on the couch, where she'd expected to find her.

Gray eases onto her feet, cheeks faintly flushed as she's pulled from her day dreaming. She follows her name, smiling to Callie. "Of course." She smiles warmly to Callie, a hand rising to gently brush a few loose strands of hair from her face, back over her ear. "Ah, where do you want me?" Gray offers gently.

Callie sees Athena come out of the customer bedroom, and she scratches her chin, pretending not to notice Athena's desire for the fox. "You just came out of the bedroom... are you tired, hon?" she asks. Callie sits down on the couch, and her keen eyes see that the sex book has been moved. It's in the same slot, but it's a little crooked.

Gray moves to walk over to Callie, pausing gently. Head tilting softly as she looks down at Callie. "I am... Being foolish again, I think." Gray shares, but despite her statement she moves to sit beside Callie. Cheeks offering another faint flush of embarassment as Gray glances away from Callie. "How many blushing women have you had fawn over you, like this?" Gray queries with gentle embarassment before looking back to Callie. Eyes warm with a mixture of affection and desire, the knight's breath slightly quickened. A hand moving to softly rest on Callie's side.

Callie smiles gently, and runs a hand along Gray's arm, the one that's touching her. "Oh, quite a few, Athena," the fox says. "But it feels nice, every time." Callie leans her face in a little bit, offering her lips for a kiss, but only comes halfway or so. She wants to give Gray the chance to opt out if she should change her mind.

Gray blinks gently with Callie's lean, already moving to meet her. Lips held only a breath from Callie's lips. Gray's other hand moving to rise to gently stroke Callie's cheek. "I would... choose you to be my... First chosen..." Gray offers gently, eyes lidded as they look to Callie's with desire before Gray finally moved to close that extra breath. Gray's lips moving to press against Callie's grinding gently against them before they press into a firmer kiss. A tender hum of pleasure rising from Gray's chest.

Callie murmurs softly as she feels Athena's lips kissing hers, the vixen leaning a little further forward and placing one hand against the back of the human's neck, while the other one presses its fingers into the small of her back. Callie's five tails sway slowly behind her in an expression of desire. Now that Gray has told her she's a virgin (vulpines believe that virginity can't be stolen; it can only be given away), Callie is a little hesitant, but hadn't Gray just said she'd choose her?

Gray brushes her thumb gently back and forth across Callie's cheek in a tender, affectionate caress. Letting lips press and grind gently for a few seconds before moving to draw back softly. Cheeks flushed with growing desire and quiet uncertainty, those eyes looking into Callei's taking a softly questioning note with Callie's hesitancy. "Would you prefer to have your tails brush?" Gray ventures gently, that bashfulness returning as her eyes drop from Callie's own, moving to find a spot on Callie's shoulder. All the while, the hand that had been on callie's hips, begins to migrate to those mentioned limbs. Begining with Callie's left most tail, palm seperating it gently, as Gray's fingers moved to spread around the base of the tail. Each pressing just firm enough to be pleasant as they move to gently grind up and down the base of Callie's tail. Stroking a few inches of it with ever pass.

Callie gives Gray a gentle smile and enjoys the resumption of the brushie brushie, but this time the fox leans in again and kisses her, a little more passionately, once the human has spent adequate time on her left tail. The hand on Athena's back moves up to about the middle of it, and Callie splays her fingers on it.

Gray lets her eyes close, that nervousness and uncertainty fading with the press of Callie's lips. A small groan of pleasure muffled against Callie's mouth as the knight presses her lips back against Callie's own. Parting them gently to grind them along Callie's lips. The hand pressing and spread across her back bringing her body to press more warmly against Callie's own. Twisting gently to bring her chest pressing against Callie's own, if even partially. The tender rise and fall of Gray's covered breasts offering whatever friction they could against Callie's chest. All the while those fingers brushing at the base of Callie's left tail, moves to part with a hint of hesitancy, only to wade through the writhing furrs to grasp at Callie's right tail, repeating the motions steadily.

As Athena starts to brush her right tail again, Callie slowly lowers the two of them down onto the couch, so that Callie is lying atop the human. Callie undoes the two buttons on her own blouse, and breaks the kiss just long enough to remove it over her head and place it on the floor, revealing the purple lacy bra beneath it. She smiles down at Athena, and kisses her again, pressing her body tightly against that of the knight.

Gray was putty beneath Callie's hands, laying with Callie's press. Eyes shining with pleasure. The only objection coming when the kiss broke, a small little whine that left the knightess blushing at her own greediness. One hand stroking Callie's tail, the other moving to tease between Gray and Callie. Fingers grasping into the right cup of that bra. Softly squeezing Callie's breast, the fingers drifting gently. Ever squeeze slightly different, alternating with the press of Gray's hand, a roll of her palm. The hand grasping Callie's tail parts gently, coming to slap gently down on Callie's bum, before offering a gentle squeeze. Gray's cheeks flushing with abashment at her forwardness, eyes offering pleased humour up at the incredible vixen.

Callie lets out a soft gasp into the kiss when Athena smacks her backside, enjoying it quite a bit. She murmurs into the rubbing of her breast, and when the kiss is broken, Callie turns her head over towards the mantle, where The Lady's statuette stands between two large candlesticks. Silently, she gives thanks to The Lady for the gifts of life, love, family, friends, and tails, and thanks Her for bringing Athena into her life. Then she slowly begins to loosen Gray's tunic before removing it. No bra. "Ooooh," Callie says with a grin, and she leans in, beginning to lick and suck at Gray's right breast.

Gray hums a warm note of pleasure with Callie's enjoyment, a hint of relief lingering for a moment before Athena's brow rises with Callie's distraction. Eyes following to the image of Callie's goddess, turning a little solemn for just a moment. Then Callie's attention returned and the knightess smiled warmly up at the foxy one. As those hands began to work at her tunic, Gray flushes gently, hands gently little from Callie's body to allow it to be pulled off her. Reflective her hands move to cover her breasts for just a momment. The motion however paused with Callie's excitement, Athena's hands instead finding themselves grasping at Callie's shoulders as Callie began to lick and suckle at her breast. Soft cries of pleasure slipping from Athena's lips, body quivering gently with Callie's attentions. Hands grasping at Callie's shoulders, pausing as they brush against the straps of Callie's bra. Fingers moving, exploring that garment, begining to pull it off. A gentle fumbling at first, before she figures it out, opening it.

Callie is spurred on by those sounds of delight coming from her new friend as the fox gives the human's breast such tender attention, and she moves to Gray's left breast after a couple of minutes, adjusting herself a little bit to help the knight remove her bra. Callie's breasts are covered with white fur, whereas most of the rest of her body is red-furred. Callie pulls away a little bit to give Gray a good view of them, but she moves a hand down to resume the stroking of the small of her back.

Gray arches gently, pressing her breast gently into Callie's mouth as she writhes under Callie's experienced lips. And then, Callie was shifting, and Gray relaxed gently, though her chest rose and fell in soft, needy, pants of breath. Gray's eyes fell from Callie's gaze to those breasts, desire flaring as Gray moved to ease up gently. Hands reaching for Callie's breast, but as one is pulled back to Callie's tail, Athena offers a tender smile of abashment. Still, her left hand grasps Callie's right breast, cupping it in her palm, lifting it gently, pressing it back into Callie's chest. Fingers offering a tender squeeze before that palm began to roll. Gray's other hand moves to Callie's upper tail, grasping gently at the base, kneading it between her fingers as she began to slowly ease her hand up and down Callie's tail once more. Stroking, kneading, rubbing.

Callie giggles softly as Gray starts touching her upper tail again, and her other hand is now against the vixen's right breast. Callie places one of her own hands on the small of Gray's back, near where her tails *would* be, if she had any. "So," Callie murrs, "just what *were* you reading while you waited for me?" There's a twinkle in Callie's eyes; she could take a wild guess.

Gray flushes gently with the question, that blush as good as answer as any as Gray's eyes turn just a little guilty. The knightess does not move to answer verbally however, instead moving to press her lips against Callie's for another kiss, hand abandoning Callie's breast. Grasping at Callie's rear, pulling her close. The sitting knight pulls Callie to straddle her, and with that she moves to ease her right hand back into Callie's tails, taking the lower to begin rubbing at it's base. The other, reaching for Callie's heel, fingers teasing down onto the sole of Callie's foot to begin rubbing experimentally.

Callie adjusts to the new position quite easily, sitting down atop Gray to see what she'll do next. When one hand goes to the vixen's foot, she's surprised by it, but then she smiles when Gray touches her in just the right way. Oh. She'd read *that* book. "Good to see that you... made good use of your time," the fox says with a light chuckle. "Of course, *my* class on the subject lasted for several months."

Gray smiled bashfully up at Callie, lips moving to fall gently to Callie's neck, soft kisses growing gently firmer, a gentle nip following. The gentle bite experimental as she listened for Callie's response. Hand rising from Callie's foot, to offer Callie's ass another smack. Hands alternating, as the smacking hand took Callie's lower tail, begining to rub it lovingly. The other moving to fall to Callie's untouched foot, stroking, rubbing. Gray's lips finally moving to draw back, cheeks flushed with desire, a hint of nervousness lingering in the knight's gaze. A slightly timid, but definitely sincere request of: "Teach me?"

Callie lets out a soft gasp at the kissing and nipping of her neck, and a little murmur of pain, but the pleasure is far more intense than that. Callie smiles broadly. "I will teach you," the fox says. "Yes, indeed, I will. Dig your fingers into the arch of my foot, like this." She gives a demonstration with her own forefinger and middle finger, only against the small of Athena's back. "Nice, little circles. But first... I think I'm still a little overdressed, don't you?"

Gray watches Callie's gesture, fingers already moving to do exactly as instructed. Fore and middle fingers pushing into the arch of Callie's feet, grinding in small little circles. But as that correction comes, Gray flushes as she nods in gently agreement to Callie. Hands pausing, moving to Callie's hips, teasing over the waistband of Callie's skirt, looking for any ties that needed to be loosen. Moving to begin to pull it gently from Callie's body. Gray leans back gently, letting her eyes fix on her work, on every inch that she was about to be revealing. Anticipation shines in the knightess' eyes, lower lip slipping between her teeth as she helps Callie disrobe.

Beneath her black, knee-length skirt, Callie is wearing a pair of red lace panties. But before the skirt (or the panties) can be removed, Callie's tails must be freed from the tail-hole. Callie shows Athena how to do that quickly and efficiently, and without hurting the fox. "The funny thing is," Callie says, "every time a vulpine earns a new tail, she has to get all her pants re-tailored." She chuckles softly, and when the skirt is removed, Callie's five tails curl slightly towards her body in a demure expression. Tufts of white fur can just slightly be seen beneath the fox's panties.

Gray follows Callie's instruction, looking a little abashed at her own ignorant intentions, but as the skirt is removed, Gray's eyes fall down to Callies panties. Perhaps a hint of envy for just a moment, before a warm smile of appreciation is turned up to Callie. Left hand grasping at Callie's ass, giving it a firm squeeze before it moves to slip down towards Callie's foot. Those two fingers pushing into the arch of Callie's foot, grinding in those small circles. Gray's right hand moving to tease gently between Callie's thighs. Two fingers pressing against those panties, push against Callie's sex as they begin to rub steadily back and forth. "I think I atleast know this part..." Gray confesses bashfully.

Callie is on top of the world now that she's being touched on both her foot and her sex at once, and the fox murmurs, "Use your thumb, too. Mmmm, rub it against my clit." Callie takes hold of the hand that's on her own sex, and presses Gray's thumb against the desired location. "Mmmm, like that." Callie undoes Gray's trousers and pulls them down, partly with her hand, and then she uses her untouched foot for the rest of it.

Gray offers another hint of bashfulness, despite after her statement further direction is required. Hips shifting to offer Callie and assistance in removing those pants, bearing the simple and plain cloth that hugged Gray's hips, the only noticable thing about the rather plain underwear was the spreading dampness from Athena's growing arousal. Gray's thumb works on that clit, rolling the ball of the thumb in small tight circles over it, pausing every few rotations to rub the thumb from side to side, or up and down, to keep the motion from getting repetitive. All the while those fingers against Callie's sex begin to rub firmer, slightly faster, before with a few more seconds to grow bold, Gray moves to pull aside the crotch of Callie's panties. Letting thumb touch upon bared clit, fingers pressing into Callie's folds, giving the Vulpine just a few moments to object as the two fingers aim to sink into Callie's depths.

When Callie feels her sex fully exposed to Athena's touch, she lets out a gentle moan, and when she's penetrated, Callie murmurs, "Mmmm, goddess... oh, Lady... bless us as we make love in Your sight." In her mind, Callie's imagining The Lady, Mother of All Vulpines, looking down from the Celestial Realm with Her husband, Trejani, and perhaps getting aroused by the sight of one of Their Mushani Villa enjoying herself as she'd been instructed to do in The Sacred Teachings. Callie wraps her left and right tails around Athena's waist, and murrs to her, "Lemme... take off your panties, hon."

Gray smiles warmly to Callie, the hand teasing up from Callie's foot, pressing against Callie's back as Gray begins to rise, moving to lay Callie down gently. Gray working up onto her knees, ready to shift her legs so the panties could be discarded. All the while her fingers remained within Callie, and now they began to move softly. The two digits begining to steadily withdraw, before pressing back into Callie's puss, working in long, smooth, strokes as Gray's thumb rubs at Callie's clit. Leaning in, bringing ready lips to press down onto Callie's breast. Kissing, nipping gently, as they explored through Callie's fur, seeking Callie's to offer a tender suckle.

As Callie removes Gray's panties, her fingers splay out and toes curl in pleasure at how the younger woman is caressing her and pushing her fingers in and out of her sex. And then she gazes upon the human's nude body, leaning in slightly to take in the scent of Athena's body. She could see, from the moistening of her panties, that she was already quite excited. Then Callie gasps as her breast is kissed and sucked at again. "Mmmmm... Athena," she murrs. "I wanna... show you something."

Gray was, perhaps to some surprise, hairless. Armpits, legs, groin and even her sex shaven smooth in some regime of hygiene. Gray's body carries hints of arousal, and a faint note of sweat that leaves her scent musky but somewhat pleasant. Those pleasant lips and plunging fingers pause softly with Callie's statement. Athena's attention rising to rest on Callie's lips, teasing up to Callie's eyes as the knight once more offered a bashful smile. Left hand rising up Callie's body, taking Callie's left breast, begining to roll and rub at it gently, as those fingers continue to softly press in and out of Callie. But in the least, the vulpine had her attention.

Callie is enjoying Gray's shyness, finding it quite sweet. She wonders how long it'll take to free her of her inhibitions. Callie places both her hands together, side-by-side, in open fists. Then she speaks a word of Ancient Vulpani, activating her Elemental Craft spell. She pulls apart her hands slowly, forming a tube that's about eight inches long, and made of pink, translucent hard water surrounded by a thick membrane. It's very smooth, like glass. "Can you guess what this is?" Callie asks.

Gray blinks gently, eyes turning to Callie's hands as she witnesses the magical art, head tilting gently with the revealed item. Cheeks flushing crimson with the question as she looks to Callie. "I... Know what it is meant to emulate... And it's purpose." Gray answers gently, hints of embarassment lingering even as her index finger and thumb move to gently clasp Callie's nipple for a tender pinch and a gentle tug.

Callie grins. "I have a certain way of using this thing that's unique," she says. "May I show you?" She closes her eyes and kisses Athena gently when she feels the woman tracing her fingers against her nipple again. Callie's free hand now touches the human's breast, using the flats of her fingernails.

Gray nods her consent, not wishing to spend the time to voice words as her lips meet Callie's eagerly. Brushing, grinding against Callie's own as without instruction to the contrary, Athena's fingers not only continue, but begin to escalate with Athena's growing desire. A slightly firm pinch, another tender tug of Callie's nipple coming with the slightly firmer, faster pace of those fingers thrusting into Callie's sex. Thumb stroking at Callie's clit. The press of those fingernails against Athena's breast drawing a tender huff of pleasure against Callie's lips.

"Ahhhhh, yesssss... feels so good, Athena," Callie murmurs. She takes a lick of that hard-water dildo, and then slowly slips it into the human's body, swirling, twisting, and thrusting it. As she does so, the dildo changes form, growing slightly in length to fill up Athena's full vagina, and beginning to get pockmarked in places, matching the woman's interior topography. It becomes personalized, in other words, for Athena's maximum pleasure and no one else's. Then Callie pulls it out, and shows Athena the final result. After a moment, she slips it into her own mouth and gives it a good once-over with her tongue, pulling it out and letting a bit of her saliva stay on it.

Gray falters softly with the tilt of that toy. As it presses against her, she pauses, as it begins to spread and stretch and push inside of her. Lewd moans ease from Athena's lips, eyes turning pleasured as they close gently. And a moment later, those eyes open softly in shock with the feel of that dildo moving inside of her, grinding, swirling, changing. Athena quivers and shakes as Callie fucks her with that toy, fingers begining to move slightly hesitantly at first before they begin to steady themselves and return to their previous rhythm, the fingers in Callie's puss even pumping faster. Athena is left panting when the toy is drawn out, displayed and as Callie slips it into her lips the knight whimpers gently. Leaning in to begin to kiss and nip softly along Callie's jaw.

As Athena fucks Callie with her fingers and Callie returns the favor with the dildo, it takes all of Callie's effort not to just let herself go right here. But she wants something even better. After pulling it out and licking it, eliciting an excited whimper from Athena, Callie smiles as she's kissed along the jaw and cheek and says, "Now I can do *this*." Callie speaks that same word of Ancient Vulpani, and extends the dildo into a double-ended dildo, the pink side for Athena, and the blue side for herself. The blue side is *already* pockmarked and ridged, but in a pattern that's demonstrably different from the pink side. This is clearly the side meant for Callie.

Gray stills gently, even her fingers pausing as she bears witness to that word, and the new... invention. Athena looks up to Callie for guidance, that moment of questioning matched with the gentle draw of Gray's fingers from Callie's push. The two digits brought and then slipped into Gray's mouth as she begins to suckle gently. Eyes lidding with the taste, moaning with quiet satisfaction.

"Oh, goddess," Callie gasps as she sees Athena sucking on the fingers that were, until recently, inside the fox's dripping snatch. "Mmmmm, yes, Athena. I think I'm ready to take you. Ask me to." Callie slips the blue side of the dildo onto herself, but waits, keeping the pink side primed, but not inside Athena just yet.

Gray looks to Callie, cheeks turning Crimson as she moves to lay back on the couch. Legs spreading, baring that swollen, tight, sex. Little clit standing at attention as one of Gray's hands slides up her stomach to grasp gently at her breast. She cups and bounces it softly for Callie's pleasure, the other hand stroking at her clit for just half a moment, drawing a muffled moan of pleasure before those fingers tease down to her sex, spreading her folds for Callie. Gray's cheeks, despite her forward actions, flare with colour, Gray's eyes holding more then a little embarassment even with the lewd whine that followed. "Please... Callie, please take me... Fuck me... Teach me."

"Mmmmm... okay," Callie murrs, and she begins to slowly push the pink side of the dildo inside Athena's sex, letting out a soft murmur of pleasure as she feels the blue side pushing back against it. As the dildo enters Athena's body, Callie stares into the human's gray eyes with her own lush green ones, smiling sweetly at her, as the words "Mmmm, shuka triesta" emerge from Callie's lips.

Gray pants softly, eyes staring up at Callie, back into Callie's own. Those pale orbs hold a faint nervousness that mixes with affection and desire. As that pink length presses, and begins to spread the woman's folds however, the nervousness vanishes, and pleasure fills that steely gaze. Athena's eyes lid, her head tilting back softly as those pale lips spread in a tender cry of pleasure. Sex stretching gently around that toy as it eases into her slick sex. That velvet glove gripping tight at that toy every inch, adding delightful little pumps of friction.

Callie lets out a soft gasp as she feels the dildo going further and further into her own body, and into Gray's as well, pulling them closer together. Finally, they're joined as tightly as they can be, and the vixen begins to move with Athena, lying down on that couch. Callie places one hand at the back of Athena's neck, and the other at the woman's shoulder.

Gray whimpers gently when that toy fills her completely. Eyes looking up to Callie, offering a soft desperation and need for more, mixed with a wave of pleasure. The woman's chest rising and falling quickly, breasts swaying softly as she tries to handle the onslaught of pleasure and sensation. Callie's position, the hands upon her... Athena's hands rise, one grasping softly at Callie's hip, the other teasing to the fox's breast, cupping it gently. Fingers offering a tender squeeze. "Callie... You are... So beautiful, and I need you so badly." Athena shares gently, voice soft and intimate.

"Mmmm, I need... need you too," Callie returns, as she slowly moves her body against Athena's in their tender lovemaking. She gasps softly at the light touching of her breast, and says, "Ahhh... squeeze the nipple a little bit." Callie continues to ride on Athena, and then she kisses her with firm tenderness, slipping her tongue in between Athena's lips and beginning to explore the woman's mouth with it.

Gray meets Callie's kiss with tender whimpers and muffled moans. Lips pressing, grinding back against the vixen's. The knightess let her eyes drift closed, letting the sensations overwhelm her as the elementalist's lovemaking left the knightess quivering wantonly. Gray's fingers press into Callie's fur, grasping at Callie's nipple as they gently squeeze. A moment later a tender tug and a faint little twist are offered. Meanwhile upon the fox's back, the knight's other hand teases down to grasp at Callie's ass, a firm squeeze giving way to a tender rake of those fingers through Callie's fur as they aim to tease back up to Callie's tails.

Callie's fingers tighten up a little bit on Gray's neck and shoulder as she feels her nipple played with, as she'd requested. When she feels Athena's hand down on her bum, the vixen brushes it with her center tail, breaking the kiss and smiling at her encouragingly. Callie's left arm moves to cradle the human's neck and hold her tightly as Callie kisses her on the forehead.

Gray offers tender cries of pleasure as her lips are vacated. A tender song of bliss easing from the knightess' lips as her sex squeezes and grasps at that toy. Athena opens her steely eyes to stare into Callie's emeralds the cradle of her head. Offering a quivering whimper of pleasure as her hips begin to rock back against Callie. Meeting and accentuating each and every thrust of Callie's body against her. Urging that toy to move as much, if not more in Callie. The knightess' busy hands following the direction of that tail, teasing into the writhing limbs, grasping at Callie's left tail first. Gray's fingers tease around the base, pressing firmly as they knead and rub. Slowly grasping at the tail, as those fingers begin to tease up and down, to tease and stimulating every sensitive inch. Meanwhile Callie's breast is not left unattended, those fingers offer tender teases, pausing gently to allow Gray's hand to grasp and squeeze at Callie's breast, before they return to teasing at the nipple. Offering the alternating pleasures.

Callie lets out a long gasp at the feeling of her tailbase and breast both being tenderly stroked at the same time. "Mmmmm, Athena," Callie murmurs. "Lady bless our meeting." In her mind, she's imagining The Lady and Her husband, Trejani, looking down on them from the Celestial Realm with love, enjoying the sight of one of their Mushani Villa seeking out pleasure, as she was meant to do. That's the First Tenet, after all. She feels herself slowly building towards orgasmic bliss, but she wants to get Athena there as well, so she lifts herself up quite a ways, so that her body is near-perpendicular to the human's. This gives Callie plenty of space to use both of her hands to tweak and stroke at Athena's breasts.

Gray writhes gently in pleasure. Hips rolling, bucking back into each of Callie's strokes. Head rising to steal kisses from Callie's lips, only to ease back down. Every few strokes a tender arch comes to the knightess' back. But even with the writhing, fidgeting, her hands remain busy on Callie's body. Both switching targets. Gray's right hand abandoing Callie's tail to grasp at her so far unattended breast. Teasing at tit and nipple alike. Other hand falling to begin to caress each of Callie's tails in the order she had gotten them. All the while the knightess quickly and steadily fell into Callie's pleasures. Sex squeezing, gripping at Callie's toy. Every stroke eliciting lewd noises from the dripping knight. The teasing of her breasts only causing the knightess to whimper softly. "Callie... I am not... I have not... Oh Gods this is so good..." She fumbles gently. "I am... I am going to..."

It's not lost on Callie that even in the throes of passion, Athena is rubbing her hand against Callie's tails in the proper order, and that excites and delights the fox. Continuing to massage and pinch at Athena's breasts, Callie murrs, "I... I know. Mmmmm, me too. Ahhhh... come for me, Athena," she groans. "I want you to come for me." Callie groans, her toes and five tails curling tightly as she feels her own climax rapidly approaching...

Gray quivers gently, a wave of shifts and twists running through her body. The knightess' body tenses, head tilting back as her lips spread into a long cry of pleasure. A name riding her voice as the song of pleasure rings with "Caaaaaallieeeee!" As her back arches, she twists gently, hands grasping suddenly at Callie's body. Gripping softly at the base of one of Callie's tails, the other hand grasping at Callie's breast. Athena's long, fine, legs squeezing at Callie's sides, lower-legs pulling at Callie's rear as they seek to pull Callie close and press that toy as deep into her writhing body as it can reach. And then those thighs begin to quiver, the rolling and bucking of Athena's hips falter. Gray's body rises softly as those shakes intensify for just a moment, before her tight sex squeezes around that toy and her cry rises into a tender squeal before a small gush of quim wets that toy, splashing against Callie's mons, sex and thighs.

"Ahhhhhh, yessssss... ATHENA!" Callie exclaims, moments after Gray screams the fox's own name, as if the act of Athena coming spurs Callie on to her own orgasm. And it seems to have done just that. Sometimes hearing one's own name exalted in climactic bliss is all it takes to push one over the top. Callie's not much of a gusher, but some of her juices *do* come pouring out and land on the middle of the double-ended dildo. Callie leans down again so that her body is tightly against the knight's, and she kisses her with unabashed passion.

Gray relaxes suddenly, body going somewhat lax beneath Callie. Hands unfurling, one resting amongst Callie's tails, the other falling to the side, resting on the couch. Gray's legs loosen, parting and trailing down till Gray's ankles rest on the back of Callie's, legs bowed out to Callie's sides. Lidded, unfocused eyes stare up at Callie with bliss and affection, tears showing in the gray pools. Those eyes close with the press of the fox's lips, before they open again with slightly renewed focus. The Knight presses up against those lips, kissing Callie back, slightly subdued at first but quickly warmly. A warm hum of pleasure muffled into Callie's mouth.

Callie's kiss gradually becomes slower, more sweet than passionate, as the two women come off their orgasm together. After a moment, Callie reaches down and undoes the dildo from both of them, tossing it onto the coffee table, but it takes a light bounce off the table and ends up on the floor in front of it when Callie's not looking. Eventually, Callie breaks the kiss, and just holds Athena there in her arms.

Gray stills gently as the kiss turns slower and gentler. The tears in Athena's eyes begining to gently trail down her cheeks and fall to the couch beneath her. Leaving her cheeks glistening softly. The knight begins to curl into Callie, arms teasing from Callie's tail and moving to wrap around Callie's back. Athena hugging close, and when the kiss breaks Athena moves to nuzzle gently into Callie's neck and shoulder. Those quiet tears wetting Callie's fur, but not a single sob sounds from the woman.

For a few moments as Athena touches her face to Callie's neck and shoulder, Callie mistakes the tears for sweat, and doesn't comment. Then, as they keep coming, Callie identifies them for what they are. Rather than ask a ridiculous question, like if she's all right, the fox merely remembers the background information Athena had shared with her. This might be the first time she's made love, certainly not including the times she'd been taken advantage of. It's okay for her to cry. Callie moves a hand up to the top of the woman's head, and strokes her lovely brown hair.

Gray lingered perhaps selfishly for dozens of seconds, perhaps even stretching into a minute or two, before finally she begins to draw back softly. Eyes swollen from her tears, cheeks still wet, the signs of tears belied by the affection and joy evident in the knight's eyes as she looks to stare into Callie's emeralds. Those calloused hands that had been pleasuring and exploring Callie's body begin to draw Callie closer. The tearful knight moving to kiss Callie softly, but passionately. The embrace of lips holding sincere affection and pleasure.

Callie permits Athena to hold onto her for as long as she wants; the fox has completed all her mandatory tasks for the day, and they have the rest of the night to themselves. When she's kissed again, Callie allows the younger woman to set the pace, letting out a gentle moan into Athena's mouth. Callie moves a hand down to the small of her back, where Gray's tailbases would be if she had any, and presses two fingers into that sensitive bundle of nerves.

Gray moans softly into Callie's mouth with that touch, letting the kiss linger for a few moments later before consoled, Athena draws back gently. The knightess let her eyes close as she lays gently back on the couch, careful not to crush Callie's hand. Eyes opening to look up at the vixen upon her. "Callie..." Athena begins softly. "T-Thank you. That was... Lovely." Athena states with a gentle flush of abashment at the ineloquent wording.

Callie smiles sweetly and says, "You're welcome. And thanks for letting me in." Callie reaches for her red lace panties and purple lacy bra, beginning to get the former back onto her body. "So, I'm thinking some strawberry shortcake for dessert. Does that sound good to you, hon?"

Gray watches Cally dress softly, slowly moving to sit up. Hands moving to tease around Callie's hips, hugging the vixen gently. "That sounds great. But... Are you... Satisfied?" Athena querries gently, cheeks flushing softly as she offers that question. Body slowly moving to rise to stand with, beside, Callie.

That's an awfully strange thing to ask, Callie thinks. And she can't help but wonder if that's the kind of question that Athena used to ask that question of her father's liege, asking permission to put her clothes back on and depart. Callie doesn't want her relationship with Athena to be nearly that one-sided, so she simply replies, "You were great, hon. Truly, you were. I'm, ah, feeling really great, right now."

Gray smiles softly to Callie, leaning in to place a soft kiss on Callie's cheek. "So... Thinking you might have me back for a few more lessons then?" Gray querries, that flush deepening as Gray offers the proposition. Attention shifting gently over to the bookcase. "I mean... There are a few more things to practice, no?" She offers softly.

"There are many things we can learn from each other," Callie says, "and not just sex, either." Callie finishes putting her bra and panties on, and starts to work on her black knee-length skirt. It takes a little while for Callie to get all five of her tails through the tail-hole; she has to do them one at a time. "Did you see the novels I have up on the bookshelf? The ones by Milana Serafin? They're not only a fine example of contemporary vulpine literature, but they'll actually teach you how to read Vulpani. The left side of each page is in Common, and the right side, Vulpani. Additionally, it's a nice way to find out about our culture. Serafin is my favorite vulpine author who's still alive."

Gray tilts her head gently with Callie's answer nodding softly. The knightess hesitating for a moment before finally moving to collect her own clothing, drawing on the simple underwear, the trousers and tunic following in a rather efficient and matter-of-fact way. The knight soon running her fingers through her hair, begining to work it into a braid as she looks back to Callie. "Ah, I was going to ask more about the Vulpani culture actually... And I noticed a couple times throughout..." Athena's attention drifts over to that 'statuette' the image of The Lady that Callie had been looking towards.

Callie glances towards the mantle where The Lady's statuette is located, between those two candlesticks. "Yes, that's an image of The Lady, Mother of All Vulpines. Do you know how She brought the vulpine race into being? It's a rather different creation story than the other ones I've heard. And fraught with difficulty. She didn't just snap her fingers and create four million vulpines."

Gray shakes her head softly, moving to stand gently at Callie's side. A hand moving to Callie's back, just above her tail, trailing up and down Callie's spine in a simple, comforting touch. "I am completely ignorant of other cultures." Gray shares with faint abashment and apology in her voice. "And I will guess it is not as simple as childbirth."

"Oh, that's all right," Callie says. "I enjoy telling of my culture to other people. In fact, it's one of the things I've dedicated my life to doing." Callie gestures towards the bar counter, and sits down on a stool at about its midpoint, near the fae furniture. She creates an Elemental Servant, which starts working on assembling two strawberry shortcakes. "From the birth of the universe, The Lady existed as a ball of golden light, and had personality to match-- as someone who enjoys life and freedom. When the gods got together and started creating the world of Belariath, The Lady saw what they were doing, and wanted to get on the creation Herself. She was determined to create a race of people in Her image. But She didn't have a corporeal form yet, so She had to make one for Herself first."

Gray blinks softly, looking gently from the candle to Callie. The knightess smiles casually, following Callie to the bar. Moving to slip onto the stool next to Callie. The woman listens to every word of the vixen's story with curiousity and interest. Brow rising at the mention of 'the ball of light.' A soft interjection seems to come to mind, but she waylays it in favour of letting Callie continue.

"The Lady spent years roaming the length and breadth of the land, looking for inspiration for Her new form," Callie says. "Eventually, She found it in the fox, which is clever, cunning, fast, fun-loving, and cute. She used the form of the fox as a template for Her own form, only She would have ten tails and stand on two legs. And every now and then, She grants vulpines new tails as a sign of Her favor."

Gray listens attentively to the lesson, head tilting softly at the mention of the fox. But a gentle smile of recognition comes from it as Gray's gaze teases back to Callie's tail before looking back to Callie herself. Gray's lower lip slipping between her teeth with some thought, but the knightess simply looks for Callie to signal the end or to continue.

Callie says, "But before She brought to life the rest of the vulpine race, She wanted a husband, to bring the race to being in the traditional fashion of mortals. She created a full-grown husband for herself named Qileya, which means, 'the same'. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't work out well. They agreed on everything, and there was no give-and-take in the relationship. She *did* love him, but the relationship wasn't fulfilling. Eventually, with a heavy heart, The Lady sent Qileya out into the world to serve as an ambassador of the forthcoming vulpine race, without lying with him to conceive a child." Callie pauses now, to invite comment.

Gray nods softly to Callie, head tilting gently as Gray listens. The concept of 'growing' a husband brought Gray's smile to turn humoured, and then thoughtful, likely entertaining the notion. Then the statement of sending him as an ambassador drew the comment of. "I hope he only agreed with her all the time if he was their ambassador... And will the next grown be one that disagrees with her constantly?"

Callie laughs softly. "The Rule of Three *is* kind of a well-known trope, isn't it? Yes, She waited a few years, and then tried again with Najaka, meaning 'the opposite'. And yes, he disagreed with her constantly. Worse, he was dangerous. He started talking about the superiority of vulpines over all other races, and The Lady feared he'd get violent. Obviously, She couldn't send *him* out into the world, and She refused to kill him, so She banished him to the heavens, making him a constellation in the night sky. Unfortunately, that didn't prevent him from influencing the world in more subtle ways."

Gray hums thoughtfully. A hand moving to gently rest on the back of Callie's hand, fingers stroking gently as they tease from the base of Callie's fingers up to her wrist and back again. "I do find myself begining to agree with him. It is hard to see how the average human can compare at this point." The knightess comments softly, cheeks flushing as she offers the thought and flirtation.

Callie looks askance at Gray. "Don't joke. True followers of The Lady enjoy being vulpines, yes; we're even *proud* of being vulpines, but we recognize that there's worth and value in *all* races. Najaka is an extremist, a vulpine-supremacist, who believes that all non-vulpines should be enslaved or murdered, and that vulpines should reign as the supreme species on
earth. And he's amassed some followers, called the Run'ya Najaka, who are trying to bring that to pass."

Gray shakes her head gently with Callie's rebuke, a hand moving to rise to stroke softly at Callie's cheek. "I am only saying that you are beautiful, and that I find you amazing." The knightess assures, voice gently and affectionate. "And as you mentioned three, I imagine the third one was atleast a success?"

Callie nods, and gives Gray a light smile, taking the woman's comment in the spirit in which it was given. "The third one was a success, yes. Never let it be said that The Lady doesn't learn from her mistakes. She took many years and spent them in villages and towns throughout the world, befriending people and finding out how their marriages worked, and for that matter, some parenting advice. Finally, when She was ready to make her third attempt, She brought Trejani into the world as a baby, and gave him to a childless catperson married couple to raise as their own. To this day, triestani vulpines consider catpeople to be a sacred race."

Gray` offered a warm smile as Callie accepted her reasoning, hand withdrawing softly so as not to disturb Callie's story further. Gray's head tilting quietly with the mention of catpeople. A tender rise of her brow as she turns thoughtful for a moment, whatever internal question is answered with a tender shake of her head. The knightess' eyes however turn back to Callie and that curiousity lingers, the interest in Callie's words ever present.

Callie continues, "The Lady met Trejani after the latter came of age, and they grew to love each other over time. Eventually, they got married, and The Lady had 14 children in two clutches of seven each-- the Tavya Din, 'Original Children'. Those 14 children spread throughout the world, meeting members of other races, eventually siring and birthing more vulpines."

Gray` nods to Callie, leaning in slightly closer. Letting her curiousity rule her for a moment as she looks into Callie's eyes. Brow rising gently. "And the other?" Gray asks softly.

"The other what?" Callie asks, not understanding Gray's question.

Gray blinks softly, shaking her head softly. "Oh, I misheard you." Gray flushes gently, a hand rising to stroke some hair from her cheek and behind her ear with a flush of abashment. "I had thought you had said half had left." Gray's eyes turn back to Callie. "Is there more to the tale?"

"Nope, that's it," Callie says, with a smile. "For the first several generations, there were no half-blood vulpines; anyone that a vulpine sired or gave birth to was a full vulpine no matter what, so that the race would have enough people to propagate itself. Otherwise, we'd have been gone within one generation, of course."

Gray` nods softly to Callie, moving to rise gently, leaning closer to Callie to place a tender kiss on Callie's lips, should the fox not draw back or otherwise discourage the action. A tender hum of the words: "Thank you."

Callie looks a little surprised but leans into the kiss nevertheless, stroking her hand at the back of Gray's head. When the human breaks the kiss, Callie says, "'Thank you' for the story, you're saying?" The Elemental Servant finishes assembling the strawberry shortcake desserts, and sets them down in front of the two women.

Gray` nods softly to Callie, flushing gently. "And... Tonight... the company, meeting me, the cup of tea... Every second you spend with me?" Gray offers gently, that blush returning as her head bows gently to break her gaze with Callie. That confession drawing her to grow self-concious. "I am... Grateful, that you are helping me." Gray adds gently, looking back up at Callie, eyes a storm with emotion, but the most obvious is sincere affection.

Callie smiles sweetly, and kisses Athena on the forehead. "You're welcome, hon. It's been a real pleasure, finding a new dear friend. Come, let's eat. I hope you'll spend the night here with me. I've got a customer bedroom down here on this floor, or you can join me in my bedroom/office upstairs. Come to think of it... let's go upstairs and eat this on the balcony. I've got something I'd like to show you." Athena might think Callie crazy for this suggestion, as it's bitterly cold outside, and the strawberry shortcake has ice cream in it.

Gray` smiles sweetly with the kiss upon her forehead, the knightess relaxing easily with the affection. Her gaze rises with the mention of staying the night, head tilting gently at the mention of the guest room but her smile widens when invited to sleep with Callie, already nodding. Gray slips to her feet and collects her plate easily. No objections are offered as she seems to hold simple and complete faith in Callie's choice. "I cannot wait to see it."

Callie grins at Athena's trust, and she takes hold of her strawberry shortcake, carrying it upstairs with her. At the top of the stairs, Callie hangs a right, and there are four closed doors on her left before she reaches the sliding glass door at the end of the hallway. The glass door is 15 feet tall, the same height as the one on the first floor. Callie slides it open. At this point, one might expect all the cold winter air to come rushing into the restaurant-- but it doesn't.

Gray` follows easily. Eyes moving to the door, more then a little impressed by the construction of the restaurant. As the door opens and the cold doesn't rush in, Gray merely smiles knowingly, looking to Callie. "More magic?" Gray teases softly, moving to step to Callie's side and look out the door.

Callie nods, and she sets her bowl of shortcake down on a table on the balcony, using flint and tinder to light the candle there. She reaches towards a space just above the railing of the balcony, and encounters some resistance. "Climate Mastery spell," Callie says. "It allows me to transform my primary residence however I like it. I use it to create a block of hard water, surrounded by a thick membrane, around the balcony. The air that *does* come in is heated by the water itself. The ceiling is 15 feet high, like the door." Callie gestures towards the walls. "And you see how the snow is hitting the walls and instantly melting off? Makes for a very pleasant display, if I say so myself."

Gray` hums softly, looking over the balcony, gaze turning to Callie. Gray smiles warmly with the display, nodding her head gently. "That's... quite the talent. I will be honest... After meeting you it leaves me curious about magic... Do you think I could become as talented as you?" Gray queries softly, moving to reach out and rub the barrier gently.

"I think you could," Callie says, "if you're willing to devote a lot of time and energy to it. It doesn't come easily; that's for sure." Callie pulls a seat out at the table for Athena, and takes the seat perpendicular to it, allowing Athena the chair with the best view. "You see the street lanterns that border the park? I've always thought them quite lovely at night."

Gray` moves back to the table, smiling warmly to Callie as Gray eases into the seat. Eyes turning to the view, even as her hands begin to take a spoonful of her cake. A warm smile coming to Callie's lips as she looks over to Callie. "I think so too." Gray smiles warmly. "The world seems to be very beautiful through your eyes."

"I'm a person who appreciates beauty in all things," Callie says. "In people, in places, and in food. I ought to be; my best friend's an artist, for goodness' sake." She chuckles, and takes her first bite of dessert, getting a little bit of strawberry in with the ice cream and shortcake. "It's one of the reasons I have so many houses. I've got one in the deep forest far to the northeast of here, near Unigo Tower; I've also got a beachside villa in Sha`Shir. And I've been giving a good deal of thought to buying a lakeside log cabin in Valencia. I may even buy one in our new province of Dethsiris. As you can tell, I can't really abide boredom. Every now and then, I take a couple days off and share them with a friend at a different location. I've been going to Sha`Shir a lot, lately."

Gray` looks over to Callie, smiling warmly as she moves to take her first bite. A tender moan of pleasure coming with the food as Gray savours it for a few long seconds. The next statement draws Gray to blinking gently. "I guess I should not be surprised that you have many houses. I imagine your restaurant is very popular." Gray observes thoughtfully. Observes the comment about days off, preparing another bite as she offers softly. "If you did want a... Friend, for a few days of travel, I am willing to come along." Gray offered gently, cheeks offering a faint flush as she moves to take that next bite.

Callie nods in agreement with Athena's assessment. "The restaurant *is* quite popular. I run it in order to build a better life for myself and my family. I also do banquets, Date Night Packages, and have even officiated a couple of weddings. And I'd love to have you visit sometime, Athena. Do you enjoy swimming and surfing?" She'd be surprised if Gray knew what surfing is; it's not a popular pasttime in the empire.

Gray` raises a hand to rub gently at her neck. "I am... Not much of a swimmer. Our home is inland, and while I have spent times in rivers and lakes as a child... Growing up and trying to hide your gender you do not swim much." Gray observes gently, looking thoughtfully down at her desert before looking over to Callie. "But if you do not mind adding to the list of things you could teach me... I am happy to practice both swimming, and this 'surfing' you mentioned."

Callie gives Athena a bright smile. "Surfing is an ancient art form that I learned only a few short years ago, the first time I left Nanthalion to go on a pilgrimage to the Eastern Ocean. I visited the city of Lingori'ka, home of the Lingorian vulpine tribe. I surfed at least five days a week while I was there. Basically, you craft a wooden board, swim out a little to sea with it, and get on your board as a wave comes in. You then ride the wave. My ancestral Tayva Din, Verlosi, was the first person known to surf."
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie Gets Head from Rida While Working at CVC

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:48 am

March 29, 2019
Callie and Rida
With Saranel and Helaku

It's a little after ten o'clock in the morning, and Callista's Vulpine Cuisine is open for business on this lovely spring day. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen of the Verlosi Tribe is wrapping up silverware into red cloth napkins. The smells of potato rolls, buttermilk biscuits, and Lingori'naan waft through the air, traveling up and down Meridian Street.

saranel` smiled softly as she stepped up to the restaurant that was practically wrapped in the smell of well made food, the smell causing the shy fox's empty stomach to growl gently as she pulled the door open and stepped inside. She was clad in her normal worn boots and ankle length skirt but instead of her normal blouse she was wearing a ruby red overbust corset that pulled her form into a wicked hourglass shape and showed enough pale cleavage to keep the girl continuously blushing. Truthfully she was not quite used to this item of clothing yet and was wearing it mostly because she felt it would have irritated her horrible aunt, smiling softly at that thought she called out...”hello?”

Callie looks up from her task as she hears the bell ring over the 15-foot tall, glass-paned double doors, and she smiles sweetly as she sees her new friend Saranel. "Charavizhra, Saranel vul'tova!" she exclaims, waving her five tails lightly behind her in a friendly gesture. "It's good to see you again. Please, have a seat; enjoy my hospitality. Can I start you off with some bread and something to drink?"

<+saranel`> Charavizhra, Callie vul'tova”, she smiled softly as she headed over to an empty seat and slid in carefully, mindful of her tail....”It is a pleasure to see you too, some juice and some bread sound wonderful”, Saranel shifted slightly in her seat as she tried to get comfortable, the corset she had discovered made sitting a bit complicated at times.

"Okay," Callie says, and, since Saranel hadn't been specific, she sets down a cloth-wrapped wicker basket with two potato rolls in front of her, along with a butter dish, strawberry preserves jar, and a silverware package. Then she pours Saranel a tall glass of orange juice. "Here you are, hon."

<+saranel`> “Thank you Miss Callie”, picking up the glass of cold glass she took a long drink of the fresh juice, enjoying the sweet and tart flavor before setting the drink down...”How have you been Miss Callie? I hope the day finds you well”, she smiled softly as she picked up a roll and started to gently add butter and strawberry preserves before taking a bite, a soft moan escaping her at the taste of the fresh food.

"It has so far," Callie says. "Woke up, made the bread, had breakfast. You're my first customer of the day, so I daresay I'm off to a great start." Callie smiles gently at Saranel, and pours herself some apple cider, into one of her famous, super-cute fox mugs. The vixen takes a sip, and gives herself a few moments to relax. "My boz'na service is on the first of the month, at sunrise. If you'd care to stay overnight the previous evening, we can worship together, if you'd like. I can help you make your own boz'na'tar scroll."

saranel` sipped a little from her juice before taking another bite of her roll as she listened to her talk, careful to swallow her mouthful of food before answering...”Im sorry Miss Callie but was is boz’na service and a boz’na’tar scroll?”, she tool special care as she spoke not to mangle the unknown words. She once again wished her aunt and uncle had been more open minded or mind people, she could have studied these things from a young age rather then having to fumble around like a novice now...

"It's a remembrance service," Callie says with a gentle smile. She knows she's mentioned it to Saranel before, but she doesn't mind going into greater detail now. "We light a black candle that has the symbol of our tribe etched into it, and we sit cross-legged in front of our altars, reciting from a scroll the names of our friends and loved ones who've preceded us into their final deaths. My service takes only about 10 minutes or so. There's a minute pause in between each name."

<+saranel`> “What if you do not know what clan you are from or in my case, what clan my mother was from?”, Saranels light voice was a little morose as she asked that question, she had long ago come to terms with the fact that she had no memories of her mother or father but every so often the thought of what she had missed out on struck her a bit deeper, it was like poking a long healed wound and getting a twinge of past pains.

"You can just have a basic boz'na candle with no insignia on it to start out with," Callie says, "until you find a tribe of your own. Without knowing the clan of your mother, it'd be hard to discover what tribe she was from... but if you like, I can send a letter to my tribal shaman, asking her to consider you for membership in my Verlosi Tribe. As a Musha Villa, my voice carries a lot of weight with her."

<+Rida> The door from the kitchen would gently be pushed open... ever so slowly... the halfling having entered through the back door and now she was peaking her curly head into the restaurant proper to peek into it... Spotting her fox on the oposit side of the counter to saranel and she would get a playfull smile to her lips. Halflings were seldom noticed because of their height and she was wery light and nimble of foot and knew wish parts of the floor would make a sound as she was quite familiar with the resturants layout... tiping along almost hovering over the floor a bit hunched as she ducks behind that counter to keep out of sight of Saranel... pearing just briefly over the edge before she grasped the edge of Callies skirt then slipped in under that rainbow fabric hugging her legs firmly to make her presence known with a whide grinn her face cheek pressed to one of Callies... oh if she had known what they had been talking about she wouldnt have done this... but she had missed that part and was simply trying to surprise her girlfriend.

saranel` was normally pretty aware of her surroundings but it seems she was slacking or the nimble halfling was simple to skilled for her as she did not notice he creep along as she spoke to Callie...”Thank you for that Miss Callie but no need to trouble yourself on my account, I am very grateful but I think it may be too soon for that. I would like to join the service though if possible”, she smiled softly.

Callie feels something-- someone-- touching her buttocks beneath her rainbow skirt, but instead of freaking out, the vixen moves her lower tail down there, teasing at the small of Rida's back. Rida's one of the few people in the world capable of sneaking up on Callie like this, and is one of even a smaller number who could do it without Callie freaking out. For right now, the fox pretends that she can't feel and doesn't notice Rida, and continues on with her conversation with Saranel. "Of course; you're probably right that it's too soon. You'd need to be much more familiar with our culture than you currenty are. But yes, feel free to join the service."

<+Rida> The vixen wouldnt even react wish made Rida grin whide. Was she to take that as a invitation? mmm she doubted that she had never known Callie to be into that sort of thing especially when working. No that had been more like her and velina... The halfling would bite her lip at that memory and then squeeze the vixen a bit firmer. She had no regrets at all. Her hand would stroke gently along callies thigh and when she feelt that tail she would kiss the vixen against the waist... and then let her other hand stroke that tail as it wrapped about her own waist... the halfling simply cuddling Callie... enjoying this intimate moment hidden away.

saranel` was completely oblivious to all of this which was probably a good thing considering the innocent half vulpine would be blushing up at a storm at the idea... she was still coming to terms with just how different this place was to what she was used to, delightfully so in same cases but frighteningly in other cases. Saranel smiled and nodded...”Thank you again Miss Callie, I do appreciate your teachings”

"Oh, you're quite welcome," Callie says with a gentle smile. She reaches behind herself to carefully remove her panties from their tailhole and allow them to slump down to the floor. She lifts one bare foot up off the ground, and then the other, to step out of her underwear. "I feel I've got a responsibility to you to help you understand your heritage. Knowing these things is your birthright, and it's a shame that you didn't have this, growing up. But it's never too late to learn of The Lady and Her ways."

<+Rida> Oh it was a damn shame that Callie couldnt see Ridas face at the moment becus it turned into one of utter surprise... the halfling feeling her heart racing faster against her chest and she had to put a hand infront of her own mouth not to gasp when those panties dropped to the floor... She would gently bend down and pick them up tucking them in under the fabric of her dress at her own bust and then she would stroke her hands gently up along the vixens legs... tenderly... playing with that fur up along the inside of her thighs and then the halfling would let her breath play across the vixens neathers as she puckerd her lips gently to blow across them... and then she burries in between them kissing at her lovers sex oh so tenderly savoring this moment. Feeling utterly naughty~ and yet has never been so in love...

saranel` really needed to work on her situational awareness but then again the shy and innocent had only met Callie a few times prior to this so how was she to know that she would partake in something like this or given her complete lack of experience, how was she to know that couples acted like at all and so she continue to sip her drink obviously...”I find it very encouraging to hear you say that Miss Callie, it has been a long held wish to know more of my mother's people...”

"Mmm," Callie murrs as she feels Rida breathing against her sex. "Mm-hmm," she adds upon being kissed down there. This could be interpreted by Rida as expressing enjoyment of what she's doing, and by Saranel as affirming her statement. "Good. Did you grow up knowing anything at *all* about foxes-kin?" She remembers how Saranel had been surprised when Callie had told her about her vulpine spirit, which she'd apparently gotten without going through a Soul-Joining Ritual. Lucky.

<+Rida> The halfling was listening in... intrigued by what she heard... but well there were other things that interested her at the moment a bit more. She would let out the faintests of gasps when she pressed her tongue between the vixens folds and tasted her the halfling eagerly pushing against that sex now trying to not make any wet noices as she starts to eat the vixen out... Easier said then done but she was managing with keeping them muffled and soon she had her lips wrapped about the vixens clit whilst her hands grasped around her thighs to hold her rear... holding herself tightly to her.

Helaku wanders up to the CVC then enters and looks around a bit to see who is in the cafe.

Callie is standing behind the bar, dressed in her white silken button-down shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, and nothing else, having surreptitiously removed her panties a short time ago when Rida sneaked up on her and began pleasuring her beneath her skirt. Saranel is right in front of Callie, sitting down at the bar counter, with potato rolls and orange juice in front of her. Rida is tucked out of view, bending beneath Callie's skirt, kissing and licking at the vixen's sex without making a sound. "Charavizhra, Helaku vul'tova!" the fox says.

Helaku smiles spotting Callie behind the counter and walks over to her. "Charavizhra vul'tova Callie....good to see you again and I hope you are well" He sits at the counter and smiles at her. "May I have one of your iced teas please Callie?"

saranel` blinks as she hears Callie make an almost moaning sound but then pushed it off as just being her imagination as she heard her question, shaking her head before answering...” I of course knew they existed Miss Callie but I knew nothing of their culture or lives.... my aunt and uncle were not what you would call open minded and so I was never allowed reading material on the subject”, she sighed a bit before taking another drink. She turned slightly as the new person arrived and gave her a shy but friendly smile.

<+Rida> The halfling heard another person entering.... perhaps this was getting out of hand now she didnt want to ruin the vixen's reputation after all... and she would bite her lip briefly pausing that onslaught on Callie's clit before. she starts to brush two fingers against those lips instead... cirkeling that hooded bud as her tongue returned between the vixen's folds pushing up against that upper wall she was so familiar with... trying to find that sweet spot. She did have an escape plan.. so she wasnt worried that they would figure things out after they were done... they just had to be quiet enough... She would close her eyes and breathe slowly... heart hammering against her chest as she stands there hunched a bit between the vixens legs.. hidden by the counter and the vulpine's favorite skirt.

"Certainly, Helaku," Callie replies, and she takes a moment to figure out how she's going to do this without exposing Rida's presence. The skirt is only knee-length, after all. After a moment, she casts Telekinesis, first to open the cooler and then to retrieve the bottle of "Darn Good" sweet tea from it. "I trust you remember Saranel from the banquet the other day?" she asks.

Helaku smiles then raises a brow seeing she used some magic other that walking over. He looks at her."Are you ok Callie?"

<+Rida> The halfling would push firmer against the vixens clit now... panicking a bit when she realised that they were ordering things from the vixen now... but she found herself relieved when callie used the spell... the halfling taking a deep breath filling herself with the scent of the vulpine before letting that tongue dig in deeper swallowing the juices that she was met with... feeling how that tail curled about her firmer... the fur tickling her a bit and she would squirm were she stood her free hand grasping the vixens rear firmly.... that tongue pushing agianst that upper wall again trying to find her lovers sweet spot. They were on borrowed time now.

saranel` would give Helaku a nod in greeting as Callie introduced before taking another sip of her juice, she did remember seeing the male fox at the beach gathering but she had not talked with him...”Greetings Sir, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance”, the man seemed a bit more occupied with Callie right now but she did not to be rude.

"Never better," Callie replies to Helaku's question as to whether she's okay. Yi ganyoni rilo lu, however. The tails reveal all. Saranel is a half-vulpine and Helaku a full-blooded one. If they're good at reading vulpine tail-language, they'd be able to tell that Callie is very aroused by something. Her tails are swaying very slowly behind her, back and forth, left to right. Callie says to Saranel, "Helaku's one of my most regular customers. He spends a lot of time observing; not a lot of time talking, though. He probably knows everyone's dirty little secrets." She winks.

Helaku sips his drink then chuckles and glances over at saranel` and nods to her. "Greetings...nice to meet you as well" he looks back at Callie and watches her tails. He smirks hearing Callie and blows a kiss to her.."Mostly yours right Callie?"

<+Rida> The halfling would continue to toy with the vixens neethers her cheeks getting wet booth from her own saliva and the vixens lust... the halflign sertainly not scared of getting messy... and she was well practiced with Callies spots. That tongue skillfully darting between the little nocks within her trying to find all the most sensative areas.. her hand that grasped her rear moving up to the base of her tails at the underside of that skirt massaging with proding fingers her nose pressed to her clit now she was so tightly pushed agianst her. Eyes closed her pointed ears on edge as she listend into what the others were saying and doing.... all the while her own thighs were instinctivly brushing against each other as she was getting quite excited from all this.

saranel` really only knew her own tail language and being the good innocent girl she did not really have to much experience with that so it went over the poor girls head. She looked to Helaku and responded in her soft hesitant voice...”Well then I will need to watch what I say.... n-not that I have any dirty secrets that is”, she was being truthful too... well mostly being truthful.

In private, when Callie has an orgasm, she usually comes hard, screaming the name of the person who'd been pleasuring her. But she's deeply enjoying keeping this a secret from her two friends. She'd also never do anything to embarrass Rida. So as the fox comes, she lets out a soft "mmmm", her juices flowing down onto Rida's tongue, and she quickly covers it up by taking a long sip of her apple cider, from the fox-faced mug. "That's good," Callie says. "Good cider."

+Helaku smiles at saranel`"No need....I'm not one to blather around these lands" he turns back to Callie watching her tails while he sips his drink and he tries to read his fellow vulpine.

<+Rida> When she feelt her lover come she would let out the softests of moans she could manage... hoping it was muffled enought that no one would hear her and she would kiss and lap those lusty droplets up before she pulled away from Callie sex. The bard and hirophant closing her gaze briefly consentrating despite her own arousal at her arcane powers.... and then with the faintests sounds like the rustle of leaves she would disapear in thin air leaving behind her one single rose petal on the floor taking the vixens panties with her with out realising it.. And then she would apear on the other side of the door outside of the resturant.. brushing her hands across her own clothing to straighten it out and then she would wipe her face with the back of her hand... (dramatic exit) Then as she stood there she would smirk deviously.... and then mutter the next spell waving a hand in the air and then her form would suddenly change in apearance... turning to that of a brown furred vixen with a cream belly that wen right up to the chin.. chocolate brown eyes and a cream tipped tail that wrapped about herself for a brief moment before she stepped through the door again in a shape surely callie would be familiar with (race blending) of course it was but a illusion... a illusion only other vulpines would see.

Callie feels a little sad when her joyful time with Rida is over, but she'd felt a thrill doing it right there in front of an unwitting Saranel and Helaku, as if she's breaking a rule. Well, if anyone else had had sex in this room, Callie would be quite cross with them, but this *is* Callie's home, after all, in addition to her restaurant. The bell peals above the double doors, admitting Rida in vulpine form, whose disguise is known well to Callie. Nevertheless, she would not greet her by name. "Charavizhra, vul'tova!" she says simply.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Sex at Rida's Wagon

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:49 am

Rida's Wagon
May 17, 2019
Callie and Rida Cherryglade

Callie Volopa removes four skewers of chicken jinjona from the cast-iron stove in Rida's wagon, which is parked far out in the wilderness of Nanthalion Province, on unowned land, near a pond. She puts them on two plates of two skewers each, and says to her girlfriend, "Chicken jinjona, sha la zosho ki kuna palza, keeash'a." Callie gives the lil ling a gentle kiss on the cheek before taking her first bite of chicken.

<+Rida> The halfling was seated on the small porch in front of the door her feet bare feet dangling of the edge as she looks out over the miror like pond and the lovely sunset that was painting the sky in such vivid collors and was making the trees cast in black silhoute... fire flies just coming out to dance across the surface of the water and embers were rising up from the chimney at the tope of Ridas vardo. Thats when she would be woken up from her entranced look blinking when Callie kissed her cheek and she would glance up and smile brightly towards the vixen and she would gesture for her to sit down next to her. Taking the plate she was oferd and placing it in her lap atop of her skirt. "mmmm thank you love" she waited for that all important first bite and then she would bite into her own skewer feeling the juices drip from her lips and she would let a audible moan of satisfaction. "goddess Callie... its amazing as always but seems i was hungrier then i thought..."

Callie grins, thinking Rida's being playful. "Oh, you want some dessert in the form of Callie pussy, too?" she asks. "Well, I can probably accommodate you." She laughs softly, and takes another bite of her skewer, chasing it with a sip of 'Darn Good' lemonade. Callie looks over at the sunset, her bare feet dangling over the side of the wagon.

<+Rida> The halfling would blink at that mid bite and she would laugh snorting a bit as she tries not to fling a chunk of the chicken out.. chewing slower before finaly swallowing. "Callie! you almost made me shocke! but yes... yes id like that... but it wasnt what i was refering to" she teases her and then she would lean to the side to press a kiss to the vixen's cheek having to lean up to do so.. then she would return to her meal holding the skewer one handed as she places the other hand in Callies lap stroking it gently as they both watch the sunset together her bare foot briefly touching the side of the womans leg.

Callie is about to pat Rida on the back to help with the choking before the halfling gets it under control. "Hm, well, I didn't bring anything else with me... but I suppose you could use your magic to grow us some berries or something." She leans her leg into the touch of Rida's foot, enjoying it quite a bit. Callie has always thought of Rida's feet as being beautiful.

<+Rida> The halfling would smirk and then let the heel of her foot brush up along the vixens leg as she continued to eat that hand traveling up further along her thigh as well "mmm i do have food with me hon... this places is stocked as a home but i could youre right" she would then take another bite of the chicken finishing the first skewer to move onto the second "But dont worry im sure that ill be nice and full in the end of the day" she giggles "warm stuffed and cossy in my bed with my girls arms about me~"

Callie's only about halfway through her first skewer; she tends to eat slower than most people. "Cozy and warm," she replies with a grin. She closes her eyes and lets out a contented sigh, loving the fact that she's here with Rida, in this place.

<+Rida> The halfling would eat as a halfling should! at the haste they damn well pleased! and then take seconds. She grinns and licks her fingers after her meal was done however and then she would shift closer towards callie licking her across the cheek moving towards her lips kissing her mid bite almost like she was trying to steal one of her pieces!

Callie giggles and gives Rida a gentle swat with her right tail. "H-hey! This is *mah* chicken!" she exclaims. Then she kisses the lil ling on the right cheek, smiling at her. "Gotta have plenty of protein if we're gonna have some fun tonight."

<+Rida> The young halfling would give her a freckled pout and look at the vixen with oh such big puppy eyes! but then she would simply grinn and return that kiss on her cheek "mmm alright then its yourse~" she then nustles her brushing her nose against the vixens briefly before she stands up leaping down into the grasses bellow drifting like a leaf in the wind and then she would start to twirl and dance on bare feet the fire flies around seemingly gatering like a flowing tail following the small woman in her dance... dancing to the sound of rustling leaves and the winds and then she would start to sing along to it... wordless tunes but her sweet voice would start to flow like water.

As Callie eats, she watches Rida in awe as the very fireflies react to the halfling's presence. She listens to the song, and her tails start to sway along to the beat. After a moment, Callie can't help but join in, her own bare feet landing gently on the grass. The fox doesn't try to sing-- she wouldn't take away from the purity of the halfling's own song-- but she *does* start lightly dancing with her, moving her shoulders and hips from side to side.

<+Rida> The halfling would ofer the vixen a hand and she would grinn taking that hand in hers and she would twirl herself around giggling and singing... some of those fire flies landing atop them booth on arms and on their heads bathing them booth in that almost etherial orange glow and suddenly she was weaving her magic into that song her eyes briefly a glow just the same as the fire flies before the magic took hold and she would grinn towards the vixen rather widly "mmm~ you are in for quite the night today love~" she growls and then she would continue that song... but there would just be somthing so much more to that voice... hauntingly beutiful. (enchanted evening)

"*Every* day is a beautiful day with *you*, Rida," Callie responds sincerely, and she dances lightly with Rida, but doesn't turn her back on her, because she wants to see the halfling's lovely body. Callie giggles as the fireflies land atop her, and Rida, too, listening to the song and being absolutely enthralled by it. She sways her tails from side to side, and lifts Rida up into the air with both hands, spinning around for a few circuits before kissing her and setting her back down.

<+Rida> Even the kiss would feel electric... the magic aiding the halfling till it seemed efortless her tongue making its own dance with the vixens her arms going about her shoulders and she didnt let her go clinging onto her with her legs and when they parted again she would give her a wide grin. "ive never used this spell before becus ive never thought i needed it... especialy not with you.." she traces a hand through that fur and she would take a deep breath of her girlfriends scent "but i... i got curious" she giggles and then she licks her across that black nose. "mmm but its supose to make a bard better at so many things~ for a evening" she meets the vixens gaze. "you think it did anything?"

Callie wrinkles her nose cutely when it's licked, but isn't able to answer at first, as awestruck as she is. "It's... it's breathtaking, Rida," she says. "Nights like these remind me why I fell in love with you. Mmmmm, it's been awhile since I headed up the Sorcerous Sanctuary, but... doesn't that spell make you better at practically *everything*?" To punctuate her question, the vixen starts undoing the buttons of her white silken shirt.

<+Rida> The halfling would grinn quite whide at those words "mmm practicaly... at least things im familiar with..." her warm dark brown hues wandering down to the vixens hands as she starts to undo those buttons and she would lean forward to press a enchanted kiss upon the vixens neck... moving down along the collarbone as it was exposed and the small woman would wrap her legs tighter about the vixen to hold herself up there... shifting down only slightly so she would come level with those breasts pressing her lips to each in turn before she giggles warmly and then meets the vixens gaze. "mmm is it cheating though?" she asks with a tillted head. "I mean... is it deserved if i used enhancments like that?"

Callie leans into the kiss, and her mind almost goes blank with the pleasure. When Rida asks her questions, the fox takes a moment to think of a good response. "Babe, I already *know* how good you are at making love *without* magic." Callie undoes the last two buttons of her shirt and tosses it up into the wagon. "You've got nothing to prove-- not your love for me, nor your love for Gaea and The Lady, or the way we make love. I could care less if it's cheating. If it wasn't meant to be, the spell wouldn't exist in the first place, right?"

<+Rida> The halfling would smile at that and then nod briefly "i suppose... i suppose it's just my own abilities making my other skills better... so in a way it is all me..." she would push those thoughts away how ever and simply kiss Callie right on the lips deep and passionate filling that kiss with all her lust... arms huging her tighter untill they were pressed chest to chest "mmmmm" then finaly she would let go and set down her feet back down into the grass "should i fetch a blanket so we can make love out here.... or should we move into the bedroom?" she ask pointing towards the one room wagon with a playfull grinn.

"Exactly," Callie says, in response to Rida's first statement. "A magic spell can't kiss me... or torture me by licking down my body... or give me little nips on my ears... or stroke my tails. You still have to do that all yourself." Callie quite deliberately adds little teasing pauses between each suggested activity, and her voice gets huskier with each one. "So, yes, let's get a blanket, and we'll have our fun out here, hon, as the animals do it."

<+Rida> The halfling smirks "yess becus animals do it on blankets" she teases her but she would walk on over to the wagon anways making note of all the things that the vixen had suggested and she would giggle as she fetched that picnic blanket spreading it out into the grass and then she would start to undo the lacing of her dress doing a bit of a dance for it... slowly pealing of the white fabric of her smooth dark skin letting it split open at the back the lacy dress slowly falling down along the curvy body hips swaying... there was no bra under just her panties once they feel down to her bare feet and she would turn around to face the vixen still dancing amrs raising up above her head tying back her dark brown hair those fire flies gaterhing around her again bathing the sexy halfling in their amber glow.... that dancers body looking so alive and full with the shadows shifting across it. "mmmm lay down love~"

Callie watches with avid attention as Rida remove all her clothes, except her panties. As for Callie, she's wearing nothing but her knee-length rainbow skirt and her red lace panties. The vixen grins, her heart rate and breathing starting to skyrocket with excitement, and when Rida asks her to lie down, she does so, with her head facing the pond in the distance.

<+Rida> The halfling would smile down at the vixen as she walks on over and then she would get to her knees beside her... tracing a hand down along her stomach down to that skirt wish she would start to pull down to expose the vixens underwear letting it slip of her legs entierly and then she did the same with those panties... leaving the vixens sex bare for her... and she would take a moment to look over the wonderfull sight.... "mmmm such a pritty fox~" she growls "sexy..." she would lean down and then kiss at the vixens chest.. catching one of those nipples with her tongue tracing right across it and then she moves back up to the top of callies head.. nipping at her ears.... "mmmm give me our toy love~ then turn around on your back... you wanted to do it like animals right?" she giggles.

Callie's large, intelligent green eyes seem to shine like fireflies in the fading light of the sun, and she reaches her hands out to stroke Rida's back as the halfling begins to pleasure her. "Mmmmmm, gar'towa, keeash'a," the vixen murmurs. "Shuka triesta, render me worthy of this magnificent person. Oh... our toy? Okay," she says. The fox casts Elemental Craft and creates the double-ended water dildo, with the pink side for Rida, and the blue side for herself. Then she turns around to get on her hands and knees.

<+Rida> The halfling would take that toy in her hands and start to stroke it.. so she could warm it up in her hands but she did it in quite the sensual way... right infront of callie... treating it like she would do a real cock taking that head up to her own lips to licka round its tip... eyes locked onto callies deep browns meeting those lively green hues "Mmmmm" she then starts to lick down the shaft to get it slick... along the blue end... moving her way down behind the vixen she would then grasp a hold of the base of those tails oh so gently lifting them up to expose Callies sex... leaning forward to burry herself between those thighs and cheeks kissing at callies neather lips.. tongue brushing right across those folds in such a teasing manner "Mmmmm have to get my mate ready~"

"Ahhhh, goddess, you make that so hot," Callie murrs as she watches Rida lick the blue end, knowing that Rida's saliva will soon be inside her. But when the halfling goes behind her, Callie isn't taken like she thought she'd be. No, Rida begins working on kissing and licking her down there. "Mmmmmm, Rida," she gasps, slumping over a little bit towards her front, which causes her rear end to lift into the air a bit higher.

<+Rida> Those fingers would work on the base of the vixens tails... her tongue brushing right across that cluster of nerves that was her clit... polishing the pearl so to say with the tip of her tongue playing and toying with the hood that coverd it.. and the halfling woman would moan oh so eagerly at what she tasted of the vixens lust. "mmmm oh callie" she mumbles her free hand massaging the vixens left cheek fingers diging into that soft fleash the dildo resting against callies own lap at the moment... untouched since she warmed it up and got it slick. She wanted to make sure that Callie was ready for it first... kissing and laping right across those folds now before letting her tongue push right within... spreading them wide.

The Enchanted Evening spell makes Rida about five times better than she normally is at sex, which almost isn't fair to Callie. But the vixen would hardly be one to complain, as that tonguing of her clit causes her to let out wanton moans of ecstasy. Tails and toes curling, Callie comes hard, her juices pouring out of her and mostly exploding right into Rida's face. Some of it lands on the blanket, but Callie's in too much of a haze to even care.

<+Rida> oh dear.... the halfling would giggle and raise a brow as she was washed over by the vixens lust and she would pull her way away from her sex gently... "oh my... i ehm... didnt think you were that worked up love..." she says moving har hands to carass the vixens rear gently... "Mmmm ready for me love?" she would say with such a playfull voice and then she would insert that curved pink end into herself gasping at how tight and perfect the fit was~ she loved that girth that she had made Callie give it... "mmmmm" she would stroke the blue end that was sticking up now with a slow stroke taking that head to those slick folds letting it brush right against the vixens neathers... "mmm im going to breed my mate silly~" and with that the halfling would mutter another spell... and her body would suddenly seem like that of a wery short vulpine woman... chocolate collared fur with a cream white belly and a bushy tail that would slide down along one of callies legs... (race blending)

Callie lets out a soft, girlish giggle at how easily her lover had driven her to her first of what she hopes will be many orgasms on this beautiful evening. She nods eagerly at Rida's question about being ready for her and then, when she feels that tail against her left leg, grins. "Ooooh, *this* is how it's going to be, hm?" she asks. Rida's transformation into her short vulpine form, and the fact that she's about to be penetrated by a cock-like device, allows Callie to fantasize that Rida *is* going to breed her, and help produce four or five happy children. Impregnation fantasies have always been good for Callie to get off with. "Mmmmm, yes... do that," she says.

<+Rida> The halfling turned vixen would start to gently tease the entrance of her mates sex... brushing that head back and fort against them feeling how the other end of that double ended dildo would move within herself and she would delight in the sensation bitting down hard upon her lips and then she would push in within callie... there was little resistance and that other end that was shaped oh so well for her would fill her utterly... and Rida would be moaning "oh Callie... mphf... this is amazing..." she then grasps those tails a bit tighter in her hand as she leans over her.. pressing down deeper with that... her other hand tracing up along her side. It was definatly enough for Rida to escape into the fantasy of it all... "mmm i love you..." and with that the dancer would start to grind and move her hips like a dancer ought! those magics only enchancing the intensity of her movments and she seemed to hit the rights spots with ease.. going oh so deeply and her body would shiver with how that shaft moved within herself as well.. "goddesses... aaah watch down upon us~ watch us play~"

Callie half-closes her eyes in sultry pleasure as she thrusts back against Rida, the vixen's side tails wrapping around the halfling's waist, which is quite easy to do. In fact, tip meets tip. Callie lifts her head up towards the star-spangled sky and murmurs, "Yes... be with us here in this moment, Our Lady... let You and Trejani gaze down upon us with love. Ahhhh, Rida... don't ever... stop... FUCKING... me!"

<+Rida> oh sertainly not~ not yet at least... "mmmm carefully... we might be at it till sunrise love" she growls playfully and then she would kiss and bite at the vixens shoulder... not the top of it as she didnt realy reach but the sholder blade her hips moving all the fasther to thrust that shaft within callie and herself! feeeling it grind and pump against every little nock of hers... she was moaning deeply eyes closing in pleasure her small body shaking with it... but the dancer keept the rythm up.. rolling and grinding against callies rear with those tails wrapping about herself... her own illusionary one that would feel so real for callie wrapping about one of them in turn..

Callie stretches out her lower tail to brush against Rida's illusory one, glad that Rida's sensitive enough to Callie's religious beliefs that she only made a single tail for herself. Doing more than that would be quite impertinent in The Lady's eyes. But Rida knows that, of course. She begins to silently pray to the goddess, thanking Her for bringing Rida into her life, and asking, if it's not too much, for the two of them to have many happy years, even decades, together as a couple.

<+Rida> The vulpling would be moaning oh so loudly eyes drifting close as she felt her own climax fast approaching now.. it seems she was working herself up quite a bit... especialy with the way that callie trembled and moved under her... she would whimper and arch her back in pleasure her eyes closing as she does so... head spinning with the intensity and then her small frame would suddenly shiver with her orgasm her inner walls making that shaft jerk with how they flexed around it juices gushing down the lenght of it soaking the vixens rear... "mmmpffff oooooooooohhhhhhh" she start digging her nails into the vixens back now trying to cope with the intensity of that climax.

Callie grins with excitement when she hears her lover coming behind her, and she grits her teeth a little bit at the light pain she suffers when Rida digs her nails into her. "Mmm, gently," she murmurs. Callie lifts her butt up just a little higher in the air, and her breasts are now pressed down tightly against the picnic blanket. "Ahhh, Rida, call my name into the sky," she commands. "Let everyone know who's making you feel like this."

<+Rida> The vulpling would indeed gently undo that grasp letting her hands brush through that fur softly afterwards but as soon as Callie pushed up that rear she would start to thrust again! she was still sensative but her hips would slap against callies rear in such a wild passion and she would continue to moan out "CALlie... mhpfff Callie youre amazing~ it feels great.. aaah... cum for me darling please join me..." she urges on her body trembling as she continues to ride that high... wave after wave washing over her.

"Ahhhh goddess, yes... RIDA!" Callie exclaims, feeling and hearing the impact of the vulpling's hips against her body, and since she's been asked to cum, she does as she's told. As Callie rides out her climax, she begins to call out loud a prayer to The Lady, but in the Halfling language. ["Ah, Lady, look down upon us with love! Make this night last forever!"]

Rida would grinn at Callies words and she would raise a brow in suprise pausing mid thrust... out of breath and still feeling that tingling sensation but she was so suprised that she collapsed onto the vixens back and hugged her tightly "mmmm you have a wonderfull dialect love" she says right back in fluid vulpani kissing callie right upon the cheek "mmm never change it... its wonderfull. but when did you learn!!"

"I'm a woman of... mmmm... many talents," Callie says, as she rests now on her stomach, on the picnic blanket. "I have a friend who's been tutoring me. I figured since you speak such wonderful Vulpani, that I should learn how to speak Halfling. Thought it would be a nice surprise for you."

<+Rida> The halfling would eagerly nod to her "it is~" she kisses her atop of the head now letting that shaft slip out of herself but she left the other end within callie as she slid up along her back her foot brushing against that pink end.... feeling how slick it was but she could wiggle the entire toy from there with her foot as she settles in atop of the vixens back... her own nose pressing to her cheek... "mmmm please continue~ talk dirty to me" she giggles "in my mother tongue~" she was still speaking in vulpani her voice warm and filled with lust right by the vixens ear~

Callie has to remember to thank Penny next time she sees her. "Mmmm... okay," the fox murmurs. Then she starts speaking in Halfling again. She's not particularly good at talking dirty, but she'll do her best. "Mmm, my love, my one and only... ahhhh, you fuck me so good... like the slut that I am... mmmm, baby, push that thing DEEP inside me and make me come again for you... make me scream your name out into the sky, and scare away all the animals for an entire mile radius..."

<+Rida> the halfling would flush a bit smirking "alright alright.." that was booth hot and a bit silly "mmm... perhaps tone down a bit" she giggles speaking in halfling back this time... but she would quickly return back to vulpani gently sitting herself up atop of the vixens back and she would reach back to grasp that toy in her hand... feeling how her own juices had mixed with the vixens and was now covering her hand but she would grasp that shaft and start to move it slowly back and forth... giving gentle twist so callie could feel that textured surface rub against her inner walls all the more... and she would slowly start to pull it out untill only the tip remained before pushing it right back in... her vulpine tail swaying excitedly behind her. "mmmm hows this darling?"

When Callie is able to speak again, she switches back to Vulpani and says, with a tone that sounds a little disappointed in herself: "Did I, um... get all the words right?" Callie turns around so that she's lying on her back; it's been awhile since she's been able to actually see her lover, and now she gazes upon the brown-furred "vulpling", created by that Race Blending spell. She hopes she hasn't ruined the mood with a goofy attempt to talk dirty, but Rida's continuing to pleasure her, so perhaps she hadn't.

<+Rida> The halfling would settle back in and then she would shake her head "No no... ehm not realy baby just inst as used in dirty talk or endearing words in the halfling language... i mean some start doing it becus other languages do but.. its hard to not see ya know..." she makes a gesture towards her own stomach and makes a gesture as if it was round "that kind of baby" she blushes a bit "i understood what ya meant love" she smiles warmly to her. "mmm but it was wery much spoken in a way like someone speaking comon would say it ya know?" She wasnt blaming the vixen at all of course.

Callie chuckles softly. "I'll, um... work on it. It's my tenth language, you know. And my first time speaking it out loud except to my teacher. Mmm, let's rest for a little while, can we? Relax under the stars, and maybe have another go in a few minutes. The sun has set, the fireflies are still around, and the moons are shining their light down upon us."

<+Rida> The halfling would eagerly grinn and then she would slip that toy out of the vixen sliping down from her stomach to nestle in with her at the side wrapping herself in one of callies arms letting that dildo rest against her own stomach.. "mmmm sure baby~" she teased her in halfling in a bit of a silly voice and then she would kiss her on the temple... but soon that warm dark brown gaze would turn towards the sky and the stars... and she would forget to breathe it was such a wonderfull view "mmm the lady is smilling down on us...." she smiles and then points towards one section of the stars "mmm my father used to call that cluster there..." she traces a digit between a couple of stars with her thumb "for the little fox... and..." she points towards another similar one "big fox"

Callie can see the constellations in her mind as Rida points them out. "We have lots of constellations in our culture, too," Callie says. "Some of them are the spirits of vulpines long gone. Some of them are exiles. Some aren't vulpines at all. There's the Verlosi Sisters, right there. The wisest and kindest vulpine mortals who ever lived."

Rida bites her lip "Mmmmm realy? well they best make room for a third." she says softly "i mean... when the time comes" she would then nustle up against the vixens chest with a wery whide smirk... tracing a hand down along Callies stomach.

Callie pulls up her right tail and wraps it around Rida's body like a blanket, smiling sweetly. "I'd rather not be a constellation, myself," the vixen says. "I enjoy living too much." She kisses Rida on the left cheek, and lets out a bit of a yawn.

<+Rida> The halfling would smirk at that "i did say when the time comes! hopefully it doesnt happen within my life time" she laughs "mmmm even though its longer then some tend to think" she teases her and pokes her on the ribs "but seriously callie... when you said the wisest and kindest vulpines theres even been i could only see you before my eyes"

"Kind, yes," Callie says, "but it'll take me a lifetime to become the wisest." Callie smiles and kisses Rida gently on the lips, tasting a little bit of her own essence from when she'd come on Rida's mouth. The taste makes Callie murr with delight as she remembers it, from only a short time ago.

<+Rida> The halfling would giggle and return that kiss sweetly "mmmm well.. you have one" she says softly "you are still young after all" she then would gently poke her upon the nose "mmm i didnt think vulpines were ment to be so humble!" she teases her wrinkling up her own fox nose at the moment and then brushes it against hers... taking a deep breath.

Callie laughs softly, and she says, "You're right... you're right, of course. We're supposed to be proud of our achievements and skills. Well, every now and then something happens to knock me off my pedestal." She grins, and gives Rida a nose kiss. Then she wraps her arm around her and holds her tight.

<+Rida> The halfling would soon return to her regular shape that illusion fading away as she let the spell go and then she would simply rest her dark haired head atop of the vulpines chest... listening to her heart beat and her breathing... eyes drifting close slowly as she starts to match the pace of those breaths with her own.

As Rida starts to drift a little bit, Callie speaks some words of Vulpani, which Rida would recognize as coming from Milana Serafin's epic novel, 'Journey Through a Daydream'. "'Night has fallen, and darkness has descended. Tomorrow morning may be the world's last sunrise. So let us now, finally joined together after three centuries of waiting, live this night as if it were our last.'"
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie and Angar at the Sha`Shir Villa

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:50 am

Callie's Sha`Shir Beachside Villa
April 18, 2019
Callie and Angar

It's a nice, warm day in Sha`Shir Province, as always, and Callie Volopa is walking north up the beach on her property, alongside her dear friend Angar, who's owned by Nixxle. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen of the Verlosi Tribe is dressed only in a two-piece purple swimsuit, and the two of them walk close enough to the shore that every now and then, the water laps up at their bare feet. In the short distance is a hill, and Callie points to it. "Up there is the villa," Callie says. "Two stories, with the first one encased in glass and the second in brick."

Angar|Nix| looked about at the beautiful place, toes digging into the sand, the smell of the ocean, the warmth of the sun upon his bronzed skin. Clad in just a white silk loincloth that draped over his heavy member, he smiled at the vixen, a scarred hand caressing a soft furry tail. "This place is amazing!"

"It is, isn't it?" Callie asks. The only sounds that can be heard, besides their occasional talking, are the sounds of the surf and of a few seagulls nearby, some of whom are standing behind them by several paces, along with others that circle around the water. "I've missed you. I'm sorry you couldn't make it to the banquet I had here a couple weeks ago, but I'm sure I'll do another one, some day. In the meantime, we can enjoy the property together, just you and I, for awhile."

Angar|Nix| nods, the surf and breach reminding him of home, still teasing a tail as he walks beside her. The ocean breeze seemed to tousle his long barbaric hair as his sea blue eyes focused on her. "That sounds really great, i appreciate your hospitality as always, you have always been good to me. Same with Crispin...i saw him in the Inn last night. He insisted on giving me a full physical to make sure i was healthy."

Callie grins. "A full physical, hm? And what was his diagnosis? You gonna live?" The hill grows ever nearer, but there's still a ways to go before Callie and Angar would come up upon it. The sun is still fairly high in the sky, but it's six o'clock in the evening.

Angar|Nix| nodded. "Well..the catboy is...thorough. but yes, he said everything was in working order". He grinned at Callie, squeezing the base of her center tail playfully for emphasis. Looking at the hill and the structure upon it, elven eyes taking in every detail, he smiled. "How long have you had this place?...its...extraordinary."

Callie lets out a soft murr as she feels her central tailbase being played with. "Mmm, it's been about six months now, I think. It's especially wonderful to come here in Nanthalion's winter, and enjoy the hot rays of the sun and the warm, sandy beach." She smiles, and wraps her right arm along Angar's waist.

Angar|Nix| moves closer to her side as her arm goes around his waist, the side thongs of his silk loincloth rubbing against her arm. "6 months?...have i been away that long...or did you keep this a secret from me lest i never depart?" He then leaned in and kissed her cheek, hand stroking her tail now and giving a reprieve to her sensitive tail base.

"It *has* been a little while since I've seen you," Callie says. "But that's okay. All that matters is that you're here now. How about we go up to the villa and get comfortable?" The vixen turns to kiss Angar's cheek in return.

Angar|Nix| nods, smiling as he walks with her, the barbarian elf grinning. "Oh that sounds great, especially if elven red is involved and some of your famous cooking...i have not had a fancy meal in awhile and the memories of your restaurant are still vivid." As they approached the villa he could feel the tie on his hip next to her loosening but he paid it no heed. "So what else have you been up to besides acquiring prime real estate?"

As Callie begins to climb the hill, which thankfully is not steep at all, both Callie and Angar would be able to detect the unmistakable smell of chicken jinjona and buttermilk biscuits. Callie's had an Elemental Servant inside the villa this whole time, preparing food for them. "Well, I also bought a log cabin in Valencia. And I told you I've done a couple of banquets. One of them was for the Imperial Wedding between Emperor Stormbringer and Lady L`aquera. Another one, I did for Naomi and Yarost for their wedding, which I even officiated. Also, I broke up with Kayleigh, and am now dating Rida."

Angar|Nix| nods, listening to the update. "It sounds like you have been very busy as usual". His stomach then growled a bit at the scent of the food. "Damn, that smells delicious!"

Callie smiles. "I anticipated that we'd be hungry after our walk on the beach, so as soon as I was within range, I created an Elemental Servant to work on our food. But yes... I've been very busy." Callie walks up to the glass-encased villa, which has a metal handle on the glass door. But instead of walking through the door, she dips her left foot into a basin of water, created by a slight dip in the tiling on the exterior of the villa. After cleaning off her foot, she does the same to her right foot, and then presses a button to drain the water and replace it with fresh water. She stands back on the regular tiling, and gestures for Angar to wash his feet as well.

Angar|Nix| follows suite, long having learned to copy Callie and respect her Goddess and customs, the barbarian appearing quite civilized as he washes his bare feet in the same manner.

Callie smiles, and enters the villa through the glass door, holding it open so that Angar can follow her. Once inside, she stomps her wet feet down onto a mat a few times, and then dries them with a towel. As they enter the villa, they're about halfway between the kitchen/dining room on the right side, and the living room on the left side. The living room faces west, showing a lovely view of the ocean and beach. There's a three-seater couch and two reclining chairs in the living room, as well as a pair of bookcases. On the right wall of the living room, Callie's surfboard is mounted. In the dining room, there's a gigantic rectangular dinner table that seats 10, and there's a fully-stocked kitchen. The Elemental Servant is just now plating the jinjona and the potato rolls, providing cups of peanut sauce and pineapple nectar to go with the jinjona.

Angar|Nix| again follows suit, drying his feet and walking inside after her, teasing a tail as she preceeds him. Taking in the interior, his eyes are drawn to the ocean view, striding over to that window to gaze out at the coastline and sea, noting how the amber light from the setting sun played across the waves. "It's....stunning".

"It is, isn't it?" Callie asks. Callie walks over to the coffee table which lies between the couch and the west wall, and she sets her hand down on the three-foot-tall painted porcelain statue of a humpback whale that sits there. "Xembra and I discovered that there's a whale nearby. We got to swim with him. Later, I took my friend Pipistrelle and my student Markov out to do the same thing."

Angar|Nix| turns back to look at her, his lean physique tensing for a moment. "That sounds...amazing!" He then grinned at her. "I would love to do that someday with you and your friends".

"It's a date," Callie replies with a light chuckle. She sits down on the left couch cushion, and invites Angar to slide next to her as the minion brings out the plates, along with a bottle of lemonade and one of sweet tea. "Pick whichever drink you'd like," Callie says. "Chicken jinjona and buttermilk biscuits, sha la zosho ki kuna palza." ["From my heart to your stomach."] "It would be a shame to leave this sunset unobserved, don't you agree?"

Angar|Nix| nodded, going to the couch and settling close by her side, his bare thigh brushing against her's, a muscular tattooed arm going around her shoulders as well as he settles in next to her. Eying the food served, he reaches out to sample a dish. "This is very good"..

Callie takes her first bite of jinjona just before Angar can, seeing that he's forgotten that she's supposed to get the ceremonial first bite, since she's the cook. She opens Angar's bottle of tea, and her own bottle of lemonade. After her first bite, she dips her next bite into the pineapple nectar and eats. "Look at that purple in the sunset!" she exclaims. "Gaea's got quite a paintbrush."

Angar|Nix| nods, looking out the window, missing the rule, obviously, which Callie graciously forgave. Sipping his iced tea, he nodded, his fingers caressing her shoulder as he watched the sunset with her. "You are absolutely right..."

Callie touches her bare right foot to Angar's left, and takes her first sip of lemonade. "When I had this place built, I deliberately made it so I could see the sunset brilliantly from both floors of the villa. The second floor master bedroom has a westward-facing window, and the other main bedroom is eastward-facing. I've got three more bedrooms in the middle."

Angar|Nix| smiles at that touch, looking at her. "That sounds really cool. Waking up to a sun rise is one of my favorite things, besides waking up next to you or Mistress". Setting his glass down he then ate some of the delicious chicken, feeling her warm body close to him, the sensation of her soft fur against his skin arousing...obviously so under that bit of silk he wore.

Callie chuckles softly. "So, perhaps we should sleep in the east room tonight?" she asks. "We could wake up with the sun?" The vixen gazes down at Angar's lap, noticing an obvious tent in his loin cloth. She feels glad that she's the one making him feel this way.

Angar|Nix| looks out at the scene beyond the window, apparently unaware of his own display of arousal, turning to look at Callie and lean in to give her a soft kiss on the lips, his hand on her shoulder going up to caress her neck. "I am so happy that you are doing so well Callie".

Callie lets a soft murr out when she's kissed, and leans into the stroking of her neck, her tails swaying slowly behind her in an expression of deep arousal. "Mmmm... kintay ra, Angar." ["Thank you."] "And I'm glad to have you here with me, in this place. We always have good times together."

Angar|Nix| nods, feeling her swaying tails, kissing her harder, his passions taking over. "And waking up to the sunrise sounds exquisite". His hand then slipped behind her back, pulling softly but firmly at the strings of her bikini top, his tongue searching for hers as they kiss more.

As Angar starts fiddling with her bikini top, Callie climbs up into his lap, taking his left hand and moving it onto the base of her right tail. Callie wrestles her tongue against Angar's, and conquers his mouth, beginning to explore inside. She presses her forehead against him as the light from the sunset starts dwindling.

Angar|Nix| moans as she straddles him, feeling his hard penis drag along her inner thigh as she settles, kissing her back hard as she dominates the kiss. Hands going to her breasts as the top falls away, his thumbs tease her perky nipples, caressing the sensitive flesh.

Callie adjusts her position slightly so that she's kneeling on the couch with her knees on the outside of Angar's legs, and her bare feet are on the cushion, soles-up. She gasps when she feels her breasts and nipples played with, and breaking the kiss, she moves her head up to kiss Angar's nose, and then his forehead. Her hands stroke against the powerful muscles of his chest.

Angar|Nix| groans, the shaft of his silk covered cock presses against her mound as she leans in to kiss his nose, feeling the heat increase between them as she caresses the hard edges of his lean but muscular chest. His elven ears perking a bit, he then pulled at the side string of her bikini bottoms.

Callie holds herself very still as Angar removes her bikini bottoms, and when he's done, she slides down off his lap and onto the rug below. Creating a pillow for herself with her Elemental Craft spell, she places it beneath her knees to serve as padding, and removes Angar's loin cloth, gazing at his manhood with great excitement.

Angar|Nix| moans as she breaks contact with him to kneel between his parted thighs, his chiseled ab muscles flexing as he watches her pull the white silk from his hips, baring his smooth penis, the crowned tip full, the shaft arching slightly, balls smooth and tight and heavy.

Callie murrs excitedly upon seeing Angar's exposed manhood for the first time in months, and she takes hold of his scrotum, gently rolling his balls around in the palm of her hand. Then she pinches the wrinkled sack between his balls a few times, spreading it out.

Angar|Nix| bites his bottom lip, loving how she is enjoying the sight of his manhood. Then he feels her roll his testicles around, the orbs full of his sperm, and then she plays with his smooth scrotum. "Mmm..that feels good Callie..." a bead of precum appeared at the slit of his penis at the tip.

Callie sees the precum making its debut, and she leans in closer, placing Angar's left hand behind her right ear so that he can scratch there. Then she uses her tongue to lap up the precum, all the while looking up at Angar's blue eyes so she can gauge his reaction to what she's doing to him.

Angar|Nix| stares into her eyes, a mask of ecstacy on his youthful elvish featured face as he watches her lick up the precum, scratching behind her ear. His erect penis throbbed, pulsing, the girth of him quite evident. "Ohhh can do anything you want to do to my cock and balls that you desire"...

Callie grins up at Angar and replies, "Okay, babe." The vixen adjusts her head to the side a little bit, and begins to gently nibble at the barbarian's ball sack, being very careful not to hurt him. Her left hand touches the head of his cock and rolls it around in her palm.

Angar|Nix| gasps as her teeth nibble at him, spreading his muscular thighs wider, feeling her palm press against the head, rolling across the tip of his member. "Mmmm...please...bite hard...i love being bitten".

Callie raises her eyebrows, having not known that about her friend. But she's happy to comply. She increases the pressure applied to Angar's scrotum by her teeth, but deliberately doesn't bite hard enough to draw blood, anyway-- because she, herself, isn't into that.

Angar|Nix| cries out hotly, feeling the bite, the pain mixing with the pleasure to create an intense euphoria, sucking in his breath. And he trusted her completely and knew she would never draw blood or severly unjure him in any way.

Callie lets go of him and then bites him again, while the fingers of her right hand make a circle around her friend's cock, grasping him tightly and moving up and down him slowly. The vixen looks up at Angar's face to see his reactions to what he's doing to her, and she silently gives thanks to The Lady for bringing the two of them together.

Angar|Nix| feels his thighs quiver as her teeth playfully bite his tight balls, finding an orb and appliying pressure, enough to make him jolt without causing any injury, his throbbing penis arching and dripping precum in her hand as she grips his thick shaft. Grunting, mouth agape, the elven barbarian stares down at her, caught in a rapture of lust and pleasure with an edge of pain that only heightened his bliss. His eyes locked upon Callie's, drawing a deep breath as his heart races in his chest. "Thats amazing Callie"

Callie pulls her mouth away from Angar's ball sack as she feels his precum get onto her white-furred hand. Lifting the hand up to her mouth, she makes sure Angar sees her sucking up the fluid. Then she goes down on him, taking his cock about halfway into her mouth, bobbing up and down while her right hand torments Angar's scrotum again.

Angar|Nix| groans as her mouth descends upon the crown of his penis, taking it into her mouth before sliding into her throat, the ridges of his tip sliding against tongue and then the muscles within as she takes half of his length and begins to stroke him with her lips. Leaking more precum copiously, he grunted as she squeezed his balls with her hand, ab muscles tightening hard as he curls up a bit. "Oh Callie!"

Callie pulls up from Angar's cock with a loud "sluuuuuuuurp" sound, just long enough to huskily murmur, "Come for me, Angar. I want you to come for me." And then she takes his entire length into her mouth, suppressing her gag reflex as part of it goes down her throat. She bobs back up, swirling her tongue the whole time, and goes back to a steady, albeit fast, rhythm.

Angar|Nix| sucks in a deep breath, hearing her words, reaching down to caress her soft ears as he listens to her equally soft voice, her request vibrating in his brain. Feeling his orgasm hover at that wonderful edge of bliss from that electric mix of intense pleasure and her possessive bites and grip, applying pressure and pain to his very manhood, he could not hold out any longer if he tried. Pushed over that cliff, the young savage tossed his head back as his cock pulsed in her mouth and throat, his penis erupting with his sperm right down her throat in a torrent of gooey cum. "Aaggghhh...Callieeeee!"

Callie lets out an excited moan as Angar's cum pours into her mouth in several long, healthy ropes, and she licks it up greedily, swallowing every last drop he's able to give her. Even when it looks like he's done, she swirls her tongue against his urethra just to make sure, and is rewarded with just a bit more of his semen. All the while, her large, intelligent green eyes stare up into his face as he sits there on the couch in the Sha`Shir villa's living room.

Angar|Nix| gasps and squirms and jolts as he orgasms wildly into Callie's mouth, feeling her swallow, her tongue gliding along the sensitive underside of his cock head, milking him of his semen. Gasping for breath suddenly then as her tongue licks the slit of his penis tip, he squirms hard upon the couch, his naked chiseled frame quivering in ecstacy as the waves of incredible pleasure blast through his body and mind and spirit.

Callie places her left hand upon Angar's right hand, guiding it up to the back of the vixen's left ear, wordlessly asking him to scritch her there. Callie swirls her tongue once more against his cock, and then pulls off of him with another loud 'sluuuurp'. Words cannot express how turned on she is at this moment, looking up at Angar with deep affection and love in her eyes.

Angar|Nix| caresses her ear happily, dazed by the afterglow of that incredible orgasm, his balls drained by the vixen. Taking a deep breath as his heavy but spent penis flops on his thigh, he then leaned down to kiss Callie hard, passionately driving his tongue to find hers as he embraces her with his strong arms.

Callie murrs excitedly as she's kissed and hugged, knowing that Angar will certainly taste his own essence inside her mouth; glad that he doesn't care. She adjusts one of his hands so that it will caress the base of her right tail, and then she wraps both arms around him as well, enjoying the afterglow of the first time they've made love in months.

Angar|Nix| happily grips her tail base, knowing how it excites the vixen, feeling her soft fur against his smooth flesh as they wrap up against each other as they kiss. Tasting his own seed, he swallows as well, sharing the molten pleasure with her as he pulls Callie back up on the couch with him, looking up into her eyes as he breaks the kiss to take another deep breath, his other hand going to her left breast, thumb rubbing a stiff nipple as he watches her expression.

Callie grins at Angar when the kiss is broken, having been hoisted up onto the couch. She adjusts their bodies so that the vixen is now lying atop Angar, and she murrs gently into caressing of her nipple. Callie looks to her left, seeing the very last rays of the sun for the day, and she casts Elemental Servant, having a minion go around and light a few of the lanterns on the first floor, so that she and Angar can continue to see each other. The dual moons are contributing almost no light to the sky, as one of them is a waning crescent, almost a fingernail, and the other is in its new moon phase entirely, totally invisible.

Angar|Nix| falls onto his back, looking at Callie as she straddles him, a firm grip still upon her tail base as he caresses her perky nipple with his other hand, fingers exploring the delicate flesh. As she casts her magic, the savage looking elf would grind up against her, feeling her wet sex against the shaft of his penis, gliding the length between her labia as quivers of arousal coursed through his body once more.

Callie lets out a gentle gasp at the way Angar is manipulating her body, getting her even more ready for him, though she'd gotten a headstart by giving him oral pleasure. It always turns her on, doing that for someone else. When she feels him begin to slowly enter her, she murmurs, "Yes, Angar... do it, babe. Mmmmm, right here."

Angar|Nix| moaned, his lean body flexing as he plowed into her nice and slow but deep, his cock stretching her, tight against her slick inner walls as his crown pushed right up against her cervix as he hilted within her, smooth balls pressed tight against her body. Staying there, he leaned down to kiss her deeply, pulling at her bottom lip playfully as he looked into her eyes.

The lanterns are causing Angar's body to be well-reflected in Callie's eyes, and the fox smiles as they move slowly with each other. She returns his kiss, gently but passionately, taking hold of Angar's right hand with her left, intertwining their fingers and bringing their hands up to her forehead.

Angar|Nix| grinds his hips against her, their bodies undulating slowly but hard against one another as he watches, feeling the closeness between them, their connection, the unofficial bond they felt towards one another. She meant a great deal to him and sharing moments like these were so very special.

Callie lifts her feet up slightly, her toes rubbing against Angar's ankles, as she continues moving up and down him. After a moment, she shifts their positions so that he's sitting on the couch, with her facing him, and facing away from the window. She places his right hand on her left breast, and his left hand on the base of her right tail, and then she moves her right hand to his left shoulder, and the other hand down to the small of his back. Callie bucks wantonly against Angar, letting out a series of long gasps; every now and then, she murmurs out his name in low heat.

Angar|Nix| moves with the vixen, following her lead, keeping his penis deep within her as they reposition, his chest and abs flexing a moment as one hand closes upon her soft breast and his other finds her tail base..the tail when she was excited. Gripping it as she rocked her hips back and forth, riding his cock, his thumb caressed her hard nipple as he looked up at her as she moaned.

All five of Callie's tails sway slowly behind her, and after a moment she stretches out her side tails so that they can touch Angar's sides. She moves in and tenderly kisses him, feeling her excitement grow. She moves a hand up to stroke against Angar's ear, tenderly caressing and pinching the lobe, before tracing it down the side of his face.

Angar|Nix| gasps hotly as she caresses his elven ear, his body pulsing beneath her. Pulling his hips back a bit, as he can while seated, he then pushed up hard into her as she moved down upon him, thrusting even deeper into her silky tight depths. Pinching that nipple he had a bit, his eyes remained locked on hers as he stroked and squeezed that tailbase. "Mmmm... Callie... I'm going to fill you with my seed".

"Ahhhh, yes... do it, Angar," Callie groans, leaning into the stroking of her breast and tailbase. The fox gasps, crashing up and down Angar with a greater intensity than before, wrapping an arm around him while the other hand continues stroking that ear, knowing how much of an erogenous zone it is for his species. "Mmmm, come for me..."

Angar|Nix| grunted, sucking in his breath again as she kept rubbing his tapered ear, his arousal enhanced even more. Feeling his cock throb as his orgasm neared, he used his firm grip on her tail base to try to slow her down a bit so he would not cum right then and there..he wanted to take a few more thrusts. "I will..almost there!"

Callie grits her teeth as she feels Angar's grip tightening on her tailbase, but she understands after a moment why he's doing it, and she slows down. Then she begins to do Kegel exercises, tightening and loosening the grip of her vagina against his cock, tightening and loosening again. It's something she learned how to do in sex education class 20 years ago, and she'd gotten very good at it. It also helps further stimulate her, and she rears her head back, crying out, "Ahhh, ANGAR!" as she comes hard against him.

Angar|Nix| watches her body move against him, feeling her sex clench hard against his turgid shaft, the sensation powerfully erotic. Practically yanking her down upon him by her tailbase, he shoves his cock hard up into her, the tip prying its way into her cervix and then his orgasm exploded powerfully, his penis flooding her womb with his potent sperm as his balls emptied into her as their orgasmic bliss mixed and combined, driving them to the next level.

Callie moves both hands down to Angar's thighs, gripping them tightly, to the point of pain but not the point of injury, as she feels the half-elf barbarian coming so deeply inside her, filling her with his hot, sticky essence. She leans forward, kissing him passionately on the lips and pressing her forehead against his, before she moves her attention down to the right side of his neck.

Angar|Nix| grunts as his balls pump every last drop of his cum into her, his penis pulsing inside of her tight tunnel. As she leans down he feels how soft her body was against his smooth bare skin, warming him, feeling wonderful. Then he kisses her back, moaning again as she starts to kiss down his neck.

Callie moves her hands back up and wraps both arms around Angar, holding him tightly as slowly, she stops kissing him, and she slips his cock out of her body. Callie smiles, and just rests against Angar for now.

Angar|Nix| holds her as well, kissing the side of her face, both hands massaging tailbases as he holds her as they bask in their afterglow. "That was incredible Callie".
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie's First Time with Lawrence

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:52 am

June 22, 2019
Callie and Lawrence

It's a little after ten o'clock in the morning, and Callie Volopa sits behind the bar counter of her restaurant, wrapping red cloth napkins around silverware. The five-tailed, red-furred vixen is dressed in a purple blouse with black and white trim; a black, knee-length skirt; black boots with purple buckles on them; and underclothes. As she goes about her task, she hums a light tune to herself. The smells of potato rolls, buttermilk biscuits, and Lingori'naan waft through the restaurant and in fact permeate through about two city blocks in all directions.

Lawrence found himself within the town as he looked for something to eat for breakfast; the shine of the morning sun seeming to bear down upon the knight as his sword and shield weighed heavily upon him. Looking around the square, the wolven would spot a familiar sign upon one of the stores; a light smile playing upon his lips as he made his way towards the CVC. It'd been quite a few moons since he'd been at the establishment, and opening the door to the estate a small chime would ring upon his entry. Upon the front, a solid stone statue of the Lady would seem to greet him before his hazel eyes spotted the cindered vixen setting the tables for the afternoon rush. Waving his hand, the male would flash a kind smile towards the woman as he stepped inside; his ivory tail beginning to swish happily at the scent rising from within the kitchen. "Good Morning Callie, it seems the days have treated you well."

Callie looks up from her task as she hears the bell ring above the 15-foot-tall double doors, and she smiles as she sees the wolven knight enter. She'd last seen Lawrence about ten months ago. "Sir Lawrence, as I recall?" she says. They'd only just been getting to know one another. "Good morning. Yes, they have indeed. How have they been for you?" She gestures to the barstool right in front of her, bidding him sit.

Lawrence would flash the lovely vixen a smile before moving to take a seat upon the offered stool. The knight wore a simple pair of leather armor, a long-sword and shield strapped upon his hip and back respectively. "Mnn.. Lawrence will be fine Callie as I don't serve a lord yet, nor have plans to. As for the months that've gone by, I suppose I've been doing well. I've had a chance to see a few more faces within the city, and their greetings have met me very well." Giving a light grin, the male would take his seat and give the store-owner a once over, seeming to note the rather colorful set of clothing she wore. "That shade of lavender suits you very well, and I presume that the shop has just begun to open?"

"Yes; you're the first customer of the day. Thank you; I've always liked this particular outfit." Callie does a slow 360-degree turn to allow Lawrence to see her blouse all the way around, and while her back is turned to him, she sways her five red-furred, white-tipped tails lightly. "Ah, I'm sorry to hear that you still haven't found patronage here; I remember you were seeking it when last we spoke. Um, have you considered accompanying the monthly Works caravans? They seem to get attacked every time. I was with them last time, and I helped protect them from two wild jhores."

Lawrence found himself staring quite intently as Callie gave a little spin, his hazel eyes seeming to drink in every curve while his tail began to wag happily at the sight. A small growl would seem to escape the male's lips before he muted himself, a great effect from the lovely hostess and her elegant attire. However, the view didn't last, and the wolven would cough before strightening himself, his pesky appendage still happily moving to and fro despite his attemps to hide his pleasure. "Mnn.. yes, actually I've been looking into working at the healing house instead. I've heard that they do many good works here within the city limits and thought it'd be wise to offer to be one of their knights. I'm not sure how well that'd pay, but it'd be for a good cause." The sell-sword would nod, grunting alittle at the mention of the caravans. "Ah is that so.. it seems that trading within these parts have gotten more dangerous.. that or the beasts have simply moved to take back their territories. Hopefully there will be many others to protect them in my stead."

Callie nods and says, "The Works caravan never seems to have a shortage of people willing to guard it, that's true. The Healing House would be good for you, too. You'd be working under my dear friend, Amethine Tawariell. They might have you do things like guard patients while they heal, or pick up gravely wounded patients from where they contact them. That'd be a worthy job for a knight. Protecting people. And indeed, a good cause. Can I start you off with something to drink today? Oh, did you bring your horse with you this morning?"

Lawrence would nod at her words before his ears perked at the mention of a friend; wondering if he'd heard of her before. "Mnn.. not a name I've heard thus far, but I suppose I'll look out for your friend if I go manage to procure the position. Ah yes, for my beverage could I just have a cool glass of water, it's quite early in the morning and the festivities don't start until much later. Mnn.. yes, my steed is out back with one of the lads. They do take care of her quite well, and feed her all the hay she could desire. I believe you had your own stable within the Lonely Inn yes? I did hear mention that you managed that place as well as this fine establishment."

Callie pours Lawrence a tall glass of water and sets it down in front of him with a warm smile, saying to him, "I'm glad they're taking good care of your horse. That's what I pay 'em for. Yes, I generally keep my two horses at The Lonely Inn. I don't ride them as much as I used to; most of the time I ride my mephos, Maraqwai, whom I keep here at the restaurant during the day." Callie gives Lawrence a menu. "We've added a new section of the menu-- Deluxe Chef Specials-- since you were here last, Lawrence."

Lawrence would look down at the parchment and raise a brow; his hands snapping the paper into place before his brown orbs began to scan across the scribbled writing upon the menu. "Mnn.. and what excatly do they offer when compared to the other meals? Have you perhaps made more culinary creations to add into your repertoire?" The wolven would seem amused at the idea of the ever expanding business, his ivory tail seeming to move from one side to the other in a slow, methodical sway as he carefully weighed his choices. "Mnn.. what would you suggest Callie? I'm sure you know these specials.. much better then what this page can tell me."

"Well," Callie says, "there's larger portion sizes, and some of them use ingredients that aren't used for much of anything else on the menu yet-- though I'm hoping that'll change. Each of the dishes on the Deluxe Chef Specials menu is a creation of a particular one of the chefs here, or that chef was inspired by someone else's dish long ago. My personal addition to the menu is the Verlosi Sisters, made with grilled shrimp, scallops and chicken, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, mushrooms, and broccoli on a bed of rice, with cheese sauce." It's all written right there on the menu, but Callie doesn't assume that Lawrence can necessarily read it.

Lawrence nodded silently before closing the menu; seeming quite happy with the explanation. "Well I suppose I'll have the Verlosi Sisters. I do wonder how poultry will taste with seafood.. it does seem like an intresting combination." The knight would seem happy with the selection before eyeing the vixen; murring quietly. "Would you care to join me for lunch? I do believe a meal is better with company.. and there doesn't seem to be any more customers here at the moment. Though I'll understand if you'd like to prep just in case for the lunch rush." Lawrence would relax for a moment, idling while enjoying the peaceful situation he found himself in.

"I would be happy to," Callie says. "I think I'll have chicken jinjona myself. I've only just had breakfast about three hours ago, before I started working on the baking." She turns around and wiggles her fingers just so, speaking a word of Ancient Vulpani. Two Elemental Servants appear; they're shaped just like Callie, only with one tail each and translucent-blue, with a thick membrane surrounding them. As the water foxes start working on the food, Callie grabs a bottle of lemonade from the cooler, and gestures towards a two-person table near the far wall, where she and Lawrence can sit together.

Lawrence gazed upon the magic of the vixen and smiled; watching the two perfect iterations of the lovely woman get to work before rising to move towards the seating for two. Settling himself down again, the knight couldn't help but take a peak at the matron's rear once again; finding enjoyment in those fluffy tails and the plump swell of her rear. Tail wagging at the kind view, the male would sigh and try to supress his urges; a small sip from the cool beverage in hand seeming to help qwell his initial desires. And truthfully who could blame the sell-sword, he surely thought that no other could! "Hrm, that spell must be quite useful in a varity of situations, especially those within the cover of night. I'm sure there'd be many uses for a near perfect body double, highly so considering they seem to be able to carry out rather.. intricate tasks." The man's eyes would move towards the water creatures as he spoke, giving the idea some thought. "Mnn.. would also be useful in pleasureing others.."

As Callie makes her way to her seat, she says nothing about the way Lawrence is checking her out. That doesn't mean she's unaware of it, though; in fact, she's acutely aware of it. Vulpines, in particular, have a sixth sense about such things. It helps them achieve The Lady's First Tenet-- seeking out pleasure in all its forms. Callie sways her tails and sashays her behind a little bit before sitting down. "They have some good tactical use," Callie says thoughtfully, regarding the Elemental Servants, "and they can do just about anything I can-- whether in the kitchen or in bed. One thing they can't do, unfortunately, is fight. They can't even hold up use as training dummies. If they attack or get attacked, they dissipate immediately."

Lawrence felt his gaze travel up the woman's shapely form the more she swayed her hips; those hazel glints drinking in each of the matron's sensual curves before she'd settle herself before him. Growling lowly, the wolven would nod as Callie began to speak, noting the one drawback at the liquid clones seemed to share. "Mnn.. well disregarding their use in combat, I'm sure that all the other reasons you've listed make them quite useful indeed. I'm certain any male would be joyous to have such a inviting vixen within their chambers, even moreso when she can create copies of her sculpted frame." It was quite clear to see that the knight had.. other interests then simply pure thoughts for the fox; duly noted by the way his ivory appendage would snap back and forth in a predatory gait. Still, as a trained soldier he'd seem to be able to control is more primal urges in a public setting such as this, but he'd make quite an open display of his growing 'interest'.

Callie takes a long sip of her lemonade as Lawrence states his opinions of her water minions. When he suggests that any male would be happy to have her in his room, she asks, with an innocent expression, "Would *you* be one of them?" The vixen's green eyes seem to twinkle with mirth as she asks that question.

Lawrence lifted his glass for a sip of water before he watched the vixen give that look; his mouth hanging open in suprise before he'd continue his gesture and taking a sip of the cool, refreshing liquid. "Mnn, I'm sure you know, even more then I, how much of a joy that'd be for a simple knight like me." Leaning over, the male would growl kindly; giving the teasing woman a light flick upon her forehead before smiling. "Such a nymph Callie, though your eyes give away your true intentions as lovely as they are. That and I highly doubt one with such a large reputation in Nathalion would actually be so innocent, I'm sure you have many suitors dying to be with you, no?" Of course, it seemed that Lawrence had heard quite a few, many tales of the supposed hero; word does travel fast to those with ears to listen.

Callie wiggles her nose when Lawrence flicks her on the forehead. "Many suitors, yes. They don't have to *die* to be with me, though; I give my body quite freely. Most triestan vulpines are like that." She doesn't mention that her heart is another matter, and that it belongs to her girlfriend Rida Cherryglade.

Lawrence drew back before chuffling; his ears flickering at the mention of her promiscuity, something that was quite cherished within the community. "Mnn... well I suppose all parties win in such an arrangement; yes, I'd be one of the lads that'd be quite joyous to find such a lovely vixen within his chambers." Smiling to himself, the knight would take another sip of his beverage, glancing upon the woman with his leveled gaze. "But surely you couldn't blame me for such desires, no? Tis the way of males.. or something of the sort."

The smells of chicken, shrimp, and peppers begin to waft up from the stove now as the elemental minions cook up lunch for Callie and Lawrence, and the fox nods in agreement. "Oh, it's not just males. Women are slightly better at hiding it, but we want sex just as much as you do. I'd be a little concerned I was losing my touch, if you didn't want me."

Lawrence leaned back and let out a laugh; finding the very thought amusing before he'd concded and simply nod his head. "Oh, is that so? Then what of you Callie, suppose this knight could find his way into your chambers within the night's haze?" The same mirth would seem to dance within the male's hazel gaze as it did within hers; a teasing tone etching itself within the wolven's voice while his ivory tail lashed to and fro in amusement. "Mnn.. well, I'd say that you've got a very fine handle upon your performance, it's quite effective that much I'll admit. So impressive in fact I'm surprised that this place isn't packed full of those that simply wish for more of your time."

"Well, the day is young," Callie says with a chuckle, "and people *do* have other things to do with their lives than pursue me. As for you, if I ever *did* find you in my bed, I doubt I'd kick you out." She takes a soft sip of her lemonade, and then smiles at him. "Maybe after lunch?"

Lawrence would simply give a nod of agreement to the woman's assessment before taking his own cup in hand; his gaze glinting with desire towards the vixen at the utterance of her words. "Most definitely." The knight would lift his head as the scent of the chicken and seafood began to waft within the restaurant; those keened ears flickering towards the kitchen while his tail would wag furiously; quite easily thumping against the floor as his hunger grew with the presence of a meal. "Mnn.. that seems divine Callie, I see you've outdone yourself again."

Callie nods. "And it's coming right up. Would you like some more water, or perhaps something else?" The vixen rises to her feet and goes behind the bar counter, plating up the Verlosi Sisters for Lawrence, and two chicken jinjona skewers for herself. This is to go along with two silverware packages, and a cup of peanut sauce and of pineapple nectar for Callie to dip her skewers into.

Lawrence raised his head before taking a peek at his quarter filled glass; murring quietly before looking over to the fox. "More water would be lovely, I do have a habit of drinking alittle too much sometimes." The male would smile kindly as his extra appendage continued to wag; thumping against the floor in excitment as the promise of food grew the ever stronger. It was clear that the knight was quite famished, and his favorites were all on the menu this morning.

Callie returns with the food and with another bottle of lemonade for herself, and Lawrence's original glass, filled up with water. "The Verlosi Sisters, sha la zosho ki kuna palza," she intones. "That means, 'from my heart to your stomach.' A traditional vulpine meal blessing. It's also traditional for the cook to take the first bite, so lemme get that outta the way..." Callie uses her fork to remove a little bit of one of her skewers, dip it into peanut sauce, and eat from it. Then she nods.

Lawrence would patiently wait for the chef to return before he'd take the glass of water gratefully; those hazel eyes glancing over the meal as he felt salivia beginning to pool within his lips. Watching the matron take her seat once again, the knight would do as tradition advised; waiting for Callie to take her first bite before moving to tuck in himself. Truthfully, the man didn't know quite where to start; so, he'd simply begin tasing each component upon ths tray; slowly nibbling upon the seafood and the chicken while getting a taste of what flavors seemed to pair well with one another. As a simple knight who lived in the woods, Lawrence wasn't quite used to this level of dining; it would soon show as he lacked pacing and would wind up wolfing down most of the meal.

Callie offers Lawrence a gentle smile as he eats so rapidly. "Take it easy, hon," she says to him. "No one is going to come around and snatch away your plate. And you'll just give yourself indigestion, and then you won't want your... dessert." She winks at him. What she doesn't say to him is that vulpine chefs find it kind of offensive when someone eats their food so quickly, as if to say they can't wait to get the meal over with. Callie is certainly taking her time with her own meal; she's only had three bites so far. She has far less food, of course.

Lawrence would peer up from his food before leaning back; giving a sheepish smile and cleaning himself with a cloth. "Mnn.. excuse my manners, I suppose I was simply famished and it was one of the best meals I've had in moons." The knight would eye the vixen lightly at the mention of dessert; giving a rather suggestive smile back at those words. "Ah.. well, you do have a point.. it'd be a shame to ruin ones appetite simply because of over indulgence." Taking utensiles in hand, the male would ease his pace; seeming content to match the matron's own as he began to cut slivers of chicken before popping them into his maw. Quite to the point, the extra time Lawrence took in chewing would allow the spices and herbs to shine through the myraid of flavors as he tasted his meal; a low growl of delight dancing upon his lips at the array of flavors.

Callie smiles sweetly. "It's okay. If you come in more often, perhaps you'll become more accustomed to good meals. This is one of the best, I think, but there are many that are very, very good. Even when I'm not here, you're guaranteed to get a great meal. Every assistant chef here is also a master chef." Callie dips part of one of her skewers into some pineapple nectar, and holds it out for Lawrence to try. "Here, tell me what you think of this. This is chicken jinjona, in pineapple nectar. A great introduction to vulpine cuisine."

Lawrence simply gave a light smirk at the notion; nodding his head before chuffling quietly. "Ah.. but if I were to come here too often, it'd ruin every other meal for me Callie. That'd be quite a horrible fate, don't you think? Or perhaps that's what you intended with bringing me here with such sweet and lavish scents!" The wolven would jest merrily; still quite certain that this dish was the best he'd had in at least ten months. Seeing the food offered, the knight would raise a brow at the mention of it being traditional cusine; his noise giving the skewer a quick sniff before taking a bite of the assortment of grilled offerings. The lightly charred bitter tange would seem to meld well with the sweetness of the pineapple nectar; a strange mixture of flavors coming together all along his tongue. "Mnn.. what a sweet and tangy taste.. nothing like I've had over here..."

"It's lovely, isn't it? Jinjona, in *some* form, is something that *every* vulpine tribe makes. Chicken, pork, and beef jinjona are what I serve here. Some tribes do shrimp, fish, turkey... the name 'jinjona' actually refers more precisely to the mix of spices." Callie uses her fork to take off the last bit of meat from that first skewer, and dips it into peanut sauce this time before finishing it off.

Lawrence found himself nodding his head as he nibbled upon his own meal; seeming to delight in the mixture of herbs and spices mingling upon his taste buds. "Mnn.. it certainly does give the dish a kick that I'm unused to.. in a good way that is. It makes the whole experiance that much more intresting." Picking up his glass of water, the wolven would seem to wash down some of his meal with the refreshing liquid; letting his palate be cleansed before taking a small break from eating. "Hrm, so have you been cooking long then? It's quite interesting to see such a different way in preparing similar dishes like this. And I suppose you enjoy the meals from your homeland the best? I've seen many other nations create an assortment of food based off their own culture, though I havn't seen a shop reflecting other such ideals within the cities' limits."

"Hm, I've had the restaurant for about... six years now? Two of them, at this current location," Callie says. "Prior to this place, I was at an outdoor kiosk. *This* version of CVC actually serves as my primary residence nowadays. Two-story building with employee bedrooms upstairs; mine doubles as an office. Down here, there's also a customer bedroom, and I've got an on-site greenhouse and bath house, as well. I got into the restaurant business a few years after I first started living here in Nanthalion." Callie takes a sip of her lemonade. "I invited friends over to my place in the forest, for dinner, and the compliments about my food made me realize I could do this for a living."

Lawrence would idly listen to the vixen as he resumed eating; small bites being taken out of his dish before little to none was left. "Mnn.. I see, well it seems you've had many iterations of the CVC up to this date, it's good to see that all that hard work and dedication has paid off at the end." Giving the space a once over, the knight would smile; seeming content within the foreign, yet homely atmosphere. "That said, I find it quite strange there arn't more places like this; or at least more establishments focusing on the different races' cuisine." The male would ponder this if only for a moment; playing with the idea within his mind before putting it to the side to simply enjoy his meal.

Callie nods. "This is only the second iteration of CVC, actually," she says. "But yes, I'm from Verlosi'ka, where there are *many* restaurants, some of which *do* focus on cuisines from other cultures. To come here and find The Lonely Inn as the only place to get a decent meal-- for a certain definition of the word 'decent'-- it was incomprehensible to me. It was a major failing in Nanthalion, a hole to be filled. And it's very different from The Lonely Inn. Almost nothing on the menu is alike, aside from the drinks. And if someone were to get violent in here, I'd throw them out. Because, after all, this *is* my home."

Lawrence smiled and snorted at the mention of the Inn, remembering the space quite well before sighing at the memories. "Mnn.. well that is a cause of some concern all right. I don't know, but as far as I remember, the food there isn't quite as.. 'decent' as that here. I'd even go as far as to say that they're not really comparable. Still, the Lonely Inn does that bedding for those who can't afford a house within, or outside the city; a plus for travelers just starting to put their roots into the land. For I myself, I found myself a small clearing within the fey forest a few ticks west from the Inn, it isn't much.. but I suppose it's home." Bringing up his glass of water to his mouth, the wolven would take a swing of the beverage; his tail seeming to flicker from one side to the other as he regarded the vixen before him. "Haha, so you're the authority here, hrm? Well it must be nice to have something to protect so close by; especially when it doubles as your business. The fights at the Inn can get quite dramatic.. with all the alcohol and.. some poor decisions made. Actually, I thought of getting work as a city guard to work over at the Inn, but only found those that are stationed there are more then happy to see violence go unchecked."

"Yeah, the Imperial Guard doesn't care if you beat someone's brains out in the middle of The Lonely Inn," Callie muses, "just so long as you don't scuff the paint on the table. At least when I was with VEGA, we cared about *people*, not just things. We helped protect Valencia from invasion, and kept the evil Run'ya Najaka faction at bay." Callie finishes off her last skewer, and takes a long sip of her second lemonade bottle, which is now about three-quarters empty. "So, do you have a shelter in that clearing, or at least a tent or something?"

Lawrence chuckled at the vixen's words before nodding sadly; seeming quite perplexed with the state things have gotten within the city. "Well, I personally have a small tent within the corner of the clearing under some trees. The shade helps within the summer months, and it's only a few feet away from a stream of rushing water. Other than that, I've flattened some ground and built a small cricle of stones to keep in the fires that I burn every night, usually helps keep away the bugs, and some of the lesser folk that'd try to rob someone in their sleep." Shaking his head the knight would sigh; remembering something akin to such an encounter. "To say the least, it may be a tad bit more dangerous then finding housing within the Inn, but.. this is free, and quite abit more private. I can't begin to tell you how many ridiculous noises have kept me awake within that establishment. Everything from people having nightly affairs to a drunken band of folk making merry within the bar below!"

"Actually, your home setup sounds very nice," Callie says. "Throw in a Sleep Watch spell, and even the robbers wouldn't be a problem. A lot of people *do* have problems sleeping in the inn, but I'm not one of them. I have five brothers and sisters, and I grew up not only with them, but with den-parents and den-siblings." Callie finishes off her lemonade. "You see, vulpines are born in clutches, instead of one at a time. I'm a sextuplet. But instead of putting all the parenting burdens on two parents, we live together in what are called "dens", with more children and more parents. Some of the parents aren't even biologically related to the kids, but they're retirees, or people who can't have, or choose not to have, kids of their own." Callie smiles gently. "Two of my den-parents were newlyweds, younger than I am now, when they first came to live with us. Vixens don't usually become fertile until our second century of life."

Lawrence simply shook his head and smiled; thinking back to his makeshift home. "Mnn.. to some I suppose it'd be a nice place to stay, but I for one desire a real roof over my head. Perhaps something not as grand as a castle, but a manor that I may be proud of. Of course, before any of this can happen I need a place of hire.. haha, and you know as well as I how long it'd been since I've began my search. Otherwise, I'd likely be a few mhls closer to my pipe dream." Dipping his head low, the wolven would seem to finish the last scraps of his meal before stretching in content; a filled belly adding nicely to the rather kind atmosphere. "Oh? My my, it must've been hard to live with so many individuals. Though I suppose you'd have a singular den mother to look after your batch? I suppose in that regard I'm quite different, while I know my wolven kin live in packs and have a similar system to a mixture of yours and humans, my mother was concidered an outcast from where I came from. They see it quite strange for a high human and wolven to copulate so I was grown by myself away from the town and its people. However the side traits did have benefits, such as improved strength and the like, thus I made it into the knights order there and had my training."

"Oh, I wouldn't call your dream a *pipe* dream," Callie says. "And you needn't necessarily start with a manor. The first home of my own was a log cabin." Callie smiles. "My siblings and I were most beholden to my parents and two den-parents, but we still obeyed the other ones as well. Actually, it's a pretty effective system. Was your mother human, or wolven?"

Lawrence finished up his meal by whiping his mouth clean with a cloth; smiling kindly towards the vixen as his ivory appendage began to swish too and fro. "Hrm.. perhaps not, but I wonder if it'll be worth climbing the ranks of houses or simply buying what I desire up front. Either way, each process will be bound of have many thistles and thorns on the way; something to look forward to I suppose. As for my mother, she was the human half of me, you could say that my father's pack was within the vicinity and since my mother lived in the outskirts one of the males became smitten with her. One night of passion later, they had me on accident; I suppose they assumed the human and wolven couldn't have children. Of course, not many of the towns-folk knew of my existence. At least not until I popped out one day. Hah, imagine the surprise, though I myself wasn't scorned too much; my mother seemed to have brunted most of the blame for such deeds." Shaking his head, the knight would lean in towards the fox; his slender, ivory tail snaking down the table to tease Callie's ankles. "Mnn.. and what of you, did you enjoy your childhood? It seems you've seen a few more moons then I, but that only means there's more months to make silly mistakes and lovely memories."

Callie smiles sweetly as she feels Lawrence's tail touching her. "Well, I'm glad that your mother's comrades didn't blame *you* for your existence. I've always thought that the way some people treat half-breeds isn't right. I *do* mean 'some' people, though. It's established triestan canon among us vulpines that The Lady loves Her half-breed children equally." Callie finishes off her lemonade bottle, and wipes her mouth with her red cloth napkin. "I'm 38, actually. And yes, I *did* enjoy my childhood, quite a bit. Knowing what I know now, I realize I lived a charmed life as a child. I grew up in the love of tribe and clan, was educated in both Common and Vulpani, and learned many things."

Lawrence seemed quite content to speak of nothing as the two finished thier brunch; his snow-white appendage idly curling along the woman's feet before sneaking its way up one of her voilet clad thighs. "Mnn.. I see, well a good upbringing makes life all the more fruitful especially within the earlier years. I personally enjoyed my knightly days.. I had the chance to make a variety of friends that would look past this exterior shell of mine, and allies who would give tooth and limb as I would for them. I suppose in such a situation people come to trust one another despite thier short comings; attitudes change for the better if you know you're stuck with that person for years of physical labor with noone else to count on. Of course, that journey has ended me all the way up here in Nanthalion, quite a times away from my own brothers and sisters in arms; yet, my past has let me make due with what I have."

"Friends and comrades help make life worth living," Callie says with a nod. "'Up here'-- so you're from down south, also? My hometown is about a day's mephos travel south from here. Took about a month for me to get here, though, because I rode up with an Amahil caravan, which made its way in kind of a squiggly, zig-zag fashion through all the other cities and villages of the Ulma Valley and beyond. At night, we would stop on the outskirts of some village or another, and sing songs and eat around a campfire. I made myself useful with a little cooking-- back then, I wasn't too terribly good at that-- and with salesmanship."

Lawrence would smirk and nod; giving a moment to think back upon the comrades he had during his training before turning his attention to the lovely matron once again. "Ah.. yes, I'm from a place with long summers, and very short winters. Where I come from it rarely snows if ever at all. Once every thirty six moons perhaps, but that also means we have more time to play outside. So many of my fellow friends have told me of how jealous they were of my ivory fur and hair as it keeps away some of the heat from the sun. However here, it seems to be the opposite; the hold has a sharper ring to it then it did within the southern lands. As for my travels, it's been a few years since I've been on the road; simply taking routes by foot, or being hired by caravans to guard them while moving up towards a northern city or town. Because of these it's taken me quite some time to arrive here, but it's also given me some training... somewhat."

Callie nods; Lawrence must come from one of the equatorial regions, to have such short winters. As for herself, she doesn't come from *nearly* that far south. In fact, the weather is not too dissimilar from Nanthalion. The Elemental Servants come around to clear the table, and Callie rises to her feet. "So, shall we go upstairs, and get better acquainted? At the very least, we can start with a little snuggling, and see if it feels right."

Lawrence found himself rising as the liquid creatues moved about the table; cleaning and moving the plates away to be washed and stored. Smiling towards the vixen
s offer, the wolf would follow soon behind; more then happy to have some quality time with the sexy matron. "Mnn.. abit of warming up is always nice; least to feel out how the afternoon will go." Hazel eyes would glint with hues of desire and curiosity; his furry appendage quickly whipping around in excitment as a small growl rose within the wolven's lips. "So.. do tell me more about your interests Callie, I'm sure that there's much more to you then simply this shop, though it seems much of your time is spent here." While speaking, the male would walk within the vixen; waiting for her to climb the stairs before following after, and.. to enjoy the view.

"Certainly," Callie says, swaying her tails lightly behind her as she makes her way up the stairs. The first door on the right is hers; she opens it to reveal a bedroom/office. There's a king-sized, reinforced bed with red sheets and pillowcases on it; a square table that seats two; two end tables; a shrine to The Lady; and a desk. There's a lantern on both the desk and on the table. On the shrine is a statuette of the ten-tailed, golden-furred vulpine goddess, flanked by two large candlesticks. Callie sits down on the bed and starts removing her boots and socks. "I like to swim, fly my mephos, use my water magic, bathe, and go to the vulpine temple in my spare time. I try to make it to the temple at least once a week. Every two weeks, I do a volunteer cooking day there. I make one type of entree and one type of appetizer, and I also bake bread for the lilabon supplicants. Ah, that's the people who do bread-and-water fasting as they await a personal revelation from The Lady."

Lawrence would glance up towards the fox as she swayed her hips with each movement; simply enjoying the bounce of her plush rump while the pair made thier way up the stairs. Arriving upon the second floor, the knight would follow the matron towards her quarters before shutting the door behind him; letting the knob 'click' into place before turning to watch Callie remove her footwear. Settling himself down for a moment he'd idly undo his buckle before laying down his long-sword; settling it far away so it'd not get in the way. Turning around, Lawrence would do the same to his shield before placing his leather boots aside; seeming to take great care in placing his gear so they'd not crash or fall onto the ground in a sudden heap should it be disturbed. "Hrm.. quite a few things you do to fill your time Callie.. though it's nice to hear that you volunteer, I'm sure there's not many as qualified as you to do such tasks. I myself make myself busy within the forest, cutting firewood for the camp; finding game or fishing for food and the like whenever I don't feel like paying for a meal. These things usually keep me busy; otherwise I suppose I spend my time in town, meeting folks here and seeing the daily activities."

By the time Lawrence has finished talking about what he does in town, Callie is barefoot, and she wiggles her toes a little bit, freed of their entrapment. "Speaking of paying for a meal; yours is on the house today. Your company is payment enough this time." She winks at him. "I used to do a lot of fishing, myself. I had a hell of an incident when I was six, though."

Lawrence would nod quietly before he freed his toes from his leather boots; grinning kindly up towards the fox before he'd settle himself on the tip of her bedding. "Oh, how kind of you.. it was a meal well worth the mhls I assure you though I'm sure your company couldn't compare to such things." Giving her a teasing look, the knight would lean in closer; closing the gap between them before growling happily. "Oh? Did your own fair share of hunting then? Did you use a string and stick or just a spear?" The wolven would take in the vixen's frame before padding the bedding next to him; giving a light smirk of invitation while his tail wagged happily.

Callie is already seated on the bed, but she scooches over a little bit at Lawrence's bidding so that her left leg is touching his right leg, all the way down to their feet. "String and stick," she says. "Actually, the one I used, and still use, is a family heirloom. It was first given to me when I was five years old. I'm the oldest of my siblings, see. The next summer, I was fishing in Lake Kilinia with my youngest sister Kayta when suddenly I was pulled off my feet and dragged into the water by a massive fish on the other end of the line."

Lawrence smiled lightly as the fox moved closer to him; idly curling his tail around the woman's hips as the tip of his appendage continued to wag, those hazel eyes glinting with sparks of desire as the knight did his best to imagine the matron's story. "Oh? Well that must've been some experience, there arn't many critters that could pull a pup even at the age of five years. Hrm.. perhaps it was a larger lake then I'm used to.. though the idea is quite frightening in its own way. So, I assume you bested it seeing as how you're still here?" The knight would perk his ears; seeming quite invested within the vixen's story.

"Six years," Callie corrects him, as her left tail wraps around Lawrence's waist, the tip resting lightly against his hip. Her center and right tails stroke along the length of the wolven knight's singular appendage. "Well, the fishing pole was an heirloom, and I stubbornly-- stupidly-- held onto it as the fish dragged me away from shore and deep into the water. I must admit, I... blacked out. When I awoke, there was this 20-something-year-old brunette human woman standing above me, looking concerned. I passed out again, woke up, and she was gone, and it was Kayta who was looking down at me. Amazingly, the fishing pole was right next to me. I didn't lose it. But man, were my parents *furious* with me!"

Lawrence would murmur kindly before his fingers would idly trace down the woman's singular tail; his nails slowly grooming the crimson fur absentmindedly while the matron continued her story. Nodding silently, the knight would drape his left arm around the vixens shoulder and smile; giving a light squeeze of her arm. "Well it sounds like that you were saved by a stranger that day hrm? Though I'm quite impressed you managed to keep hold of that old rod even while you were passed out; a very stubborn kit you were, no? I'm sure your parents were mad because they were simply happy that you made it out alive!" Giving a light chuckle, Lawrence would lean back and think back on his own past; starting with a low semblence of his voice. "Well, the fishing I do is mostly with a spear. There aren't any critters as large as the one that bit your line where I go to hunt. Ankle high, rushing rivers is where I spend my time in the fall seasons, waiting for the local fish to swim up stream to have their brood. It's actually when they're the most plump, and I share the grounds with quite a few of the local animals. Here, it seems that season is somewhere during the summer when the water's arn't quite as chilly, they tend to put away their eggs deep under the mud so they won't freeze with the snow.. either way, they're plenty here and there."

"Do you make sure to allow the animals to get their fair share of fish, as well? Bears gotta eat too, after all," Callie says with a gentle smile. The fox lifts up her left foot, stroking her bare toes against the outside of Lawrence's right ankle. Callie is imagining herself trying to spear-fish. She'd probably end up impaling herself by mistake. Most of the time, when she uses her spear, she's aiming farther in front of herself, and certainly, never down.

Lawrence would chuffle at the well natured question; leaning down to give the fox a light kiss upon her forehead. "Ahah, of course I do. Even if I were to eat my fill every day there'd be so many fish that I wouldn't even make a dent in their population. They have thier fill and I have mine, however those bears usually use the time to stock up on fat for their hibernation or the sort. Me, I keep some left overs as frozen goods to cook during the following season. They're better used in such ways, I believe the fish normally fade after copulation.. a fleeting life if you would." Growling into the woman's ear, the wolven would lean into the vixen; his nose picking up the fragrance of her sweet scent mixed with the labors of the day. It was an inviting perfume of sorts, one that'd perk the knight's desires as he tried to pull the matron upon his lap.

Callie murrs softly into Lawrence's kissing her on the forehead, and her sensitive ears pick up the ringing of the bell over the double doors downstairs. However, one of her fox-kin ssistant chefs is there to greet the arriving customer. "True, there are a *lot* of fish in the sea compared to us." She allows herself to be scooped up onto Lawrence's lap facing away from him, and she places her left hand on top of his, while taking hold of his right hand and placing it on the base of her right tail, indicating how she likes to be touched. As a member of a tailed species himself, Lawrence would know that tailbases are erogenous zones. "What do you eat in the wild, apart from fish?"

Lawrence felt his chest rumble with a low, heated growl as he felt her plush rear press against his groin; those tipped ears flickering to attention before moving his right hand teasingly along the base of her many tails. Gently preening the fox's scarlet fur, the knight would press his digits into those fluffy appendages; carefully brushing the sensitive flesh hidden underneath the vibrant exterior before his teeth found her lovely ears. "Mnn.. I have a tendency to hunt wild, invasive boar from time to time. There are also plenty of berries, fruit, and vegetables within the woods if you know where to look. Unappealing mushrooms are also quite the treat here and there, with some added flavor of crawfish found in the ends of the river." Steadily moving his arms, the knight would free his left hand before slowly tracing it along the vixen's midriff; idly draping those digits against Callie's smooth middle to press her deeper into his embrace.

"Mmmm, berries, corn, and crawfish were a staple of our diet when I was with the Amahil caravan," Callie says. "Plenty of the latter in the streams of the Ulma Valley." Callie's ears flip a little bit on their own as Lawrence places his marvelous teeth on them, and she smiles at the way he's touching her tails and her tum. Her left and right tails now move to wrap around Lawrence's waist; their white-furred tips meet at the small of his back, near his own tailbase.

Lawrence eyed the vixen before murring kindly into her ears; finding how they flickered with the grazing of his teeth to be quite adorable as he moved his attentions down her supple frame. Idly nibbling along her throat, the wolven would let her feel the sharp edges of his canines as he carefully raked them along her flesh; being slow and percise in his approach while his left hand moved to caress and tease the base of each of her five tails. Every movement from the knight seemed to be filled with purpose, his stranded, right palm making its way up; under the matron's lilac top as it grazed itself along her cream tinted middle. "Oh yes, I forgot to add another delectable individual to the list of prey. A very sexy, sensual vixen who seems to have fallen right into this wolven's lap. After all, you did promise to be my 'dessert' did you not Callie?" A teasing tone would edge within Lawrence's voice as he spoke; those hazel eyes glowing with burning desire as he restained himself of ripping those kind silks from her gorgeous form.

Callie chuckles softly and says, "I suppose I *did* say that. But are you sure I'm *your* prey? I rather think it's the other way around." Callie slides out of Lawrence's lap and turns around to face him, before sitting down again and wrapping her legs around him, stroking his back with her toenails. As she undoes the fastening on the back of her blouse, she leans in and kisses him full on the lips.

Lawrence would chuffle at the challenge before growling lowly; desire lacing his tone as he leaned up to take a final nibble upon the vixen's ears. "Well, I'd like to think.. to each their own Callie. Unless of course.. you'd like to make a little game of it?" Smiling up at the matron, he'd watch the lovely kitsune rise from his lap before turning herself towards him; relcaiming her spot upon his lap as those powerful thighs closed upon his hips. Responding in kind, the knight would grasp at the woman's plush rump; letting both of his hands trail down her dress to take hold of each, tender cheek. Keeping her there, the male would rut up against the sexy vixen; watching her bounce in place as her blouse fell to the floor beside the bed. The knight would seem pleased as Callie moved in to lock lips; a happy groan slipping from Lawrence's maw as he settled himself with the exotic woman before him.

The last fastening is undone, and Callie removes her blouse, letting it flutter downward, revealing a red lacy bra beneath it. She looks just as good in red as she does in purple. "Mmm, do you think we can... have sex without alerting the customers downstairs? I, for one, kinda doubt it. I get loud when I get excited. Incidentally, I enjoy the way you're squeezing my bum, Lawrence."

Lawrence would gaze upon the matron as thier lips parted; small strands of saliva telling of their recent embrace as his hazel eyes burned with lust. Growling lowly, the wolven would smile towards the vixen's question; moving his maw to whisper in her ear. "No... I like my females loud, call it vain but it fuels my lusts all the more when I know they're being pleasured. And on top of that, I love how your plump, sexy rump feels against the flesh of my hands, they way the supple flesh gives under my touch, the feeling of the silky, ruby fur running along my palm." Smirking up at the vixen, the wolven would snap his jaws in front of the fox; biting down and pulling away the strands of scarlet hiding Callie's ample breasts before pulling it off with a single motion of his head. In seconds, the fabric would wind up within the knight's lips; a rather lustful grin etched upon his features.

Callie giggles when Lawrence bites at the fabric of her lacy bra and removes it with his teeth. The clasp for the bra was in front, and he undid it with expertise, causing the fox to murmur, "Oh, my." And she was aroused by the way Lawrence told her straight up exactly what it was he liked about their foreplay so far. "I also like how you're willing to get to know me a little bit before we just hop in the sack. Some guys, I tell them I'm interested, and they want to skip the meal entirely-- literally, in some cases-- and get right to the strawberry shortcake."

Lawrence felt himself murring happily as he felt the fox's warmth spread throught his frame; those hazel eyes moving down to drink in the woman's shapely breasts before he'd growl happily in response. "Oh? Well those boys simply don't know how to savor their dessert then I suppose. You're supposed to take care in savoring each and every bite, letting it last as long as possible until moving onto the strawberry on the top." Grinning, the knight would close the distance between the two before wrapping his lips against Callie's right nipple; letting his teeth nick the tender flesh to her breasts before tenderly suckling upon it. Gazing up towards the woman's features; the wolven would give a predatory grin, his two hands working to remove the vixen's skirt from her hips while groping and massaging her plush rear.

Callie lets out a soft gasp when Lawrence applies his lips to her nipple and then works on it a little bit with his teeth. "That's right," she says. "Some people just don't know how to appreciate what they've got. And then they leave, thinking that that's all there is." Callie moves a hand down the wolven's back to stroke at his tailbase, while the other one is applied to the back of his neck, kneading the sensitive nerves there.

Lawrence would look up and grin; moving his lips from one of her supple breasts to the other before giving the left nipple just as much attention as its sister. Growling in delight, the male would continue his quest in removing the vixen's skirt; pulling down the zipper that held the fabric in place before lifting the fox up, trailing the fabric over her frame until she was bared barring her panties. "Hmm.. is that so? It seems like such a shame really, they ought to give much more attention to those they're with; especially if they're as lovely as a certain vixen." Murring happily at the woman's touches against the base of his tail, that white appendage would begin to wag once more, a certain hardness pressing up against the matron's stomach while the knight would grind his hips into hers.

Callie nods. "I've always thought the experience is much more important than the endgame. Though I hope that *both* will be memorable, of course." Callie is wearing a pair of red lace panties that are now visible since her skirt has been removed. "Tell me, have you ever been with a vixen before, Lawrence?"

Lawrence would pop himself free from the woman's breast before thinking the question through; seeming to shake his head before replying. "Mnn.. no, I've never laid with another vixen before you, least unless they were in disguise. However, I've always had a fondness for the race, perhaps it's apart of my blood? I do however plan on making this night memorable, after all there isn't many times that such things occur." Grinning kindly, the knight would lean into the fox before rolling himself over; moving himself with the matron until he found himself staring down at Callie with him on top.

Callie allows Lawrence to move her down onto her back, and she lay there dressed only in her red lace panties and her five-tailed, red-furred fox earring, which she wears in her right ear. She places her right hand on his left shoulder and digs her fingers lightly into his flesh. "You plan on making this *night* memorable? It's, like, eleven in the morning. I doubt we'll be at it *that* long," she says with a chuckle.

Lawrence would gaze down upon Callie's beautiful frame before leaning into her; his lips locking onto his while those snow-white ears flickered at the mention of his words. Breaking the light embrace, the wolven would chuffle happily, moving up to nibble upon her sensetitve ears before growling sweetly. "You forget Callie, I'm at least half a wolven, I'd be more than happy to accompany such a lovely woman such as yourself from now.. to the crack of daylight." As he spoke, the wolven's arms would seem to move towards his tunic, those digits undoing the laces of his armor before he'd unstrap the frame from his form and toss it onto the floor next to him. During this, the male's fluffy tail would idly tease his new partner, what ivory fur brushing against the inner thighs of the matron until cascading down her legs and down to her toes; seeming to aim at tickling those sensetitve limbs while the knight stripped himself bare.

Callie isn't ticklish on her feet, as some people are, but they *do* serve as an erogenous zone for her. She smiles warmly as the wolven begins to undress himself, but she says to him, "Leave your pants on for now... I wanna take them off myself." She winks, and watches as Lawrence's chest is bared to her for the first time. There's just something about one's initial encounter with a new partner.

Lawrence seemed to smile down at the lovely vixen as he loomed over her; the low growl rumbling from his throat getting ever a pitch higher before he beared down upon his 'dessert'. Moveing up to face the matron, the wolven's lips would soon find her own; tieing the pair together for a long moment as the man's curious fingers swooped low, gracing the fox's scarlet plet along her stomach before riding up her flesh. Each hand would trace up the fox's sides, feeling the hardness of her ribs before stopping at a giving, rounded breast; coiling around the supple flesh. Once there, those fingers would dig into the tender morsals; groping and kneading those supple orbs before lightly teasing the hardened mounds on each tip. "Mnn.. as you desire Callie, has anyone told you how pretty a vixen you are? Or maybe I'm simply repeating something you already know very well?"

Callie leans into the kiss and aggressively bites at the wolven's lower lip, not enough to cause harm, but enough to cause a little bit of pain. She dives into his mouth with her tongue. As Lawrence teases her body with each little stroke of his fingers, Callie traces her right hand on the wolven's chest, starting just above his waist and moving upward, fingers splayed out to cover the maximum ground she can. When she reaches his breasts, she tweaks first his left nipple, then his right. "I've been told this before, but... I enjoy hearing it anyway. Tell me more about... myself."

Lawrence would hiss at the sudden bite to his lower lip before growling in delight; seeming to enjoy the small spikes of pain as he leaned heavily into that kiss, wrestling the vulpines tounge with his own as his growing arousal flared. Every movement of the sensual vixen seemed to fuel the male's lust as his eager kneading of her bosom became rougher; those digits sinking into her supple flesh as he greedily toyed with those giving breasts. As she pinched his nipples, small moan of pleasure would rumble from his lips, those hazel eyes tinted with lust as they broke their kiss. "Mnn.. is that so? There's quite a bit to speak about Callie, perhaps I should start with your ears and make my way down?" Snapping his jaws, the knight would nibble upon the woman's ears as he spoke, the hushed whispers of his breath seeming to blow against the inner fur of her sensitive ears. "Nmm, well I love how these flufffy ears of yours move whenever I decide to tease them, I delight in your verdant pools and how they shine whenever I stare deeply into them. Your lips as sensual and kind, tasty too if I might add." Grinning down, the wolven would seem to trace his right hand down as he spoke, gently caressing the woman's features before moving along towards the rest of her body. "Your crimson fur shines ever so brightly, your breasts so full and tender to the touch. The middle is nice and firm, filled with experience and hardships, while your hips are wide and the envy of others."

Callie closes her eyes and lets out a soft moan when she feels Lawrence digging his fingers into her welcoming titflesh, and she murrs when his teeth are again applied very gently to her ears. He breathes into the latter orgasns as he speaks. Callie doesn't have the way with words that Lawrence has, but he's exciting her with *his* words. "Mmmm, give over," she says with a giggle, her five tails curling lightly towards her back in an expression of mild embarassment.

Lawrence would smirk and nuzzle the sexy vixen; those hazel orbs still quite keened upon his 'dessert' while his hands would slowly move down her voluptuous form. Trailing his kisses down her smooth stomach before nibbling upon her ruby panties. Looking up towards her verdent gaze, the wolven would growl sweetly before his tongue would lash out of his maw, tracing the light indent of the fox's sex as he tasted her over her undergarments. "Mnn, shall I Callie? But I have so much more about you I want to share~" This tone would be laced with a jolly, teasing note, his gaze sparkling with mirth with he nibbled upon the helm of the elastic holding the lacey piece together. "Eheh, I will have to add though, it's delightful how nice and plush your rear is Callie, I'm sure you could tell.. since you've been trying to entice me with that sexy rump of yours ever since I've laid eyes on it. I've noticed how you've been wiggling that cute rear.. it was very much appreciated."

Callie breathes in sharply when she feels that wolven tongue of Lawrence's teasing her above her panties, and when he starts talking about her bum, the fox giggles softly. "I freely admit it," she says. "I noticed you checking me out, and I wanted to see what would happen if I deliberately showed you some of my best assets. Can't argue that it didn't work. This is The Lady's First Tenet, after all-- seek out pleasure, in all its forms."

Lawrence would laugh into the vixen's sex as he lapped at her silk clad folds; the vibrations of which continued to tickle the fox's snatch before he'd loom down and resume his lavishing attentions upon her. "Mnn.. is that the case my naughty little vulpine? Well.. I'm sure its had its intended effects seeing just how close I am to pouncing this lovely matron before me. It's almost a shame that I promised that you could remove my trousers for me, if not.. I'm sure I'd already be buried deep within this tasty little pussy of yours." Growling lustfully, the knight would smirk and take another lap against her silken panties; a finger moving down to move the restricting garments to the side before the scent of the woman hit his nose. It was enough to tear down the knight's vigilance, but alas his training would prevail. Moving both of his hands, the male would idly hook the sides of the ruby linen on each pointer finger before pulling the fabric up and away, giving him a completed view of the vixen's pink sex. "Mnn.. this looks is quite fitting Callie.."

Callie lets out a soft laugh when Lawrence good-naturedly complains about his trousers, and she says, "It'll be worth waiting for, hon. No need to rush to the main event, when the preliminary card is, ah... interesting, too." Callie's vagina is already glistening quite nicely, indicating her deep arousal, which started soon after Lawrence entered the restaurant, really. She'd been flirting with him almost since jump. "But since you mentioned how... *tasty*... my pussy is...?"

Lawrence smirked as he looked down at his prize, the scarlet fur upon Callie's thighs parted by a small, pink slit shining with excitment. Looming over the female, the knight would growl happily as his lust continued to build, those hazel eyes glareing down at her pretty pink pussy before he'd lean down to take a lick from the base of her opening all the way up to her little bean. "Mnn.. I don't think I have to tell you just how tasty your pussy is my dear matron, after all, I've been looking foward to my strawberry shortcake ever since you mentioned it." Murring kindly, the wolven would continue his assault upon her folds as he spoke, idly lapping at the vixen's outer lips before letting his tounge part her jewel. The scent of the fox would seem to tickle the wolven's nose as he enjoyed the salty, tangy flavor of the vulpine; his growls of delight vibrating his mouth ever so slightly each time that tounge delved deep into her sex.

"Yeah, you've been, mmmmm... nibbling at the wrapper for a little while, too," Callie says, referring to him licking her panties just above her crotch a few moments earlier. Callie arches her back slightly upwards, thrusting out her breasts, as she lifts her feet and strokes along the sides of Lawrence's body. One of them finds his tail, and she threads his tail between her second and third toes, laughing softly. Finally, Callie moves both hands down. One of them is pressed firmly against the back of his head, while the other strokes his ear, very gently.

Lawrence would groan in delight as he continued his ministrations; that long tongue lashing out against the vixen's heated quim while those hazel eyes glared up into the woman's verdent greens. It was clear that the knight was doing his best in keeping his lusts satiated as he devoured his 'dessert' that prodding organ easily pressing deeply into that slick, constrcting cunny as he lapped up the matron's excitement. "Grr, those panties were quite flavorful too Callie, perhaps you were looking fowards to this? Such a pretty, lewd vulpine you are." Lawrence would chuffle as he spoke, seeming to enjoy the light scritching upon his ears as his hands began to roam her lovely body once again. Mostly, his touches would score across her wide hips and thighs; giving her lovely butt a squeeze as he used that as leverage to eat her more properly. However from time to time, his roaming hands would cross upon the cleft of her pussy, his tumb teasing at a certain, hardened bean when it crossed ways.

Callie lets out a long gasp as she feels Lawrence really eating her out now, while his hands caress her body all over. "Mmmm, perhaps I *was* looking forward to this," she says. "Is... that so wrong? You're a very attractive man, after all. And I *am* always seeking someone new to make love to." She grins, and moves her left foot up and off of Lawrence's tail after a moment, so that both of them can stroke at his rear.

Lawrence found himself growling lightly before pulling away from her tasty pussy, hazel orbs shineing with desire before he'd raise himself back up into the vixen's embrace. "Mnn.. nothing wrong at all Callie, though.. it's nice to hear such words from such sexy vixen as yourself." Grinning, the knight would lean fowards and press his lips into hers in a quick motion; letting his tounge slip into her mouth as he shared her flavor with her. "Here, see for yourself just how good you taste, I'm sure you'll like it just as much as I do." The wolven's tail would lash to and fro as he felt her fingers press against his bum, finding the trade quite entertaining as hey held onto eachother by thier lower ends.

Callie sighs a little as Lawrence pulls his mouth away from her sex, but at least he adjusts himself so that he's lying atop her again in short order. As the fox grinds herself against the wolven's manhood, which is still tucked away in his trousers, she complies with his request and kisses him deeply while digging her fingers into the muscles of his rear end. When she breaks the kiss, she says, "I think... I think it's only fair that you get a taste of your own medicine, huh?"

+Lawrence would peer down at the fox and smirk; leaning down to kiss her cheek and nibble upon her ears. "Mnn.. no medicine tastes quite so sweet my dear Callie, I believe it'd be more like.. just desserts." The male would grunt as he felt those sharp nails digging into his rear; a light gasp echoing from his lips before he'd move his arms to idly run down the vixen's hips. It seemed that the knight was waiting to see what the vupline had in mind while he waited, his tail now lashing quietly behind him as he looked down int oher emerald gaze.

Callie rolls Lawrence over closer to the center of the bed, fluffing up a pair of pillows for him as she takes the top position, and she begins to trace her lips, tongue, and teeth down the half-wolven's form, while her hands take up position on the sides. Eventually, she comes down to the waistband of his trousers, and she frees him from them, stopping in front of his manhood just long enough for her cooling breath to tease it before she moves the rest of the way down, to remove his trousers from his feet.

Lawrence smiled as he was rolled along with the sexy, scarlet vulpine, his ivory hair tussled around with the movement as he looked up from his downwards position. Grinning happily, the knight would seem happy enough to simply lay there splayed before his lover, those hazel eyes still burning with desire as he watched the vixen slowly make her way down his form. Hissing in delight, the male would bite back a low growl as she began to remove his pesky, leather trousers; that thick piece of fabric slowly peeling away from his flesh before his hot, half-hardened shaft shrung from its confinement; lazily looming over the vixen's features as the tip rested upon her hair. "Mnn.. such a good girl..", the knight would whisper; a hand coming down to gently play with her large ears in a kind gesture.

"Oooh, you call *me* a naughty one; you didn't even wear boxers, or anything," Callie says with a grin. "Do they get in the way of your, mmmm... sexual escapades?" The fox chuckles, and her ears twitch lightly in Lawrence's hands, as her tails move and sway above her body. "Tell me... do you like having your ball sack lightly pinched? Not enough to hurt, of course, but enough to stretch it out a little bit."

Lawrence would growl lightly and pull her lovely features into his rod; grinding the base of his shaft over her smooth cheek as desire burned within him. "Mnn.. no not quite the reason why. Personally, wearing undergarments under armor just makes every chafe. Also, it leaves a rather nasty scent if you're not too careful, eventually I got sick of the whole hassle and decided to do without. As for preferences, I tihnk as long as you don't damage any of my family jewels we'll get along just fine my lovely vixen." The male would smirk and continue his petting; leaning himself against the back of the bed to get a good look of the sexy woman before him.

Callie scratches her chin thoughtfully at Lawrence's explanation, and she gives him a nod. "I suppose that makes sense," she says. Then she reaches out for the wolven's scrotum and begins to gently pinch it here and there, slowly stretching him out. Every now and then, she softly rolls around a testicle in the palm of her hand, applying very little, if any, actual pressure to it.

Lawrence would grin and moan lightly at the kind touches to his orbs; a small gasp slipping from his lips whenever those gentle gestures hit a particular soft spot along his sack. "Mnn.. such a tease you are Callie, a very effective one at that." It was apparent that the wolven seemed to enjoy this attention as his half-hardened length began to grow, his shaft beginning to stand at attention before his girth swelled with excitment. "Mnn.. even my little man here agrees!"

Callie lifts her left hand upwards to touch a space between her breasts, and she protests, "Who, me? I'm not a tease at all. I'm just making sure you're fully ready for me." Callie hears two people heading up the stairs, and she suddenly realizes, to her horror, that the door isn't locked-- but these customers walk right by Callie's room. A moment later, she hears the sliding glass door open and shut, and realizes that they've taken balcony seats. Callie chuckles softly, and makes no attempt to go over to lock the door. If someone *does* come barging in, meh. It's *her* home.

Lawrence would chuckle and move a hand down to gently tussle her hair; those hazel eyes glinting with mirth before he'd lean down to kiss the vixen's forehead. "Mnn.. sure you're not, but I'm sure you can see I'm plenty ready.. all of your hard work has made me hard as a rock my lovely matron; I'm quite sure my desires for you are quite apparent, yes?" The knight would chuffle before thrusting up with his hips; letting his girth playfully slide against the fox's lips before the tip settled along the base of her nose; his scent rolling off that bulbous head. "Mnn.. I wouldn't mind the company really, though I don't think I'd share my dessert with many."

Callie chuckles softly. "Well spoken," she says. She does occasionally have sex with other people around, but she very rarely actually does the deed with more than one person at a time. Callie reaches out with her right hand and wraps it around Lawrence's glans, her thumb covering his urethra. Carefully, she begins to grip it a little tighter.

Lawrence found himself moaning kindly as he felt the vixen's fingers wrap around his girth, a light growl playing from within the knight's throat as he stopped himself from jumping the sexy fox. Instead, he'd watch the lovely woman as she began to service him, a small groan of excitment echoing from his maw while his white tail began to wag in anticipation. Needless to say, the knight's rod was hardened like stone at this point, his eager desires seeming to fuel his lusts all the more.

"Mmmmmm, so hard," Callie murrs. "And all for me. Nobody's gonna come around and snatch away my plate today." She winks at Lawrence, reminding him of when he'd inhaled about half his seafood dish upon its arrival. The vixen leans in, lowers her hand slightly to uncover the head of Lawrence's manhood, and gives him a gentle lick right atop, before swirling the tip of her tongue against the wolven's urethra, as if trying to coax out a little fluid.

Lawrence would grunt and groan in delight at the light kisses upon the head of his shaft, a small bead of pre-cum idly dripping from his urethra. "Mnn.. well I'm not going to be going anywhere, and I did mention I wouldn't share such a lovely vixen with any other!" The male would chuffle and idly stroke his fingers through the fox's scarlet fur; murring quietly in pleasure as she continued to coax out pleasure from his rod. "Mnn..."

Callie grins, and deeply breathes in Lawrence's scent of masculinity as she tastes his pre for the first time. The fox lifts her legs up into the air, bare feet crossing at the ankles to give Lawrence something *else* lovely to behold. Finally, she parts her lips to allow the wolven's manhood into her mouth, and begins to slowly go down on him. She takes about three inches before pulling back up, and gradually, she builds a rhythm.

Lawrence leaned into the lovely vixen to tease her ears as she move around his; his hardened shaft throbbing its desires as he felt her lips wrap around his cock-head. Growling in bliss, the knight would smile and contiune to tease the lovely crimson vixen's ears; letting her take the initiative as he simply enjoyed the warm embrace of her mouth. "Mnn.. sho good, eheh.. are you also enjoying your little treat then Callie? There's bound to be a sticky, creamy finish at the end if you do a good job."

When promises a little treat at the end, Callie lets out an "mmmmm", the vibration traveling along Lawrence's shaft and hitting him in various sensitive areas. She slips off him, making a loud slurp noise, leaving behind a healthy dose of her saliva. "I've always liked pastries with a cream filling inside," she admits, before slipping him back inside her mouth again.

Lawrence would chuffle at her words and idly stroke the lovely vixen's cheek as she worked upon his girth; low groans of pleasure rolling off the wolven's tounge as he felt those sensual lips continued to suckle and pull against his shaft. "Mnn.. such a good girl Callie, though it does make me feel like I'm not doing enough here." With a smile, the knight would stretch his hands before grasping at the vulpines plush rear; those fingers digging into that vally of flesh before he'd begin to knead it through his digits. "Ahah, I suppose little suprises are really nice, and I'm sure you'll be getting your helping soon as well if you continue such pleasureful service." Bucking his hips, Lawrence would seem to enjoy the sensations rolling from his lower regions as he gazed upon the woman's sloppy lips; carefully cleaning some of the spittle that'd dripped onto her cheeks with a finger.

Callie scratches her chin, realizing that she's really not giving Lawrence a good position to give her any pleasure in return, like he'd said. So she flips over into sixty-nine position, setting her petaled flower right up in front of his mouth, while still allowing him to grip at her bum. Her feet gently stroke at both sides of the wolven's head, and she curls her tails and toes.

Lawrence smiled as he watched the flexiable woman shift her position so her pink petals rested right above his lips, a small growl slipping from the wolven's throat as he leaned down to taste her honey pot once more. Lashing his tounge against the vixen's flesh, the male wouldn't waste time; eargerly burying himself deep into that sodden pussy as he greedily began to devour her heated muff. Each lash of his organ would wet Callie's outer folds with his salivia, the sweet, tangy taste sounding off upon his tastebuds as he made sure to tease the little buzzer down below.

"Ahhhhh, goddess," Callie murrs as she slips off of Lawrence's cock for just a moment before going back to it, and speaking of the goddess, from this particular spot, looking down towards the foot of the bed, Callie can see her Shrine to The Lady, on the opposite side of the wall from her desk. Looking over and locking her eyes on the gold-colored statuette, Callie silently says a prayer to the Mother of All Vulpines, thanking Her for bringing her into the world, and asking Her to look down upon her with love as she does her best to fulfill the First Tenet today. She really believes that The Lady and Her Divine Husband Trejani sometimes look down upon the mortal realm for sexual inspiration.

Lawrence would feel his release approaching as pleasure worked though his frame; jolts of electricty pulsing from the tips of his lower head as he felt that warm mouth coil around his flesh, that dripping tounge working around his girth. Digging himself into that tasty quirm, the knight would growl lowly as he felt a rush of bliss; warm seed eagerly shooting out of his urethra and deep into the vixen's lips. "Mnn.. nmmm.." Silencing himself by pleasureing the matron, Lawrence would express his desires by eagerly lapping along her sex, trying his best to return as much as he receives.

Callie lets out an excited gasp and she eagerly sucks up all of Lawrence's cum that she can, while her sex drips its juices slowly down into the wolven's waiting maw. Callie lifts her feet slightly up off the bed, and swirls her tails along Lawrence's chest, before pulling her mouth off of him with a loud slurping noise.

Lawrence would gasp and shiver in delight as he continued to cum into the vixen's sultry lips; filling her maw with his seed while his own continued to lick up the leaking vulpine's juices. Eventually, his spasms would cease as a low growl slipped from the wolven's throat; his white tail whipping around excitedly while his manhood continued to stand proud. It seemed that the image of Callie's puffy pussy was enough to keep the knight hard for her; so much so in fact, the male would idly thrust into the air even after having shot his load. "Mnn.. that felt heavenly.. eheh"

"Mmmmm... mm-hmm," Callie says, and she rolls off of Lawrence, resting to his left, wrapping an arm around him and giving him some post-coital snuggles. After a moment, she kisses the wolven on the cheek. She smiles and says, "We should have some tea or something... some yatava tea, between now and the main event. What do you think?"

Lawrence would grin and hold the vixen close as she turned herself upright towards him; stealing a kiss from her lips before his brow raised in curiosity. "Oh? And.. what does this tea do exactly Callie? I've heard that most brews are good for one thing or the other, is this one similar?" The knight would drink in the sexy vulpine's form as he asked this, his hands already resting along the side of her hips.

"It just imparts energy," Callie says. "Yatava's good for that. It's an odorless, tasteless ingredient that's also in the jinjona. It'll help us go a little longer. Wanna get it in the traditional tea flavor?" Callie touches both feet against Lawrence's ankles, toes curling lightly.

Lawrence smirked before nodding his head; seeing a break to be good way to simmer down for a moment. "Mnn.. why not, though I don't believe I've ever had tea before, it'll be quite a experience.." The warrior would smile down towards the vixen and snuggle her soft frame, seeming to like the cuddles as he waited.

"Okay," Callie says, and she mentally instructs one of her Elemental Servants to get on that. The vixen lets out a bit of a yawn now, and she smiles as she leans against Lawrence's body. Callie gives Lawrence a gentle kiss on the cheek and says, "Did you know that, to triestani vulpines like myself, having sex is an act of worship? I pray just about every time I make love."

Lawrence gave a little smile as he felt the vixen's fur radiate heat from their little session; those hazel eyes glinted with the lingering embers of his desires as the pair opted to take a small break. "Nm.. is that so? Well I have little knowledge of those things, but I remember meeting a certain elven who said something quite similar. Though, I believe she was a follower of Ishtar? Either way, I believe that striving for ones ambitions is fine, regardless of the method of practice. And I for one am not to complain." The male would chuffle and move a hand to hold the vulpine as she leaned into him; returning the kiss but placing it upon her forehead. "I suppose my reason is desire and passions, that.. and it's quite a good way to get to know the people here. A roundabout, fun way of greetings perhaps.."

Callie smiles at the forehead kiss. "It *is* a good way to get to know people. In the most intimate way possible. You can learn a lot about someone by the way they make love. Sometimes. Sometimes the nicest people in the world enjoy the roughest sex. So it's not an exact science."

Lawrence would smirk and growl lightly upon Callie's words, his brow being raised as a playful smirk etched itself upon his lips. "Oh? Does that mean that you enjoy really rough sex then? After all, I believe you're one of the kindest souls I've met within this town thus far." The knight would snicker kindly as his tail wrapped itself around the vixen's middle; his arm pulling her closer as her scent lingered within his nose.

Callie chuckles softly. "Not really too big a fan of rough sex myself," she admits. "Actually, as vulpines go, I'm fairly plain-vanilla. Oral and vaginal are okay, but I don't like anal. I've tried it; don't like it. I also don't like being tied up, unless I know you very, very well." Callie deeply breathes in the musk of Lawrence, taking comfort in it.

Lawrence chuffled and sighed lightly murring as he spoke, "And here I thought I'd try to make a read, even so, I'm sure we'll have gotten to know each other quite a bit more after all of this, wouldn't you agree?" The wolven would lean in once more, gently nibbling upon the vulpine's fluffy ears as his hands moved to slowly fluff the vixen's many tails. "Mnn.. though I can't deny that I'm looking forward to the process as much as what's to come."

Callie lets out a soft murr as she enjoys the touching of her tails, and she casts Elemental Craft, creating a silver tail brush made of hard water, surrounded by a thick membrane. She hands it to Lawrence and turns around so that her back is towards him. "Mmmm, you can do that all day," she says. "Lemme teach you the correct order. Left one first."

Lawrence would blink once as he was given that brush, a broad smile slowly working its way upon his features before he'd take the item from the vixen. "Ohh? Is that a request? Eheh, well I suppose I could indulge a pretty little fox." The wolven would growl kindly as he began to gently brush the woman's tails, starting from the left most and moving on towards the right. However, the wolven did have certain plans, and he'd do a fair bit more then brush. Moving his hands, the knight would deftly begin to massage the woman's hips and rear as be continued to lavish his affentions upon her tails, his own coming from behind to teasingly run along the woman's chest all the while.

"Mmmmmm," Callie exclaims. "That feels so nice. I was born with my leftmost tail. Most vulpines are born with one, but we can start with anywhere from zero to two. In ancient times, some extraordinary people were born with more, but not recently. The Lady grants us new tails to recognize certain moments in our lives. I earned my right tail after saving one of my friends from being kidnapped, at considerable risk to my own life. I was not nearly so capable in combat back then as I am now."

Lawrence would idly listen as be moved onto the third tail; his fingers slowly massaging her plush rump all the while. "Oh is that so? Well I know not what the Lady desires of your kind, but I suppose if She's the one whom judges such things she'd have an eye for excellence." The wolven would smile lightly as he worked; murring sweetly into the vixen's ear before moving onto the fourth tail. "Hrm.. so five tails are the most granted, yes? I wonder why, since I remember the statue having nine."

"Oh, no, on the contrary, the most that mortal vulpines get nowadays is eight, and they're almost *all* tribal leaders. Most of The Lady's Original Children, the Tavya Din, have nine, as does Her Divine Husband, Trejani. The Lady Herself is the only one with ten." Callie moves Lawrence's brush back to her upper tail, her third one. "I earned my third tail when I became a water mage. There's a funny story that goes with that; I'll tell it to ya later." Then she moves his hand to her lower tail. "The fourth tail was granted for seemingly no reason at all. Continuous improvement, I guess."

Lawrence would silently listen as he brushed, murring kindly before smiling. "Oh is that so? Mnn.. it's a shame that none shall share the honor of having all ten tails with her. Mnn.. such a thing does sound a tad bit intresting.." The wolven would ponder for a moment before shrugging; his attentions going back to the pettings. "Oh? Well it must be nice to have such strong memories with some of your tails. They're almost like timestamps within your life, linked to some event or the other. Well, unlike your fourth..."

Callie moves Lawrence's tail now to her center tail. "They *are* timestamps, yes. I'll never forget where I was when I got them. And finally, I earned my fifth tail when I helped rescue my eventual wife, Allisa, from the hands of wolven slavers. Then we found her long-lost sister, whom she'd thought had been captured, but was actually happily married, with children. Earning my fifth tail gave me the title of Musha Villa [pronounced "MOO-sha VEE-ah"], and gives me certain rights and privileges."

Lawrence chuffled kindly at the last story as he began to brush the right most tail; growling lightly before nibbling upon her ear at the mention of slavers. "Mnn.. well it seems you got quite a few blessings off of doing a good deed, well.. I suppose that of itself is a blessing of sorts. The title, I'm not familiar with, though I'm going to assume it applies to those within your community." The knight would smile kindly, wrapping his tail along the woman's stomach before tickling her sides with the very tip.

Callie giggles softly when she feels Lawrence's tail tickling her, and she creates another brush so that she can give the wolven's tail equal attention. As she begins to brush him, she says, "Mushani Villa are guiding lights to our civilization. We share our culture with other races and with those of our own kind who weren't fortunate enough to know The Lady's light growing up. We can also perform marriage ceremonies and serve as tribal elders."

Lawrence would move his arms around the lovely fox before pulling her into his lap; cooing quietly into her ear as his shaft idly grinded aganist the base of her sex. Of course, he'd move her tails to the side before continually brushing them in slow motions; murring lightly as his own was given attention. Sadly, his extra appendage wasn't quite as sensettive further away from its base, but small streams of pleasure would flow from the fur there despite the fluff around the tail. "Mnn.. sounds like an important task.. though you told me you were in your thirties.. I wouldn't call that exactly elderly. Eheh.. far from such, though I suppose it is only a title"

"Yeah, 38 isn't even old for a human nowadays," Callie says, lifting the brush up off of Lawrence's tail before regaining contact at a lower point on that appendage. "I fully expect to live the rest of my life without gaining another tail. Five is usually about as many as anyone ever gets, and most people never get *this* far. The shaman of the Verlosi Tribe has eight, and she's well over 800 years old."

Lawrence would coo softly and wiggle slightly as he felt the vixen tease the base of his tail; light sparks of pleasure jolting from the appendage before his hands would move away from her own appendages to gently cup at one of her breasts. "Mnn.. I don't think five tails is a bad number to sit on, after all any more and they may cover up that sexy butt of yours. Wouldn't want that now would we?" The wolven would chuffle in a teasing gesture, his other hand trailing down the vupline's hips before sliding against her inner thigh. "Mnn.. so, we were waiting for some tea yes? Would you care to be refreshed before we begin?"

Callie giggles. "That's true; sometimes even five is hard to deal with. It always takes a little while to readjust your center of balance when you've earned a new tail, and you've gotta be careful not to knock things over. As far as being refreshed... mmmmm, what'd you have in mind?"

Lawrence thought about what he could offer in helping the vixen liven up before their main play, and a few ideas did spring to mind. "Mnn.. what if I gave you a little massage Callie, I'm no expert by any means, but I'm sure I can help ease the tension from working all day." The knight would give a small smile, leaning down to idly nibble upon the vulpine's ears as his arms already moved to her sides; gently pulling and kneading the flesh there as a small demonstration.

Callie grins. "Mmmmm, that sounds nice," she says. "I could *really* go for a neck massage, actually. When my body builds up tension, it usually centers in the back of my neck." The vixen's ears twitch cutely as they're nibbled upon, and Callie can smell the scent of the tea downstairs through her Elemental Servant as it's prepared.

Lawrence would smile and push the woman gently; coaxing her to lay upon her stomach before slowly strapping her back. Putting little to no weight upon the vixen, the wolven would smile kindly before moaving her hands up towards the vulpine's throat, letting his fingers press into those muscles located there before gently running those digits downwards. For a few moments, the male would squeeze and push with his fingers in soothing motions; a low growl of delight escaping the knight's lips as his tail began to swish happily to and fro. "Mnn.. something like this then?"

Callie lay down on her stomach and keeps her tails down close to her body instead of up in the air, though she *does* lift her bare feet off the mattress and cross them at the ankles. When Lawrence starts working his fingers into her neck, the fox murmurs, "Yeah... yeaaah, good, Lawrence. Just like that."

Lawrence simply cooed softly as his hands continued to dig into the vulpine's neck; pressing and releaseing in a slow rhythm before he'd begin placing kisses upon the vixen's frame. The first would be given to the woman's cheek before he'd slowly begin to move downwards, the others falling upon her throat, shoulders and upper back while he continued his minstrations. "Mnn.. I'm glad you're enjoying it Callie, though.. I do suppose this is more of a full back massage rather then just your neck." Growling kindly, those hands of his would move down to the woman's collar bone while his gentle kisses trailed ever downwards; carefully working around those hardened bones and muscles as he approached her midriff.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:54 am

Sorcerous Sanctuary
January 12, 2020
Callie and Shiho

Shiho-SS spend some time behind the counter, waiting to see if anyone would show up to the Sanctuary today. With the weather it was likely that no one would appear, although there were people that could travel without having to deal with the weather. After a while he took one of the old books and started to read in it.

Callista Kayami Volopa was one of those people who could travel regardless of the climate. She currently exists as a swirl of mist and fog, billowing 100 feet in the air in her Mist Wraith form. Moving down towards the ground, she cancels the spell and enters the Sorcerous Sanctuary. She's dressed in her white silken shirt, rainbow-colored knee-length skirt, black boots with purple buckles on them, and her Tears of The Lady necklace. She carries a large picnic basket with her. Seeing Shiho behind the counter, she moves towards him. "Ollo, Shiho!" she exclaims. "I see you're reading. Did I catch you at a bad time?" Callie knows that just because Shiho is reading, doesn't mean he's not busy.

Shiho-SS grinned and shook his head at her. "Your company is always most welcome." He promised her with his usual warmth. "It is good to see you again." The look in his eyes was much stronger than his words and he easily let the book disappear below the counter. "How have you been?" He asked her, her company at the quiet building far better than the basket she had with her, although he was most curious to find out what she had in it today. He still treasured the day she had visited him in the Sanctuary that first day.

"I'm doing quite well, thank you," Callie says with a warm smile. "I brought some ormot stew for us, which my friend and employee Arrhiana makes. It's a venison stew with celery, onions, merlot, and spices. Some potato rolls for dipping, and I brought along a few tea bags; we can have hot tea." Callie smiles warmly, and leans in to kiss her dear friend Shiho. "I also brought some peanuts for Parthos. Where's the little rascal?"

Shiho-SS smiled at her kindness and realized he was starting to get quite hungry but that hunger was not just for the food she had brought with her.. and the kiss they shared lasted longer than just short moment. There was a dare in his eyes although he knew they wouldn't be fooling around while enjoying the food.. but the back rooms offered some privacy to enjoy some dessert afterwards. He shook his head at her final question. "He decided to keep sleeping in the inn. He doesn't sleep all winter like normally, but he does sleep a lot." He said with a chuckle and then brushed a hand over Callie's hair. "I hope you have nowhere to be for the time being?" He asked with a grin. "Days like this can often be very quiet at the Sanctuary."

Callie nods and says, "Tell him I miss him. And yes, I've nowhere to be." She leans into the brushing of her hair. "I used to work here. Used to run the joint, in fact. I know how quiet and lonely it can be, particularly in the winter, when everyone would rather huddle up at home near their fireplaces." She begins to dish out the food, and then gets some tea on.

Shiho-SS let his grin grow at her words, somewhat more playful and daring and his hand lightly stroked over one of her tails... just happening to be her right tail. "I will tell him, but I plan to enjoy your company for a long time first." He said with a wink. "It will be good to eat something on this cold day." He said with a nod, but the look he gave her showed she might be on the menu as well. "And yes, it can be very quiet here in winter, but at the same time I want to keep the place open at times so people can get their warmth spells and other useful enchants."

"I admire your committment to the job," Callie says. "I hope your bosses know how lucky they are to have you." She smiles warmly, and uses her spoon to penetrate the hard-water barrier over her bowl of merlot stew. "Zousa, as the Sheyka say-- 'to your health.'" She places her palms together, with her fingers extended out towards Shiho, and dips her hands down slightly in a Sheyka blessing before taking her first bite.

Shiho-SS smiled at her kind words and gave a little shrug. "I like to think so, I try to make a lot of hours here, although Allivia and Farvel have of course worked here longer. And Anaya is one of the few that is completely immune to my smile." He said with a wink, although it went quite a bit further as she gave him the feeling she would chop off his cock if he mistreated himself. "But I enjoy working here, it is fun to see the people coming here and seeing what enchants and magic they want to have. It says a lot about people. And of course if I can give some advice to starting mages, that is also a pleasure." He shared with her once she took her first bite. His words were followed by him taking a few bites of the food himself.

Callie dips one of her potato rolls into her stew and takes a bite. The tea begins to whistle, and Callie moves over to it, pouring some into two mugs. "What's the weirdest enchantment, potion, or spell you've ever sold anyone? Just between you and me."

Shiho-SS enjoyed the food quite a lot, but most of his attention remained on the beautiful company he had for the meal. He grinned at her question and gave it some thought. "I think the most fun can be found in the commands people decide on for their cum on command enchants for slaves or friends." He said with a warm chuckle. "They can be quite creative or plain cruel. Of course I enchanted Illyn's necklace to give her a climax anyone someone speaks my name, so I might be just as cruel." He said with a wink and let his hand tease one of her tails again, knowing jealousy was a very rare thing in this empire. And again, it just happened to be her right tail.

Callie murrs as she feels her right tail touched again by Shiho when she comes around to present the tea. She knows darn well that Shiho's trying to get her other tails jealous, and it's working, the little bugger. "Yes, Rida told me about that one. The three of you left one of my banquets to be off by yourselves, and she said your name repeatedly, causing Illyn to lose control." She winks.

Shiho-SS grinned. "It is a good thing I am getting to be known in this town as I have never had to introduce myself in her company yet, so I can get away with never using my name around her." He said with a grin. "But yes, there are those who have a lot of fun with it." He said with a wink. "Sadly I still haven't gotten to properly know Rida as talks about religion ruined that time with the three of us." He shared with her, again quite happy he didn't have to worry about jealousy... although he could be quite jealous with the looks other men gave to Illyn. "Recently Illyn and me spoke a bit more about her relation with Gaea and she seems to get more at peace with the relation she has with her Mother." He shared with Callie, knowing their friendship was close enough to mention such private things.

Callie nods. "Yes, I remember Rida told me that she and Illyn had an argument about it. I was surprised. That's not really like Rida at all. I don't have much of a relationship with Gaea myself, but I'm very devout towards The Lady, as you know." She takes her first sip of tea, just to determine the amount of sugar she should put in it. She settles on two lumps, and stirs.

Shiho-SS nodded and enjoyed the tea she had brought without adding any sugar to it. "Religion is not really I often talk about, I of course have a healthy respect for the gods and I love hearing your stories." He said, although he was happy she had learned there were moments to be quiet and just kiss or make other sounds. "These days most people are mostly interested in getting warmth enchants for the cold temperature.. or cold enchants for those living or working in Dethsiris." He then shared with her about his work at the Sanctuary.

"The most unusual potion I ever made," Callie says, "was a Dual Cocks potion. After a few minutes, it took a guy's manhood and caused it to grow a second one, to the left of it. Then he got to fuck me with it." The vixen grins. "The second-most-unusual potion was one that transformed me and Allisa into a pair of swans for a few hours."

Shiho-SS grinned, of course not thinking anything bad about her for sharing something like that or the image it caused in his mind. "I am not really sure how I would feel about my cock being affected by magic." He admitted with a grin. "So I hope you are pleased enough with just my one cock." He laughed, but of course quite eager to be with her again. Eating her meals often only aroused him more as she really was beautiful company. He moved to stand behind her and kissed her neck while his hands started to fool around with her tails, this time in the proper order.. Starting to tease her left tail, followed by her right tail, then her upper tail, her lower tail and finally her middle tail, before starting all over. His fingers made sure to tease her quite nicely.

Callie looks over at Shiho, wondering what he's doing, since he's not quite done with his food. Then he begins to kiss her with his lips and tease her with his fingers, and the vixen murrs, taking her last few bites of ormot before giving Shiho her full attention. Her smile grows. "You sure do like my tails, don't you?" she asks. "I can't say as I blame you. They *are* the blessing of The Lady."

Shiho-SS grinned and kissed her neck once more. "All of you is a blessing of the Lady." He complimented her. "Your tails just are a good way to start things without getting swatted when you are not in the mood." Of course he had never encountered her not to be in the mood, other than not being in the mood for letting him have his way with her in the current place they were. "If you want to feel my hands on other parts of your body, we should find another room.. unless you are feeling brave today..." He said with a grin that she could feel as much as it could be seen. He was quite sure no one would walk in on them, but he knew how she thought on such things.

"Better not be bold today," Callie says. "Knowing my luck, Anaya would come in and catch us. Let's find another room." Callie casts Elemental Craft, placing a lid on the rest of Shiho's stew, and she finishes off her potato roll, taking her mug of tea with her. "Where shall we go?"

Shiho-SS nodded as Callie made her comment about Anaya, trusting his luck just as much. The woman didn't seem to like men at all, so it was best to be as invisible as he could to her. "I am most sure I will need something to eat when we get back here." He said with a smirk and a teasing wink. He took her to one of the back rooms where a few tables were that could be used for brewing potions, once he closed the door behind him, Shiho moved to stand close behind her and pulled her even closer against him. His hands claimed her breasts, finding them just as tempting as her tails.

As Callie is pulled into Shiho's arms, she uses her Telekinesis spell to place her mug of tea far away, after Elementally Crafting a lid to keep it nice and warm for whenever she's able to get back to it. Which might be an hour from now or longer, based on her and Shiho's past history. Then she surrenders herself to what she's feeling, wrapping her side tails around Shiho's waist as she places her hands on top of the human's hands, which are touching her breasts.

Shiho-SS kissed her neck a few more times while his hands played with her breasts through her shirt, although with the way his need was clearly could be told, it was doubtful they would be wearing their clothes much longer. She really was a beautiful woman and he enjoyed every moment they got to spend together.

Callie presses her hips back against Shiho's body, letting out a murr as she feels him stirring against her, and she smiles and lets out a soft little hiss. "Mmmm, you turn me on so well, Shiho," she says, running her tails along his back, sides, and chest. "You know that."

Shiho-SS groaned softly next to her ear as she pressed her hips against him and teased her breasts a bit longer, before he turned her around in his arms. Then his hands lowered to her ass, but rather than playing with her tails, he went for her ass itself, teasing it and groping it lightly. "Such a nice, tempting body." He commented with a grin and started to work on removing her skirt. "Let's make this a very long and steamy time."

"I quite agree," Callie says. As Shiho starts taking off her skirt, she leans in and kisses him slowly, hungrily, showing her deep abiding passion for him. She's had many sex partners in her relatively short life, but Shiho is one of the special ones. Hard to believe they've known each other for a little less than two years. Beneath her skirt is a pair of black lacy panties.

Shiho-SS kept his eyes open while they kissed, some women didn't like that as they thought he couldn't lose himself into the feeling that way, but for him it meant he simply didn't want to take his eyes away from her. His mind was well trained and his eyes were very perceptive, he could lose himself, while being a control freak, with his eyes open. Once the kiss ended... a long time after it had started... he started to remove her shirt as well. "I am very hungry for some dessert already.." He told her and once her shirt was gone, he lifted her and gently placed her to sit on the table. "Remove your panties. Please?" He asked her, although it had been far more a command than a question, he could be very dominant when he was aroused, even when his relation with Callie was of a different nature.

Beneath Callie's shirt is a red lacy bra. When she's set down on the table and given a request, the vixen says, "Sure... but remove my boots and socks first, hon. And get me a sip of my tea. I need a little, mmm... refreshment." The vixen winks. She can be just as dominant as Shiho is.

Shiho-SS grinned clearly not minding her 'command' and helped her with her boots and socks first before handing her the tea. "Now then, remove your panties and show me how you need this as much as I do." He said with a grin, teasingly licking his lips but soon planned to be licking hers...

Callie wiggles her bare toes as they're exposed to Shiho's gaze, and she takes a long sip of her tea before re-lidding it and slipping her panties down below her knees. She places Shiho's hand on her panties to allow him to remove them the rest of the way, if he desires. When she sees him licking his lips, she does the same, imagining what will happen in the next few minutes, being with him.

Shiho-SS loved the sight of Callie removing her panties for him and helped to remove them completely, before also helping her out of her lacy bra, leaving her completely naked while he had only removed his own boots by now. His clothes were loose, not at all restrictive but right now they were quite the burden. He stripped out of his clothes, feeling her eyes on him. She was no stranger to the imperfections of his body, the few scars that marked his body from his years in the Nethergloom and he had no shame to show her just how much he wanted her. Then he knelt down and softly kissed her thigh as he spread her legs, giving him room to sit between them. Even as he looked up to her, there was no submission visible in his eyes. Even in this pose he was fully in charge.

Callie casts Elemental Craft as she gazes upon his body, creating a pillow for Shiho to kneel on. It's an opaque red one, firm and supportive, yet comfortable. She hands it down to her dear friend, and says, "I *do* need this, just as much as you do." The vixen looks down at Shiho, deep desire in her eyes.

Shiho-SS put the pillow under his knees and kissed her other thigh before placing a kiss directly onto her sex. At her admittance of how much she needed this, he let his tongue tease her lips. Slowly at first, but soon he started to explore things further... although by now he was quite intimately familiar with all of her body. He teased her slightly but then changed his game and started to simply assault her.

Callie smiles and lets out a warm "mmmmmm!" as Shiho begins to pleasure her, starting with a gentle lapping of her sex, but evolving quickly into going all-out. "Ahhh... ohhhh, goddess," she murrs. "Mmmmm, fuck me, Shiho. Fuck me with your tongue." She grins, moving her hands down to caress his hair and ears.

Shiho-SS teased her quite a bit longer, taking his time teasing just her lips without any sign he had heard her words, not that he could have missed them. Once he had been cruel enough, he finally pushed his tongue into her and started to drive her crazy the way he knew she enjoyed most. She tasted as good as the meals she served him, always leaving him hungry for more.

Callie gasps lewdly as she feels Shiho starting to eat her out, and she grips his hair a little more tightly, moving her bare feet down to the base of his neck and stroking him there with her white-furred toes. "Ahhhh, yessss... mmmm, do it, Shiho, just like that."

Shiho-SS had learned a lot in his life of how to use his tongue and from all the skills he possessed, this was one that had kept him alive in the Nethergloom most. Of course Callie was far easier to please than any dark elf, as she enjoyed the company of men and he luckily had gotten a very special place with her in the last year. With a grin on his face he started to eat her out properly, no longer teasing by refusing her... but teasing by making her squirm and trying to get her to beg him for more. Even on his knees he was not a submissive male.

Callie groans and takes hold of Shiho's hands, laying a kiss on one set of his knuckles before lifting him up to his feet. She keeps her legs spread for him, and her right hand now goes to his stiffening manhood, stroking it and getting him ready for her. She places her palm against the tip of his glans and moves about it in little circles.

Shiho-SS watched her with a warm grin. Even in all of his lust, his love and friendship for the beautfiul woman was very clear. His cock eagerly hardened for her as she stroked and teased him. Soon he was completely hard and the hunger was so clear in his eyes. "How do you want it?" He dared her to speak her thoughts, not to tease her but simply to make her feel him the way she wanted to today.

Callie murmurs excitedly. "Mmmm, I want you to take me right here on this table, standing up while I sit down and wrap my legs around you to keep you tight against me." She grins, knowing precisely what she wants, and knowing, because it's Shiho, that it's going to be amazing.

Shiho-SS stared into her eyes and the grin on his lips grew. If she wanted to be taken, she would be taken properly. For now he grabbed her wrists, he wasn't very strong but she would feel his need to guide her hands up and he didn't think she would fight him on that. His cock was lined up against her pussy and in one hard, eager thrust he went completely into her. She was hot, she was wet, she was tight for him. He started to move inside of her, claiming her with his lust. He didn't use magic, but part of him simply was magic.. like she was too.

Callie places her hands upon the tops of Shiho's shoulders, gripping them a little bit as she feels him entering her quickly, filling her balls-deep. "Yesssssss," Callie murrs, looking down at the point of connection between them and wrapping her legs around him as promised, crossing her bare feet at the ankles. She leans forward and gives Shiho a slow, ravishing kiss.

Shiho-SS loved kissing her and knew quite well how she enjoyed to be kissed by him, especially when she was clearly feeling this hot. His tongue teased her mouth, licking her lips and soon dancing with her tongue. With her legs around him, he could still fuck her quite nicely, claiming her depth while his eyes stared directly into hers. "I will get you addicted to this room and this table." He promised her with a grin, once the kiss ended, his lips wet with her saliva. His hands teased her breasts, loving them quite a lot.

Callie closes her eyes and allows herself to just feel what Shiho's doing to her, wrapping her side tails around his arms as her breasts bounce up and down with the impact of their lovemaking. When he breaks the kiss and makes that comment, she opens her eyes and murrs, "Promise?" smiling at him as he strokes her breasts with his hands. She reaches a hand up to caress Shiho's right ear.

Shiho-SS grinned as he looked at Callie and nodded. "I promise." There was a warm grin on his lips, and a dangerously playful sparkle in his eyes. He loved the times she came to the Sanctuary for him.. well, maybe not just for him but he had the feeling he was making the most hours in this place and he enjoyed doing this with her. Just as he loved eating the meals she brought to this place. He stared into her eyes as he started to fuck her faster, using all of his size to fill her, aiming to make her moan loudly. Most rooms would keep the sounds trapped inside, so they wouldn't get caught, but it was the idea that counted.

Callie laughs softly at the adorably earnest look in Shiho's eyes, and her free arm wraps around his waist as her side tails remain on his arms. She begins to buck back against him a little bit, but for the most part, allows him to control the pace of their lovemaking. "Ahhhh, Shiho," she murrs.

Shiho-SS grinned at her sounds and held her wrists quite securely, not letting her escape, although he knew she wouldn't. They both loved their times together and that love was visible in his eyes as he stared at her. He managed to fuck her even rougher without needing to look down to see what he was doing, knowing her completely by now. "I think I will just have to leave you here during all of my shift.. with my company if you are lucky.. tied up if someone else arrives." He teased her, but judging by her mood today she might not complain too much.

Callie grins. "You wouldn't have to tie me up. I have no intention of going anywhere anytime soon. Mmm, what time do you get off from the SS?" Callie leans forward and kisses Shiho before he can respond, and then pulls her lips back just a little bit, pressing her forehead against his.

Shiho-SS could pause and answer that question more detailed, but right now he had better things to do, so he was less specific. "That will at least be a few more hours.." He said with a grin as he continued to fuck her. She knew he had quite the stamina, being a mage and a young one. he could easily cum more than once and today he was planning to make most use of the time they had together here. More kisses were shared after that, but never did he fully stop his thrusts.

"Excellent," Callie says. "So long as I'm back at Foxden in time for dinner." Callie kisses Shiho again, and continues moving with him, now wrapping both arms around him and pounding him quite deeply. She can feel him bottoming out inside her, and it really arouses her; her five tails sway slowly behind her.

Shiho-SS grinned and gave her another very long and very passionate kiss, before he slowly pulled out of her. He was completely wet with her juices and very hard. "Well, if you are putting a time limit on us.. I think I should let you do the work." He said with a teasing wink and then moved to lay down on one of the empty tables in the room, his hard cock standing up. "Come ride me and let me play with your tails." He invited her, although his hands would play as much with her ass as they would with her tails, he loved her ass.

Callie giggles softly. "You lazy bum," she teases him, and she keeps her eyes firmly on his stiff manhood as she walks over with him towards that table, and lowers herself down onto him, smiling as she watches him disappear into her. She lets out a soft gasp when she feels his scrotum touch her vulva, and then she lifts herself up, beginning to ride him.

Shiho-SS groaned as his cock completely disappeared into her. He waited a short moment while she was riding him but then brought his hands to her ass. He started to tease her left tail and her right tail with his fingers, close to their bases, knowing how arousing she found that.

Callie murrs with excitement as she feels two of her tailbases stroked simultaneously, and her large, green, intelligent eyes seem to glow down at him as she places one hand on his shoulder and the other behind Shiho's neck. She leans downward and kisses the human on the forehead as they go at one another.

Shiho-SS kept playing with that right tail, while his other hand moved over the tail base and then started to play with her ass, teasing her flesh more than the other tails. He was hard, very hard inside of her and it wouldn't be long before he would fill her for the first time today. Of course that wouldn't be the last time. His fingers seemed to know exactly how to tease that right tail base.

Callie lets out a loud gasp as she feels Shiho's manhood explode inside her, filling her with his hot spun, and she murmurs, "Mmmm, yes... yes, Shiho, oh, goddess!" She holds herself there with him, her vagina gripping him tightly inside her, as the vixen does Kegel exercises to milk every little bit of seed out of the human.

Shiho-SS kept teasing her ass and tail base as Callie milked him of his seed. She might do quite well in getting all of his seed out of him with this climax, but the mage would remain hard for her, far from being done with the beautiful Vulpine. Eventually his one hand would finally leave that right tail and move to the base of the upper tail.

"Mmm, you've still got more to say?" Callie asks, grinning at Shiho as he doesn't pull out of her to recuperate, as she'd half-expected him to. Most guys have a refractory period, but Shiho seems like he's able to power through his on this occasion. "Mmm, use your other hand to... rub my clit," she murmurs.

Shiho-SS grinned and let his hand move from her ass to her clit. "You know I love spoiling you." He said with a wink as he started to rub her clit. "I am not planning to let you leave any time soon." He reminded her, although it would be longer before he would be able to cum again.. and after that he would need some recovery time. Perhaps by then they could consider leaving the Sanctuary and heading somewhere else.

Callie sighs softly upon feeling Shiho's fingers stroking her clitoris. "Oh... is that so?" she asks him, smiling sweetly. "I don't remember... *asking*... to leave. But let's say I got up... right now. Would you physically... try to stop me?" She grins a little wickedly.

Shiho-SS grinned and would continue to tease her clit, but with his other hand he moved from that upper tail base to her wrist and grab it again. Not so much to stop her from leaving, but mostly to full her closer to him so that he could kiss her once more. With all the steamy times they had been having together in the time they knew each other, kissing often played a large role in it.

Callie closes her eyes and lets out a soft "mmmm!" into the kiss as Shiho presses his lips against hers again, and she moves a hand to the back of his head, stroking her fingers into his hair. The fox deeply enjoys the way he kisses her, perhaps just as much as the way he makes love to her.

Shiho-SS continued to tease her clitoris even while they kissed, his eyes open and watching her face. "I like these kinds of meals." He said with a grin once the kiss ended. Slowly he released her wrist again and let his hand brush over her back.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am


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