Aeoles and Infernis's Dethsiris Expedition, Part I

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Aeoles and Infernis's Dethsiris Expedition, Part I

Postby CallieO on Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:39 pm

The Bears and the Maiden

[14:32] <Tennibrook`Balmossie> !time
[14:32] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2021-06-19 18:32:51 - please remember this is NOT game time

Aeoles stepped from the portal, his hands patting down his gear, he hated these things and how they felt...they always left a taste of raw beef in his mouth. Looking around he nodded and stepped further out, "Ok, we are here, that was the easy step." Stretching his wings wide, eyes scanning the distance for anything of interest. This was going to be a fun little excursion, he thought, "Now, has everyone made it safely through the portal?"

<+Varis> It was the day that Varis and others would be heading deep into the jungle of Dethsiris, and he was riding his giant Clysdale, Phantom, towards th portal from his home on the beach. Once at the Portal, varis would dismount and walk towards Aeoles with Phantoms reigns in his hand. "I'm here." He tells the other man with a smile. It was a good day, and the thought of going into the jungle made him keep that smile on his face. He couldn't wait to see what was in there.

Mae landed a few steps away from the portal. The black winged torian beauty wore a qipao [], her two whips and mithril scimitar, black silken stockings and black heels. She would walk to the two man Varis and Aeoles , her hips swaying as it was just her walk.Two of her large undead wolven following her. ¨Goodday gentleman.¨ She said with a grin, while leaning on one hip and crossing her arms.

Silevrien emerged from the portal, the silver-haired elf wearing a short dress and practical boots under her long mage robs, ink-stained fingers tugging and smoothing the garment as she did. "I've never traveled by portal before," she said, glancing back at it. "Curious..."

Varis-Deth looks to Mae and grins. "Hello, Miss Mae." He said to his mentor. the voices in his head wnt haywire when Mae and her undead thralls joins the group, but the voices didn't bothr him anymore since he had been getting adjusted to Maes magic for awhil now, though his own darkness stirred, he was able to control himself. He looked to Aeoles. "I have a pathway to the deeper part of the jungle flagged out. " He said, getting the map out and showing Aeoles. "W can get into the jungle here." He said pointing to a spot not too far from them. "I made a markr on it. Didn't get to far in, however, time ran out."

Dame Tennibrook Balmossie, Paladin of The Lady, is dressed in her mithril chain mail with a white shirt underneath it; a pair of black pants and black boots. She has her shield strapped to her back, and her mithril sword and mithril dagger on her hips, with her wrist crossbow on her left wrist. She's riding her black courser mare, Vintino. "I'm here," she says.

Aeoles bowed to Mae and looked at the map, tracing the lines with his claw like nails the Drak chuffed and nodded, "Looks like this will be fun, deep jungle, lots of wooded areas...plenty of room for an ambush." Waving at Tenni he looked back to Mae, "Can those things still smell out enemies, or are they just for slashing and bashing?" The excitment in him was palpable, "I want to find something useful, and fun!"

Caolan wobbled briefly as he stepped out of the portal. Goodness. He rubbed his head then took a breath as he straightened. The elf was dressed in a pair of brown leather pants and a white long sleeved shirt, with that gold hair pulled back into a ponytail to keep it off his neck. A dagger tucked away somewhere, and a staff in his hand, the elfling held the reins for his gelding Samson, a pretty grey horse. A bright smile to Tenni and a wave,and one given to Varis too! He knew people today! Excellent.

Mae would grin at Varis. ¨Hello dear.¨ She gave him a wink and then looked at Silevrien as she came out of the portal. ¨Well well..look who we got here!¨ She would chuckle as she looked at Silevrien. She would reach her hand out fot her chin and bring her face closer to give a kiss on her cheek. She would give Silevrien a wink and let go of her. She would then see Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT. ¨Hello miss Tennibrook." She would give her a wink. Then her eyes shifted to Aeoles and grinned when he bowed to her. Well..that is something she liked. She would chuckle. ¨Yes..the can smell out enemies..and they are good at slashing and bashing.¨ She would give him a wink.

Varis-Deth looks to see both Tenni and Caolan and smiles to them both and waves. Phantom snorted and Varis chuckled, petting th spot between the horses eyes. "You'll be fine, my gentle giant." He said. "it'll b like the jungl around our blessed temple." He said. with a smile.

Silevrien tilted her head up slightly when Mae drew her close for that kiss on the cheek, smiling softly. "Hello, Mae, darling," she purred, those purple eyes sparkling playfully before she stepped back. "Well, then...this should be an experience, hmm?"

Tenni recognizes Aeoles, Varis, Mae, and Caolan on this quest, but doesn't recognize Silevrien. After cursory nods to her acquaintances, she pulls up to Silevrien. "Hello," she says. "I'm Dame Tennibrook Balmossie, Unwavering Blade of Verkot. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Aeoles nodded and pulled a parchment from his own pouch, quickly he made a copy of the map he was presented, "Ok, from the look of it, East is our best option to discover anything new and useful, Now, most of you I've encountered at least once, at least in passing...You though," Pointing to Varis, "Are new to me, but for the sake of this expedition, I will trust you like a brother in arms. For this to work we will need our entire wits about us, from what I've gathered there are many a creepy crawly out there that would love to eat our faces off, so be careful." Checking the sun he turned east and nodded, "Now, off we go!" Letting out a shrill whistle, "We talk on the road, make introductions to those we don't know, be ready for anything, keep a hand on your blade if you must....or a spell ready to throw if that's your schtick."

Silevrien rested a hand over her heart, dipping her head int greeting to Tenni. "It's a pleasure, Dame Balmossie. I'm Silevrien...a student of Umbara and...present ward of the Annaerts. There are more than a few faces I'm unfamiliar with on this expedition..." he looked to each, but she smiled. "I'm quite eager to see what awaits us."

Fayette-Deth landed nearby. Sent at the last moment by Infernis. Dark and silver strands pulled back into a single braid landing with a thunk between large matching colored wings. Creamy face pale against such darkness. A Mithril hexagon charm was secured in her hair on the left side to be closest to her heart, a symbol of her devotion to Morpheous.. She wore a black corset with ties on the sides and a layered skirt, loose enough to allow movement. Lacy gloves covered her arms as she moved closer. Soft silver grey gaze drifting around the people, all stranger but she pulled her wings against her back, lifted her chin and moved forward. Time for a change and this was the path she was set upon. A broach upon her chest signifying she was employed by Dethsiris.

Mae would chuckle and nod to Silevrien. ¨Yes..this is going to be a experience.¨ She would then look at Aeoles and chuckle. Well..he sure was excited. She would follow the group, followed by her two large undead wolven. Surely they will give a signal if something dangerous was comming..a enemy because of their noses. Her hips swaying as she walked. She would lean closer to Varis-Deth and whisper: ¨Curious if he knows what he got himself into.¨ She grinned and gave Varis-Deth a wink and looked in front of her as she walked.

Caolan looked up to Aeoles as he tilted his head a bit, then he mounted up and straightened himself afterwards. A deep breath, then he said, to whomever was listening, "Caolan Leafwhistle. I'll be your healer." He smiled a bit as he looked about the group, then it was on the way.

Infernis ~The road was an old one, as old as the city, but well laid, so there'd be little issue with following it along. They'd need to make several miles in the sun's heat before the jungle itself would come into view beyond the reach of the REB's salvaged homes. The road between here and there would be mostly empty, but the homes were empty and abandoned, with open doors and windows and very few citizens around. The city was coming to life, slowly, but this part of the city was empty for the most part. But those with nature's blessing or especially sharp eyes and ears would feel eyes on them, but no real explanation as to where those eyes were. Just a distant gaze from many eyes as they walked along, purpose unknown and unknowable.~

This whole area gives Tennibrook the creeps. The feeling of being watched. She can't actually detect someone specifically looking at her, aside from her colleagues on occasion, but there's something amiss here, and it makes the hardened veteran ill at ease.

Aeoles gave short chirping whistles as he moved, tail swaying behind him. Each whistle sounded different to those with trained ears, they seemed to indicate something to those who listened. His hand moving over the map he held, different marks being made on the parchment. He felt the eyes upon him, "Careful people, we don't know them, and they don't know us." He nodded and pocketed his map, "Who here is a trained scout aside from me?"

Silevrien moved along near Mae, more comfortable at least with the torian woman, though she offered Tennibrook a smile as well. "Have you acquired any specimens from the jungles yet, Mae?" She asked, lookng at the Torian, though she quieted as Aeoles called for other scouts, noting the words. There was a potential threat about.

Fayette-Deth brow furrowed as she took in all the journeyers, even the undead souls. A shudder moving through her wings as she took them in. Strangely though they should the watching eyes didn’t disturb her, used to such from her first years upon the ground, maybe experience would teach her to be more cautious, noticing how some of the others seemed to feel the opposite. Swallowing as she spoke up. “ I can take to the sky if you prefer Sir. I”m still getting my bearings of the area, so not trained in this terrain."

Mae would follow aeoles and grinned when Silevrien joined her. She would look at her with a teasing look. ¨Hmm.. well I do have a rare species..but not sure where it came from not certain if I have..but I think that today will make that a difference.¨ She chukled. She just loves to collect corpses, kinda being a collecter of species. She was making a document of all the creatures she had in her hands. Knowledge is power after all.

Aeoles nodded at Fayette, "Yes, a skies eye would be useful...Take to the air for us, before you go, name please?" He kept his eyes peeled around him, the city was empty and seemingly has been for a long while, it sent a shiver down his spine. "Mae, do your minions smell anything off putting, or is this just a random shiver down my spine, like we're being watched..." His hands went to the two blades at his sides, ready for anything.

"I have a little bit of scouting training," Tennibrook offers Aeoles, "but not a whole lot. The captain wanted us to emphasize our first aid and triage abilities ahead of that."

Varis-Deth nods to Mae and her whisper. "I have no idea," h whispered back. "But I'm going to tak th back." He said and allowd thother to pass him before he would continue with them. "I don't sense anything newly dead here." He told them. "But I feel th eyes on us as well. It's th same feeling i had whn I was working on the jungle near Kirvas temple." He said to them.

When Aeoles mentions the feeling he's getting, Tenni nods, "You're not the only one. This place is profoundly creepy. Like it's been abandoned for many years. And if that's the case, one wonders if there's a good reason for it."

Mae would hear her wolven growling and felt her connection with them. She squeezed her eyes and stopped for a moment. ¨Oh there is definitly something going on...Something is not right..but can´t point the direction. Let´s keep our eyes open.¨ She would cast a boneshards in her hands as she continued to follow Aeoles. She would nod to Varis-Deth and Silevrien who were walking with her. Her blue eyes kept observing their surroundings.

Caolan nudged his gelding to sidle up to Tenni, brows knitting slightly as he whispered, "Uh. Mind if I ride your tails? I..I'm not exactly a combatant..."

Silevrien readied her own magic, fragments of ice forming, hovering in her palm as she readied herself for whatever was out there. "Agreed," she said quietly, bracing herself. Oh, she was ready.

<+Varis-Deth> Phantom would start to prance something, being on edge and twitchy. "it's alright Phantom. run home if needed." He told th gntly giant. He would keep his lavender eyes out at the back of the group, looking all around him, listning to the voices in his head to see if thy would tll him something.

Fayette-Deth almost seemed to relax when he granted her permission to fly. A place she was more comfortable to be in. “Fayette Sir, Aide to Infernis.” Distancing herself from the others as they continued to walk as she found an open space to spread large wings when she took off. A bend to her knees, the snap of her wings before she lifted into the air. Moving high enough to dodge the buildings but not so far she couldn’t hear or see what was happening to the party as they moved towards their goal.

<+Infernis> ~It would be Fayette's taking to the sky that provokes the next wave of...something. That feeling of foreboding would still be there, but when the Magi girl took to the sky, a flock of ravens would silently erupt from the Jungle's edge and begin flying away to the east with just the sounds of their wings flapping, some several hundred of the birds. With their departure, the feeling would diminish, but not disappear and they would be on the edge of the jungle itself. There'd be paths that led inward, obviously from previous occupants, but overgrown and thick foiliage would make it hard to move within, with roots and brush rising up out of the ground. Those with any nature or soldiering experience would recognize that this overgrowth and roots seem almost ordered in nature and entirely unnatural.~

"That's a good idea," Tennibrook says to Caolan. "I was about to come looking for you, anyway. I'll try to keep you safe." And there's definitely something here to keep Caolan safe from, Tenni was sure of it. Vintino was indicating that she was nervous-- but ready to run into the fray of combat. When Fayette takes to the sky, ravens move off in the short distance, not cawing, but not moving in silence, either-- just the sound of their wings flapping permeates the air.

Aeoles held up his arm, hand balled into a fist, "That, was not normal...The eyes, they're still here, just not as many..." Drawing his mithril short sword he stepped up to the tree line, "This...this isn't right, this is a jungle, the undergrowth shouldn't be like this." Rearing back he took a great swing at the plants, hoping to cut through the vines and roots, "If we want to keep going this way, we will need to make order of this, and I don't want to use idea how flammable this stuff is."

Varis would stop Phantom and pat him on the neck. "Go back to the portal, Phantom. I'll meet you there." He said, knowing tht the jungle was not normal here, and he didn't want his horse to get hurt. Once Phantom was on his way towards the portal, Varis would run back to the group and moves to Aeoles. "Hey, this isn't right. I've never seen foliage like this before." He said softly. "And I've carved out Kirva's temple to the southwest." He tells him.

Mae would close her eyes for a short moment. ¨No newly death things odd.¨ She softly said to herself. She would look at Aeoles when he gave the sign to stop. She would stop and listen to his words. She would put her boneshards in her belt on her hip and take her scimitar and helps Aeoles with cutting the vines and roots. Assisting him for making a way for them.

Fayette-Deth eyes would be instantly drawn to the movement, the wave of dark birds. Narrowing her gaze she’d notice it was an unkindness of ravens. A shake of her head. She’d head towards them trying to see where they might alight even as she looked at the darkness of the jungle below. “The unkindness is heading deeper east Sir. Shall I follow?” Her height and wings would be a hinderance in the tangle of the jungle.

Caolan rode close to Tenni, Samson shaking his head and getting slightly skittish despite a usual calm nature. He let out a sigh as he looked around, brows knitting slightly as he held on tightly to the reins.. His ears lifted just a touch...

Aeoles looked up at Fayette and nodded, "Keep an eye on them, once they are far enough away make haste back to us, we don't want to be too far apart." Hacking at the vines and roots he sighed and kept working, "Varis, do you have anything that can help us get through this?"

Fayette-Deth nodded and with a few strong flaps of her wings taking her above the canopy of the jungle she would follow after the unkindness.

<+Varis-Deth> "I do not. I didn't have to do much hacking or slashing. Give me a weapon and I'll hack and slash with you." He told Aeoles.

Silevrien dismissed the shards of ice she'd conjured, nodding. "Well, we should remain wary, even so," She said to Mae, turning her gaze toward the jungle.

Aeoles handed Varis the mithril long sword he carried on his back, "I don't use it often, but it comes in handy, maybe make yourself useful here...Unless you have some shaman magic that can move this earth." He smirked and went back to working on the undergrowth, "For now, we work until we get through."

Mae would assist Aeoles and look at Silevrien and nods. ¨Yes.¨ She would then look at Aeoles as she was assisting him with cutting and nods. ¨Well let´s hope we don´t waste all our energy on this though.¨ She chuckled and continued cutting.

"I think it'd be a good idea to have one of us hold off from hacking through the undergrowth and be ready to defend the group if necessary," Tennibrook says. "I volunteer for that. I'll keep an eye out and get ready to fight."

Varis-Deth nods to Aeoles, takint the long sword from him. "Thank you. And No, unfortunatly, I do not. I can only tell you what thee voices in my head say." He said softly. And thn started to hack his way into the underbrush.

Aeoles growled deeply and swore in drakonik, with a sigh he sheathed his short sword and looked at Mae and Varis, "You two, work on this enough for the others to get in." Turning he looked at a tree and nodded, "Should hold my weight." With that he gave a great leap and climbed up the tree into the foremost branch, "I'm heading in for a moment, won't be far." Giving his shrill whistle he looked, "Hear that, do whatever it takes to get in, I MIGHT be in trouble." Winking he readied and took a leap into another branch, heading deeper in.

Caolan wrinkled up his nose a touch as he watched Aeoles hop up, then he peered to the brush.. before he raised an eyebrow at Varis. Hmn. Well.

<+Infernis> ~When the group was about halfway through the mass of roots and trees and brushes, something 'else' would happen then. Those at the front would be the last to know it, but those in the middle and back end of the troop would be surprised by the sudden slithering and twisting of new branches and roots growing up suddenly about as fast as a snake can slither. Methodical and deliberate, the undergrowth was replacing itself and weaving itself in between the party members. Unless something is done, each of the group would be pulled away from each other by the jungle growing back together.~

Fayette-Deth flew across the jungle following the birds with her eyes. Noticing they started going down a couple miles in. Gliding with her large wings as she drew closer. Shifting in the wind currents with occasional flaps as she would circle around the area they went down in. Seeking any opening that she might slip through or would give a hint of where they went. Brow furrowing as she would notices some bodies, some impaled upon the branches. No raucous cawing, she hadn’t even heard the bird break through the trees, no sound of branches or bodies breaking upon impact. Hovering over the area she took in as much as she could. There wasn’t even the scurry sounds of animals or anything moving below the canopy with such a large predator in the air above. Shaking her head and seeing nothing new after a bit she would fly back towards the group. Head tilting as she heard a shrill whistle as she moved back towards them. Circling above the space she’d hear Aeoles voice. Calling out to him “They went down about 2 miles ahead. It’s deadly silent there, so use caution.”

Tennibrook, towards the back of the group, realizes what's happening immediately. "The jungle's growing back! Caolan, stay close to me." Afraid that the jungle would snatch her sword away from her, she sheathes it tightly to her hip and moves Vintino as close as she can to Caolan and his horse.

Varis-Deth hears something and looks back, seeing the jungle start to seperate them and he quickly moves to Mae and wraps her in his arms and tries to get out of the forest, using his left hand to slice open his fingers and starts to spray Web all over th growth, to see if that stops them. "Get out! Get out of here!" He yells, very loudly for Aeoles can hear them too. Continuously using web to stop advancemnt on Tenni, Cao, Sil as well.

Aeoles stopped when he heard the sounds, "Ok, this is bad..." With another curse he turned, "Everyone, screw what I said, fire or ice, use whatever you have, both kill plants, try to get to me if you can, run into the jungle!"

Silevrien gritted her teeth, flinging shards of razor-sharp ice at the growing vines that weren't tangled in webs, cursing in High Elven. "INTO the jungle!?" She called out, but she moved toward Aeoles, snarling under her breath. "Shit."

Mae would look over her shoulder and nod to Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT. She would keep cutting and then she would raise a brow when she heared Aeoles swearing in drakonik, which she could understand now. She would chuckle. She would raise a brow as he commanded them to continue and just climbed into the tree. She would chuckle and look at Varis. ¨Little monkey.¨ Then a wink. She would hear the sounds of Tenni and turned around. She would then be grabbed by Varis and let him take her , of course her undead wolven would follow. ¨Sil!¨ She would reach her hand to Silevrien so that she would be dragged with her and Varis. ¨Shouldn´t we first get out of the jungle and then make a plan?¨ She suggested. But well..she was carried by Varis so she would just let him decide what he was going to do with her.

<+Infernis> ~Fire would have been best, but the spells were doing their part in slowing down the growth. Ice and Webbing would slow the encroaching vines and twisting branches and upreaching roots, but they were still coming, working to repair the damage done.~

Fayette-Deth starts when she hears a cacophony of noice from below like a battle being engaged. Head tilting as she tried to hear what they were under attack from. The jungle itself. Gaze dancing over the canopy to see if any tried to reach for her. Circling in the air above Aeoles in the trees. Waiting for his guidance. The jungle closing in on 7’ woman and her large wings might be a quick death. Trying to stay in the air for now unless directed otherwise.

Varis-Deth continues to run into the jungle, using Web spell over and over again to stop the jungle long enough to get through the thick of it and into the jungle proper. He also continued t use webbing behind him, trying to make a path for Tenni and cao as wll. "Hurry up!" He yells, using his spell multiple times, his blood dripping from his fingers as the webbing came out to help keep the jungle from closing in on them.

+Mae would squeeze her eyes as they went into the jungle. She would groan. ¨Fuck this shit.¨ She would then use her spell burning fingers to cast fire and make a path in front of them. Her two undead wolven would rip vines if they would regrow in front of them, assisting.

Caolan squeaked as he nudged Samson towards Tenni, towards Vintino, the gelding snorting and tossing his head again, the elfling taking a deep breath, a quick whisper of a word and he cast Ignite from one of those earrings, and resting on some of the growth.

Silevrien hurried after the others, grabbing Mae's hand and following along quickly, though she lashed out with her own magic to freeze and slice the undergrowth. "Thank the Gods I wore sensible shoes!"

Aeoles cursed once more and shook his head, this was dangerous, even the forest was trying to eat them. "Fayette, do you have any magics that can help them, we need to get them into the forest with me, even if you have to throw them, leave the horses, it's too dangerous for them." He nodded and rummaged in his bag of tricks, nothing that could be useful, he wished he had some fire bombs or something.

Varis-Deth still continued to hold mae and then tha's when he'd noticed the throns. The throns ripped his outer shirt and soon he would start to slow down as th torns bit into his legs now as well. H would let go of Mae. "Hurry..." He said, webbing a pathway for her as he then continues to us wed against the other folidge for Tenni and Caolan and Sil.

"RUN!" Tennibrook says to Caolan, unsheathing her mithril longsword and taking hacks at the plants, thankful she was wearing gauntlets and greaves. She hacks a space out for Caolan to get through, and follows smartly behind him.

<+Infernis> ~The fire would do its job well, for this sort of barrier was never meant to withstand magical fire. It was a secret barrier hidden in the jungle to ward off anyone coming close. But, the fire did its job and did it well. But, more dramatically, it would be her two Wolven Minions and their ripping and tearing that would get the job done. Unlike living beings, they would not be affected by the numbing thorns. Unlike living beings, they would not be stopped by fire or webbing or cold. They ripped and they tore and those within the small hacked-open section would find a reprieve in the form of undead creatures coming to save them.~

Aeoles clung to the tree, his nails digging into the branch as he waited for the others to make it to him, "No one is allowed to die on my watch, is that clear." He gave them all a scathing glance when they were safely inside, "Now, who's hurt, I have some herbs, and we have a healer...I'm sure we can take care of the basic stuff with minor first aid..."

Fayette-Deth tilted her head reaching inside herself to seek anything that might help. Nodding she tried something getting the general gist of the direction they were heading, she’d carefully cast Vortex of sand, trying to clear a path by sucking everything up in front of them into a funnel when it would get too bloated she’d try to send it forward to tear through the brush and jungle before them.

<+Varis-Deth> By the time Varis got out of the vines, he coulnd't feel most of his body. He was a large man and had used a lot of energy in keeping holeso pnd for Tenni, cao and sil. He would move to sit down on the ground, breathing heavilyy, all worn from wear. Holes all over his clothing from the thorns... normally he liked his large body... but not today.

Silevrien managed to get clear, letting go of Mae's hand and dropping to a knee, her leg and one arm having gone entirely numb. "Fuck...." She grunted, pressing a hand to the scratch on her thigh from one of the thorns. She'd known this place was dangerous, but she hadn't realized quite how much.

Mae would grin as it worked. She would look at Varis and give him a wink. ¨Thank you my dear, I´m glad I have you around. Take a rest and let´s get somebody to look at you.¨ She would then look at Caolan. ¨Caolan, could you take a look at Varis?¨ Then she looked at Silevrien as she let´s go of her hand. ¨Sil, easy..take a seat and rest. Somebody is going to look at you soon.¨ She would place a kiss on her head and stayed close to Varis-Deth and Silevrien.

Caolan ran. The elf didnt want to abandon his horse.. He hissed and set Ignite to whatever he could reach of the thorns, not caring much that it burned into the jungle, the gold thing taking a deep breath as he dismounted and began to tend to his horse... Then he turned to Varis, frowning slightly as he moved over to the moriel, "Here... let me see."

Aeoles dropped from the tree and landed without a sound, "Ok, Varis looks bad." Scanning him over he whistled for Caolan, "Caolan, take care of this one, he seems to be the worst for wear." Turning he walked over to Sil and looked at the scratch, "Maybe some herbs..." Pulling a bunch from his pouch he smirked, "Might seem nasty what I'm about to do, but it should clean out toxins." Sticking the leaves in his mouth he chewed them up into a paste, pulling the paste out he looked to Mae, "This might sting her, so maybe hold her hand?" Taking the paste he began to spread it on the wound, basic field care, basic first aid.

Mae would let Caolan do his thing to Varis, knowing he will be alright. Her focus was now on Silevrien. She would look at Aeoles and nods. ¨Thank you.¨ She would hold Silevrien ´s hand and leaned closer to whisper. ¨You can do´re my big girl.¨ She teased and gave her a wink as she supported Silevrien.

Silevrien started to protest, not at the chewing or anything but that she needed someone to hold her hand, but her cheeks were pink from Mae kissing the top of her head, and after a moment she nodded and took the torian's hand in hers. "Oh, come on..." She grumbled, fuming quietly at the teasing, but it at least kept her mind off the pain.

Varis-Deth looked to Mae and grins. "Yeah...gotta make sure you live to tll th tale." He said to Ma and chuckles weakly. He looks to Caolan when he gets to him and nods. "Got stung real bad. Can't feel most of my body." He murmured to Caolan. He had been scratched by many throns all over his body. "Did everyone make it through?" He asked Caolan softly.

Fayette-Deth looked around as things quieted below. Carefully alighting upon a thick high branch, not sure being not he jungle floor was the best place for her or where she was most useful. Shifting along the branch so she could look down at the group as they took care of injuries. Wings flicking occasionally to catch her balance. Keeping her eyes to the sky still.

Aeoles finished applying the paste and nodded, "You did good." Standing he gave three short whistles up to Fayette, "Fayette, you did a good job, everyone got in, do you see anything of interest up there?" His voice carried well, but still he wanted to be heard.

Mae giggles cute from the reaction of Silevrien and after she was done, Mae would pett her shoulder. ¨Rest for a little bit.¨ She would then walk towards Varis and grinned. ¨And I shall tell everyone the heroic tales of sir Varis.¨ She would giggle cute and give him a wink. She would look at Aeoles. Well regrowing vines...could there be a connection with the regrowing fruit? She had no idea yet what was going on but it sure seemed like somekind of security system to keep things out..well..the more interesting it was to discover what it was that they tried to keep people out from.

<+Infernis> ~From the east, a half dozen figures would show themselves, slipping out from between trees and brush. They would be about three foot tall, looking very much like goblins except they weren't green or purple. They were brown. They were composed of earth and stone, and they would show themselves in a half circle around the group. ~

Tenni, being one of the ones on guard, is the first one to notice the appearance of the earth imps. "We've got company," she says. "To the east."

Caolan frowned a little as he looked Varis over, then casting Discern Ailment to check him over, to see what spell could be used first before his gaze moved around, brows knitting... He didn't like this. Something was... wrong. Slowly he turned.. and blinked at the appearance of an imp.. his ears flattened.

Silevrien looked up, cheeks still pink, and when she looked up she saw those figures. Figures that were, apparently, focused on HER. Well, her and Caolan, from the looks of it. Looking at them and chattering amongst themselves. She tensed, easing a hand behind her back, fingers crackling with magic.

Aeoles stopped and turned slowly, "Great, incoming everyone." Drawing both his mithril short sword and mithril dagger he lowered his stance. With a deep growl he looked at the Imps, "Never seen anything like that...Anyone know what they are?" His eyes never once wavered from the pack of Imps, moving slowly he positioned himself between Caolan, Sil, and the imps.

Varis-Deth chuckles weakly. "Yeah, yeah." He winks back at her and then looks to Caolan. "You okay?" He asked him. "I tried to keep th opening opened for you guys to get through..." He said softly. Head snaps towards the East when Tenni said they had company and hmms softly to himself. Discrern Ailment would show just numbing posion.

<+Caolan> "I'm okay..." The elf frowned as he reached to cast Cure Poison over Varis, to relieve the man's numbness, frowning lightly. A few casts...

Mae would turn around and look at the new creatures that came. For a moment she doubted. Shall she just scare them away? But on the other hand..she wanted some information as well. She would draw her two boneshards and walk with her two large undead wolven next to Aeoles. ¨How cute..¨ She would say as she looked at the little creatures. She would look at Aeoles with a grin. ¨Shall I scare them away?¨ She gave him a wink.

Fayette-Deth kept her eyes to the sky, watching above since there were more eyes below. Glancing down when she heard Tenni, watching the incoming circle the group. Quiet in her perch like the ravens had been earlier.

Varis-Deth nods and smiles to Caolan. "Thanks bud." He said and thn movs to Aeoles and whispers into his ear. "Be careful of them. Saw them when I was making my way to the Temple." He said and thn moved to stand next to Aeoles and Mae, kepng Sil and cao behind him, holding the sword in his hands.

<+Infernis> ~The six figures would continue to chatter amongst each other, with an apparent dispute going on between them. It resulted in stomping feet and rumbling noises in their elemental tongue and headbutting each other before a clear decision was reached. Five of them would drift back from the explorers, while the sixth one would step forward toward Caolan and Silevrien, but stopped and looked up at Aeoles, as if waiting.~

Aeoles perked, he heard a new sound in the distance. Placing a finger over his lips he listened hard, "Does anyone else hear that?" He asked, "You small guys, what's that sound, who are you?" He asked, careful to not spook them yet, but always on the ready for an attack.

Caolan sighed a little as he eartwitched a bit. He didn't like that drumming... He backed away slowly, and went to his horse, casting Discern Ailment and then Cure Poison again to mend stop the poison through his horse.. The gold thing then turned back to the group... "....a..anyone else?"

Varis-Deth paused adn looked to Caolan and moved to him, whispering: "thy keep looking to you and the half breed... maybe he'll talk to you?" He said. "I got your back, and thanks for healing me." He said, and would follow behind Cao.

Aeoles cursed once more and looked about, "Everyone, on guard, I think something is heading this way." Turning back to the Imp in front of him he got an idea, reaching into his pouch he pulled some berries out of his pocket and held them on his palm out to the Imp, "We are here in peace, we don't want to fight you." He hoped this approach would work, it saved him one in the past.

Tennibrook nods at Varis's warning, and prepares to defend Cao and Sil should these earth imps decide to attack them. "I think Vintino and me are unharmed," she tells the healer.

<+Infernis> ~The Imp thing didn't seem interested in the food. It looked very patient, though, and remained standing where it was, staring first at Aeoles and then leaning around to chatter a bit at Caolan and Silevrien again.~

Silevrien managed to get herself back up onto her feet, one hand on the hilt of the curved she kept on her belt while the other stayed out of sight, ready to cast a spell if need be. "What do you want?" She asked calmly, carefully at the Imp. Uncertain. Why was it so fixated on THEM?

<+Infernis> ~The little thing finally started hopping up and down and jumped up about a foot and when it came down, it went DOWN into the ground and then came up behind Aeoles and meandered up to Caolan and Silevrien.~

Aeoles grunted and swept his tail at the imp impatiently, "Elves, everything is always obsessed with elves." He smirked and thought for a moment, trying his best he resorted to a primal language, drakonic, "<We come in peace, and we hope this is true for you too.>"

Silevrien frowned deeply. "They...want our help?"

Caolan 's ears flicked a little at the imp.. his brows knitting somewhat. A deep breath from the gold one, then he twitched his ears again as it came walking up. He knelt down as the figure approached, sitting back and shooing Aeoles when he spoke. The little one bit his lip, eyes widening as the old tongue was spoken into his head, "...the bears? ...stop the bears.... from..." hm. Those last words were difficult for him.

<+Silevrien> " the bears, from killing the maiden?"

Tennibrook casts Tongues to try and pick up the language that's being spoken by the imps, but it sounds very foreign, unknowable; the spell is unable to pick up any meaningful pattern in what sounds like a bunch of rocks banging against one another. When Sil and Cao say those words, Tenni says, "You can understand them?"

<+Infernis> ~With the message delivered, the little thing would nod vigorously and point that direction again. The other five would show themselves again, pointing the way. To the east, the jungle was very much as it should be. Little to no underbrush, normal foliage, but no animals.~

Fayette-Deth took her gaze from below, since everyone didn’t seem to be in danger. especially when some backed away. The thumping drawing her attention. Tilting her head as she tried to guage where it was comign from before she launched into the air once again. Hovering above the group as she tried to distance and sort which direction the thumping came from. Slowly making a circle while still keeping half her attention below to get a better sense. Flying a bit but not the whole way towards the sound. Gauging it was near where the birds had gone down. Circling back to the group she would call down to Aeoles “Sir the thumping isn’t on the move it’s where the birds went down about a mile or so deeper into the jungle."

Varis-Deth stayed on gaurd when the elementals started to talk to Cao and Sil, watching the interaction in silence. He still has the long sword i his hand, and is middle between sil and cao, and looks to the east. "How interesting..." He heard th thumping too, but was to worried about keeping sil and cao safe that h ddint' rally pay attention to it till now. He looked towards th east again. "Maybe... that's where th bears are?" He asked everyone.

Caolan looked up to Tenni, brows knitting slightly then he looked to the shorter figure, biting his lip again. "...They want our help.." And he stood,turned back to him, nodding. "I'll help." He stood, grabbing the reins on his gelding before he turned to the others, "Th...they spoke in my head. It's old... elvish mixed with something else... but... they need help. We've gotta help them."

Mae would watch the imps and then look at Silevrien. ¨What did they say? With what do they want our help?¨ She would blink. Bears killing the maiden? What maiden? Well..that she didn´t expected. ¨Perhaps you can ask if they could tell us some more about the regrowing vines? If somebody is doing that and who..I mean..If they are the ones who do that..perhaps they can..stop that until we are finished?¨ She chuckled as she looked at Silevrien.

Silevrien nodded her agreement, looking at Caolan. "I'm not sure if it's...two-way. Somehow, we're hearing them in old Elvish, but I've no idea why..." She seemed rattled, but she did her best to ease her nerves, letting go of her dagger. "We with whatever that is, though. They...might prove to be allies, yes?" She was wary as hell, but...she was also rattled.

Aeoles sheathed his weapons and nodded, "Two things, we help them, maidens are good for saving and adventure...two..." Looking up to Fayette, "Please stop calling me sir, it feels weird." He looked at the imps and nodded, "One of you elven speakers, let them know we will help." He turned and looked,"The sound is that way Fayette says, same as the birds." He smirked and started off, "And off we go, again."

Caolan smiled down to the figure before him, giving a nod and then he started to walk in the direction the figures around them pointed, "Come on. Let's go." Said the healer, leading the charger.

"Okay," Tennibrook says. "Is everyone ready to move? Injuries tended to? Good." Tenni brings up the rear near Caolan. "Has anyone encountered bears in Dethsiris before? Do they have any special abilities we should be aware of? This *is* the same province that brought us blink-cats, after all."

Varis-Deth was quick to follow behind Cao, watching ahaad of him and made room for Tennibrook to get to his side as well. He'd be behind the two horses, looking around at all times, tense, muscles flexing as well as taht one vien in his throat that popped out some.

Aeoles climbed back up into a tree, he seemed more at ease leaping from branch to branch as he moved, "Honestly, this is my first time here, I just thought it would be a good idea to explore." He smiled more and took a great leap, grabbing a branch and swinging into another tree, "Fayette, can you fly over and see how big this bear is?" He called up, "That would be useful."

Silevrien moved along with Caolan and the others, strangely motivated, though the creatures they were dealing with left her unsure. Still, their plea in her head seemed...urgent. Desperate. She found she was gripping her dagger hard enough that her knuckles - already pale - had gone white, and she eased up her grip, running over her spells in her mind again as they moved.

+Mae would shrug and would follow the group. Her two boneshards in her hands and her two undead wolven following. She would look for a moment at Silevrien as she saw that she was holding that dagger tight. She would chuckle. ¨Relax....clear your head....these kind of things you can´t really plan your spells.¨ She would give her a wink. ¨Just clear your head and focus.¨ She would chuckle and continued to walk. She would look over her shoulder towards Varis and give him a nod. Glad that he was healed and back on his feet again. Her eyes shifted back in front of her, keeping an eye out on her undead wolven for any signals.

<+Infernis> ~They would have little problem making up for lost time now. There was little to nothing in their way. Whatever the thorn wall was, it was left behind them at the edge of the jungle. Whoever made it either made it to keep people out...or keep something in. Or both? Either way, the shadowed jungle would be cooler, a bit damp and utterly devoid of anything larger than insects. No birds in the trees, no skulking cats, no skittering rodents. Nothing. Not even the smell of dead animals. There just weren't any here. There'd be little in the way of noises, except for that thumping that grew louder with each minute as they closed in on..whatever it was. It'd be into this silence that the sharpest listeners would suddenly hear the sounds of flapping wings. A lot of them. A minute later, the crows would return and would attack all of them. Smart as hell, they would crowd upon the faces of the explorers if they could, going for eyes and ears. No cawing. No screeching, just sharp claws and pecking beaks and the intelligence to go for soft spots.~

Fayette-Deth saw and heard the group moving east once again. “I can try, it’s still pretty thick up there but I didn’t go to far. “ Strong large wings carrying her towards the sound. Methodically moving in the air once she drew closer to find the center point, the place where the strongest sounds came from. “Birds incoming.” She called out even as she shifted din the air, trying to keep the ones that aimed for her out of her face. Hissing as sharp talons would scratch her, before she growled pulling upon her magic once again, this time trying to pull the birds into the swirling vortex.

Silevrien looked at Mae, easing down a bit as she nodded. "Sorry, I'm..." She frowned. "I'm off my game, I guess." Hesitant, but she focused in again. "I think...these creatures controlled the vines, or at least knew of them. It's just...a theory, but I think that's the case..."

+Varis-Deth> Head snaps up when he hears the flapping and makes a bee-line to Mae and pulls her towards him. "Stay close to me," he said and then started a spell, and used Spirit Bolt at some of the closer birds. "I'll keep the closer birds, you get the ones that head for the others." H said, sweat forming on his had as he starts to prepare for another spell.

Caolan 's ears flicked a little as he heard the flapping, gasping and going to cover his horse's face, Samson lowering his head and the elf covering him.

Aeoles heard the wings before he saw them, drawing both of his blades he readied an attack. But he felt the magic in the air from Fayette's warning, he smiled, "I do love me some Magi magic." He chuckled, when a group got close enough the drak dove from the trees at them, spiraling as he moved, his blades flashing in the light. He was a dervish of mithril and anger now, he hated killing but sometimes it needed to be done.

Tennibrook cries out, "ATTACK!" and slashes the birds that come near herself and Caolan, using her shield to cover her eyes as best she can, wishing she'd brought her helm with her. Damn! Vintino gets up on her hind legs and smacks a few birds away, trampling some of them under her hooves.

Mae would pet the shoulder of Silevrien and smiled. ¨It´s okay..just breath..¨ She gave her shoulder a little squeeze and then she nodded. ¨Yeah..I think so as well.¨ She would look up at Fayette-Deth when she said birds incoming but then she suddenly being pulled towards Varis. She would grin at him and nod. Her two undead wolven would be like a shield for Varis and Silevrien, having their back to the crows so that their faces would be protected but in the meantime protect the ones that couldn´t cover themselves. She would grin and then she would cast shadowl bolts to the crows to protect the others while using her black wings to cover her head in case birds came to attack her face.

<+Infernis> ~A lot of the birds were sucked up into the Vortex that Fayette was dishing out. Enough to thin the ranks, leaving each explorer with a handful of birds trying to claw out eyes or drive a beak into an ear and brain. They wouldn't have to struggle to get their hands on the birds, they were all literally crowding around, suiciding themselves in an attempt to hurt the explorers. Staying in close even as their fellow birds were being cut to bits, smashed and slashed. They still crowded around and fought to get an eye, an ear. Sharp beaks going for ears and jugulars.~

Silevrien would chant, fanning out her hands to send a barrage of razored ice toward the swooping birds, hunkering behind one of the hulking wolven minions when able. "So just everything out here is out to kill us?" She snarled. "I suppose that's fitting..."

Fayette-Deth dodged where she could. Sending a second vortex below to try to draw some of the birds from the group. Hissing as talons scraped along lace covered arms, tearing the fabric, still better protection than none. Throwing in some energy slaps to knock some of the birds that were dive bombing her. Growling in anger when one stole one of her feathers. A bit of blood glistening upon dark wings. Flying a little ahead before dragging out her own sword to slice and dice where she could.

Caolan 's ears flicked a little as he winced. Damned birds. He gave a small yalp as his ears and earrings were torn at, the little thing protecting his horse first off. He'd worry about his own self when he got home. Those gold eyes closed tightly..

Varis-Deth ducks his had into Mae's feathers and then switches to Spirit Razor, using that to hack and slash the ravens, throwing them and uses them as mele weapons as well. "Move Mae! To Tennibrook and Caolan!" He said. "We need to stay together so that we don't get hurt!" H said adn once that she responded he started to move towards the other, reaching out to grab Silevrien, if allowed, and pull her infront of him too, if allowed.

<+Infernis> ~The fight really wasn't there, though. They did well against the birds, but it was all an attempt to stall for time. The birds wouldn't last long, not against a Vortex spell and the rest of them just shredding the ones lucky enough to avoid Fayette's spell. At least two hundred birds were soon dead, with every last one of them dying to the last, not one of them trying to escape. That would be something to consider. Meanwhile the sounds of the thumping had suddenly doubled. Where once was was 'Thump' there was now 'Thump-THUMP. thump-THUMP.' Whatever it was, it was increasing. That feeling of being watched was still there, as was now a feeling of fear and urgency.~

Aeoles gave the whistle once more, "On guard." He called out, leaping back into the tree he scanned around, looking for what was coming. "Everyone, be ready and don't let down your guard, Fayette, stay up there." He called out, "Now, Every caster, get your strongest spell ready, fighters, be ready with blades."

Caolan turned quickly as the assault faded, rubbing Samson's nose, "Good boy," was whispered then he turned again, "...sounds like a heartbeat.." was said softly as he drifted away, towards the thumping sound.

Silevrien nodded toward Aeoles, conjuring a crackling power into her palm, ready to strike with it. Whatever was coming, she didn't like the feel of it at all. "Ready," She said, eyes flitting toward Mae.

Fayette-Deth sighed when the air was free of the others. Turning towards the sound as it grew stronger. Without thinking she darted in that direction. Seeking the heart of the sound. Maybe she’d even provide a distraction for the ground group to sneak into whatever was happening. Something about bears and maidens. If they were looking up they might not know the group was advancing. Mind reaching out with some more magic trying to get into the minds if there were any below that were not her group.

Mae would see how the battle for now was stopped. She would grin at both Varis-Deth and Silevrien. ¨I was born ready the ´real fun´ is going to start.¨ She chuckled. Giving them both a wink. Well..she was curious what they would see. What kind of bear they were dealing with to know which spell was the best to do.

Varis-Deth moved away from the females and started to move whn Caolan did. "let's go." He said, and started to conjure up his spell as he hurried towards th Thumping soundd.

The slashing continues until Tenni feels that the crows around her have died. She checks her own status and that of Vintino, and looks over at Caolan. "Are you all right, Cao?" she asks him.

Fayette-Deth wings moved and shifted, drawing any eyes below. Seeking to distract as she sought a mind she could tease. Give the group below any advantage as they advanced. Trying to lock in on a leader.

Aeoles looked around once more, "It's getting closer, stay on guard." He slunk into the shadows of the tree and used lurk to blend in more, seemingly erase himself from the world around him. He was going to get a drop on the enemy this time, strike from the shadows, strike hard.

Varis-Deth crouches and uses the spell Lurk as he hid in th trees, trying to see exactly what's going on, moving on ahead of th other if he has to.

<+Infernis> ~Up ahead, through the trees and brush, they would see movement finally. Large figures moving in the gloom. Those with the sharpest eyes eyes would recognize the hunched over figures as bears. Large ones. and as they got closer, they'd see what the bears were crowded around. A tree. A great vibrant tree that was about half as tall as the rest of the jungle around. Great piles of dirt had been piled up, soil dug up from around the base of the tree and the bears were....Throwing themselves into the tree. They were bloodied and torn from bark and branches. Two of them were literally CHEWING at the roots of the tree while two more were throwing themselves into the side of the tree, trying to topple it. But all that stopped as soon as they were close enough to Fayette first, then the rest of them. As one, all four of the bears turned and, panting, red-eyed, they charged at Fayette and the rest of the explorers!~

Aeoles took a giant leap into the air and turned both of his blades down, driving them deeply into the closest bear he saw. "Surprise!" He called, a grim expression on his face, he hated to cause undue pain, but he wanted to strike true. Twisting the blades he dug in he clung on, straddling the bear now.

<+Caolan> "I'm okay..." With bleeding ears and scratches on his face, the gold thing offered a small smile to Tenni before his eyes widened as they came within sight of... A tree! Being attacked.. The gold thing gave a small squeak, backing away and raising his wrist crossbow, aiming it at the first bear's head. Deep breath. Steady. Aim. Inhale, exhale-- fire!

Fayette-Deth found an opening above the tree the bears were throwing themselves at since it was shorter. Pulling her wings in to try to not tear up her wings on the taller jungle trees. Gasping as one of the large bears raised up on it’s hind legs and swiped at her. Hissing as it scratched along one leg even as she spread her wings to lift up. Pulling out her sword as she would shift again to land behind the bear that went for her. Leaving the other three to deal with the group as they tried to take them on. Holding her sword on guard she would watch the bear. Not really wanting to get too close to it. Calling upon her magic yet again. Something she had never done before but seemed instinctive at the moment. Using energy slap to try to drive the bear away from her and the tree.

Mae would look at those bears and would grin more. ¨Well aren´t you lovely..¨ She grinned more devious. She was going to get one of those at least for her research. She would first cast a bolt of poisen to one of the bears [Serpent kiss] to drain the bear and steal it´s strength. How weaker the more succesfull they would be with other attacks. Her two undead wolven would attack that bear once it was weakend by the serpent kiss.

Silevrien watched the bears bearing (hah) down on them, flashing a lopsided grin as she focused the crackling energy between her hands and flung it outward - the Energy Bolt streaking toward one of the oncoming beasts.

Tennibrook prepares a shot from her wrist crossbow and fires it at one of the charging bears, attempting to hit it in the neck; then she readies her sword and shield and prepares for close-quarters combat.

[17:46] <+Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT> !itemuse crossbow bolt
[17:46] <@Desdaemona> Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT uses crossbow bolts (leaving 3 uses)

<+Varis-Deth> From the darkness Varis would use the long sword he was carrying to slice his fingers and casted Web on the closest bear, and uses it until the Bear was contained, if that could even happen. He then jumped out of the darkness and use his webbing more again, trying to get th bars to stop moving if he could.

<+Infernis> ~Aeoles' bear was in bad shape already. With Caolan and Aeoles both attacks, Varis' bear was properly secured by the Webbing, Fayette targeted and slashed at the same bear that Mae was going after, slashing it open and spilling blood and gore even as the bear roared in fury just as it was slashed at by the two dead Wolven minions of Mae, but obviously weakened by both magical girls, it still snarled and slashed and bit! Silevrien's spell impacted into the first bear, the closest to them, Aeoles' bear, adding to the damage and almost ending that first bear. Tennibrook's attack caught the attention of the last bear, and it turned toward her and bulldozed right into her!~

[Tenni is being attacked by Bear 4.]

Aeoles pulled his blades free from the top of the bear, looping under he secured his legs and drove both blades into the neck of the bear, trying to scissor his way through anything vital. He was intent on dropping this bear before it had to suffer to much, if it was one thing he hated, it was suffering. Pushing the blades with all his might he drove them home.

<+Caolan> "Tenni!" Was called as the bear smashed into her, the little elf turning to dive onto the back of the beast, since he wasn't all that far, grappling to stay on top with one hand and grabbing his dagger with the other out of his boot, and in the same motion trying to raise up and slice along the bear's shoulder and neck as it came out of his boot, lifting it high in the air to slam down into the back of the skull.

Fayette-Deth would continue to guard the tree in case of the the bears turned that way. Casting energy slap carefully at the enemy though she was getting tired, using more magic and physical energy than she had in who knew how long. Switching to her blade as her energy started to flag. One last time trying to send the image of the attacked tree on it’s side like the others in the grove.

Mae would grin as she saw that the bear of them was in bad shape. She knew that Her two undead wolven and with the help of Fayette-Deth would be handled. She would then cast another serpent kiss poisen bolt towards the bear of Varis, that was captured. Draining its strength and weaken it so that Varis-Deth could attack it more easy. Her two undead wolven would hold the bear that she attacked at first place into place before they would growl and together starts to rip the throat open of the bear with their sharp teeth.

<+Silevrien> The air between Silevrien's hands misted, freezing water into more razor-sharp shards of ice - a favored spell of hers. She looked toward Tenni, crying out "Look out!" and sending that barrage of shards flying toward the bear that had borne down on the Paladin.

Tenni puts her shield up in time to avoid being mauled by the charging bear, but it hits her hard and sends her down off her horse. Thankfully, she makes it a point always to have Feather Fall active when she's riding Vintino, so the impact doesn't terribly hurt her. When she gets up, she sees that Caolan is riding the bear and trying to drive a dagger into the back of its head, while Sil launches Bone Shards at it, and the fox lets out a cry of "RIKAJSHA!", a Vulpani word for 'victory', as she charges at the flailing bear and slashes at its heart with her mithril longsword.

<+Varis-Deth> Seeing that his webbing was working, he casted th spell again and started to use it on the bear heading and running into Tenni, aiming at the legs taht would try to hurt her, trying to get so it couldn't move and allow Tenni to kill. Seeing that Caolan had gotten to the bear and slashed his neck, Varis moved to a differnt bear, bear number three, and starts to cast webbing on that on.

<+Infernis> ~With the first one down, that left fewer targets. One was still secured by Varis' webbing, but the 4th one had tackled Tennibrook and was in the process of trying to bite her face off, ignoring her armor completely and going for a weak spot. How curious. Caolan interrupted that planned attack by jumping on its Webbed-up back like a goddamned Cowboy From Hell and stabbing it in the back of the skull. It didn't penetrate, but holy shit, it had to hurt, since the bear immediately abandoned its plan to eat Tennibrook and threw itself up on its hindlegs and began swiping around with both arms to try and detach the Bear Riding Caolan. Just in time for Silevrien's ice spell to impact on its massive belly! Tenni's attack had its chest opened up now, combined with the ice magic, the thing was falling backwards with Caolan still on its back! Mae's poison magic kept the 3rd bear weakened enough to stay Webbed up and out of the fight, a smart move there. Fay's spell finally penetrate the minds of the 4th bear, causing it to hesitate and halt its attack...Only for Mae's two wolven to grasp it by its unmoving head and rip its head completely off!~

[Silevrien goes to bed.]

Aeoles nodded as he surveyed the battle field, "This is going better than expected." He took another flying leap at the closest standing bear, a spinning slice with both of his blades, aimed at whatever he could reach. He was in combat mode, and he didn't like standing still.

Caolan squeaked! The elf whimpered as he held on desperately.. until he felt it falling, so, dagger in (the bear's) mind, then in hand, he scampered up the bear, onto it's shoulders, and then went diving for safety. The dagger should sever the bear's spine as he he falls onto it... and so the dagger was abandoned for now. He panted as he wiped blood off his face, ears flattening back. Looking like quite the warrior the little thing grabbed a crossbow bolt and clenched his fist around it, holding it like a dagger, ready for the next thing.

Fayette-Deth panted softly as she looked around for any new danger. Weakened with the amount of magic and even flying in new ways she’d rest a hand lightly upon the tree. The other still holding her sword ready in case any bears changed their mind if they were even still moving. Watching as the tower of the last bear with its rider started to tumble, before being pulled back down with the decapitation. Wings resting lightly against her back. Silver grey gaze drifting around the party. Not knowing names but remembering faces from when they started out.

Mae would grin to see that her two undead lovelies did their jobs wonderful. She would walk towards the Bear that was captured and let her two undead wolven hold the bear to the ground. Pinning it and giving Mae easier acces to its throat. She would take her scimitar and starts to slit the throat of the bear open. A devious grin on her face as she was doing this. ¨Your corpse is going to be mine..¨ She said to the bear.

Varis-Deth comes out from the shadows as all the bears were taken care of, and looks around to th tree. A brow lofted and mmoves to th tree to look at it. He placs a hand on the tree, to see if taht was the reason why they were feeling th heartbeat like bumps. "Hey guys?" He called out. "I think this tree is important! We might need to cover th roots and replant it!" He calls out, worried for the tree now. Why? He didn't know, but he was worried.

<+Infernis> ~Thus ended the saga of the bears and the maiden. With all the threats downed, the small pack of Imps showed up, literally by pulling themselves up out of the ground and running over to the tree. The 'Maiden.' Now that they had time and opportunity, they would see that each of the trees that were downed held the form of what might have been a figure at the center of the downed trees. With the last tree saved, the Imps gathered around and held hands in a circle around the tree, singing in their own rough language, with the effect being the tree righting itself and growing stronger. As the explorers looked on, they would see a glowing figure in the tree. A growing Dryad, not yet ready to be born into the world, but they'd saved her. The same sixth Imp as before came scampering up, chattering at Aeoles again, looking excited and thrilled and then it vomited on his shoes. A lot of gems. Mostly gems. A little vomit.~

[Everyone gets paid 100 mhl. I do a payout to Silevrien.]

Aeoles bent down and scooped up the gems, pulling a glass from his pouch he began to examine the gems, taking in what he knew. With a smile he began to count them out and pass them amongst those around, "Well, little ones, glad we could help save the maiden for you...Sorry we had to kill the bears, they didn't suffer." He made a sign over his chest and pocketed his share of the gems, "Thank you for the vomit gems."

Fayette-Deth would shift away from the tree when the imps literally popped up at her feet. Letting them circle the tree and do what they needed. A soft smile gracing her lips as she caught the vision of the figure within.

Mae grinned and was of course curious about the tree. She would first use her magic to lift the corpses of the bears to one pile and made sure they would come with her for research. She would let her two undead wolven guard the pile of floating bears and look at the tree. ¨Isn´t that interesting..¨ She would softly say. It sure looked interesting and somehow she smiled softly to see the imp dancing around the tree. She chuckled. ¨how cute..¨ She would smile more and then walk to the pile of dead bears. She was curious about them and definitly going to research them. Her eyes shifted to the party members. Everybody seemed okay and she was glad with that. She would look at Varis-Deth and grinned, motioning him to come to her.

Caolan was sure at least one bear suffered... The elf smiled when he saw the figure in the tree, his ears raising up just a little bit then he giggled when he saw poor Aeoles with vomit all over his shoes.. whether it was shiny or not. He wiped a little blood from his forehead then he turned towards Tenni, "You okay?" Was asked as he checked on his friend.

Aeoles pulled out the map he made and scrawled the trek they had taken, making notes of the vines, and the grotto. Thinking for a moment he shrugged and wrote a name on it, "This place is here by known as Imp Garden...I think it fits." He smiled and looked at the tree, "She needs a name I think." Walking over he placed a clawed hand on bark, focusing his mind he thought for a deep moment, "Elven Speakers, what are the words for Bear Bane...I think that's her name."

Tennibrook watches the glowing dryad in the tree with awe in her expression, and when Caolan checks on her, the vixen says, "I've got some scratches on my face and ears, I think. Might be worth taking a look at. Thank you... both of you... for saving my life." Tenni looks at Cao and Varis. "I'm wearing my helmet next time."

Mae would also collect the bodies of the dead crows and place it on the pile of corpses. She would prep them and of course research them further. She would then walk back towards the group and look at Aeoles and smiles. ¨Sounds like a lovely name Aeoles.¨ She would then lean on one hip and look at the tree maiden, crossing her arms. She would take a deep sigh. She couldn´t wait to tell this information to Aavran and show him her dead bodies. How romantic. She chuckled with the thought of that. ¨Thank you for organizing this Aeoles.¨ She would say and give him a wink.

Caolan would look over Tenni, moving over to inspect her wounds, casting a quick Discern Ailment just to be sure as he called back to Aeoles, "Bróg dagnir," because it was close enough.

Aeoles nodded and leaned close to the tree, he spoke a few words in Drakonik at first, thanking her for her patience, "By the Dreamers, The Lady, Gaea, and all who watch the land...I grant you name Bróg Dagnir, Bear Bane." He blessed the tree in Drakonik once more and made a sign over his chest.

Fayette-Deth ignored the scratches and claw marks on leg and arm, just admiring the magic and the hidden figure. Sad eyes drifting towards the fallen forms. Watching as Aeoles blessed the tree. Moving closer to him a slight limp, “Are you planning on exploring anymore or coming back another day?"

Mae would walk back to her two undead wolven and the pile of corpses she now collected. ¨Well..I´m going to bring these corpses back to the castle for research.¨ She said to the group and looked at everybody. ¨Thank you all for joining and Aeoles, if you are planning to explore some more...I would love to join as much as I can.¨ She would smile and then look at Varis-Deth and grin. ¨What do you think? Ready to bring these bodies to the castle and help me some more?¨ She asked him with a grin.

After Caolan heals Tennibrook's injuries, which were all over her face but relatively minor, the vixen kneels before the tree respectfully. "It has been an honor protecting you, Bróg Dagnir. May you come into this world strong and healthy, and may The Lady guide you and protect you in everything you do. Keeshan."

Aeoles nodded and pulled out his map, writing the name on it over the garden, "I will try to come back tomorrow in order to explore some more, if I can find anyone else to join me...might choose another random direction, head that way...Don't know if I want this garden's secret to get out, which is weird, I usually sell all information I find." He looked at the tree, expecting something, anything to happen. "You're more than welcome to come along too, if nothing happens, well...that's fine too." He sighed and placed his hand on the tree again.

Fayette-Deth nods and leaps up into the air, stirring the air around everyone as she spread her wings and took to the sky to return to the castle and to get her wounds taken care of and relax.

Caolan did, indeed, heal the injuries, then he sighed a little and turned to the rest of the group, his ears flicking slightly then he looked to Varis, "Let me mend your clothing before you go anywhere." His nose wrinkled.

Varis-Deth wakes up out of his coma and smiles to Caolan and nods. "Thank you, Caolan. That would b nice of you." He said whn Caolan said about menting his clothing. He looked to the Dryad in the tree and sighs softly. "At least sh was spared." He said softly as Caolan mended his clothing.

Caolan smiled a little as he came over to Varis, casting Mend to fix the tears and rips then he let out a breath... He turned, frowning at the bear corpses being collected, "I want my dagger back when you come to it," was said to Mae before he put away the crossbow bolt, collecting the reins for his gelding and then gently guiding him back the way they came.

Varis-Deth moves to Mae after Caolan fixed his clothing and nods to her. "Sorry, was in some sort of a daze. Whatcha need, Miss Mae?" He asked the necromancer.

Aeoles turned and walked away from the tree, "She is safe, I'm not letting my map out, not this one, not this location...She will be protected...if word gets out about this place, I will know it was one of you." He nodded, adding nothing more. He nodded, "For now, I'm heading home, I suggest you all do the same." He smiled at them softly, his sharp teeth showing, "Now." With that he walked off, leaving the rest behind.

Mae would look at Caolan as he said those words and she would nod. ¨Of course Caolan.¨ She would then look back at Varis and grinned. ¨It´s okay my dear. Let´s go home and you can help me with these bodies.¨ She would give him a wink and walked away with the pile of corpses and her two undead wolven, expecting Varis to follow her unless he wanted to do other things. Mae wanted to secure the bodies in the rightful place and she wanted to take a bath. Her hips swaying as she walked back towards the castle.

Caolan looked over his shoulder, pausing on the path to wait for Tenni, his ears flicking lightly. He'd need someone to look at those later on. At least he hadn't lost any earrings...

Varis nods and follows Mae, but pauses as he looks back to the "maiden". "Sleep well. Be safe. Kirva bless you." He whispered and then hurried up to catch up with Mae. "I have some things to do, but I'll get back to you shortly." He told her. "I need to check on someone." He said, he looked dead tired too.

[18:58] <Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT> !time
[18:58] <Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2021-06-19 22:58:40 - please remember this is NOT game time

<+Mae> would look over her shoulder as Varis followed her and then came next to her and said those things. She would chuckle.¨Very well know what..I will let you off the hook this time..I see you tomorrow then.¨ She would give Varis a wink. She knew that thse needed to bring those coprses to the right place to keep them as fresh as possible so she would have to wait with resting until she at least done that. But.. a bath really sounded nice.

Infernis's Pop Quiz

[18:24] <+Infernis> pop quiz: Why did the Imps focus on Sil and Caolan?
[18:24] <+Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT> Because they were the ones using fire?
[18:24] <+Infernis> Nope, because they were elves.
[18:24] <+Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT> That was my next guess.
[18:24] <+Infernis> What language were they speaking?
[18:25] <+Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT> Esperanto?
[18:25] <+Infernis> The Dethsiran tongue that's the root language of Elven, Valencian and Fae.
[18:25] <+Infernis> Who built the thorn wall and why?
[18:26] <+Fayette-Deth> sorry I knew ther answer but was metting a friend
[18:26] <+Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT> Probably not the bears.
[18:26] <+Fayette-Deth> the imps to protect the grove
[18:26] <+Fayette-Deth> maybe gaea
[18:26] <+Aeoles> the Maiden's name is Bear Bane, but it will be in Elven!
[18:27] <+Infernis> Yep, Fayette-Deth
[18:27] <+Infernis> !money give Fayette-Deth 100 mhl
[18:27] <@Desdaemona> **transaction** Infernis has insufficient funds.
[18:27] <+Infernis> !money give Fayette-Deth 30 mhl
[18:27] <+Fayette-Deth> duh he’s broke ass
[18:27] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* Infernis subtracted 30 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Fayette
[18:27] <+Infernis> Now, I'm broke. lol
[18:27] <+Varis-Deth> Skip around me, am on phone brb
[18:27] <+Fayette-Deth> heheeh you didn’t have to
[18:27] <+Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT> Which? The imps, or Gaea?
[18:27] <+Infernis> I got a ton of MHL. I'm fine.
[18:28] <+Infernis> Both, I think. They're servants of Gaea. or, at least, these ones are.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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