Aurora's shopsteals

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Moderator: Tehya

Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:23 pm

Real Estate Brokers

Aurora` couldn´t help it, but often her wandering through town brought her close to the Real Estate Office. It was not one of her favourite places in town, knowing the woman she still often thought about as ´mistress´ worked there, and often had a way to lure her in. The Body Arts and the magic store she disliked even more however and she actively worked to stay away from those places. But the Real Estate she didn´t seem able to evade. When she realized she was close to the building... mostly because she was staring straight at it, she felt her body react. Her pierced nipples always stood hard from the hoops through them, but now hardened even further and she could also feel her sex reacting. At first she thought Theressa was somewhere around, but it seemed the building was closed and locked. She couldn´t help it but moved closer to the door, as if she needed to be completely sure. Once she arrived at the door, she let her feet finally touch the ground, she always hovered slightly above it so that she didn´t have to touch the dirty ground. It was a complicated lock on the door and she knew some of the paperwork that was laying around here. She wasn´t very vindictive but she couldn´t help but wonder if there was a way she could put some payback on Theressa. The woman had done things to her... that she would never willingly consent to. Carefully she started to study the lock, working to get it open.

Aurora` had to pause her work at times as more people wandered by and a few times she truly believed that it was Theressa that was coming towards the building. It wouldn´t be the first time the woman caught her as she was sneaking into a building that was actually locked, but it seemed today she was in luck as no one paid much attention to her. As she worked on the lock she felt that rush coming to her body again. The rush was the reason she often snuck into stores.. being somewhere she wasn´t supposed to be gave such a thrill.. being alone in the store... able to do anything she desired. It was not strange that she so often got in trouble with this hobby of hers. As she kept fumbling with the lock, she actually spread her legs slightly wider, feeling the heat building under that extremely short skirt of hers. She knew she would be able to get into this building.. and she was so confident in that, that she didn´t even bothered to look for other ways to get inside.

Aurora` had the lock almost open when a sound behind her caught her attention and she quickly turned as she saw a cloaked figure riding through the street. She had enough experience with the guard to recognize the little emblem on the cloak that identified the woman as a member of those stubborn people. She quickly turned around, leaning against the building and pretended to study the weather. Maybe a woman would be less likely to get in a misunderstanding with her, but she remembered the encounter she had with a woman with two wolves and recognizing the guard that was riding through the town as a Moriel, she had little hope that things would end well for her. She could feel something poking against her ass, but tried to ignore it as the guard now had spotted the Sylph and was studying her. The arousal still surged through her body, having her squirm on her feet, hoping the woman on the horse would quickly leave. She had the feeling the woman was coming closer to her and she actually prepared to fly away. She really didn´t know how people managed to get out of trouble without flight, but then the Moriel rode off. Aurora let a relieved sigh ecape and turned to the door again. She heard a ripping sound as the nail she had been squirming against kept hold of her skirt, leaving her ass and sex bare. She gasped, feeling the wind caress her ass, but knew that the best thing to do was to open that lock and go inside. Encouraged by the chance that she could be spotted in this state of undress she worked and fumbled hard, until she finally heard that rewarding sound coming from the lock. She heard people coming closer, so she quickly went inside and closed the door behind her. Leaving her skirt hanging on the nail next to the door.

Aurora` could see that very little had changed inside the building. She saw the table near the door where the various leaflets were on about property in the Empire... the table where she had been on when she was so extremely charmed by mistr... Theressa and visitors had been allowed to fool with her body. Just the memories alone brought more lust in her body and she now stripped out of her tight top as well, giving freedom to her breasts and their pierced nipples. Part of her felt good being back inside this building, the tattoo on her thigh seemed to offer a nice warmth as her juices dripped over it. She had no idea how she could take revenge on Theressa, but went to the chair behind the counter.. the chair Theressa would use and sat down on it.

Aurora` grinned and pulled her knees up. She would think of something better but for now she would take her revenge by her own fingers. She brought two fingers of her right hand to her sex and eagerly started to play with herself. Soon adding a third one as her play got even more intense. Her other hand went to one of her breasts and started to play with the pierced nipple, even going as far as pulling on the hoop until it started to hurt. At times her fingers left her sex to smear her juices on the chair. When she felt her orgasm building, she left the chair and instead climbed on top of the counter. She didn´t even bother putting the stuff away that was on it, but just lay down on the various papers. She spread her legs and continued her play, moaning loudly as her three fingers drove her completely crazy.

Aurora` didn´t need very long before she reached her climax and sprayed her juices over the counter of the Real Estate Office and the papers that had been laying on the counter. But that hardly was enough for the sylph, she was so aroused, she needed more. While one hand continued to play with her breasts, the other reached over the counter, trying to find anything that seemed suited for her. Soon she felt something thick and round. It actually was a bit too thick but right now she couldn´t care about that. She brought the metal scroll case to her sex and despite her juices and arousal it took a moment before her lips would spread wide enough to let the first bulge in. Once it was in she started to fuck herself with it, filling herself completely. She was very loud, but luckily she was alone in the store.
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:15 pm

Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:23 pm

The Works

Aurora` was wandering over the market square, dressed in her usual clothes. Her boots and gloves covered almost completely covered her legs and arms, while her brown shirt stretched very temptingly over her breasts, making her hard nipples and the hoops pierced through them very noticeable.. and the skirt she wore was more a belt than a piece of clothing. As she wandered around she suddenly became aware of how two women had started to follow her. Perhaps they were planning to rob her but that was hardly the biggest fear Aurora had. She was straight, completely straight but every so often women would force themselves onto her. She started to walk a bit faster... for now forgetting she could simply fly away, hoping to lose the women. Eventually she arrived at the Works and perhaps there she could find safety. The door was locked, but she knew the women were coming closer so her nimble fingers started to mess with that lock.

Aurora` knew time was against her, although she couldn’t see the women at the moment, perhaps they hadn’t been after her or had they left after being noticed, but Aurora didn’t want to take any chances. She kept fumbling with the lock, but it was a complicated one and she could tell that it had been a while since the lock had been oiled, which made her work much harder. The lock was so rough and stubborn that every time she came close to opening it, the pins would snap back to the locked position. She sighed but didn’t give up, although by now it was far more a struggle between two stubborn things than that she really worried about the women. Surely she would long have been grabbed if that had been on the minds of the women.

Aurora` grew so frustrated with the lock and the way her fingers were not making any progress with the rusty lock that eventually she accepted that the thing needed to be oiled. Naturally that was not something she carried with her… she had hidden various items in her boots but a can of oil was not one of them. She did have a silver brush with her, just in the case she ever would encounter a five tailed Vulpine that loved having her tails brushed. So instead, she put two of her fingers inside her sex. She was already a bit wet.. which she simply related to being a Sylph and not to her nervous feelings about being abused by two women, but clearly she was not wet enough yet. So she started to finger herself, soon moaning softly as her play got more eager. Her fingers were getting soaked and she used those juices to oil the lock. Still the lock wouldn’t give in, so she continued to play with herself, constantly transferring juices to the lock and feeling the pins work smoother. She was almost at her climax when her attempt to open the lock finally succeeded and she stepped into the building. As she turned and closed the door, she saw the two women standing there. Both had quite the amused smile on their face, apparently they had seen more than enough. Quickly she closed the door and blocked it with a small table.

+Aurora` felt the rush of having brought herself so close to her climax and realizing the two women had been watching her for at least part of it. Her pierced nipples ached greatly and she removed her shirt. As her skirt never protected a lot, she also removed that thing, leaving her just in her boots and gloves. Her nipples stood quite erect and as always the hoops simply seemed to beg her to pull on them. She decided to first finish what she had started and knelt down one a kneeling bench that stood on display. As most often she forgot about the existance of windows as she played with herself and it was doubtful the walls could contain the sounds of her moans. It didn´t take long before she exploded, three fingers in her sex and another finger pierced through one of the pierced hoops.

Aurora` paled as she opened her eyes again and saw the two women peeking in through one of the windows. She hoped they hadn´t seen her, but the wink one of them gave her, said more than enough. She quickly tried to regain her balance and disappear into the darkness of the store, but her legs were more wobbly than stable as she walked through the store. Various items were on display in clear view of the windows, but the darker parts of the store was reserved for the sex toys. Several pillories that would control one´s head and arms.. or even one´s breasts. Several whips and floggers were also on display. She could easily imagine being locked and feel such a whip used on her.. perhaps by one of the women watching her.

Aurora` let her fingers brush over one of the flogger and shivered slightly. She really was no fan of being hurt, but being restrained was a far worse punishment on the freedom loving Sylph. She soon left the floggers behind and continued to explore the store. Soon she found several wagons in various sizes. It would be nice not to walk everywhere but she didn´t have a horse... nor had she brought one with her to the Works. She did notice a wagon that was a lot smaller however. As she pulled it, the thing easily moved. She also added one of the softer looking floggers to the wagon and then pulled the wagon with her to the door. As she walked past her clothes she didn´t bother putting them on but instead put them on the wagon as well. Orgasms often made it very hard for her to think.
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:15 pm

Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:24 pm

Body Arts

Aurora` had left the inn early in the morning, but already it was far too warm for the Sylph. She was dressed in her usual outfit, gloves and boots that covered most of her flesh while her skirt hardly covered a thing, leaving her at risk of exposing herself with every step she took. The truth was that she didn´t truly walk over the street, she only pretended to when she was outside. Instead she hovered slightly above the ground, not wishing to get the dirt on her nice clean boots. Her shirt was very tight on her upper body, stretching temptingly over her breasts and easily revealing the hoops that were pierced in her nipples. There were a few holes in the fabric, a fashion statement and not from any damage Risarah had done to it, although the cat diva had often ripped the shirt apart in the past. Aurora planned to visit the baths this morning but as she arrived there she just saw two women entering the building and by the looks of it, those two women were far too friendly with each other. Aurora didn´t really mind what others did together, but she was straight, completely straight but that wasn´t always respected by others and she feared that entering the baths now would only lead to further trouble. So she stopped walking towards the building and instead followed the road towards town. She increased her pace slightly as she saw the healing house, knowing that mistress Allivia dear worked there and mistr.. Theressa often visited her there.

Aurora` saw the Body Arts not much later, the place where Theressa had not only given her the hoops pierced through her nipples, nipples that now stood hard in her top at all times, but also had given her the tattoo on her thigh.. the number the seductress had done on her mind however had been far more invasive than any piercing could ever be. Of course the jewelry there was tempting but the building was far too dangerous to Aurora, although her wandering often lead her close to the building. It looked like the place was deserted so far, most likely it was still too early for people to get work done. As she glanced around she noticed a side door standing ajar. The heat of the sun made her wish for some shelter and she knew the building was cool. It would be dangerous to go in and so she managed to resist the temptation to go into the building. For about 15 seconds. Then she moved over to the door and opened it a bit further. Open doors were far too tempting. She listened if she heard any sound inside and slowly went in. She looked around, hoping things inside were as quiet as they appeared.

Aurora` didn´t think to close the door behind her as she started to study the place. The door had been open when she found it and she was far too much focused on seeing if anyone.. especially Theressa.. was inside. But it seemed everything was quiet and empty. As always she found herself tempted by the building and the place hardly was as cool as she remembered.

Aurora` stripped out of her top and her skirt and even her gloves and boots were removed a moment later. Her pussy was already somewhat wet and her nipples always stood hard as rocks since they had gotten pierced. Naked she wandered around, watching the different images on the wall of beautiful women wearing nothing but a layer of paint. If it wasn´t for Theressa she might return her some time to have a paintjob done to her body. She went to one of the artist stands and dipped a finger into the paint. She moaned softly as she drew an orange line over her left breast. Then she did the same to her other breast except this time it was a green line. The paint was quick to harden and she moaned softly from the sensation. Then she dipped three fingers in the purple paint before she brought those fingers to her pussy. She spread her legs slightly and moaned as her fingers started to ´paint´ her there.

Aurora` had only meant to colour herself slightly with the paint but it was hard to resist the temptations of her body and her fingers kept going, soon all three of them were inside her, putting more paint inside of her than had been placed on her lips. Especially her clit turned out rather purple and soon she was sitting and squirming on the floor. At times she dipped her fingers in the paint again, without paying any attention to the colours. She was becoming quite a paint of art, and when she reached her first climax that did almost nothing to clean her. The orgasm did cause her to desire more... to risk more. No longer she feared being caught by Theressa, but was simply lead by her arousal.

Aurora` moved to sit on one of the chairs that was used for the body artwork and placed her ankles in the slots for them, spreading herself somewhat open. Her fingers continued their eager play with herself, reaching two more orgasms before she realized that the ankle slots had somehow gotten locked and that she was unable to get them open again. Perhaps it was simply enough but her lust filled mind just was unable to figure things out.. most likely she was trapped her until someone made it to the store. She prayed it wouldn´t be Theressa.

Theressa had intended on working at the real estate office for a good portion of the day but then realized that she hasn't been at the Body Arts in quite some time now. Even though she's a freelancer and not actually *required* to put in minimum time..she knows it's incumbent upon her to keep up on everything going on within the shop - mostly policies and rules and such. The town is rather busy today and as she maneuvers her black mare through the ever changing throngs of people and wagons and caravans..she get's a *hint* that something..something..just doesn't seem right as she approaches the front of the shop. A brush of her mithril necklace, along with a calling of one word..the magic within could be felt nearly leaping off of her neck, directing her towards that very shop that the black mare has found it's way to.. *OOhh..dear..* she mutters to herself as that sly smile forms across her lips for she knows exactly who is inside. There may be others..but one of them, she definitely knows - very well. A swing of right leg over saddle horn..she pivots in the saddle and drops lightly to the ground..taking one step forward to wrap reins around the crosspost then patting her mare's head while petting with the other hand.."This may take awhile.." as she glances between her mare and the front of the shop. The mare simply rubs her head into the seductress..right along the bridle line. With an assured step forward, the seductress peers through the glass in door for but a moment. No movement detected initially anyhow. A pull of door, the seductress slides in quietly..pulling the door shut quietly behind her..then reaching around behind her back to set the deadbolt *clicking* locked.. *Where are you dear..* as dark browns dart around within the shop..then down the hallway that leads to the various individual rooms.

Aurora` was rather clueless about Theressa´s arrival, but so far also about her own troubles. The locks of the ankle cuffs had been closed and locked but she didn´t that notice yet. Instead she was eagerly playing with her sex, at times moaning until she cried out in a loud orgasm. It was the third since she had arrived here and once Theressa would spot her she would surely notice the paint on the Sylph´s fingers.. a mixture of purple, green and orange and Aurora´s sex currently had the same colour. The tattoo on Aurora´s thigh was still clean however. She panted heavily as she recovered slightly from the climax and decided that in a moment she should continue her exploration of the building. She tried to move her legs out of the cuffs again and finally noticed she couldn´t.

Theressa let the magic within her necklace guide her towards that magic within the mithril tattoo that is inset on sylph inner thigh. For all she knows..the sylph is not yet aware of that enchantment nor the other that brings about instant orgasm with the whisper of one single word. As the seductress feels the *pull* of that magic leading her towards the common area that is used at times..she sees the tuft of brown hair over the back of the chair that is used to secure one's ankles..holding legs in place. Also what she sees are those movements of her upper body, shoulders and arms with the flitting movement of each elbow peeking out from her sides. The seductress approaches from behind, careful not to make a sound as she steps ever so slowly..calling upon her own magic that she is *sure* that the sylph enjoys..even though she may deny it as much as she can. Now standing directly behind her..she reaches around and over each of her shoulders..pressing palms into her upper chest..sliding each hand downwards to move between top and breast..further down until the seductress's hands are fully holding each breast..those piercings felt within each palm while she whispers directly into her ear.."Mine.." while calling upon her Sensual Warmth spell for the sylph to feel that warmth emanating from each finger, sending that warmth into each breast that is now fully held and caressed.."Tell you what dear.." setting a kiss upon her ear then whispering with heated breath.."Since you like breaking into places..this place will keep you for awhile.."
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:15 pm

Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:24 pm


Aurora` still considered herself a Valencia girl, even when she was spending most of her day in Nanthalion. Things had gotten too complicated in the past with the guards that patrolled the town here, but at times Aurora returned here.. mostly when things went poorly in the other town. The Belladonna had always been her favourite store, although most of the time she did nothing more than to watch the beautiful dresses. Today she had gone to Valencia with more purpose. Risarah had given her some money to shop with, and although the Sylph had no idea what outfit the catdiva would like her to wear, she had gone to the Belladonna to shop. Previous experiences had made it very clear that she and Risarah didn´t have the same idea about fashion, as Aurora loved the extremely short skirt and tight top that she wore, while Risarah liked nothing better than to cut it up.

Aurora` sighed as she arrived at the Belladonna and saw it clearly closed. It had been a long travel to get here and when the Sylph made plans she always stuck to them so she didn´t handle a closed door very well. The store was one she had often entered in the past so the lock shouldn´t be too complicated and when there weren´t people watching her she started to try her luck this time.

Aurora` realized that the door had finally gotten a new lock since her last visit but she was confident enough in her skill to have faith in her chances to get into the building. The biggest problem were the people that kept walking by, glancing in her direction. Some clearly seemed to have their doubts about Aurora standing so close to the door and Aurora leaned against the wall, waiting for them to pass. There was one woman that especially kept a close eye on Aurora, studying her for a while and Aurora impatiently waited for the woman to move. It was an attractive woman, but that was a thought Aurora quickly pushed away although she felt her pierced nipples harden even further under the watchful gaze and that was not the only hint of arousal that started to find her. She tried to push the feelings away, as she was straight.. completely straight.

Aurora` hardly lost any time when the woman started to walk away again, quickly turning back to the door to let herself inside and eventually she managed to open the door and quickly went inside. The aroused feeling stayed with her however and as she spied through the window she saw that the woman already was returning. Clearly she had decided to keep some watch over the store, meaning that leaving might also offer some difficulty, but that was something to worry about later. As always there were very beautiful dresses on display but as Aurora started to browse through them, she felt herself being distracted by the arousal she felt. soon started to strip out of her clothes, at least the top she wore and the extremely short skirt that served very little purpose. She kept her long gloves and thigh high boots on, and in that state of undress she started to watch the various outfits again.

Aurora` realized that her thoughts constantly kept returning to the woman she had seen outside, the cleavage the woman´s shirt had shown and the short skirt she had worn, although the thing had been much longer than what Aurora had worn a moment ago. She tried to push the thoughs away, but the woman´s image kept returning to her, increasing her arousal, until she decided that she wouldn´t get any ´shopping´ done until she had dealt with her need. It was easy to blame Gaea for that and she ran one over her hands over her breasts, while the other found her wet sex.

Aurora` played lightly with herself, a finger claiming one of the hoops that was pierced through her nipple while two started to play with her sex, but from the first moment she realized it wasn´t her fingers she wanted. Part of her wanted the woman´s tongue to lap at her sex but again she did her best to push those thoughts away, scanning the room to see if anything could interest her.

Aurora` was standing at the hats so she didn´t see the stiletto shoes or she would have remembered her previous visit to the store, but she did notice something else. She walked over to the hat and took a wizard´s hat from the rack. She studied the pointed model and the poorly sown on stars and moon. She placed the hat on the floor and positioned herself above it. Slowly she lowered her wet sex over the hat and started to fuck herself with it.

Aurora` soon was losing herself to her arousal, not at all aware that the woman she was trying to push away from her thoughts was now watching in front of the window how the Sylph was enjoying herself. The hat was not the most suited object to use as it was far too long and small to be used for this purpose but she made the most of it. One of her hands kept playing with her pierced nipples, loving the hint of pain in combination with the pleasure of playing with herself. Eventually she turned around towards the window and finally noticed her audience, but by then she was too far lost in her lust to care. Better said... she was loving to be watched.

Aurora` kept fucking herself with the hat until she reached her climax and truly made a wet mess of the wizard´s hat she was abusing. Once her scream ended, she came a bit more to her senses and saw how the woman had also started to play with herself, on the other side of the window. Aurora had a bit more control over her thoughts, enough to tell herself she didn´t want to watch the other woman. The only clothes she grabbed were her own, although she also helped herself to some of the money from the store, before fleeing from the store. She managed to get away for now, although the guards would have no problem realizing the Sylph had been back in town.
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:15 pm

Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:25 pm

Body Arts

Aurora` still found herself drawn to the building of the body arts, every time she wandered around in town. One explanation could be that it simply was the first large building on the main road between the inn and the town, but Aurora was convinced it had far more to to with the magic Theressa had used on her during that one visit to the body arts. Her nipples still easily showed the result of that visit as both were piereced with a hoop and no never went soft again.. hoops that had actually been meant for her ears, but the seductress had decided differently. Theressa was dangerous to Aurora, always able to find her no matter where she was and that magic that the woman used to get Aurora interested in women. She was straight, completely straight. Today she found herself in front of that building again, studying the place. It looked completely deserted and she knew of the jewellery that was inside. She was a great lover of jewels, but to her this was the most dangerous place in town, worse even than the imperial prison.

Aurora` still walked over to the door, drawn by a pull she couldn´t explain. She was sure Theressa wasn´t around today and as she studied the lock she saw that the Body Arts was not in use. She realized there was a better way to come to a conclusion and retrieved the deck of tarot cards from one of her thigh high boots with a speed that was almost magical. The spirts of the cards had never steered her wrong, although she preferred to read her cards at a table in the inn. This time she sat down in the sand in front of the building and as always helped herself to three cards.

Aurora` knew the spirits knew her well and would guide her.. she was addicted to predicting her own fortune and the cards not always made clear sense to her, but this time there was little doubt of the meaning. The king of pentacles showed her dream at hand.. the wish for material gain and wealth. The moon showed there would be a mental challenge rather than a physical one, which was very true with the way she thought of this place and her experiences here. The six of swords showed the result, while inverted it displayed that she would only find her calmth after going through with this. Either that or there would be troublesome times ahead of her, but that was a meaning Aurora ignored for now.

Aurora` studied the lock and smiled as it was just a simple one. With a pin she gently explored the keyhole and luckily no one walked by as she focused on this task. The deck of cards had disappeared into her boot again, leaving no evidence behind of the reading. Once she had the lock open, she quietly snuck in, closing the door behind her. She was sure Theressa wasn´t around, but one never could be completely sure. Once inside she felt that rush returning to her. There was something very erotic about this place and her nipples, always hard from the piercings, grew even harder and more needy. The fabric of her tight top became a painful sensation, so was the first thing to go.

Aurora` walked around topless in the building and like the previous times was first drawn to the large images of completely naked women, covered in nothing else than some paint. She felt her breathing quicken as she watched the images for a while, imagining paint being applied to her body in such a manner.. so completely, although part of her doubts were more about the women applying the paint. As soon she realized that, she shook her head, pushing those thoughts away. She was straight, completely straight.

Aurora` left the images behind and started to explore the building further. She knew the rooms where the piercings were placed on unsuspecting victims and decided to stay away from them, but there were rooms further to the back where she hadn´t been yet. Today she decided to go there and while she headed in that direction she also lost her skirt, simply growing too aroused from being here again. The door here looked firmer than the others, which to Aurora meant there had to be valuables on the other side. The door wasn´t locked, so she went inside.

Aurora` gasped as she saw the contents of the room, a fire place was burning with several metal sticks nearby... some contained a single letter, others had a full word or a certain image. She squirmed as she noticed the words ´slut´ and ´mine´ the latter even worse than the first as she had that word tattooed on her thigh. These metal sticks seemed to be far more dangerous in nature.

Aurora` had no interest in getting a brand, but the heat that came from the fireplace was doing a number on her, arousing her even further and now she also stripped out of her boots and gloves, leaving her completely naked. She sat down on the floor in front of the fire place and took one of the metal brands.. not aware it was the one that read ´mine´. She brought the handle to her sex, holding it a bit higher up and soon was moaning as she started to fuck herself with it.

Aurora` realized the handle was actually rather small to offer her much pleasure, although she was nicely moaning and squirming. She looked around to see if she saw something better.. but the knives that were used for scarification all looked far too dangerous to her to consider. Even the slutty Sylph had her limits, although she had used a dagger in the MMR one time, but that had looked far less scary than the knives here. Seeing nothing more suited, and needing something better.. she decided to turn the brand around and started to fuck herself with the word ´mine´. It was more luck than anything else that the brand wasn´t heated any more... although Aurora´s sex would quickly change that, luckily not in a manner that would burn her.

<+Aurora`> The brand actually felt rather uncomfortable inside her, with the way the letters hooked her lips and clit at times, but it was having more effect than the handle had earlier. She squirmed on the floor, her moans coming more rapid after each other and her free hand clawed at one of her own piercings, pulling her nipple, until she reached her climax, her juices squirting into the fire place. She took a moment to recover and then placed the brand back against the wall.. she did poorly at remembering to clean her toys, not even that silver brush she used so often on a certain Op. With weak legs, but bringing her gloves and boots with her, she left that scary room again.

Aurora` heard a sound near the window as she passed it and decided not to risk her luck any further.. although part of her was tempted to stay here and let herself be fucked by who ever was trying to sneak in through the window, but the risk of Theressa showing up was too big. She didn´t even go to the jewels that had tempted her to go into this building in the first place, but instead claimed some of the coins that were around for herself.
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:15 pm

Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:25 pm


Aurora` had moved to Nanthalion almost two years ago, but she still very much considered herself a Valencian girl... just a girl that was too well known amongst the guards who no longer settled for abusing her body as punishment for her crimes, but had begun threatening to chop off her hand to make it impossible to steal. She still often went back to Valencia, where the stores were better. The Belladonna was still her favourite store with all the beautiful dresses that she easily could imagine herself in.. and some times she snuck into the store to try on dresses that she would never be able to wear.

Aurora` had decided today to pay the Belladonna a visit but with the short days and the distractions of the day, it was already getting dark by the time she finally made it to the store and she wasn´t happy when she found the store closed and locked. She was in no mood to visit the Wyrm´s nest as that often was the place the guards went to drink so instead she decided to check out the lock.

Aurora` had been most familiar with the lock of the Belladonna, so she immediately noticed that the lock had been replaced since her last visit. This one clearly was a lot more complicated but Aurora wouldn´t be herself if she didn´t have full faith in her capabilities to get into the store. There were times she simply forgot that she could fly and could easily check out that open window above hher, but even if she had realized that, she wanted to use her nimble fingers. With a hairpin she started to explore the lock.

Aurora` wasn´t happy to realize the lock was a very good one and that it might take all of her skill to get into the store today. Worse was the fact there were still people on the roads that could see her. She had to pause her work when a couple walked by, checking her out. She turned towards them and kissed her hand, blowing the kiss to the man before slightly raising her skirt to him. Her skirt was so extremely short that she ended up flashing him the tattoo on her thigh and her sex that immediately got assaulted by the cold wind, sending a shiver through her body.

Aurora` bit her lip as she felt all of her body respond to that cold wind and part of her regretted when the couple quickly walked away, although Aurora reminded herself that she was straight, compleely straight and that it wouldn´t be good if the couple had come to check out her ´offer´. She turned herself to the lock again and started to work on it. Her nipples were now even harder, not just from the cold and the cruel hoops that were pierced through them, but also from the arousal that started to claim her body. More people were coming towards the store but she was able to get into the building before they arrived and quickly closed the door behind her.

Aurora` looked around the store and was happy to see several new dresses on display. She stripped out of her clothes, including the gloves and boots that she normally kept on. She stripped to try on the dresses and not at all because her body was already being consumed by that lust that Gaea loved to tempt her with, but there was no denying that she was wet and needy. One of her hands soon brushed over her breasts as she tried to make up her mind about which dress to try on first.

Aurora` decided on a very fancy dress made out of a combination of normal silk and spider silk. As she slipped on the dress, she had a few hands too few but worse.. or more pleasant was the way the soft material teased her aroused and sensitive body. She moaned as she tried to straighten the fabric around herself, the material teasing her sex and nipples but also the other parts of her body. By the time she finally had the dress on correctly, she already reached her first climax, simply from the way the silk felt on her. Her heat didn´t end with that climax, instead her arousal only grew.

Aurora` kept the dress on as she walked around in the store, with each step she took the dress seemed to drive her crazy even further. She wanted.. needed to be filled but it was hard to see anything that suited her.. and it was hard to focus with the way her body kept being teased by the silk of the dress. When the second climax hit her, she lost her balance and fell. She stumbled against a rack with various shoes and when she landed on the floor, she had several of the shoes land on and next to her. One of the shoes was a very pointed ballet slipper. Aurora had no idea how someone could manage to get a feet into the shoe.. but the shape was very suited for something else.

Aurora` raised her dress as much as she could, until her upper body was drowning in the dress and the rest of her body was completely naked and soaking wet. She grabbed the slipper and brought the tip to her sex and then started to fuck herself with it..

Aurora` used the ballet slipper to help herself to two more climaxes before she somehow managed to stand up again. In a frenzy of lust, arousal, soaking wetness she grabbed some items that looked pretty.. and a handful of coins... before she rushed out of the store before her horny butt would get caught.
Fiona Sharora
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Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:25 pm

Silent Embrace

Aurora` was cursed. A terrible curse that she was enduring for a long time now. A curse that made her explode with a climax every so often, some times just a single unexpected climax that she could mostly ignore while other times the orgasms just kept happening, and grew more powerful with every new climax that found her. It also happened in the company of others, some paid close attention to her and easily noticed the effects, others ignored what was going on. It had started around the time that Theressa had placed the piercings in her nipples at the Body Arts, and at first she had given that woman the blame for the curse.. but she hardly ever was around when the curse activitated. Aurora had looked for a solution to her curse at the healing house, the alchemy store and even the magic store while Allivia had been working there. Apparently no one could come up with an answer to the curse.

Aurora` had decided today to give another store an attempt.. one darker and more dangerous in nature. A place that most likely dealt with curses and surely would also have means of removing one... The Silent Embrace. A dangerous place that she had never visited before. She knew it was in the tower of Umbara but she didn´t know much about magic, but curses were magic so it made sense.

Aurora` soon realized that there was no way to move through the door that shielded the store from the outside world, almost as if people didn´t want unwanted visitors to check out the poisons and other forms of trouble when the store was closed.. but she also noticed a window on a higher floor. There were many winged races, but most lacked the skill Aurora had to hover quietly and sneakily, so windows often came with less protection. As Aurora moved up to that window, anyone standing beneath her would have an easy time spying under her skirt and noticing her bare sex and that tattoo on her thigh, but today no one was around. The window was cold and almost frozen itself and Aurora´s fingers had a hard time dealing with the window.

Aurora` kept trying to open the window but just couldn’t get a good grab on the window. Rather than removing her gloves to use her nimble fingers to get a better grip, she removed her tight top, letting her breasts spring free. The cold wind brushing over them made her squirm slightly, hardening her nipples further. She then used the fabric of her shirt to rub against the glass and the wood surrounding it. The snow and ice that had been in her path went away, and now she could easier get her fingers hooked around the wood.

Aurora` was a bit surprised to find the window actually locked too.. people really didn´t want others with poisons but from her left boot she retrieved a sharp pin and slid that in the little crack around the window, trying to find the lock. At times her topless body came in contact with the freezing glass, sending new shivers through her body but she did find a spot where the pin met some obstacle. With some prodding and poking she was able to lift the obstacle and the window opened.

Aurora` didn´t bother to put her shirt back on, but started to wander around. Apparently this was some sort of stockroom for the poisons and she found various little boxes with strange names on them. There even was a small box with the store of the Valencian clothes store on it.. that surprised her, what would clothes have to do with a dark place like this. She wondered what a good way would be to dealing with her curse. The plan had been to find someone working here and asking for help, but now she was all on her own. If someone found her here, she would be in bad trouble.

[Tongue Tied.]

Aurora` found one of the little containers standing open and inside she found some kind of powder. She felt tempted to try the powder and first wetted her finger with her tongue before dipping it carefully in the strange powder. Then she smelled the powder and tasted it with the tip of her tongue. Her mouth started to feel a bit warmer but otherwise nothing happened and Aurora doubted this powder would be her solution. Feeling warmer was the problem, not the solution... but she also realized she might be doing this wrong.. there was nothing wrong with her mouth... So she removed her skirt and started to roam around in just her boots and gloves.


Aurora` found some leaves a moment later and at least that looked safe enough to try first. She took one of the leaves and started to rub her sex with the hemlock leaf. The sensation started to increase her heartbeat and a mousy odor started to fill. Her legs started to feel weaker, making it harder to keep standing and her breathing was rapid by now. She put the leaves away, hoping it had done something to help her, but not willing to leave already...

[Toucher's Bane.]

Aurora` moved through the stockroom, until she almost lost her balance as he legs seemed very weak from the leaves and she nearly fell on top of a bottle containing some liquid. Perhaps Gaea had guided her to this one so she opened the container and dipped her fingers into it. Then she started to rub her fingers all over her sex, especially her clit... and it felt very good. Her body started to relax and made the masturbation even nicer than normally. She soon had to sit down and with her legs spread wide she kept fingering herself until a powerful climax was over her. It felt so good...

Aurora` needed a moment to be able to stand again after her climax, all of her sex completely soaked and slippery. She felt so good, although her heartbeat was still much faster than normally and her breathing stayed so aroused and fast. Next to the bottle she had used, was a small bowl of powder and she started to rub that onto her sex. Almost instantly she regretted doing that as the lips of her sex became very itchy. She kept rubbing them, trying to get rid of that feeling, but with the powder on her wet fingrs she only ended up applying more of the toucher´s bane to her sex. Things became worse when that powder came in contact with her clit...

Aurora` stumbled through the stockroom, constantly rubbing her thighs together or involving her hands to rub at her sex and clit. The itching was only getting worse and she couldn´t even hope that this visit had done anything to help her with the curse. She grabbed a pouch laying on one of the tables and took it with her, not even checking what was in it. She then left through the window, either not remembering she was on the first floor or how to fly, as she fell down and landed face and breasts first in the snow. There she squirmed a while longer, trying to deal with the itch before returning to town.
Fiona Sharora
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Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:26 pm

Silent Embrace

Aurora` was relieved when the healer at the healing house had a cure for the terrible itch that she had gotten after her adventure at the Silent Embrace, but it soon became clear that the curse was still very much present with Aurora. Every so often an orgasm would find her without any reason in the most unsuited situations and no one had a cure for that.. so far at least. Maybe it hadn´t been wise to sneak into the poison store without an employee, so Aurora decided to return today and have a talk with such an employee that might have great knowledge on curses and what herbs could be used to counter them.

Aurora` eventually arrived, leaving no footsteps behind in the snow as she hovered slightly above it, still dressed in that very daring outfit, although her arms and legs were completely covered by long gloves and thigh high boots. It was a long travel through the forest and she softly let out an innocent curse as she arrived at the tower and once again found the store closed and locked. There really had to be better ways to find out if a store was open or closed before travelling all the way to a store. Maybe there could be an information board in town that had the listings of when a store was open or not.

Aurora` was in no mood to return all the way back to town and try her luck some other day, so instead she decided to wait for a while. Something she managed to do for about 3 minutes, until she grew bored. Maybe it would be better to wait inside and she moved to the door. The lock hadn´t changed but glancing up she saw that the window was also closed today and she meant to enter the store part rather than the backroom, so she decided to gently open the door this time.

Aurora` retrieved the pins from a small hidden pocket in one of her boots and got to work with her nimble fingers but it was quite the struggle. She had some experience with locks.. something the guards of Valencia hadn´t liked and she eventually had fled that town, although she still considered herself a Valencian. She could feel how the lock was balanced with various weights that had to balanced in just the right manner for the lock to open. Something that would be easy enough with the key, but very difficult with just two pins.

Aurora` didn´t realize that surely there had to be powerful magic that could be added to locks to make sure they weren´t messed with and that she was lucky she only had to deal with such mechanical challenges. Her fingers were nimble, but with today´s challenge she needed all flexibility she could get, so she paused and removed her gloves. It gave her hands just that little bit more room to move and wiggle.

urora` softly cursed again as the lock simply seemed impossible to open and no longer this was just about getting inside. She didn´t consider herself a thief, but she knew she could open locks that most thieves had trouble with. She just was that good and now she really wanted this lock open. Every time she had four weights properly aligned, the last one would ruin everything. She just needed that little more room to move. And if only removing her gloves didn´t give her the edge she needed, maybe removing more clothes would do the trick. So she also removed her shirt and skirt, her nipples immediately growing even harder from the cold air brushing over them, although the hoops pierced through them already had them constantly hard. Maybe it was just a coincidence, or luck or maybe her reasoning was corrct, but shortly after wiggling around a bit more in the lock, the weights finally surrendered and the door opened.

Aurora` hadn´t been in this part of the store before, only in the back room the previous month and things looked a bit more organized here. There were vials with strange liquids, certain leaves on display, small bottles with a powdered mixture of something.. surely someone that knew about herbs would understand easily what everything was. Aurora was not such a person.. and had also forgotten a bit about her plan to wait for an employee today. Instead she started to wander slowly around, studying the various things she had seen. Nothing looked the same as what she had seen in the backroom, so that wasn´t helpful.

Aurora` had her attention drawn to a small glass bottle that looked like it sparkled with powdered crystals. Unable to resist the draw of something that shiny she took the bottle and carefully opened it. Regardless of her care, some of the powder instantly came out and she recognized this powder as the last one she had applied to her sex the other day.. just before the terrible itch had started. Maybe the powders here were processed further, giving them more effect, but she was reluctant to try that now and instead placed the bottle back on the shelf where she had found it.

Aurora` really had trouble deciding where she should start and what she could try. She had tried some things on her previous visit but hadn´t gotten lucky with those, so now she was more careful. Suddenly she noticed a jar of blueberries standing on the counter and feeling a bit hungry she took some of them to munch on while she explored the store further. They tasted funny and a moment later she felt her stomach turn and got a bit dizzy. Perhaps she should have eaten more before coming here.

[Poisoned blueberries.]

Aurora` eventually figured that the best place to start with were the liquids and salves she could apply to herself. With the way her stomach felt at the moment, she was in no mood to drink or eat something, but previously she had already decided that she should put the herbs on the source of the curse and that was her sex. Wasting little more time, she grabbed a small bottle containing a red liquid. She sat down on the floor, wearing only her boots, and spread her legs. She was wise enough to not apply the liquid directly to her sex, but instead dripped some of it on her fingers before bringing those fingers to her sex. She moaned softly as the liquid started to warm her lips and not much later also her clit as her fingers started to rub over that pleasure nub. It took her a while before she realized her purpose here, but by then her fingers were nicely coated with her own juices as well.

[Sweet Sleep.]

Aurora` was losing herself in the play her fingers were doing, moaning more and more and her sounds getting louder. Despite her body growing more relaxed and aroused, her movements were getting wilder at the same time and it didn´t take long until she was squirming against the cabinet that contained so many of the poisons and herbs. Once her fingers pushed her over the edge, she bucked against the cabinet too wildly and two of the jars that had been the most unstable, dropped down. They didn´t hit the Sylph, but instead glass shattered on the floor and the contents flew all over Aurora, working its way all over and into her body. She started to sneeze, felt her body get very irritable before she passed out from the sleeping poison...

Aurora` slept for hours but when she woke up she still felt completely drained from her energy. She had no clue how long she had been sleeping but it didn´t look like anyone had entered or she would have woken up in a very different situation. With difficulty she collected her belongings, fighting not to pass out again and also grabbed a pouch that was standing on the counter. Surely it contained money and not something else dangerous. She was too tired to get dressed again, so she faced the cold world in nothing more than her boots... but the fresh wind easily brought new energy to the air nymph.
Fiona Sharora
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Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:52 pm

Siren's Call - 1 january 2020

* Aurora` was living in Nanthalion for two years now, but still considered herself a Valencian girl. She had left the small village because of the many misunderstandings she had with the Imperial guards there, but still visited the place often. Mostly to check out the Belladonna but during her last visit to that clothes store, she had decided that maybe things would become better if she had a proper disguise. She found a suited
* Aurora` dress there, but now decided she should get some accessoires to match the outfit. She had decided to bring a visit to the Siren´s Call, but when she arrived at that store after travelling all the way there from Nanthalion.. she found the place locked.

* Aurora` cursed her luck and saw a small sign on the window informing people that the store wouldn´t be open for a full week. Aurora didn´t do well with disappointment. When she had made a plan, not even a lock would keep her from following through. That was the reason the Imperial Guards often had trouble with her doings, even when she didn´t consider herself a thief. She noticed a few locks on the door, clearly people he
* Aurora` re wanted to keep the instruments well protected. She started with the lock near the door handle, hoping that the other locks were left open. She took a small pin from one of the small pockets from one of her boots and started to prod in the lock.

* Aurora` didn´t have much trouble with that lock, and the lock at the top of the door already seemed to be open, but the extra lock at the bottom of the door was also in use. With the position of the key hole it was actually rather difficult to get her pins lined up right if she knelt down, so instead she bend over. She felt her extremely short skirt rise further up, completely exposing her ass, but the town was quiet and the
* Aurora` roads even more. Once she adjusted her skirt, but the thing simply was too small for this pose so after that one attempt she gave up and focused on the lock instead.

* Aurora` was so focused on the lock that she didn´t realize someone walked up to her, until she suddenly felt a strong hand on her back. ¨Just keep this pose.. and I will forget what I saw...¨ A male voice hissed, too soft spoken for Aurora to identify even the race the man belonged to. The hand made sure she couldn´t get up and after a short moment she felt the other hand of the man guiding his cock to her. She gasped as
* Aurora` she felt him enter her sex, always tight with her nymph nature. The man started to fuck her and Aurora couldn´t help but starting to moan with the way she was being used. Knowing there was nothing she could do, she continued her work on the lock again.

* Aurora` fumbled often with the pin as the man kept changing his speed, in the end just slamming himself into her, almost banging her against the door itself. With one hand Aurora leaned against the door, doing her best to keep her balance, while the other kept toying with that pin. When she finally heard that little click to inform her the lock had sprung open.. she also felt the man shooting his seed into her. ¨It was fun...
* Aurora` don´t stay too long..¨ The man warned her and left her alone again. Aurora didn´t bother to look who he had been.. some times not knowing was more fun.. but instead went into the store.

* Aurora` felt the seed of the man running out of her and making its way over her bare thighs towards her boots. She didn´t want to get them dirty, so removed her boots as that was the easiest way to deal with things right now.. and since she was already undressing, her skirt and tight top were quick to leave her body as well. There were many instruments on display in the store, luckily not hidden in display cases. She had no idea what instrument would be a good match to the dress she had for her disguise so she just slowly walked around, the seed dripping out of her with every step. She hadn´t reached a climax herself.. and the man had been somewhat small compared to the people she had gotten used to.. so her thoughts weren´t just on ´acquiring´ an instrument... but also on using an instrument.

* Aurora` saw some instruments that were far too big to carry with her and some she had no idea of how to play. That would surely make a bad disguise. Eventually she arrived at a collection of expensive looking violins and she took one with a slender neck. It was a very beautiful looking one and she let her fingers slide up and down over the neck. Maybe this was an instrument she could play. She sat down with the violin and let her
* Aurora` fingers run over the strings, not even realizing she needed a bow to play it. The tune came from it made her wonder if she was holding the instrument in some wrong manner.. so she turned it around and felt the top of the violin against her needy sex. The sound didn´t improve as she tried again, but soon she found a different use for the instrument. She started to fiddle herself with the fiddle, moaning as she played herself as some instrument. The head of the small violin felt very strange on her needy sex adn with each thrust, the wood got further coated with the stranger´s seed.

* Aurora` had hoped that the climax would help with her concentration on why she had come to this store.. but the heat only grew inside her. Her pierced nipples were very needy and her sex wanted more. She put the violin to the side and naked started to explore further, looking for something else she could use.. and not in any way related to her disguise. The quality of the various instruments varied greatly, some flutes were
* Aurora` simple sticks with holes in it, while others were most ornate and valuable. Aurora never cared much about the value of things, giving more preference to how something looked.

* Aurora` came across an instrument that apparently was called an ocarina.. a name that would go well with her disguise but right now Aurora was more interested in the shape of the object. The thing reminded her of some sort of egg with the blowing part being suited as some sort of handle. This time she kept standing, leaning against a table while she studied the instrument.. and then brought it to her sex. She gasped as the
* Aurora` instrument filled her up, not leaving her with much chance to fuck herself with it as it was too big for that. But the way it filled her was most nicely and with the handle sticking out of her she started to walk through the store again. At times some lewd noices were produced by the blow part of the Ocarina..

* Aurora` kept walking around while she was filled by the instrument, which actually made the need feel less present. It was an awkward waggle but it helped her to focus on the reason she had come here. Eventually she found a beautiful looking Concertina.. although she had no clue it was called that, but she could understand how it should be used and hopefully that would be enough for her disguise. Before leaving the store she
* Aurora` removed the ocarina and placed it dripping wet on the counter and then quickly left, hoping no one would know she had been here...
Fiona Sharora
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Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Allie on Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:50 pm

Thank you so much for posting these, such a pleasure to read!

Also I *would* suggest being more careful at the Silent Embrace in the future but then I find it's rather more enjoyable when you aren't ;)
Allivia, Healer Type and General Goof
Sadyra, The Crafty Drak
Deliya, Tiny Troublesome Thief
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Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:33 pm

February was my first steal in an open store, so no log of that one.

Siren's Call - 29 March 2020

Aurora` was living in Nanthalion for quite a while now but still she often returned to Valencia, the place she still considered her home since she had left her ´family´ behind on the mountain. It was in this town that she had learned of the ways people behaved and had gotten in enough trouble when her own nature was different from most people. She loved the Belladonna very much, but the last time she had been here it had been for a visit to the Siren´s call. She had picked up an instrument, but only now realized that her Concertina was incomplete. The instrument looked simple enough, but there were actually various small caps that to be in place for the instrument to work.

Aurora` wasn´t sure how she would explain to the worker how she had gotten the intermediate instrument without getting the caps that went with them.. despite getting in trouble very often she was a very poor liar. As she arrived at the store she realized she wouldn´t need to come up with any story as the place was locked. She hated the bad luck she was having. She was cursed to suffer from random climaxes during the day and some times the night and very often found herself in front of closed stores. Maybe this was for the best, she knew how to get into buildings.

Aurora` studied the door and saw that the main lock wasn´t used but only a simple sliding lock inside. She had dealt with such locks often enough... although she really didn´t see herself as a thief, she just hated closed stores. The way she retrieved her tarot deck from one of the pockets of her boots was almost magic, but really only was some quick sleight of hand. She was addicted to the cards and the spirits that guided them, so she would always treat them with respect but she was sure the spirits were alright with her getting into this store. She slipped one of the cards through the opening of the door and moved it up to the sliding lock.

Aurora` didn´t need very long with the lock before she managed to adjust the sliding lock and had the door open. The tarot cards went back into her boots and she went into the store, not bothering to lock the door behind her. She already had her instrument so she ignored most of the instruments and instead walked over to the counter. As she arrived there she felt her body react very strongly, although she didn´t know to what. She had no idea that just before she had arrived here a Satyr had been working at the counter and that his powerful pheromones still lingered her. Her pierced nipples always were hard and sensitive, but right now they got even harder around the piercings. Her hands went to them, soon stripping out of her top to get easier access to them

Aurora` played with her nipples, putting her fingers in the hoops and twisting and pulling them. It only made her arousal stronger and it didn´t take long before she used one hand to remove the rest of her clothes until she only wore her gloves. Once she was naked, that hand moved to her sex to play with herself... but she soon realized she needed more. She glanced around the store, seeing all those instruments and at first she took a flute. She shoved the instrument deep into her and started to fuck herself with it. The instrument made quite the lewd sounds, but for her pleasure it was far too small. She needed something thicker... bigger. Glancing around she saw another instrument that might be able to help her. She moved the chair from behind the counter and took it with her to the instrument, before climbing onto the chair. She then swung her leg over the instrument and positioned herself correctly. Then she lowered herself onto the Didjeridu, letting the instrument fill her as far as it went.

Aurora` started to fuck the Didjeridu once it was as far into her as it would go, having a hard time to keep her balance with just one foot on the chair. Of course she was forgetting that she was a sylph and could just have flown to take this pose and make all of this so much easier. Now she struggled with keeping her balance and at the same time fucking the large musical instrument. Having to work hard on her balance could also easily mean that she would slip and pierce herself on the didjeridu.

Aurora` managed to not impale herself on the music instrument although by the time she was ´done´ with it, the thing was covered in her juices. Her first climax taken care of, but that left her only more needy for more. She helped herself to two more climaxes with a clarinet and after that Gaea´s lust simply overtook her, putting her in a sexual frenzy. She had no clue how she made it out of the music store, but by the time she left various of the wind instruments were covered in her juices... and back at the inn she had the hardest time to pry an intermediate harmonica out of her sex...
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
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Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:16 pm

Apothecary - 14 April 2020

Aurora` was still suffering from her curse, but worse was that the catdiva she was working for had now also realized that there was something wrong with Aurora. And to the catdiva that was almost just as bad as the plague that had been haunting the Empire. So far Aurora had managed to reassure her that nothing was really amiss but with the way the catdiva behaved, there was no telling when things would come to an explosion. She had tried to find an answer in many of the available stores, both with and without the help of anyone working there, and today she made a trip to the Apothecary, still seeing that place as the most logical one to deal with lifting curses.

Aurora` was hardly surprised when she arrived at the tower of magic and found the door to the apothecary locked, such was just her luck, but again Aurora wouldn´t let that stop her. Even she knew it was foolish to try to break into a magic tower.. but she wasn´t really breaking in to that, now was she. She was just breaking in to the apothecary and no mage should be upset about that. She even had a good reason for it. She studied the lock, having gotten quite the feel for the different locks that existed and could tell this would be a difficult one to open.

Aurora` had quite skilled fingers and easily retrieved the small pins from one of the pockets from one of her boots, it was almost magic in itself, but she was happy none of the mages was in sight. Of course had anyone been here, they might have been able to help her with her problem... or taken advantage of it. She started to prod at the lock, trying to find the right way to get the levers in check.

Of course her luck couldn´t last but luckily she noticed in time how the door of the ´real´ tower opened and a mage walked out. She paused her activities for a while and turned away from the door. Leaning against it she simply waited for the man to walk away. She hoped the mage wouldn´t remember her later.. but with the way she felt his eyes on her breasts and legs, she doubted he would be able to identify her by her face. She knew she almost always wore this daring outfit.. the top with some extra holes in it to offer a more daring cleavage and a skirt that was mostly a belt that most people easily would know who he meant if she came up in a conversation. Once he was out of view she continued her prodding again.

Aurora` eventually managed to get the door open and went inside.. where she was greeted by a similar problem as she had at the silent embrace and some other stores in town. There were many jars, pots, herbs but she had no idea what the various things would do. In the Silent Embrace she had just tried various things.. and maybe this place would do well with a similar treatment.

Aurora` let her eyes go through the store, having no idea of where to start. Should she try some of the herbs, a potion, a powder or maybe simply light a candle.. She slowly walked through the store until she found a basket filled with different kinds of products. Surely these things were together for a reason and if one thing worked, maybe all would help.. and if it didn´t she might not have to try the other things in the basket. She opened a jar that contained some strange mixture of herbs and powders. As she sniffed it she could smell the fresh scent of spring. That was her favourite season, so a good thing to start with. She wasn´t sure how to use the herbs.. but it made sense to her to apply it to the part of her body that bothered her the most with the curse.. She raised her skirt and with her fingers she started to apply the herbs to her sex. It was a shame that it only was some apple flavoured tea and nothing that would benefit her greatly.. but it gave her somewhat of a tingling sensation. The good kind.. not the annoying rash she had gotten after her visit to the poison store.

Aurora` didn´t feel anything more than the tingling sensation.. that rather quickly wore off once her fingers stopped to apply the tea. She was not impressed with this first choice from the basket, so she left the basket alone and went to a shelf that had various kinds of flowers laying around. Surely they were kept here for a good reason so she took a long flower that looked a mixture of blue and purple. Carefully she inserted the sage flower into herself, careful not to damage the flower too much. It tickled her insides and she felt her arousal build already.

Aurora` was getting wetter but realized that maybe this flower was still too fresh and that she needed some dried leaves instead... who knew how herbs and leaves worked after all. Well.. anyone that actually worked at this store could surely tell her things, but that was something she couldn´t wait for. She opened a jar of dried agrimony and started to apply that to her wet sex. It easy stuck to her skin with the juices that covered her but she also made sure to get enough of the herbs inside herself.

Aurora` soon grew bored with herbs and leaves, as they didn´t seem to have any effect on her other than a slight tingling sensation but then she noticed the cabinet with potions. There were quite a lot of different ones, so she simply took the first one. The liquid was yellow like the sun, but naturally the question remained how she should use it... but her way of thinking was very clear to most people. She lay down on the ground and pulled the skirt slight away.. not that it was truly needed with how short the thing was. She then started to pour the liquid inside and over her sex. Had she drunk the liquid, it would have taken her ten minutes before any effect became clear but on this spot of her body, her body reacted immediately. In the way normally her taste buds got extremely sensitive, that now happened to her lips and clit almost causing the feeling of more of the liquid dripping down on her body being enough to have her cum. She often got affected by Gaea´s lust, losing herself in her need... but that was nothing compared to what she was feeling now. Once the potion was empty, her lips were very swollen and her clit had grown a full inch. She needed more and her fingers eagerly started to rub at herself.

But then….:
* Creyia-APOTH ( has joined
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
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Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:36 pm

C2C June

Aurora had quite the addiction to chocoate and anything else sweet, but now that winter had clearly come to an end, it was getting rather difficult to get her hands on a cup of hot cocoa. Fugly often kept her waiting for a long time for it, if she returned with the drink at all and most other bartenders looked quite annoyed at her when she requested the hot drink and no one else did. Some times they wanted more payment than just accepting she had a room at the inn and it was degrading to her to do such things just to settle her addiction... but every time she did get on her knees for them. So it was hardly surprising the Sylph could be seen heading to the candy store so shortly after her last visit there.

Aurora was hardly surprised to find the store locked, the place was closed so often that in the past she had believed it was simply a front for more illegal activities, but naturally she had been the only one to get in trouble over that. She could just smell the sweets on the other side of the door and as no one was close by.. she just had to try to the door. Sadly the door was locked and by the looks of things, the lock had been replaced by something better since the last time she was here.

Aurora retrieved a pin from one of the pockets in her boots and started to fumble with the lock. It was a complicated thing, but although she didn´t see herself as a thief, she knew she had the skills to defeat this. At times she had to stop as people were getting nearby and dressed in her extremely short skirt she did draw attention to herself but never for too long. She continued to pick the lock and actually felt how dealing with this complicated lock was turning her slightly on. There was something tempting about bringing the in just to the right spot, to twist and turn it to get to her goal.

Aurora got slightly distracted by the breeze that teased her body. With the long gloves and high boots she wore her arms and legs were quite safe but her skirt was easily affected by the wind and so was the flesh under it. As she focused on her task there was no room to do anything about the wind and she actually bend her more forward to have a better sight on what she was doing. She moaned as the wind got more free play with her body and her pierced nipples, always quite hard and sensitive got even more so. They felt confined in the tight top she wore which was making it hard for her to work on the task at hand.

Aurora glanced around and when she saw no one around, she simply removed her top to give her breasts the freedom they so badly needed. The wind got the chance to play with her body even more but she was able to ignore the feeling long enough to unlock the door and then she stepped in. It was hard to ignore how wet she had gotten between her legs and she decided not to put her top back on. Instead she placed it on one of the display cases and topless she wandered through the store.

Aurora loved the sight of all those sweets on display, starting to feel quite hungry for that sweet taste of chocolate. But she also brushed one of her hands over her breasts as there were also another craving very present. It didn´t take long before she removed her skirt and gave her wet sex also all freedom. Before she really could do more than that, she gasped as she noticed a bowl of molten chocolate on the counter. She moved to it and dipped her finger into it. The chocolate wasn´t as liquid as the hot cocoa she loved to drink but also clearly not solid. She brought the finger to her mouth and licked the taste from it.

Aurora dipped her hand further into the chocolate, loving the sensation on her hand and fingers, before moving that hand to her mouth again. It wasn´t very warm or hot, but it did make her feel that way and before her hand made it all the way to her mouth, She stopped it at her breast. She groped her own breast, leaving quite the chocolatey mark behind. It was a very nice sensation, and as the chocolate hardened further, her breast felt quite nice.

Aurora dipped her hand in the chocolate again and this time brought her hand to her other breast. Rather than just groping herself, she started to play with her pierced nipple, pulling slightly on the hoop but clearly messing her breast with the chocolate. Her other hand snuck down between her legs, starting to play with herself there. She moaned as warm chocolate teased her wet and swollen lips.

Aurora loved the feeling and her fingers got more and more eager with her sex, loving the sensation of that sweet stuff hardening on her skin. But as always she wanted more. So rather than just dipping her fingers into it, she took the bowl now. Slowly she poured some of the chocolate onto her own breasts, moaning as it touched her sensitive nipples. As she sat down on the floor, she spread her legs and the last remainder of the cholate she poured directly onto her sex.

Aurora started to finger herself hard in the candy store while her other hand roughly played with her breasts. She could imagine someone nibbling the chocolate from her body but it never came to that as the store remained completely quiet.... except for her own sounds.. the moaning and the orgasm that followed. Helping herself to some coins afterwards she left the store again... quite the mess she had made of her body but she would get clean soon enough.
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:15 pm

Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:33 pm

The works - July 2020

Aurora happened to find herself on the Bazaar today, wandering between the various stands. It was a nice, sunny day and it felt good to be outside on such days. There was a breeze caressing her body and the sun was warming her skin. As most days she wore her extremely short skirt and the daring top, together with long gloves and thigh high boots. The skirt moved slightly with the wind that was teasing her and often she was at risk of the other people on the bazaar seeing more than they really should, although the Sylph hardly cared about that as much as she should.

Aurora felt how the wind and the sun were arousing her body, mixed in with some of the glances she got from the people that were near her. It were mostly the men checking her out, but it almost looked like that today everyone was with their wife, girlfriend, concubine or slut and that it would be hard to find some fun with them. After all, she was straight, completely straight and she rather was with a man alone… or a few men. One of her hands moved between her legs and snuck under her skirt, teasing her lips slightly and tempted to do a lot more than just that.

Aurora for once realized that she could be in trouble if she continued to tease herself out here so she glanced around and noticed the building nearby. It looked dark and deserted for now, a good place for a sylph to enjoy her own fingers for a bit. She moved there and read the sign next to it ‘The Works’. She wasn’t sure if she had been here before, but she knew that she could get into any building. She bend slightly over as she retrieved her tools from one of the pockets from her boots and started her work. Of course the way she had bend, only drew more attention to her, although for now she paid little attention to that.

* Aurora` felt how the sun continued to arouse her, which made it very hard on her fingers to focus on the lock and not to be tempted to retreat to her skirt and the treasure that was hidden there. Not that it was very hidden with the way she stood slightly bend, working on the lock. Her skirt really was that short. She kept fumbling around, trying to get the pick to move in correctly but every time she was close to succeeding, the needs of her body would distract her again.

Aurora eventually snuck a few fingers of one hand into herself, playing with her already burning sex, while her other hand kept focusing on the lock. With that mixture of pleasure and focus she finally succeeded on picking the lock and the door opened. Part of her was tempted to finish what she had started already, just here in front of the open door, but she realized that people started to watch her. That wasn’t so bad, but there were also some women. She felt tempted to just let those attractive women join her, before quickly reminding herself that she was straight, completely straight. She headed into the store and glanced around.

Aurora recognized this store once she was inside, first being greeted by the boring sight of building materials. Wooden boards and lumber hardly appealed her to needy sex, but her fingers continued the work now the door was closed behind her. Soon however her fingers weren’t enough to add further pleasure so she started to wander around. It always felt quite good to be in some place she wasn’t supposed to be, but mostly she just needed to be filled. Moving past the lumber she caught sight of the various kinds of whips and floggers. Risarah would have a field day here but to Aurora it just let a shiver run over her body.

Aurora then felt her attention drawn to a full size statue of a Wolven. A tall man, quite muscular and completely naked. She moved closer to him and moved her hand to that erect cock that was displayed between his legs. It was so big that she didn’t manage to close her hand around him. “You will do quite fine…” She told him, not getting any answer in return. She had to stand on her toes.. and even then she couldn’t position him correctly, so she flew up a little bit and then lowered herself on top of his manhood. She felt him opening her while she continued to lower herself, until she had completely impaled her sex on him.

Aurora felt some of the wood tease her inside, not in a fully pleasant way but her arousal was strong enough that she ignored that for now. She kept moving up and down on him, balancing herself on her toes although she still couldn’t raise herself high enough to move herself from the cock again, without flying back up again. It was hard to say if she would achieve that after a climax, but for now she simply kept fucking the ‘Wolven’ harder and faster. He really was a big man and it didn’t take her long before she reached that orgasm she had been after. She stumbled slightly from it, losing her balance on her toes and as flat feet ended up on the ground, the cock felt even deep embedded inside her body.

Aurora simply ‘hung’ on the cock for a while longer as he body recovered, until she had the strength again to fly slightly up and release the wooden dong from herself. After that she spend a short moment removing wood chips from very uncomfortable places, some quite annoying to remove, even for her nimble fingers. So she started to glance around to see if she could find some tool that would be better suited for that and found some very precise tools in the form of jewelers kit. Here she took a little tweezer that she used to remove the last of the wood from herself.

Aurora would eventually be seen opening the doors of The Works again and working very hard to drag a complete bed out of the store, assembled and well with a mattress on top it and even a chest of drawers laying on top of that. Luckily it didn´t take all that long until some handsome guy gave her a smile and was willing to help her with bringing the bedroom package to her place. The two jeweler kits she had picked she would carry herself...
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
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Re: Aurora's shopsteals

Postby Fiona Sharora on Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:17 pm

Naked Bird, August 2020

Aurora` came to her senses in an alley inside the town, feeling the Gaea’s lust slowly calming her body. Some times she just lost herself in lust as she was a nymph and being touched and teased could easily do that to herself and as she stood up she could tell that her body had been used.. quite a lot. Every part of her body felt sore and sticky but feeling the wind brush over her body already had her covering somewhat. She was completely naked, which was hardly a first, but looking around she saw no sign of her clothes.

Aurora` left the alley and arrived in a more busy shopping street although by the looks she was getting she was getting a lot more attention than the displays in the stores. If she kept walking around like this, she might just end up getting fucked again. While she loved sex, it would be good to give her body a moment longer to recover. She didn’t have the feeling she could fly away until she had rested a bit but seeing how close she was to the Naked Bird, she decided to take a moment to head over there and get something else to wear. It was very clear that she had no money with her, but perhaps there were other ways to get something to cover her… although looking down at her breasts, she was already partially covered by a thick white layer of dried up seed.

Aurora` arrived at the Naked Bird and saw that the place was dark and closed. So much for her luck of trying to charm her way into some clothes and there was quite the crowd looking at her. Some of them would simply be waiting for the chance to pin her against a wall, breasts first, to have their way with her. The attention made it completely impossible to fumble a bit with the lock to gain access. Instead she moved slightly around the building and as expected she noticed a few people moving to follow her. There would be no chance to sneak around too much without getting fucked again. Luckily she had a few more tricks up her sleeve… that she currently wasn’t wearing. She forced her exhausted body a bit upwards, flying up into the sky to one of the windows, hoping no one would glance up when looking for her.

Aurora` knew she was far more nimble than most of the winged races and that people therefor hardly bothered with fancy locks on windows to higher floors. The same was true for this window as she could see there was just a simple hook that held the shutters together and she glanced around, taking a small twig from the roof and pried around with it, trying to raise the hook to release the window. She was slightly distracted by voices below her.. mostly vulgar things of what they would do to her.. but grinned as she managed to get the window open.

Aurora` carefully opened the window and stepped into the building. Already her body felt a bit more recovered from the time in the air and if she took a moment to think about things she would realize she could just fly ‘home’ without any real need for clothes. But now that she was inside the store, she was going to go through with it. Upstairs there was very little to be found, some silk and cloth that were used to make clothes from, but got very little attention from her. Instead she slowly went down the stairs and then to a door to the actual store part. Here she glanced around to see if she saw anything that interested her.

Aurora` glanced around the store and saw some short dresses and camisoles that looked quite see-through… and of course that were the kind of clothes that she went to check out. She didn’t like to cover her body all that much. First of all however she took a shirt and simply used it to clean her body up a bit, wiping the sticky seed from her round breasts, from her face and then rubbing between her legs to clean herself a bit up there. It didn’t take all that long before the rubbing started to feel good and that her fingers joined in. It couldn’t really be called rubbing any more… but far more something else… something better.

Aurora` finished herself on her fingers and then simply put one of the dresses on to cover her body. It was a short, daring thing, but to Aurora it was better than walking around naked... although if she was completely honest with herself she would welcome a cock inside her sex about now. And with how she dressed, being naked might actually draw less attention than wearing clothes like this. She then left the store as she saw the crowd had dispersed mostly, hoping no one would come to trouble her after this little visit.
Fiona Sharora
Posts: 438
Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:15 pm


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