Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

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Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:08 am

The Lonely Inn
September 8, 2007
Callie and Dowjin Qui

Blue-furred, three-tailed vulpine water mage Callie Volopa was sitting at the bar, taking a sip of a vulpine drink called a "fox lust"-- saucer cream and blood mead-- one of the only things she could get better from the inn than from her own stock. As a rule, Callie didn't keep much alcohol in the house, though that was really a rule held over from when her lover, Katie Valina (an alcoholic) still lived with her. Now that the two of them were no longer on speaking terms, maybe Callie *could* make her own fox lusts at home... but really she also enjoyed the camaraderie of the inn, seeing her old friends and meeting new ones; something she couldn't get by herself in the cabin. She was about to meet a new person just now in the guise of Dowjin Qui...

<Dowjin_Qui> ~AIt had been a hot day, such is why, like for the past few weeks, he'd graced the inn with only tight leather pants and boots. The coming chill of night soothes his previously fevered skin, a blissful feeling of cold air lapping against steely pecs and abs. A metallic, he was, and a Silver at that, with rich flesh of navy blue, and crimson cast eyes. He mounts the porch with a short hopping step, and bats the front door wide with a deft backhanded slap. With a whip of the tail, he proceeds in, long platinum locks combed by clawed fingers; tucked behind his ears. Coincidence is of course what inevitably draws him to sit by Callie, hand raising demanding upwards to a bottle on the shelf. "Firewine." It wobbles, then floats into his grasp. A nod offered to the vulpine. "Heya, lovely."

Mayalaya smiles "Hello Callie " she says then turns to asmon. "of course! Don't get too close to them though, I hear they use long range mind control" slim fingers grasp glass and hold it up to his , then glance at clowe. "come on Clowe..for tomorrow we may die" she smiles.

A smile and wave was offered to her co-worker Mayalaya by the vixen, and her left tail curls lightly in greeting to the Drak Sen who greeted her. "Vizhra!" Callie says in greeting [Vulpani: "Greetings!"], before translating roughly in common: "Hello! I'm Callie Volopa of the Verlosi vulpine tribe." Bare toes curl around a rung of the barstool as she takes another sip of her fox lust; the vixen wore only her blue wraparound tunic, matching cotton pants and black silk nightie beneath.

<Dowjin_Qui> ~Victory? Spoils? Damn, and they'd started the party without him. Well this Drak isn't long behind, sharp ivory teeth goring into the cork of the bottle, spitting the stopper out onto the bar.~ victory! "Aye!" ~Echoed to Mayalaya. Enthusiasm, he even drinks heary, a few chugging gulps put down, Adam's apple bobbing, before roughly setting the vessel of sweet burning mana back down upon the counter. ~Ahh... Mmn? Callie... That name rang a bell... Mentioned around a particular lady drak once upon a time.~ "Good to meet you. I'm Dowjin Qui. Lieutenant of Tamryn's guard and a dead man on the morrow. Hows the evening find you?" ~Just as is speaking about the weather... Yes, that mask was firmly in place tonight.~

"Hmmmm." Callie considers the question for a moment, smiling thoughtfully as she looks for an honest answer somewhere inside her learned brain. Finally she goes with, "Happy, but a little wanting for excitement. And I don't mean of the 'violence' sort, either." There was a bit of a twinkle in the vulpine's eyes that appeared at the mention of the 'other' kind of excitement. Or at least the implication.

<Dowjin_Qui> ~He tries to tune out Mayalaya, keeping a half smile on his lips even as those red flashes if Dream flit across his conscious. How many times did he have to see them die? He could smell the singed flesh, he could see the demons tearing though those ranks like a hot knife through butter. Reality next; Valencia. The look in her eyes, bleeding all over him... Knuckles whiten, gripping the neck of his bottle hard before he relaxes that hand and wriggles fingers, chuckling. He had to take his mind off all that, he didn't want to think about who he'd lose tomorrow. "Ah- heh. Well, I'm pretty sure were all after the same thing tonight. I'm surprised a pretty vulpine like yourself hasn't been snatched up yet, actually..." He takes a swig from the wine, his vice. "Mnn, not that I'm complaining, I'd love to snatch you up myself." He clacks his teeth together, a playful bite at air, emphasis of his own intentions.

Callie had no such vice, at least not when it came to alcohol; work was the obsession of hers that had led her a little over the edge on a couple different occasions. It quite possibly had helped lead to her losing Katie; Callie had spent time at the SS instead of trying to actively repair the damaged relationship she'd shared with the lonely, easily-hurt Drak. Though she'd quickly gained Allisa as her girlfriend and lover soon after separating from Katie, that didn't mean Callie didn't still feel the hurt she and Katie had caused one another. "Mmm, someone's sure of himself, isn't he?" Callie asks with a bright grin as Dowjin says he'd like to snatch her up. "Obviously my reputation-- or at least the reputation of my people, or maybe my tribe-- has preceded me."

<Dowjin_Qui> ~And this one isn't a mind reader. Of course, the way he's undressing her with his eyes, he might as well look it. Sometimes he felt jealous hearing about stories like her's, an elusive thing, in this dark world, to have someone to love. Worse off when the one person you pin for ends up coming with a heavy load of competition. Of course, the warrior Drak had never balked at a challenge, and was never known to give up. Persistence and straightforwardness expressed with bouncing silver brows as he leans over and slides an arm around Callie's waist. "Actually, lovely, it hasn't. I'd be glad to listen, though. Or be shown..." ~The glint of a predator in his eyes, instinct and want motivating the Dream.

"I think that's a good idea," Callie replies, finishing off her fox lust-- the drink, anyway, if not the concept-- before lifting herself up off her barstool. "So, upstairs, private booth, right here, what works for ya, hon?" Callie had absolutely no qualms about going naked, and having sex, in public, but she realized that not everyone was as... open... about life as she was.

<Dowjin_Qui> Hrrmm... ~A growl ripped from his chest, perhaps intimidating, but for him it was a purr. Hard to tell if its just something he's practiced, or if its a natural ability, but one things for sure, no human could pull it off.~ "I hardly want to wait." ~He sets his bottle down, apparently getting his priorities straight. As Callie rises from her stool, so does he, but only to press his body against hers, and seek her lips with a kiss, digits spread as they reach behind her to grope at her rear and tug her against him, just to show off what little of a barrier those tight leather pants were, and the extent of his arousal. Ruby eyes glaze, the small of her back perhaps stopped by the counter.~

Ah, here was a man who had his priorities straight, Callie figured. She liked that in a guy (and in a woman, for that matter): the ability to cut through the crap and get right to the sexin' when the situation called for it. And this was definitely one of those times! The vixen presses her lips tightly against Dowjin's as he kisses her; her side tails moving to around the area of his hips as she moves a hand into her tunic to pull it loose and send it tumbling to the ground beneath her bare feet. Her black silk nightgown and blue cotton pants were the only things she still had on.

~She didn't have them on for very long. Dowjin's kissing grows deeper, more intense, sinuous hands caressing and feeling the body they cross over as fingertips run into the clasp on Callie's back that held her night gown together. A pinch and twist should get rid of that particular bit of garb, while the length of his tail slaps against her thigh, tip dragging up to squirm under the waist hem. His bare chest kept itself tight against hers, body wriggling just a little bit as those hands of his work in concert with his tail to pants her.~

Groaning as she feels Dowjin's muscled chest against her soft, furry breasts, Callie lets herself be stripped by the Drak's hands and talented tail. She knew from her experience with Katie just how dexterous a Drak Sen's tail was; she had to admit she was a little jealous of that fact, since outside of the Glimmering Tail spell, Callie's tails were basically only there to look good. On the other hand vulpines were the only species naturally capable of growing more than one, thanks to the blessings of The Lady. Callie angles herself to step out of her pants and leave herself completely naked in the inn, and then, turning her attention towards stripping the Drak, she helps him out of his boots and leather pants. She wastes no time in getting her mouth on his cock, either; she begins to hungrily lick and suck at it as if she was afraid someone would come and snatch it away.

<Dowjin_Qui> ~He toes the heel of one of the boots, they were worn loose when not on duty. The other she manages to slip off on her own, and he steps out of the leather pants pooled at his ankles. That agile tail would squirm against Callie's chest, squeezing her furry mounds with its constricting coils. The tip of that tail wanders down, serpentine as the slack rubs against her chest, jerking downwards towards her sex as she starts sucking on him.~ Ohh.... Fuck yes... ~Hands rest on her head, fingertips preening her hair and kneading her scalp, not forcing her in the least, but it gave his hands something to do. He was reluctant to stop her, at first, and so his tail writhes between her thighs, prods the lips of her cunt, and then boldly dives in!~

Groans and grunts of delight emerge from Callie's lips as his tail boldly moves from her breasts down her body towards her sex, and then it plunges inside her. Callie pulls her mouth off his cock just long enough to exclaim, "Oh, Dowjin!" before redoubling her efforts, fucking him with her mouth in much the same manner as they were fucking with tail and twat. Callie piles up her clothing into a neat pile to rest her knees upon, the tops of her feet resting upon the wooden floor as the Drak and vulpine make passionate love near the bar...

<Dowjin_Qui> Mmnnn... ~He bites down on his lower lip, a plush and purple thing, his cock stiff between her lips, hips nudging forwards into her enthusiastic mouth.~ Your pretty good at that -oh! "Mnn, but I want your tight cunt, Callie, fuck I wanna cum inside you..." ~Glazed ruby eyes dull into a slightly lighter tone, mind blissfully reeling from the pleasure electrifying his nerves. His tail spasms within her, twitching and twisting and rubbing every inch inside of her, tail brushing her cervix and paying great attention to the rougher patch of flesh that should make up her g spot. hands try to push her gently off his groin, his pulse racing, tail retreating from her pussy only after having it thoroughly explored.~~

"Mmm, let's do that, then, Dowjin," Callie groans, pulling herself up off the floor and now leaning forward against the bar counter. "Mmmmm, goddess, fuck me hard, la kohnmani," ["my friend"] Callie invites him, not feeling the need to reach down and spread her lips open for him, because she knew how splayed open she already was. "Mmmm, and gimme your tail in my ass, too!"

<Dowjin_Qui> "Hrrmmmnnn.... Lovely, I wouldn't do it any other way..." ~A grin to purple lips, lustful gleam in his eyes as he steps forward and leans against her in turn, the front of his thighs touching the back of hers, as one hand aims his cock flesh to be forcefully shoved into her waiting pussy. Immediately his bucking hard against her, groin pounding against her ass as he sinks deeply into her twat, vigorously fucking her just like she'd asked. His tail was soaked by her own juices, its lathered length slapping lewdly against the crack of her ass before boring into her and pistoning with his rocking body.~

Letting out a loud groan of delight as she feels that cock (previously in her mouth) slamming deeply into her sex, Callie gasps again as that tail bores into her ass and she's double-fucked for the first time in certainly a couple of months. Maybe the first time since she and Katie broke up and Katie used Swap Gender on her? Possibly. Callie was as much of a slut as she's always been, but she wasn't quite the "freak" that she used to be... "Oh, come inside me, baby! Powla'rumba!" ["Hard, fast sex!"]

<Dowjin_Qui> Mmnnn... I will be... Fuck, your a tight fit... ~Perhaps compared to the looser cast he's ran into, perhaps soley the factor of his Dream wrought endowment. Either way, he's furiously fighting into her sex with every roll of his hips, tail screwing her ass with intricate twists, wodnering what would make her moan the most. He had no clue what some of the words she said meant, but it really didn't matter, in that ecstatic haze, as he finds his rapture. He groans loudly, hands reaching for her breasts for leverage, squeezing and pinching nipples as he hilts himself inside of her and cums hard.~ "Oh fuck yesssss..."
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie has sex with Kaede and offers to collar her

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:10 am

Callie's Cabin
June 21, 2009
Callie and Kaede Tsukino

Red-furred, four-tailed vulpine water mage Callie Volopa lies naked next to her friend, the collared young sylph named Kaede Tsukino, their bodies entwined together, both of them floating on the edge of sleep as they lie in the blankets next to the fireplace in the vixen's cabin. A few hours earlier, Callie had invited Kaede to dinner, and things had kinda progressed from there, as they tended to do with the two of them. The women are lying face to face with each other, and Callie's side tails are embracing Kaede in a warm hug, as the fox gently strokes Kaede's hair.

Kaede{KK} coos softly, contentedly, as Callie strokes her soft hair, gently wafting in the breeze that always surrounds the sylph, teasing along her friend's furred form. She presses closer, her innocent eyes turned to Callie's plush lips curved in a happy little smile, a soft sigh passing them as she shifts a bit in her embrace.

Callie, in turn, presses up even tighter against Kaede, their breasts and stomachs mashing together as the vixen raises her right foot up on top of Kaede's left foot. Their faces were as close to one another as they could be without actually touching, and after a moment Callie rectifies that, too, kissing the sylph's lips softly at first, then with slowly increasing intensity, slipping her tongue into Kaede's mouth as her white-furred hands trace little circles against her friend's back. It was pretty clear by Callie's body language that she wanted Kaede again.

Kaede{KK} mms, wriggles softly against her friend, legs shifting a little at that touch at her foot, rubbing against Callie's. She returns that kiss with a soft little coo, groaning then as her friend's tongue slips into her mouth, meeting it with her own to dance within her mouth, her groan deepening a little, arching her back, as she feels the vulpine's hands at her bare back, her own hands gently brushing slender fingers at Callie's sides and front, nails lightly raking along her skin, stroking through her soft fur.

As Callie's passion begins to overtake her, she suddenly realizes that her current biology won't allow her to get as close to Kaede as she'd like to; fortunately, there was a solution to that. Breaking the kiss softly, Callie murmurs a three-syllable word in Ancient Vulpani and moves the first two fingers of her right hand slightly from left to right. The fox's breasts flatten out, and her female sex organs are replaced by a shaft and testicles. There's also a change to her vocal cords, making her voice somewhat deeper. "Callie" had been replaced, for the time being, by "Cal", and Cal's manhood was already stiffening against Kaede's stomach. As the transformation completes, Cal rolls over on top of Kaede, kissing her again, pressing tightly to that silky skin as he prepares to make love to his longtime friend. "Tell me you want it, Kaede," he asks of her.

Kaede{KK} mmms, licking her lips lightly as Callie pulls back from them, blinking then at her words, eyes widening a little as she feels her friend transforming, molding into a male form against her, the little sylph groaning softly, pressing tighter and rubbing a bit more as she feels that member beginning to swell against her flat belly. She rolls with Cal, mmming, returning his kiss, breath coming a little faster, hands sliding along his sides. "Mmm...oh, I want it Cal..." she breathes, voice as airy as one would expect of a sylph, a breathy, sultry purr. "Take me..." she breathes, looking up to the vulpine's eyes, lips slightly parted as she squirms beneath him.

Cal grinds himself against Kaede's stomach for a few more moments just to make sure he's reached his maximum hardness, and then, looking deeply into Kaede's eyes as if examining her soul, he finds his target, and pushes his shaft deep inside the sylph's womanhood, filling her up to the hilt. His tails lightly curl with pleasure across his friend and lover's back, his breath (being, of course, a water mage) flushes cool against the sylph's face, and as he begins to move against her, his ears lay back a little bit, lips parting to show off his teeth, which were somewhat sharper than human norms.

Kaede{KK} groans softly as he grinds against her, rubbing back, a hand sliding down to stroke fingers over Cal's member, holding his gaze then as he adjusts, her breath catching a moment, a little trembling moan rising in her throat as the vulpine pushes deeply into her velvet passage, hips tilting to press back against him. Her arms rise, wrapping around Cal, stroking nails up to his shoulders, head tilting back just a bit as she feels cool breath on her own slightly cool skin, hips beginning to rock then in time with Cal's thrusts, breath coming a bit quicker, unafraid of those sharp teeth - of course, even were she to feel them on her supple flesh, she'd hardly mind, having been trained as she is.

Cal's groans begin to escalate as the vulpine and sylph fuck one another, Cal leaning in to again kiss Kaede's lips, holding his friend very close as he feels her heart beating so rapidly against his chest. "Unnnnh, goddess, Kaede," he whispers to her as he breaks the kiss again, his eyes slowly tracing the lines of the collar that Kaede wore around her neck, marking her as the property of someone who hadn't been home in a year and a half. Idly, he wonders what it might be like to have her own collar in place of it, her own wizard's mark just above Kaede's breast. He'd thought about it once or twice before, but had always dismissed the idea out of hand... however, no matter how Kaede tried to hide it, Cal knew she was hurting, missing her mistress terribly. The thoughts dissipate from Cal's mind as he picks up the intensity of his thrusts, the fox running his tongue along the sylph's right cheek.

Kaede{KK} pants softly, cooing and moaning as her hips roll and buck in time with Cal's, returning that kiss, shivering against her friend. "Y-yeah?" she replies, voice breathy, shot through with pleasure - the naive little sylph apparently thinks he's actually making a comment rather than simply expressing pleasure, her face turning a bit with a groan, another little shiver, as he licks at her cheek, tilting her head a bit into the attention.

Staring deep into the sylph's eyes with a meaningful look-- implying that what he was about to say meant more than what it just sounded like on the surface-- the fox says, "I want you, Kaede... I want you so bad," and kisses her again, driving his shaft very deep inside her as their lips meet, pumping in and out of her with even fiercer tenacity now. It was almost, but not quite, rough; in any event it was *definitely* a lot less like making love and a lot more like fucking.

Kaede{KK} holds the vulpine's gaze, mmming, returning that kiss, her own blue-white eyes not seeming to register the deeper meaning of her friend's words - she never was exactly observant, to say the least. She gasps as he drives hard into her, moaning, breath coming deeper, heart beating faster, her arms squeezing a bit, pulling her tighter against Cal as her tongue caresses his, grunting softly each time he thrusts into her, shaking her whole body, hips meeting those thrusts, rather lewd wet sounds rising along with her voice as she feels that fire within her stoked with every thrust into her snug depths.

All four of Cal's tails are now touching Kaede's body; his side tails are wrapped around the sylph's waist, while his upper tail runs along Kaede's left arm and his lower tail, against her left knee. He felt as if he were enveloping Kaede, dominating her as he drove his manhood past her defenses, feeling the willing girl submit herself to the passion that had overtaken them. Callie had been, if she remembered correctly, the first person Kaede had ever been with, the very day the sylph had been formed. (Or however that worked.) And who better to introduce someone to the joys of lovemaking than a vulpine? Breaking the kiss, he clarifies his earlier statement: "I want to make you mine, Kaede." He kisses her again, this time on the cheek, as he runs his toes against Kaede's ankle, pressing his chest tightly against the sylph's breasts. It was only a matter of time now before he hit his climax.

Kaede{KK} groans, pants as those tails brush at her silky skin, shifting into the touch, writhing, cooing, her voice less steady now, pleasure rising in her body. She blinks then at Cal's words, head tilting a little. "But...what about Mistress...?" she asks, a little troubled, but her voice is still thick with pleasure, hips still rolling and grinding, moaning then as he presses closer, tender breasts mashing against his chest, the sylph arching, pressing tighter, leg rubbing against the vulpine's as she feels his toes on her bare ankle, little needy whimpers beginning to rise between her moans now as she draws closer to her own peak.

Cal has an answer ready for that, but he soon loses the ability to speak-- or really put together a cognizant thought-- as the heat inside him builds to a feverish level, and with a loud gasp, he comes inside Kaede, filling her tight love canal with his semen, driving his shaft as deep as it will go inside her and holding it there as he rides out his orgasm. Even as he does so, he places a hand down towards Kaede's crotch and begins rubbing her clit with his thumb.

Kaede{KK} gasps sharply herself as she feels Cal thrust deeply into her once more, swelling within her, erupting, his sticky seed coating her inner walls, the girl's breath catching then as his hand moves to her throbbing clit as well, a squealing cry as she's pushed over the edge, tensing, her inner walls gripping his member, milking it for all he's worth, bathing it in her nectar as she gives little spasms against him, hands tightening, nails pressing into his shoulders.

As Cal comes down from his orgasm, his cock begins to go flaccid, and slips out from inside of Kaede's body. Gently, the fox rolls off of the sylph, spent for the time being, and discontinues his Swap Gender spell, restoring his body to its true, female, state. There was still something about Callie's body that was an illusion, however, because her fur was still red, not the blue color that it had naturally transformed into upon her becoming a water mage. Lying on her stomach, raising her feet up into the air, Callie turns her head to the side so that she can still gaze upon Kaede's sultry, sweaty, nude body. She leaves the question of a few minutes ago still unanswered, though.

Kaede{KK} coos and groans as little aftershocks rush through her, her arms relaxing, shivering as that shaft softens and slides out of her, her friend rolling off to the blankets beside her as she gasps softly for breath, slowly regaining its normal pace. She writhes slowly, biting her bottom lip, letting it pop free before turning her head to face Callie once more, restored to her normal form if not her normal coloration. She smiles to her friend, pale skin quickly beginning to dry in that ever-present breeze about her.

Callie bites her bottom lip as well for a moment, thinking of a way to broach the subject again with Kaede now that they weren't making love. Now that she was calmed down from that high, the vixen considers how she might actually go about collaring Kaede. "I could offer to buy you from Kiani," the fox says thoughtfully, "or, considering that she's been out of the country for a year and a half, you could probably get legally de-collared just by asking for it. Then I could take you in..." Callie can't help but wonder how becoming a slave-owner again would affect her relationship with Allisa, but then again, it'd been awhile since she'd even *seen* her delifi.

Kaede{KK} blinks, head tilting as she sees Callie's expression, another blink at her words, the sylph looking away nervously for a moment, wriggling a little. "I..." she begins, fidgeting. "I...don't know if I could...I'm just a slave, they might not believe me, and what if Mistress comes back and wonders where I am...?" she asks, shoulders slumping. She wouldn't have ever thought about trying such a thing, but...but where is Mistress? She's been gone so long, without even sending a message...

Callie gently runs her bottom tail against the soles of her dangling feet, scratching her chin contemplatively with her right hand. "Well, what happened with your first mistress, Awier? Did she... leave town and never come back, also?" Callie had come very close to using the word 'abandoned', but she didn't want to hurt her friend's feelings. All she knew was that Kiani should either have taken Kaede with her, messaged her, or freed her-- instead of leaving her here by herself, still collared to an absent mistress. It wasn't fair to Kaede; she deserved to be with someone who was going to stick around.

Kaede{KK} looks upward, considering, then nodding. "Mmhmm, she left and Mistress found me and claimed me and took me to the ISA building and put her collar on me instead." she says with a little nod. "But I don't think I can do that on my own cause I'm just a slave and it doesn't matter what I think cause Mistress owns me even if she's not here..."

"What if I claimed you in the same way?" Callie asks with a soft smile. "Would you feel like you were betraying her? Would you willingly become my pet, subject to my will in your life?" Callie gently runs her fingers down Kaede's side, looking deep into her eyes. She didn't quite know if she could handle being Kaede's mistress-- especially if Kaede did something that Callie would be obligated to punish her for-- but life was *supposed* to be an adventure.

Kaede{KK} tilts her head a little once more, biting her bottom lip, fidgeting again, but shifting into that touch at her side, a little shiver given. "I..." she begins, sighing then before giving a little smile. "Yeah, I would do that, and I guess I wouldn't be betraying her cause if she wanted me she woulda come and got me by now and I don't know what I did wrong but I must've done something or she wouldn'ta left like that and not taken me with her and not sent for me or anything..."

Callie moves onto her side now, laying a gentle hand on Kaede's shoulder. "Hey," the vixen says, looking at the sylph with an uncharacteristically serious expression. "Whatever caused her to leave for so long, *you* did nothing wrong, hon. I'm sure of that. I think she must be nuts to not wanna be around you every day. I know you always leave *me* feeling a lot better than when you found me, that's for sure." Callie leans in and softly, briefly kisses Kaede on the lips.

Kaede{KK} looks to Callie's hand, then back to her eyes, giving a slow nod at her words, smiling a little, shifting slightly into Callie's touch. "Really? Well I'm glad I make you feel good. That's why I exist, y'know, to make people feel good." she says, smiling a bit more and giving a sure nod - unlike most, she has a very clear answer to the question "why am I here?". She returns that kiss with a soft sigh, wriggling a little closer.

Callie smiles at that, and playfully tousles Kaede's hair before moving onto her back and pulling a blanket over their naked forms. "That's one of the things I like about you, Kaede: You don't have to have any great discovery of your purpose in life. Even vulpines, as long-lived as we are, have a tendency to do many, many different things during our life, probably *because* we live so long, and doing the same thing every day would get extremely boring." Callie can feel sleep's gentle, incessant tendrils reaching for her, and the vixen realizes that, notwithstanding a twenty-minute intermission that had preceded their most recent lovemaking session, they'd been hammering each other for three hours or so, nonstop.

Kaede{KK} giggles at her friend's words, wriggling a bit as the blanket settles over her. "I just know what Mother made me for. It wasn't really hard to figure out. I mean, she gave me this form for a reason instead of being another kind of spirit and it must be to please people cause I'm not very good at much else and another form would be just as good or better for other purposes so that must be it." she says, giving another sure nod as she nestles against Callie.

Fade to black.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Callie has sex with Allisa in an illusory vulpine form

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:37 am

Callie's Cabin
August 7, 2008
Callie and Allisa

Allisa paces through Callie's bedroom in the warm, modest cabin, the smile on her lips almost as bright as her fidgeting hands seem nervous. The bardess is nude, her long brown hair flowing about her shoulders as she walks, her clothes and weapons folded in a corner and her mandolin by the bed. She replays her plan over and over, rehearsing in her mind, letting the flow of the magic and motions settle into the very fibers of her being. Once more she sneaks to the window, peering out for sign that her keeash'a is near.

Stepping into the river near the tower of Unigo, the blue-furred, three-tailed vulpine water mage known as Callie Volopa uses her water walk spell to propel herself sixty miles an hour through the water, and with her enhanced aquatic reflexes, she's able to dodge and weave the obstacles in her way with little difficulty. One minute after stepping into the river, she emerges from the stream near her cabin, wearing her white silken shirt, blue wraparound tunic, brown leather pants and boots, as well as her mithril spear. As she makes her way towards the cabin, she sees nothing to indicate that there was someone waiting for her inside...

Allisa spots a flash of blue fur by the stream and her smile grows wide, all of her excitement coming to a peak as the moment is finally upon her. Practically leaping to the bed she sits and closes her eyes, conjuring the image her friend Kerianna helped create so many weeks ago. Steadying her breath, she sings softly to gather the magic, drawing it in from distant lands to wrap about her body. She calls out the spells almost as one, blending the melodies and weaving the effects together as she stands. Picturing the image before her, she steps forward into the lovely form, releasing the power to shape herself anew.

Callie's mind goes quickly through her responsibilities, and she remembers that she fed Mystery shortly before leaving for Unigo, so he was well taken care-of; she makes a note to herself to stop by the Real Estate office tomorrow to talk to someone about getting the shrine constructed. With nothing pressing coming to mind, she unlocks and opens the door to her cabin, her clothes already dry thanks to a Warmth spell she'd cast upon exiting the water. Closing the door behind her, she moves to the fireplace, lighting the hearth.

Allisa grins as she hears Callie moving about in the other room, adjusting to the feeling of the expression on her new face. Temporary though it may be, the bardess still practiced a moment to let her actions flow naturally. Satisfied, she pads quietly back to the bed. Taking up her mandolin she lays back against the headboard, parting her legs and resting the instrument in her arms. She calls the song to mind and lets her fingers caress the mithril strings, the music flowing as easily as speech for the bardess. Soon the gentle, inviting notes float out into the main room, toying at Callie's senses.

Callie's long fox ears twitch lightly as she hears the playing of the mandolin, and she recognizes the instrument immediately, of course, being the signature of her lover. The vixen places her mithril spear down in the corner near the fireplace, feeling confident that it was Allisa in the other room-- and besides, even if it wasn't, she had *quite* a few ways of defending herself *without* weaponry. Opening the door to her bedroom, her eyes drift to the bed, and...

Allisa smiles back at Callie from the bed, every inch of her nude body appearing as a lovely young vulpine woman. From her white-tipped ears to the bushy red tail swishing out below the body of her mandolin, red and white fur covers her skin and her long hair is now a red to compliment it. Even a short, foxy muzzle replaces her chin, although her eyes remain true to her self, bright brown and sparkling with her joy at Callie's expression. "Charavizhra, Callista Kayami Volopa," she begins, twisting the intimate and formal phrasing skillfully before continuing in Vulpani. "I've been expecting you. Please come and join me." She adds the last with a mischievous wink, then hums along to the romantic melody.

The vixen blinks in surprise, her tail-language quite elaborate, as befitted the circumstances. One tail showed suspicion, even mild hostility; one showed adventure and romance; the other, the full trust and love that Allisa had earned. Callie briefly scans up and down her lover's body with her eyes, amazed at how real the illusions of Allisa's vulpine form appear-- but there was no doubt, it was her. It was her voice, and her eyes, and her overall... essence... that gave it away. Without a word, Callie moves towards Allisa, as if in a daze, reaching out a hand to rest on her shoulder, moving in for a kiss.

Allisa holds her lover's gaze as she approaches, barely holding back a giggle at the mass of confused signals coming from her friend's tails. Even as unversed as she was, being human, the clear differences in how the tails moved struck her as funny. She breathes out another spell as Callie draws near, and she sets her mandolin aside . . . only for it to keep playing as a ghostly, floating instrument drifting off to the corner. She raises herself up, languid in the feel of her changed body, brushing her fingers over Callie's cheeks as she guides her in for a long, eager kiss. The "illusions" prove to be quite real to the touch, the fur tickling at Callie's fingers as they kiss.

Callie's tongue moves slowly with the kiss, and the vixen lifts herself off the floor to sit on her lover's lap, ankles crossed behind Allisa's body. One of Callie's hands moves down to grasp at a furry breast now, massaging and tweaking at Allisa's body, amazed at how real the illusions were. But then again, of course she'd heard of all the spells she was using-- at least three, by Callie's count.

Allisa hums contently into the kiss, her tongue teasing at Callie's and brushing over her lips. She slips her hands around Callie's waist as she settles onto Allisa's lap, her soft caresses on the vixen's body muted through her clothing. Her tail raises behind Callie as the embrace continues, brushing at Callie's three tails intimately.

The vixen lets out a soft 'mmm' of contentment as she feels Allisa's tail rubbing against her three, and once more she was amazed at how lifelike it was, even though she knew of the existence of the Fuzzy Tail spell. Callie wondered just *how* real it was; if it would react to changes in Allisa's emotional state... hmmm. Breaking the kiss now, Callie peels herself off of her lover's lap, and bends downward to take off her boots... next comes her tunic...

Allisa gives a plaintive moan in protest to Callie standing until she sees the reason. Sitting up on the bed, her tail swaying contently behind her, she watches closely as her lover removes her clothes. "Hmm, good idea, keeash'a," she murmurs, her ears pivoting toward Callie. "In fact, I think your house should be bar'reggo today." As Callie bends, she takes the moment to reach out and caress the bases of her tails, first one then another, not letting her thoughts stray far from her attentions.

Grinning wickedly at Allisa's little moan of protest as she peels off her tunic, Callie's tails twitter and rub against each other eagerly at how they're being touched. "Whenever you're *here*, I think it should be a bar'reggo day, keeash'a," Callie says in a deep, husky voice, the first words she'd spoken since entering the room. Her first words in the past few hours, in fact; she'd been spending her time at Unigo studying in the tower's library, in solitude. Callie unbuttons her shirt and then pulls down her pants, and in an instant she's as naked as her lover.

Allisa stands up to meet Callie in an embrace, pressing her tender breasts against her lover's and kissing her again, but briefly. "What do you think of my new look?" she whispers against Callie's lips, her tail twittering in anticipation as she proceeds to nibble along her jaw line.

"Mmmm, a nice surprise," Callie says, wrapping her side tails around her lover's waist as she leans her body into Allisa's, her hands gently caressing the small of the other woman's back. "I've imagined you as a vulpine from time to time," she says. Sometimes as a male vulpine, even-- indeed, the only bad thing Callie could think of about her relationship with Allisa is that they could never conceive children together.

Allisa smiles at the words, pulling back a little and looking deep into Callie's eyes. "I thought you had," she confesses, her fingers trailing down over Callie's back, touching again at her tails. "I'm so glad you like it, keeash'a. I've planned this for weeks."

Smiling brightly and lovingly as she looks back into Allisa's eyes, her own growing a little moist as she realizes the thought and planning that went into this, the vixen says, "And now it's happening. I'm all yours tonight... no responsibilities to worry about, no obligations to fulfill. What would you like from me?" she asks, knowing that whatever Allisa said, it would be hers in a heartbeat.

Allisa sighs as any last bit hesitation within her falls away, her body and spirit losing all inhibition while in the arms of her lover. Feeling the sheer joy of this moment bursting from her heart she opens her mouth to reply, the next image of her plan for Callie clear in her mind. "Marry me," she says clearly, the words coming from someplace deeper within her. A moment later she realizes what she said and her tail freezes behind her, her eyes growing wide. She closes her mouth tight, pulling a hand back to cover her lips. "Um, I meant to say, ahhh, that is . . ."

Of all the things Callie had expected to hear from her lover on this night, the vixen hadn't expected to hear *that* particular request... but there had been no doubt about it, Allisa had just asked Callie to marry her. In contrast to Allisa's expression of shock, however, Callie's eyes are content, almost playful. "Say that again, please?" Callie asks, as if wanting to make sure she'd heard her lover correctly. She also wanted to give Allisa the opportunity to renege on that request, in case it had just popped out.

"When you can say what?," the fox asks, not willing to let Allisa off the hook quite *that* easily. She wasn't opposed to the idea, after all, and she wanted to see if her bond-sister and beloved truly had meant what she'd said when she asked Callie to marry her... even if Allisa was attempting to squeeze her way out of the corner she'd painted herself into.

Allisa blushes under the fur on her cheeks, her tail swishing behind her as she looks into Callie's eyes, telling far more about her mixed emotions than she ever suspected the magical addition ever could through "tail-language". She pairs words in her thoughts, never quite reaching the feeling she wanted to convey better than what was said. A little smile pulls at the corner of her mouth as the moment stretches on between them. "You're not going to let me go without saying it again, are you?" she asks, deflecting the question in a new way.

Callie considers for a moment. She *had* heard what she'd thought she'd heard, that was true, and she was afraid that if she pressed the subject, she'd ruin this beautiful night that Allisa had planned for them. Maybe it had simply come out in a moment of weakness. Hmmm, best to leave it alone, then. "Nevermind," Callie says after a moment, leaning towards Allisa again to put her arms around her, if she'd let her.

Allisa lets go of the breath she'd been holding, surprising herself at the tension surrounding that answer. She eagerly welcome's Callie into her arms, her tail rising and waving easier behind her with the joy of feeling her lover close again. "I meant it," she whispers as she rests her head on Callie's shoulder, holding her close to her heart. "I just didn't mean to say it." She kisses Callie's neck and cheek, savoring the touch of her, noticing for the first time how fur on fur feels.

Wrapping her three blue-and-white tails around Allisa's waist now, she made all three of them stroke Allisa's illusory tail at varying points to allow Allisa the experience. At least in Callie's case, being touched at the tip of a tail felt different than at a base, or in the middle, and all three tails felt different. She wondered how true that would be with Allisa, how "real" her entire vulpine form really was. Some thoughts about what Allisa had said roll under the surface of Callie's mind, but for now, she presses her forehead to Allisa's neck, her left ear lightly touching her chin.

Allisa sighs contently and rolls her hips at the feel of those tails brushing along the surprisingly-tender magical one behind her. "Goddess," she breathes, her hands sliding down to return the favor and stroke at the bases of Callie's tails. "You never told me it felt like this . . ." She kisses around her friend's jawline until their lips meet, slipping her tongue into Callie's mouth.

Callie's tongue dances against Allisa's as the real vulpine gently lowers the faux-vulpine down onto her back, Callie joining her there and swinging Allisa's legs over so that they're both properly aligned on the bed. As she gently breaks the kiss, Callie moves her right hand down between Allisa's legs, and uses her thumb to rub against her lover's clit in little circles.

Allisa willingly lets herself be lowered to the bed, relaxing completely in her lover's arms, letting her guard down like she does with no other. She spreads her thighs open wide at Callie's slightest touch and smiles up at her, all the discomfort of their talk gone in that instant. "Mmmm . . . E koshu kun, keeash'a," she murmurs, reaching up to trace her fingertips around Callie's bare breasts. "Ziha'rumba, alma."

Callie wordlessly nods, and leans into the gentle touch of Allisa's fingers against her white-furred breasts as the vixen moves her head downwards so it's alongside Allisa's, and turns to kiss her lover's cheek as her thumb continues to swirl about Allisa's clit, kneading and massaging.

Allisa mews softly as Callie continues to massage her clit, arching her back a little to raise her sex into her lover's hand. She cups Callie's breasts in both hands, pinching softly on her nipples and drawing her closer. Her vulpine ears fold back to her scalp with the intensity of sensation, Allisa slowly losing herself in Callie's embrace.

"Cay jinta," ["So real"], Callie murrs, breathing in the smell of her lover, feeling the intensity of their love and lust as she continues, in Vulpani, "The feel of your fur against mine, the touch of your tail, even the way your ears move; if I didn't know better I'd not be able to tell the difference..."

Callie closes her eyes and listens to her lover's breathing, to the heightened beating of her heart, and leans into the kisses of her neck and chin as they make love, the vixen still rubbing the illusory vixen's clit with the same slow, steady circling. "Keeash'a, I love you so much," Callie murmurs in her native language. "The Lady put me here just for you, I'm sure of it..."

Allisa closes her eyes as Callie does, panting now as she rocks slowly to the rhythm of those slow circles over her clit. "I love you too," she murmurs, half the words Vulpani and the rest Common, her grasp of Callie's language not as strong as she'd like. She slides her hands down along Callie's sides, touching anywhere within reach just to feel her lover's skin beneath her fingers. "Ohhhh, you mean so much to me . . . I would, mmmm, be lost without you . . ."

Callie pulls her face upwards so that she can look at the face of her lover, and then she rubs her nose against Allisa's before placing her lips upon hers, parting them with her tongue. Callie's toes caress Allisa's toes as the vixen's massaging of Allisa's clit grows a little more fervent... finally, after a moment, she says, "I wanna... be inside you, baby..."

Allisa smiles at the nose rubbing, the seemingly innocent touch accentuating the slow, teasing touches on her clit that have her heart racing, skin flushed to her toes. "Oh, by The Lady, yes!" she squeals at Callie's words, arching her back to push harder on that wonderful finger. "Oh Callie," she moans, writhing under her, "I want you in me. Please, I want you, keeash'a . . . take me now . . ."

With a soft smile, Callie casts her Swap Gender spell, flattening out her breasts and replacing them with a strong, well-muscled 'swimmer's chest'; her female anatomy down under replaced with a penis, already half-hard from the vulpine's desire, and testicles. Masturbating himself for a few seconds to get up to full hardness, Cal lines himself up with Allisa's sex, and pushes himself inside of her.

Allisa cries out as Cal's stiff cock rubs against her slick, open sex, wrapping her arms around her lover's neck. She kisses him deeply, her breath still rapid and ragged in her desire, and hooks her ankles behind his knees to pull him closer still. She holds him there while her sex adjusts, squeezing and releasing around his shaft.

"Oh, yes, Allisa," Cal murmurs in Vulpani, keeping himself in place inside Allisa's pussy as they get used to the sensation. Not for the first time, the vulpine's amazed at Allisa's remarkable control over her vaginal muscles; he can feel them tightening and releasing against him as might a fist. Placing one hand against the side of one of Allisa's feet, and the other against the side of her neck, Cal touches all three of his tails to Allisa's legs as he slowly begins thrusting in and out of her.

Allisa moves with Cal, pushing back slowly as he thrusts to bring him deeper within her on each stroke. Her eyes open and she gazes into Cal's, her passion and desire pouring through the space between them and swelling to surround their furred bodies. Those tails on her legs send shivers through her, adding to the power flowing between them and driving her on.

Cal pulls himself out of, and off of, Allisa for a moment, and takes both of her hands, moving Allisa onto her hands and knees. Lining his shaft up with her sex once more, he pushes himself within her, rocking back and forth with powerful thrusts into the faux-vixen's body. Now he leans his face into Allisa's tail, enjoying the light tickling sensation of Allisa's tail-fur against his face.

Allisa cries out as Cal pulls free of her, the sound carrying every drop of her single-minded desire for the blue-furred vulpine and "his" presence within her. She moves eagerly, though, when he directs her to her knees, her own tail lifting high as her legs twist fluidly to bring her into position. With her tender, white-furred breasts swaying beneath her, she wantonly presses back into his thrust, welcoming Cal's shaft into her once more. "Ahhhh, goddess," she breathes, shaking as he rubs at her tail once more, sending her mind spinning with new pleasure.

Cal leans himself a little more forward so he can kiss Allisa on the cheek, and he murmurs "E koshu kun" to this woman, this woman whom he *knew* was the love of his life. A pang of sadness suddenly came upon the vulpine at hearing the phrase in his mind; 'love of my life' was an odd thing to say about a human, who'd maybe live 80 years at maximum, when one was a vulpine who could live to be over a thousand. Cal lets out an almost imperceptible sigh, turning it at the last moment into another kiss upon Allisa's cheek, as one of his hands goes to clasp around a furry breast and the other, to rub at the base of her tail.

Allisa moans at the feel of him leaning into her, the weight of him pushing his cock further into her dripping sex. At Cal's words she reaches up, balanced on one hand now under the steady thrusting, and circles his head, running her fingers through his hair. Her breath catches as she answers, the feel of him inside her overwhelming her. "E . . . koshu . . . kun . . . ko," she pants between thrusts, her sex squeezing down on him as her tender breasts receive more attention. More than thinking of her love for Callie, the feeling suffuses her every breath and moan, every twist and twitch of her body as they join together so completely.

Cal feels his cock twitching, and knows from long experience with the Swap Gender spell that he's about to come. Slowing his thrusts down just a little bit so that he can last longer, wanting Allisa to come as well, Cal closes his eyes and lets all his worries fall away in the simple motions and exotic smells of their lovemaking.

Allisa isn't far behind her lover. Cal's knowledge of her body and the strength of their bond amplifies his expert attentions and she responds like a well-tuned mandolin in the hands of a master. Despite her disguise, every sound and motion of her toned body shouts her approaching orgasm to her lover and, without her direction or knowledge, her magically-grown tail even joins in with unmistakable "tail-language" to her vulpine lover. A ripple passes from her toes up to her lips, drawing a long, loud cry of pleasure as she crests the peak, diving over into writhing ecstasy under Cal, her sex gripping and milking at his cock.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:40 am

Callie's Cabin
November 13, 2009
Callie and Allisa

Allisa savors the solitude of her lover's cabin in the woods, her own house in town being far too close to the pulse of that crossroads to ever be entirely relaxing. Today, though, the solitude affords her a different luxury. With only the audience of Callie's familiar, the sweet little cat Caroline, the dancer uses the secluded space to hone her newest routine.

As the cat dozes, Allisa's fingers rap out a passionate, driving rythmn on her castinets, her magic filling in the song with a spectral band. Matching her dream for the day this dance will be performed, the music takes on a joyous and sultry taste, fresh love and deepest desire interwoven, teasing together and binding into one. Also matching her image for that day, Allisa practices completely nude, no cloth or jewel hindering her as she blends music and form, step and dream, launching whole-heartedly into each new segment. So engrossed in her dancing is she that not even the opening door or the cool autumn air blowing past rouses her from her art.

Callie stands there in the doorway for several long moments, her jaw agape at the amazingly lovely form of the human girl who'd stolen her heart.  The vixen had admitted to herself, if not in so many words yet to Allisa, that the brunette had made her fall in love with her almost from the moment they'd met, and ever since then it had only been a matter of time before Callie would have to break it off with Katie, because her heart belonged to someone else.  It had simply taken the fox, weary of falling in love (and especially with short-lifers like humans) longer than it otherwise might have to figure it out.
Allisa was so engrossed in her dancing that she barely realized Callie was there, and for her part, the Verlosi vulpine was enraptured so much that only a sudden shifting of air current from behind the door allowed it to close, because she forgot to close it herself.  Taking a moment to step out of her boots, Callie places her bare feet on the snug, inviting carpet and undoes the first couple buttons of her shirt, as if in a daze, hypnotized-- possessed.  She was immensely grateful that this woman was hers, and that she herself belonged to this woman; even though they weren't formally married in the eyes of The Lady yet, simply being engaged meant The Lady's blessing was with them, even moreso than usual.  And that knowledge caused Callie to whisper a few words of Ancient Vulpani under her breath; an old prayer of humble thanksgiving that her grandmother had once taught her.

Allisa turns in a wide arc through the room, the furniture pushed back to the walls to make room for her practice, her feet touching confidently though her eyes remain closed. Her focus remains entirely within the new routine, her body remembering where the edges of her space begin as she marks each step. Her tutor taught her well, before her duties as the Emperor's chronicler drew her attention from teaching the young bard, and Allisa silently marks each step and turn into the routine. Reaching a crescendo, she raises her arms high and turns, leaping high toward the door and, unwittingly, toward her enraptured lover, eyes still closed.

As if another person is controlling her actions, Callie catches Allisa around the waist without even thinking about it, and then-- relying partially on her natural strength and partially on a little magic-guided assistance-- she lifts the naked woman high into the air, as if the two of them were ice-dancing, and Callie were the traditionally male partner.  Gazing deeply into the human's eyes, adoring everything about her, Callie keeps Allisa above her head, nearly parallel to the floor, for maybe fifteen seconds.
Then, Callie slowly lowers Allisa back to the floor, her eyes tracing every inch of the front of her lover's body as she keeps this moment etched in her mind.  There was only one possible way, in this situation, to truly show her delifi how much she was adored.  Pressing her lips to Allisa's, her tongue immediately insisting on passage, Callie places the human's hand to the first button of the vixen's shirt that she hadn't undone yet-- that being the third button from the top.  She didn't need to grant Allisa permission to make love to her, nor did she have to ask for it in return-- the two of them simply knew.

Allisa senses the presence of someone in front of her a moment before Callie's hands catch her waist, drawing a startled yelp from her lips. Her eyes open wide as Callie lifts her so effortlessly, and her training kicks in to keep her body taut and straight as she's raised high in the air, completing the image of the ice dancing pair. A smile spreads over her lips as she gazes lovingly down into Callie's eyes, marveling at how completely the gorgeous vulpine knows her.

Settling back to the floor in Callie's arms, she rests her hands on her lover's shoulders and willingly leans into the kiss. No words are spoken, their bond almost as intimate as that between Callie and her familiar, she merely parts her lips and eagerly takes that questing tongue in against her own. She lets Callie lower her hands to her shirt and deftly unbuttons each button, fingertips stroking through her fur over her belly as it's exposed. Freeing the shirt completely, she glides her hands up over Callie's sides and under her breasts, caressing them slowly.

Letting out a soft "mmm" against Allisa's lips in their kiss as her human lover gently caresses the dorsal side of her breasts, Callie’s side tails wrap around Allisa’s waist and lovingly embrace her, their tips lightly intersecting at the small of her back.  Callie takes a moment to reach into her waistband with her left hand and push down her skirt, and gravity does the rest, as in a moment her skirt is on the floor.  Lifting each bare foot in turn out of this last item of clothing, Callie grabs the fabric between the first two toes of her right foot and lightly kicks the skirt backwards, where—Callie will discover much later—it ends up on the top of one of the dining room chairs.
But right now the exact position of her skirt is less important to Callie than the fact that both women are now nude, and breaking the kiss just long enough to give Allisa a warm, inviting, even mischievous grin as they look into each other’s eyes again, the fox holds Allisa tightly against her body for a moment or two and then lets go of her entirely—even, once again, breaking the kiss, and removing her tails from around the human’s waist.
The lack of physical contact is fleeting, however, because Callie soon afterward takes Allisa’s hand, leading her towards the bedroom door, which the vixen opens easily with a telekinesis spell…
Allisa smiles warmly as their lips part, the interruption to her routine forgotten in the beautiful eyes of her lover. Taking Callie's hand she lets the magic slip away and the spectral band fades from sight, the music still playing quietly until it is lost upon the crackle of the fire. The poetry of the moment flows through her bardic soul, striking her deeply with the perfection of their love, and she dares not mar the beauty around her with a careless word. As they pass the dresser beside the bedroom door she slips the castinets from her fingers, leaving them lay before moving into the next step of this timeless dance.

A smile of deep satisfaction and love continues to light up Callie's face as she and Allisa enter the bedroom, the red satin sheets on their nearby bed matching the color of the lovers' passion for one another.  Pivoting on her left foot, Callie adjusts herself so that she's now standing behind Allisa, and takes a moment or two to press up against the human from behind for the first time today, feeling the firmness of her lover's ass against her own hips, and her toned back against her breasts.  In this position, both women are facing the bed.
But after a few moments, Callie turns Allisa around in her arms, kisses her deeply on the lips and lowers the human down to the bed, very slowly and very carefully, caressing Allisa with every tail, the vixen's thoughts consumed with her lover.
Allisa smiles as well as Callie maneuvers behind her, fingertips trailing over her lover's soft fur and spreading out over her thighs. Still in the rhythm of the dance she keeps her ass moving, ever so slightly, as Callie presses against it, promising so much more once they stop teasing each others senses.
Turning into the kiss, Allisa lets a soft, satisfied hum pass over her lips to Callie's, the enveloping feel of all of her lover's tails igniting her nerves for what is to come. In this instant, being laid out on the bed before her fiancee, the strong-willed bard surrenders herself to the vixen's desire, a look of absolute trust in her brown eyes as she gazes up into Callie's. She uses no words, needing none, every gesture of her body seeming to open herself like a flower to her waiting lover, inviting her in.

Callie delicately traces her fingertips against Allisa's thighs as she slides atop her lover on the bed, continuing to slowly, passionately kiss the human's lips and touch every tail against her.  Then the vixen lowers herself downward onto the floor, getting onto her knees and gently, giggling, pulling on Allisa's ankles to bring her closer.  Finally, she hooks an arm beneath each of Allisa's legs and pushes her face against her delifi's crotch, taking her first taste today of the wonder that lay there.
Allisa finds herself giggling right along with Callie as she slides over the smooth satin sheets, the vixen's delight echoing through her spirit. She trails her fingertips over her lover's hands and parts her thighs wide, her dancing training making the stretch completely comfortable. She holds Callie's gaze all the way down until that hot tongue touches her slick, swelling folds, a soft and contented moan rising up through her being. Her head rolls back and she draws her hands up over her belly, caressing ever inch until she cups her sensitive breasts in her palms.

It was Callie who would finally say the first words the two of them would exchange that evening; she'd been so captivated immediately by her lover's nude dancing that her own clothes had just kinda slid off of their own volition, and now she and her future wife were going to make love all night long.  Looking up from her spot between Allisa's legs, and breathing her cool breath against the human's sex, she murmurs, "I need you."
With that, she slides her tongue across Allisa's clit, coaxing it out of its hood, swirling around in little circles as the first two fingers of her right hand slip into the bard's warm, inviting sex.  Truth be told, Callie wouldn't have been able to resist fucking Allisa tonight even if she'd wanted to-- and when was the last time Callie had tried to hold herself back?  The Lady wanted her children to live their lives unfettered and passionately, and perhaps no vulpine worked harder to embody that wish than Callie, of the clan Volopa, Verlosi tribe.

Allisa replies without a word, but definitely not without a sound. Her smile grew to bursting as she heard Callie's whispered prayer of desire, but the feel of her hot tongue on her already-swollen clit sent the dancer's mind spinning. "Mmmmmmm-MMMMM-ahhhhh!" she cries out as what she'd dreamed about all day through her practice comes true.

She arches her back, lifting her sex eager to her lover's lips, promising her full and enthusiastic reply as soon as Callie lets her near enough to reach with each motion. "Ahhh, I've wanted you allllll day," she murmurs, reaching out to stroke any tails in reach.

The vixen's side tails were gently stroking the outside of Allisa's hips, so they were within the human's easy reach when she decides to stroke them.  Softly sighing her pleasure-- as, after all, her tails were among the most erogenous areas of her body-- she smiles brightly, unabashedly laughing again as Allisa's sex juices begin to dampen her fur.
"Mmmm, I know," Callie replies to Allisa's admission that she'd wanted her all day.  Even if Callie hadn't been convinced of that just based on Allisa's body language (to say nothing of her nudity) upon the fox's arrival, Callie would certainly be able to tell by the musk of the pheromones her lover was putting out now.
As she continues to lick and finger-fuck Allisa, her free hand-- her left one-- reaches down to deeply massage the arch of her delifi's right foot.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

I miss you, Devryn!

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:44 am

Callie's Cabin
July 29, 2010
Callie and Devryn

The taste of yatava tea mixed with the smell of kinshosha incense and the musk of mating as Callie rides Devryn on the blankets in front of the fireplace, holding him up with the arms she wrapped around him. Both were naked, and Callie has been alternating between kissing the human passionately and lowering his face down so that he could kiss here breasts. The fireplace was not active on this warm day, but on the mantle, the incense was burning, as were the two candles on either side of the statue of The Lady. This was the third time they'd made love this afternoon; prior to that, they of course had shared a meal together which consisted of min'taba and sweet tea.

Devryn groans deeply and hugs himself tightly to his foxgirl lover. His hands slide up and down her back, feeling her muscles flexing as she moved, down to squeeze her buttocks with great enjoyment. He flexes his hips, though slowly, letting Callie do most of the work for now. Even after their marathon of lovemaking, her body still sends thrills of pleasure through him, his heart pounding, skin flushed... burning to press as closely to her, as deeply inside her as he could.

Callie kisses Devryn again, very sweetly, with love more than passion, feeling blessed to have this remarkable man in her life, a man who asked for nothing, hoped for nothing but whatever Callie wanted to give him. Someone who didn't hide who he was just because he wanted to have sex with her. Someone who wouldn't judge her for the decisions she made in her life, even the ones that she wasn't proud of. People like that were few and far between in Callie's experience, especially (and Callie would never say this out loud) among males. As the vulpine continues to move with him, lightly stroking Devryn's hips with her side tails as her upper and lower tails sway slowly behind her, she says a silent prayer to The Lady, again thanking Her for all the blessings she'd given Callie in her life.

Devryn shivers and tilts his head up to meet Callie's kiss, pressing against her. Then he breaks the kiss and inhales deeply, panting as he rocks his hips with more urgency. "Oh, Callie," he breathes, squeezing her buttocks tightly. "I'm...I'm gonna cum...again..." His breath comes deep and fast, as he gazes at Callie, transfixed by her beauty and the connection between them...

Callie nods at that; she'd come to that conclusion from the way he'd started moving more quickly within her. Whenever he was at this level, his muscles always moved a certain way; his eyes reached a certain level of excitement as he looks upon her form; and the way he touched her, it was like he was a drowning man being thrown a floatation device. The vixen wasn't close to her orgasm right now, not even close, but she'd come herself several times today at his hands, and one of the beautiful things about their relationship was that orgasm took a backseat to overall total enjoyment. "Inside me," she murmurs, telling him that he needn't withdraw from her; of course he already knew that. She enjoyed it most when she felt her lover's seed filling her sex, and it wasn't like she was likely to be fertile at any point within Devryn's (relatively) short lifetime.

Devryn shudders and leans back, keeping his hands on Callie's hips. He lets his head hang back, hips still pumping, the pleasure obvious on his face and each of his movements...the feeling cresting through him, until his eyes fly open and he gasps. He presses himself forward against Callie again, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug...and he cries out, a long moan seeming torn from his throat, as the sensations focus inside him and then burst into Callie once again, his masculine heat flowing deeply into her waiting sex... "Ohhhhhhhhhh! ...Callieeee..."

Callie holds Devryn tighter as she feels him coming inside her, his hot seed flowing into her with such impressive volume that sometimes Callie wondered if the human ever had sex with anyone other than her. That was likely a ridiculous thought, though. But whenever he came to her house, he always brought plenty of stamina with him, and when she fed him, he was *really* ready to go. Lying her head on his shoulder so that it was alongside his head, she murmurs, "That's it, Devryn... don't hold back, baby, let it all out..."

Devryn shivers deeply and hugs the foxgirl tightly in his embrace. "Mmmm, yes," he moans, resting his cheek against her shoulder. "All for you..." After the throbbing of his manhood slows to only a trickle, he lets out a sigh and then leans back, laying on his back and smiling up at Callie. "Mmmm..." His hands brush over her hips and thighs, delicately. "Beautiful..."

Callie holds Devryn just as tightly as the human comes down off his orgasm, and then gently moves off of Devryn as his manhood softens, moving to lie alongside him now, and tuck her arm underneath his neck, cradling it. She doesn't bother covering them up with the blankets; she never felt the need to hide herself from her friend, and always felt good about their shared intimacy. Nor was she cold; being a water mage, of course, meant that her body temperature was colder than usual. In fact, she'd recently taken the next step in her water mage training, dropping her body temperature by *another* degree and a half all the way down to 90 dI, which was 7.5 lower than vulpine norms... she wondered if Devryn had noticed.

Devryn closes his eyes runs his hand gently over Callie's back, his breath coming slowly. "Mmmm," he murmurs, a wordless sigh of pleasure. "Callie..." He opens his eyes and turns his head to smile at her. "Sometimes...when I'm with almost feels like there's something...I don't know, like I'm touching someone that's not just you, but all...femininity. Some...spirit...I don't know what I'm saying, you probably think..." He laughs nervously.

Callie smiles gently at Devryn, finding his uncertainty about what he was saying to be sweet and charming. Nor was what he was saying completely unprecedented-- it was the first time anyone had said it to *her*, but the history of her tribe and people was replete with examples of people feeling this way while making love to faithful vulpines. "Sometimes," the vixen opines, "people feel this way when they make love to vulpines who have a strong faith in The Lady. You know that I always pray when I give my body to someone, and that's also what the candles and incense are for..."

Devryn looks at Callie and his eyes widen a bit. Then he nods slowly. "Ahhh...hmmm." He glances away from her, a bit shyly. "Ah...I never really said I believed in the Lady...I'm not sure what I believe, in truth. There's a lot of uncertainty in the world, even without bringing deities into it..." He glances at Callie again. "You always...pray, when, make love?"

Callie nods at Devryn's comment about the world being uncertain enough as it *is* without deities. And she nods again, looking a little apprehensive, when Devryn expresses surprise that she prays whenever they make love. "Sure, I do," Callie says with a soft smile. She didn't expect humans in general to practice triestan, though she knew Allisa did (in addition to worshipping Ishtar), but she realizes now that she had no idea what, if any, religion Devryn practiced. "Lovemaking is a very special, spiritual act for me. I not only do it to express love for my partner, and give my partner, and myself, pleasure; it's also very much an act of worship for me. For most religious vulpines, in fact."

Devryn nods slowly. He stays silent for a minute or so, then he suddenly smiles. "I should have realized this before. I mean, I did know how...important your beliefs are." He turns on his side to face Callie, one hand reaching up to brush at her cheek. "Now I just have this odd feeling...that someone else is in bed with us. I mean...what if she doesn't approve of my performance?" He laughs again, still a bit nervously.

The minute or so of silence is a bit unnerving. She has absolutely no idea how Devryn would react to what she had said; it might even permanently hurt their friendship. When he finally smiles, Callie gives him a smile in return. Callie is half-tempted to chuckle at his question, but instinctively feels that would be the absolute worst possible thing she could do in this situation; he did *not* want to be laughed at right now, he needed to be reassured. "Devryn, you're *wonderful* in bed, hon. You're very giving, and selfless, understanding, and loving. You're one of the best people I know, and I love being with you, whether that means having sex, sharing a meal, or just talking." Leaning into his stroking of her cheek, Callie gives him a soft kiss on the lips, moving her body a little closer to his, her toes brushing against his as she rests her left hand on the small of his back. "And all The Lady asks of *anyone* is to do their best, and live their life in pursuit of all the pleasures it can bring. That's why she brought the vulpine race into being, in fact-- because she'd lived since the beginning of the universe, enjoying all the happiness and wonders of the world, and she wanted to create a race that was, first and foremost, dedicated to discovering those."

Devryn kisses Callie softly and blushes as he looks at her. "Ah...I see...perhaps I'm worrying over nothing." He lets his hand brush over her back, fondly, as he seems to ponder her words. "I think I understand," he says slowly. "'re saying that the Goddess would like me? That *is* kind of comforting to her." He smiles and kisses her on the cheek, then murmurs, "Thanks for putting up with...well, with me."

"There's nothing to put up with," Callie assures him, by which she means, there was nothing to forgive. She gives him a kiss on the cheek in return, smiling lovingly; the vixen was at peace with herself, with Devryn, and with her place in the universe. The stress and strain of the past week, since the attack on the Valencian docks that Callie, as a member of VEGA, had helped to combat... it just sort of faded away in the afterglow of making love with such a trusted and cherished person in her life. "And I think The Lady would *absolutely* like you; you have a joie de vivre, and a spark within you that's so rare." Callie continues to lie on her back, head turned to face Devryn, her arm against the back of his neck. "It's one of the things I love about you," she says after a few moments.

Devryn smiles and leans forward to steal another kiss from Callie's lips. "Mmm..." He pulls back and looks at her thoughtfully. "A race created to explore the wonders and happiness in the world, hm? That sounds, to me, like a pretty good reason to be alive." He smiles. "I didn't think that made me special, but..."

Callie kisses the human again very softly, quite relaxed in his embrace, happy just to be with him, and glad of his acceptance of her, which for a few moments there had actually been in question. Slowly, she feels her eyelids start to droop closed-- they *had* made love three times today, after all, and when they fucked, they did so quite vigorously, never holding back, leaving it all on the field, so to speak.

Devryn smiles at Callie, watching her relax. He yawns himself and nestles a little closer, thighs touching hers, hand resting on her hip. "Mmm...naptime, Callie?" he murmurs, voice slightly teasing.

"Mmmm, yep," the vixen replies, snuggling her form very tightly to Devryn's; it seemed like every square inch of the front of her body was pressed up against Devryn in some way. A soft smile materializes on her lips as she falls asleep; it was content, like the default emotional state of a child, almost. Warm feelings, and the warmth of Devryn's body, combine to soothe the vixen into a nice, well-deserved afternoon nap.

Devryn gives Callie one more kiss and settles in next to her, his breathing becoming regular...a soft smile betraying the contentment and trust he felt nestled in the vulpine's arms...
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:45 am

The Lonely Inn
February 17, 2011
Callie and Kura

Allowing her Torian slave, Kura, to open the door for her as she entered The Lonely Inn (which was Callie's standing order for her unless the vixen specifically said otherwise), the red-furred, four-tailed vulpine water mage, Callie Volopa, takes a moment to deeply breathe in the scent of alcohol and sex that permeate The Lonely Inn. Reminded her of some of the best bar'reggo martokni back home. (Vulpani: "mandatory-nudity restaurants"). And both scents-- especially the latter-- were about to get more pronounced with the actions Callie intends to take in the next few minutes. She'd been planning this for a couple days now-- fucking Kura in public-- and what was really great was, Kura wouldn't know it until shortly before she told her it would happen. "Get me a fox lust, babe, and whatever you want," she says to Kura. But she doesn't go to a table-- instead, she sits down at the bar.

Kura{CV} smiled, nodding. She wasn't quite as happy to be in the Inn as her Mistress was, but alas it was her wish and she would follow the darling vulpine whom owned her anywhere she lead. Waltzing over to the barkeep she ordered up a fox lust, along wish her previous favorite, a bowl of strawberries. She liked them last time and why not again? It wasn't very long before she had a drink in one hand as well as a delcious treat for her and Callie to share in the other. She'd walk to sit down next to Callie, since she decided to sit at the bar this time.

Callie smiles and says "Kintay ra" to Kura when her drink and their food arrive; from their lessons in Vulpani, Kura would have no trouble recognizing the phrase, "Thank you." In fact, it started a lot of the mealtime prayers that Callie said. While her prayers during hiyazhin and orinjin were usually from traditional sources-- Callie had been going through Gelafo's Recitations as of late-- her mealtime prayers generally were spoken extemporaneously. But 'kintay ra' was the common denominator. In everything she said and did, Callie remembered to give thanks. Taking a few sips of her fox lust, the vixen looks around the inn's common room, quite pleased that it was as packed as it was. If the inn had been empty or near-empty, having sex in public wouldn't have nearly the life-changing impact. Callie wanted to introduce Kura to a whole new level of pleasant experiences.

Kura{CV} smiled to her "You're welcome, Mistress." she giggled, plucking a strawberry from the bowl to nibble at while she sipped at her drink. "Nothing to eat for you?" an odd fact since last time Callie came she got soup and other things to snack on. Kura was ever so curious for the entire night considering... a strange.. random mention to go to the Inn and off they had gone. Kura pondered what Callie was up to.

Callie raises an eyebrow. "I thought we were sharing the strawberries. But no, apart from this, I'm fine for the time being; maybe I'll eat a little more later." She eats a few more strawberries and drinks some of her fox lust, as she tries to think of a way to acclimate Kura to the idea. Finally (having not come up with one), Callie says, "I want to help you get over your fear of the inn. Take off your clothes, right here."

Kura{CV} blinked with a strawberry mid bite, looking to Callie with a gaze as if she were serious. "Er.. I...." a mouthful of strawberry, she swallowed mostly whole rather audibly "Re..really?" she asked tentatively, looking around at all of the others whom were in the Inn just then, never having been nude in front of so many people.. well.. not much more than two people at the very least.

"Yes," Callie says, her tone indicating that she's *quite* serious. After a moment, she adds, "Feeling comfortable with your own body, and your own sexuality, is paramount for better living. Besides which: I'm proud of you, the person you are, the way you look, and the knowledge that you're mine, and I want these people to see just how lucky I am. Now... remove your clothes."

Kura{CV} swallowed again, though this time no strawberry to accompany it. She nodded, looking about with a nervous gaze, keeping herself from teeth chattering as she began to disrobe. First she started with her top, drawing up the silken cloth-strap like material away from her body until out came two gorgeous breasts, full view for anyone to see with a deep blush of red trailing from her cheeks down to chest. She looked to Callie for support as she drew from her curvacious hips the loose silken pants, bending to draw them to her ankles and step from them one leg at a time, leaving her in her breasts and panties and utterly cowering.

Callie watches, aroused, as Kura begins to nervously remove her top, her eyes gazing up and down Kura's body as she imagines the moment when Callie would take her, right here in the inn's common room. There was something deeply fulfilling and powerful about having someone with you who would do anything you wanted them to. The vulpine's expression is loving and encouraging as the Torian lowers her pants. "You're beautiful, Kura," Callie tells her when she stands there finally cowering, wearing only her panties. "Don't hide your beauty from the world. Now the rest," Callie says, commanding her slave to remove her panties. Callie takes another sip of her fox lust.

Kura{CV} nodded once more, her fingers tentatively taking grasp of the hems of her little panties, drawing them down one side of her hip and then the other, the full girth of the panties running downward before pulling the bit of fabric that covered her hairless sex. There it was, as she bent again, any behind her would see her splayed slit while taking the panties completely off of herself and stepping from them one foot and then the next.

"There we go," Callie says, smiling encouragingly at Kura and rising to gently kiss her on the lips, moving a hand down to lightly trace her thumb against the Torian's clit for a brief instant before withdrawing it. Thinking of something to make her a little more comfortable, Callie comes up with it in a moment. "Let me see one of your dances," Callie requests. "One of your favorite ones."

Kura{CV} nodded softly, ever so blushing but she had to do as Mistress said, despite how completely vulnerable she felt at the moment. But her hips began to sway to a soft music in her mind, closing those sky blue eyes as she found the rythum in her heart, raising her arms up softly as a beat took hold. She draw her leg up, extending it, amazed that she was actually doing this but.. the idea to dance did make her nerves go away. She was used to dancing before many eyes... just... not nude.

Callie takes another sip of her fox lust and eats a couple more strawberries, but her eyes never leave Kura, not for a moment. Those kind green eyes that speak of love and support, they continue to watch avidly as Kura goes through her dance routine. It was a routine that would be a joy to watch even were she fully clothed. But gloriously naked as she was, it was like watching a painting come to life.

Kura{CV} swayed, hips splaying a moment then closing, wings drawing around her in a fluid movement, hands drawing down her breasts. Palms tickling at her pert nipples a moment before spreading down along her stomach. Writhing on the air to her internal music none could hear. She'd peek every now and then while the attention of her Mistress' eyes were upon her lower body, glistening sex swaying... seeing just how she was enjoying this.

As Callie watches, she begins gradually to touch herself... starting out by cupping her right breast with her left hand and squeezing it tightly, and then her right hand trails down her body and under her pants, rubbing at some unseen area down there. "Mmmm, yeahhhh... that's it, Kura. Now I wanna see you touch yourself..."

Kura{CV} bit her lip as she swayed, hands already at the lovely spot where they could so easily access her sex. She whimpered a bit as her hand drew along her slit, from clit downward and back up, stringing that finger along whilst never missing a beat. It would not take long before her palm was in the act, and a finger slipped into herself while the free hand came to cup her own breast just as Callie was doing.

"Mmmm, yesss..." Callie somehow manages to pry her hands off herself long enough to quickly disrobe, shedding her blue wraparound tunic, white silken shirt, and rainbow-colored knee-length skirt. Now as naked as her slave was, Callie casts her Swap Gender spell, changing into her male form, and Cal's shaft grows instantly to full hardness, revealing Callie's state of arousal prior to the metamorphosis. "Now go down on me," Cal says, standing there in front of Kura, his proud shaft arcing up towards the ceiling.

Kura{CV} stopped her dancing to see Callie shift to that oh so domineering form. She looked around some before looking to her with a slow nod. She would come to her knees slowly, wings at her back half unfurled as she looked up to Cal. She would hesitantly take his cock in hand, face turning red once again to know she'd be devouring his dick before an audience of Inn-goers. Though of course.. likely she'd be lucky with them being too... preoccupied with other to really make much of a show of her actions.

Cal moves a hand down to tenderly stroke it through the hair on top of Kura's head as she gets down on her knees in front of him, the vixen deeply breathing in the aroused scent of the Torian, eyes absorbing the sight of her about to have sex in public for the very first time. Callie had first had sex in front of people almost ten years ago, during her compulsory sex education class in Verlosi'ka. She remembered how terrified she'd been about the prospect, and thus is understanding of Kura's hesitancy. Hell, a couple of weeks before that Callie had been a virgin. But the Torian's doing a great job.

Kura{CV} took the length into her mouth, wrapping her lips about his girth, though not going too far into her mouth due to her lack of experience. She didn't quite have the gag reflex needed for such a task. She would draw the pressure from her mouth, suction cuppong at his member while running her tongue around it. One petite hand cutely grasping the base of his shaft whilst the other took up ahold of his sack gently and began to knead.

Cal groans softly and doesn't try to push his cock farther down Kura's mouth, anticipating that Kura would lack the ability to control the gag reflex that comes only from long experience. Prior to their association with each other, Kura had sucked cock before, but only a handful of times. And she'd never had traditional vaginal intercourse, which Cal planned to indulge in with her later in the evening, right here in the inn's common room. "That's it, Kura," Cal murmurs, his voice huskier in male form than in Callie's true, female form. "Mmmm, suck my cock, babe..."

Kura{CV} murred upon the shaft invading her mouth at her will, reeling her head back just a bit as the member tried to feed itself further into her mouth which she was not much able to handle. She did her darndest, however, to make sure that she was doing well to please her Owner, despite the audience who may or may not've been watching. She of course only able to see Callie's red furred groin.

Cal continues tracing a hand against Kura's hair, and now her other hand moves down to caress the sensitive base of her right wing. There was no doubt about it, she loved the Torian, and was proud of her overcoming her fear of even being in the inn in the first place, let alone getting naked and engaging in sexual activity. As Callie had said to Kura, feeling the freedom to do this in public really opened up entire new avenues of enjoying one's life.

Kura{CV} ley her eyes wander up to view Callie's eyes so cutley with that shaft occupying her lips.One hand grasped lightly at his member's base, the other still fruitfully drawing at his sack in a massage like fashion as she felt the warm loving gaze of Callie down to her. She murred some... somewhat enjoying the taste of his member, though trying to put out the thoughts that anyone might be watching out of her head to keep her calm. Though it wasn't all terrible for her... the whole idea of it all was making her body betray her... lips were now -rather- wet and puffy.

Cal gasps and moans with increasing frequency and intensity as Kura continues going up and down on his shaft, but he didn't want to come just yet... after all, there was still another thing he wanted to do. "OK, Kura," the fox murmurs, taking hold of her head and preventing her from going any further. "Get up and bend over the bar... and ask me to fuck you. Tell me: 'Fuck me please, Mistress.'"

Kura{CV} blinked, swallowing as the command was given. A small line of saliva stretched from her mouth to the tip of his member... he well lubricated as it was to be seen. She stood, looking rather nervous again. Right when she got used to one act... Mistress had her thrown back into uncertainty with a new one. Oh here it came... she turned to face the bar, leaning over it to expose her sex to him... and the Inn of course. Her pedals flayed out, dripping... wet for his entrance.

Cal moves up behind his slave as she turns to face the bar and, when Kura's request for him to fuck her is not immediately forthcoming, the fox gives her a light slap on the right buttock. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Cal hisses, a bit aggressively but only in a sexual manner. He's not angry.

Kura{CV} yelped a bit "Yes... Mistres... please.. please fuck me." she managed to squeeze from her voice with a tensing of her body in the soon-to-follow outcome of the 'request'. She bit her lip, pre-whimpering ever so slightly whilst her ass lay hanging and open to receive a cock.

"That's better," Cal says, and gripping Kura's buttocks tightly, the vulpine expertly lines his shaft up with the Torian's sex and pushes it through, filling her up until he can feel his balls slapping against her slave's vulva. Then he begins to thrust back and forth, letting out soft, pleasured gasps as he fucks his slave right there against the bar, for anyone and everyone to see.

Kura{CV} fluttered her wings a slight as the shaft entered into her, making her yelp in surprise at the lack of hesitation he had in taking her fully. It was a wonder how she managed to keep herself cool but with the thought of the love and respect she had for the one fucking her bent over the bar... it quelled her ill feelings about the moment. All she had to focus on was the pleasure of it.

Removing her hands from Kura's ass, Cal now lifts them up and begins cupping them against the Torian's ass as he continues his slow, steady thrusting into her dripping cunt. "Mmmm, you're wonderful, Kura," Cal says, the reassurance of Callie's love shining through in what the vulpine said. Some of Kura's previous masters might have done this sort of thing simply to suit their own whims or to humiliate Kura. But Callie wasn't like that. "Unnnh, I love fucking you..."

Kura{CV} let the words tingle at her ears. She knew Callie would not do this to her to spite Kura, to harm her... it was out of love for exploration and... deviance that Callie brought her newly acquired but beloved bird slave to the Inn to make a spectacle of their love. She knew it this way and thusly.. it calmed Kura's mind. But not her heart, which was racing with adrenaline at being
fucked before watching eyes, and fucked in general because one had to face it... sex took a lot out of you.

Cal moves his side tails down now to tap lightly against Kura's legs, while his upper and lower tails wave brightly in the air, testifying to the excitement he's taking in participating in his favorite activity. "Unnnh... don't hold back your passion," Cal says. "Let me feel, let me *hear* how much you enjoy this." Cal moves his head down so that he can begin licking at the base of Kura's left wing, as those hands continue to knead and squeeze the Torian's tits, cock thrusting deep inside her pussy.

Kura{CV} whimpered "Yes.. yes Mistress.... unnnnn!" she let escape from her voice, haivng been hiding it mostly for the unconsciouse sake of not attracking too much attention to their display. She wans't exactly wanting to -welcome- the entire Inn to come gather around their fucking. But alas... the pleasure was undeniable, as was her Owner. Hiding her delight was no more.

+Nova-BT slips from her room upstairs, her bare feet falling nigh silently against the timber, her elven frame feather light against the ground. Steps down the stairs draw her to the main of the lovely tavern, her eyes slowly adjusting to the gloom, pointed ears to the sounds of whimpering gasps from the master and slave fucking openly. Paused, for a while, to regard them, before making her way to the bar, cleaning cloth tucked into the chain around her waist, the newcoming femme awaiting her business on her first shift in such a strange new place.

Cal's grunts and groans of ecstasy grow ever-louder and more frequent as his thrusting inside his willing slave picks up the pace; the vulpine's trying to get both of them off now as fast as possible. To that end, he removes one of his hands from Kura's breast and uses it to vigorously stroke the Torian's clit. "Mmmm, unnnh, baby... tell me you want me to come inside you, Kura... right here in front of everyone..."

Kura{CV} groaned, holding onto that bartop as if her life depended on it, gripping it tight as her breasts bounced against it... delighting her nipples. That hand coming to her clit sending her into another height of enjoyment. That voice drawing aloud to echo through the Inn just as Callie wanted it to. "Please, ahhhhh please cum inside of my pussy Mistress nnnnn!!" she cried, sounding more natural than it sounded forced due to Kura obedience for her Owner.

Smiling brightly, Cal thrusts harder and faster still, trying to fulfill that request and satiate both his and Kura's desires at the same time. It doesn't take long for the orgasm to come on Cal's side, the fox letting out an "ahhhh--- AHHHH!" as he comes vigorously, filling the Torian's sex with his white-hot semen. And he thrusts a couple more times before pushing fully inside her and holding there, his hand's grip on Kura's breast slackening a little bit as he rides out his orgasm.

Kura{CV} cried out in song as he filled her, the heavy and hot spurts of orgasm pumped into her one after the other after the other. Callie's big dick plugging her pussy well to keep every bit of his seed inside of her as she spasmed around it. her body arching and trembling, sporatic jerks of pleausre gripping her, interrupting her droaning bliss. Gods Callie was an amazing lover and the excitement of this all, it really got Kura going despite her mental blockades.

Holding his cock inside her, Cal groans as he feels the Torian's pussy spasming around his manhood, and as it subsides, the fox pulls himself out of her. He'd been starting to feel himself getting soft, anyway. "Now turn around, sweetie," Cal says, pulling back from Kura more than enough to allow his slave to comply with the request.

Kura{CV} took a moment to compose herself, panting heavily still, sweat beading at her forehead. She stood from her leaning over the bar and turned around to face her Owner as commanded to, looking at him passion stricken, a cute little blink given to signal she was ready for whatever was next.. considering Callie had made her stand and face him in a manner that suggested... further action.

If Kura was anticipating more sex, she'd be wrong; while the vulpine's sexual stamina was impressive even for a vulpine, Cal was quite content right now. And so, canceling the Swap Gender spell, Callie leans in and gives the Torian a kiss on the lips. It starts out as passionate, but begins to lessen in intensity (though not in feeling) and ends on a sweet note. "Thank you, Kura," Callie says with a happy smile. She bends down to retrieve her clothes, and begins to put them back on.

Kura{CV} murred into the kiss a bit, when she broke it Kura had quite a bit of a goofy smile plastered across her lips. Satisfied indeed with how this all turned out for certain. Her body was relaxed despite being nude and cum filled in front of an Inn full of people, and there was that.. afterglow from a good fucking Callie was damned skilled at dishing out. "No, thank you Mistress." she giggled, leaning in for one last little peck before she too went to find where her clothes had gone, not even thinking about them until she saw Callie seeking them out.

Having become so focused on their lovemaking by the end, Callie needs a moment to acclimate herself to the larger world, and thus it takes her a few seconds before she locates the moriel, Nova, behind the bar. Callie doesn't recognize her; must be a new employee. "Miss?" Callie says, addressing the bartender. "May I have a glass of peach nectar and a bowl of beef stew, and... whatever my Kura here would like?"

Kura{CV} turned up, noticing that Callie was ordering and included her in the process as well "Ooh.. erm... heh" she felt the fluster from the sexing tickle over her as she stood up again with her clothes in hand haphazardly. "Chicken salad sandwich please." she turned to Callie to giggle in regards to this order, naturally.

Nova-BT eyes Taurn for just a moment as another patron makes an order, giving him the lightest of winks, before making her way over to the other. A nod given, heading to the kitchen with the order written on the chalkboard, Kura's added below, returning to search for peach nectar in the foreign bar. Taking it, she eyes the vulpine, pouring her a glass and slowly letting her eyes trail over the femme... wondering why she smelt so strongly of sex, though the Moriel hadn't seen her before. Strange... Regardless, she places the glass in front of her, smiling with those dark soft lips, and returns to the kitchen, the sandwich ready in but a moment, though the stew may take longer.

Callie chuckles lightly as Kura orders a chicken salad sandwich again. The vulpine had introduced her to chicken salad sandwiches, and Callie was greatly amused that Kura thought of them as "a delicacy", in her words. Smiling gratefully as the peach nectar arrives, Callie takes a long sip of it, enjoying not only the taste but the feel of the thick liquid going down her throat.

Kura{CV} smiled, catching a wiff of that peach nectar, it making her mouth water a bit. She hadn't realised through the nervousness and the sex that she was as hungry as she was. Forgetting now that she was still naked she started to munch at the sandwich vigorously.

Nova-BT eyes the naked Torian and the rather delicious vixen, biting her lip and reaching down, casually cupping herself, pushing that strip of soft red cloth between her thighs, before turning to head to the kitchens once more and collect that stew for Callie. As she does so, she reveals that while that chain may have a strip of fabric covering at the front, her rounded dark rump was fully nude, her long beautiful thighs swaying, her step one foot in front of the other in that predatory gait of hers, hips swaying as she collects the stew and brings it back. Something about the two femmes really seemed to be getting to the silent barwench...

Seeming not to notice that Nova was quite turned on by the sight of herself and Kura, Callie does, however, notice the efficiency and speed with which she gets her beef stew. "Thank you, hon," Callie says, reaching into her coin purse and pulling out a 20-mehrial coin for Nova's tip. And then she dips her spoon into the stew, taking a couple of bites of the delicious meal.

Kura{CV} finished up her sandwhich in short order, looking to Callie now getting her soup and starting to enjoy it. She though, however, felt the most strange rush of exhausion draw into her. Obviously the whole experience left her drained and she'd only just noticed it with the sandwhich resting comfortably in her belly now. "Mistress? I think it's time I find some sleep, if that is ok?" heck, she <forgot she even needed to dress, apparently she -was- exhausted enough to not much care for her state of undress in the Inn.

Nova-BT opens her mouth as Callie places that tip on the bar, quirking a brow and looking rather intruiged. She smiles, approaching and taking it, leaning over the bar to lean forwards and place a rather wet kiss on the vulpine's muzzle. She places the beef stew, smelling absolutely delicious, right in front of her to eat, then takes that coin and eyes it. Looking down, she bites her lip... then slips it under her loincloth, blushing a little as she puts her tip in the only place on her that she could keep loose change.

Callie blinks as Nova gives her a sudden and rather unexpected-- but certainly not unwelcome-- kiss. Still a little dazed-looking, Callie looks over at Kura, her brain taking a moment to catch up with what she'd said. "Huh? Oh... yes, you're excused, hon," Callie says with a smile. "Don't forget to take your clothes with you." Kura knows exactly which room Callie has assigned to her. Now, whether it would take a short time or a long time for Callie to join her there hadn't been decided yet.

Kura{CV} blinked, looking to the small pile of her silks and then back to Callie. Luckily the Inn was rather empty now... and she snagged them up and scuttled nakedly with her wings helping to cover her across the Inn's common room and up stairs to the room assigned to Callie.

Fade to black.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:47 am

Bath House
April 16, 2010
Callie and Janousse

Janousse feels how warm it was, then he gets up from his attendant's chair and takes off his black cloak, his studded leather armor, too, and he puts away all his weapons. Then he sits back down on the attendant's chair, still pretending to be an attendant even though he's not really an attendant any more...

Sometimes Callie Volopa came to the baths with a friend or two. Sometimes she came alone and let things come as they may. But today, she came here with the specific intention of taking advantage of a bath attendant's services. She'd just spent three hours inside the vulpine temple, more specifically the room consecrated to the water tribe, which her Verlosi tribe was an offshoot of-- and had been praying for the safe return to Nanthalion of her fiancée, Allisa, who'd been gone for months. Since of course her worship had involved sex, she was a bit tired, and could really go for a massage right now. And so, still wearing only the white robe with a gold ten-tailed starburst pattern that she'd been given upon entering the temple, she makes her way to the baths, and deeply breathes in the delightful scents contained therein. Her expression was a bit wary, but slowly becoming contented as well.

Janousse turns his head as he sees Callie enter the baths. The high elven mage stands and walks over to her, smiling. He looks at her from head to toe, liking what he sees. He clears his throat "Can I help you with anything today?"

"Vizhra," Callie says, translating it immediately in Common as, "Greetings. I'm Callie Volopa, water mage of the Verlosi vulpine tribe, and Head Mage of the Brightmoon clan." Her four tails lightly sway invitingly behind her, the vixen also liking what she saw as she looks over Janousse's form. Hey, he'd done it first, but Callie would've done it even if Janousse had been tentative. And it wasn't like he'd tried to hide the fact that he was checking her out. "I was looking for a bath attendant today; I've just spent the last few hours in worship at the temple and... my muscles are kinda sore."

Janousse nods "Very well. Step right this way." He walks towards some massaging tables at the far wall "Please get comfortable on one of these, and lay down on your belly. I'll be right with you." He quickly spreads a warm towel on one of the massaging table for her to lay on, then he disappears somewhere in the back, getting some rose oil, a basket with various utensils he needs for his massages and a few towels. Then he returns and stands next to the massaging table, waiting for her to get ready.

Callie nods, and walks over to the massage tables as requested, her furry bare feet making nary a sound on the floor. When she reaches the tables, she removes her robe, unabashedly revealing her nude body to the elf. As she lies down on her belly, she points out, "You haven't told me *your* name yet. May I ask?" The vixen lightly wiggles each tail high in the air, individually.

Janousse chuckles as he sees her tails wiggle individually. It's funny to him, and it's been a while since he last saw anyone like her. He smirks. "Janousse. They call me Janousse around here." For a moment he thought about giving her a different name, but who cares. Everyone knows that he just pretends to be working here. Slowly he takes the rose oil and warms it up in his hands, then he applies some to her back, rubbing it in "Is there any spot that hurts you the most?"

"Janousse the masseuse," Callie ponders out loud, chuckling softly. She has a feeling that Janousse was amused by the waving of her tails, and she waves them a little more, even allowing her upper and lower tails to curl inward a little bit. "Spots that hurt... hmm. Well, the middle of my back, just above my tail-bases, is particularly sore right now; might even be cramping up a little bit. Fortunately it also feels really good when people touch there." Callie places her head completely down on the table now, turning her face towards Janousse.

Janousse smirks "I'll get right to it." He runs his hand over her fur, noticing that she'll need a little more rose oil than the usual people he massages here. Then he starts kneading the muscles to the left and right of her spine, slowly reaching the spot she mentioned.

Callie sighs happily, and gives a light groan as Janousse's fingers eventually find the exact spot that was giving her trouble. "Mmmm, yeah, *that's* it... right there." The vixen curls and uncurls her toes as her tails begin to slowly slide down towards the rest of her body. "You're pretty good at this, Janousse. How long have you been working here?"

Janousse smirks "Oh, it's been quite some time now." In reality he wasn't a real attendant any more since he was fired. They accused him of something he didn't do, but he was let go nonetheless. Well,
maybe he did do something, who knows! He continues to work his way up and down her back, along her spine, then reaches her shoulders and massages her there, making sure to pay attention to her neck as well.

"Mmm, well, I hope they recognize talent when they see it," Callie says with a soft smile. Her body, which had been quite tense upon arrival-- partly from the exercise of her worship, partly from stress-- was now more fluid and pliant against Janousse's questing, probing fingers. "Don't forget my arms, legs and tails," she reminds him. Not that he was finished or anything. Her upper tail curls lightly in embarrassment as she realizes she was trying to tell a professional how to do his job. She knew that *she* took pride in how well she served at the inn, and used to have the same pride in her job as first a spell-seller, then the Conjurer of Potions and ultimately the head manager of the Sorcerous Sanctuary before she left. "And... the front of my body can of course get some attention, too." That, at least, was a legitimate thing-- sometimes bath attendants didn't massage the front of one's body except upon request, feeling like it was impudently intimate.

Janousse smirks "Just making sure what you want from me. I will do as you have requested." He slowly warms up some more rose oil, lots of rose oil actually, then he applies it to her tails, massaging them. After a while he runs his hands over her legs, always with some rose oil, only to work his way up on her body again. Slowly he massages her calves, then her buttocks, then her back again, only to reach her right arm which he pays attention to for a while. He massages her hand, too, then he continues with her other hand. "Now would be a good time to roll over if you wish."

Light coos and murmurs of pleasure emerge from Callie's lips as the elf works over her body with his powerful, yet gentle hands. The smell of the rose oil enflames Callie's senses, and her breathing becomes more rapid as she closes her eyes, just allowing herself to feel. When she's asked to turn over, she does so without a moment's hesitation; nor does she attempt to cover her nude breasts or sex. She was about as free and open about her own sexuality as someone could be. "Mmmm, so what do you do when you're not massaging pretty girls?"

Janousse smirks "Bartending. That's my job." He realizes that he just gave away that he doesn't work there, really, and corrects "Second job. I also work at the inn giving people booze and stuff." He smiles as he sees her nudity, but he acts as if it was nothing to him. Slowly he moves down to her feet and rubs rose oil onto them, paying attention not to tickle her, but still massages the arch of her feet, then he moves up on her left leg.

"Mmm. I'm surprised we've not met yet," Callie says, staring up at the ceiling now that she was on her back. She didn't catch Janousse's implied admission that he no longer worked at the bath house. And frankly, as long as he didn't try to rape or kill her, she probably could have cared less *anyway*. Of course, you couldn't rape the willing. "I'm a bar manager at the inn. I've been spending a lot of my time recently helping Desdaemona with the books, though. Haven't done too much of the hands-on work of hiring lately." In fact she was getting a bit bored with her job as a bar manager, but she *was* good at it.

Janousse blinks "This means that you are one of my bosses then!" She can feel how he is going a little easier on her now, deliberately sparing her sex while he's working on her other leg, also her inner thighs, but always far enough away from the apex of her legs. Slowly he massages her belly, then her chest, without touching her breasts, then around her collar bone and her neck. He also massages her face, her temples, her forehead, the apex of her legs. Slowly he massages her belly, then her chest, without touching her breasts, then around her collar bone and her neck. He also massages her face, her temples, her forehead, her cheeks, just for her to relax.

Callie was indeed quite relaxed, and while she notices that Janousse's fingers are a bit lighter on her body now, she doesn't chalk it up to him being intimidated by her being his boss or anything. She just figures it's a natural progression, now that the tension was out of her muscles. The vixen continues to murr and groan very softly at Janousse's expert touch on her body, noting that he hadn't touched her breasts or sex yet. Maybe he was saving those for last... or maybe he was waiting for permission. She doesn't interrupt him by talking about it, but she *does* turn her face to look at him again. He was quite attractive, and she already knew he was good with his hands. How to broach the subject... "After you're done massaging me, would you like to make love?" Well, *that* was certainly one way to do it.

Janousse smirks "Uhm.... sure. But first let me finish here." He took pride in his work, and he wanted his customers to be satisfied. He gave her another round, working his way froCallie smiles and murmurs for another few minutes as Janousse gives her body a second massage, and then, when he begins touching the parts of her body that make her uniquely female, she begins to groan with a new kind of pleasure. "Unnnnh, yesss, just like that, Janousse. You know what you're doing, all right..." Callie's smile morphs into a girlish grin as she imagines Janousse taking her over and over again... on the table, in the baths, on the floor, and everywhere else... m her head over her chest to her belly then over both legs, then slowly up again. One hand softly rests on her sex now while his other one massages her breasts, first the one, then the other "Like this?"

Callie smiles and murmurs for another few minutes as Janousse gives her body a second massage, and then, when he begins touching the parts of her body that make her uniquely female, she begins to groan with a new kind of pleasure. "Unnnnh, yesss, just like that, Janousse. You know what you're doing, all right..." Callie's smile morphs into a girlish grin as she imagines Janousse taking her over and over again... on the table, in the baths, on the floor, and everywhere else...

Janousse keeps moving his hands over her breasts and with the other one he slowly strips himself. She sees him unbutton his silken shirt which falls to the floor. Then he unties his leather boots and kicks them off. His fingers unbutton the fly of his pants, then he steps out of them, rather slowly. She can see his shapely behind and his muscular legs along with his firm stomach. Slowly he crawls onto the massaging table with her and whispers "When you meant love... I mean... you meant... this?" He touches her sex with his other hand again; his member is fully erect already.

"Mmmm, that's exactly what I meant," the vixen confirms, lifting her head up and kissing Janousse full on the lips, her left and right tails wrapping around his waist. Her arms join them a moment later, and she moves a hand down to lightly trace against the lines of his buttocks. She arches her body into his light, intimate touches, already feeling quite aroused and energized from his tremendous massage. And even though she'd spent three hours having sex of some kind today, she was ready to go again.

Janousse kisses her back with the same passion as he feels how two of her tails wrap themselves around his waist. He smirks, then his hands move over her breasts, cupping and fondling them. He leans down on her a little, maybe she can already feel the tip of his erect member touch on her belly. He whispers "Guide me into you when you're ready."

Callie nods at that, and one of her hands *does* move to his shaft, though she doesn't slip it into herself right away. Instead, she moves it around in her white-furred fingers, feeling its weight, length and hardness... the throbbing artery that diverted blood into his manhood when he was aroused. Slowly, she begins moving her hand up and down it, wanting to give him some of the same pleasure he'd given her. As she does so, she breathes a whisper in his ear. "Any special skills... mmm, besides your excellent hands... that you possess that we might use to make this as fun as possible? Bein' a water mage, for example, people love it when I give them oral pleasure underwater..."

Janousse smirks and moans as she touches his manhood "mmh sure... sure... let's go into the water then... unless... you want me right here, right now, I would be happy to... take you right here" She feels and hears his breath quickening with every single one of her strokes. Janousse bends down to her some more "And you know... I am of the same kind as you."

Callie blinks, not comprehending Janousse's statement at first. Obviously he didn't mean a vulpine. Wait, what?! "You're a water mage, too?" Callie had somehow *felt* that there was something different about Janousse. Apparently that's what she'd felt; maybe he gave off some kind of aura that he shared with Callie. Or maybe she was just thinking this now, in retrospect. Right now, she didn't care enough to figure out which one it was. "Well, heck, if that's the case, let's get in the water, then!" She was positively giddy with anticipation.

Janousse nods and gets off from her, then he stops for just a second "You have rose oil on you. I am not sure you can go into the water right now. " He looks her over, then he takes a deep breath "I'll just clean the pool later then. Let's go." He gets off from the massaging table and walks towards the deep pool, his member sticking out, looking rather funny.

"Better idea," Callie says, casting Clean and placing her hands on herself. The rose oil dissolves from her body. "Mmm, that'll work. Wouldn't want to make more work for you, after all. At least, not the boring kind." Besides which, she didn't want to run the risk of suffocating on a bizarre oil/water combination. Callie makes an athletic leap now, diving into the pool and making barely a splash as she touches the surface. And she doesn't come back up, either-- instead, she playfully grabs at Janousse's ankles, trying to pull him under with her.

Janousse is being pulled under by her, but just breathes normally under water. He finds her rather amusing and likes how she moves. She seems to be rather athletic, even more so than he himself. He's slender, but muscular, too, and he's a good swimmer. As he's being pulled under he aligns his lips with hers and kisses her rather passionately.

Callie grins, and slowly, deeply kisses her new friend, the enthusiasm showing in her rapid breathing and in the way her eyes were sparkling. Sex was her favorite activity *anyway*, but goddess... she'd been looking forward to having sex underwater since the day she'd started studying her elemental magic. She'd never before had the opportunity. Well, she *could* have with Ray`el, but she hated his guts. Callie runs her hands all over Janousse's body as she slowly lowers herself down towards the floor of the bath. Her anticipation was almost a tangible thing.

Janousse loves how she touches him and responds likewise. He can't keep his hands off of her as he follows her to the bottom of the baths. It always took him a little while to get fully adjusted to being under water, but he enjoyed the feeling. Slowly he sinks down to her, aligns his hips with hers and whispers again "Guide me...whenever you are ready."

Nodding, Callie wraps her arms and tails around Janousse, and kisses him passionately as she grinds her body against his. Then, with the two of them still in a vertical position, she uses a subtle movement of her hips to push herself onto his cock. She'd been wanting this ever since she'd first seen him today, but underwater... *that* was a pleasant surprise. Who else could do this but water mages? Goddess, it was good to be alive. "Take me, Janousse," she murmurs upon breaking the kiss.

Janousse nods and moans as he feels how she pushes herself onto him. He feels how his member slides into her in one swift motion, aided by the water around them. He kisses her again passionately and lays down on top of her, at the bottom of the deep but rather warm pool.

Callie interlaces her fingers with Janousse's as they lay down together at the bottom of the pool, thrusting her hips against him as they begin their long-awaited lovemaking. Tracing lines against his body with her tails, all she can hear are the vibrations made by the thrusting, and the sounds of her own heart and breathing. Somehow that just made the whole experience that much more sensuous, more intimate. Who could interrupt them like this, after all?

Janousse feels how their bodies move in sync, how he moves in and out of her over and over again, the pressure waves of the water around them are the only things he can feel besides the gentle touch of her hands and body. He feels complete with her, they were very compatible. His hands move to cup her breasts only to interlace with hers again moments later.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Mon May 10, 2021 3:48 am

Bath House
February 26, 2011
Callie and Keegan

In order for a water mage to maintain the peak performance of her powers, she had to immerse herself completely in water for a full hour every week and re-absorb the very element itself into her body. (Fortunately, their abilities also enabled them to breathe underwater). When it came time to do that, Callista Kayami Volopa usually makes use of the stream near her cabin. But every now and then she uses the bath house for her regeneration, and on this evening that's what she's doing. The four-tailed, red-furred vulpine of the Verlosi tribe sits cross-legged, naked and in meditation with her eyes closed on the bottom of the pool in the main bath area. Every now and then she recites a few passages from the vulpine prayer book Gelafo's Recitations in her mind. Sometimes she thinks of her fiancée Allisa, her ex-girlfriend Katie Valina, or some of her male friends. And other times she thinks of her parents back home in Verlosi'ka, or her sister, Kayta, whom Callie had been forced to exile. Callie's a good and faithful person, but she has some skeletons in her closet whose existence is known of by only her closest friends... and even though she's a confident, powerful woman, there are times that those skeletons haunt her.

Keegan` walks along the path as he makes hisway to the Bath house comming from the inn. The pure white wolven is wearing all of his armor mostly mithril and carries his bow and arrows on his back along with a K`sire pike as well. slowly his blue eyes would look apon the door door and pushes it open before making his way inside. his ears slowly move around as he listens to what is going on. The Warrior makes moves to the cubbies and slowly starts to remove his weapons and armor until he naked. slowly he turns and moves into teh water of the main pool. His scar on his chest a reminder to him that he is the last of his clan.

The moment Keegan steps into the water, Callie can feel it; she's extremely sensitive to water displacement. Opening her eyes, Callie sees a ruggedly attractive Callie slowly floats upward towards the surface, her large ears and upper tail the first parts of her body to appear above the water. Finally she rises to chest-level, her breasts just visible above the surface, but the fox doesn't mind. Mainstream triestan vulpines aren't shy about their bodies. "Vizhra," Callie says. "Enkashla Vulpani?" ["Greetings. Do you speak Vulpani?"] Callie speaks Common, Vulpani, Wolven and Drakonic fluently, and indeed could communicate in Keegan's language if necessary. But the vixen likes to speak in her own language whenever possible. It was a truly elegant tongue.

Keegan` would stop as he would see Callies ears and uppwer tail first and tilts his head to teh side some/ ears move around some more as she would ask him that and nods his head and grins some to hre before saying. "Lin...Vizhra." [yes..greetings ] would say back to her as he feels the water around his feet slowly he would look over her body some. The wolven would move more into the water and enjoys the water. His fur looks very well taken care of and thick as well. <Vulpani> "Sorry if I disturbed you."

"Not at all," Callie says, continuing on in Vulpani; it was so nice to meet someone who wasn't vulpine yet spoke the language. "I was just mediating underwater. Actually I've probably been under for about two hours, and I only really needed one. So I don't mind. And I always like to meet new people." Callie's fur is similarly very well-groomed, although it was a little hard to tell at the moment, as wet as it was. Swaying her tails lightly behind her, Callie moves to a seated position alongside Keegan, and uses her Telekinesis spell to float over a bottle of shampoo from the wicker basket that she'd gotten from the bath hand when she walked in. Opening it, the scent of peppermint immediately fills the surrounding area, and Callie begins kneading it into her fur, starting with her collarbone area, in the front. "I'm especially fond of wolvens," Callie says. "Always have been."

Keegan` smiles to her and would sit down with her as he looks to her some more. would watch as she uses telekinesis to bring some shampoo over. speaks to her in Vulpani still. "Meditating in the water? I take it you're a water mage then I have read about how they need to do that ." He would move to get some of the shampoo and would move to get behind her. "I hope you don't mind if I wash your back for you. I know how hard it can been to wash one's back on their own. It is nice to speak your language for once. I so rarely get to speak any of the languages I know other than Common."

Callie nods in affirmation of Keegan's educated guess that she's a water mage. It wasn't exactly like he was making a shot in the dark or anything, but it was nice nevertheless to talk with someone who has a grasp of her basic abilities. Indeed, the ability to breathe underwater-- an ability not shared by any other class-- was perhaps Callie's main reason for walking the Path of the Water in the first place. When Keegan asks if he can wash her back, Callie scooches forward a little bit to let him get behind her. "I'd be happy to let you wash my back, as long as I can do the same for you. And yes, it *is* nice to speak Vulpani in public; you'd be amazed how many members of my own race that I've met here in the empire that can't speak it. Offhand I'd guess that I've met, say, seven or eight fox-kin in the past couple years that completely lacked any sense of heritage or cultural identity. Like, they were raised by humans, or their village burned down, or their vulpine parents cast them out, or were cast out themselves, et cetera, et cetera. And-- I hope you'll not find me immodest for saying this-- with my extensive knowledge of all things vulpine, including religion, history, general culture, sociology, even etymology-- I feel a solemn duty to help them understand and rediscover their roots."

Keegan` smiles to her and laughs a bit before saying. "I do know what you mean. I have ran into a few wolvens that can't even speak wolven or don't even know about the seven. you sould help them if you can. I agree with you." would gets some of the shampoo onto his hands then gently start to knead her back. "You may wash my back if you like." He would say to her and then realizes something. "Oh I have not told you my name. I am Keegan of the Moon star clan. if you have not heard of it I can under stand. it was a clan to the north of here where there is snow all year round almost. Also I would be the only one you could meet being I am the last."

Callie's tails, which had been lightly, languidly waving behind her (and to the side of Keegan) as he washed her back, suddenly go very still and then droop slightly when he tells her he's the last of his clan. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I've heard *that* all too frequently, as well." General Davak had even spoken to her of a vulpine he'd met named Aimee Sarasiné, who (while she wasn't the *last* member of the Karalinka tribe) had been one of only twenty survivors tribe-wide on a day when a rival tribe had exterminated the remaining tens of thousands.

Keegan` would look to her and nods his head some. "That is alright." He would listen to what she says to her as he washes her back gently. slowly one of his hands would move to one of her tails. and very gently he would start to wash and groom her tail wiht his hand. " your fur is very soft. Oh what is your name?" he asks her.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Callie says, not having realized she'd forgotten to introduce herself until Keegan brought it up. "My name is Callista Kayami Volopa, water mage and ranger of the Verlosi tribe. You can call me Callie." Callie always introduces herself nowadays by her full name and tribal affiliation. All three of her names were proud vulpine names, and the vixen takes great pride in her cultural heritage.

Keegan` nods his head as his hands wash her tails now that he was done washing her back. "That is a pretty name.. I am ranger and warroir mage." ears move around some as he listens to what is around them something normal for the wolven to do. "Sorry about starting on your tails without asking..." gently kneads the fur on her tails making sure to not hurt her by mistake.

"It's all right; they're not as sensitive as people generally believe," Callie says in response to his apology about starting to work on her tails. "Except the bases, up to about three inches or so... be gentle there." Going back to the subject of her name: "I've always liked my name, thanks." Since he seems receptive to what she's saying, she continues, "Callista is a popular name for girls in the Water Tribe and its sub-tribes and offshoots. Kayami is a famous Verlosi tribe dancer, and Volopa is the name of my clan."

Keegan` hands slowly move to teh baces of her tails as he slowly and gently washes them. being gently in thuse three inches. listens to tell her about her name. " I see. well it is a very pretty name.. I don't know much about your race's history but would like to learn more." would say to her and looks her over some more and licks his lips a bit.

Callie closes her eyes and curls her toes a little bit as she feels Keegan's fingers gently massaging the bases of her tails. What she *hadn't* told him is that those tail-bases were quite the erogenous zone for her. But she'd found that to be the case with a lot of the tailed races. "We have a very rich and storied culture," she says, with more than a little pride in her voice. "I grew up in the village of Verlosi'ka, in the Ulma Valley, about a hundred miles south of the empire's southern border. Verlosi'ka, which literally means 'home of the Verlosi', has been through strife and war over the millenia, but has never once fallen to an enemy invader, and we're very proud of that. But we're also fully aware that the price of freedom is continuous vigilance."

Keegan` nods his head some more as she tells him about her tribe. his hands keep on stroking the baces of her tails. slowly one of his hands would move around to try and cup one of her breasts to massage her some. "Mmm very interesting. Your tride sounds powerful. Oh I am done with washing you back." whispers into her ears before nibbling on them some then he wold stop and smiles. "Sorry about that."

As Keegan's hand moves to her breast, Callie mmms softly, and closes her eyes again, leaning ever-so-gently back against him, encouraging him to continue. And she lets out a very soft, sultry yelp at having her ears nibbled. She liked it, but just the way he was doing it... hard enough for her to feel it, not hard enough for it to really hurt. "You have absolutely... nothing to apologize for," Callie tells him, wrapping her side tails around his waist fully now, the tips meeting in the middle. Her upper tail is pressed against his stomach, while her lower tail lays flat against the seat of the pool, deliberately dodging the wolven's manhood. "In fact... if you'd like to fuck me right here, Keegan... I'd like that very much."

Keegan` feels her tails wrap around him and licks his lips to her before he nibbles on ehr ears some more. "Mmm I would very much like to fuck you right now.. but I would like a taste of you down here." says to tease her while he moves his hand on her tails between her legs to stroke her slit gently while his other hand massages her breasts fully but gently.

Groaning softly as he touches her down there for the first time, Callie closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling for a moment. When he speaks, she nods in agreement. "Mmm, but of course," Callie says, lifting herself up and turning to face him before sitting back down in his lap. She doesn't yet make an attempt to get into position for him to give her oral pleasure, though... first things were first. "You've got to have an undercard before you get to the main event," she says, making a reference to the boxing matches that were quite popular in some of the smaller villages of the Ulma Valley. But in this case the double meaning was, you had to build to the actual sex act itself. And she does so now, wrapping her tails around him again and pressing her body against his, beginning to kiss his lips slowly, passionately.

Keegan` Licks his lips as she gets up and turns around then sits back into his lap. kisses her passionately back as he can agree with what she said. his hands woulds wrap around her body slowly stroking her hips. his mouth would slowly open as he tries to slide his tounge into her mouth so that his tounge could play wiht hers as they kiss. his tail slowly wags under the water. slowly he breaks the kiss. "Mmm alright I can do that." then kisses her passionately once more.

As they kiss passionately, Callie takes hold of one of Keegan's hands, places it against her womanhood and carefully manipulates his thumb so that it's resting right against her clit. Then, without waiting for permission (because at some point tonight, he'd be inside her), Callie touches Keegan's manhood, wraps her fingers and thumb around it and begins to slowly stroke him. She especially focuses her efforts on the head of his cock, knowing that it's by far the most sensitive area of a man's penis.

Keegan` feels he rmove his hand down to her womanhood and his thumbn would start to gently stroke her clit as they kiss. his fingers gently strokes her petals his other hand slowly moves to her breasts to massage them once more as he groans out. slowly his cock grows to its full 15 inch langth as he feels her figners slowly stroking him. slowly he starts to deepen the kiss as he gets more into it.

Breaking the kiss as Callie feels the full girth of Keegan's shaft begin to assert itself in her hand, the vixen is impressed with it but not particularly surprised. This isn't her first time making love to a wolven. "Mmmmm, goddess," Callie murmurs, a look of excitement appearing on her face. "Okay, time to get creative." With that, Callie briefly moves into doggie-style position on Keegan's lap, but then she keeps going, lifting her legs up out of the pool so that they're on either side of his head, with her butt high up in the air. The vulpine's face, meanwhile, dives underneath the water into the wolven's lap, right between his legs. She couldn't hold the position by herself for very long-- her arms weren't *that* strong-- so Keegan would need to support her weight by either grabbing her feet or hooking his arms underneath her legs.

Keegan` licks his lips as he watches her get into this postion. would them move his arms and hooks them underneath of her legs to support her wieght. looks down to her neather lips and slowly the wolven would start to lick ehr inner thighes ashe slowly moves close and closer to her neather lips. when he is just about to them he moves his head to her other inner thigh and starts to lick that one, wanting to tease her with his long tongue. hands slowly strokes her hips trying to help use his hands to help support her as well.

Letting out delightful gasps underwater as Keegan begins to stroke her inner thighs, Callie takes hold of the wolven's shaft with her hand and strokes it a couple times before slipping it into her mouth. Bobbing up and down slowly on his manhood, Callie stretches out her legs a little more, her tails and toes wriggling in excitement.

Keegan` would start to groan once more as he feels her take his manhood into her mouth. would stop licking ehr fore just a bit but licks his lips once her legs stretched out alittle mroe and watches her tails for a bit. slowly the wolven leans his head down and start to lick her neather lips with his whole tounge slowly and gently/ his hands keep on stroking her hips as he holds her up.

Moaning and squeezing her toes tightly as Keegan's attention turns fully to her pussy, Callie touches her side tails to either side of Keegan's face as the speed of her oral attentions on the wolven's shaft grows faster, and the depth to which she allows him to enter her mouth increases very gradually. So within about three or four minutes of their lovemaking, Callie is pushing him all the way to the back of her throat. Keegan would also feel the vixen's smooth, talented tongue swirling against the head of his cock and its sides from time to time. But mindful of just *how* massive his cock is-- indeed, Callie generally didn't have sex with people much bigger than wolvens-- she doesn't try to take more than she's physically able to handle.

Keegan` moans with her and his hands squeezes her soft ass some before his fingers slowly moves to her pussy to part her petals. slowly he start to lick the inside of her slit his tongue swells around her clit once it gets up there to it. then slowly slides back down to swell around her enters as well to teases her more and more whit his tongue.

Closing her eyes as she continues to breathe through her nose, Callie then begins to blow bubbles against the wolven's cock. It should go without saying at this point that the vixen's mouth (at least the parts of it that weren't filled with Keegan's shaft) is filled with water, some of which is being expelled with each back-thrust of the wolven's manhood, and some of which is being swallowed every now and then by the fox. But she can handle it; her water mage status means that her body is now literally designed to absorb prodigious amounts of water, and of course she can't drown.

Keegan` moans out louder as he feels the bubbles against his wolven cock. this was a surprise to him. felt so damn good . slowly his eyes would roll back some as his tail slowly wiggles behind him. while his tounge swells around her enters he would let it slide into her body twisting and turning as that long tounge enters into her body. mushing his face into her pussy. slowly he start to bob his head to make his tounge slide in and out of her body.

Groaning against the cock inside her mouth as Keegan's tongue slips inside her pussy, and the wolven's face buries itself deeply against her crotch, Callie continues her bubble-blowing for another few moments before ceasing, and now she applies harder pressure with her mouth against his shaft, as if trying to suck the last bit of drink out of a straw. And when she ceases that, she starts moving up and down him again.

Keegan` moans into her pussy as he feels her suck on him like that. a little per-cum would start to flow into her mouth. his tounge would start to twist and turn inside of her body harder and faster before his head start to bob back and forht. making his tounge slide in and ou to fher body. his fingers would start to stroke her clit and petals as he tests her.

Callie could only faintly taste the wolven's pre-cum because her entire mouth was filled with water, but she tastes it nevertheless, and as she was getting close herself, she feels it's time to kick it up to the main event. Gently tapping his shoulders with her toes, the vixen slips from Keegan's grasp, her entire body going underwater for just a moment... and then she was on his lap, facing him. "Now... time to take me, big guy," she groans, and splitting apart her petals for Keegan, she buries his cock as far inside her as it would go. Her being much smaller than he was, his entire 15 inches wouldn't fit inside her, but he gets a solid nine in as Callie hisses in pleasure and delight. Then, wrapping her arms around him, she begins to move up and down his manhood, her mouth seeking his again and slowly kissing him-- tasting her own essence on his tongue and lips.

Keegan` would pull his mouth away once her tail taps him and then licks his lips grining as she comes up. his hands move ont her hips to help her down his shaft. groans as he feles how tight she is and looks into her eye as he kisses her slips slowly. could tast his seeence on her tongue just slitly. his hands would start to slowly stroke her hips and tails. slowly his hips would start to move wiht her feeling those 9inches of his 15inch cock that can fit in her.

"Ohhh, goddess," Callie moans, and as she moves with him, Callie begins to murmur the 49th Recitation in Ancient Vulpani. One of a series of 207 sacred vulpine prayers written by the priest Gelafo 6200 years ago, the 49th talks about the joy vulpines can find in meeting other races. Every time Callie gives her body to someone, she's fulfilling The Lady's wish for Her children to take the greatest pleasure out of their lives that they can... and therefore, each lovemaking, each time she fucks someone, it's an act of worship. To Keegan it may sound like she's saying phrases that bear a strong resemblance to contemporary Vulpani, and given the fact that he speaks the modern version of the language he may understand some of the same words and root concepts. But there were also Ancient Vulpani words that bear no resemblance to a word in contemporary Vulpani.

Anyway... rising up and down with him, bucking slowly as she takes him fully into his body with each thrust and almost completely out with each back-thrust, Callie's speaking of the sacred prayer is occasionally broken by cries of delight as the wolven's manhood pleasures her so.

Keegan` groans out loulder to her as she starts to speak in ancient vulpani. as he moves his hips faster and harder up into her his right hand slowly moves around to stroke her clit . bitting his lips for a bit the wolven would then start to speak in his native tongue as well. it's a ancient version of wolven as well one that very few of his race even know how to speek. slowly start to lick and nibble on her ears. then slowly he start to lick down the side of her face while making his way to her breasts. so that his tounge could flick her nipples. his cock start to pulse more and more with in her body as he is getting to teh point were he can bearly hold it back.

Callie's ears perk up questioningly as Keegan begins to speak ancient Wolven words, most of which Callie doesn't recognize, but just as Keegan was sure to hear *some* similarities between Ancient Vulpani and its contemporary counterpart, so too could Callie recognize a few words of what he was saying. As Callie's breasts are flicked by the wolven's tongue, the vixen tenderly caresses the base of Keegan's tail and her mouth goes to his neck, where she kisses, licks and even nips at his flesh. Goddess, she was going to come soon, and hard.

Keegan` feels her attetion to his neck as he licks at her nipples and moans withher as he keeps speaking ancient wolven. a few of the sevens name pop here and there as he moves a little faster with hsi thrusts. slowly his lips would wrap around one of her nipples and start to suck on her breasts gently while enjoying what she si doing to his neck and tail. his hands move to stroke teh bace of her tailes back gently. the wolven is getting so very close to his climaxes as well and it was going to be a big one at that.

From her association with Davak, Callie recognizes the names of the Seven, and takes pleasure and delight in the thought that as Callie is praying to The Lady, Keegan is praying to his gods as well. She can imagine all of them looking down on the two of them and grinning, and maybe The Lady was even making love to Her husband Trejani at this moment while watching Callie do something She'd put her on the earth to do. That thought sends Callie over the edge in a hurry, and with a loud scream of "Ohhhhhh, YESSSSSS!", Callie comes hard, but continues to buck against Keegan, trying to get him to come inside her as well.

Keegan` can keeps hering her pray to the Lady. the wolven dosen't know much about her gods but is enjoying her pray to them. eyes start to widen as he feels her come for him and how she keeps on bucking as she comes. the wolven can't hold it bad any longer and pulls away from her nipples as he moans loudly. " Here it coooomes!"thrust deep as he could into her and holds her down as he comes with her his how wolven seed floods into her womb as he moves to kiss her lips deeply as he fills her.

"Ohhhh, fuuuuuck!" Callie exclaims as she feels Keegan's manhood pulsate and come deep inside her; as it happens, Callie keeps his shaft buried as deeply as it will go, and hooks her feet around Keegan's legs for added leverage. She even does some Kegel exercises, her pussy squeezing his manhood like a glove as it tries to milk every little last bit of his seed. Finally, Callie gives Keegan a slow, languid kiss on the lips and lifts herself off of him; breaking the kiss, she begins to float on her back in the middle of the pool.

Keegan` groans as he pussy squeezes his manhood until he was finshed. then kisses her back slowly moving his lips with her as she lifts off of him and breaks the kiss. the Keegan would sign and lays back into the water to float as well. " damn that was great. I hope you enjoyed it to Callie.' grins to her some more as he feels great right now

"Mmmm... mmm-hmm," Callie says, smiling widely as she moves back to a vertical position. "I'm just gonna have to recommend you to all my friends. But I'm gettin' pretty hungry, and I think I'll head out for dinner," she says. Rising up out of the bath, Callie dries herself off with a towel, and then slips on her clothes-- a white silken button-down shirt, and rainbow-colored knee-length skirt.

Keegan` would then laughs some and moves out of the water as well to get his clothes on as well. would watch her get dressed first though. " that is a very beautiful outfit you have one. I would like to invite you for dinner some time and thank you for the compliment." would say to her and starts to put his armor on once he dries off

"Certainly," Callie says, in response to his inviting her to dinner. "Come see me some time at the inn and we'll set a time for it." Callie leans in, rises up on her bare toes and kisses Keegan once more, this time a peck on the lips. "And thanks for a wonderful time. It's been too long since I've fucked like that." And Callie, her four tails sashaying behind her, leaves the bath house.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 1:51 am

Bat House
October 30, 2011
Callie and Aeria

Having spent the last two hours on the floor of the main bath, effortlessly breathing underwater and masturbating while praying to The Lady (in what vulpines call "hiyazhin"), Callista Kayami Volopa slowly rises from the cross-legged position she'd been in, and begins to languidly swim deep in the pool. She's not in any hurry to go anywhere, and she's not doing it for exercise purposes either... the five-tailed, red-furred nude vixen is simply relaxing, that's all.

Aeria had a hotspring of her own, but it wasn't near as well outfitted as the bath house was. But it was far more private, so usually Aeria made due with what she had. But even she had the desire every once in awhile to pamper herself, going to the bathhouse late in the evening to avoid running into people. Reaching the place she opened the door and stepped down the few steps into the steamy interior, breathing in the sweet scents of oils, soaps and perfumes. Exhaling she padded silently over towards the main baths, eyes casting over the pool and saw only one person within. And that person was female luckily. She did not bare herself before males. It wasn't due to fear, at least not anymore, but more that they tended to approach her in a sexual manner if she was naked and not all of them took her 'nos' pleasantly. She sat herself on a bench beside the baths, slipping her boots off and nodded to the vulpine as she began to strip off her clothing

When Aeria came into the main bath area, Callie was several feet underwater, floating on her back; upon seeing the torian enter, she moves into a vertical position and slowly undulates her legs in order to surface. Upon returning to the "land of the living", so to speak, Callie inhales the pleasing scents of the perfumes and oils that were always so pervasive here. The baths were one of her favorite places to relax and unwind-- and for a water mage, there were few things more satisfying than spending hours immersed in one's element. Callie's eyes move to Aeria and she smiles at the torian in respose to her nod, as she begins removing her clothes. "Good evening," the fox says in greeting; though she speaks Torian fluently, Callie is not insensitive to Aeria's dark wings, and therefore speaks Common. "At least, I assume it's still evening; I don't think I've been down there that long." Callie chuckles softly, her tone friendly and self-deprecating.

Aeria's top was peeled off first, baring herself entirely from the waist up as she didn't feel the need to wear a bra more often than not. Her breasts weren't her most impressive asset by far, maybe a decent sized B cup at the very best. But her body was in pristine condition. Her muscles were toned to a level that gave her body an almost predatorial sleekness, no uneccessary bulk on her at all. Fingers then dipped to her pants, slipping them along with her panties down her legs. Thin white lines of various lengths were present in several locations along her body. Scars. But Aeria had learned early in her life the value of a good healer and the physical reminders of her past fights were all barely noticeable. Naked she'd arch her back into a stretch, wings pulling against herself and she slipped into the water with an almost mute chuckle "It is still evening. Near the middle of the night in fact." Her silver hues ran over the vulpine curiously. Not one she had spoken with before to be sure.

Callie glances over Aeria's form appreciatively but doesn't let her eyes linger too long on those areas of Aeria's body that are generally covered. As the attractive torian enters the pool, Callie is immediately aware of the water displacement and change in water temperature that occur, as slight and undetectable as they may be to non-water mages. And if Callie's eyes had been closed, she'd have been able to triangulate Aeria's position from the vibrations. Callie has been a water mage for a little less than five years, and is very good at what she does. Effortlessly sliding herself to a position a few feet alongside the torian, Callie leans against the wall and stretches her legs out in front of her; her toes are just barely visible above the surface. "Good," Callie says in response to learning the time. "Sometimes when I'm underwater praying to shuka triesta, I lose track of time to a *ridiculous* degree."

While clearly not a water mage, Aeria did appreciate the feeling of water. Especially hot water. She lowered herself till her nipples were just barely under the surface, a soft, pleased sound escaping her throat. Eyes slid half closed as heat soaked into her body, already easing strain on musclegroups she used frequently, like those between her wings. Despite Callie's presence she made no move to cover herself, modesty not being one of her virtues suprisingly. But she did take note as the vulpine moved closer to her. Wings shifted so as not to brush the woman as she settled in beside her and her head canted to the side "Shuka Triesta? I thought your deity was refered to as the Lady." Also mentally noting she shared her bath with a water mage. This relaxing bath would not be a good place to be if the vulpine turned violent. Not that she expected that to happen.

"Shuka triesta; The Lady," Callie says, shrugging lightly. "Shuka treista is The Lady's public name, in Vulpani, and since I worship Her, I follow triestan. The Lady's True Name, I won't tell you; it's taboo to say it to non-vulpines." Callie's eyes look over to the side, to the wicker basket full of shampoos and soaps that she'd gotten from the bath hand before entering, and now she uses her Telekinesis spell to float a glass bottle of peppermint shampoo into her outstretched right hand. "I'm Callie Volopa, by the way; water mage and Musha Villa of the Verlosi Tribe." So as to not further confuse the torian, Callie immediately translates: "Musha Villa means, 'high blessed of The Lady.' We earn that title when we're blessed with our fifth tail, which only happened to me a few months ago."

Faint color came to Aeria's cheeks and a hand lifted to press against her face "I apologize for my misunderstanding. Vulpani is not a language I am very familiar with nor is your religion." She was honestly feeling sheepish about her mistake, not acting to avoid rising the vulpine's ire. Hand lowered, eyes briefly tracking the floating bottle as Callie introduced herself. Well fair was fair. "I'm Aeria. Just Aeria" She chuckled dryly. "I have no surname and the only title I've ever been called by, That-Torian-Bitch-With-All-The-Knives, really doesn't flatter me. But pleased to meet you Callie"

Callie laughs delightedly at Aeria's joke about being That-Torian-Bitch-With-All-The-Knives. "Yeah, that title could definitely use a little shortening, or alteration to make it a halfway-decent acronym." The fox waves her five tails lightly behind her in a very friendly, open manner. "And no apology is necessary, Aeria. Few non-vulpines in my experience know a great deal about our language or religion, and it's my honor and privilege to answer any questions someone might have." Lightly touching each tail in turn, going from her left one to the right one, then the upper, lower and center-- the exact order in which she got them-- Callie says, "It's the least I can do after what She's done for me." Callie opens the bottle of shampoo then, and begins running the peppermint-scented liquid through the fur on top of her head.

Aeria's lips curled up into a faint smile at Callie's laugh, almost joining in with her. The woman's laughter was of the infectious sort. Her offer allowed Aeria to draw her eyes over her tails without being rude, using the oppurtunity to scope out a few other areas of the vulpine's body as well. She was certainly pretty in the way some of the furred races could be. She was careful not be too obvious with her glances and shook her head at Callie's offer. "While I am sure it would be fascinating, I must decline the offer. Us Torians do not have the most amiable relations with our own gods and having specific physical features like myself..." She brushed her hands through her feathers absently "Well the context is similar if opposite in this case. However I would love to try some of that shampoo, it smells wonderful" Edging the subject away from that particular mood ruiner.

Callie smiles lightly as Aeria checks her out, even though she does so subtly. Vulpines have a heightened sense of knowing when someone's gazing at their body; it comes with being a race literally *created* to experience pleasure. The fox nods understandingly, even a little solemnly, at Aeria's comment about less-than-amiable relationships with one's gods; she knows that blackwings are often exiled, even killed, by brightwing Torians who consider them abominations. But she brightens at the change of subject. "Certainly," Callie says. "I'm even happy to help you wash up. I'm strongly attracted to torians. Might be the wings." The fox giggles softly, but when she admitted her attraction, she did so unabashedly; this is a woman who's confident in her own skin and comfortable with her sexuality.

<+Aeria> Her opinion of the vulpine was raised a few bars, seeing how she respected her desire to change the subject and the solemn way she nodded to her comment. Seemed that while Aeria knew little of vulpine traditions, this one knew something about torian beliefs. She perked up quickly enough though, and her next offer earned her a sly smirk from Aeria. "You're attracted to me? Well I can hardly fault your tastes" She turned, offering her back to the woman with her wings partially unfurled. "I'd actually love the help. Some places arent easy to reach. That and it's been weeks since I've felt someone else's hands on me" Her last sentence hinting towards innuendo. Her head turned, watching Callie's reaction out of the corner of her eye.

Callie laughs brightly at Aeria's joke about not faulting her taste, and chuckles softly when she admits it's been a few weeks since she felt the touch of another person. Callie is clearly someone who enjoys her life, and laughs frequently. "Well, we'll just have to change that, won't we?" the fox says, placing some shampoo on her hands and beginning to run them through the delicate, beautiful feathers of her right wing. Callie especially likes the way that her feathers terminate in red tips, but again, knowing what she knows about torians, she chooses not to share that observation with Aeria. "And I didn't say I was attracted to *you* in particular," Callie says, speaking with her tongue very much in cheek, "but to torians in general." She laughs again, and winks.

<+Aeria> Mirthful sound of agreement left her lips and she pressed her front against the edge of the bath, leaning against it "Mmm... we'll see I guess" Coo'd out as the vulpine woman worked her shampoo sudded hands through the feathers of her wing. "Done this before?" Aeria asked, though she knew the answer already. Torian wings were very strong to survive the strain of flight, but at the same time quite sensitive. Callie clearly knew where and what to touch. Some torians even found the feeling of another touching their wings to be erotic. Aeria was not one of those, but she did find incredibly relaxing and it would take just a matter of minutes to have her all but limply leaning against the bath's edge. "Well under the most general of conditions I would be called a torian. So ha. You are attracted to me" Head turned and she smirked coyly at the woman, tush shaking under the water at her "And you aren't too hard on the eyes yourself Callie"

"Mmm-hmm," Callie replies simply when Aeria asks if she's done this before; she could go into detail about the beautiful cream-winged torian slave, Kura, whom Callie treasures, but again holds herself back from that topic. Instead, she keeps running her fingers ever-so-gently through Aeria's feathers, and when the torian concludes that Callie *is* attracted to her, the fox's lips quirk in a smile, as if to say, 'Darn, you got me.' At Aeria's mild compliment, Callie says, "Thanks; I try to stay in shape. And a lot of people find the extra tails enticing; even hypnotic." Callie dunks her hands underwater and places them on Aeria's wings again, rinsing the shampoo out of them. "Mmm, you're quite relaxed. I must be doing pretty well." Leaning in a little bit towards the torian, Callie places a soft kiss on the woman's lips, hoping she's not crossing the line. But then, Aeria *was* letting Callie wash her in the bath.

Aeria glanced over the tails and mused inwardly if she found them enticing. Unique to be sure, but enticing? She wasn't sure. But Callie wasn't making it easy on her to think to fully on something because her brain currently was in a lazy, warm and very relaxed state. It didn't want to do any deep work. She actually purred as the shampoo was rinsed from her feathers and replied, her lips parting to show her teeth in a little grin "Oh you are doing a decent job. But I've had better" Her tone was challenging, not insulting. In fact it almost was daring the vulpine woman to take a step forward. She turned part way as Callie leaned in, lips meeting hers. The kiss was softer than Aeria normally recieved or gave and her brow arched somewhat "Oh? You want to do something more than just wash my wings?" Hiding well just how much that kiss made her insides warm up. It had been weeks since she had last been anywhere close to intimate with someone and masturbation more often than not was satisfying only physically. Her 'friends' had spoiled her.

Callie chuckles softly at Aeria's teasing that she was doing just a 'decent' job, and when she teases her again immediately after the kiss, the fox says, "Hmmm, maybe. I think I could be convinced to do something more, anyway." Gently turning Aeria fully towards her, Callie kisses her again, just a little more passionately this time, her tongue parting the torian's lips and melding with Aeria's tongue. Callie presses her body against that of the slightly taller woman, and her side tails wrap around Aeria's waist as one hand moves up to lightly trace the feathers of her left wing, and the other hand goes down to stroke against the small of Aeria's back. The fox was fully embracing her now, holding nothing back, but not demanding anything, either.

Aeria's grin turned into something more serious as Callie turned her around. Lips met again, this time not so gently, more passionate and Aeria was drawn into the shorter woman's embrace. For a brief moment she allowed herself to be steered and touched by the woman, letting her tongue into her mouth to play with her own. But after that moment she took it up a notch. Her own arms slipped around the vulpine, pressing against her lower back and forcing her hips snug against Aeria's body as she leaned forward, intending to bend the other back as her tongue made up for its earlier passiveness. Liplocked, her tongue would seek to press back Callie's, invading her mouth just shy of aggressively. She'd break the kiss when air was absolutely needed by the two of them, lips tingling and a very interested look in her eyes. "Something more than that?" She asked, enjoying the word play still but the feeling of the other woman's breasts and body against hers was making her mind go in directions where actions were much more wanted.

Callie allows herself to be bent backwards by Aeria's movement, all at once recognizing that the torian wishes to take the dominant role, and Callie easily slides into a more submissive one-- but doesn't go for full-out meekness. She just adapts a little to Aeria's more aggressive posturing. When the kiss is broken, and Aeria asks for clarification, the fox looks up into her eyes. "Mmm... if you want me tonight, Aeria, you can have me."

With her permission given Aeria adjusted her grip on the vulpine and spun them about in the water. Pressing the shorter woman up against the edge of the bath. Her body was soon pressed up taught against hers once more, skin against fur and her lips pressed to Callie's once again in an aggessive, if short, kiss. Teeth worried the other woman's lip gently and then Aeria was working her way down the other woman's neck, placing kisses and gentle bites down to her collar bone, just above the swell of her breast. "Never toys or rope around when you need them to be" She lamented, her degree of seriousness hard to read. But clearly it wasn't going to delay her too much as she worked her way slowly up the woman's breast, circling her left nipple with her tongue without actually touching it and her other hand cupping Callie's right breast.

Callie willingly guides herself wherever Aeria would take her, and in this case that means, against the bath's edge, right on the wall. Callie meets the kiss hungrily, and as Aeria begins to explore her body with her tongue and teeth, the fox murmurs her name in low heat, spreading her legs beneath the water and pointing her toes. She lifts her hands to touch the torian's body, and her fingertips trace little circles against Aeria's stomach. "Mmm... I know exactly what you mean," Callie says, in reference to Aeria's lament over lack of toys. "Although I'm not so much into being tied up." At least, not by a relative stranger. Toys, on the other hand, are a different story. "Oh, well; never underestimate a water mage's ability to... improvise." Callie doesn't elaborate on that right now, though.

<+Aeria> Rumbling laughter against the woman's breast "You have a point... I'm used to doing this with people who have had time to get to know me. Can't blame you not trusting me to do that." She knew the private rooms of the bath house were 'well stocked' with all manner of goodies, but that would involve breaking away from the woman in front of her. And she did not want to do that. her lips finally pressed around her nipple, sucking hard to draw the little nub to a point swiftly and then flicked it rapidly it with her tongue. Her hand massaged and rolled her other breast, thumb running over its nipple. Her other hand was exploring Callie's southern region, passing over legs, thighs and belly without going near her sex. That'd be a treat for later. Mention of magical improvization earned her a curious look, but Aeria was too busy with her nipple to ask questions. Teeth closed gently about Callie's nipple as her hands ran over Aeria's belly, tongue lashing the trapt nub only to soothe it with gentle suckles moments later.

Callie nods at Aeria's comment with a sense of noblesse oblige, telling her she'd hit the nail right on the head there. Actually, of the hundreds of people Callie has had sex with in the 12 1/2 years she's been sexually active, she could name the number of people she'd let tie her up on one hand. It came from a bad first experience with such things, and a general sense of caution that had only been enhanced during her year-long VEGA career. Callie lets these worries slide to the back of her mind, though, as Aeria's lips come in contact with her nipple, and her tongue flips against it, while her other breast is manipulated by the torian's magnificent hand, and the other hand feasts on the lower part of her body. "Mmmm, Aeria," the fox groans. "The tails... touch the tails, 'specially the bases."

"Oh?" Aeria murmured, breaking the suction over Callie's nipple and then cruely blowing cool air over the turgid nub. "You enjoy that too? I have a very good friend who almost literally melts when I do..." She trailed off as her lips found the woman's other nipple, treating it to the same regiment she gave to the first. Her hand though, left her breast to trail downwards. Nails trailed over her belly, then navel and at last reached the promised land between her legs. Her middle and ring fingers pressed just above the woman's sex and crept down to her clit. Carefully they worked to free the sensitive nub and then trap it between themselves. Very slowly she would slip her fingertips down and up, opposite of eachother, rolling the little pearl. At the same time her other hand had slipped behind the vulpine and was targeting the tail bases. Aeria showing off a little as she stimulated each one in the order Callie had touched them earlier. She assumed significance and significance usually caused some sort of positive reaction in sexual circumstances.

Callie moans softly as Aeria gives her other nipple the same amazing "tongue-massage" that the first one had gotten, and the fox's toes begin to lightly trail against the torian's legs. Her hands continue their gentle massaging of Aeria's wing and rear end. And then Aeria finds her clit with those strong, slender feelings, and Callie rears her head back and lets out a long, contented murmur. When Aeria touches each tail in turn, the fox shivers in excitement, happily saying, "You remembered!" Each touch is a treat, but the most sensitive one by far is her center tail, still very new; her nervous system still playing catch-up with it. Given another month or two it'll feel like any of her other tails, but right now, each sensation-- pleasurable or painful-- experienced by her center tail is heightened by the limb's youth. And it's pretty obvious, too, given the look of sheer delight on Callie's face when that tail's base is expertly stroked.

Aeria smirked up at Callie, nipple still trapt between her lips. Cheeks hollowed with the force of the suction she put on it and she drew her head back, pulling her breast along with it till finally it popped free audibly. She licked her lips and chuckled "I pay attention and have a great memory" Detailing this by alternating her touches to Callie's tails. She didn't want to desensetize her to sensations from the center tail, so bounced between the others but focused primary on it. Fingers worked her clit more forcibly when she was playing with her center tail, trying to find the right balance of intensities to which Callie's expression reacted to the most positively. When she found the best she could she leaned in against the woman, claiming her lips once more while teasing her errogenous zones. She could feel the woman rubbing her legs with her toes and with a smirk against Callie's lips would rub her naked slit across her abdomen, teasing herself with the woman's fur and purred against the vulpine's lips.

Callie is practically putty in Aeria's hands at this point, between the alternating touches on her tails and clit, and then the deep kiss, which the fox meets with heat and passion, demonstrating how excited Aeria has made her, and how grateful Callie is that they've met and are sharing this. When Aeria rubs herself against Callie's abdomen, the fox lets out a groan through the kiss, and breaks it, just long enough to say a word in Ancient Vulpani. Callie then makes a movement underwater with her right hand, and slips something between Aeria's pussy lips. It's an elemental construct made of tightly-packed warm water, in the shape of a double-ended dildo. Slowly, Callie begins fucking Aeria with it, though at first the fox doesn't put the other end into her own sex.

Rendering Callie to putty was building a very demanding fire within Aeria's nethers. Her rubbing was a method by which to sate that 'itch' till she had quite thoroughly enjoyed witnessing Callie's reactions to her ministrations. That had least been the plan, till the kiss had been broken and Callie murmured something. It was a spell obviously, but for what purpose... her thoughts cut off as the head of what had to be a dildo was slowly forced into her sex. A dildo made of water of all things as she looked down. Toes curled against the bath tiles and a low groan escaped her lips, body shuddering as her labia were forced open around something that for all intents and purposes was invisible. Regaining some measure of self control after the initial surprise she let go of the woman's clit and began to push her upwards, trying to get her to rise up and sit on the bath wall "I want to taste you first" She all but demanded "Then we see what all you can do with your magics" Of course if Callie kept on doing what she was doing Aeria would probably lose her will to bury her head between the water mage's thighs and just fall into self gratification.

Callie looks down as well, grinning brightly at Aeria's reaction to being suddenly, unexpectedly penetrated by a dildo made of pure, warm water. In this environment, Callie knows, she could do just about anything she puts her mind to, and explore pleasures and new ideas that she and Aeria could otherwise have only dreamed of. Seeing that Aeria is struggling to maintain a bit of control over the situation, Callie eases up when requested, letting go of the water-dildo and allowing it to sink to the bottom of the pool, practically invisible. She can always use her telekinesis to float it back up into her hand later. "That sounds wonderful," the fox says, surrendering to Aeria's desire to give her oral pleasure, and with the greatest of ease, Callie lifts herself up onto the wall, her legs dangling in the water.

Aeria almost whimpered as the dildo was pulled free and her inner walls were once again squeezing down around nothing. Having two conflicting desires at once really did bite one in the ass. But the knowledge that it would soon be back, or at least it had better be, helped focus her mind on the task at hand. That and the unobscured sight and access to the other woman's sex. She waded in between her legs, hands pressing to either of her thighs, parting them further and without much in the way of teasing ran her tongue from the base to tip of her slit, ending with a flick of that tongue to her clit. It seemed having that thing pressed into her had set her from foreplay mode to 'main course'. Hands curled around her thighs, pulling her sex in against her mouth and she set about devouring it. She suckled on each labia independently, tongued her way around her pink inner flesh, nibbled and then thrust her tongue into the woman's sex. After all of the clitoral and tail stimulation she assumed Callie would be more than ready for something like this. And with that thought... her hand swept back around the woman, taking hold of that center tail, massaging its base as before.

Callie stifles a giggle at Aeria's reaction to the dildo slipping out of her, but then Aeria begins giving her oral pleasure, and the fox's amusement is replaced once again by burning desire. Groaning in excitement and angling her body slightly to give Aeria a better angle, Callie cries out, "Yesssss, Aeria!" and begins using her feet to stroke against the torian's ass underneath the water. Her fingers grasp at the black hair atop Aeria's head, her fingers squeezing a little bit, but she doesn't squeeze long enough or hard enough to *really* cause Aeria pain.

<+Aeria> Feet on her ass and the grip in her hair both served as Callie's way of making sure Aeria didn't pull back. Not that the fox needed to worry, once Aeria was set upon doing something she was really set upon doing it. Her tongue twisted, turned, flicked and rolled within the other woman's sex, her nose brushing her clit and Aeria making a mess all over her face of Callie's juices. Her tongue withdrew slowly, mouth moving upwards to the woman's clit. Her lips parted and teeth showed in wicked promise before she attacked Callie's clit in the same manner she had her nipples. Suckles, then flicks followed by a pinned lashing of teeth and tongue followed by suckles again. Her hand slipped under her chin, middle and ring ringers locked into a rigid rod and she slid them into the other woman, thrusting slowly as she curled her fingers up and dragged them out. She wanted to see and hear Callie cum, she was determined to in fact.

As Callie is licked and sucked by Aeria's talented tongue and mouth, and the torian's fingers push into her eager pussy, the fox is overwhelmed with powerful, primal urges... the urges that The Lady brought Her children into this world to explore to their fullest, and hence enjoy their lives and learn about themselves. As she does so often in the throes of passion, she silently prays to shuka triesta, thanking Her for making Callie who she is, and for having her meet Aeria, and for them hitting it off so well, so quickly. Even as she prays in her mind, she screams out her passion loudly enough to echo off the walls of the main bath, which she'd discovered (through many experiments of this sort) was one of the most acousticly perfect public rooms in the empire. She cries out a single word of Ancient Vulpani, making a slight movement with her upper tail and activating her Elemental Servant spell. And a perfect duplicate of Callie, but completely made of hardened water, appears behind Aeria, gently lifting a watery hand up to stroke against the torian's right breast, while the other moves down to stimulate Aeria's cunt beneath the water. The Water-Callie kisses the back of Aeria's neck, her toes stroke against the back of the torian's legs, and her side tails wrap around her waist. For all intents and purposes, Aeria is now making love to *two* Callies. And Callie is psionically linked to her water-duplicate, so she can feel the physical sensations generated by touching Aeria's fantastic body.

Weeks without physical contact, indeed hardly any social interaction either, had made Aeria somewhat starved for physical closeness. Not to say she would have not have hit on the vulpine had she been less needy. Callie was a rare mix of someone who was enjoyable to speak with and thus far had proved quite wonderfully creative and responsive. The dark winged woman's efforts paid off in a climatic crescendo as the vulpine screamed her pleasure to the ceiling, causing it to echo around them. 'Thank Morpheous this place is deserted' Aeria thought to herself as she pulled her fingers free, releasing her suction on the vulpines clit to lap up her essence as it dripped from her quivering sex. Mixed into the scream was a word, Aeria figuring it was some sort of phrase in vulpine that more or less equated to 'oh god' or something like that. So she was quite surprised when she felt the water stir and something behind her reached about her body. She flinched intially, surprise taking her as she pulled away from Callie, her usual reaction to being snuck up on. But her brain began to process exactly what was grabbing her and what it was... oooo... She exhaled slowly as the water servant's fingers dipped into her sex, the warm and odd feeling solid water hand groping her breast. Her mouth glistened with Callie's juices, but between the surprise and newfound sensations she did not return it to the spread eagled vulpine.

When Callie had made the decision to have the Elemental Servant snuggle and erotically touch Aeria from behind, she'd done it partly so she could feel the torian's body again through the psionic link, and partly to return the pleasure that Aeria has been giving her. It's in Callie's nature to be a very giving partner. But... "I'm sorry, I should... have asked," Callie admits, breathing huskily. She's a bit worried about how Aeria isn't touching her anymore. An initial reaction of surprise, or a mood-ruining moment? She doesn't know yet. "I didn't mean to... frighten you..."

The vulpine's worried tone drew Aeria out of her surprised lull but she did not fight against the water sending. In fact if anything Callie might notice Aeria's legs parting just a bit wider, to let more of the sending's almost invisible fingers into her sex. Silver eyes moved towards up Callie's body to her face and Aeria replied with a slow grin, "Just... caught me by surprise is all... not something I expected..." She paused, red creeping to her cheeks "Not that I want it gone mind you" Aeria usually ignored her own needs more or less, getting worked up while she drove her partners into a frenzy and then had them eat her into a satisfying orgasm. But her body was responding quite favorably to what the thing was doing to her so she was against resorting to that more common method. "And it takes... a lot more than a living water... thing to actually scare me" She boasted, a hand creeping forward to give Callie's sex a gentle rub "What else can you do?" She asked, phrasing it almost as a challenge. She hoped the woman was like her in the need to rise to challenges.

Callie's eyes light up with excitement and mischief as Aeria basically gives her permission to do anything her devious, creative, talented mind can come up with. Of course there are limits, but free to explore all the sexual delights her water magic can bring her, the fox is therefore also free to delve into the vagaries of her element itself. Saying a word of Ancient Vulpani, Callie's hand glows blue for a moment before she touches it to her own neck. The spell has no immediately apparent effect. Callie says the word a second time, and her hand glows blue again... and this time, she reaches it out towards Aeria. "Will you trust me?" the fox asks.

Held by the water sending, though far from struggling against it, Aeria almost lazily watched Callie sit up, the vulpine's expression that wicked mix of lust and deviancy that promised Aeria a night of very fulfilling pleasures. Last time she had seen a similar face on those two she hadn't walked straight for a day. And while Callie may not know her body as well as those two did... she had the look of one who was quite experienced and a quick study of such matter. Plus there was now two of her too more or less. She wondered what else Callie could do with this sending... Musings were cut short as she extended a hand towards her, frown breifly showing across her brow. Magic, unpredictable, dangerous. Trust... not something she did easily. She shifted, the sending's fingers in her sex sending a jolt of pleasure straight up her spine. Fuck it, what was the worse that could happen? Head canted to the side, baring her neck as she murmured "So long as you don't make me regret it" All sorts of promises and threats delivered in that single placid statement. But for Aeria to do so much was more than most got out of her.

"I won't," Callie promises, as she touches Aeria's hand with hers. "We can now both breathe underwater," she says, immediately sliding back into the water and forcing Aeria away from the wall. For the time being, the torian is the meat in a Callie-fox and Callie-water sandwich. Callie's side tails wrap around Aeria's waist, sliding easily atop the side tails of the Water-Callie, and after a moment Callie adds two fingers to what Watercal is already doing, but the "real" fox's fingers are stroking the torian's clit instead of pushing into her pussy. "Before we go under, though," Callie says, thoroughly enjoying having her partner at her mercy, "tell me what turns you off, so I can be sure not to do it. I want us to be able to do this all night if we want to, with a minimum of... awkwardness." Callie places a soft, sweet kiss on the torian's lips before breaking away and allowing her new friend to answer.

"I can what now?" Aeria asked, blinking in surprise to the woman's announcement. She looked down at the water as if to consider trying the woman's claim right then and there, drawn back as Callie slipped into the water, her breasts squeezing Aeria up against her supple, watery twin. Silver eyes peered down at the vulpine, mouth parting softly as real fingers were added to what was going on beneath the waters, only Callie's centered on her clit. Her legs shivered as she then met her kiss, breaking it with a challenging, half dreamy grin. "You can do anything you like that doesn't leave bruises" Teeth shown in the dim light of the baths as her eyes refocused on Callie's and she reached under water to grope the vulpine's sex "I'll test whatever magical deviancy you've ever wanted to try out on someone. I'm a tough girl and a very horny one right now. Don't hold back."

Callie grins wickedly, leaning into the torian's groping of her vagina, even as the fox's own fingers continue making firm little circles on Aeria's clit, and the waterfox's fingers rapidly fuck the woman's pussy. In an instant Callie mentally causes the waterfox to dissipate, and the sudden absence of those hands and tails doing such wonderful things to Aeria might, the water mage expects, be just as stunning at first as the waterfox's initial appearance. "Come with me under the water," Callie says, almost a command-- asserting her own dominance now. "And breathe normally-- the only way you can drown now is if you try too long to hold your breath." Taking Aeria by the hand, Callie begins to descend into the warm water of the bath...

The shivering in her lower extremities was becoming more akin to shudders by this point. Between their earlier touching, her bringing Callie to orgasm and now the rapid thrusting of those watery, yet magically hard, digits into her sex was driving up the wall. Her toes curled against the bath tiles and she moaned out past a bitten lower lip. She had done enough to bring color to her cheeks without moaning like a whore. But then suddenly the sending was gone and with it went those delicious sensations. Aeria's sex clenched down around nothing and she let out a frustrated whimper, eying Callie sternly as she commanded her to dunk herself under the water. If the vulpine kept this up she would get off by any means necessary. But she followed along, pride keeping her in the rules of this 'game' and horniness making her want the eventual reward, no matter what her body demanded right this instant. She lowered herself, taking in a breath reflexively as her head went under and she exhaled it in a cloud of bubbles. Against every instinct in her body she inhaled, eyes widening as she 'breathed' the water. Now that was just cool! Brief moment of envy for the woman and her magics before she brought her body up close to hers, all but squeezing her sex up against her thigh.

Callie is a very sensuous individual, but she's also a responsible person; and so, as Aeria dunks her head underneath the water, the fox watches her very carefully, making sure that Aeria doesn't reflexively hold her breath for too long. It's not easy to ignore thousands of years of instinct. When the torian does exhale the air in her lungs, and inhale the water, Callie allows herself to relax and get back into the act of their lovemaking, enjoying the feel of the woman's body up against hers. Kissing her slowly and sensuously under the water, Callie tenderly strokes the small of Aeria's back with her left hand; then she breaks off the kiss just long enough to murmur another, almost unintelligible word of Ancient Vulpani. And the double-ended dildo she'd created several minutes ago, made of tightly-packed water molecules, floats into her hand via the Telekinesis spell. But this time, Callie hands it to Aeria to do with it as she will.

Breathing water took a little getting used to, the intial breath was the hardest but it didn't make Aeria's body give up the fight so easily. So focused was she on just making sure she didn't automatically hold her breath she didn't feel Callie's movement till their lips were touching again. But once she had adjusted to that as well her arms were wrapped around hers and she was kissing her for all she was worth. She couldn't speak underwater so let her body communicate its still very pressing need through action. She wrapped her arms about the woman, teasing her breasts and hardened nipples against her fur, ground her sex against her thighs and paused in the kisses only long enough to fill her lungs with much needed... water. She blinked as the almost invisible dildo was pressed into her hand, glaring at Callie. Unfair making her still do all the work! Without any of her normal hesitation with such matters she fed the end of the dildo into her own sex, groaning out a cloud of bubbles. Grabbing the emerging length with one hand and Callie with the other she then tried to pull the woman's hips towards her own, to slip the surprisingly dense length into Callie's pussy as well.

Callie responds to Aeria's glare with a sly grin, rather enjoying having the torian do her bidding after the encounter started with Callie as the submissive one. The fox can't help but show her dominant side when surrounded by her element, allowing her imagination to run free; practically anything Callie could conceive of, she could turn into reality... as long as it didn't clash with Aeria's stated limits. No bruises, no males. Callie can work within those restrictions. The vixen lets out a soft gasp of delight as she watches Aeria slide the dildo into her pussy, and then she moans through the water as her pussy is now penetrated by it. This is the first time Callie has ever felt the tightly-packed water construction inside her own cunt, and she marvels at its density, hardness, length and width. It doesn't feel a damn thing like a man's shaft-- it has neither the warmth nor the elasticity-- but that's not the point, anyway.

It would probably come as a surprise to Callie how rarely Aeria let her lovers use dildos on herself. She usually was the one who used them on them, her own needs seen to by tongue and fingers. But that just made this construct a treat. She was also well used to strap ons, and the double ended dildo was much the same in function. The major difference was how it made -her- feel though. With the head of the thing spreading Callie's sex open, she drew both hands to the the woman's hips and began to pull the woman in towards her as she thrust forward into her sex. She groaned out, shuddering as the motions pushed, flexed and shifted the dildo within her own walls. Her sex gripped the dildo like a vise, friction building heat within core. Further and further into the other woman she went, till their labia met in one of the lewdest possible kissings of flesh. Her hands shifted then, wicked gleam in her eyes as both went for the woman's tails, massaging and stimulating their bases as she began to saw in and out of her body, fighting to keep her own sex tighter around the dildo so there would be more movement within Callie's sex than her own. But regardless she didn't believe she would be able to get the vulpine to cum again before she went off. She was near her apex already and climbing steadily.

Callie groans excitedly as Aeria begins to fuck her, moving back and forth in the water, forcing the dildo deeper into her, and the fox meets each thrust with one of her own, the two women reaching a shared rhythm as Callie wraps her arms around the torian to keep them on the same plane. They were still floating in the water, about three feet beneath the surface, but their feet weren't touching the bottom of the pool, either, so this entire enterprise required a degree of three-dimensional thinking that a lot of people aren't necessarily accustomed to. Kissing Aeria again, her tongue voraciously attacking the inside of the torian's mouth as if the vulpine was trying to eat her, Callie suddenly gets another wicked idea. Moving one hand to a neutral position, Callie alters the shape of the double-ended dildo with a mental command. First, the dildo becomes thicker inside the women's inner walls. And then, it sprouts two new appendages. Callie takes hold of one of them, and without asking permission or giving a whole lot of warning, begins to tease it against the tight pucker of the torian's ass.

Water rippled above them as the two woman coupled silently below its surface, hips hitting hips in a silent slapping of flesh and rushes of hot bath water. Bubbles were emerging quite regularly from Aeria by now, gasps and moans tinging her rapidly exhaled breaths. Hands held onto Callie's tails, using them for stimulation and leverage. She had given up trying to work the other woman over until her own climax, humping the dildo for all she was worth, the water hatefully slowing her movements. Suddenly she felt the thing inside of her begin to expand, straining against her inner walls. A huge burst of bubbles ran from her mouth as her eyes widened, body shuddering and toes curling. She was already pushed over the edge, the rest was just icing on the cake as far as her body was concerned. Even the feeling of the dildo threatening her rear pucker. Delight in its purest form burst through her body and she was for a moment rendered immobile by its ravaging.

As Aeria comes hard against the dildo inside her, Callie uses her free arm to hold the torian close, giving her a deep, passionate kiss, even as she splits open Aeria's anus with the new appendage of the dildo and buries it deep inside her. Then she uses that hand to push the fourth appendage inside her *own* ass. Finally, she transforms the quadruple-ended dildo into a de facto Elemental Servant, and the four-limbed creature begins double-fucking the fox and the torian of its own volition, undulating and vibrating its tentacles inside their bodies. As for Callie, she shudders with pleasure, her lips tearing themselves away from Aeria's as she lets out a muffled scream of delight, toes and tails curling tightly as she comes hard.

Aeria's pleasure-wracked body resisted the intruding water phallus, but with all of the natural lubrication about them and the blissful limpness that came after such an intense orgasm Callie would eventually succeed in wedging the creation into Aeria's other entrance. Double stuffed with the thick appendages, Aeria was unable to respond very well to the kiss from the vulpine, dazedly letting Callie do whatever she wanted to her. But when the dildo's got a life of their own, vibrating and thrusting of their own accord... Aeria reacted. Eyes widened, bubbles bursting from her mouth as she gasped at the sensation of fullness. Walls clenched despite their very recent exertions and while Aeria did not cum as Callie did, she was clearly under sensory overload and heading in that direction. Her arms wrapped around the woman, grabbing and holding onto her for dear life as she was pounded by the strange sending. Legs churned against waters, trying to close but only making herself tighter as she tried and increasing that friction.

As Aeria's arms wrap around Callie's waist, Callie returns the gesture in full, looking deep into the torian's eyes with a look that says 'don't panic... trust me'. The fox kisses Aeria again, this time quite tenderly, even as the tentacles inside the women's pussies and assholes continue to stretch them and pleasure them. Callie wants to get Aeria off again, and doesn't want to stop until she does. For that matter, Callie wants to get *herself* off, too. And as the vixen pounds herself harshly against the tentacles, two smaller tendrils appear on the Elemental Servant, and begin to rub and massage at each of their clits. It isn't long before the fox comes a second time in rapid succession.

'Don't mess with a water mage in the bath house' the odd thought fluttering half formed through Aeria's head as she was being fucked towards oblivion by the tendrils. But as Callie met Aeria's eyes she wouldn't see panic. Aeria was far too lost to be feeling something like that. She met the kiss breathlessly, the building pressure overcoming her past orgasm, the embarassment of being doubly penetrated and a plethra of odd emotions attached to the act of being ravaged by such an odd thing. The touch to her clit was the trigger that finally set her off. Another orgasm, this one easily as strong as her first. Body went rigid, shuddered and her grasp on the vulpine tightened. Wings arched out, toes curled and kicked against the tiled floor and finally she slumped against her, free floating in the water. A hand shifted down between them shakily, pushing at the sending in a gesture that clearly stated 'No more'.

Callie easily deciphers Aeria's almost-pleading gesture to stop, and with a mere flick of her fingers, she dispels the Elemental Servant back into the water from which it came. Taking hold of Aeria's hand, she swims upward, leading the torian to the surface of the water; upon breaking it, she gives Aeria a warm embrace and a gentle kiss on the lips. "I hope," Callie says in between breaths, "you had as much fun... as I did."

Thankful exhale of bubbles as the water lost its magical rigidity and ceased stretching her nether orifices. She didn't even try to stand, letting Callie pull her to the surface where she took a very welcome breath of air. She let out a soft sound against Callie's lips as she was kissed again, not saying anything for a handful of seconds. Long enough for her chest to cease rising and falling so rapidly at least. "I... think I'm going to be sore tomorrow" She placed her feet down and supported her own weight and winced, "Scratch that... I think I'm going to be sore now..." Weak chuckle leaving her as her eyes rose to meet Callie's, damp hair laying every-which-way against her head "But it was worth it..." She certainly had gotten all the sex she needed to make up for her extended dry spell that was certain!

Callie chuckles as well, tracing her fingertips against one of Aeria's nipples just 'cuz it's hard for her to keep her hands off the sexy, sexy torian. But after a moment she pulls herself back; gotta give the poor woman time to recuperate, after all. "I quite agree," she says with a sage nod. "I figure, if one's gonna break a long fast in that regard, one should break it *quite* thoroughly." With that, the fox lets out a yawn, which she's only partly able to stifle. "Mmm... heh, the perfect way to end a day. I think I'll call it a night. Will I see you again soon?"

"Oh I imagine you may have made enough of an impression on me for me to go seek you out on a later date... once my lower half is functioning again" Attempt at being coy, but her all-too-pleased tone ruined it utterly. Soft murr at the touch to her nipple, but her arms lifted to take the offending hand "You have touched me more today than I allow most people to do over the course of three romps. You're just going to have to be patient to earn that right again" Little grin and she kissed Callie's knuckles. "And with that I think I will call that a night as well. I know I will sleep fitfully."

Fade to black.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:11 am

The Lonely Inn
July 18, 2013
Callie and Janousse

Nicholas slid the stick along the floor until the edge of the stick tapped against the front of the bar his hand raising to rest on the edge of it. Despite the fact that he couldn't see he recognized that there was a heat signature on the other nearby his head rocking back speaking out in a general direct just in case "I'd like soething to drink some cold juice perhaps" his head tips from one side to the other waiting for some indication of and answer. "I also need to be directed to the nearest location that I can rent a room for a few days"

Callista Kayami Volopa, a five-tailed, red-furred vulpine water mage wearing nothing but a red armband indicating that she's on-duty as a bartender, has long since given up trying to water the plants that she has around the room. How's a girl supposed to concentrate with such hot sex going on? She's currently busing a table, but upon hearing Nicholas' request, she moves up alongside him. "Coming right up. Orange juice, perhaps?" She goes behind the counter, cleaning a glass for him. Can never be sure that Fugly has done so properly. "And you can rent a room here, hon. It's only 10 mhl a month, actually."

May`lara leaned against the bar on her elbow staying quiet for the moment andjsut watching him trying to determan if the man could actually not see of if it was some kind of con.. corse everything was a con at first glances to a con..

Nicholas tugs his head up hearing the voice that he presumed was speaking to him that red silk that was tied across the scarred area that had been his eyes once upon a time. He would nod faintly "Yes orange juice sounds just fine thank you." The stick he used to help guide him was raised to lay across the edge of the bar hands patting it lightly to make certain it wasn't going to slide away. "I presume this is some manner of inn then, in that case I would appreciate assistance in getting a room" One hand drifts away to delve fiingers into his shirt pocket producing a small handful of coins which was dumped onto ther counter countering out ten coins, "And how much for the drink?"

Somehow Callie manages not to break out her signature brand of sarcasm in replying to Nicholas' obvious statement, though it's a near thing. "Correct," the vixen says. "This is The Lonely Inn, what a lot of us think of as being the crossroads of the empire. Everybody comes here eventually, and a lot of newcomers to the province start off with rooms here. Anyway, your rental of the room comes with food and drinks all included, because we're partially subsidized by the imperial government. You also get free use of the stables, the baths across the street, and the inn's slaves." Seeing hat Nicholas has placed his money down on the counter, Callie pours the juice for him, and pulls the large inn book out. "We have many different kinds of rooms to meet the requirements of every species under the sun. May I suggest an emperor-size bed?"

Nicholas grins a little as he listened he had heard alot about this place through his travels and while he never intentially went to any specific location it appealed to his sense of curiousity to find that he had ended up in a place he had heard mentioned so often. Nodding firmly "That sounds like a fine arrangement I look forward to enjoying your accomidations here. His hand drifted away to push away a section of his hair pushing it back across his ear casually "Yes that does sound ideal though I trust I can have someone show me the way to my room would hate to get lost trying to find it myself."

"I'd be happy to do so," Callie says, turning a few pages and finding the line marked 515, which contained an emperor-sized bed and walk-in closet. "Just don't try anything; I'm an uberpowerful water mage and trained soldier who *will* defend my virtue." The vixen's not the type to threaten people, but after all she *is* naked, and the little experience she has with Nicholas' species, unfortunately, has not been positive. "Line 515, hon, if you'd sign."

May`lara shook her head slightly .. if it was a con he was doing it well she sliped from her seat walking over to where Callie and Nicholas were taling "i can take him up.." she mused softly letting her eyes rake over the man .. she looked at the line then at him her hand slipping out against his letting him feel her hand a moment then guided him to the quill and the place he needed to sign.

Nicholas groans lightly at the posturing threats "You do realize that such threats are unnecessary a school girl with a rusty knife could probably get the jump on me" his hand lifts to press along the silk scarf pulling the edge down a bit showing the scarring and melted skin that took the place of his eyes. Besides from the sound of it I don't think you're my type anyway" his hand dropping away bar patting around for the quill until he heard another voice near him. His head tips slightly as his hand was guided to take up the quill then to the page signing his name upon the page "Thank you."

"Sorry, hon," Callie says, sounding sincere about that. "Empire's not a safe place; you can never tell." Callie hands the pen to May`lara so she can sign, and then gives them the room key. "Enjoy your stay."

Janousse rubs his eyes, sits up, then he stands and puts on his leather pants, his black silken shirt, boots, tunic and studded leather armor. Then he grabs all his weapons and leaves his room, walks down the stairs and looks around the main room to see who else was there. Janousse notices Callie and smiles, then he sits down by the bar. He gazes at her form, from head to toe, hoping she'd see him.

May`lara that peak of skin burnt where eyes should be caused her to half smile slightly .. she took the key and nodded to the vulpine "thank you.. " she smiled a bit that sort of half sweet half devious smile the girl had and put the quill up for him slipping her arm through his and starting off towards the stairs making sure he had his drink and his cane before they left.. leading him up to the room that she had picked out for him.

Nicholas nods toward Callie "There's nothing to worry about I completely understand" his head tugs to the side tipping his head in May`lara's general direction "Do you work here as well" With his drink taken up to take a sip from it and his fingers curled over the cane he would shift back bit by bit as he felt the touch guiding him. His movements were cautious as ever that cane wielded in cause he needed the guidance it helped to provide. "Its good of you to help me to my room I've been traveling a while it'll be nice to have a comfortable room and a soft bed"

Callie grins as she sees Janousse come to the bar; she has fond memories of having sex with him in the bath house a couple years ago. This was before the Tower Split had given water mages the ability to transfer their water-breathing ability to other people. So when Callie had met Janousse, a fellow water mage, it was A Big Deal that they could have sex underwater. "Well! Long time no see, hon," she says, leaning over the bar and giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

Janousse enjoys the soft kiss she gave him, touching her arm lightly as they kiss. Yes, yes, this was a very familiar kiss, and he also remembered the time they had sex under water. It was quite amazing, and the only time he'd done that, ever. Slowly he pulls away from the kiss and traces her jaw line with his finger. "What time are you going to be off duty, dear?"

Callie hmms, a mischievous smile coming to her lips. "That depends," she replies. "Right now, I'm cleaning up after people spilling a copious amount of alcohol, blood and sex juices all over the place, while occasionally keeping other people hydrated with water and booze, while making a tiny amount of money per hour and a pitiful number of tips. Make me a better offer." Her five tails sway slowly behind her in an expression of deep arousal; she'd earned a tail since the last time they'd seen one another. This newest tail is dead-center of the other four, making an equidistant cross shape.

Janousse watches her tails, somewhat mesmerized by how many there are. He gazed into her eyes and smirked "I can give you a nice tip, then you can stop working and we retreat to a booth behind me. What do you say?" He fumbles for his small satchel that contains his coins and puts a few on the counter for her to take.

Callie doesn't quite lose her mischievous smile, but something hardens behind her eyes. Something that tells Janousse that she would be deeply offended if he were to refuse her next offer. "In that case, I'd better get you something to drink. Some water?" What she's saying is that she absolutely refuses to be paid for sex. Her pleasant tone of voice never falters, though. She *does* want to take him up on it, after all.

Ylith laughs then hops up, tired, thristy, and hungry, and weak. staggers over to the bar and slaps her hand down on the top. "I need a large black widow please, forgot how getting fucked hard can drain a girl."

Callie nods at Ylith, casting Elemental Servant to create a translucent blue carbon-copy of herself. The servant proceeds to mix Ylith a Black Widow without Callie herself having to think too much about it. This is in the moment between her offer of water for Janousse, and his reply.

Janousse gazes at Ylith and grins, hearing her words, then he looked back at Callie, smiling still "Some water would be awesome. Thank you so much."

Ylith lifts an eyebrow at seeing the magic she uses. and then nods, "Ok, cute trick, I'll admit that. what sphere is that from?"

Aphielanis slipped into the inn and ran combed a hand through her hair for a moment before looking around. She gave a faint shrug of disconcern to the inn at large and then walked to the bar, looking around for Fugly she spotted Callie instead while she took a seat on the stool.. Her hands moved, one resting on the counter and the other gracefully in her lap, She watched Callie a bit more and then turned her eyes to the carbon copy for a moment before lowering her gaze and keeping to herself at the bar.

Korgan would crack his knuckles, and then his neck before sliding in through the front doors of the Inn. The man looked to be quite the bruiser: his broad, tattoo'd chest was decked with numerous scars - and this was all on display as he wore naught but a simple set of dirty trousers, boots, and a thick belt. At his belt was a scabbard and sword that, in consideration of the quality, would seem to be stolen as it did not mesh with the overall 'look' of the rest of him. Stepping through the crowds, he'd make his way to the bar before spotting the pretty vulpine behind it. A hand would smooth over the shaved portion of his head before wild blue eyes sat upon her. "Hey there, darlin'. Mind hookin' me up with some ale?"

"Excellent," Callie says, her moment of slight anger now forgotten as she pours a tall glass of ice water for Janousse. "And as far as the booth idea goes... I like the gist of the idea, but why use a booth when I've a perfectly good bed upstairs, hm?" She winks at him, taking off her red armband and moving out from behind the bar.

Meanwhile, the Elemental Servant (whom we'll call Callie 2) actually opens her mouth and replies to Ylith. "Water sphere, miss." Callie 2 is much more formal than the real Callie. "Callie can create up to five Water Elementals in any form she chooses. Usually she keeps them in this shape, or the shape of a vulpine male." In response to Korgan asking Callie for an ale, Callie 2 moves over to him. "I'll get it for you, sir." She pours him a tall mug of ale from a keg, getting a nice head on it.

Korgan would chuckle softly as the water homunculus slid by to take his order. "Well, well - quite the magicker, too. You must be as smart as you are beautiful, aye?" Yup, that was directed towards Callie. Or Callie 2. Poor Callie seemed to be quite busy, and the newcomer just seemed to be hungry to talk to -whoever-, *whatever* he could. He was pleasant enough, it would seem. In his days, he had developed that manner of talking sexual in a way that was either humorous or flattering - just enough 'sleeze' without being *sleezy*. It was a hard balance, for sure, but he had hung out in quite a few bars in his day.

Janousse smiles as she takes off her red bracelet and he gazes at the Elemental Servant. He offers a hand to her to lead her up the stairs, then he turns to her and kisses her once more. "Where's your room, sweetie?"

<+Korgan> "Hah! Guess I'm minutes too late. Enjoy yourself."

Callie 2 grins rather lasciviously at Korgan. "Heh. Maybe I'll get'cha next time, hon," she says, looking up and down his form. Then Callie 2 disappears as Callie dispels the Elemental Servant spell.

In response to Janousse's statement as they walk hand in hand up the stairs, Callie says, "Room 412. Down the hall, third right, second door on the left." The inn has so many rooms, it's really quite remarkable that they all fit in the building. As a scientist, she even suspects that the inn is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. This inconsistency would trouble her quite a bit if not for the prevalence of magic in the world.

Janousse nods "Fourtwelve. Alright." He finds the room with her, squeezing her hand a little, maybe in anticipation. It's been so many years, but he just knows that he was going to enjoy this to no end. Slowly he opened the door for her and stepped in as well, then he looked around, then back at her. "But let me ask you one question. Why are you naked, love?"

Callie has been renting this room since she first arrived in Nanthalion seven years ago, even through two houses and living in the VEGA northern command center and Scathien's Second Squadron Outpost. As such, anyone who enters Room 412 can tell it's quite clearly hers. A large queen-sized bed is the centerpiece of the room; it has red satin sheets and pillow cases. Some nice dresses and shoes are in the closet, along with her mithril spear. There's a small altar to The Lady, with statuette and candles, and a two-person round table with matching chairs that include slots for people to stick their tails through.

The vixen blinks at Janousse's question, raising an eyebrow. "...Because I *am*?" she says, sounding a little confused. Sometimes she deigns to wear clothes, sometimes she doesn't. On some days she wants to be taken seriously as a warrior and soldier; on other days she wants to be seen as the beautiful woman she is. A water mage's moods change like the river.

Janousse looks around the room and appreciates the beauty of everything he sees, then he looks back at her, quite openly gazing at her form, admiring her actually. He kisses her softly on her lips, then he steps in all the way and closes the door behind them. Slowly he puts down all his weapons and then he kicks off his boots. He stands on one of the chairs, barefoot, and starts to put on a little show for her, undressing slowly. First he takes off his leather armor, then his tunic and his silken shirt. He turns his back to her, and she sees his slender form bending forward. Slowly he pulls down his pants, steps out of them and puts them over the back rest of the chair. Then he looks over his shoulder "Want me to turn around?"

Callie watches rather avidly as Janousse removes his clothes, sitting at the foot of the bed as the vixen takes in his form. Strip-teases are always exciting. She can't help but tease him just a little bit, though. "Ah, this is much better. I was having trouble *recognizing* you with your clothes on, y'know." She grins and winks at him.

When Janousse asks her if she wants him to turn around, she purses her lips for a moment and then says, "No. Stay right where you are, and face forward." Upon Janousse's compliance with that directive, the vixen would rise to her feet and press her chest against his back, arms wrapping around his waist and head resting on his shoulder.

Janousse smiles as he feels how her chest presses against the smooth skin on his back. She feels his skin to be warm and completely hairless save for his head. He takes a deep breath as she wraps her arms around his waist and as she rests her head on his shoulder. Then he chuckles lightly "I always knew that womenfolks like my backside better than my front." Slowly he feels how his manhood grows in size, maybe in anticipation, maybe because her touch feels so very good.

"Mmm, I like both sides, actually," the vixen assures Janousse, beginning to slowly kiss Janousse's neck, as her hands work their way down his chest. Finally, her right hand reaches his stiffening member, and she begins to work it into her hand, feeling along its full length before starting to stroke him. All the while her kissing continues, very sweet and delicate. She wasn't fucking him; she was making love to him.

"I bet all the girls enjoy doing this with you, huh?" she asks him, her voice a lilting song in his ear, as her tails begin to get in on the act-- her side tails stroke against the sides of his legs.

Janousse felt how she was actually making love to him, so tenderly and sweet. He gasped as he felt her hand go towards his stiffening member, then she probably felt his muscles in his whole body flex for a brief moment as she holds his manhood in her hand. He lets it grow to its full size, watching her tails out of the corner of her eye. Somehow he felt that she was taking control, subtly, slightly, without any force, but still she was and he'd let her, wanting her to continue this in whichever way she desired. He moaned "Oh baby, this feels so very nice."

"Mmmm... good," Callie says, turning Janousse's face towards hers and giving him a tender, passionate kiss as she continues to pleasure him with her hand. She shifts her chest against him a little bit, allowing him to feel her white-furred breasts against a slightly different area of his back. When she breaks the kiss, she moves her lips to his ear, and ever-so-gently nips at it, before softening it with a sweet lick to the same area.

"Just relax, Janousse," the vixen says, speaking just loudly enough for him to hear. "Let whatever worries, whatever tension you've felt lately, just fly away on the wind. Right now there's just you and me, and I'm safe; you can do whatever you want with me." She moves her free hand down to his scrotum, and quite carefully pinches some of the wrinkled skin down there between his balls, while deftly avoiding applying pressure to his testicles proper. She's not done that with Janousse before, but she knows that a lot of guys find that highly pleasurable. Just don't manhandle the bloody thing!

Janousse relaxes, and at the moment the way she touches him completely swamps his mind with one idea only: pleasure. He feels her breasts press against his back, then he looks back at her and smiles, only to feel how she nips at his ear and licks him there softly. Then he holds his breath as he feels how she cups his balls and pinches his scrotum, pulling back his foreskin and exposing the tip of his cock all the way. He moans "Yes, yes sweetie." He wasn't able to to much more right this moment, he enjoyed her form too much.

Callie looks down at Janousse's manhood as his foreskin is pulled back, and she deeply enjoys the way he's trembling in her hands, so excited, anticipating the moment when their bodies would become one. "Mmm, you're ready for me, hon," she says, planting another kiss on his cheek. Taking him by the hand, she turns him around and leads him towards the bed, the vixen lying down on her back. "Take me, Janousse," she murmurs, looking up into his eyes.

Janousse watches as she lays down on her back, then he kneels beside her and lets his hands roam all over her form, where there's no fur as well over her furry patches. He lays down on top of her and kisses her deeply, passionately, biting her lower lip a little. His cock is wedged between their bodies, but pulsating, eager and burning to be inside of her. Slowly he aligns his hips with hers better... and lets his cock slide into her, rather slowly, but steadily. He moans "Gods, this is just how I remember it from way back when. You're so tight.. so moist.. perfect."

Callie grins when Janousse begins to explore her body; no doubt he'd been waiting to do this since he'd seen her today, and Callie had made him wait for it while she'd gotten him ready-- which had just made him crave it even further. Callie places her hands on Janousse's shoulders as he lies atop her, and lets out a soft, rather understated moan as she feels him sliding deeply into her body. "Thank you," she says in reply to his compliment. She works very hard to keep her body in optimal condition, both on the outside and the inside.

The exact details of that don't exactly make for good pillow talk, however, so she begins to gently kiss him again, starting on the lips but then roaming around his face as she moves back against his manhood. "Mmm, your body... your aura, just as I remembered. I wanted to make love to you the moment I saw you."

Janousse pushes his manhood into her over and over again, sliding in and out of her at a slow but steady rhythm, never stopping. He kisses her on her mouth once more, then he nods "I wanted to do this so bad, so very bad as well, and nnngh uuuuh now I'm all the way inside of you." He also doen't just fuck her, but his body and soul make love to her body and soul.

"Mmmm... good," Callie says, hooking her ankles behind his to get even closer to him as their lovemaking begins in earnest. She now takes his left hand in her right, interlacing their fingers, and she kisses the back of his hand with lips that seem to be sculpting his skin. Her left hand lifts her left breast up towards Janousse's face, encouraging him to kiss her there, and she murmurs, "Let's go, baby." She grinds her hips against his, hoping to get him to move with her.

Janousse follows her moves perfectly, speeding up a bit, setting a new pace together with her. He moans as he feels her kisses on his skin, then he licks over her nipple as she offers her breast to him so delicately. He really takes her now, lovemaking with passion.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:13 am

Callie's Cabin
June 6, 2015
Callie's Cabin

Callie Volopa, in all her naked, five-tailed glory, is going down on Carthad while he sits in a chair in her cabin. The red-furred vulpine water mage of the Verlosi tribe had invited her friend here for some blueberry pie, and sometime between the pie-eating and now, their clothes had just kinda... fallen off. Strange how that happens. The vixen is using her tongue to give Carthad's manhood the "full treatment"; Callie is so good at this task that he can barely feel her teeth grazing him.

Carthad had eaten some pie, chatted some and caught up, and indeed it seemed a natural progression that they were now here. Robes scattered on the floor, his boots off, and his head tilted back against the back of the chair as he groaned, his member between her soft lips and tongue rolling deep and wet over his shaft. THe swollen serpent of flesh had started soft and heavy, but it was plumping swiftly now, thickening to that girthy mass that would stretch her mouth out over him, adn reach for the back of her throat. Swollen pillar of flesh steadily gaining the strength to stand up on its own as it grew thicker and heavier, reaching an angry shade of crimson instead of the paleness from before. His hand came down, stroking along her scalp, sliding behind her ears as he groaned out again with each deep lashing of her tongue, "Yessss"

Callie murrs into Carthad's cock, enjoying his pleased reaction as the vixen's scalp and ears are lightly stroked by her human friend. She pulls her mouth off his manhood with a loud "slurp" sound, and now begins to lick its head like a lollipop, smiling all the while, as her hand moves down to grasp one of her breasts. "Mmm, come and get me, big boy," Callie teases, and she gets up off her knees, running for the nearby bedroom.

Carthad watches then as she pulls off of him when he reaches that full size, licking her tongue along his head and all that meat, saliva running down his cock in slow little rivulets as he mmmms low and hungry. Then she was up and moving, scampering away toward that door...he didn't leap up after her, enjoying the view of tails fluttering and her ass bouncing as she moved into the bedroom. Then he moved to his feet, following her, a grin on his lips, showing teeth in a hungry smile as he would move into the bedroom toward her, fully intent on leaping onto her and onto the bed.

Callie grins as she runs into the bedroom, knowing Carthad will be hot on her tails, though she's a bit surprised at first that he doesn't leap after her from the word 'go'. Instead he takes his time, probably enjoying the view. Ah, that's what it is. When she sees him entering the bedroom behind her, she lets out a little "eeep!", which increases in volume when he leaps upon her, sending her crashing onto her back on the bed. "Mmm, ya got me... what'cha gonna do with me?" she asks him, teasingly sticking out her tongue.

Carthad landed atop her, his member sliding deep and wet against her belly, grinding there as he settled over her, her tongue sticking out at him after that sharp eeep, grinning down at her, "Mmmm...well now that I've caught this cute little vulpine, I think its time she got fucked silly.." he would say as he slid his body down slightly, planting his knees to the bed. His shaft would grind down along her slit, nudging at the tenderness there, pressing against her core as he would plant that swollen plum tip to her treasure. The pressure would start to grow as he prodded at her, letting that oversized tool stretch her so that he could steadily bury himself in the lovely vulpine beneath him.

"Mmmm... but I'm *already* silly," Callie protests, grinning; she wraps her arms around Carthad as she feels him entering her body. Leaning in, Callie gives Carthad a soft kiss on the lips, and begins to move with him as they start making love. Her toes and tails curl in pleasure at the feeling being taken.

Carthad chuckles at her joke, and then arches his hips, sending those ccopious inches forward, rough and hungry, stretching her hot little hole around his shaft, as he nudges in deep, wedging his shaft into her gripping channel. He pushes again and again, planting his toes to the bed for more leverage, until they both feel the dull -whud- of his tip hitting her womb, adn then he would bounce back, surging forward again, taking her, making the headboard thunk against the wall lightly. His sack patting against her ass, slapping there lightly as he would drag that swollen tool along her snug channel, gripping and slick, grunting with each thrust.

"Ah... ahhh, goddess!" Callie groans, loving the feeling of being taken so deep and hard, the vixen's tails swaying slowly beneath her as she re-tightens her grip around his waist, pressing her breasts tightly against Carthad's chest. "Oh, fuck me, Carthad... fuck meee!" Callie pushes her hips back against the human, every so often synchronizing thrust-for-thrust, but after awhile she stops, as Carthad's going too fast for her to catch up with. Not that that's a bad thing.

Carthad met her thrusts with thunderous impacts, the percussion of their bodies filling the room. It was every other thrust or so that she would meet him, as Carthad set a ravenous pace over her, as she clung to his frame, mashing breasts to his chest, his body was suspended on elbows and knees over her, and plunged forward intot he gripping hotness of her sheath. Colliding with her womb as he took her deep, his mouth open, his breathing little more than panting at this point as he pistoned her toned and lovely body, the heat between them searing. Warmth and pleasure and sensation flowing wantonly between them.

At the height of her pleasure, Callie captures Carthad's lips with her own, kissing him passionately, her tongue darting into his mouth as she comes hard, filling the room with her feminine scent, which smells vaguely of strawberries. Wanting to be sure he gets off inside her, she grabs him tightly, wrapping her legs around his waist, heels digging into his spine. Breaking the kiss, she cries out, "Come for me, baby... I want you to come for me."

Carthad feels her clamp down on him, and then the rush, the hard contractions as her cunny milks and sucks around his cock, slurping along his dick heavily as he pummels her insides with it. He returns the kiss, his tongue sliding against her own as she wets his shaft with her nectar. Then seconds after, as he comes down from her release she digs her heels into his back, just above his ass, clenching there, pushing him down into her harder...Carthad moves faster, letting his speed take over where the power had been, battering her insides, pumping in shorter thrusts as he hisses, "Almost there...squeeze me close..."

"Ah, yessss," Callie groans, digging her fingers into Carthad's back as she thrusts against him, wanting to feel the human's spunk pouring into her. "Don't stop... come inside me, baby," she urges him, kissing him deeply again as the vixen redoubles her efforts to get Carthad off, one of her hands moving down to tightly grip his ass.

Carthad doesn't hold back, his thrusts short and frantic, before he would burst. His cock swelled to an even larger size, and then fired into her in thick creamy bursts. All that spunk pouring in, in a torrent as he filled her up, gushing into that hot little hole. Splattering to her womb, as the bursts came, then a thick trickle, and finnally bead, his member spasming all the while. Hips never stopping for a moment, spanking her ass with his slapping sack until it tightened close to his frame for that final release, "YEssssss!"

"Mmmmm, yeeaaaah," Callie groans, tightening her pussy muscles to help milk Carthad of every bit of cum he has to give her. She moves her hands back up to the midpoint of his back, and lowers her legs to the ground as his climax reaches its end, and she moves to softly kiss him as she rolls him off of her.

Carthad finishes iniside of her, returning her kiss as she nudges him to get off of her. He returns the kiss, and the slurp between them is long and lewd as Carthad pulls all of those glistening inches out of her tightness. His member thickly coated with her juice and his own cum, though she had plenty pooling down inside of her, as he licked his lips after breaking the kiss, laying on his side beside her, his hand coming up to idly toy with one of her breasts, tickling over the nipple, "Mmmm...just what i needed.."

Callie opts to run her fingers around Carthad's chest, and murmurs, "Me, too," giving him a soft and very brief kiss before lifting her left tail up and waving it proudly in the air. "Nothing like a little dessert to go with dessert." She grins, and wraps her arms around him, snuggling her friend; her breasts press nicely against his chest.

Carthad tilts his head up, so that she can nuzzle her face and neck against his own, pressing her breasts to him as she slides in, his wet cock rubbing along her thighs and stomach as they slip in. His hand slides down her side and then around, squeezing into her ass firmly, and then a bit higher, teasing along the base of her closest tails, knowing what a sensitive area that is for her as he grins, "Mmmmm...very true...though we stay close like this...i might need more of both.." he would tease.

"Well, you keep rubbing my tails like that, and you'll *see* how short a break *you* get," the vixen says with a grin. "Actually, I could *do* with a good tail-massage before our next session. All five of 'em are at your disposal," she teases, and with that she turns around to expose them to Carthad.

Carthad grins at that, as she rolls over and turns tails to him, his hands coming down, massaging and rubbing along her tails, stroking and caressing along their bases, rubbing there and stroking, caressing deeply as his shaft would nudge forward against the cheeks fo her ass, slow circular rubbins around the base of two of those tails, "Happy to olbige....mmmm..i know how sensitive they know, I'm trying to remember the last time I rubbed the base of one your tails while I was inside of you...if i remember correctly, it made your sweet little slit do some very interesting things..."

"Oh did it, now?" Callie asks archly, grinning as Carthad begins massaging two of her tailbases at once. Gotta admire his efficiency. "We'll have to test that theory sometime soon." The vixen wiggles her toes, as well as the tails not currently being touched, as Carthad finds the most sensitive, tender spots of her tailbases. The vixen's body could be read like an open book. She's very easy to please for anyone paying the slightest attention.

Carthad watches her wiggle and writhe lightly as he massaged those tail bases, rubbing and teasing along then in curling his fingers in slow cirlces arouse those bases, watching her toes curl, her tails wiggle. His member slides between the cheeks of her rear as he wiggles closer, so that her writhing and rubbing, teasing along his shaft at the same time as she enjoys her massage, as Carthad moves to the next pair of tails, "Yes, I think we will."

Callie lets out a long "mmm" at the feeling of Carthad's cock slipping between her butt cheeks, and she rubs her belly, briefly imagining herself full of Carthad's kits, even though until the spirits of her future children come to her in a dream, such an idea is pure fantasy. So what? A girl can dream. The vixen murmurs softly as he moves on to her next set of tails. "That's it... you know how to do it..."

Carthad didn't know of her thoughts, not that it would bother him in the slightest if he did, as his shaft pulses and twitches between the cheeks of her rear, thickening a bit as it starts to rouse from her low murmers and sweet wiggling against him. He stayed on one of the tail bases, but the other he slid down and rubbed at the last one, saved for last neglected up to this point, as he grinned and leaned forward, nipping at her neck, "Yes...yes I do."

"Mmmm, yesss," Callie murmurs, closing her eyes as her last tail is finally attended to. Groaning slightly, she leans her body into Carthad's manhood, feeling how it grew between her butt cheeks, and she says, "Take me again... right here, right now." She turns her head and moves Carthad's face up to hers, kissing him slowly and deeply.

Carthad returns the kiss, slow and wet, tonguing against her own, before he would pull back and move, sliding his shaft down between her ass cheeks, he needed to break the kiss to get the right angle, but once he had it, he took advantage. His hips firing up and forward, pressing into her sex once more, still slick from their earlier coupling, as he would slide into her with that mass, stretching her once more, her tails flattening to his chest and lower belly as he pressed into her, groaning hard against her ear as he did.

Callie groans wantonly as she feels Carthad pushing inside her once more, the vixen turning her head again so that she's facing away from the human. She starts to push back against him best she can, which is a little difficult to do in this position, but she gives it her best. Callie's tails trail against Carthad's chest as they renew their coupling, and she moves her right tail to the small of the human's back, tracing little lines against him.

Carthad gives a grunt with each thrust, as her tails tease around him, doing her best to buck back against him. Carthad thrusts into her from behind, laying on his side, throwing his hips forward in those least until she heard a growl from behind her and she was moved. His cock never left her, an odd sensation as she was rolled onto her belly, and Carthad mounted atop her, her legs spread as he spread his knees out under him, and she could see and feel his palms sinking into the bed on either side of her shoulders. Mounted in thise pose, Carthad started to thrust down into her, making her ass bounce wonderfully for him with each thrust.

Callie grins as she's moved onto her stomach, noting that Carthad didn't pull his cock out of her for a moment. "I think... you just like looking at my pretty lil' butt," the vixen points out, chuckling at her probably-true statement as he fucks her, the vixen swaying all five tails brightly for him, having her left, right and lower tails brush against his arms and chest. "Tell me I'm wrong."

Carthad grins as he lets his fingers curl into the sheets, and his hips pistoned forward to drive himself deep and hungry into her over and over. Again his tip hitting her womb, slamming within heatedly, taking her rough...just like they both enjoyed it. He did indeed like watching her ass bounce and jiggle for him, and at this angle his sack would slap at the top of her slit, possibly hitting her clit as he moved into her, " is a fine ass...but a much better properly -fuck- you.."

"Too true," Callie agrees, "too true." And her ass *did* bounce quite well for him, as the vixen's body responded to the sheer force of the human's thrusting. And now a new sensation: His ball sack lightly slapping against her clit every so often. "Mmmm, fuck, Carthad... you are a sex *god*, you know that?"

Carthad grinned at that, as he pumped her tight body, making her ass jiggle and the slapping sound of their bodies got louder and louder, the headboard was now loudly hitting the wall, and the room stank of all their sex. Anyone coming into the cabin would know what was going on, there wasn'ta doubt about she cried out for him, and he would only grin, " hot little vixen...uggnn...i bet you say that to -all- the boys.."

Callie grins in return, and teases, "No no... just a *few* of 'em, hon. Honest." She laughs, and pushes herself up onto her hands and knees, the better for her to buck back against Carthad as he thrusts deep inside her. "Mmmm, give it all to me, baby... don't stop... keep going..."

Carthad grinned as Callie moved up so that she wasn't just taking it anymore, and he slowed his thrusting until she had her hands and knees settled...and then he thrust forward heatedly, ploughing into her now, his sack colliding with her clit as it would swing madly under them. He moved his hands to grip her hips, straightning his back, and using the leverage as he pulled her back onto his cock to take her even harder, deeper, pounding that hot vixen ass.

"Mmmm, grab my fuckin' tits," Callie groans, her tails squirming and wiggling against Carthad's body, as she bucks back against him harder, faster, the sound of their lovemaking even louder than the intermittent sound of their voices at this point. She lets out a wanton moan of delight as she feels her climax steadily approaching; she pushes her toes into the mattress to steady herself.

Carthad groans out low and wanton, as he pistones forward, his hands sliding up Callie's sides and under her, gripping into those jiggling furred orbs under her, squeezing into the mounds roughly, kneading them together, pulling them apart, molesting them to no end as he would shudder out his pleasure and continue his ravagement of her curvy frame. His own release wasn't too far off itself, unable to hold back at this pace, at this angle.

Callie couldn't help it... the way Carthad was ravishing her, combined with the new squeezing of her breasts, pushes her over the edge. With a strangled cry of ecstasy, the vixen comes, her sex juices coating Carthad's manhood for the second time in the last half-hour. As she comes, she again grips him tightly with her vagina, wanting to get him off in short order too. She could tell he was very close.

Carthad gasped as she clamped down, somehow even snugger than last time, the ripplling contractions that milk him from base to tip, as he shudders out his pleasure and pounds forward into her, his head going back, his eyes closing...the pleasure tears from his throat as he pummels her, and he shudders in wanton pleasure. His sack tightening once more, no longer spanking her, as he begins to pulse and gush, filling her with his spunk once more.

Callie gasps as she feels Carthad's semen pouring into her again, and after a few moments, she pulls away, leaving some of his spunk to shoot onto her back and the back of her head. Thank goodness she has a bath house on the property. "Ahhhh, yessss," she groans, turning around and quickly getting onto her knees. Some of Carthad's cum gets onto her face now, too, and finally she takes him into her mouth again, swallowing the last bit of his seed. (Thesaruses are wonderful things). Pulling herself off of him, she murmurs, "Wow... that got just about *everywhere*."

Carthad fired off in quite the load, and indeed it got everywhere. A few gobs pouring into the heat of her snatch, and then onto her ass cheeks, her back, the bases of her tails, until she turned around to get a blast across her face before he was back in her mouth and poring there. He couldn't help but laugh as she slid off of him, looking over her body and all the white cream that was here and ther soaking into her fur, his hand tickling under her chin, " did didn't it...uggnn..if you'd wanted to drink it, i could have held off.." he teased.

"Nono... I liked it this way," Callie says with a grin, using a hand to rub his spunk into her facial fur some more. "Whew. After this, I think I could go for some tea. Would you like some?" The vixen casts a Clean spell on herself, and touches the various places where Carthad had spread his seed on her body.

Carthad grins, "Wanted to be a sweet sticky mess, hmm?" He would say with a grin, letting a hand slide down her front, groping into one of those breasts again, squeezing its firmness between his fingers as he toyed with it, licking his lips as he watched her, a nod given to her statement, "Mmmm...i coudldefinitely go for something to drink...don't know if I want it to be hot though. Got something colder? Or were you having iced tea?"

"Iced tea, yeah," Callie says, rising to her feet and waving her tails slowly behind her. Turning around, she reaches for a purple robe on the back of her door, wrapping it around herself and sticking her tails through the tail-hole. She's clothing herself mainly to tease Carthad; she fully intends to have a little more fun with him later, but wants to make him work for it. "Tea work for you? How many sugars?"

Carthad followed after her, and while she slid on her robe, he made no move to gather his own robe from where it lay next to the chair in the living room where this had all started with the vulpine hungrily sucking him to hardness. He followed after ther then, toward the kitchen, rolling his head, popping his neck lightly as he grins, "None thank you..but some lemon if you have it." He would say as he stepped behind her, letting his hand slide down to massage her bottom through the robe.

"No problem," Callie says, taking down two glasses from her cabinet and filling them with ice, and then some of her signature "Darn Good" tea. In one of the glasses she squeezes some lemon; she hands that one to Carthad while she puts three spoonfuls of sugar into her own glass and stirs vigorously. She takes an appreciative sip. "So, how have things been going with you, anyway?" Between eating the pie and vigorously making love, they hadn't really talked much today.

Carthad took his iced tea and drained near half of the glass ina few lusty glugs, his adam's apple bouncing as he did so. A refreshed "Ahhh" came from his lips once it was down and he smiled at the vulpine, still stirring her own drink, "Oh you know..busy busy. The temple and such. The keep seems sadly know what's the point of keeping slaves if they never seem to be around hmmm? No fun in that." he would say with a grin.

"I hear ya. I've been spending a lot of time at the temple myself. Gotta love a religion that practices open sex as one of its main tenants." Callie grins at that, and takes another sip of her tea, drinking from her glass much more slowly than Carthad was from his. "Met a cute human girl in the baths yesterday." She doesn't feel the need to say they fucked like rabbits; with her, especially in the baths, it was understood.

Carthad laughs lightly at that, tilting his head to the side, arching a brow, " that so...what was she like? Did you stay like this..or change to your male form?" He would say, asking lightly. Both of them were ravenous creatures when it came to carnal enjoyment, so the fact that conversation would lead ther was only natural, as he took another long sip from the iced tea, at least slowing down a bit now.

"She was hot," Callie says with a grin. "Kayleigh was her name. And I took her as both male and female. She didn't seem to have a preference." Callie laughs softly, taking another sip of her tea. "It was funny, actually... she accidentally barged in on me in one of the private baths. Guess I didn't have the light up very much. Oh, well, no complaints from me."

Carthad laughs lightly at that, nodding his head, " lucky girl seems you have better luck than I. I have to get a bit more aggressive in my hunting at the baths, I don't have just lovely ladies barging into my room and then deciding they want a romp." He would say chuckling again, before tilting his head back and finishing his iced tea.

"Must be my animal magnetism," Callie says, laughing again. "Although actually, I was the one who decided a romp was called for. I asked her to help me wash one of my tails, I kissed her when she was done, and one thing kinda led to another. Anyway, I give her four stars: Would fuck again." The vixen grins, even wider than before, and takes another sip of her tea, finishing it off.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Meeting and Fucking Kayleigh

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:14 am

Bath House
June 5, 2015
Callie and Kayleigh

The red-furred, five-tailed vulpine water mage, Callie Volopa, sits naked inside one of the private baths, running shampoo through her tails and humming lightly to herself. Candles cast a pale light around the room, but it's too dark to be seen through the door on the other side. She was awaiting the arrival of a barbarian male she met in the inn an hour ago, but has the sneaking suspicion she's been stood up. In his defense, he had been pretty drunk when last she'd seen him.

+Kayleigh> There had been much training that had taken place on her behalf in the arena but she had to be cautious in doing so since there was a tournament that had taken place. A low groan escaped past cracked, pale pink lips, after she walkeed up the steps towardd those large double doors. The Knight was well in need of a bath so while she ached and was sore, she knew that the heat of the water would soothe those muscles greatly. Calloused digits wrapped around the large handle and was tugged open. Instantly, the thick humidity of steam rushed out and into her face, as well as other parts of exposed flesh, stealing her breath from her lungs briefly. A low 'mmm' reverberated in her chest, stepping inside and letting the door shut so that no more of the heat would escape. Striking blue hues were quick to glace around at the public waters used for bathing butdnshe felt disgusted doing so in public. Yes, a private bath would be necessary. Turning her attention to the side, she spotted a small basket as well as a sign that claimed the amount for a private bath should one not have an Inn room. "Hmmm.." Thick fingers dug into the coin pouch on her hip so that the two coins could be retrieved and placed into the basket before continuing on. Bottom tier was tucked in between teeth to nibble on, looking over the doors. Most had lights on beneath, signaling, at least to her, that there were others inside. Only when she came across one that seemed dark did she wrap her fingers around the door knob to twist and push it open. The bulky woman sstepped in, chin length, messy brown hair, was partially in her face, not allowing her to see that there was one already in the room.

Callie blinks as she sees someone entering the room. Being a soldier, the first scenario she thinks of is 'attack', and she makes ready to launch a spell at the person entering. She relaxes slightly when she realizes it's another woman, though Callie -does- dip herself deeper into the pool, covering her breasts. "Hello," she says, her pleasant tone doing much to hide her initial reaction.

<+Kayleigh> That ... was something she hadn't been expecting whatsoever. Kay froze completely, fingers still curled around the door knob, eyes wide and staring. Even her mind had gone blank on what to say when that single word was spoken. "I .. oh, wow. I am really sorry. I didn't think to .. I mean, I thought the room was empty," she said huskily. The only thing that sharply contrasted with her more masculine form and voice were her eyes. The Knight had seen many of battles, had fought in several herself but she wasn't truly old enough to have been in many considering she was only twenty. Kayleigh remained frozen out of complete embarrassment and humiliation but it even the woman in the tub didn't seem nearly as much so. Fingers had held the grip so tightly around the knob that tanned knuckles began to whiten, her jaw slack and probably looked completely stupid at the moment. Eventually, she did snap out of the odd state she had found herself in. "Oh .. um. I-I should probably leave you to your bath." Those bright blues dipped away from the vulpine's face and to the water, in an effort to see if there was anything else -to- see.

"It's all right," Callie says, her five tails waving slowly behind her. "I assume you're not here to kill or rape me or anything like that." The vixen chuckles a little grimly. "At least, most people who would do that wouldn't be so embarrassed. I actually wouldn't mind company, in fact." The vixen's tails got in the way of some of the undersides of her body, making them hard to reach on her own when taking a bath. Besides which, Callie was in a bit of a randy mood, and Kayleigh seemed... interesting.

<+Kayleigh> A soft clearing of her throat was given, when she was told that it was all right. Well, that was good news. The next statement caused a dark brown brow to loft. "Definitely .. not." Cheeks flushed a light pink, the smile that was forming was attempted to be forced down but she simply couldn't hide it. Being told that the vulpine wouldn't mind the company, however? Well. that finally made her release the door and softly shut it behind her. "I most definitely need a bath," she said with a deep chuckle. Fingers pulled at the buckle that held the straps together between her breasts. With it unbuckled, she slipped it off and sat it down on the wet tiles against the wall. Next, fingers plucked at the leather tie that held her corset into place so that she could tug them apart. When it was loosened enough, she felt the leather part and finally allowed her skin breath. "Ahh .. that feel so much better," she murmured to herself. The leather string was pulled off it completely, leaving the corset split in two yeting hugging to the insides of her breasts. With a curl of her fingers and a roll of shoulders, the leather was stripped away to reveal the numerous scars that had marked her flesh. Stepped over to one of the benches, Kay lifted her right foot so that her boot could be yanked free and did the same with the left, pushing both beneath the bench. Thumbs hooked into the sides of tight leathers to shove and pushed, her rear lifting up so that it could slide over her ass and finally down muscular thighs, knees and down to her ankles. The Knight slipped herself completely free on the constraining clothing leaving herself bare. A little sound lifted from cracked tiers, standing and stepping down into the tub of water.

The vixen smiles softly as Kayleigh strips in front of her, Callie taking in every line of the human's battle-scarred body as she raises herself up slightly out of the water, revealing her breasts again. To make it a little less obvious that she's ogling Kayleigh, Callie goes back to shampooing her tails, working on the center one-- her fifth and most recent. When Kayleigh is fully nude and steps into the water, Callie says, "My name is Callie... Callie Volopa, water mage of the Verlosi vulpine tribe."

<+Kayleigh> The tall woman sunk into that water full breasts, peaked with a medium brown areola, bounced softly. She continued down until her rear found a bench and sat herself down upon it. Should the vulpine have really looked over her frame, she would have seen the thin, neatly trimmed, line of dark hair that started just barely above the top of her slit and continued up for just an inch or so. By then, with her lower part being beneath the water, it was no longer visible. Arms outstretched along the moist tiles so that she could stretch out, the bottoms of luscious breasts the only part of them that were in the water at all. A slow cant of her head was given, watching Callie wash her tails but when the woman introduced herself, a soft gasp expelled. "How rude of me! My name's Kayleigh. It's very nice to meet you Callie." Though she had been forgetful as to give her name, she did wear a bashful smile because of such. Hell, she didn't even ask the other woman's name. "I guess my mind wandered off and I had completely forgot to both ask your name and give you mine."

"It's okay," Callie says, smiling softly. "Easy for one's mind to wander off when you catch someone bathing." The vixen chuckles softly, and dips her middle tail into the water to rinse it off. "Would you mind shampooing my lower tail? It's a bit hard to reach nowadays. One of the only downsides to having so many." Callie looks over Kayleigh's body again, biting her lower lip softly as she imagines what it would be like to have the woman's hands exploring her. She hoped the human liked other girls.

<+Kayleigh> Yes, that smile couldn't be helped at all, when Callie began to talk about catching another bathing and asked if she could shampoo her other tail. Cheeks turned from a light pink to a bright pink in a matter of seconds but she wasn't about to turn down such an offer. "Of course I'll help you wash it. I imagine that it's not easy to get to for someone who has .. so many of them." Kayleigh pushed herself up from the bench and stood up to her full height leaving the gentle waves at the top of the water gentle splashing against hips and lower belly. Her mons was still hidden but water did cascade down her body, dripping from off her breasts, all while she moved through the water towards the vulpine. "Why don't you sit sideways on the bench so that way I can sit behind you. I think it would be easier. It's either that or .." A soft coughing clear of her throat, one of nervousness, was given. "Or you could put your knees on the bench and face away from me. Either way works right?"

Callie nods, and puts her knees on the bench, facing away from Kayleigh. "This works," the vulpine says with a light smile, shuddering lightly as she places Kayleigh's hands against her lower tail. The vixen had exaggerated, slightly, how hard it is to reach her lower tail. It's not *that* hard, but there *were* two other tails blocking the way, so it wasn't as easy as it used to be, either. "That's it, right there." As Kayleigh touched her tail, she would notice that Callie's tailbase was the most sensitive area.

<+Kayleigh> Both hands were cupped and placed beneath the water to pour more water on the tail before reaching for the shampoo and pouring a copious amount in her right palm. Before long, she began to run her hands along that single tail, washing it from tip to base. Kay made sure to even curl her fingers to get as deeply down into the tail as possible. Once reaching the base, a slight smirk would form. She told her where it was the best spot when telling her 'right there' and the base was focused on considerably. Fingers with short nails scrubbed firmly against the base, making sure to get the shampoo deep within the fur but after too long she slid her hands back so that more of the shampoo could cleanse through the rest of the wet tail. Fingers connected at each thumb and then at each index finger to make an 'o' shape that she used to rub both hands up and down the length of tail. The Knight stepped in closer and closer, until the other tails were touching against her, all while she continued along her tail. Kayleigh leaned forward, breasts, which now hard pebbled peaks, pressed gently against Callie's back, while she tilted her head forward to whisper into her ear, "Do you .. need me to wash anywhere else?"

The vixen's own nipples were firm and hard now, and her left and right tails were lightly stroking against Kayleigh's hips as her lower tail is thoroughly scrubbed by the human's talented hands. She moans as she feels Kayleigh's breasts pushing against her furry back, and sucks her lower lip into her mouth, the vixen reaching a hand down to run a finger against her own clit very briefly. "Mmm, I think that... just about covers it," she says, turning her head and kissing Kayleigh full on the lips.

<+Kayleigh> Two of those tails that were rubbing against her hips sent a hard shiver up her spine. Fingers continued with those deep scratching motions for several more moments and when that moan spilled from the Vulpine's lips, she couldn't help but roll her hips to press her mons up against Callie. When she pressed forward is when she felt the finger rubbing up against her own clit. Corners of her lips twitched up into a smile, hands releasing the tail so that when she turned there would be no obstructions. Lips pressed flush against her own causing a soft moan to muffle against the other woman's mouth. Larger hands that had been in the water to wash the shampoo off but slid up to take grip upon Callie's hips so that she could pull her in closer. Even if the Vulpine was still on her knees and facing away from her, Kayleigh did what she could to turn her, keeping her on her knees if she chose not to move from there, so that breasts were pillow against the other woman's.

For her part, Callie *does* move off her knees, going back into a seated position as Kayleigh turns her around. Her breasts pressing up against those of the other woman, Callie slips her tongue into Kayleigh's mouth, and presses her left hand against the small of the human's back, while her right hand slips between Kayleigh's legs and begins to thumb her clit in slow circles. Breaking the kiss, Callie murmurs, "I want you," and kisses Kayleigh again, lightly and sweetly this time, breaking it after only a moment.

It had been quite some time since she was last in a situation like the one she was currently in. So have a nude woman pressed against her own nude body, tongues intertwining in a heated kiss. It all felt so divine. When Callie's right arm slipped around her waist so that her palm could press to her lower back, Kayleigh arched her back to further mash breasts together. It wasn't long after that a new sensation was felt; one that made her eyes first snap open wide but then fall to a half lidded gaze filled with pure lust. It was that singular digit, the thumb, pressing up against her hooded pearl to move in slow circular motions. Hips rolled forward, thighs spreading considerably wider and so panted breaths seeped out, while listening to what was said. Before anything could be said, lips once more were pressed together in a softer, sweeter kiss. The Knight's arms didn't remain idle but instead moved to wrap themselves around the backs of Callie's thighs so she could lift her up out of the water and sit her down on cool tiles. Yes, it would mean that her clit was no longer going to be rubbed but she could now perform the actions she desired. The kiss was broken which sent Kay's head dipping down to plant kisses along the inside of the Vulpine's right thigh, starting at the knee.

Callie murrs softly as Kayleigh moves down to start kissing the inside of her thigh, even though it dislodged her thumb from the woman's clit. Placing a hand into the water, Callie casts Purify Element, removing the shampoo from the water and cleaning it, so that the human wouldn't choke on shampoo while she was down there. "Mmm yes... that's it," the fox says, her five tails swaying slowly behind her in deep arousal. Callie runs her hands through Kayleigh's black hair, alternately gripping it and releasing it.

Those soft kisses would soon mix in with little nips and suckles but she was noticing that there was no soap or shampoo of any kind; only water. Fingers that stroked through her hair, gripping lightly and then releasing, had her thighs tightly pressing together. Those final few inches of thigh before meeting sex, Kay snuck her tongue out to drag it along the wetness of skin. Her arms wrapped around Callie's thighs, in an effort to spread them further apart, all while dragging her tongue up to flick the tip against her right labia. Her mouth parted further, her face moving closer inward so that she could suckle one of her nethers into her mouth, tip of tongue flicking teasingly against it.

Callie allows her legs to be spread apart farther as Kayleigh licks at her labia, the vixen's toes curling tightly beneath the water at the extraordinary pleasure Kayleigh's making her experience. "Ohhh... ohhh, goddess, Kayleigh," Callie groans, "soooo... good." Callie says a word of Ancient Vulpani and casts the Water's Breath spell, touching her casting hand to Kayleigh's head. "You can now breathe underwater," she tells her. "And I took the liberty earlier of... mmm... removing the shampoo from the water."

<+Kayleigh> Those soft suckles continued, her tongue running up and down the single lip but with the sudden allowance of being able to breathe beneath the water those glacier blue orbs peered upward. Kay knew it was going to be odd at first but with her mouth free of the Vulpine's sex, a slow grin started to form. The knight dipped fully beneath the water and with no soap or shampoo to cloud her vision or burn it, she could keep her eyes open. It allowed her to take in the beautiful sight but she didn't wait long before push her face forward so that her tongue could dart out, part folds and press inward against her entrance. A low groan wouldn't be heard, muffled by the water but bubbles would surely rise. A wiggle of her tongue was given but it was soon traveling up the length of her slit towards her clit which she gave a quick flick to. The flick was followed up by her tongue pressing up flat against the button so that it could be grinded up against it for several seconds. Her tongue slipped back into her mouth and lips created a seal around the hooded pearl so that it could be suckled upon. Fingers of her left hand slid up the inside of her thigh so that her middle digit could slip between nethers and press the tip against her entrance. Before long, she was pushing her finger inward, pushing and burying the finger fully within her depths.

"Ahhhh... Kayleigh...!" Callie cries out, moaning eagerly as her clit is tongued and a finger slips inside the vixen's sex. She'd had a feeling that allowing Kayleigh to breathe underwater would pay immediate dividends, and the fox gives a silent prayer of thanks to The Lady that she'd had the wisdom to walk the Path of the Water. She could have chosen to remain a full ranger, or choose another element, but she'd followed the choice made by so many of her Verlosi Tribe ancestors, and it paid off, not only in sex but in everyday life. Callie's legs wrap around the human's waist tightly, and her feet rest against Kayleigh's back as the vixen grinds her hips into Kayleigh's mouth and finger.

<+Kayleigh> It was strange to be surrounded by water and actually able to breathe beneath it but it was also that was something quite unique and neat. Lashes fluttered and eyes closed, concentrating fully on what she was doing. Lips had created a seal around the Vixen's clit and with her tongue nudging and lapping, pushing and pulling it free from its hood, the knight was better able to swirl around it. A low moan caused her lips to softly vibrate but it was her finger that began to work inside of her. Twisting and slowly beginning to pump while occasionally curling. Though the water obscured it, she was quickly growing wet from just her actions alone. When legs wrapped around her waist it caused her normally stiff body to relax some but the heat of the water also helped sore muscles that had been worked during training. Her free hand was quick to pull from the water and break its surface where it traveled up Callie's stomach and eventually gripped a luscious breast. Kayleigh had never liked her build, it was far too masculine for her taste but in most instances it worked for her. Thicker calloused fingers gripped and groped and the globe of feminine flesh but before long her thumb and forefinger were moving to capture the peak so that it could be rolled between each while periodically being pinched.

Callie lets out a gasp of surprise and delight when Kayleigh's hand moves out of the water to grasp at one of her breasts, rolling against her nipple even while the human continues fingering and tonguing her down there. "Mmmmm, that's it, baby... fuck me, Kayleigh!" she cries out, not knowing if the human can actually hear her or not, but nor does she care. Being fucked this good, how can she hope to restrain her enthusiasm? "Ahhh... AHHHH!" With that, the vixen comes hard, her juices pouring out of her, slightly noticeable even though her pussy is covered with water.

<+Kayleigh> With her eyes shut, she used her hands to completely focus her attentions. Finger her fingers continuing to roll her nipple to the single middle digit pumping into velveteen walls. She loved doing it so much but what she loved more ... Mmmmfff fuck. To feel walls clenching around her finger caused her to give one last hard suckle to her clit, tugging it softly and her finger withdrawing so that her mouth could open wide and her tongue could push past folds and be thrust inside of her. To feel the heat and taste the juice against her tongue caused her back to arch and lift her thumb to press up against Callie's clit so that it could grind against it in quick circles. Kayleigh's own thighs pressed firmly together, rubbing against one another, in an effort to get some sort of friction but it wasn't enough for her to truly get any satisfaction. What the vixen had been saying was only heard as a warbled echo type of sound, sadly but when she cried out she could clearly hear it. A big part of her wanted to swap genders so she could -truly- be inside of her. That thought sent a shiver up her spine while her tongue prodded into the Vulpine's sex, making sure that it would be completely covered by those citrus-y like juices.

Callie groans and grips Kayleigh's hair tightly as she rides out her orgasm, the vixen's toes and tails curling tightly in an expression of pure ecstasy. As she comes down off her climax, Callie lifts Kayleigh's head out from beneath the water, and slides down deeper into the water so she's face to face with the human. The vixen kisses her slowly, passionately, amazed that she can actually taste herself on Kayleigh's lips. "Mmmm," Callie says as she breaks the kiss. "That was wonderful. Thank you."

<+Kayleigh> A low groan left her, once Callie griped tightly into her hair and caused her lips to part from her sex. Wet black hair was partially slicked back but also a mess from fingers being tangled within short locks. Those glacier blue orbs looked into Callie's own eyes but when lips connected with her own she was quick to shut her eyes. Arms shifted and gripped lightly at her hips while returning that kiss with as much passion that was given. Once the kiss was broken, a soft swallow was taken and a slight smile appeared on her lips. "It was definitely a unique experience being beneath the water and you taste .. delicious," she murmured. Her right hand slid back until she could palm one of those full cheeks to give it a squeeze. "Though, I must admit, I would greatly enjoy being inside of you." After speaking, teeth bit gently into her own bottom lip, her body leaning closer so that wet breasts could press and pillow against each other.

"Mmmm..." Callie murmurs, pressing her breasts tightly against Kayleigh's as she considers that idea. "That sounds lovely, babe. How about you sit down, and I'll ride you? Not fair to make you do all the work, after all." Callie grins and kisses Kayleigh again, this time sweetly on the cheek.

<+Kayleigh> To have their bodies being pressed tightly together, pebbled peaks of breasts ached in such a wonderful way. With her already muscular, broad shoulder, tall frame, not much was going to change when she swapped but she didn't yet do so. Fingers continued the grip upon that cheek but it grew more firmly when hearing those words. Honestly, the knight was delighted to hear it. The sweet kiss to her cheek caused eyes to become half lidded for a split second but they were soon back to their original state. "I'd like that." Unfortunately, she needed to part her frame from Callie's own so with one last squeeze to her rear, the tall human woman was slipping from out of the water. Water dripped and cascaded down her form and onto the floor, once she stepped out of the water. Kayleigh was quick to lay down on the wet tiled floor with a quiet sigh. Lips moved silently and soon that spell was taking over. Breasts disappearing so that her chest was flat and chiseled, her sex changing so that balls and a shaft formed. The human was in no way .. small. While she was well above average, she wasn't huge by any means. Since she was already turned on, her cock was half hard and resting against her lower belly. Striking blue eyes pulled over to the five tailed Vulpine, a smirk forming on lips.

Callie rises out of the water a few moments later, the vixen's red and white fur dripping wet and hot from the temperature of the bath. Callie looks over Kayleigh's newly-masculine body as she moves towards him, and lies atop him. "You're beautiful as a guy, too," the fox assures her new friend, and she takes him into her hand, beginning to stroke the human's cock slowly, preparing him for their lovemaking.

<+Kayleigh> Eyes continued to watch the vixen when she lifted herself from the water as to take in every inch of her form. Wet or not, she was gorgeous. Muscles tensed briefly, when the Vulpine moved and laid on top of him but when fingers curled around his cock a soft shaking breath was exhaled. There was only one other that the spell had been used for and that was quite some time ago. So, to feel those fingers stroking up and down his length caused great pleasure. It didn't take long before his cock was hardening in her hand and growing to its full length. "Mmmm .. you are so ... gorgeous," he groaned out low.

"Mmmm... thank you," Callie says, kissing Kayleigh softly on the lips, and lifting her hips up to line the human's cock up with her sex. Slipping the head of his cock in between her pussy lips, she pushes down and gasps as she feels herself filled by his fully-hardened length. "Ohhh, goddess," Callie groans, her tails swaying slowly behind her in deep arousal. She places her hands against Kayleigh's nipples as she begins to ride him.

<+Kayleigh> The soft kiss was returned but when feeling her line his cock up to her sex and then drop down, a deep groan spilled from him. It was the first time he was in another woman in months and it felt ... amazing. To have those slick walls wrapped around his girth and be buried fully inside of her made him roll his hips so that every bit of his shaft was fully inside of Callie. While her hands pressed against his chest, his hands lifted so he could lightly take hold of her hips. Blue eyes stared up into green, her mouth partially open, eyes filled heavily with lust and pleasure. A slow circular motion was made so that his cock would be able to grind against every part of her, fingers curling to grip the Vulpine's hips. "It's .. mmff ... been a while." His voice was much deeper than it was before since she was in a different form than her female self. "I hope that after this .. you will return the attentions," he said with a wink.

"Mmmm, it's a deal," Callie says with a grin, groaning at the way she feels Kayleigh's cock balls-deep inside her cunt. "Unnh.... grab my tits, baby," the fox requests, "grab 'em nice and tight." Callie rides Kayleigh's manhood slowly at first, using the hands against the human's chest to steady herself, as her tails begin to twitch lightly. Goddess, the heat was overwhelming.

<+Kayleigh> Hearing that it was agreed upon caused his body to softly shudder. The request wasn't necessary, as he planned on doing it anyhow but when he was told to do so he did. Hands sliding up her sides and dipping inward so that both of her tits could be taken into his hands and squeezed firmly. With Callie riding him slowly, every time that she would come down, he would lift himself up to ensure he continued to be fully inside of her. "Uuuggghhnnn .. fuck. You feel so good," he groaned out. His hands continued to squeeze and grope her breasts, thumbs and forefingers moving so that they could capture her nipples and pinch them both. Her cunt felt great wrapped around his cock. That wet warmness that snugged around his girth was something that made his back arch up.

"So... so do you, Kayleigh," Callie groans, n to pick up the speed of her riding, wanting to feel Kayleigh's spunk pour into her body. "Ahhh, fuck yessss..." Her tails sway slowly, testifying to her deep arousal as she bucks against Kayleigh's masculine form for all she's worth. She'd already come once under Kayleigh's magnificent oral ministrations, and she can feel her second climax fast approaching, as if the Pandora's box had been opened.

<+Kayleigh> The speed up of hips made him squeeze her tits harder. Still, each downward thrust brought his own hips thrusting up and since it had been so long since the last time he was inside a woman it wasn't long before he was groaning out. His cock twitched and a flood of seed gushed into her passage to fill her. His own pleasure was making his head swim but hips never stopped pumping and thrusting. Fingers pinched her nipples and tugged them, rolled them between both digits. "Ahhhh fuuuuuck," he finally grunted out. One hand slipped from a breast so that he could wrap his arm around her back and pull her down, his mouth opening, so that when she was down enough he could capture the flesh of the peak to suckle it and titflesh into his mouth.

Callie gasps as she feels Kayleigh's seed pouring into her, and the vixen continues bucking her hips even as her upper body is pulled down and her nipple sucked. She was so close to coming, it would be a shame to waste her momentum. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long, and Kayleigh's sucking of her breast is helping in that regard. Within thirty seconds of Kayleigh's orgasm, Callie hits hers again. "Ahhh, goddess!" she cries out, her juices pouring all over the human's cock.

<+Kayleigh> Even with Callie still bucking her hips down against his cock, seed poured into her. Those seed laden balls releasing cum which was something that she hadn't done in quite a long time. Once the vixen came, he groaned loudly, feeling her walls tightening around his shaft. His own hips continued to lift, so he could further pump into her but after several moments, his arm slid from around her and dropped to his side. Heated breath exhaled from flaired nostrils washed against the top of her breast and with one final hard suck, he released her breast from his mouth so that his head could be dropped back down onto the tiles. "Mmmff .. you are so sexy." He finally stopped moving so that his ass could press back down against the cool floor, just enjoying the feel of essence running down the curve of ass.

Callie slips off of Kayleigh's body as the human sets his head down on the tile floor, the vixen resting on the floor on her stomach with her feet and tails lifted high up in the air. "You are too, Kayleigh," the vixen assures him with a soft smile, tracing a hand against Kayleigh's chest and making little circles against his nipples. "Mmm, just as sexy as a guy as you are as a girl."

<+Kayleigh> A deep exhale left him, those glacier blue orbs could slide to the side to look at Callie. When speaking, those pale lips curl into a lazy smile from the lust that still coursed through his body. He enjoyed the finger that ran circles around his nipples and showing as much a soft yet deep 'mmm' rumbled in his throat. His cock, covered in the vixen's sweet nectar as well as the thickness of cum, grew flaccid and rested against his lower abdomen. "Did you want me to stay like this or ..?" Honestly, he wasn't sure what she wanted but at the moment he was enjoying himself and the afterglow of his climax.

"Hmm, let's switch... you go back to being a girl, and I'll be a guy this time. And let's get back into the pool, too." Callie rises to her feet, and offers Kayleigh a hand up. The vixen takes one last glance of Kayleigh-as-a-guy.

<+Kayleigh> That form remained, as he didn't immediately turn back into a female, when Callie spoke. The vixen's form was looked over, when the hand was offered and before long he grasped her hand and was onto his feet. The spell was wearing off, now that she was on her feet so the magical cock that was there was gone, breasts returning and her sopping sex could easily seen by the glistening of wetness on bare folds. Kayleigh squeezed her hand, making her way to the bath and when reaching it, she stepped down into the warmth of water, sighing happily when she did. "You just tell me how you want me and I'll be there. If you want me straddling your lap, I will but if you'd rather bend over .. I can do that too." A grin was flashed to Callie along with a wink while fingers released her own so that her hand could drop back down to her side.

Callie grins as she re-enters the bath, sinking her lower and side tails beneath the surface. "Mmm, I think I'd rather have *you* bent over, actually," the fox says with a grin. She casts Swap Gender, and her breasts flatten out, her pussy replaced by a cock that's already rock-hard. Cal strokes it a little bit to keep it that way in the interim.

<+Kayleigh> A smirk forms, hearing those words and she nods. Her forearms pressed against the tile and her cheek did as well, her hips bending so that her torso was flattened and her ass was lifted. Her bottom half was mainly still beneath the water but part of her rear was breaking the surface. Thighs spread wide, causing her to sink a few inches and sent the peaks of breasts into the warm waters. My my my, she didn't even know how tight she was going to be, from not having fingers or cock inside of her for many months. Most likely, she was going to grip around the vixen's shaft the moment she plunged in. Kayleigh was still soaking wet, even if it mixed with the water but she was and she was relaxed as well. "Mmm .. I'm going to enjoy this. It's been far too long. Far, far too long."

"I bet you will," Cal says, smiling lasciviously as he traces her lips and tongue along the human's magnificent back. He reaches out with one hand to grasp and knead at Kayleigh's right breast, and with her left hand, he lines herself up with the woman's sex. "Tell me how much you want it, baby."

+Kayleigh> Once feeling lips and tongue running against her back, she arched it but with the hand grasping her right breast, she arched her back deeper. A soft whimpering moan spilled from pale lips that grew louder, knowing that Callie was going to be thrusting into her soon enough. "I want it so bad. I'm aching for it. I ... mmmm .. I want to be filled and stuffed. I *need* it," she moaned out those last few words. Teeth bit down into her bottom lip, arms moving, her head lifting and then being set down onto the tops of her forearms. "Please, fuck me. I want you to fuck me and cum inside of me. Please, fuck me, Callie. Fuck me *hard*." Nipples were hard and aching, so with fingers kneading one breast, it gave her pleasure, even though her partner hadn't yet thrust into her.

Cal mmmms lowly, the Musha Villa's five tails swaying excitedly behind him at the way Kayleigh begged for it. "Oh, I'll fuck you, baby... I'll fuck you *hard*!" With that, he thrusts deeply inside Kayleigh, taking her balls-deep on the very first thrust, gasping loudly as he enters her. "Mmmm, *damn*, your cunt is so tight. I'm gonna enjoy this." His left hand joins its partner now in grasping at Kayleigh's breasts, pulling and tugging at the nipples, as Cal quickly thrusts in and out of the human woman.

<+Kayleigh> Teeth were still biting into her bottom lip but hearing those words made her shiver. That shiver grew harder and her mouth opened widely, when he slammed forward. A high pitched cry ripped from her and hips thrust back against him so that he was absolutely, fully buried in her depths. Slick walls squeezed and gripped his cock, while her added the pleasure of his other hand gripping her breast to tease her nipples. Once he began to thrust in and out of her, she began to moan out, her head being thrown back in passion. "O-o-ooooooooh Callie! YES! Mmfff .. yyyyyeeeeeesssss!" It felt so good, to be spread, to be filled, felt absolutely amazing and the pleasure that was coursing through her was shown from the heated wetness that would soak Callie's cock. Every time he thrust in, she pushed back, rocking back and forth and though he was teasing her nipples, her breasts swayed back and forth.

"Ohhhhh... ohhh, goddess," Cal groans, bucking wildly against Kayleigh as they make love for yet a third time. "Mmm, *fuck*, you're so tight and wet for me." The fox growls deeply as he continues, just, pummeling Kayleigh now, taking her hard and fast with no delicacy at all. Cal was a man on a mission, to get them both off as quickly as possible. He wouldn't even think about slowing down unless Kayleigh asked him to.

<+Kayleigh> High pitched cries and moans left her in quick succession which would easily be heard by her head being lulled back. Those hard and fast slams into her sent his cock deep inside of her and sent her breasts swaying hard, even with Callie pinching and teasing her nipples still. Eyes rolled back, walls squeezing and then relaxing as he plowed into her. Kayleigh kept her back arched but unlike in the beginning she didn't push back against him. Instead, she let him take her fully. Her bottom lip quivered and when she wasn't moaning and crying out from sheer pleasure, she would speak every now and again. "Yes .. mmmfff ... I'm so wet for you. I love how much you fill me. I love feeling you deep inside me. I .. I'm not .. uugghhnnn .. going to last long. Yes, Callie! YES! YES!!" She cried out loudly.

Cal's ears twitch with excitement at hearing these sexy statements from Kayleigh's lips, and he cries out, "Then come for me. Come for me HARD, Kayleigh!" The fox is practically demanding it, which is well, because the vulpine isn't far off his own orgasm. He curls his toes and tails tightly, trying to hold it in best he can, so that he can get Kayleigh off first, but... "Unnnh... I can't hold it either... KAYLEIGH!" With that, the dam breaks and he shoots his cum deep inside the human's womb, the vulpine's entire body quivering with delight.

<+Kayleigh> Those cried out words sent a hard shiver up her spine and caused her to arch her back deeply. Hips thrust back against his and when he told her that he couldn't hold back, she whimpered loudly. The feeling of hot seed gushing into her tight tunnel made her scream out in ecstacy. Walls gripped around his cock, as she reached her own staggering climax. Her juices flooded around his shaft and she wildly bucked back against him, wanting every drop of his cum inside of her. Those slick, cum splattered walls continued to spasm around his girth, massaging and milking it for all its worth. "Y-yes! F-fill me! Oh! YES! I WANT MORE OF YOU!" Those last words were practically screamed out. Thighs trembled and her head fell back down so that her forehead could land against the tops of her forearms while heavy breaths were being sucked in and shoved out. The human knight wanted more of the vulpine woman, so much more.

Whew. Cal doesn't think he's ever met a human woman who was more insatiable. Even her wife Allisa generally needed a break after the second or third time. Pulling out of Kayleigh's tight cunt, Cal casts Water's Breath on himself and says, "OK. One more time for the road. Let's 69 each other underwater." Cal doesn't bother switching back to feminine form; instead, he lies down on the floor of the bath, on his back, pulling Kayleigh in on top of him in the proper position. Spreading apart the human's legs, Cal begins to run his tongue in little swirls and circles on Kayleigh's clit.

<+Kayleigh> The human was still shuddering from the feeling of pleasure and though she was feeling weak, she was far too hungry for the pleasure. His words barely registered before she was being pulled beneath the water and on top of him. Glassy blue eyes were face to 'face' with his cock and after a moment of thinking, or how much she could think, she dipped her head down. Lips parted and her tongue slipped out to run over the head. This was something she wasn't experienced in but with his attentions to her clit and that pleasure already pumping through her, she decided to try. Kayleigh's clit was already sensitive so his tongue made her hips jerk up and part from his face but she was soon dropping back down so that he could continue. Finally, her eyes shut and her lips wrapped around the head of his shaft. Her tongue ran flatly against the tip, gathering up any cum that the water may not have washed away. Pushing her head lower several inches, a moan was muffled and caused both her mouth and lips to vibrate around his cock.

Cal had softened somewhat after his orgasm, but he quickly stiffens back up to full hardness as Kayleigh takes him into her mouth, the fox groaning against Kayleigh's clit as his tails twirl and curl beneath him. Reaching up, he slips two fingers into the woman's pussy, still amazed at how tight and warm she is, and he gasps at the muffled moan that vibrates his stiff manhood. Goddess, Kayleigh was hot.

<+Kayleigh> To feel him grow in her mouth, to stretch her lips, made her squirm atop of him. Those two fingers that pushed inside of her once again made her moan around him but slowly she was lowering her head down until the tip was at the start of her head. Cheeks hollowed to properly suck and her head was lifted and then dropped while she sucked his cock. Her hips rolled so that she could grind against his lips and tongue while also pushing back to fingers that were inside of her. The knight was well aware that her next climax was bound to leave her too weak to walk and would leave her oversensitive but it would be completely worth it. Kayleigh continued to lift and drop her head, sucking him off while he finger fucked her and ate her out.

One downside of doing this underwater was that Cal couldn't compliment Kayleigh on the good job she was doing at sucking his cock. At least, not in real time. He'd have to settle for experiencing the amazing heat all around them, as well as the warmth and skill of Kayleigh's mouth and tongue. Pushing a third finger into the woman's pussy, he continues slowly tonguing Kayleigh's clit, even giving it a soft nip.

+Kayleigh> The third finger being pushed into her made her eyes open wide and it took her a moment to adjust but once she did she found herself continuing to bob her head along his shaft. The slowness of tongue against her clit made her continue to roll her hips so that she could push against his tongue and back against his fingers. Feeling the nip, another moan vibrated against his cock that she did her best to suck. Thankfully, she was able to breathe beneath the water but she decided to try and take more. Slowly, she lowered her head down and would feel the thick head begin to push into the start of her throat before it was traveling down it. Eyes shut tightly and she breathed through flaired nostrils. Hands that were atop of his thighs squeezed firmly, continuing to drop herself down. The female knight would continue, even as she gagged around him, causing her throat to tighten around his cock, until her lips pressed to the base. Her chin was against his pubic bone and her nose nuzzled against his balls. She kept herself down as long as she could.

Cal groans, the amazing sensations Kayleigh's giving him from deep-throating him already sending him over the edge. He shoots his spunk deep into the back of Kayleigh's throat, pulling out a little bit to make sure she got some on her tongue as well. "Ahhhh!" Cal exclaims beneath the water, and he speeds up the motion of tongue against clit; fingers inside snatch. He wants to get Kayleigh off now as well.

<+Kayleigh> The sudden feel of cum down her throat make her jerk but he was quick to pull back so that the rest splattered on her tongue. Since her attentions were focused on getting him off, she hadn't do so but she had still felt the pleasure. Several had swallows were taken, swallowing down the spunk he had shot down her throat as well as onto her tongue and into her mouth. Keeping her mouth around him, still, as she swallowed, she moaned feeling him speed up. Kayleigh moved back to make sure his fingers pushed deep into her and his tongue was ground up against her clit that had slipped from its hood. She felt herself growing towards climax so quick and with the taste of his cum in her mouth, she felt the tension build in her stomach. The knight pulled her head back and beneath water a muffled cry left her. Her tight cunt wrapped around those fingers and they were quick to be coated with her arousal. She came hard, so hard that it sent her torso collapsing down onto him and sent her cheek pressing, nuzzling, against the top of his cock. That final climax had her spent but she needed it. She needed all of them.

Even beneath the water, without the benefit of being able to hear much, Cal knew a partner's orgasm when he saw one. Especially one as epic as the one Kayleigh had just experienced. Pushing up with his arms, Cal uses his soldier's strength to get himself unpinned from beneath the human, and he breaches the surface of the water, gently pulling Kayleigh up with him. And then, canceling the Swap Gender spell, Callie wraps her arms around Kayleigh, rather tenderly.

<+Kayleigh> Her whole body was feeling weak and softly shuddering and with Callie moving so that she could pull the knight up, Kayleigh leaned against her. All that pent up sexual frustration was finally released with someone besides her ex lover and it had felt fantastic. To be held after it all was something she enjoyed and weakly lifting her arms she draped them around the vixen as well to hold her. "You were amazing," she whispered. Half lidded eyes dipped down to look at the Vulpine's lips and moving her head, she pressed her lips to give the vixen a soft kiss. Her hand gently rubbed Callie's back, continuing that gentle kiss.

Callie could sense Kayleigh's exerted state and thus she kisses back tenderly, not trying to deepen the kiss or do anything further to extend their sexual liaison. Besides, the vixen herself was getting a little weary, and that wasn't easy to accomplish. Breaking the kiss after a few moments, Callie says, "You were amazing, too. We must do this again sometime. Do you know where the Unigo Tower of Magic is?"

<+Kayleigh> When the kiss was broken, the knight lowered her head so that she could lay it on Callie's shoulder. "I've seen it but I've never been in so yes, I do know where it is. I would be happy to do this again. How could I not?" A weak smile appeared on her lips, arms remained wrapped around the vixen. "I know you need to get going soon, I'm sure but I wanted to thank you for such a lovely evening. It's been far too long since I've done this and I needed to get it out of my system," she said softly. Honestly, Kayleigh wasn't the most sexual woman at all and had only been with one other woman so being with Callie was a step out of her comfort zone that she couldn't have been more happy that she had taken.

"Mmm, I'm glad I was able to help. Anyway... I live very near the Unigo Tower, at the two-story log cabin just southwest of it. If you'd care to stop in sometime, I'll cook a meal for you, and maybe we can do a few more things together that we didn't get around to or didn't think of tonight." Callie grins and kisses Kayleigh sweetly on the cheek.

<+Kayleigh> Everything that was said sounded wonderful and it caused her smile to widen. "I would like that, Callie. Again, you were amazing and I'm quite certain our next experience will be even more so. I look forward to it." The kiss to her cheek caused her to lift her head up and made her arms slip from around the vixen, figuring that she would be leaving soon enough. "I think I'm just going to .. stay here until I can walk again," she said with a quiet chuckle.

Callie grins at that. "That's probably a good idea," the vixen says, chuckling. "It was nice meeting you, Kayleigh." With that, Callie steps out of the bath, dries herself off with a towel, and clothes herself. With a light wave, she exits the private bath and closes the door gently behind her.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:16 am

The Lonely Inn
July 4, 2015
Callie, Matwyn, and Ellis

Callista Kayami Volopa emerges from her room atop the stairs, smiling softly as she makes her way down the staircase. She wears a purple blouse with black and white trim, black skirt, and Tears of the Lady necklace, keeping her feet comfortably bare. Making her way over to the bar, she blinks as she sees Fara standing naked in the common room. Not an unusual sight, but it *is* someone she's never seen before. The vixen's five tails sway slowly behind her in arousal as she sits down at a barstool. "May I have a fox lust, please, Velthorian?" she asks him.

<+Ellis> When she wasn't working on odd jobs at Matwyn's Castle, Ellis tended to wonder around the town of Nanthalion. Today she finds herself at the lonely inn, a place she had not visited in a while now. Dressed in her rather revealing mages' robes which did very little to hide most of her fuzzy body, she'd step through the threshhold of the door. Her one big poofy tail had three decorative rings upon it and that fur was perfectly groomed. She may have been a bit of a tomboy, but she still made damn sure she was always good looking when she wasn't working on the farm. She didn't bother looking around when she steps in. She was much to eager to get to the bar so she could get some liquid refreshment in her system. The question was what to get? Before she even takes a seat she'd take note of the Naked Fara and then the 5 tailed vulpine that was already at the bar. She though tit was Matwyn at first but quickly realized the colors were so not right. "Well whadda we got here? Another one of them there 5 tails in this here town? That's impressive. Where I've from we only got one and she's rather up there in years." She had no problems speaking her mind as she tries to get Callie's attenion and start a conversation all in the same moment. She had a sweet voice with a very country accent to go along with it.

Velthorian-BT turns to Callie as she makes her presence known along with her order. He gives Callie a curt nod and firmly lipped smile "Ma'am" Working with an almost military efficiency would fill a glass with blood mead and then add a layer of cream, even going so far as to create a nice little leaf-like design before setting it before Callie with a tilted nod.

Callie smiles in appreciation of Velthorian's efficiency, giggling softly at the leaf-like design he'd made in her drink. Taking an appreciative sip, she places a couple coins down on the bar for the bartender. When Ellis addresses her, she listens, and chuckles softly. "Yeah, most of the Mushani Villa in my own tribe are at least 200. I'm the youngest one the Verlosi Tribe has ever had; I'm only 34. I'm Callie Volopa." Her attention now focused fully on Ellis, she smiles lightly and waves her tails in a friendly manner.

<+Ellis> "Please ta meat'cha. I'm Ellis. I ain't got no fancy last name er nothing like that. Just Ellis." She smiles brightly to Callie and then turns to the bartender, Velthorian. "I'd like whatever she's havin, nothing better than sharing a drink with ah fellow vulpine...well Ah could think of ah few things but we ain't got to those parts yet." She winks playfully to Callie and then takes a seat next to her. "Ah ain't to familliar with all the tribes and things. My people were pretty small and insignificant, we were part of the earth tribe...technically. That's what my pa always used ta say, but me? I was alway smore focused on just farmin the land and midning the cute boys around the nearby town."

"Just the boys?" Callie asks Ellis teasingly, stroking a tail against her fox-kin's leg. She takes a sip of her fox lust and smiles with satisfaction. Fox lusts are one of The Lady's truly amazing gifts to Her children. The vixen's eyes briefly dart over to Fara, who's speaking a language Callie has never heard before.

<+Ellis> "Well ah guess ah caught the attention of some of the girls to but mostly the boys. It was mostly a buncah humans livin nearby and ah guess they don't really see sex the same way we do an' all so the girls kept away form me mostly...they were also a bit jealous and weary of me to, ya know being that I kinda sorta may have been a bit of a homewrecker if'n ya know what I'm sayin. Ain't my fault some married boy decided to enter into some kinda weird relationship in which he's supposed ta only have sex with one woman fer the rest of his life...then realizes how dumb an idea that is when he lays eyes upon me." Ellis always thought highly of herself when it came to such matters. She had no shame about what she did. Her attention shifts to Velthorian for a moment. "Why thank you kindly. Yer a damn good tender." She'd leave a tip for him as well, small but better than nothing. She idly scritches at Callie's tail that was rubbign at her.

Matwyn stretched returning from a relaxing bath at the temple the vulpine groomed and adorned in his robes once more hed approach the inn pushing his way inside as bushy tails flicked behind him. inhailing deeply as he glanced upon the patrons within.

"True," Callie says to Ellis. "I'm married myself, but Allisa and I are in an open relationship. She knows it wouldn't be healthy for a vulpine, especially a devout one, to just have sex with one person the rest of her life. Some humans might be able to do that, but not me." Callie chuckles softly. "So *he* laid eyes on *you*, told you he wanted you, and all of a sudden *you're* the slut, huh? Typical."

<+Ellis> "I think it was the part where I kept doing it with other men, married or not, that they finally started callin me a slut, but ya know how them folk can be. So darn jealous. Ah have a hard time saying no. I guess I did know it'd make some people mad but who am I to deny some willing boy or girl my body? No way no how." She takes a nice lung chug of her drink, the girl clearly able to handle her alcohol. She'd was to busy enjoying Callie's presence to take note that Matwyn had made his presence. "So what's a cutie married 5 tailed like yerself doing round these parts? Looking fer a bit of fun? Or just relaxing with some good drink for the day? Maybe Ah could interest ya in joinin me back at Sir Fancy pant's place, he's got himself a nice castle that he lets me stay in. Could show ya my room."

Matwyn paused peerign at the pair of vixens admiring both as hed hear her little name for him the vulpine would simply wait and watch giving a soft grin at ellis's suggestion. hed ramain where he was tails swishing behind him waitign to see where the two progressed not wantign to interupt just yet.

Callie had yet to notice Matwyn herself, though she *did* feel a slight increase in temperature as the door briefly opened to the outside. "Always looking for a bit of fun," Callie says with a grin, placing a hand on Ellis' hip. "How far is this 'Sir Fancy Pants' castle?" she asks. Her five tails sway slowly behind her in deep arousal as she imagines the two of them taking each other's clothes off and going at it like a pair of crazed wolves.

<+Ellis> "It ain't that far close to them there goblin marshes where that other fancy noble lady lives but none too far that ya gotta worry bout getting tired." That hand on her him made Ellis let out the softest of moans, loving having another touch her body. "Ah am pretty sure yer someone tha tknows him, I figure you 5 tails are aware of one another. He calls himself Matwyn. Pretty high and mighty shaman folk and a Noble in this here empire...oh and his cock...lemme tell ya. Fer such a small man he's gotta pretty darn big dick and he knows how ta use it! I ain't never had mah pussy wet like he made it by the time he was done with me." She was very open with her conversations.

Matwyn laughed softly "oh and i was hoping you wouldn;t say my name and let her guess ellis" he spoke up approaching the pair with a smile. hands clapsing behind his back as hed offer callie a polite bow of his head and sweep of his tails. "miss volopa" he spoke looking over both women and their present attire.

Callie nods to Ellis to certify that she knows Matwyn, and then bursts out laughing at her rather explicit description of his lovemaking skills. "I don't think I've ever had the pleasure, actually," she says regarding Matwyn. She takes a sip of her fox lust, and almost spits it up again when it turns out Matwyn was listening the whole time. "Matwyn," she says kindly, waving her tails in his direction. "Ellis was just telling me that you're good in bed. True or false?"

Ellis jumps just a bit when she hears Matwyn's voice but otherwise does a good job of playing it off. "Oh! Mr. Fancypants. Ah didn't know you were back there. Come on over...get in here. The more the merrier. Ah was just talkin about ya. Err...well I ah guess yer already aware of that on account you were listen in on us talking and all." She couldn't help but to giggle at Callie's question.

Matwyn laughed a bit "she would know i've not had the chance to fuck myself, but i am vulpine it is.. somethign we excell at usually.. ellis is no slouch herself. but good bad, that is an opinion one should inform themselves on there own.. or rather with me as it takes two.. or three simultenously loving you vixens" he hummed stepping closer brushing cheeks against ellis as hed give her a kiss.

Callie chuckles as Matwyn points out that he's yet to fuck himself, and says, "Well, then. Since Ellis here has already got me all hot and bothered, perhaps today is our lucky day. Can we make it all the way to the castle, or should we just go upstairs this time?"

<+Ellis> By now, Ellis was highly aroused, thanks to the talk of Matwyn and him being there. She loved the feeling of his cheek against her own as he moves in to kiss her. "Headin' upstairs sounds mighty fine right about now. Ah am too impatient to wanna wait for the walk back to yer castle Mr. Matwyn." She was already rising up to her feet though not before she'd finish the rest of that fox lust drink of hers. "Ah am surprised ya'll ain't never had sex before and ya know each other. Can't imagine bein in the dame room with either of ya for too long without getting a mouth full of dick or pussy. Mah goodness. I'd be all over ya like white on rice before too long."

Matwyn simply shrugged "one can have friends they havn't sexed or aquintences and such.. but i am sure we can remedy the situation and aye a room upstairs.. i belive we have three to choose from.. as the inn seems to have them in abbundance" hed offercallie a smiel lettign his tails play along hers as he waited to have them lead theway.

Callie finishes off her own fox lust, smiling as she leads the way up the stairs. "Let's go to my room," she says. "Nice, big bed." She sways her tails slowly behind her as they go upstairs together, and upon entering room 412, Callie sets her Tears of the Lady necklace down on her chest of drawers.

<+Ellis> "Fine by me." She says in agreeance to Callies suggestion that they use Callie's room. Ellis follows Callie up the stairs, whilst she'd purposely move in front of Matwyn so she could toy with him, bapping him playfully with her tail wanting him to grab hold of it and play with it. It was without a doubt he rmost favorite spot to be played with and pleasured. " pretty sure I had sex with all of mah friends...Yep, every last one of 'em. Acquaintances too. Ah got a lotta usage outta the barn back home."

Matwyn nipped at the vixens tail as shed bap him with it walking into the room last as hed give ellis a firm swat on the rump as he chuckledsliding a hand yp along her body to grasp her by the tit giving it a firm squeeze before lightly giving her a push towards callie.

Callie still couldn't quite believe she was about to have sex with Matwyn. She'd never been with another Musha Villa before, but she'd heard that The Lady blessed them by giving their partners more pleasure being with them. It would certainly go a long way towards explaining Callie's diverse and varied sex life since earning her fifth tail. Callie removes her blouse and skirt, standing naked in front of Ellis and Matwyn, and plunges down onto the bed on her back, looking up at them with excitement in her eyes.

Ellis lets out a much more audible moan as her ass was swatted and her tits grasped. Her nipples poked out as they hardened, just begging to be tweaked. Ellis stumbles forwards a bit, looked Callie's form over before she'd remove her skimpy tillte mage robes, leaving her quite naked save for her hair ornament and thick stockings. There was absolutely no hesitation on Ellis' part. She was not a shy woman when it came to matters of sex. She instnatly climbs atop of Callie, sticking her ass out for Matwyn to have a nice visual, before she'd lean down to close her mouth down around Callie's right nipple.

Matwyn undid his robes as it leave him in those fancy pants ellis mentioned the shaman beging to undo those pants as hed kneel before the vixens admiring the view playfully tuggign elli's tail up as hed try a taste of her pussy before niibbling down her theigh before burrign his face between both womens theigsh to give callies pussy a slow lick to get a taste of the woman inhailing deeply as he gave a lustful growl.

Callie looks up excitedly to see Ellis strip virtually naked in front of her, and then she grins as her fox-kin joins her on the bed, moaning and taking hold of the back of her head when Ellis places her mouth against her nipple. And then Matwyn strips, and gives both Ellis and Callie's pussy a slow lick; the Musha Villa responds to the latter with a soft, pleasured sigh. "Ah, yes," Callie says in Vulpani.

Ellis shudders with pleasure as she feels Matwyn's tounge against her sex. She was quite mosit by this time so he'd get a good taste of her essence with just that lick. She'd make sweet little murring sounds as Matwyn nibbles down her thigh. "Mmmm, you licked her pussy so good ya made her speak Vulpani..." she jokes. The hand on the back of her head just urged her on to make Callie moan all the more. Nothing pleased her more than bringing out such reactions from others.

Matwyn nuzzled into callies theigh as hed plant his tongue along her petsls workign his way up over the girls mound, hands graspign her tails lightly scritching between them as they were a sensative spot, occasionly brinign hise nose up to press against ellis and kiss over her twat, as hed try his best to share his attention between both women.

Callie notices how he's trying to split his attention, and she says to Ellis, "Poor guy's got it rough, doesn't he? Two girls to pleasure, and only one tongue." She giggles, and kisses Ellis lightly on the cheek, her right hand moving to Ellis' left breast and tweaking at the nipple. Callie's toes curl lightly at the feeling of her fox-kin's tongue against her cunt.

<+Ellis> Each touch against her body just brought more pleasure. Even the smallest of touches got thhis woman off. She was a very sensual woman. "Such ah shame...not havin' enough tongues ta please us with...good thing he's got plenty of fingers..." Ellis says with a moan, Callie's hands were working their magic upon Ellis. She'd breath ever so gently upon that nipple she was working on and then adjusts her head so that she could give some attention to the other. Her pussy, meanwhile began to leak essence, so horny was she.

Matwyn gave ellis pussy a firm lap as hed kiss over each fold suckling as he worked his pants the vulpine raising up some as hed grin hands slapping down on the country fox's rear. she spoke of fingers after all. the musha villa would get to feel that cockhead nestlign against her as he'd grind slwoly gently moving ellis so he could slide between both women some lettign them feel his length.

Callie's own pussy was getting quite wet too, the vixen moaning in excitement at the way Ellis was working her nipple and Matwyn her sex. Then she feels his manhood against her body for the very first time. "Mmm, you weren't kidding about his cock," Callie says with a grin. "Wonder where he's gonna put it first..."

Ellis lets out a deep moan as Matwyn's tongue grinds against her sex once more. She had no problem adjusting herself so Matwyn could get his cock in Callie. While she was moving for Matwyn's sake, she'd take this time to lock lips with Callie, something she had wanted to do since she had first laid eyes on Callie. If the other vixen was accepting, Ellis would trust her tongue into Callie's mouth wanting to taste the other's tongue so they could dance with one another.

Matwyn grinned pushing against callies pussy as hed decide to give it a try. plams kneading and stroking elli's bottom as he watched the pair pushign down and into the one vixen slwoly as he spoke "i do think you know where i am gonna go first miss volopa" he grinned leaning down nippign at elliss tail watching the pair kiss.

Callie moans into the kiss, her tongue quickly establishing dominance over Ellis' as it enters the Musha Villa's mouth. The vixen pushes herself up against Matwyn's manhood, closing her eyes as she prepares to feel it thrust inside of her for the first time. How she'd gone this long without having sex with Matwyn was anyone's guess.

Ellis moans into Callies mouth when Matwyn nips at her tail, bringing her such incredible amounts of pleasure. She was surprised when she felt how Callie take to the tongue kiss, taking it and establishing such dominance with it. Ellis shudders with pleasure from such an action and Matwyn would be able to see such pleasure as she wiggles her bottom in delight.

Matwyn teased ellis's bottom as hed push until hilting himself within callie as he groaned loudly feelign callies sex nippign again at ellis' tail as hed begin to thrust into the vixen sandwishing ellis hed grin chanting softly as a toy float from a pants pocket, pushing the fake cock into ellis as hed pump the real thing into callie.

Callie gasps into the kiss as she feels Matwyn taking her, the vixen curling her tails lightly beneath her as she continues dominating Ellis with her tongue. She pushes back a little weakly against Matwyn's cock, even as she feels Ellis' reaction to having... something... enter her as well.

Ellis was expecting mabe some fingers at the most but what came next took her off guard and was a complete surprise. That toy enters into her needy folds and she had to break the kiss with Callie as she arcs her back and howls out beatifully as the feeling of having a toy shoved into her dripping wet sex overcame her. "Yes Please more!" she cries out in their native language, not something heard too often from Ellis. She grips at Callie's shoulders and burries her face in the woman's neck, nuzzling there as that toy was really doing a number on her. Despite how much sex she had in her life, her body was so receptive of another's touch that each time she had sex was akin to her first times.

Matwyn growled pushing more into callie as hed hold the toy within ellis. "my.. i didnt even use the enchantment yet ellis" he spoke groaning as hed push against both women as hed groan pinning ellis between the two five tails as hed work that toy giving her a good hard thrust the way she favored it.

"Ooooh, he's got an enchantment on that thing," Callie says with a grin, moving a hand up to tweak Ellis's nipple while the other one moves to the base of her tail. "Wonder what *that's* gonna do." She grins, and kisses Ellis' sultry lips once more, again having her tongue establish dominance over Ellis', since she could tell that her fox-kin had enjoyed that.

<+Ellis> If she was capable of forming a proper sentence right now she probably would have asked about those enchantments but as it was, all Ellis could do was moan and cry out with pleasure. Callie turns things up tweaking Ellis' nipple and toying with the base of her tail. having multiple partners was always an exhausting experience for Ellis. So much pleasure from so many different parts of her body. It was mind blowing. Her pleasure cries were muffled when Callie claims her mouth once more and gives her that tongue. Ellis was on the cusp of an orgasm thanks to the pair of 5 tail vulpine that were both pleasing her form greatly.

Matwyn would slide the toy out of ellis as he grinned speakign the command word, nothing too arcane in the toy, it simply a vibration enchant. the nectar coated tip nestled against callies hooded pearl pinned between her and ellis's twats, as hed give the five tail a nit more attention before moving the toy back to ellis. as ehd begin to increase his pace.

Calie moans excitedly at feeling that toy vibrating against her body, and then Matwyn picks up the pace of his thrusting into her, causing her to groan into the kiss and get a little more aggressive with it. The vixen grips Ellis' breast a little tighter, strokes her tail a little more elaborately, and basically focuses all the good she's feeling towards making Ellis feel good in turn.

Ellis had a small bit of reprieve when Matwyn pulls that toy out of her sex, which ws now quivering as she was on the verge of coating tha ttoy with her nectar. The kiss she was locked into still had her feeling quite heated and light headed so great was it. She let her tongue glide along Callie's dominating tongue. Before she knew it, that toy was back inside hersex and not it was vibrating. Ellis' eyes grew wide and she moans deeply into Callie's mouth as she cums no longer able to hold back...not wishing to do so in the first place. That orgasm was so hard that her rush of essence would push that toy right out of her unless Matwyn was holding it within her. Her entire body shudders as she was rocked to her very core from the pleasure and for a few moments she'd just go limp as he rmuscles spasmed uncontorlably and her juices ooze out of her.

Matwyn held the toy firmly in ellis until shed go limp upon callie. before letting go of the toy, leaving it in the country vixen as hed lean down kissing between her shoudler blades, his hands sliding up under her body in a hug as well as to grasp callies tits. as hed contineu that harder pace as he plunged into her, the shamans prick throbbign as hed grow closer and clsoer before calling to the lady as hed coat the insides of callies muff.

Callie breaks the kiss and cries out as she feels Matwyn's hot spunk pouring into her body, the vixen thrusting and thrusting back against him until she herself comes, about 20 seconds after Matwyn, the vixen releasing the dam within her and pouring her sex juices all over Matwyn's manhood, even as she holds on tightly to the limp form of Ellis directly above her.

Ellis hadn't been this worn out from a sexual encounter since spending some time with a pair of horny wolven men. She shakes her head as she begins to come around, still feeling quite out of it. She'd nuzzle against Callie's breast, smiling. "Wow...I...I can't believe how wonderful that felt...It's been so long since I've had two partners both working on me and I've never been with a woman and a man at the same time before...that was amazing. Miss Callie...t-thank you so much for letting us use your room." She thanks the vixen and then gives a quick prayer to The Lady.

Matwyn pulled from callies slit with a reluctant groan as he smield patting ellis on the bottom "was quite fun.. but i have work to attend to.. callie do be sure to treat ellis here well, you are as welcome in my home as the temple should you wish to visit" he spoke weakly gettign to his feet as hed grin down at the pair.

"I will," Callie says to Matwyn, "and thanks." She says a soft prayer to The Lady as she slowly rolls out from beneath Ellis' form, and smiles as she lies next to her. Then she gives her a soft kiss. "And you're welcome to stay and have a little more fun, if you like, Ellis."

<+Ellis> "I would not mind doing so miss Volopa. I'll just need a bit to rest up...I had no idea what I was in for when I came to the inn today. I figured I was going to find some cute boy and break him in, but the combined efforts of you and Mr. Matwyn were right bit much fer me...Ya'll are more feirce than a peir of wolven...oh my..." She leans in to give Callie a kiss on the cheek. "Yer a great kisser..."
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:17 am

CVC Kiosk
August 29, 2015
Callie and Blood Moon

The smell of sweet vilka sausage and beef meatballs fills the air at Callista's Vulpine Cuisine, as the five-tailed, red-furred vixen of the Verlosi Tribe waits on, and cooks for, a couple of customers in the middle of lunch hour. She's chatting up a rock troll male named Morn, who's working on putting down an enormous plate of vilka-- twelve whole sausages-- while at the other end of the counter, a barefoot chirot healer eats a hot fudge sundae in relative silence.

BloodMoon as he walks around in town his nose picks up on the delicious scent of Callie's food. His stomach rumbling and he decides it might be a good idea to go get some food , so he makes his way to her kiosk.

Callie sees BloodMoon make his way beneath the awning, and she smiles and waves at him, one of her best customers. "Charavizhra, BloodMoon!" she says, her tails waving lightly behind her in a friendly manner. She sets out a menu. "It's good to see you!"

<+BloodMoon> and entering smiling at Callie, "Charavizhra, Callie" he greets her, giving her cheek a kiss, his own tail swishing about happily before having a seat and looking at the menu. "I will have a beer to start and will see what I like to eat on the menu" he said calmly and friendly.

Callie smiles at the kiss on the cheek, and also at BloodMoon's flawless pronunication of the Vulpani for "hello" among friends. "Beer it is," Callie says, handing BloodMoon, from the cooler, a bottle of Void Tribe pilsner beer. "I'm trying to work with the caravans to get some more selection with beer, so this is all I have at the moment," she says apologetically. She opens the bottle with a Sharpen Claw spell.

<+BloodMoon> "No need to apologise it is a delicious beer" he thank her and took a sip. "So how have you been? Anything exciting happen?" he asked with a playfulness in his voice as he watched her

Callie grins. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Though I *did* have some great sex last night with Kayleigh and Gareth back home. It was those two's first time together, though they'd both been with me before. It was really nice; a great bonding experience."

<+BloodMoon> "Is Kayleigh another pet of your's?" I asked, wondering how many she had

"No, she's a free person who lives in my house," Callie says to BloodMoon. "A friend. A knight, whom I'm helping train for combat."

<+BloodMoon> "Might have to go visit her sometime" he jokes. "Do you know of any leather mentor or people that train you in that?" he asked, "Oh and can I have some Vilka, just plain this time?" he asked as he took a swig of the beer, feeling so nice and cold as he swallowed

Callie frowns a little bit. "I'm afraid I know very little about leatherworking, or whom you might speak to about an apprenticeship. Sorry, hon." Callie has one of her Elemental Servants pull three vilka sausages out of the meat cooler, and get them onto the grill. "Oh, I have mashed potatoes, and some fresh corn on the cob, as available sides today. Would either of them interest you?"

<+BloodMoon> "Can I have both?" he aked teasing her a little and took another sip of the beer

"Excellent," Callie says. She always prepares mashed potatoes every day, because whatever she doesn't use that day, she turns into potato rolls. The vixen gets some water in a pot, skewers four corncobs, and slips them into the pot. By her reckoning, the food should all be ready at around the same time.

<+BloodMoon> his tail happily moving about behind him as he watches Callie work. "So what does it involve training her?" he asked being curious, eyes getting a light red hue as they traveled her body over

"Well, I teach her some fighting techniques, I help her practice with dummies, I test her with mental exercises, and we get a lot of endurance and cardiovascular training through sex," Callie says, smiling fondly as she remembers the fun she'd had last night with Kayleigh and Gareth. Both of them, especially Kayleigh, had been so nervous! "She also helps out with the chores, too."

<+BloodMoon> "oh that sounds helpfully" he smiled. "Sounds like this sex was awesome" he joked with a smirk as he saw her get lost in thought. "I might have to see for myslef how good you are" he smiled playfully

"I'm a devout 34-year-old vulpine," Callie says with a grin; "you can *guess* how good I am. I make love practically every day, giving thanks to The Lady as I do so. The Lady grants us the gifts of life, love, and tails, and She demands from us that we devote ourselves to pleasure in all its forms."

BloodMoon "Why have I never been part of this?" he teased, pretending to be hurt by it. "What is the vulpine word for if?" asked curious again, drink more of the beer as he watched her and waited for the food

"The word for 'if'?" Callie asks. "It's 'ex'. Why do you ask?" One of her elementals turns the sausage over on the grill.

<+BloodMoon> "Just curious" he says with a mischivous glint in his eye and a sly smile. Taking a long drink of the beer, a little chuckle as he remembers how Rebecca swings her beer bottle around

Callie nods, and stirs the corn and potatoes around in their respective pots. The barefoot chirot healer finishes her ice cream, pays, and leaves through the sky. Morn scarfs down an eighth piece of vilka. The man's a ravenous eating machine.

<+BloodMoon> "So in your honest opinion, would the orgasm pie be better before or after a meal?" he asked, being quite serious and finishing off his beer. "Yes, nothing wrong with this beer it taste wonderfull".

"I'm glad you like the beer," Callie says; "I haven't tried it myself. Not a beer drinker in the slightest. To answer your question: I would hold off on the orgasm pie until after you've eaten. It'll keep you horny for quite some time even after the initial orgasm. So you won't really *want* to eat your meal after that, and that'd be a shame, because it's gonna be delicious." Callie's elemental plates BloodMoon's three vilka sausages, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob, spreading butter and sprinkling salt on the latter.

<+BloodMoon> "That is what I also thought." he said taping his chin with finger nodding sagely. "This already looks delicious" he complimented and started digging in, the mash was heavenly.

Callie smiles, and pulls out a limeade for herself, sitting down on the employees' side of the counter now that the line had died down. She wears a purple blouse with black and white trim, knee-length black skirt, and is comfortably barefoot. Her tails swish lightly behind her in a friendly manner. She can tell by BloodMoon's tail-language that he's enjoying his food. "So, how's things with you, BM?"

<+BloodMoon> "I am good thank you, going well at the inn, my skills have improved a bit, this necrro thing as most people worried so kinda tense as well" he said between bites, think if he left something out. "Oh I have had a sexy experiences myself" he smirked and waggled hi eye brows

Callie nods gravely; the necro thing has *her* worried, too; that's why she's been taking her mithril spear with her wherever she goes lately. She smiles lightly when she hears him tell of sexual experiences, though. "Oh, really? Have you been with my old friend Yuka fox yet?" she asks him. "She's got a *serious* wolven fetish." As does Callie, for that matter.

<+BloodMoon> "Yes I have" he smiled and ate some of the corn the butter help it melt on his tongue, "Mmm this food is so good" spoke joyfully. "Any progress with you and snowflake?" he asked

Callie smiles at BloodMoon's complimenting of her food, but then she sighs when asked about Snowflake. "No, not really. I still get the impression she doesn't trust me, or think my intentions are good. All I care about is her welfare; I'm concerned that if she were free, she'd try to return to what's left of her tribe, and be killed or re-enslaved by the soulless bastards who captured her as a slave in the first place." Callie smiles softly. "I'm taking it slow with her, though. Just asking her to help out with chores, and such. We haven't been together yet."

<+BloodMoon> "You know this area pretty well right Callie? Nathielon...or how do you pornounce it?" he aske he ate the lasat of the vilka sausages, smiling at her.

Callie blinks at the change of subject, but adapts quickly: "Nanthalion. And sure, I guess I know the area about as well as anyone else. Why do you ask?" She takes another sip of her drink.

<+BloodMoon> "I don't really know the area yet, like how to get to the palace library, or to thallis or the tower where the SS is, just heard about it" I said and finished off the mash and the corn on th cob. "That was fantastic, your cooking is amazing" he compliment as he relaxed in his chair.

"Thanks, hon," Callie says, and she has one of her elementals take up the plate and put it in the sink to be washed. She pulls out a map of Nanthalion Province, and another one of the full empire, and patiently points out to BloodMoon where all these things are.

<+BloodMoon> "Didn't mean right now Callie" he smiled "you can put the maps away, and I was hoping to find some that take me like a tour. but it was just a thought" he smiled. "I want to make a deal with you" he said msichiviously as he watched with his eye a little red glowing

Callie notices the little glow of red that appears in BloodMoon's eye, and knows from her association with wolvens over the years *exactly* what that means. In return, Callie's tails begin to slowly sway behind her, in a clear sign of her arousal. Had she been with BloodMoon yet? She doesn't think so. "What's that, BloodMoon?" she asks him.

<+BloodMoon> Well here goes nothing he though, just hoping he got it right, standing up he leaned over the counter and whispered in her ear "E'po cal Tinjako'hox cam larak ex kun jal." and waited to see what would happen. ["I'll have orgasm pie but only if you do."]

Callie steps up on her tiptoes, leaning over and replying with a whisper into BloodMoon's ear. "Fex naposi kun raz e'sh *kalhio* mez tinjako'hox?" ["What makes you think I'm *interested* in orgasm pie?"] She giggles, batting her eyelashes and swaying her tails coquettishly. She's flirting with him just to see what he'll do next.

<+BloodMoon> He smiles, enjoying her flirting. "It isn't realy a question about your interest in pie", whsipering in her ear again "It is more about if you want to see me eat it and the effect it has on me." nipping her ear playfully and giving her sly smile

"Oh, I dunno, I can think of ways of giving you an orgasm that are a *whole* lot more fun than just eating pie," Callie says with a wink. "And more private, too. What I wanna do to you, isn't for public consumption. Luckily this kiosk, like all vulpine restaurants, comes equipped with a bedroom."

<+BloodMoon> "Lead the way" he said in a husky voice as he moved from behind the counter, a rumble deep in his chest as he watched, all of her looking gorgeous and alluring.

Callie opens the door to let BloodMoon into the kiosk, and then opens another door inside that leads to the bedroom. She gives a wink to her customer Morn, who'll be waited on by one of her elemental servants for the time being, as she takes BloodMoon by the hand and leads him into the bedroom. Once the door is safely closed, Callie pulls BloodMoon's head down, and kisses the much, much larger wolven.

BloodMoon He kisses her back deeply feeling her lips against his a hunger in him kissing her like he wants to devour her lips with his, hands going around her waist as he pulled her closer. hands moving lower to her sexy bottom, giving it a squeeze before picking her up holding her as he stood with her, waist between her legs as he held her against him as the kissed.

Callie can see how eager BloodMoon is, and her own hunger is beginning to consume her as well. She lets out a soft meep as she's lifted off the ground, and breaks the kiss to say, "Mmm, on the bed," her tails and toes curling lightly in excitement.

<+BloodMoon> Carrying her to the bed, laying her down, body over her's his hands next her head, arms straight, kneeling over her, kissing her again, longer, slower. His eyes is now glowing bright red.

Callie lies down on her back and looks up at BloodMoon with lustful eyes; the nice thing about lying down on the bed with someone is that it somewhat evens out the height difference. She kisses him again, passionately; her tongue grappling for dominance inside BloodMoon's mouth and attaining it. Her talented hands strip him of his leather armor, leaving him naked.

BloodMoon His tongue meeting her's twisting together and as she had rid him of his clothes he had taken her's off with talented fingers just as she had. When they break the kiss to breath he kisses and nipps along her neck, one hand sliding over her firm stomach slowly up as his claws playfully teased her skin with light scratches as his hand traveled higher.

Callie mmms lightly at the nipping and kissing of her neck, placing BloodMoon's free hand on the base of her tails now that she was as naked as he was. She pulls him forward onto the bed, and rolls with him so that she's on top of him, not wanting to be squished by his much larger weight. Her tails sway brightly above their heads.

<+BloodMoon> His hand taking time to explore the base of each tail, scratch and squeezing seeing what she enjoys and what not so much. His other hand sliding over to a breast and kneading it, feeling the nipple harden while he pays attention to the other side of her neck. whispering near her ear "you are a sexy and gorgeous woman."

Callie grins at BloodMoon's comment. "E lel," she replies to him, whispering in his own ear. ["I know."] She continues in Common. "So what'cha gonna do about it, huh?" She leans down and playfully licks the side of his neck with her long tongue.

<+BloodMoon> a Mmmmm sound escaping his mouth this time. "Ravage you" he replied to her question with a playful smirk his eyes a blaze as they devoured her curves, pulling her closer his mouth attacking one of her hard nipples, licking it slowly, teasing it before sucking on it and nipping it with his sharp teeth his hand at the base of her scetching her tails, tugging gently on the base before massaging it slowly.

"Mmmm, okay," Callie says with a grin, her toes gently teasing at BloodMoon's knees, as the vixen lets out a little gasp at the way her nipple and tails are being pleasured. Callie presses her own hand against BloodMoon's tailbase, stroking it delicately, and with her other hand she rubs his chest. She looks into those blazing red eyes, and says to him, "Mmmm, you're really gettin' off on this, aren't you?" She looks down at his still-hardening manhood. "Yes, you are."

BloodMoon his tongue lashing her nipple between his teeth before letting go of it with his teeth and sucking hard on the nipple. Releasing the nipple, "Yes I am" he almost growls it out, riviberating deep from his chest. His jerking as she strokes his tailbase, his hips pressing up against her.

Callie continues grinning. "Let's just see how ready I can get you before you lose your mind," she teases him. Moving down his body with little licks to his black fur, it takes her a full minute or so before she's facing his manhood. She takes a lick, and then slips him into her mouth, taking six inches of him inside. Now she begins to bob up and down him.

BloodMoon leaning on his elbows, watching as she kisses down his body. A moan escaping his mouth as she takes him into her mouth, "Your mouth feels so good, so hot and wet." he spoke in a deep lust filled voice with need. "So what do you think will happen when I lose my mind?" he asks. He has a playful streak in him and what is the use of sex if you are not having fun and enjoying yourself.

Callie pulls herself off of BloodMoon's cock with a loud "sluuuuurp" sound to respond to his question. "I think you're gonna ravish me like you've never ravished anyone before. And I'mma enjoy that." Callie grins, and returns her attention to BloodMoon's manhood, moving up and down a little faster now, feeling him continue to grow inside her.

BloodMoon growing harder and harder a hand going to the back of her head instictivly as he watches her take him deep in her mouth. Smiling at her answer and her words, just turning him on more.

Callie mmms lightly as BloodMoon grips the back of her head with his strong fingers, the vixen moving a hand down to his scrotum, lightly pinching at it without groping his balls. She knows that some guys get off on that. Others don't, which is why she's testing it.

BloodMoon His hand pressing her head more down, bit of a jerky movement when she pinches him, not unpleasant bit first time some tried on him. As he got use to the feeling his cock had grown fully hard some of the veins visible pusling with the beat of his racing heart as she excites him to no end.

Callie continues her oral ministrations on BloodMoon for a good three minutes, licking at the head of his cock with swirling movements of her tongue, but keeping the pace relatively slow so that he wouldn't orgasm. While she pleasures him, she has her tails and feet high above her in the air, ankles crossed, toes slightly curled. Finally she pulls off of him, and says, "OK, I think you're ready for me. What do *you* think?"

<+BloodMoon> cock giving a visibale throb. "Yes I think I am ready" he replies in that lust filled voices, looking at her, meeting her eyes. The hand on her head giving a scratch behind her ear.

Callie grins, and lifts herself upward as BloodMoon scritches her ears, lining herself up with his manhood. She takes his massive organ in her right hand, jacking him off for a couple turns, before slipping him inside her and going down, allowing him to fill her body so utterly and completely. "Ahhhh... fuuuuck," Callie groans. "Feels... so good."

BloodMoon he couldn't say it better himself it fucking good. "Sooo tight and wet." Blood Moon letting out a groan himself as he entered her. Hands sliding over her hips, grabbing an ass cheek in each hand and giving them a hard squeeze, gently stroking her tails after that before his hands go back to settling around her waist

Callie smiles at the way BloodMoon gropes her body, and she begins to move on him, taking him as deeply as she can without hurting herself. Wolvens were designed to have sex with wolvens, after all, and vulpines are so much smaller than they are. Nevertheless, she manages to take a good nine inches of him inside, and she moves her hips from side-to-side as well as up and down as they make love. Softly, she begins to pray. "Kintay ra, shuka triesta, gi alzonlan Blood Moon mezki la rowen." ["Thank you, Our Lady, for bringing Blood Moon into my life."] It was a basic prayer when making love.

BloodMoon her movment of her hips feeling exquisite. His hands exploring her body as she spoke, over her sides, over her stomach sliding along claws gently moving through fur, up to her chest ending with a breast in each hand as they rolle the nipples with thumbs slowy.

Callie gasps lightly as BloodMoon explores her body, and she does the same with him, caressing his chest, his sides, arms, tail, legs, and then back up to his chest. She gives him a soft kiss as he rolls her nipples with his thumbs, the vixen moaning into the kiss, excited to be doing this finally with such a good friend.

BloodMoon kissing her in return, passiontely, not rushed but he does have a deep hunger for her. His hands sliding over her back, moving up to her shoulders and down to her tails and buttocks and over her thighs and back her thigh a little more on the inside of the thigh as they kiss. Happy to be sharing this with Callie.

Callie can sense BloodMoon's deep desire for her, and can definitely see it in his eyes when she breaks the kiss again. Her tails react with delight when they're touched by him; they were the gift of The Lady for continuing self-improvement and courage in this life, and she knows that others find them irresistable. Calllie places her chin against the top of BloodMoon's shoulder and continues to rut him, moaning out, "Ahhh... I can't hold it for much longer..."

BloodMoon "You never have hold it with me" he said gentely. kissing and nuzzeling her neck as she placed her against his shoulder, his hands sliding back to her shapely bottom, holding onto it, giving it a squeeze..."Do you want me to cum in you when I do?" he asked against her neck as he nipped it playfully.

Callie nods at BloodMoon's question. "Mmm-hmm. I'm safe, baby." Vulpine women aren't fertile until the souls of their children appear to them in a vision asking to be brought into the world, and in Callie's case that probably won't happen for another century. "Give it all to me, wolf." She grins, and continues grinding against him... finally letting out a loud cry as she comes.

BloodMoon her words and the fluttering of her pussy around his cock as she come pushes him over the edge and he fills her tunnel. "Aaah fuuuck" he groans holding her close as he fills her with his seed

Callie gasps with excitement as she feels him taking her deeply and dumping his spunk into her sex, filling her so wonderfully with his hot semen. The vixen pushes herself down as far as she can possibly get, as BloodMoon's seed enters her womb, so that she can get as much of it inside her as possible. After a minute or so, she pulls herself off of BloodMoon's still stiff manhood, and lies alongside him on her back.

BloodMoon taking a minute to get his breathing back to normal, cock poitning up as they lau on there back, turn to kis her softly, "Thank for sharing that with me" he had a smile, admiring her naked body after their love making.

"Mmmm, you're welcome," Callie says as she uses Telekinesis to retrieve her clothes, slipping back on her blouse and skirt. "We must do that again sometime."

BloodMoon watching Callie as she dressed, "We must" he agreed.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Getting Tail: Callie's Favorite Sex Scenes

Postby CallieO on Wed May 12, 2021 3:18 am

Callie's Cabin
August 30, 2015
Callie and Fiain

Callie Volopa opens the door of her two-story brick home from the inside and runs as fast as her bare feet will carry her, dressed in a white silken shirt and rainbow-colored knee-length skirt. She'd enjoyed a nice dinner with her friend Fiain, during which he'd talked about how sexually pent-up he was feeling, and how he was really in the mood for some down and dirty humping. Callie had agreed to aid him in that regard, with very clearly delineated rules about what he could and couldn't do, as well as a safeword: "Rabbit". And then she'd told him, "If you catch me, you can have me." Then she'd taken off. Briskly running uphill towards the shade of the old oak tree, she risks a look back over her shoulder, and sees that Fiain is just now coming into view. She zig-zags and heads towards the creek.

Fiain turning to take the most direct route there, hoping to catch her off and make up some of the space that had already been opened between them. Run Rabbit Run, he whispered, feet stomping softly on seldom trend ground as he rounded the bend and headed towards the stream.

Callie knows that Fiain's eager to catch her, but she doesn't plan to make it easy for him. Of course she wants to eventually lose; it'd be no fun to win and be denied the pleasure of a good romp with Fiain. Grinning evilly, she decides to make it just a little bit harder, though, casting a Fog spell. The Fog is concentrated around her, gradually making it harder for him to see her.

Fiain came to the stream only to notice that a strange fog had rolled in. He furrowed his brow, noting to himself how unnatural that seemed, considering how pleasant a day it was and the time of day as well... Usually the morning sun would have burned off all that by now. Magic? He had no clue, and could only speculate. He moved onward along the edge of the stream quick and quiet, squinting his eyes trying to discern his playful lover from amidst the strange weather that had been created. He did his best to not make any noise, hoping to catch her unaware, assuming he could spot his cherished vixen.

Callie herself could see through the fog; it'd be an awfully double-edged spell if she *couldn't* see it. She's surprised that Fiain still seems to be moving in approximately the right direction. She turns a little bit, so that she's about 20 feet to Fiain's right, and stifles a giggle.

<+Fiain> "There!" He sprung forth at rapid speed, having spotted her. He ran at a good pace, not dashing outright but enough to make serious ground on her if she wasn't making an effort for it. How swift could his foxy friend be? He stepped over the stones and avoided the water, reaching out towards her as he began to grow close!

Callie lets out an "eep!" as Fiain turns and finds her, the vixen turning and trying to run away, but the fact that she'd been turned to face him did not work in her favor. He catches her by the bare ankle, and she casts Feather Fall rapidly, allowing herself to gracefully flumph down to the ground instead of hitting it with a loud thump. She raises her five tails in the air, her fingers digging into the mud, trying to escape.

Fiain had fallen not so gracefully, and yes, it was fairly muddy on the stream's edge. That mud was enough to make him lose his grip on her, the wily woman breaking free and able to escape his clutches for a few moments more, desperately going upon his knees and trying to regain his footing. "Ha! Damn it, slippery devil you!"

Callie giggles and quickly takes off, her soles getting nice and muddy as she runs along the water's edge, her tails poofing out behind her, the vixen digging her toes into the ground as she goes, to get a little extra traction. She doesn't look behind her this time as she sprints; she knows he'd be up and chasing as soon as he could. This is fun, and a nice test of the vixen's cardiovascular endurance.

Fiain stands up and hops to the nearby harder ground, getting better traction through a longer path, giving himself more room to work himself up to speed, jogging quickly as he gave chase. He merely wanted to keep ground with her now, looking about to see where she'd be heading, fully intending to use the terrain to nab his playful prey rather than run himself ragged in the process. He was a hunter of the mind, and he'd suit his tactics accordingly. His presence was ever behind, lingering there, she could hear his heavy footsteps as a constant to her own!

Callie doesn't consider the idea that she'd be running faster on the harder ground, but even if she did, she *was* playing to lose, after all. If she was *really* serious about escaping, she'd cast a Fly spell, or Mist Wraith, or jump into the creek and either cast Water Walk (which would take her out of there at 60 miles per hour), or Water's Breath and dive to the very bottom of the creek. In other words, she had resources available to her that she was deliberately not using. She can hear him starting to catch up to her; her ears perk up.

Fiain had no idea she was able to do any of these things, and thank goodness for that, because otherwise this would all seem an exercise in outright silliness... which it was. More so? It didn't matter, he saw some hills in the distance and knew it'd be harder for her to make distance now, taking a long breath and giving a burst of speed, taking advantage of a short downhill slope to gain momentum and move in for the grab, obviously going for one of her arms rather than her tails (who honestly grabs a lady by the tail? Certainly not a gentleman.)

Callie gasps as she's grabbed by the arm; she tries to shake Fiain off but his grip is too strong, and again she goes tumbling slowwwwly to the ground. She curls her toes and tails as she lies there on her back. "Mmm, ya got me!" she says, breathing quite heavily. She'd been all-out sprinting for a good quarter of a mile, after all, not including the brief time she'd been standing still while within the fog. "Feel better?" she teases him.

Fiain it was very fortunate that she fell slowly. Because he fell -just- as quickly as any normal person would. This sent him hurtling past her, landing upright on the ground, still holding her arm, but looking at a pleasant patch of sky rather than on his quarry. "Ehm..." He coughed loudly. "Yes! Much better! Now prepare... Little vixen... you are all mine ... mine... erg... now," he muttered, sitting up and turning about, pushing her down onto the ground and snatching the other wrist, pinning her arms. His brown eyes burned with passion, biting his lower lip in anticipation. "Of course, you could always offer me a boon," he'd remark, eyes narrowing. "For your safety."

Callie giggles as Fiain tells her she's all his, while on his back looking at the clouds. Silly boy. Would he ever know how much she'd deliberately handicapped herself so that he would win this race? Probably not, and perhaps that was best. That was the most fun chase she'd had in ages. She gasps as she's pulled down onto the ground on her back, and she looks into his eyes, which were clearly aroused. "What kind of boon did you have in mind?" she asks him.

<+Fiain> "Silly. A boon is something you offer me, so that I might -spare- you. Speak quickly, or I may be too rough with you..." He whispered menacingly, starting to undo her clothing with haste, parting it as he beamed down at her playfully. Would it be here, right here on the soft earth on the side of the hill? It couldn't be more natural than that, but at least there was some pleasant grass and a few fragrant flowers growing nearby. Au natural.

Callie's face manages to look scandalized as Fiain hastily unbuttons her white silken shirt, though if her tails weren't pinned to the ground, they'd be waving slowly in arousal. "Hmm, a boon. Well, I suppose I could suck your cock. Or give you a massage."

<+Fiain> "Hm... Yes... You'll do that... You'll suck my cock... and if you don' t do it just like I want, I'll spank you, finger you, ridicule you like the feral little vixen you are..." He detailed, giving her a sly wink to know it was all in good fun. The clothes came way, parting her of them and casting it away. He rolled into a sitting position, pulling her forward and gesturing for her to get to work. "Go... undress me, now... -wench-" he ordered, playing up the dirty talk.

Because of how powerful she is, Callie frequently takes the dominant role when she has sex, though not *always*. It's fun for her to take up the lesser-used submissive role. She murmurs, "Mmmm, yes, master," she murmurs, getting fully into character, as she strips off his light linen shirt, undoes his belt, pulls his boots off and takes off his pants, leaving him as naked as she. Seeing his cock already semi-hard, she strokes it a few times before slipping it into her mouth, looking up at him to see his expression. Her hands are now quite muddy from having stripped him of his dirty clothes.

Fiain 's chest rumbles low and happy as he is parted of clothing, looking down at her as she grasps his awakening member and begins suckling upon it, submissive eyes directed up towards him, meeting his dominant own. "That is right.. Don't you dare look away or close your eyes... Stroke it hard now, slap it against your pretty face," he ordered her, pulling her leg so he'd have access to the rest of her body, her laying parallel to him so as to give him access. His broad hand came down roughly on her taut bottom, giving her that hard slap that ripples across her muscled bottom.

Callie nods and after taking another long slurp of Fiain's cock, she pulls it out of her mouth, casts Clean on her face quickly and slaps the fully-hard member against her left cheek. She'd cast Clean so she wouldn't get mud in her mouth. She continues staring up into his earthy brown eyes with her emerald green ones, managing to look both meek and contented at the same time. "Mmm, like this?" she says, struggling not to grin. She strokes the entire length of his cock a few times with her right hand, and then slips him into her mouth again, swirling her tongue against the head of his manhood.

<+Fiain> "Mm.. Yeah, like that... Now get a good grip on the base.. Hold tight.. and lick the foreskin there, right under the head. Lick it hard... Don't be coy, my little slut," he demanded, reaching down and cupping his finger around. Was he? He was, she could feel it, his warm finger wiggling gently, and then the sudden surprise, that sensation of broad digit pushing past her soft womanhood, penetrating her and curling inward, beginning to rub at the soft nub of flesh just within her body, toying with her like this as he instructed her, his member firm and flared to her attentions.

Callie gasps into Fiain's cock as she feels her sex slipped into and her clit rubbed by Fiain's talented hands; she had been very lucky to meet him, always such a generous lover. Mentally she says a prayer to The Lady asking Her to look down upon them with love as they share this pleasurable time together, and then she quickly turns her attention back to the matter at hand. She grabs tightly at the base of his cock, while her other hand lightly pinches at his ball sack, deliberately avoiding hurting his testicles. She knows that some guys get off on that; is Fiain one of them? She licks the foreskin directly beneath the head of his manhood, as instructed.

Listening carefully to Fiain's instructions, she nods her head, and sucks down to his foreskin quite hard, struggling at first to get a tight enough seal, but eventually managing, and making that popping noise he desired. POP! POP!

Fiain shook at the feeling of it, groaning loudly as his free hand swept to her lovely head of furr, grabbing tight and pushing downward. "Gods... Now swallow, swallow deep... Come on, push, push... Keep looking at me..." He grunted, his busy hand fisting into her rapidly as his pinky and ring finger stretch out to start slapping against her warming clit, doing his best to let her feel that tense, pleasing sensation as he demanded so much more, his hips rising reflexively at his insistent words!

Fiain shifted where he lay, moaning softly, beginning to really get into this now as she began to do what he asked with such precision. His member was swollen and red at her attentions, her able to feel his middle finger peeking in to join his index, the two digits hooking up and being made to piston quick and rough, as if it were him fucking her in that moment. "Good... Now wrap your lips tight around the head... and suck down to the foreskin there... hard, bob your head, and make a tight seal... and pop it, several times, make that nasty little popping sound you dirty slut," he murmured to her, fingering her harder as if to insist.

Callie lets out a soft moan, her eyes turning a little more lascivious, as she continues to look up into Fiain's. Her tails are swaying slowly behind her back in deep arousal. The two of them would clearly need a bath after this was over; her feet, sides and tails were quite dirty.
Callie never stops looking into Fiain's eyes for an instant; she wanted him to see how dominated she felt, and how aroused she was by the feeling. She loves being made to do his bidding. She'd chosen this for herself, after all, and felt empowered by that. She gasps against the cock in his mouth as she feels her clit so wonderfully played with, and her well-developed gag reflex helps her take him deeper and deeper into her mouth, until she's taken him completely in. His balls are resting against her chin. She then pulls herself up off of his cock, all the way, leading to a loud "sluuuuurp" noise, before taking him fully inside again.

<+Fiain> "Good girl, my gods! Mm... Oh, I've had enough waiting, enough of this..." He whispered, seizing her once she had released his member from these incredible treatments. He cast her down to the ground, laying on her belly, his massive weight above her, and she could feel his member lifted and pushing past, smooth, hard, and then swiftly in, bottoming out hard within his slender lover, letting his size stretch her as she feels the throbbing cock press at her limits. She lay there, his hips pressing hard against her bottom, tails swirling and tangling with his chest. His arms pushed into the ground, and as she'd lean up, she could feel him lean down, his lips pressing softly against her temple, that tense and tender feeling a contrast to him, starting to roughly fuck her, manhood slamming into her and his hips causing her body and bottom to jiggle and shake as he began pounding her from above and behind.

Callie groans, a bright smile on her face as Fiain pushes her to the ground and, without any further ado, roughly takes her. "Ahhh, ahhhh yessss!" she exclaims, the vixen curling her toes and tails as she wraps her arms around the orc, being fucked right there a hundred yards or so from her house, near the stream. She looks up into his aroused eyes, pleased that it was *her* who'd made him feel this way, lose control and just get right to the fucking, after sucking his cock just the way he'd wanted it.

Fiain sighed deeply, his head dipping down to press, forehead to forehead, against Callie's own. His eyes narrowed to mere slits, his breath rolling down against her fair face as she moaned hotly up at her lover. The steady, strong rocking of his hips gave all the pressure that was needed, pushing deeply within her warm womanhood as the force of the thrust pushed his abdomen up into her sensitive upper folds, stimulating her clit. His arms held him throughout it all, whispering soft, dirty little things to his lover. "Mmm... Does my little vixen like being fucked in the mud like a dirty little girl, hm?"

Callie grins brightly. "Mmm-hmm. And afterward, we can get all clean in the stream. Just like how we met in the baths." The vixen moans, lifting her feet up a little bit, toes playing against Fiain's ankles, as she begins to move with him, breaking the rape fantasy a little bit by placing her lips against his and kissing him slowly and passionately. Though she does allow his tongue to have the dominant position in her mouth.

Fiain was happy to tongue-duel with his clever lover, pressing his body against her own with yet greater force as she moved back to meet him. The fact the play was becoming more consensually themed over time meant nothing to him, he simply wanted to be with this person he cared for so much. It was such that his arms curled about to grasp her shoulders so that he could press his body closer to his own, bare muscles mashing against her soft breasts, his abdomen pummeling up against her own as her held her tightly, her beneath him in the soft ground, both of them wet with mud. "I want you so badly, Callie..." He whispered to her, urgent and full of need.

Callie smiles, seeming to miss the unspoken emotional subtext of what he was saying. After all: "Mmm, and you've *got* me," she says. As in, literally, he's fucking her right now. "Got me *right* where you want me." She places her hands between his shoulder blades, digging her fingers into the bundle of nerves there, as she moves with him, the vixen's body just caked with mud right now, dirtier than she can remember being in a long time.

<+Fiain> "I don't mean that... I mean..." He paused in his speech, eyes closed, keeping the hard, building rhythm of their mating, feeling her fingers dig into the space between his shoulderblades, his muscles relaxing at her touch as he presses up firmly, wiggling his hips for a moment as he clears his throat. He opens his eyes again, the orbs huge and shining earthen brown, staring down longingly into her beautiful green hues. He whispers to her, just loud enough for her to hear... "I'm falling in love with you Callie." That simple truth uttered, without lust or haughty pride, holding and rocking into her more gently through it all.

"Oh," Callie says, and she doesn't know what to say for awhile. Well, she has many loves in her life. Her wife Allisa, her roommate Kayleigh, her slave Gareth. Her relationship with Devryn, though she's not seen him in a couple years, is probably akin to love, too. She used to think that she could only be in love with Allisa, lest she be cheating on her. She doesn't feel that way anymore. She's not quite there yet with Fiain, but she can sense he needs a response that's close to reciprocal. "I care deeply about you too, Fiain," she murmurs.

Fiain smiled softly when she returned words that indicated his own feelings were stronger than her own. It was a not unexpected response, considering that the intensity that Fiain lived with in his own sense of self led to some drastic feelings and places. "That is all I could ever ask for, Callie... Especially from someone who has already found love and a life partner," he whispered with a strange sort of understanding, an odd wisdom on the nature of love from someone who has felt its effects before and been hurt by it, as almost all have. It did not stop the warm press of his nose nuzzling against her own and the rising tempo of his hips moving smoothly and hotly against her own, each soft pat against her shaking her bottom and warming her womanhood and clit up a bit more!

Callie smiles softly, wondering internally if she's hurt Fiain by not returning the L word to him. Well, she wouldn't be dishonest with him. She didn't feel the same way, not yet. She could see a time in the future when she might grow to love him, though. All their experiences together had been very pleasurable ones for both of them: They'd met in the baths, had three separate visits at her house together, and she'd fed him at the restaurant. You don't do these things without forming a bond, at least of friendship. She kisses him softly, and says, "Mmm, take me a little faster, babe." They'll discuss this later.

<+Fiain> "With pleasure..." He whispered, his thick fingers gripping her shoulders hard as he made a point of speeding up the tempo for her. Soon his hips were slapping hard against her with such momentum that their bodies squelched softly in the sticky mud, his thrusts shaking her trembling body beneath him as he pressed his forehead against her own and left it there. The fucking they were doing had become so forceful, so raw, his lover left to shudder under the powerful impacts as his own muscles tightened and he moaned low, deep in the back of his throat, building to his own release.

Callie could feel her own climax coming, and she spurs it on, gripping his shoulders tightly as he takes her hard, the vixen gasping beneath the orc's body as she bucks harder and faster against him, finally letting out a cry of "FIAIN! OH, GODDESS, YES!" as she comes hard, the vixen's juices pouring out of her and coating Fiain's manhood slickly.

Fiain 's hips moved faster and faster, feeling her body warming to it and the tensing of her own limbs. He pounded only faster and harder as she started to become more vocal, tensing at the sound of her crying and moaning in his ear. He thrust relentlessly throughout her own climax, his own coming several moments later as he moaned down with her, shuddering and thrusting wetly into her, groaning... "I'm coming Callie... Coming so much inside you..." He whispered, breath hot on her face as he slowly pumped out the last of his steaming hot orgasm.

"Mmmm, I know," Callie says, closing her eyes and saying a silent prayer to The Lady, asking Her to bless the sex they've just had. She can almost feel her goddess looking down upon them with love, maybe even getting off on seeing one of her Mushani Villa enjoying herself so much. She opens her eyes after only a brief moment, and her emerald-green eyes stare deeply into Fiain's brown ones. Slowly, she pulls herself off of his manhood.

Fiain takes his own time coming down from the intensity of their own mutual release, sighing softly after she finally took the initiative to move away. He stared at her thoughtfully for a long moment, before voicing his thoughts with a serious tone: "Callie... I think you may have to summon... your water elementals... IN ORDER TO BANISH THE EVIL MUD ELEMENTAL!" Fiain shouted this with the intent of surprising her, flinging mud everywhere and casting it at her in globs, himself already so sticky with the stuff that he might as well be the very thing he claimed to be wary off!

Callie eeeps and rises to her feet, taking a heaping helping of mud in both hands and flinging it at Fiain in return, laughing as some got onto his chest and abdomen, the vixen quickly making for the stream and cannonballing into it. "Let's get wet!" she says, when she surfaces.

Fiain is not far behind, diving face-first into a thankfully deep-enough stream. He splashes and flaps around it, muddying up the waters in a most literal sense. He emerges, sighing wistfully as he sputters some muddy water out of his mouth. "What we cannot destroy, we dilute. Water, water, it is the world and all that lives in it. Too much and some may live, too little and some may die."
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am


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