Southern Seas Quest

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Moderator: Tehya

Southern Seas Quest

Postby CallieO on Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:39 pm

Quest Description:


Dramatis Personae

Lord Infernis, male magi (and DM)
Dame Tennibrook Balmossie, female vulpine paladin/cleric
Kable Syranos, male high human knight/mist raider
Varis, male dark elf necromancer
Mae, female black-winged torian necromancer
Hanhatra, female half-sylvan/half-catfolk ranger

Infernis didn't really care to be there. Thallis Port was one of Ray'el's places and it just felt off to him. That said, it was a cool Fall day and he was enjoying the weather and the sea breeze wafting off the waters. The Imperial ship was larger than most and designed for long-term travel on the seas. Massive, well-built, with quarters for crew below and a dozen people on the main deck. Made for travel, it was still armed with enough guns to ward off all but the most determined or desperate of pirates. Even now, crew were still loading up supplies, food and water and the necessities of travel. There were also weapons and rope and the necessities of what one might need if land was discovered....For now, though, he stood on the pier and watched the men at work, waiting to see who was showing up for the adventure.

Mae had her horse parked in one of the stables and would walk with Varis-Deth and her two large undead wolven behind her and his thralls. There was also a large suitcase floating behind them with of course the clothing of mae. The black winged torian beauty wore this time not a dress but a different outfit [], her two whips on her hip and a mithril scimitar. She would spread her black wings for a moment and looked at Varis-Deth with a grin. ¨Well..are you ready dear? I hope Infernis will met me have a go with the ship..I do need to practice my navigation skills huh..¨ She chuckles with that. She would then see Infernis and grins as she walked to him, her hips swaying as it was just her walk. ¨Goodday sir. Mae, reporting for duty sir.¨ She teased him with a grin. That corset pushed her tits up, but..mae could fight in anything.

Infernis waves to Mae, seeing her and Varis approach, waving them on toward him and the ship. "Hello, hello. Glad to see you two show up." He'd wait for them to get closer, looking over the undead with a slight look that indicated he didn't approve, but it wasn't his place to comment. "I do hope you two are're going to be away from land for at least 3 to 4 weeks. If you're the type to get sick at sea, this is going to be bad for you."

[Varis-Deth patted Phantom's neck. "Be a good boy now. And listens to the stablehands." He said and then joins Mae as she walks twoards Infernis. He had a heavy pack on his back, with clothing for himself, and a cage covered wtih a fur blanket in his other arm. He had two undead Moriel women behind him. Them both wearing the same thing: and had his collars around their necks with his tag in it: (VsV). The moriel himself was wearing his normal suit, the one that Mae liked him in the most: . He nodded to Mae when she spoke to him, grinning. "I am ready. Had to take mouse with me thuogh but it should helpful him on the hsip. He can make sure no rats or mice get in." He said and then once they were with Infernis, he nodded to the man and smile. "Greeting sir." He nodded when he spoke of the time they'd be out on the ships and nosd. "It should be fun. I'm a strong swimmer and have lived on boats before, I haen't gotten sea sick yet, so I don't imagine I will now." He said with that smile. "Thank yofor allowing me to join>" He told him.

Hanhatra{I} paused on the sandy shore to look back at the heavy leather case being happily dragged along. Frown formed, was lost and then gained again before she finally leaned down, wrapped arms about and lifted with a heaving sound like some poor animal dying. It was heavy and while she had a lovely form, it wasn't made for hauling this kind of case. 2 feet in length and 1 foot high and some inches. Sable locks were blown away from her blue pools and she'd give one more hefting motion and trudge across the sand, feet bare, short dress of dark blue and hair a tangled mess by the time she reached the dock she could only give a winning warm smile to Infernis and lean for a moment by a dock pole to relieve her wobbly arms and body. "I brought it all nfernis!" Well, that might not explain what 'all' meant but she wasn't exactly thinking that far ahead

Infernis rumbled slightly to himself at the reality of being onboard with so many undead. He clearly didn't approve, but they were brave enough to come along for the good of the Empire. It would be rude to be anything other than grateful. "That's good! We'll be at sea for a while. The Empire appreciates your service." He heard his name called and turned to see Hanhatra carrying a massive case and waved hand to take the weight of the thing off of her. Disk formed beneath it and she'd find that she only had to tug it along now rather than heft it and likely hurt herself. "Good girl, lass. Come see." Waiting for her to arrive, one hand coming around to gather the kitten up against his form, a lingering little kiss before he turned her toward Mae and Varis. "Mae, Varis....This is Hanhatra. She'll be joining us on the trip. She is the one who deciphered the maps that are leading us out to sea." A note of pride in that last bit.

Mae would grin to Varis as he spoke and then her eyes shifted back to Infernis. ¨Oh please..I´ve assisted the Sea Admiral many occassions..I´ve been perhaps more on ships then on the lands of dethsiris.¨ She chuckles and teased him back. She knew he didn´t really approve of her undead..well..he would have to accept those were her useful weapons and he would see. She would then shift her eyes to Hanhatra{I} andshe grinned. How cute..infy got himself a slave huh. She would smile warmly at the girl. ¨Hello dear, pleasure meeting you. So..your Master dragged you along on this dangerous mission then? ¨ She chuckles as she teased infernis..but he was a good man so..she had faith that the girl was treated good by him.

Varis-Deth smiles and nods to Hanhatra. "Hello Hanhatra. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Varis." He said with a poliet smile. "And that's great you did that! There s much in my hands that I can't understand or wrap my mind around, so good for you to do what yu did." He said honestly. He wasn't trying to be smart or anything, he was glad the girl was able to do this for the Empire. He looks to Infy. "I had to bring my cat along. I hope that's okay. I figure he can get the mice and rats on the ship." He explains. "I Have no one to look after him."

Hanhatra{I} rubbed at twitching nose, blinked and finally gave two quick bows. One to Mae and the other to Varis. Her smile however was warm, kind as her eyes and gentle as the sable tail that swayed around her. "Ma'am. Sir. Greetings!" her hand even went up and gave a weird lil gesture of hello, of which she quickly put behind her back because it was already awkward. "Umm.. I'll go bring this on board, Master." the last word with emphasis. She couldn't just casually fling his name around in company. They might think her a poor slave with poorer manners. Quick beam and she was moving for the plank and up it. Actually, almost running. She'd have to stash the case out of the sun and where she could put everything she'd brought out when studying the tomes.

Dame Tennibrook Balmossie arrives in Thallis Port atop her rook mount, Jilbo, and climbs down off of him, smiling as she says to him, "They'll take good care of you. I'll be by to visit you shortly." Tenni had already made arrangements for Jaed to take care of her cat, Taj, while she was away, but she couldn't possibly ask anyone to look after the massive rook in her absence. Besides, he may come in handy. She reports to the dock. Tenni is dressed in a mithril chain mail shirt over a green-and-gold gambeson; black pants; and black boots; with a mithril longsword and mithril dagger strapped to her hips; a wrist crossbow on her left wrist; mithril gauntlets, and mithril greaves, with a visored helm held against her right hip. In her left hand, she carries a backpack full of clothes and supplies.

Infernis watched the girl Hanhatra dash off to hide away her papers and artifacts for further study, shaking his head slightly to himself even as he turned attention back to Mae and Varis. "Well, we'll be setting off shortly, as soon as the rest of the crew arrives. I suspected that we'd not have very many interested in being gone for so long, but I had hoped for a few more." Such was life. Better to focus on what they had rather than what they lacked. "Feel free to jump aboard and claim some quarters. They're small but should suffice. Your undead can stay at the back of the ship. There's room there for them to settle and wait." He hoped they'd not need the foul things, of course, and wanted them out of sight if he could help it. He'd spot Tennibrook soon enough and lofted hand to welcome her. "There's one now."

Mae would watch Hanhatra{I} disappear as well and chuckles. Cute thing..she was. She would shift her eyes to Infernis and grinned. ¨Alrighty then. Will do. Thank you dear.¨ She gave him a wink and then looked at Varis. ¨Well..let´s go then.¨ She grinned and would get on board and she would let her undead go the the spot Infernis wanted them to be and then she would in the meantime find some quarters.

Hanhatra{I} quietly directed her question to a sailor where she could set up, she should have known her Master would have the biggest room and with minimal directions she went in and down and further down a strange hallway and turned into the larger Suite as it were here. Though, it wasn't huge or anything, it had a sturdy nailed to the ground table, a larger bunk and a port window. Clapping, she swung the leather case around and flicked the heavy metal locks open. The top hit the ground with a bang but she ignored that, making sure nothing would be left behind was key here. It was their only map and if she'd missed just one.. ahh excellent! All here. Giggling, she quickly raked nails through her tangled sable tresses, adjusted dress itself and then quickly padded out to go up on deck, strangly leaning on a railing to wave at.. no one. She'd always wanted to do that. But were those really undead thingys? She'd smelled them, shuddered a bit in disgust and decided she'd just avoid the creatures. It seemed so.. not of nature.

Tennibrook makes her way to Infernis. "Lord Infernis, I am Dame Tennibrook Balmossie, High Priestess of the Dethsiris Vulpine Temple; Paladin of The Lady; and Unwavering Blade of Verkot. I stand ready to assist your quest." She gives him a vulpine military salute-- moving her helm to her left hand for a moment and then touching her right fist to her left shoulder.

Infernis remained on the dock to help welcome the adventurers when they arrived, giving a slight wave and then slight bow to Tennibrook when she welcomed him. "Good to have you, Dame. We are short on adventurers thus far, so your presense is most welcome. Please, come aboard and find some quarters so you can stow your gear. We'll set sail in a few minutes. I want to give everyone a few more minutes before we leave. There are a few others aboard already, so feel free to introduce yourselves."

Kable took note of each arrival as they came, managing to catch their names along the way despite the hustle and bustle of the ship at port. Kable himself was already aboard, though he did not share the austerity of some of the other arrivals, greeted and treated much as guests aboard the ship. Kable had signed on as deckhand the moment the ship had made port and had spent the day carrying crates and boxes both from and to the ship. It was a good way to gather information, to know things, know the ship, know the crew. His own usual kit of items stowed away for now, Kable worked in simple dark cotton pants rolled up at the ankles, canvas shoes, and a loose flowing white shirt, its sleeves rolled up beyond the elbows. A sheen of sweat coated the flesh of his tall, muscular frame as he carried on crate past Infernis, giving the man a nod along with a brief smile cast in Tenni's direction before heading onward.

"Thank you, Lord," Tennibrook replies. Asking and receiving permission to take her rook with her, she hands his reins off to the stable attendants after giving him a reassuring pat on the nose and a hug, and smiles as she sees her recent friend Kable arrive. "It's good to see you, Kable," she says. She follows him onboard, making her way belowdecks just long enough to stow her backpack and mithril chain mail. Returning topside, she emerges wearing her gambeson as her top-most clothing.

Mae would smile at Varis and she would walk in front. She would nod to his words. ¨Sure dear.¨ She chuckles from his words. She would first settle her quarters with Varis-Deth before she would return on the deck. She would spread her black wings. The black winged torian beauty wore not a dress today but a different outfit [] her two whips on her hip and a mithril scimitar. She would take a deep inhal=e and stretches herself. ¨Mmmm...let´ s do this..¨ She said to herself as she stretched herself a bit. Her blue eyes caught the sight of Tennibrook`Balmossie-VT and she would wave friendly at her. Then she caught the sight of Kable, she grinned at him and gave him a wink but let the two of them speak as she was exploring the ship.

Varis-Deth puts his things down in the room he was sharing with Mae, and then followed her up onto deck. He went to the rail of the ship and looks over the water. Already it was rocking back and forth, but he felt no seasickness so he should be fine. He turns and leans agasint the rail to look for Mae and when he spotted her he wold smile to her before seeing Tennibrook and Kable. He would nod and smile to them both in greeting before pushing off the rail and moves to Mae. "Will we share the dead?" He asked her with a grin.

Infernis finally made his way up the plank that led to the ship and waved to the crew ashore to cut loose. Those aboard would feel the ship slip free of the dock and yells came about for the sails to come down. They were setting sail, heading to the west and away from Thallis Port. He'd make his way into the ship's quarters to look for both his quarters and the girl that had come aboard first, looking for the half-breed girl and also with a mind to set his things in order. The rest of the crew would have plenty of time to get to know each other because it'd be some hours before they'd lose sight of land.

Mae would look aroud on this ship. Why? Because it was good to know your grounds but also as she had been on a lot of journey´s with aavran and she knew a thing or two about ships. she would walk to the steering wheel of the ship and she would stand there. Her hands brushing over it as the ship wasn´t sailing yet. she would stand behind it like a real captain. Aavran had learned her stuff. She would close her eyes and take a deep inhale. The captain had agreed to let Mae take the wheel for a bit. Perhaps it was because of her lovely charm. She would see Varis and grinned as she was steering the ship for now. ¨Of course dear.¨ She gave him a wink.

Hanhatra{I} swept her gaze on over those that were joining, coming aboard and those that seemingly had been aboard already. Blues grazed from Master and over to Kable, a mere sailor? Who would smile at her Master but her? They usually avoided that kind of contact as if they were pals. Or, so she'd seen. Though Mae had seemed the friendliest of them all, she was creepy with those undead things following her around. Still, she couldn't imagine having that kind of power. Just minions tromping where you pointed? It was amazing and nerve jangling all in one. Huh? Uh oh. Master was coming on board. With a fluid twerl and motion, the half breed was moving along in a smooth haunting step that was captivating to watch. She obviously had been on board a ship before. Quick she was to come up from behind Infernis and his only warning was the tail she couldn't control before she leaped on his back and hugged him tightly. "We are setting sail, Infernis!" No, she really didn't understand nor accept personal space.

Tennibrook, on the other hand, has no intention of taking the wheel or attempting to aid in navigation on this voyage. She has no skills in either, and doesn't want to be the reason they get lost. She's here to contribute her martial skills, her cooking ability, and her knowledge of first aid and triage. The vixen goes looking for Kable, whom she hopes she'll get to know better on this trip.

Infernis didn't even so much as blink when the girl jumped him from behind, like one might jump on a horse's back. It was hardly the first time he had treated her to a ride, after all, though the actual positions weren't exactly the same. "That we are, Hanhatra...Watch your head, now." Pretending to not even notice her there on his back, turning here and there and putting things in place, then finally turning around as if to look for her. "Now, where did you go?" As if he couldn't feel her on his back or hear her likely giggling. Turning this way and that and finally noticing her there on his back. "There you are!" Reaching around to drag her around. "Always the last place I look." There'd be time to formally greet the adventurers and explain the details of the voyage, but right then and there, he contented himself with the half-breed kitten and setting tomes and parchments in place, all the better to be sure they were going in the right direction. And yes, they had a direction to go.

In the wheelhouse with Mae, Varis stood next to her and looked out ahead. "Gorgeous." He said softly to himself. Yes, his villa was on the beach of dethsiris, but he never truly had been on water where there was no land in sigth. He never could comprehend how vast the ocean was, until he was looking out forward then. A hand would move up to sheild his eyes as he looked upwards some, seeing how vast the sky was as well. It was mesmorizing to say the least. He dropped his hand and looked aorund, moving to the other side of Mae as they headed out to the ocean, not really saying anything for now.

Kable stowed the crate he was carrying and made his way back to the top deck. Wiping his hands off with a simple white handkerchief, he suddenly heard the call go out to prepare to lower the sails, followed by the command to disembark. Moving in behind one sailor, he reaches down and gathers up the nearly wrist-thick rough hemp rope and once the whistle went out that was the signal to begin lowering the sails, Kable began pulling in the rope hand over hand with rough, light grunt of sound while the tall, wide, rectangular sails slowly lowered down each of the towering, thick, three main masts. With the sails lowered, another set of whistles gave signal as to the angle of the sails, Kable moving to another rope, this one wrapped in circles around a large pulley topped with a large crank. Taking hold of the crank in both hands, he nods to the sailor on the other side of the deck before they both begin turning their cranks quickly with rapid clicking sounds ringing out. Soon enough, the sails set, and the ship underway, the sailors would take a collective sigh of relief, a certain change in their demeanor now that they had set sail, an easiness and the ability to take a moment of relaxation. One sailor offered Kable a cigarette, not a practice he normally engaged in, but as he caught his breath in the aftermath of that work he would nod and accept the smoke with a nod and a smile. Turning, he sees Tennibrook approaching, smiling with a nod towards her as he takes a deep inhale of the cigarette before offering it out to her "Do you smoke?" quiet tones of quiet strength ask.

Hanhatra{I} giggled, quickly covering his handsome face in small feathery kisses, and again, and once more because she loved the taste of him. Like burnt candy. She couuld have climbed him like a tree all day but he did have work to do and so too, did she. Finally long legs stretched until body was firmly standing, Masters hand taken up and kissed from palm to knuckles. Her love and care of him was immeasurable and he knew it. "I remembered all the tomes. Do you want me to lay them out and show them? Or, you can show them. I think I have a better direction, Infernis." She'd brought the statues this time, she'd almost left them but she'd finally figured something out about the Male. But.. she must carefully show them. Not just blurt it out. Mainly because the words would make little to no sense until one saw for themselves.

Mae was enjoying steering the ship. She felt like the captain of this ship! Well..she often was the partner of Aavran on his voyages. She never imagined she would be a ship girl..but..she did quiet enjoy being on the sees. She closed her eyes as she felt the wind through her hair. ¨mmmm...¨ She liked that.. She would watch for a moment the crew of the ship doing their thing before her eyes shifted back to the waters. Surely the Captain would take it over when he wanted to..but for now..Captain Mae was in the house!

Infernis rumbled something affirmative at her last words. Good. A better direction meant a quicker path, which meant less time at sea. "I'll call them in." A hand lofted, gestured and the magic of Message was sent to the four adventurers, Tennibrook, Kable, Mae and Varis all. "Come to my quarters. It's time you learned why you're risking life and limb for your Empire." Calling to them all, letting know that they were needed and they'd all feel the general direction of where the call came from. When they arrived, door would be open to them and they'd see a table full of parchments stretched out, diagrams and drawings and pictographs. The magi himself and the half-breed slave girl who had deciphered all of this and set them out to find something 'new.' "Come in. Please, find a seat."

Varis-Deth moves behind Mae and wraps his armsa round her, his hands resting on her belly. "You're doing a good job. Got us out of the docks real good. Good job." He said softly to her, nuzzling her neck and kissing it. He lets go of Mae when he heard Infernis's message and waits for the Captain take over the wheel and tries to take her hand and escorts her down the ship to Infy's quarters. "I was wondering what we are trying to do and what to expect. this should prove intresting." He said sotly to Mae.

Tennibrook smiles politely at Kable's offer of a cigarette, but shakes her head. "No, thank you," she says. "I'm going to go to the galley soon and take a look at our food supplies, and help plan our on-board meals. Never thought I'd ever be able to say this, but I've become a halfway decent cook lately." She's about to say more, about how she hopes she and Kable can get to know each other better on this mission, but then the Message spell from Lord Infernis reaches their ears at the same time, and the vixen smiles. "Time to learn about these new lands we're being sent to conquer. It'll be a glorious adventure." She makes her way down to Infernis' quarters, assuming Kable is coming with her.

Mae would feel the hands of Varis-Deth around her and she would grin from his words. ¨Thank you dear..I like this..¨ She would close her eyes for a moment as he nuzzled her neck and kissed it. She would open her eyes as she heared the message from Infernis and she would indeed let the captain take over before she would follow Varis to Infernis quarters. She would nod in agreement to Varis-Deth and then grinned to Infernis and then to the others. This was going to be..interesting. She would take a seat and crossed her legs and arms as she waited for the information.

Hanhatra{I} didn't exactly know what to do the moment those that had come began filing in. She was nervous but a deep breath improved the jittery motion and she'd quickly bring stools from the side of the room and up by table. Only then would she open each tome where parchment was marked. One by one, each page folding over another tomes page until the map now because clear. Map? More like a large body of water and a singular Island at its source. Clearly one could see trees, the waves of the sea, mountains and buildings to sandy shores and finally to the volcano. She didn't think she'd need to say more on that and she'd give a nod to Infernis to expalin before she'd set the next pieces out, only then would even her Master understand why the statues would be valuable, but she'd wait for him to explain the map itself, first. There was a quick wave to all and she'd quickly step behind her Master. Smile warm, inviting and sweet. There was no ruse with the kitten. She didn't understand that emotion either.

Infernis waited for the half-breed to lay out the designs, the parchments that drew a picture for them. An island. "Yes, an island. What's so special about an island, I can hear you say...Well, this one 'may' be where our original Dethsirans came from. This may be where they started out. And if it is, then there's likely something there that'll be valuable to us. Old magics, old powers, old secrets." He didn't mention the Phoenix Stones, but those that knew would guess that part, too. "So, if it's there, we're going to go and take it. This trip is to find the place and scout it out. If it's a large island full of those who mean to resist, then we'll mount a proper expeditionary force to take the island later. If it's not full of resistance, then we'll plant a flag, have coconut drinks for a few weeks and then come home. First, though, is finding the place." He didn't mention the statues as yet, because they were still a mystery to him, but he'd wait on that. He was sure the girl had puzzled it out, but first was the map and making sure they all knew what they were meant to do on this voyage. "Any questions so far?"

Tenni considers. "How did we learn of this island, and its location? How long ago did the original Dethsirians move to Dethsiris?"

Mae would watch Hanhatra{I} layed down the map of the island. She would lean a bit forward o look at those maps. Hmmm..interesting. She observed the map and then looked up to Infernis as he talked. She frowned a little and thought for a moment. Well of course she also thought about the phoenix stones..but..she wondered how much this island had to do with magi itself..and if it was perhaps a changing island.. She was curious though how they at first even got hints about this island and its existance. She shit her eyes to tenni as she was asking the question. She would then look back at Infernis as she waited for him to answer that question. She had perhaps questions..for now she wanted to simply wait to let him answer this first question.

Varis-Deth stood behind the sitting Mae, and leans over to look at the Map better before looking back at Infernis and listen to waht he said. Somehow, this didn't suprise him. Why? Because this could have been what their Friend had been refereing to. "Is there any signs that Magi had been there as well?" He would ask Infy, and then crossed his arms over his chest. He was curious about the Phoenix Stones, but also another: "Are there any signs that Moriel have been there as well?" He asked him.

Infernis gestured slightly to the girl behind him, moving to explain more in detail. "This one took it upon herself to research in the Temple of Gaea and found the parchments. Those in the leadership of that Temple had not done so. She discovered the drawings and the statues and then puzzled out what they meant." Giving the credit where it belonged. Turning to Mae and Varis, explaining more. "Thus far we have 'no' information about the island itself, its inhabitants, old or new....The only thing we know is that the island is somewhere out there and it may be occupied still. As to when they moved? Thousands of years ago, I expect. Dethsiris was one of the first cities on the continent and this island and its people predate that. Could the Magi be involved? Maybe. Will that change anything? No." The Empire wasn't one to avoid conflict and it wouldn't intimidated now. His own status as Morpheus-chosen Magi wasn't relevant. He personally chose to not think about the consequences involved. No sense in fretting until it was a reality. "We'll know who is there...if anyone...when we get there. I realize this isn't much information, but it's what we have."

Tenni asks another question. "Do we know the ancient name of this island, or what the inhabitants once called it?" And another question comes to mind: "Do we know anything about what creatures might inhabit this ocean that far out?"

Kable poured the vision of his ash grey gaze over the parchments as they were laid out, standing beside Tenni whom he had made the trek down into the bowels of the ship to Infernis quarters with "Interesting.." he breathed out softly as he took note of how the interconnection of the pages created the map. One hand resting upon his hip, the other gesturing towards the map briefly "Myself and Vexademus, the OverSeer, discovered something of similar construction...formed from various sources into a single whole when combined, while studying in the library at The Great Dome." He appeared to mull this over briefly, swinging his eyes across those present before returning find Infernis own. "Only what we found was a poem" He seemed wary, perhaps even slightly worried. Only it wasn't the poem and what it might have meant that caused it, but rather the source and language it had been written in.

Hanhatra{I} carefully manuvered to Infernis's left side, bowing to Tennibrook, her voice was low and sweet but she made her body as small as possible. She was a slave after all and they were all her betters. "Ma'am. The tomes that make up each piece of this map were in the lower region of the Temple. I found them by the Tree there. The Priests weren't.. happy with my presence and it took some time to gain their confidence. I stumbled on each piece in each of the Tomes. I thought it strange the words of the Priests in each Tome were interrupted by a lone picture that made no sense." Here she paused, a thoughtful gesture of tweeking a shiney sable tress between thumb and forefinger. Tugged it a moment and let her chin drop. "The Tree isn't foreign to this Land, Ma'am. It was brought here before they built the Temple of Gaea. They built the Temple around it." Again she paused and Looked at Infernis to gain his nod to continue before doing so. "You see, the Priests in the Tree finally told me something that was weird. Gaea wasn't their first Goddess they worshipped. They introduced her after the first 100 years. To this guy." Lower lip was caught at as she brought up both statues. One was obviously Gaea, marble, a stunning piece, well kept. The second was of a rounded bald looking male. He wore only what could be called a wrap of a skirt, his eyes were small and his ears almost seemed grossly smaller then his head. She set each down but Gaea was set to the far west of the Map and the male was set in the middle. Atop the Volcano. "Master? Do you have a light spell? One you can hover over the Male statue?"

Mae would simply listen to the words of Varis-Deth and Infernis and nods as she listends and takes the information in. Well..this was indeed very interesting. Especially as her special friend also had mentioned something about the temple of Mae needed to visit that place herself sometime. ¨I see...¨ She tapped her cheek as she listends and frowns as she lookes at the map. Making mental notes.She would shift her eyes to Kable as he spoke and she would nod to his words and shifted her eyes to Hanhatra{I} and she would watch with interest. Making mental notes.

Varis-Deth thinks more about what Infernis said about findign the papers int he Temple of Gaea, and he wondered something he found in the Kirva Temple as well. He then remember somethng else about waht their friend said about the three kings, another thing he didn't mention yet. He paused when he looked to the male statue and waits to get a better look at it and mmms softly. He sent a message to Mae using the Message Spell and then waits for her answer.

Infernis waved a hand over the statue, illuminating it without a word. Some spells were that easy. "I've not yet found a name, but perhaps Hanhatra has found one." He'd move the girl to stand before him, small as she was, settled almost within those robes, with one hand on her shoulder as she spoke and explained her actions, explained what she'd found. In this, he was simply supporting the clever girl as she laid out what she'd found. He'd heard most of this already, so he was there to explain in his own words if need be. But, for the moment, he let her do the talking as she'd learned all of it first hand, herself. Again, giving credit to where it was due. "I realize most of this is possibly confusing. We're going to figure it out all out. This 'other' God that predates Gaea. The island and its resources. The volcano that figured so heavily in the drawings and obvious in the island itself. He'd look back at Kable. "A poem?"

Mae would hear the message from Varis and she would simply shake her head. Decided to first gain information and to see what kind of statue it was and if it indeed could have a connection with their discoveries. For now she simply let the others talk.

Kable nodded briefly "..a poem." he took a quiet breath as he looked among them "I suppose if there were ever a setting for discussing it, this would be it. It's an ancient poem, an epic tale. But it was not so much the meaning of the poem that we were after, but rather the key that is supposed to be found upon decoding it." There was the last part, that he nearly left out, but decided it best to be clear and open "What made it difficult, is that the poem is written in ancient draconic..."

Hanhatra{I} bit her lip and watched as the illumination of light hovered and soaked into the statue, at first it was nothing. Just a flicker of something strange. A shadow that moved from the statue. But that was a trick of the eye and the light. Soon more shadows spread out, the island was formed in the far left. Shadows flickered and played again and spread outwards making a vast sea, the play of it was like waves and to the far right, one could finally see the outline of another large body of land. It was there she put her finger. "This is Nanthalion land, I think this is Thallis. The Island is to the West, over a week I think. See, whoever created the Statues of these two Gods? Put a map hidden in small slits and holes. It was the oldest Priest that said Shine a light and leave Gaea in Darkness. I didn't get it. Now I do."

Infernis tsked softly to himself as the light created shadow upon the empty map. All shadow play. "Remarkable. Well, we have our landmarks. Mae, I'm told you can sail competently. This will suffice to get us to the island, yes?"

Varis-Deth watches and looks over everything being presented to him, his photogencic memory aborbing everything like a sponge. He still said nothing, merely listening to what everyone else had to say. Draconic huh? He remembered Vex speaking it and telling him she was learning it. How intresting... perhaps this was the reason why she was learning it, instead of the other reason he previously thought.

Mae would listen to the words of Kable and then Hanhatra{I}. It was interesting. She would look up to Infernis and then she would stand up and walk closer. She would inspect the map closely. Just from the different angles and she would nod. ¨Yes..Yes I think it will.¨ She was glad that Infernis had noticed. She would inspect the statues closely for a moment. Interesting..very interesting...

Tenni listens intently, but doesn't have any further questions at this time.

Infernis turned to the others as a whole. "Well then, there you have it. We sail for something very old and possibly very powerful and very valuable. A few years ago, we discovered Dethsiris and turned it into the jewel of the Empire. Now, we search for something even older and possibly even more valuable. But, it'll be some days before we get there. I suggest you all get comfortable for a few days while Mae gets us to where we're going."

Tenni speaks up now. "I'm going to go make an inspection of the galley, and determine what we have to eat. I'll make dinner around 7 o'clock. Afterwards, you're all invited to my quarters for a game of Greedy Pig."

Hanhatra{I} faded back against her Master, smile was there but it was dimmed. She'd still never found the name of the God but she had a week or so to pour over the Tomes and maybe some of the others would help. Though it wasn't up to her to ask, that would be presumptuous of any slave. Peering upwards, soft mouth formed a pout. She should have sketched the map out earlier but, she'd been excited to find it to begin with and while clever, the half breed wasn't the smartest peg in the barrel. There were far more clever folks here right now. They'd even mentioned a poem she'd be eager to see but she didn't know draconic either. "Master." She tugged on Infernis sleeve. "What about the small dragons that were seen in Dethsiris?"

Infernis actually paused then to try and remember. Small Dragons? Oh! "The fire-breathing Mephos. Yes, I remember those. The Portal system there was acting up and expelled a handful of these Mephos that breathed out smoke and flame and steam. I've no idea 'how', since such creatures should not have been able to do so, but they did it, all the same. It's likely that these creatures are related to our mystery island. So, that's something to consider." Not just as threats, but as possible booty to be claimed. In time. "We'll have to keep an eye to the skies for such creatures as they may show themselves before we reach the island in question. Do any of you have any other questions? Or any requests to sit with Hanhatra and work on the details?"

<+Varis-Deth> "I would like to work with you and Hanhatra in detail, if I may." Varis volenteered. Once they were done with the evening, him and Mae would ahe to have a conversation about what they know and waht he could and coudnt share yet. "And if I can help in any ways around the ship, please, just let me know." He said.

Mae would nods to the words of infernis and then looks at Hanhatra{I}. ¨Dear, do you think it is possible to get me a copy of that map? I think It would be best that I have one for me as I steer this ship. We cannot risk this map.¨ She explained. She would then shift her eyes to Infernis when he talekd about the small dragons. ¨Oeh! Well..that is itneresting...¨ She said with a devious wicked grin. Hmmm..well she definitely had interest in those! She needed her own transportation for her own private island. She would shake her head. ¨Just a copy of the map so far and I will be on my way again.¨ She chuckles and gave Infernis a wink and then shifted her eyes to Hanhatra{I}

<+Kable> "I'll join you, Dame Tennibrook, and lend a hand where I can..." he gave a light nod, dark strands of raven colored hair shifting faintly "..and definitely not because I want to ensure we're having something I like." a brief, light smirk of his lips. Turning his attention to the words regarding those mephos "..If we do see any of the fire breathers on our way out there, we'll need to be prepared to protect the sails. Without them, we'd be dead in the water....unless you all enjoy paddling." eyes swiveling among them.

Tenni nods her assent at Kable offering his company. "Do we have the Fire Resistance enchantment on our sails?" she asks, hopefully. It'd be awfully useful if they're going into an area where they know fire-breathing mephoses are likely to be.

<+Varis-Deth> He listened to Mae and Tennibrook and nods to them. His statement stands on helpiig directly with Infy and his slave, so very curious if the information he has had anything to match what hw knew, He looked to Kable when he spoke and nods to him. "I can climb up sails without a problem," Varis offered. "And the thralls can always carry water." He added.

+Hanhatra{I} shook her head and slowly reached for the male statue paused and left it there."Yes Ma'am. I can do that. It might take me an hour if you don't mind?" Well, likely not at least they already had a direction to go to and she'd brought all her parchment, ink and quill. Huh? Blinking, blues swept up and fell on Varis and her smile was now wide, warmed to the heart and so happy. "Really Sir? Glory to Gaea!" She almost twirled. caught herself and bowed. "I would really like that." Yep, no twirling. No clapping hands. She had to represent her Master after all. Except, how would she adopt his scowl? "I can swim!" hand raised like a dolt and she quickly snatched it down. Hiding her energy was going to be a lot harder then first thought and she gave an apologetic bow to Kable.

Infernis was pleased to see everyone working well together....for now, at least. Let's see how friendly they were to each other after a few weeks at sea. For now, though, he was pleased and content to let them do as they wished for now. "Keep those copies close and limited. Anyone with a copy could beat us there and the Empire has enough enemies to make it worthwhile to steal a copy to resell even." He'd smirk across to Hanhatra and reach around to rub at the girl's hip lightly. "She's an excellent cook, to boot." Something she'd never brag about, herself, but he was the sort to brag for her. About her. Without a doubt, she'd be in the kitchen and sharing tips and ideas with Tennibrook within a day or two. "From what I can tell of the map, it'll be a few days before we reach the first landmark, so I suggest we all get comfortable in the meantime."

Mae would nod in agreement to the words of Kable and then to tenni. ¨Well if I knew this before..I could´ve enchanted those sails or this ship for you Infernis.¨ She chuckles and then her eyes shifted to Hanhatra{I}. She gave her a friendly warm smile and a nod. ¨Thank you dear..of course I can wait for that. Just bring me the copy of the map once its finished..or let Varis bring it to me.¨ She gave her a wink. She would nod to the enthousiastic words of the girl and varis and she would chuckle. Then her eyes shifted back to Infernis and grins. ¨Of course sir, I have a little bit of space in my cleavage.¨ She teased him and gave him a wink. She would nod in agreement and then leaves the room to go back on the deck.

Varis-Deth smiles to Hanhatra and at happy she was for his help. "I'm glad to help, Hanhatra. You need anything, I"m your man. And we can be sounding boards for each other theories or reading or wahtever you want me to do." He said softly in his rich baritone voice. Hands move to Mae's shoulders and give them a squeeze. "Do we need to take watches for when sleeping? I can take most of the night... I don't sleep much anyways and i can see in the dark and hear pretty well." He offered that too in case his help was needed for that.

Hanhatra{I} quickly hid her giggle behind a hand, an arm coiling around Infernis and her tail around his leg until the tip tapped away by ankle. She hadn't embarassed him, that was step one. Step two would be to remember Sir's and Ma'ams. Third step, don't be underfoot. She could be quiet given a project but she had a few that needed doing and Varis help was appreciated far more then he'd know. All things considered, she could at least help serve the meal and let Tennibrook sit and enjoy. Thoughts on thoughts. Which were halted by Maes flirtatious words, she even pushed up on toes and whispered to her Master. "Does she know how good you are in bed Master? Should I tell her? Shes pretty! You'd enjoy." No, no personal spack at all with the kitten. She said whatever was on her mind. They'd probably see her skulking about without a stich of clothing on as well. Since Infernis had said to get comfortable.

With Mae having left the room to go back topside, Tenni still has another question. "How are we fixed for ship's weapons? Ballistae? Anything else like that?"

Infernis just shook his head at Mae and grinned, a grin that would grow with Hanhatra's encouraging words. "I would and I have, Hanhatra...But, I suspect my bed will be a bit crowded with you and I...I doubt they'd survive the three of us together." Patting Hanhatra's bottom and rumbling amusement, he'd keep possessive grip on the girl's hip and held her to his side for the moment, watching them talk among each other. He'd turn slightly to Tennibrook..."The ship is well fitted for war. It's one of L`s ships, completed with a potent main weapon, a mounted Phoenix Stone. Unless we're up against dragons, we shouldn't have a problem."

Tennibrook frowns. "I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the Phoenix Stones," she admits. "If I'm to use one properly, I should like to have a briefing on their capabilities. I *do* have experience in firing ballistae, and I brought my rook, Jilbo, with me, so that I can perform aerial combat on our behalf should it become necessary."

When Infy said he had with Mae, Varis mentally snarled but his face showed nothing about that. Jealousy was pushed away as he listens to Infy describe what kind of weapons are on the ship. "I think we should come up with a plan if we encounterd those fire breathing mephos." He said to them all. "I know I can climb up the masts and the undead can bring water, but is anyone here a water mage?" He asked the collective group. "I hate admitting ignorance, but I have never of... ballistaes before. I would need to get familiar with them as well." He said to them as well. "And I'll take first watch tonight, if there are fire breathing dragons out there, We need eyes to the skies." He said.

Kable stood idly by, simply watching that map and etching it to memory, mulling things over in his mind while listening to the quiet discussions going on back forth amongst them. It was indeed a curiosity that such a large and powerful ship was chosen for what was in essense a glorified reconnaisance mission to find out what this island holds. He hoped it was simply an overabundance of caution that provoked its choice, but part of him wondered if bringing such a sharp, lethal weapon would beg to encounter an equally lethal prey. And then he heard the last of Infernis words spoken as a quiet smirk rode to his lips "..let's hope that doesn't end up being a foreshadowing....or 'famous last words' as it were" Turning his gaze and attention towards Tennibrook and Varis regarding the ballista, smiling "Oh, it's easy. Just point and shoot. You'll love it. Great fun."

Tennibrook smiles pleasantly in response to Varis's admission. "Ballistae are basically giant ship-mounted crossbows. They utilize one-time-use ballista bolts capable of inflicting tremendous damage on aerial and seabound opponents. They're the kind of things you fire at mounts and at ships, not at individual people."

Infernis said nothing but the man's jealousy was quietly noted to himself. Very few knew what unique magics were his to use, to sense and taste the emotions of those around him. Useful for discerning truth from lie and the mood of those who were skilled at hiding their emotions, as here. Here, he made note to be careful with his words regarding the necromancer girl in the future, for he had no desire to spark an issue when lives were on the line. In the meantime, he turned back to Tennibrook. "Imagine a spell enhancer beyond compare, capable of storing spells and releasing them at a power ten times their normal power. That is what a Phoenix Stone does. Which is why they're valuable as they are. They are rare and beyond the power of the Empire to replicate." Not entirely true, but close enough for now. "If you want to see one, we have one mounted on the ship for use in case of emergency."

Hanhatra{I} let her head rest against her Masters strong arm, fingers splayed over his stomach and gently sifted and played. She was listening but a ballista was merely a very large bow to her. She'd seen what they could do however, the damage wasn't small. So maybe Kable's point wasn't taken as it should. For one brief moment a frown appeared but was soon chased away but her sunny smile. So thats what that covered object on deck was. She'd seen plenty considering she lived in Infernis tower and had the run of the town at her leisure. She simply thought them pretty, not lethal. Recalling herself, she oozed free of her Masters touch and moved to find her parchment and quill with the ink and found a stool to perch on after finding all objects and began to draw, her quick gaze moving from map to parchment. It had to be accurate. "Sea dragons are your only danger out here." was said quietly.

<+Kable> "Oh, is that all.." Kable nodded his head with the lightness of a faint smile "..that's reassuring."

"I *would* like to see the Phoenix Stone," Tenni says, sounding intrigued. "Tomorrow. Right now, I should head to the galley. May I take my leave, sir?"

Varis-Deth looks to Tenni as she explains what the Ballistas were. "Sounds like Kable said; point and shoot. And it does like fun... but I hope we don't have to use them." He said softly. He was unaware that Infy caught that bit of jealously, but it was gone just as soon as it came. "Sea Dragons?" He asked, his attention on Hanhatra. Oh, that sounded fun. He wondered if they killed any, if he could keep one. It would be great to add to his collection.

Infernis could only glance upward, as if to the skies and unseen deities. "Well, of course." He just 'had' to say 'dragons' and lo, there was the threat laid bare. "I suppose I'll be blamed for that, if it happens." In the meantime, he'd lean down and brush lips against the corner of the girl's own lips. "Tend to your drawings, I'm going out to prepare the ship in case dragons show up to make me look bad." None of the demanding tone that one might expect from an owner, but he wasn't the usual sort. The girl's compliance wasn't demanded or forced, it was just expected and received as if it were both natural and normal. It was just what it was. He'd leave her for the time being, slipping out and ducking head down to avoid the doorframe, heading out to check and make sure that the crew knew what to expect and to ensure that they knew to have a proper schedule so that a healthy number would be on duty even in the middle of the night. Sea dragons. There's something to worry about at 3am in the morning while the ship rocked to and fro.

Hanhatra{I} giggled softly, her nature was more innocents and laughter then war talk but her fingers continued to move, now and again judging distance to a smaller map that was being created now. "Yes Master." she gave him another kiss, and then another. And one more, hand patting his own ass as he moved but her blues fell on Kable, head tilting, sable locks sifting to spill down her back. "You're a curious soul. Its just a sea dragon. Though.." her nose twitched a time or two and she considered something. ".. Oh. That was sarcasm." another giggle and she bent back to her task.

Mae had no idea about the converstations they had about her in the room but it would´ve amuzed her perhaps in a bit. She was just standing behind the wheel. Waiting for Hanhatra{I} to make that copy of that map for her so that she would have that on hand..or on cleavage in her case. Her eyes focussed on the waters. She stretched her black wings. It was nice to be seen for her skills and well..she liked doing this. Well... Aavran was definitly missing out on something now. this was interesting! A interesting trip indeed!

Varis-Deth watched Infernis leave the group and his ttention moves to Hanhatra. "Can I help with anything, Miss?" He asked her with a gentle smile.

Tennibrook leaves Infernis's quarters and heads for the galley, where she and Kable review the inventory of the ship's stores. Tonight would be pork chops with mushroom gravy, with sauteed broccoli.

<+Hanhatra{I}> "Hmm. You could fill in trees, mountains, volcano? I can draw stick figures and maps, but not delicate things. She'd probably want that. Right?" Again that curious frown before she shrugged it away. "Maybe the Sea dragon too." She pointed at the map upon table. "Theres two there, so we should come up on the first, maybe in two days? Maybe less. I know their hunting grounds run miles but they do avoid each other. Maybe the female dragons are rude?" It was just a joke really and Varis could tell but that sweep of soft mouth into smile. she was joking, right?

Varis-Deth nods to Hanhatra. "If I can do stained glass, I'm sure I can do trees and mountains and volcanos." He said, moving to stand and pulls the stool closer to the desk and he picks up a pencil and starts to draw in where she stated them to be. He starts to work when she mentions the sea dragons. "Sea Dragons here and here?" He asked her and puts x's down on those spots. "I'll draw them in later... may I tell Mae this information first though?" He asked, expecting to be todd no, and goes back to drawing the trees. "I just want her to have the heads up. Two days or less?" He asked her to make sure he remembered right. He chuckled softly when she said about the females dragons were rude. "Wouldn't be the first species of having rude females." He said with a chuckle.

Mae poofs.

Hanhatra{I} shared a warm sunny smile once more with Varis, her laughter soft and inviting. "Maybe you should but they aren't this close to shore so it wouldn't actually matter. I can cut down time to half an hour for Mae." she bent to task with a lil more diligence, best to laugh while one could. However, she wasn't an expert on Dragons though she'd seen mention of them in a few of the tomes. "You know, the Priests in the tree.. That isn't Gaeas work. She nature, light and dark, but thats a different magic all together I haven't figured out either. Have you ever read anything?"

Infernis spent a good bit of time working with the soldier sailors on deck, getting the guns ready, so to speak. He'd had the Stone uncovered and prepared....and then nothing for a while. The seas were clear and calm and the wind was strong and it was a good Fall day. Cool and crisp, but not cold. It made sailing a good thing. When it got colder, it was all ice and spray and dreadful, but for now, it was nice. The skies were clear and sharp and it was a relaxing thing. He almost missed the sight of the darker shape beneath the waters. Almost. Far off, but moving in their direction. Something dark blue or perhaps a sea-green, but it was close to blending in with the water. It was only a trick of the failing sunlight that betrayed it to his gaze. Moments later, the spotters in the nest above called it out, a note of panic in his voice. Something was coming. Something long and something deep and something big. Whatever it was, he couldn't assume it was something ambivalent to their presense. Whatever it was, it was closing on them and so he called out, again a Message to the rest of them, whether they were sailor or cook or drawing or resting. "Something's coming. Get up on deck."

Varis-Deth nods. "then it can wait. Thank you, Hanhatra." He said softly, continueing on the trees. He did pause, however, when she spoke of the priests in the Temple of Gaea where of her magic. "To be honest, that doesn't surprise me. When I found the Temple of Kirva deep in the jungle, there were a lot of odd things in the temple. Some of it I have never seen. I figured them different because of age, maybe ancient atrifacts and have placed them somewhere safe, but maybe taht can be related to wht you're talking about?" He offered her. "And no, I Haven't read any tomes from the Gaean temple. But... I do know that the Magi were a big prensence in Dethsiris. I also know that there were three Kings in Dethsiris before it went into ruin. We fond the high Elven... but there was a dark elf as well and I forgot the other. I have it written down, in my notes somewhere." He said. "And I also now that the Gloom is much larger than I ever realized. It wouldn't surprise me if we find them there on that isand as well." He told her.

Kable gets up on deck! Avails himself to whatever might need doing..

Kable poofs.

Hanhatra{I} was listening until the niggle of a message swept over tipped ear. If not for her tail, she'd look like a normal elf. "Master says, somethings coming. We are to be on deck." She was calmer then she should be. Motions precise and agile, a quick lean down to snatch up her only weapon she'd considered not bringing, which was her shoddy bow. But it would do. Maybe? With a nod to Varis and shy of her smile, she waited for him to go first and trailed after.

Tenni heads topside after making a quick stop into her quarters to don her mithril chain mail shirt and her visored helm. She's already wearing her green-and-gold gambeson, black pants, and black boots, with mithril longsword and mithril dagger on her hips, and mithril gauntlets and greaves. "Lookouts, report!" she calls out.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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Re: Southern Seas Quest

Postby Vexademus on Tue Nov 09, 2021 2:12 pm

Thank you for posting this.
Do we get more? I would like to read more. :)
"In the whispers of the wind and water to the dance of the flames in the rock, behold the mystic weave of aether, for within every shimmering ember of energy lies the tale of destiny entwined and the magic that binds my soul to the arcanic tapestry eternal."
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Southern Seas Quest, Part II

Postby CallieO on Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:13 pm

Southern Seas Quest, Part II

Dramatis Personae

Lord Infernis, male magi (and DM)
Dame Tennibrook Balmossie, female vulpine paladin/cleric
Calixa, female halfling healer
Mae, female black-winged torian necromancer
General Richard Nighthawke, male human warlord
Fayette, female magi
Kable Syranos, male high human knight/mist raider
Shyntolin, male dark elf thief/warrior

Infernis absently noted how nice of a day it was. The skies were clear, the sun was high and the winds were cool but not cold. Were it not for the dark slithering shape approaching the ship, he'd have called it a good day. The last few hours had been quiet, with the ship slowly making its way from Thallis Port to the south west, heading into the Southern seas. Nowhere near close enough for it to be anywhere near 'warm', but the weather would not be a factor today. No land in sight, the seas were mostly calm, and aside from the rapidly approaching sea creature, it might have been called ideal. As it was, the call had gone out that something was approaching and for all members of that Expedition to return to the ship or rouse themselves from their leisure. It was time, as they said, for them to earn their keep. He himself would be on deck, watching the approaching thing and wondering if they were all already doomed. Dragons were not to be fucked with, but this one may not give them a choice.

Calixa pauses, her bloodied hands perched over a deep basin of cold water as the Message goes out to all crew and passengers- something out of the deeps. After another moment of silent thought, she finishes washing the mess of the morning's surgery away. For as few sailors actually entered Thallis port hurt, the sea sure seemed to be a dangerous place every time she went onto it. She was beginning to wish she'd never let her girlfriend talk her into coming. "...Guess I'd better get some more water on the boil." she muses, and sets off to the galley, dodging the scrambling trail of sailors going to their stations.

Tenni heads topside after making a quick stop into her quarters to don her mithril chain mail shirt and her visored helm. She's already wearing her green-and-gold gambeson, black pants, and black boots, with mithril longsword and mithril dagger on her hips, and mithril gauntlets and greaves. "Lookouts, report!" she calls out.

Fayette shifted her dark wings with silver streaks in the wind as she heard a call magically arrive. She had been scouting to the sides of the ship, close enough to be ready to help but far enough to expand the lookout as she flew high.

Mae-Deth was standing behind the wheel. The black winged torian beauty wore a sexy outfit [ ]. That corset pushing those tits up, her two whips on her hip and a mithril scimitar. She noticed something approaching in the waters and heared the voice of Infernis. She tried to steer the ship a bit away but still on course..but trying to gain some more distance. Not sure of course if the creature was going to attack them or would leave them be. Her eyes focussed on steering the ship but also on the creature.

Fayette eyes narrowed as she would look into the water seeing nothing above. Frowning as she saw the shadow under the water. And it wasn’t a small shadow she’d notice as she woudl circle the air above it. Shifting to mimic it’s direction with her following above to hopefully aid the folk on the ship. A message sent to Infernis of what she was doing.

<L`aquera> Dragons. They all didn't fly in the air you know. Some enjoyed the deeper caves, some, the crevices, others that were far more rare and stuck to the deepest coldest waters were the Sea Dragons. They were remiss of wings, their long flowing forms ranged from deep blues to beautiful greens. They were long and slender but powerful and strangely capricious but also protective of the wide range in miles they travelled. Did they often attack? Not really. They might get curious and swim under a ship, they might decide they'd scare you out of their 'home' as it were and some, were simply surly in manners. What you might get is not what is expected. This one had actually surfaced and with it the winds of change. No really, the winds had picked up and the fog began rolling up and over the waves of the sea itself and converged upon the large War ship. The head of the creature surfaced, its shinning scales of deep blue glinting for a brief moment before it dove under, long fanned tail crashing against water.

Nighthawke emerged from below wearing his black mythril armor wit black mythril sword along with his long bow and quiver of arrows if they were needed... He made his way towards the bow,,, He had a thing for bing out in front which would give him a better view of what was coming...

Calixa heaves a bucket pumped up from the barrel into the slowly-swaying stockpot that was set for this evening's stew. Now it would serve a more vital importance. Well. More vital at just this moment, she mentally amended. Re-igniting the fire with a snap of her fingers, she heads out of the galley and over to the opening to the deck above. She cocks her head, listening for any sound of commotion.

Infernis was far from happy in that moment and not directly because of the Sea Dragon that had confronted them. He'd made a point of masking himself in illusion, hiding himself as he had been before he'd ascended to Magi status. And, due to having to risk life and limb, he would have to cast that aside. If anyone was paying close attention, he'd go from being your average human wizard figure to being a foot taller, thicker and stronger, barrel chested and boasting two etheral wings that danced in the sunlight. Wrapped in an aura of magical power that all but snapped with intensity, and he was somehow growing 'stronger' as he started to focus himself. Chanting under his breath, that aura of his was sharpening and growing in intensity as he fell into a war mantra of Magi origin. It was a 'Dragon.' This might all be foolish bravado, this effort to strengthen himself, but if it came to blows, he'd get at least one good strike in. "Fayette, stay at range and look to distract the thing if possible. Those on board, find a ballista to man." The Phoenix Stone was there to be used, but the great beast had submerged again. "Wait for a clear shot and don't fire unless it strikes first."

Tenni mans a ballista on the port stern of the ship, loading it and getting it ready to fire. She hadn't seen the dragon surface briefly, but the fog is now rolling in and visibility is decreasing rapidly. "Port stern ballista loaded!" she announces.

Fayette gasped as the creature moved to the surface. The sudden increase in winds though they were pulling her towards the ship even as fog started to obscure her view of the ship. FOr now she could still see the creature. Admiring it’s pretty scales before it dove once again, tail splashing water up but not reaching the flying Magi. As she tried to keep view of where the creature went. Hearing Infernis she wouyld try to look for an opening, the creature breaching again or at least give them a directiona s long as she could, warning in case it was aiming for the ship.

Calixa chews her lips slightly as Infernis gives his commands. She judged that those orders specifically exclude herself, being both a healer, and rather under three feet in height. She had a sporting chance of lifting a ballista bolt. Maybe. Nonetheless, she peeks her nose cautiously over the edge of the main deck from the aftmost hatch, squinting her dark eyes against the brilliant flare of daylight after the darkness of the interior. Out of habit, her eyes scan the skies- and there did seem to be a few forms up there- but at least none of them were hawking acid. Yet.

Nighthawke would asks one of the ships hands to bring a bucket of pitch along with a lit torch.. He had some things in mind when the timew would come... He would turn seeing a balista that wasn't manned yet and repositioned himself by the unmanned one and went about preparing it to be fired.... Looked like it was going to be needed much sooner than he thought as a creature was spotted just subsurfaced and heading towards the ship...

Infernis did 'not' want to provoke the beast into open combat as none of them would stand much of a chance against such a beast. It has size, strength, inherent toughness, the ability to shrug off most say nothing of possibly having a breath attack. "Maintain course as best you can, Mae, but open up some distance if you can." The fog was problematic, watching as it began to surround the ship, but it'd have to wait until he finished his focusing mantra. Once done, he'd do what he can with his Magi magic to push at the fog and dissipate it with hard gusts of wind. Not being able to 'see' would be a real problem. "Steady folks. It hasn't attacked yet. But, if it does, aim for the eyes and mouth." He'd push at the fog as best as he could, being one man, and move toward the mounted Phoenix Stone. Just in case.

Mae-Deth would look at Infernis and nods. She was already doing that and she would agreed. ¨Of course sir!¨ She gave him a wink and then concentrated to maintain course and to create more distance between the creature. It was quite the challenge with this fog..but..she had a lot of experience on ships..and she enjoyed doing this. Not as much as actually killing people and being busy with creepy death stuff..or fucking...but still. It was fun!

Calixa takes a moment to drink in the sight of Tennibrook at the ballista at the stern- looking very magnificent and leonine. A flicker of a smile passed over her colorless lips- fading with the sun as the fog began to shroud the sky above in earnest. Well. Best to stay out of the way, at least until the screaming started. Scurrying down belowdecks, she pauses as she sees a ship's carpenter cursing as he staggers up the ladder carrying his pot of pitch. She frowned, and then went over to her makeshift infirmary and started soaking some bandages in burn ointment. Just in case.

Fayette would do her best to stay above the creature even if it took her away from the ship just to try to aid shipmates on where they should aim if needed or to give everyone an idea where it was if Infernis managed to clear out more of the fog. Her concentration was manuevering with the conflicting winds.

Tenni is too focused on her duty at the moment to take her eyes off her sights; the dragon could pop out of the water and spray them at any moment, and she needs to be prepared. She *does* smile, though, when she realizes her new girlfriend, Calixa, is glancing in her direction. There'd be plenty of time to talk and enjoy each other's company later. Right now, Tenni would do right by her by keeping her safe from harm.

Nighthawke readied the ballista he was manning.. arm readied and locked into place with a round ready to fire when the command was given... Everything done slow and easy....He unfastened the tie to his blade and had the bow off to the right close enough to grab with arrow to be fired...He had a target in mind but closeness would be needed for what he planned would be effective.. He simply stood at the ready...

L`aquera poofs.

Infernis had fought dragons before, but that didn't mean he knew what to expect. Most of those that he'd fought before had been of the winged variety and far far smaller in size. This thing went on forever. He was walking on eggshells with the big beast, trying not to provoke it, and yet it didn't seem fit to return the favor. The ship would suddenly 'surge' upward as the dragon went beneath the ship and forced it up into the air. Actually getting air between the ship and the sea, tossed UP in the air and impacting down hard against the water. They would all 'feel' and hear the sound of rough scaled form dragging against the underneath of the ship as it went along beneath them and shouts came from below decks. Shouts of alarm. "Breaches!" Holes torn in the bottom of the ship as the beast kept to the deep water, out of sight and out of reach of the ship and its weapons. Barely enough time for the ship and those on board to recover their feet from the sudden tossing of the ship and then it was there. Rising up out of the water at the bow of the ship. Beautiful and graceful, all greens and blues on its scaled form even as it opened its maw wide and began to inhale.

Kable had heard the message spell go out and quietly moved to where he had stored his kit of items, taking hold of the smaller bladed ninjato and leaving the katana, for now. Slipping it into his belt, he felt the sudden shock of the ship as it was met with only the grazing force of whatever they were facing, feeling the shudder in the keel of the ship as the entire body of the body lifted slightly and listed to the side. Bracing a hand upon an outer beam even as he felt the grating force begin and the screaming cries of men reporting breaches in the hull, he could only watch solemnly as a spray of water burst forth in the next compartment over. Rushing forward as the boat began to settle, he began to aid a crewman in attempting to patch that leak.

Mae-Deth would widen her blue eyes when the dragon suddenly lifted the ship. ¨Ho shit!¨ She grabbed the wheel and spread her black wings in hope to balance herself and glide. Once the ship was back on the water again she groaned and looked up at the thing. She would look how it was opening her mouth and she would cast one of her strongest spell [Serpent Kiss]. Making a fog of poisen and aim it to the face of the dragon , hoping it would be steal as much of its strenght as possible while in the meantime she would try to steer the ship away from the dragon, creating distance but staying as much on the main course.

Nighthawke quickly grabbed onto the base of the ballista to keep from getting tossed with the lifting of the ship out of the water.. He slammed down hard along with the ship as it impacted the water again.. He was fortunate the ballista was still locked and loaded to fire...he threw some black pitch onto the projectile and set it a blaze.. Aim taken as the beast opened it's jaws to take a huge breath and he fired sending the blazing projectile flying fast at the open maw at the soft skin of the throat within......

Shyntolin had been below deck when the crys of alarm went up and the dragon tossed the ship like a toy boat.. he braced himself against a beam as he hurried to help the crew patch the breach that had appeared next to him.. he braced his shoulder against the woot as the crew worked.

Tenni sees the dragon breach the water, and it's enormous. She rocks with the damaged boat and takes a tumble, landing on the wooden rail of the port side, but she casts Feather Fall from her ring and regains her balance. Returning to her station, she aims for a point just above the dragon's right eye, hoping that by aiming high, she'll end up hitting it point-blank. "Not on my watch, you son of a bitch," she murmurs, and fires.

Infernis was...gone. Somewhere in the midst of the fight, the flinging of the ship and the rise of the beast itself, he'd disappeared. Probably into the water. In the meantime, the others had rallied in desperation and bravery both. Fayette's spells were causing the huge thing to blink even in the few moments that it had to inhale, causing an instinctive hissing and disruption of its intended attack. Likewise, Mae's poison and the fire from Nighthawke's bolt found suitable targets. The work below were having an impact, though the water was up to their knees and leaks continued. Already perturbed, irritated by the firey bolt from Nighthawke and Mae's poisons, Fayette's Energy spells, they all combined to have the beast suddenly BELLOWING its irritation at the ship with barely a fraction of its breath. And yet, it was like being bathed in winter's harshest winds. Ice. Frigid sleet, chunks of blown ice, sharp as daggers and yet there was no doubt that this was only the least of its power. The ship was bathed in that frozen breath, ice caked up on one side, freezing ballista in place, weighing down the sails and freezing the rudder in place as well. There'd be no maneuvering. Not with things as they were now. But, the beast was irritated and threw itself down into the water away from the ship, a huge wave caused by that impact and the ship again was tossed to the side, causing dreadfully ominous creakings in the ship. Fayette would see the thing from her perch and she could see that it was circling around...away from the ship and then turning back again, deep below the water, but approaching again.

Calixa gazes down at the rising bilges thoughtfully. It was already to the point where it would be above her waist, and swirling with splinters of timber in a way that boded ill for anyone of normal size thrashing around in it. Backing carefully out of the hatchway, she ascends a level, and heads over to her makeshift infirmary once more. Rummaging about in her back, she takes out a set of forceps and tweezers, and carefully sterilizes them in the flame of the hurricane lantern on the shelf. As the ship jerks again, creaking under a frigid breeze, the healer rises with an aggrieved air and heads back to the galley, and feeds a bit more coal into the oven.

Fayette would take the risk of staying above the creature. Calling to the crew that she was above it and it was circling around, since she lost contact with Infernis. She couldn’t do anything to help those on the ship. Gather up energy once again. Watching the creatures approach to the ship, when it got a couple boat lengths behind it she’d throw Energy Slap onto the surface of the water, hoping the vibrations from the smacks would maybe deter the creature to shift course and give the crew time to prepare.

"Funny." Remarked Kable as he passed Shyntolin while they worked at patching the boat to the best of their ability. "I always thought I would die with my feet on dry land.." Suddenly he felt the ship shudder and the water he stood in became quite cold, not quite freezing, but the water nearer to the hull itself -did- freeze. "...and I had always hoped to see that which did the deed coming. What is this thing?" He had his suspicions, but he had not been above deck yet to see the rising water dragon that had come upon their ship. Many of the leaks had suddenly stopped "Alright, this is our chance! Let's get her patched up before they thaw!" And he would add a burst of energy to his pace as he grabbed another board and went to continue patching.

Mae-Deth would think for a moment. The creature wasn´t in the front of the ship, which..the dragon should be in able to use that phoenix stone. She couldn´t control the ship right now because of the sails and so she would give instructions for somebody else to hold the wheel just in case of movements. She would run and jump from the railing in the air. Her black wings spread. She would fill her eyes with darkness. Some darkness escaped mae..some black fog. She would need to get that dragon at the front of the ship and so she would start to caste boneshards. Creating a rain of deadly boneshards into the water to the side of the ship, in hopes the dragon would leave this side and aproach the front.

<+Nighthawke> had to break away from the balllistae and recovered his bow and arrows,,, He wrapped muslim around the tips and set then on fire,,, Placing 2 arrows against the nock,, He drew back and took aim as the beast was turning exposing an eye to his line of sight and sent the arrows flying at the center of the orb with th eintent of piercing it and try to blind in on that side...

Shyntolin chuckled at that softly "yea.. " he breathed as that hole was patched and they moved on to the next.. "thoughts of my death had never come with so much water.. " he chuckled again then the freeze hit and he stepped back a few steps.. he had his suspisions on what this was aswell but he didnt want to voice them.. he didnt want to put that thought out into the world.. he nodded to Kable as he rallied the crew to get the holes patched while they were frozen.. "lets get up top.. i think they can handle this" he had a bad feeling about this.

Tenni has nothing to shoot at, and the ballistae are all frozen over anyway. Dammit! With two of the crew already in the air, Tenni decides against mounting up on Jilbo for the moment, deciding that going out there with a rook might endanger their other fliers. And Jilbo isn't as good at dodging a breath attack as Fayette and Mae are. "Crew, get to work with hammers! We gotta break the ice!" Tenni grabs a big hammer and starts smashing.

Infernis Fayette would earn a very scary 'slap' of her own from a very long tail that outsized her by a ridiculous degree, but with her own maneuverability, it wasn't likely to hit her. It was like trying to hit a bird with a building. Slow and easy to see coming, but holy shit, it would be scary as fuck to see that tail coming. Mae would join the irritation brigade above the waters,
[17:03] * +Infernis giving the Dragon grief and causing it to slow in its approach. Staying beneath the water and slapping at the two flying creatures that stung at its hide. The ship itself was mostly iced and drifting forward, rocking side to side from the heavy waves being sent its way by the thrashing Dragon. Those coming up with see a huge length of the Sea Dragon slapping at the air with
[17:03] * +Infernis futility, trying to hit the two flyers. They had its attention for the moment, but the ship was still mostly iced over, unable to turn and was mostly just drifting on momentum. Once the Dragon lost interest in the flyers, it would turn its attentions back to the crippled ship. Ironically, they were safe for the moment, but they were in terrible shape and likely wouldn't last
[17:03] * +Infernis long if the Dragon focused on the ship again. The crew were manically hammering at frozen ballista and the ship's rudder and other necessities. They weren't adventurers, but floating while frozen didn't seem like a good idea. It took some minutes, but it wasn't too terribly long before they had the rudder broken free and one of the Mates was turning the ship around...just as
[17:03] * +Infernis the Dragon lunged up out of the water at the two fliers without warning! Imagine a giant snake the size of a Tower coming up to swallow you whole. It was relatively slow, but holy shit, that had to be a sight to see for the two Flyers. They had successfully pissed it off to that point where Draconic wisdom gave way to wanting to eat someone or someones.

Calixa was starting to feel put out that either no one had managed to get themselves seriously hurt yet, or else none of their shipmates had the presence of mind to bring them to the infirmary. She didn't like to think that the situation was so dire that saving the life of a single crewman was largely irrelevant. Well- until such a time as patients showed up, there was really only one thing to be done. Scurrying to the galley once more with firm purpose, Calixa fishes a battered but precious tin box out of her leather messenger bag that contained her medical essentials. Fishing about through the cabinets, the halfling found a collection of crockery that usually served for grog in the peculiar wide-bottom type for sea voyages. Minding the pitching of the ship, the healer carefully shaved a measured amount off of the tarry black brick from her tin box, and into the now roiling pot of water. With just a few minutes longer, the powerful elixir would be complete, and ready to decant. Carefully, she lays out a dozen of the cups filled with the steaming potion onto a conjured disk and force. "Right." She mutters, and rebuttons her coat across her chest against the chill, ready to brave the upper deck. So it was that within a minute, Nighthawke felt a tug at his sleeve- and would find the medic proferring a steaming pewter mug. "Nothing better than a cuppa when you're fighting in the cold. Careful drinking it- it's hot." With a cheerful nod, Calixa scuttled across the deck and off to her next stop at the fore ballistae.

Fayette was watching the creature below her. Hearing the water stir behind her she’d glance over her shoulder knowing the thing was really long. Shooting straight up even as water splashed her from the flailing tail. Maybe it would lose some speed while it’s tail was chasing her. Shifting her energy to shadow bolts to hit that sweet expose monster of a tail, since Mae was stirring the water before it trying to divert it from the ship also. Sadly while she was concentrating on it’s tail she didn’t realize it had stirred its front half up towards her. Its tail sinking below as it followed the body. Water splashing her from behind, turning in the air only barely escaping it’s maw as she shot straight up, Casting a second image of herself near but away from the ship trying to draw it away and give the crew a backside to aim for.

Kable gave a brief, singular nod to Shyntolin and turned to hurry up the ladder behind the man. Once he was on the topdeck and the ash of his eyes had a chance to survey the situation, there seemed to him only one real potential answer to the threat of such a force at this moment. Moving towards the powerful artifact, he would call out "The phoenix stone! Prepare for it to be used!" climbing up to where it was situated now, his gaze looked it over closely in determining its use. It couldn't be -that- hard, could it? "Anyone know how this works?" He called out to those around him. However it worked, he hoped to understand it by the time that thing surfaced once more. His hands began to test its surface, running over the stone lightly as it in search of buttons of switches. Just then, the dragon breached the surface in that upward lunge towards Fayette, his eyes seeing the thing in its full glory. His eyes shifted to the stone "How is this thing going to.." gaze flickering up to the dragon at the peak of its arc towards Fayette, just as it was falling back to the sea "..destroy that thing!?"

Mae-Deth was glad that the dragon went the different reaction. She smirked. Good..that was..good. Then that tail. She luckly managed to duck that one. But what she didn´t managed to duck on time was the mouth of the dragon. Her blue eyes widened. ¨Oh FUCK Hell no!¨ She would feel the teeth and then the mouth closed around her. She managed to not get herself glide through it´ s throat. She closed her eyes as she made herself big. ¨You...will..regret..this..¨ She would open her eyes and instead of her blue ones, they were black. Her hair turned black and her skin pale and with that she would summon a lot of boneshards and like a ball around her, it would shift open and impale from all the sides, inside the beginning of the throat of the dragon. Just like Hercules with the Hydra, attacking it from the inside.

Nighthawke turned in time to catch the beast had surfaced... Trying again he lit 2 arrows on fire, drawing once again.. aiming, following, waiting for the eye to be opened and exposed... wait, wait.. Now! he sent the flaming arrows flying as the beast's eye opened straight at the iris trying to blind it again on that side...

Shyntolin followed Kableup the latter on to the deck .. his eyes widened at the sight of the massive dragon .. "fuck.. " he breathed.. there was nothing he could realy do with no ranged weapons.. he went to one of the balistas that the crew was trying to free from the ice and went to help trying to break the ice away with his dagger.

Tennibrook and the crew on her ballista has managed to break it free of the ice and get it unstuck. Tenni moves it around a bit to make sure she has full range of motion, and then puts another bolt in the ballista. "Light it!" she orders, and they set the tip on fire. Tenni has a clear shot at the dragon's throat, and launches the bolt.

Infernis The dragon was like a living breathing monument to power itself. Gloriously beautiful and larger than life. It could swallow a horse without even trying hard. Mae and Fayette's spells were mostly just bouncing off its scaled hide, not even 'scorching' it. Primitive tribes worshipped dragons for a reason. For our flyers, if they were able, if they had the chance, they might notice that the ship was actually 'turning' to port, to the left. They might remember L`s mention of the mounted weapon for emergencies and they might notice Kable and others scurrying about atop the thing. What the crew did not expect, what the Dragon had not expected, what no one had expected was the minature explosion within the thing's mouth when Mae It thrashed about, this way and that, leaking black smoke and bellowing, mouth wide open and expelling both Mae and whatever she was leaking. Nighthawke's arrows were well aimed and while it thrashed about wildly, those were BIG eyes he was aiming at and so he scored on both. This got its attention partially, but it was Tennibrook's bolt to the throat that secured that attention...much to the regret of the ship's crew...the Dragon Turned Toward The Ship. Many a wail went up then from the crew, cries of alarm, "It's looking our way!" Ballista and bow were being fired now and the great beast was inhaling again having decided that enough was enough. Desperation was thick and they could 'hear' the thing inhaling.

Calixa looks up at the dragon awe- it was her first good look at the serpent, and at a full-sized dragon in general. For a long time- too long- she stood paralyzed like a mouse seeing a lion- and then scurried towards Tennibrook- either to protect her friend or to seek out her protection- maybe both- unconsciously towing her steaming pot and clattering mugs on the disk of force across the slippery deck.

Fayette would fly close to energy slap on its nose and try to draw it chasing her so it was in a more direct line for the weapon that was on the ship, that had to be pointed forward to be used. She hoped someone knew how to actually work, it or someone did some poor planning.

Kable did his best to aim the thing. The front of it seemed obvious enough, anyway. Watching the great beast inhale slowly as it rose up before them he grit his teeth and tried the only thing left he knew how "Fire!" he commanded, even doing his best to add what magical energy he could to the intonement of the word.

Mae-Deth would grin wickedly when she came out of the mouth. She was.. exhausted.. but.. the dragon was finaly in front of the ship and she decided that now was indeed the time to use that phoenix stone. She decided to assist Kable. She flew towards the stone and next to him. She placed her hands on the phoenix stone and closed her eyes. Groaning as she used her magic to let it activate and to use it´s firepowers to defeat the dragon.

Nighthawke broke away while Tennibrook was using the first ballista that was freed and got to the other that the crew just finished breaking the final pieces of ice away.. They worked on pulling the arm back and placed a bolt into the cradle and set the tip on fire.. He would wait for Tennibrook to reset the other ballista and get ready to fire,, His arim would be for the soft back of the throat and would fire the moment Tenni fired as well to send two flaming bolts at the back of the throat...

Shyntolin finally broke his balista free and swung it around to aim at the dragon he waited for the crew to light it on fire before he took aim at the dragon.. it might just be an anoyance to the large creature but he didnt want to die with out putting up a little bit of a fight.

Tenni fires her ballista bolt.

Infernis would not have blamed Calixa for her awe. Dragons did that to people. So much so that many of the crew were outright freaking the fuck out at the sight of its attention on them. Some were already jumping overboard, despite them being hours from any land at all. But, enough were sticking to their guns, literally. But it was like shooting sparks at a star. Others were turning the ship toward the Dragon...slowly...Fayette's efforts were making things easier, but also testing the dragon's resolve. it'd already gone off half-cocked, so to speak, once before, but now it seemed very intent on having a full on breath this time. Mages and warriors alike often talk about being 'Death itself', but it was only in moments like this that people literally saw what Death looked like. Death was armor plated, immune to your paltry magics and looked upon you as a nuisance and a meal. It no longer cared about little splinters of metal and fire. It no longer cared about the spells of mortals. It was Risen. Tennibrook's last ditch efforts to get to safety was for naught. Both her and Calixa were there when it happened. Nighthawke's effort, along the crew's efforts, were valiant but futile at this point. Hope dwindled when the sound of the Dragon's inhalation ended. Just fire and a sound so loud that it was more physical than audible Fayette would be caught in that blast and throw....far. If she were above land, it would have meant death regardless. But, she was above water. It would seem that Mae and Kable both managed to trigger the Stone at the same time and filled the air between the ship and the Dragon with fire and destruction. Smoke and flame were everywhere. The sails were on fire. The ship was on fire. THEY were on fire. Now, men threw themselves into the water to put out the fires in their clothes and hair. Nothing existed now except fire and roaring, a bellowing of pain that faded slowly. Smoke was everywhere and men screamed and burned.

Infernis poofs.

Fayette felt the pull of air as the dragon continued this time to inhale, pulling her closer to that gaping maw. Before that maw could get it’s morsel, fire exploded around the duo. Sound pushing her away from the ship and Dragon before she was engulfed in flame only to crash into the water far from beast and ship. Putting out the flames even as she was knocked out from the power of the blast and impact.

Shyntolin poofs.

Kable dives into the water instinctually to douse the flames, when he reemerges he begins swimming back to the ship, looking to begin freeing one of the large escape boats in the event it becomes clear that the ship was going to sink.

Kable poofs.

Nighthawke gets hit by the blast of flames setting him on fire but gets blasted off the ship into the water..The flame put out but he will need a healer like everyone else struck in the blast...

Nighthawke poofs.

Mae-Deth hadn´t expected this but she would fall into the water of the blast. She would fly in the sky and watched the ship for a moment. Frowing. What to do? Could they possibly save the ship? she was tired..exhausted..not sure if she would have any energy or power left..but..surely they couldn´t let this ship burn down.

Tennibrook grabs Calixa and jumps with her into the water, calling over Jilbo, who comes by to pick them up.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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