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Work logs for Umbara employees. One topic per worker please.

Moderators: Amara, Archaon, Developers, Gameplay Dev

Re: Please read:

Postby Augustus on Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:22 pm

Going through this list again, those that have been active. Thank you.

Those that have not been active, i will give 30 days to be active. At the end of September we will reevaluate the ranks once more. If you find at that time you are no longer employed and wished to be, feel free to contact me directly via MB PM or Fae Mail.

Thank you,

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Notice for All Umbara Folks

Postby Archaon on Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:34 am

The new year is on the horizon. As some of us may have noticed, Augustus hasn't been present for the last few months or so, and now things are.. once again.. directionless with the tower. I've noticed the payrolls have been trimmed up as far as those who might not have posted work logs over the course of the last month.

I've taken quite a long hiatus from roleplaying due to some personal choices, but now it seems I might have to come out of my shell and try to spring life back into the tower once again. While the holiday spirit is still floating about, and I'm sure folks will wanna party on the new year (if the snow hasn't trapped them in by now).

Once the new year turns over, I will try to make myself more available to the tower IC, and hopefully come up with some ideas, and try to move forward with what was being planned with Umbara before the sudden disappearance of Auggy.
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Archived Posts - Anything contained within is not Valid

Postby Twerlinger on Fri Jan 27, 2023 9:16 am

Place for Archived posts to avoid losing information.

Anything within this thread is not to be considered Valid information, but is for record keeping purposes.
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