The Bazaar Hunting Logs

For workers at the bazaar. One topic per employee please

Moderators: Thunder, Amara, Kooky, Neko Nightstalker

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:40 am

Combined two worklogs paying Gabriel a total sum of 375 mhl:

[20:29] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 375 mhl
[20:29] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 375 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil: viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186

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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:09 pm

[12:42] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 177 mhl
[12:42] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 177 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer

Name: Gabriel Storm-Dancer

Date and Time: Friday, 2018/10/26 from 23:42 EST until 03:43 EST

Tasks Completed: Completed six (6) casts with fishing net; met Xembra and helped her get home; took fish to CVC for gutting and cutting. Took to market for sale (the rp for market has NOT occurred yet, but will soon)

Paid?: No. Total Owed: 176mhl, 50cop

Log: [Start 23:42 EST]

•Gabriel roams through the forest with his backpack slung over his shoulder and a basket under one arm. His ultimate destination...some section of the river within the forest. A good fishable spot.
•Gabriel finds himself a nice, promising spot and sets the basket down, then settles himself on a log near the water's edge. He digs into his pack and pulls out his fishing net and takes a few moments to untangle it and check it's integrity.
•Gabriel is somewhere within the forest that surrounds the inn, posted up on a log, sorting out his fishing net. After taking some time to pick through and make sure it's free of tangles and not torn or ripped, he nods to himself. He digs into his pack and next produces a pipe. He stuffs it full of some old forge pipeweed and prepares the net for casting.

•Gabriel tosses the net out into the water and sits back taking a long draw from the pipe. He holds it in for a moment, the exhales a stream of smoke out in front of him.
•Gabriel takes a gamble and starts to haul it back in. Not much weight on the other end, but he's interested to see what's in the net. Not bad for his first cast of several tonight. A nice plump panfish, a teeny tiny catfish. Thing couldn't be more than a half-pound on a good day. "I'll take it..." He mutters to himself. He breaks the rats neck, then tosses the small haul into the basket at his side. A moment given to enjoy the pipe, then he casts once more.

•Gabriel starts hauling the net in again. This time he groans as he sees the non-fish critters that found their way inside. A stupid rat...again. And a frog. Jeez. Well, better than nothing. He could still get some coin for them anyway. He does the same with this rat as the first and dumps both creatures into the basket. He casts again and hopes for better results.

•Gabriel checks the resistance of the net...and this time...hoboy there's a haul in there. He grins and starts pulling it in eagerly. Once the net is in the shallows, he starts poking around to see what layeth inside. One huge trout, least ten pounds or better. Another one about half that size...a small cod, an even smaller catfish...and woo...another frog. Not to shabby. He collects everything inside and deposits it in the basket with the previous catch.
12:32 AM → •Xembra|^K^| (voiced) joined
12:36 AM — •Gabriel picks the last bits from his net and takes another pull from his pipe. It was quiet tonight, which he appreciated. He gives the net another toss into the water and stretches out on that large log at the water's edge...just waiting.
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... The soft green merwoman walking along the path towards her home away from the island with Kiria, it was to late now to catch the ferry. She might as well spend the night in the house there, half her things were still there. A cloak shrouded her form, a wonderful idea gifted to her by Naomi. She smiled thinking of the woman, a pair of braids tucked away inside that hood so that her deep sapphire hair wasnt seen. A long dress brushed against her calves, thick stockings hugging those legs and thick thighs of hers, fur laid boots to keep her feet warm. She walked along the river there when she could, enjoying the way the water gleam and roll along, her soft steps pressing into the mossy ground.

•Gabriel is, as said...stretched along a larger log near the edge. A fishing net...the one she sold him is cast out into the water. He's enjoying some smoke from his pipe. Old Forge tobacco. Probably a robust flavor and aroma. Bold and strong too. The pipe itself is the ornate meerschaum one Xem also sold him. It's got some fantastical and mythical beasts carved into it. His attention drifts slightly from the water as a familiar scent picks up coming his way.

•Xembra|^K^|> ... k6The scent of the salt air of the sea mixed with lavender drifted down wind from her, that cloak fluttering around her legs as she kept walking, it wasnt long before she was nearing the wolven who seemed to be sitting on a log while he was fishing. The scent of that tobacco caused her to lift her head, knowing someone was near as she walked away from the line of the trees there and moved out into the open moonlight. The scent of the salt air of the sea mixed with lavender drifted down wind from her, that cloak fluttering around her legs as she kept walking, it wasnt long before she was nearing the wolven who seemed to be sitting on a log while he was fishing. The scent of that tobacco caused her to lift her head, knowing someone was near as she walked away from the line of the trees there and moved out into the open moonlight
•Gabriel starts to haul in his net yet again. Once it gets it into the shallows he grunts and shakes his head. "Stupid rats, but they sell well enough..." He mutters around his pipestem as he spies his catch. Another decent trout. Two turtles and yes...the muskrat. He unloads everything, breaks the rats neck, and sets it all into the basket with his previous catches. Once the scent of salt, sea, and lavender becomes more pronounced, he grins to himself and turns towards the incoming figure just as she steps out into the moonlight. "Well well...isn't this a lovely treat.." He says with his husky tones to the mer as he sits back on the log to sort the net before casting again.

Xembra|^K^|> ... She stood there watching him for a moment, though she flinched when he broke the rats neck. "You know...there are better places and spots to catch fish if you need them." she tells him as she stands there, though when he turns to look at her she flushes with a soft giggle as she sees that its Gabriel. "Im not a treat, Im a mermaid." her feet carry her over faster towards him now that she knows its him, not having his sense of scent. Moving up behind him those soft green arms go around him from behind, hugging him with affection and she nuzzles her cheek against one arm before looking over his shoulder.

•Gabriel grins and adjusts cocks his head to peer over his shoulder at her. "Are there? I don't know where the best spots are. And this is how I earn my way. Fishing, hunting. Selling the meat and the fish. So whatever is the best spot works for me. This hasn't been terrible though." He brushes his cheek against her there and wrapped his large hands over hers. "And the rats...if I don't break the necks they'll eat pieces off the fish before I can get 'em to market."
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... A soft cooing sound comes from her when he brushes his cheek against hers, smiling at the feel of it as his hands wrapped over hers. "I know...I just dont like seeing things die like that." she explains, her arms slip away a moment later, form walking around him as she moved closer to the the water. "its how you make a living?...Maybe I can help then, the water will be cold...but I can handle it for a little bit." reaching up she unties that cloak, letting it fall behind her, those braids tumbling out. Wiggling out of those shoes she makes quick work of her clothing, even removing her stockings....she had no sense of modesty, and it wasnt a sexual action. She was simply a mermaid, and clothing wasnt worm under water. A few quick steps forwards and she dives into the river itself, a shimmer running along her legs as she sank in
•Gabriel has no time to reply as she goes full mermode and dives into the water. He admired the view though. He's already by the waters edge, so he simply waits to see what she is up to.
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... The sound of thrashing water could be heard now and then, opaque white fins flipping out of the water in the moonlight before a salmon was tossed onto the shore, thick and firm. It was followed by others as well, that form swelling out of the water each time to flick her tail and slap the fish towards the shore. She only missed once, a soft squeal coming from her and laughter when she crashed back into the water.
•Gabriel collects the salmon as they are tossed and sets them into the basket with the rest of the catch. A few solid salmon, lets say three, good sized ones.
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... When she was finished, and not even out of breath she swam back to the shore there, but it was speed she was aiming for, because who wants to roll out of the water? Leaping at the last second she flops a few feet past the waters edge with a soft grunt as she landed on her belly in the grass. One hand stretched out to reach for that cloak of hers, the long very dark green scaled tail laying behind her, those fins flicking against the grass. When she reached her fingers were webbed, soft shelled spiked fins having reshaped from her ears, as well as a pair around her waist that might float like a belt or a very short skirt in the water

•Gabriel pushes up to his feet and helps her retrieve her cloak. "Here..." said while sliding it over her form, then lifting her up from the shore. He'd cradle her against his fur and return to the log to sit with the mer cuddled up against him
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... She was shivering in the cool air when he slid that cloak over her, but she looked slightly frightened when he lifted her entire form up like that, she was far heavier with that tail than with legs. Tucking that cloak over her when he sat on that log she rubbed it against her tail while staying close to him. "I h-hope that h-helped y-you." this was perhaps a smallll mistake on her part as she was a warm watered fish. The scales under her agaisnt those legs were soft and only lifted slightly against him otherwise feeling quite smooth, still she dried that tail off as quickly as she could, shivering harder
<•Gabriel> "And to answer...yeah, it's how I make my living. I'm not exactly the shopworking type. That and I work as a guardian at the Healing House." He looks around the otherwise quiet forest. "What were you doing out here in the cold, Xembra? You should be inside somewhere, soaking up the warmth of a fire and nestled against from fur." warm fur*
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... "I w-was on my w-way home....I mayb-be shouldnt h-have g-gone into the w-water." her tail was nearly dry though, those long fins flicking water off of them as her scales began to glimmer, showing patches of skin."O-oh...I dont have anyt-thing furry at h-home besides m-my rug....not unless o-one of Mistress K-kiria's others are ab-bout."
•Gabriel sighs and leans down to nuzzler his cheek against hers. "C'mon then. Lets get you back. And I think I can provide something warm for you." Said with a grin. He would carry her and his basket if he had to. "Just tell me where I'm going unless you wanna shift the tail back and walk with me"
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... "It h-has to be dry to c-change." she explained, though given a few more moments, those scales gleaming dryly they glimmered and shrank within his lap as he lifted her up, spliting and reforming into legs once more. Sighing she nuzzled her cheek back against his and nods, not arguing. "Its n-not to far from here, t-two hills over." She lifted a hand and pointed, though she giggled when he spoke of providing her something warm. "Mm I think you just wanna play with me again." Those legs wiggle, welcome enough to walk on her own if he let her

•Gabriel waits until her legs reform and would set her down so she could walk. "I think you're right, and I think you want me to." He said with a grin, his words husky and deep. He collects his net and puts it into the basket, then hauls it up. "And you know there's a hot spring at the healing house grounds? Probably feel nice when you need nice warm water."
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... "Hmmm...I do, but I would like to know you better as well...." she winks to him, and gathers up her other clothing, making sure the cloak was tucked around her before she began to walk with him. "I will have to go sometime, I need to find more work there as well myself....I also didnt realize wolven were so amourous."
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon "I don't have a problem with that." He snorts. "We're a lot of things..."
<•Xembra|^K^|> ... Sticks her tongue out at him playfully and grins. "Mm you are that, but so are Mers."
1:43 AM ((( FTB )))
1:43 AM ← •Xembra|^K^| left (Mally@Sultry.and.Sweet)
2:22 AM — •Gabriel takes his haul off to CVC for prep, then off to the market for sale (bazaar rp coming soon)
2:22 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

•Gabriel> Stormdragon (nix leaving, he would stay to finish his intended casts, just make sure Xembra gets home okay)

•Gabriel comes back after making sure Xembra got home alright. He had three or 4 good casts of his net left, and he was determined to get a good haul this time. So, settling back into his previous spot, he withdraws the net again and casts it to the waters.
•Gabriel takes another puff of that deep flavored and robust pipe tobacco. He exhales and reaches to haul in his catch. Once it's safely in the shallows, he whistles. This one was pretty favorable to say the least. Definitely some behemoths in here. Cod, Catfish, Trout...a smaller trout and the signature muskrat. He grins and empties it all out into the basket and casts again. This one, followed by two more should be a solidtake.
•Gabriel pulls his net in...and this time it takes a moment. This was gonna be a good catch! Yes sir. And that notions only made clear as the net lay within the waters of the shallows. A huge assortment of good sized fish. Is that salmon in there? Yessir. Yes. Yes it is. •Gabriel might have to call it quits here. That basket was rather full and pretty cumbersome after that last haul in. He sighs and tucks the nets back into this pack, then knocks the tobacco from his pipe, and buries the ash in a small hole along the shoreline. Hefting the bulging basket up, he starts for the market.
3:43 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

Total Fishing Time: 3hr 1min. 6 casts of net

Rolls: Done in #TLI_Quest

If using a net:
!r 1d10
Des will roll a ten-sided dice. The number rolled will determine how many times you roll !r 1d6 to check that size of your catches. This allows you to potentially get more catches with a net than a pole. !r 1d5 To check fish type.

!r 1d6
Des will roll a six-sided dice. The die will tell you how many dice to roll to decide your catch. For this sake, let's say you roll a six..
!r 1d6
1: Nothing
2: Not a Fish! (Frog, Turtle, Muskrat)
3: Tiny (1/2lb)
4: Small (1lb)
5: Medium (5lb)
6: Large (10lb)

!choose Frog Turtle Muskrat

!r 1d5
1: Panfish
2: Cod
3: Trout
4: Catfish
5: Salmon

•Gabriel> Stormdragon Netfishing Rolls for Gabriel- Start:
11:58 PM !r 1d10
11:58 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:58 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:58 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:58 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:58 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:59 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:59 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:59 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:59 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
Saturday, October 27th, 2018
12:00 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat turtle frog
12:00 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
12:00 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r1 d5
12:00 AM !r 1d5
12:00 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
12:00 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon That was Cast 1
12:00 AM Cast 2:
12:09 AM !r 1d10
12:09 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
12:09 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:09 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:10 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
!choose frog muskrat turtle
12:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
12:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
12:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
12:19 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 3:
12:19 AM !r 1d10
12:19 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Robyn-LoS (Robyn) makes an Initiative Roll of 28 + (level) 15 for a result of 43
12:21 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:21 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
12:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
12:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
12:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
12:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
12:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
12:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
12:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
12:24 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
12:25 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
12:27 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
12:27 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
12:28 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 4:
12:37 AM !r 1d10
12:37 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
12:37 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:37 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
12:37 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:37 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
12:37 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:37 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
12:37 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:37 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
12:37 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
12:37 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
12:42 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
12:43 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog rat turtle
12:43 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
12:43 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog rat turtle
12:43 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "rat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
12:43 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog rat turtle
12:43 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
3:25 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:25 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
3:26 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:26 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
3:26 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:26 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
3:26 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:26 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
3:26 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:26 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
3:26 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:26 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
3:26 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:26 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
!r 1d5
3:28 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
3:28 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:28 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
3:28 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:28 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
3:28 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:28 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
3:29 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog rat turtle
3:29 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "rat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
3:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
3:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
3:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
3:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
3:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
3:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
3:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
3:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
3:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
3:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
3:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
3:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
3:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
3:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
3:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
3:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
3:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
3:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
3:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
3:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
3:43 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon ok, have a good one. im getting sleepies
3:43 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

Catfish {Chunked, Filleted, Whole or Nuggets}
2mhl/lb -id 1311
2mhl/lb -id 1312
1mhl/lb -id 1313
2mhl/lb -id 1314
3mhl/lb -id 1315
Muskrat 3mhl -id 1306
Frog 1mhl -id 1309
Turtle 1mhl -id 1310

Catfish {Chunked, Filleted, Whole or Nuggets}
2mhl/lb -id 1311

Cast 1: (tiny) 1/2lb Catfish
Cast 3: (small) 1lb Catfish
Cast 5: (large) 10lb Catfish
Cast 6: (medium) 5lb Catfish

Total Catfish: 16.5lb @ 2mhl/lb= 33mhl

2mhl/lb -id 1312

Cast 3: (medium) 5lb trout, (large) 10lb Trout
Cast 4: (small) 1lb Trout
Cast 5: (small) 1lb Trout, (large) 10lb Trout

Total Trout: 27lbs @ 2mhl/lb= 54mhl

1mhl/lb -id 1313

Cast 1: (medium) 5lb Panfish
Cast 6: (tiny) 1/2lb Panfish, (tiny) 1/2lb Panfish

Total Panfish: 6lb @ 1mhl/lb= 6mhl

2mhl/lb -id 1314

Cast 3: (tiny) 1/2lb Cod
Cast 5: (large) 10lb Cod
Cast 6: (large) 10lb Cod, (medium) 5lb Cod

Total Cod: 25.5lb @ 2mhl/lb= 51mhl

3mhl/lb -id 1315

Cast 5: (medium) 5lb Salmon, (tiny) 1/2lb Salmon

Total Salmon: 5.5lb @ 3mhl/lb= 16mhl 50cop


Muskrat 3mhl -id 1306

Cast 1: Muskrat
Cast 2: Muskrat
Cast 4: Muskrat
Cast 5: Muskrat

Total Muskrat: 4 @ 3mhl/muskrat= 12mhl

Turtle 1mhl -id 1310

Cast 4: Turtle, Turtle

Total Turtle: 2 @ 1mhl/turtle= 2mhl

Frog 1mhl -id 1309

Cast 2: Frog
Cast 3: Frog

Total Frog: 2 @ 1mhl/frog = 2mhl

Total Owed: 176mhl, 50cop
Gabriel Storm-Dancer
Posts: 169
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:13 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:16 am

[12:42] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 177 mhl
[12:42] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 177 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil: viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186

"If my heart could beat, it'd beat for you." Valley of Silence


"And yet you did not chose me blindly. Certain expectations were aroused.
Let's not be coy; you were hoping I would satisfy all the desires you're
too shy to name, or at least show you a good time." The Crimson Petal and the White
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Weissteufel on Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:55 am

[20:19] <+Amara> !payout Robert 106 mhl
[20:19] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 106 Mhl, 0 copper to Robert Blackwood

Name:Robert Blackwood

Date and Time: Tuesday, January 1st, 1:37 PM EST

Tasks Completed: Completed three(3) casts with fishing net; prepared: gutting and cutting at Robert's cabin. Took to market for sale. (The RP for market has NOT occurred yet, but will soon.)

Paid?: Yes.

Session Start: Tue Jan 01 13:37:13 2019
Session Ident: #TLI-borderlands
[13:37] * Now talking in #TLI-borderlands
[13:37] * Topic is ' 18+ Only! The lands outside immediate environs of Nanthalion (including Valencia) - see for details -'
[13:37] * Set by ChanServ! on Mon Jul 27 14:14:43 2015
[13:37] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Robert
[13:42] * +Robert took advantage of the daylight to survey his new land properly. The constuction on the cabin and other buildings he had requested was not yet completed, but he found pleasure in the solitude that the ten acres of land provided him. Mounted upon his chestnut charger, the sellsword headed for the forested hill that was part of his property, heading for the river frontage to test its fishing bounty.
[13:43] <+Robert> !time
[13:43] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2019-01-02 01:49:23 - please remember this is NOT game time
[13:53] * +Robert guided the stallion through the trees and forest, dismounting when he came to the bank of the river. The sellsword reached into a saddlebag, procuring an apple and slicing it in half with his kukri. With one hand, he fed Stranger, the horse quickly gobbling up the fruit. With his other hand, he passed the treat along to Audax, the brass scaled Mephos hatchling that had been riding along upon his shoulders. With a squeaky trilling, Audax happily began devouring the treat, as Robert set himself to finding a log to perch upon.
[14:03] * +Robert found a decent enough sized log to sit upin, hauling it back to the riverbank with him and his two companions. Stranger had walked forward to drink from the river, and Audax had taken it upon himself to perch upon the stallion's saddle, apple now finished, head held high as he took in the sights and smells of the forest. Birds chirping seemed to be catching his attention for the moment. Sitting down upon the log, Robert pulled his fishing net from his pack, checking the tool for any holes or tears. Seeing none, he sets it aside, and procures next his meerschaum pipe, carved in the likeness of a lion's head, and a pouch of cinnamon bark tobacco. With the pipe stuffed and lit, Robert took a long draw from the pipe and casts his first cast of the net.
[14:18] * +Robert exhaled the cinnamon flavored tobacco smoke, allowing the net to do its work through the flowing river. In his experience, fishing with the net was easier than trying one's luck with a pole and bait, and it allowed him the kind of time to sit and listen to the sounds of his newly purchased land. Audax found himself bored of simply perching upon the stallion, and the brass scaled Mephos hopped down, finding a squirrel to terrorize. Robert smirked at the hatchling, watching him as he learned the very basics of hunting for himself.
[14:32] * +Robert kept his attention upon the Mephos for a little while, taking in another breath of cinnamon flavored smoke from his pipe while Audax tried to corner a squirrel unsuccessfully. The hatchling had been too noisy, and he turned to look back at Robert with a disappointed trill. Robert chuckled at the brass scaled wyrmling, speaking to him. "Not so loud, Audax. Stealth and quiet are the key. Patience." Audax was taking after him in that regard; patience was not the mephos' strong suit, and Robert would have to not only work on fostering a sense of discipline within himself, but within the young wyrmling. Distracted by Audax, the sellsword finally pulls in the first cast of his net, the net heavier than he anticipated. A pleased grin met his scarred visage as he hauled out fish of various sizes and breeds. A bountiful river indeed! Two trout, roughly five pounds each, a ten pound cod, three other, much smaller cod, two salmon, one about one pound and the other five, and a drowned muskrat. Considering the haul, Robert wouldn't be too disappointed over the rat, and he placed all of the fish into a basket next to him.
[14:42] * +Robert got all of the fish and other debris that had been caught in the net out of it with a good few shakes; twigs, some dead leaves, and some larger sticks had accompanied the first haul. Exhaling smoke from his pipe, the sellsword stands up and casts the net out into the river again, hoping for another haul like the last one. Hopefully it wasn't beginner's luck. Audax seemed to understand Robert better than he might have thought, and the brass scaled hatchling slowly, quietly crept along the forest floor, looking for something else to stalk.
[14:59] * +Robert drew in a breath from his pipe, exhaling as he pulled back a much lighter net than last time, hauling his catch up onto the river bank and exhaling smoke with a grumble. "Gods damn my luck," the sellsword exhaled, picking through the fruits the river had provided this time. Not nearly as impressive as the last time, he managed to catch two turtles, a muskrat, a nice ten pound trout, a one pound trout, and a five pound panfish. He couldn't be too disappointed with the trout and the panfish, but the prior fruits of his first cast had him hopeful for continued luck. Shaking out any excess water and debris from the net, Robert cast the net out once more, his eyes now watching Audax pounce upon a mouse.
[15:09] * +Robert finished his pipe, the sellsword turning it over and tapping out the ashes of the tobacco within it into the winter's dead grass. Packing away the tobacco and the pipe into his pack, Robert watched as Audax decided he would try his first kill. Pride swelled in the sellsword, felt through the bond with the brass wyrmling, and he could feel that Audax felt the same sense of accomplishment with the task. Well, if the fishing trip hadn't went all that well, at least there was that moment of learning for the hatchling. While Audax ate, Robert pulled in the net for the final cast he felt like bothering with.
[15:25] * +Robert pulled the final cast out of the river, the sellsword looking it over and chuckling to himself. Well, it appeared that perhaps he had just gotten lucky in his first cast, or perhaps the fish just weren't out today due to the cold. Another turtle, a handful of panfish, the largest just over a pound, a small trout, and a small catfish. Well, not everyone could be a master angler on their first go. Dumping the fish into a basket, the scarred man shook out the fishing net, getting as much water as he could out of it, before he packed up. Audax had finished with his mouse by that time, and the mephos eagerly perched back upon Robert's shoulders as he mounted Stranger, carrying the basket of fish with him as he rode at a slow pace back to the unfinished buildings upon his property. He would need to take the fish to someone who could prepare the meat for sale, as he was no expert in cutting the fish in a way that could be taken to market. For personal consumption, sure, but selling the bounty was a different game.
[15:25] <+Robert> !time
[15:25] <@Desdaemona> Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2019-01-02 03:30:59 - please remember this is NOT game time
Session Close: Tue Jan 01 15:25:25 2019

Total Fishing Time: 1hr 48min. 3 Net Casts

Rolls: Done in #TLI_Quest

If using a net:
!r 1d10
Des will roll a ten-sided dice. The number rolled will determine how many times you roll !r 1d6 to check that size of your catches. This allows you to potentially get more catches with a net than a pole. !r 1d5 To check fish type.

!r 1d6
Des will roll a six-sided dice. The die will tell you how many dice to roll to decide your catch. For this sake, let's say you roll a six..
!r 1d6
1: Nothing
2: Not a Fish! (Frog, Turtle, Muskrat)
3: Tiny (1/2lb)
4: Small (1lb)
5: Medium (5lb)
6: Large (10lb)

!choose Frog Turtle Muskrat

!r 1d5
1: Panfish
2: Cod
3: Trout
4: Catfish
5: Salmon

TLI-Quest Log:
Session Start: Tue Jan 01 13:37:11 2019
Session Ident: #TLI-Quest
[13:37] * Now talking in #TLI-Quest
[13:37] * Topic is ' 18+ Only! The channel within which quests associated with TLI are run - see for more details and viewforum.php?f=114 for Quest-related info.'
[13:37] * Set by ChanServ! on Sat Jul 25 19:03:25 2015
[13:37] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Robert
[14:11] <+Robert> Fishing Cast 1:
[14:11] <+Robert> !r 1d10
[14:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
[14:11] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[14:12] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[14:12] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[14:12] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[14:13] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:13] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[14:13] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:13] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[14:13] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:13] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[14:13] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:13] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[14:13] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:13] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[14:14] <+Robert> !choose Frog Turtle Muskrat
[14:14] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Robert
[14:14] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:14] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[14:14] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:14] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[14:14] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:14] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[14:14] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:14] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[14:15] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:15] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[14:15] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:15] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[14:15] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:15] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[14:15] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:15] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[14:49] <+Robert> !r 1d10
[14:49] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[14:49] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:49] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[14:49] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:49] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[14:49] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:49] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[14:49] <+Robert> !choose Frog Turtle Muskrat
[14:49] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Robert
[14:50] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:50] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[14:50] <+Robert> !choose Frog Turtle Muskrat
[14:50] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Robert
[14:50] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:50] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[14:50] <+Robert> !choose Frog Turtle Muskrat
[14:50] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Robert
[14:54] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:54] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[14:55] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[14:55] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[14:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[14:55] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[14:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[14:55] <+Robert> Cast 2 ^
[15:10] <+Robert> Cast 3
[15:10] <+Robert> !r 1d10
[15:10] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
[15:10] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[15:10] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[15:10] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[15:10] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[15:11] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[15:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[15:11] <+Robert> !choose Frog turtle Muskrat
[15:11] <@Desdaemona> I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Robert
[15:11] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[15:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[15:11] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[15:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[15:11] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[15:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[15:12] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[15:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[15:12] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[15:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[15:12] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[15:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[15:12] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[15:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[15:12] <+Robert> !r 1d6
[15:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[15:12] <+Robert> !r 1d5
[15:12] <@Desdaemona> Robert rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
Session Close: Tue Jan 01 15:25:28 2019

Catfish {Chunked, Filleted, Whole or Nuggets}
2mhl/lb -id 1311
2mhl/lb -id 1312
1mhl/lb -id 1313
2mhl/lb -id 1314
3mhl/lb -id 1315
Muskrat 3mhl -id 1306
Frog 1mhl -id 1309
Turtle 1mhl -id 1310

Catfish {Chunked, Filleted, Whole or Nuggets}
2mhl/lb -id 1311

Cast 3: (small) 1lb Catfish

Total Catfish: 1lb @ 2mhl/lb= 2mhl

2mhl/lb -id 1312

Cast 1: (medium) 5lb trout, (medium) 5lb trout
Cast 2: (small) 1lb Trout, (large) 10lb Trout
Cast3: (small) 1lb Trout

Total Trout: 22lbs @ 2mhl/lb= 44mhl

1mhl/lb -id 1313

Cast 2: (medium) 5lb Panfish
Cast 3: (tiny) 1/2lb Panfish, (small) 1lb Panfish, (small) 1lb Panfish

Total Panfish: 7.5lb @ 1mhl/lb= 7.5mhl

2mhl/lb -id 1314

Cast 1: (tiny) 1/2lb Cod, (small) 1lb Cod, (small) 1lb Cod, (large) 10lb Cod

Total Cod: 12.5lb @ 2mhl/lb= 25mhl

3mhl/lb -id 1315

Cast 1: (small) 1lb Salmon, (medium) 5lb Salmon

Total Salmon: 6lb @ 3mhl/lb= 18mhl


Muskrat 3mhl -id 1306

Cast 1: Muskrat
Cast 2: Muskrat

Total Muskrat: 2 @ 3mhl/muskrat= 6mhl

Turtle 1mhl -id 1310

Cast 2: Turtle, Turtle
Cast 3: Turtle

Total Turtle: 3 @ 1mhl/turtle= 3mhl

Frog 1mhl -id 1309

Total Frog: 0 @ 1mhl/frog = 0mhl

Total Owed: 105mhl, 50cop
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Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:03 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:39 am

[20:19] <+Amara> !payout Robert 106 mhl
[20:19] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 106 Mhl, 0 copper to Robert Blackwood
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil: viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186

"If my heart could beat, it'd beat for you." Valley of Silence


"And yet you did not chose me blindly. Certain expectations were aroused.
Let's not be coy; you were hoping I would satisfy all the desires you're
too shy to name, or at least show you a good time." The Crimson Petal and the White
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Location: Umbara

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:28 am

[22:36] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 706 mhl
[22:36] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 706 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
[22:36] <+Amara> (Bazaar freelance hunting 3 logs)

Name: Gabriel Storm-Dancer

Date and Time: Thursday, Jan 24 2019. 0840 AM

Tasks Completed: Ten (10) casts with fishing net. Catches will be taken for gutting and cleaning and sold to Bazaar appropriately.

Paid?: Yes!!!

Log: TLI_Forest

•Gabriel hefts up his backpack, one that he rarely left or went anywere with out. Slinging it over his shoulder, he then grabs a wicker basket that has a lid. Finally, he collects his charcoal/ash grey scaled mephos hatchling, Smoke. He gives her some scritches and then splays her around his neck and lets her stretch across those broad shoulders. Nodding to himself, he begins the trek through the forest, towards a favorite
— •Gabriel fishing spot of his. "Lets hope my net does wonders today, eh girl..." He muttered to the creature sprawled across him.

•Gabriel continues onward until he reaches said spot. It was a quiet spot along the river, right as it bent through the tress in the forest. He frequented said place often, and it was one of his favorite fishing holes. He sets the basket aside and then shrugs off his backpack. Letting it hit the snowpacked ground, the quickly bends at the waist to retrieve his leather wrapped bottle of rum and pulls the cork to have a swallow
— •Gabriel or two. Luckily he's wolven, or he might be quite drunk quite often. But he somehow managed to keep his wits and his motor skills razor sharp. He pushes some snow aside with his boots, clearing a small circle about ten feet in diameter. The wolven would then crouch and assemble a fire. He strikes it to life and then waits a few moments as the roar dies and the pop and crackle of flames maintain a comfortable warmth.
— •Gabriel Peeling Smoke from his shoulders, he settles the mephos hatchling near the flames and gives her head a scrtich.

— •Gabriel actually left Smoke curled around his neck and shoulders. He wasn't going to be doing anything more physically demanding than casting a fishing net, so there was no need for the dislodge the content mephos. Finally the fire's warmth was starting to permeate the dense cold, casting a small amount of comfort to the quickly constructed campsite. Taking up a seat on a frozen stump, he pulls his net from his backpack, as
8:44 AM — •Gabriel well as a bottle of rum wrapped in worn leather. Taking a drink, he starts to run the net over with his fingers to check for breaks, frays, or any other damage to the structure of the device.
8:46 AM ↔ •Tulie (voiced) popped in
8:57 AM — •Gabriel is content with the condition of the net. Reaching down to take up the bottle of rum again, he has a drink. A quite healthy one, then wipes his maw with the back of his hand. Good thing he's a large specimen of a creature. "Alright girl..." He says softly to Smoke..."Lets see what we can do.." And with that, he stands up and gives the net a few quick tests, then casts it out in the waters. The open ends sink down into
8:57 AM — •Gabriel the dark river and he secure the end of it with a rock and a stick, just so. Time to let the thing do it's work. Sitting once more, he pulls the writing kit out of his back. "Guess I'll start working on this too, while I have some time." He'd take a bit to examine the contents of said kit, and figure out where to begin.
9:05 AM — •Gabriel starts out by using some of the blank ink. He makes a compass rose first, up in the corner, and then notes the scale of the map on paper. Then slowly, he begins to create a map of the coast of Nanthalion, with the naval passage the empire's forces took to get the shores of Dethsiris. As a Master Cartographer, he's able to note everything. All the minute details, even the nautical based ones. Slowly it was taking shape
9:05 AM — •Gabriel and coming to life. But, it was time to check the net. Setting the project down, he then stands up to do that.
9:07 AM — •Gabriel takes up the net and hauls it in with both hands before grunting with a look of irritation. Though it culminated int o a snort. "Such a shit catch. Ungh...I'm rusty at this I guess. It was nothing more than a few tiny fish and a muskrat. He breaks the muskrat's neck and tosses everything into the wicker basket he'd brought along. Then, after a moment he casts the net back out. Better this time, surely.

•Gabriel> Stormdragon After some minutes had passed, more work on the first section of map he was creating was afoot. But not much, as it was time to check the haul again. Again he pushes to his feet and moves to the edge of the river. Crouching down, he starts to pull the net in once more. Once it reaches the shallows, he creeps out in the water to look. This time a bit of a grin spreads over his features. "Trout. Whatcha think abou trout, girl?"
9:22 AM He asks the contently snoozing Mephos splaying over the length of his shoulders. "Trouts good eating, and good selling.." He nods, as if teaching the beast the finer workings of fish hawking. He empties the contents into the basket and pauses for another drink of rum, taking a mouthful and swallowing before moving back to the waters to cast the net into the river for the third time.
9:47 AM — •Gabriel takes the next several minutes to work on the coastal map that includes the coastline of the newly discovered southern region, Dethsiris. Estimations to land length, water depth, the usual statistics were all provided. The map itself, informative and clear. A masterfully detailed creation. It lacked much in the way of art, but that was the next phase of the endeavor. Finally realizing he had a net sitting in the water,
9:47 AM — •Gabriel he sets the work aside and gets up to haul in the catch. Again he drags it into the shallows so that he can have a look at the prize. Indeed it was quite the take. A good assortment of fish from cod, to trout, to panfish. Even a nice Salmon that went somewhere between five to nine pounds. "There we go Smoke. That's what a good catch is supposed to look like..." Carefully he places each fish into the basket and
9:47 AM — •Gabriel prepares the fourth cast.
9:56 AM •Gabriel> Stormdragon It wouldn't be long before this cast was hauled in. It seemed to fill up relatively quickly. Gabriel simply waits by the shore this time, partaking of the rum again. It was just above half full, so there was still plenty to enjoy. After several minutes, he crouches to repeat the process of dragging the net in. A small catch, but not a terrible yield. One large panfish, and a small salmon. Salmon was hard enough to catch, so
9:56 AM even the small ones were valued well. Once more the wolven would deposit the fish into the basket and prepare to launch the net yet again.
10:06 AM — •Gabriel quickly hauls in this catch again, swithcing it up a bit and hoping to snag some unsuspecting fishies in a quick manner. Not a terrible end result, but he'd done better. Another Large panfish found it's way into the net, nothing else this go 'round. That's alright though. Even though panfish are sort of like the junk fish of the haul, the large ones would still bring in some coin. So he adds it to the collection and
10:06 AM — •Gabriel readies for cast number six, the net landing into the deeper part of the river this time...
10:19 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon The deepwater cast seemed to pay off. For even though it wasn't a lot of fish that he hauled into the shallows, there was a bit of variety and some different sizes. He'd caught a large catfish doing it's mudbogging in the depths, and on the pullback managed to snag a medium sized cod and even a tiny little salmon. Again emptying the contents into the baskets, he readies another cast, aiming for the deeper parts again. Only a
10:19 AM few more left before he would call it a day. A swing and quick flick of the wrist sends the net back into the deepwater, just a bit off from it's previous position.
10:33 AM — •Gabriel grins as the deeper waters still prove a fruitful decision. Hauling the net back in, he spies the load. Muskrat. Yay....but he can still scrape a few coins from it. Otherwise, there's a medium cod and another tiny salmon. Salmon is salmon. No matter how you slice it. Dumping the net again, he takes another swig of rum. "Ahhh..this is a good day of fishing, Smoke. Don't you agree, girl?" The mephos doesn't really care.
10:33 AM — •Gabriel She's content right where she is. Again he goes deep, sending the net out on the eighth of ten casts, for the depths again.
10:37 AM → •Matwyn (opped, voiced, de-opped) joined
10:39 AM — •Gabriel settles again on the tree stump and continues to work on the map he was generating, still detailing the coastline of the newly assimilated Dethsiris region. It was a step towards compiling the atlas that he was going to present the empire. He'd spent countless nights in the jungles there, and the ruined city, mapping everything. His skill was without blemish, so the work would be proper, detailed, and masterful. A
10:39 AM — •Gabriel large task to undertake, but he had plenty of time to prepare it. So this he does while waiting for this net to fill with fish.

•Gabriel pushes up from his tree stump along the river, setting aside the map work he was doing. He grins as he feels that mephos hatchling stretch herself out and then lift her head some from her point of rest along his broad, thick shoulders. "Yeah, we're almost done girl. Two more casts and I'll take the whole haul in. And then we'll go get you fed." Moving to the water, he begins to pull the net in from the depths to
10:47 AM — •Gabriel examine the catches.

— •Gabriel empties the net into the basket again and sets out the tenth and final cast. Giving the net a good swing over head before sending it back into the river's depths for the last time. Heading back to the stump he occupied for seating, he toiled away at the coastal map a little more. The nautical end of it was coming together, now the topographical section would commence. Tedious work, meticulous. But it kept him focused
11:03 AM — •Gabriel on something.

— •Gabriel begins the process of collecting his things and breaking down the little spot he'd made. The scant smolder of a fire he'd made was washed out when he kicked snow over it. The net was hauled in, and the catch counted and noted. Then he emptied the net into the basket. Shaking out the net, he then coils it atop the fish in the basket and closes it up. Making sure Smoke was secure across his shoulders, then the shrugs on
11:19 AM — •Gabriel his backpack and takes the basket o fish and heads off to make the sale.
11:19 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

Rolls: TLI_Quest

If using a net:
!r 1d10
Des will roll a ten-sided dice. The number rolled will determine how many times you roll !r 1d6 to check that size of your catches. This allows you to potentially get more catches with a net than a pole. !r 1d5 To check fish type.

!r 1d6
Des will roll a six-sided dice. The die will tell you how many dice to roll to decide your catch. For this sake, let's say you roll a six..
!r 1d6
1: Nothing
2: Not a Fish! (Frog, Turtle, Muskrat)
3: Tiny (1/2lb)
4: Small (1lb)
5: Medium (5lb)
6: Large (10lb)

!choose Frog Turtle Muskrat

!r 1d5
1: Panfish
2: Cod
3: Trout
4: Catfish
5: Salmon

•Gabriel> Stormdragon Start Fishing Rolls for 23 Jan
8:59 AM !r 1d6
8:59 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
8:59 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 1: 6 rolls to determine the catch.
9:00 AM !r 1d6
9:00 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
9:00 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r1 d5
9:00 AM !r 1d5
9:00 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
9:01 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:01 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:01 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:01 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
9:01 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:01 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
9:02 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:02 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
9:02 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat turtle frog
9:02 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
9:02 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:02 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:02 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:02 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:07 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 2:
9:07 AM !r 1d6
9:07 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
9:07 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon 5 rolls to determine catch
9:07 AM !r 1d6
9:07 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:07 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6.
9:07 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
9:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
9:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
9:09 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:09 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
9:09 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:09 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:09 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""
9:17 AM → •Gabriel (voiced) joined • Channel mode: +mnrt
9:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
9:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:23 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
9:23 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat turtle frog
9:23 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
9:23 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:23 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
9:23 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:23 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:23 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:24 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
9:24 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:24 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
9:24 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:24 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
9:24 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:24 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
9:24 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:24 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:25 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:25 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
9:25 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:25 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
9:25 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""
9:43 AM → •Gabriel (voiced) joined • Channel mode: +mnrt
9:48 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:48 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
9:48 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 4: 3 rolls
9:48 AM !r 1d6
9:48 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:48 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:48 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
9:48 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:48 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:03 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:03 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 5: 2 rolls
10:04 AM !r 1d6
10:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:07 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:07 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 6: 3 rolls
10:07 AM !r 1d6
10:07 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:07 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:07 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:07 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:07 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:21 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:21 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:21 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 7: 4 rolls
10:21 AM !r 1d6
10:21 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat turtle frog
10:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:22 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:22 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:23 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:23 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:23 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:23 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:23 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:23 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:23 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:30 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Just a note that I've been doing this wrong...using a net is d10 to determine how many times you roll 1d6 to check size of catches
10:30 AM From here on I will be using d10 method
10:33 AM !r 1d10
10:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 8: 6 rolls
10:33 AM !r 1d6
10:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat turtle frog
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
10:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 9: 2 rolls
10:49 AM !r 1d6
10:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon Cast 10- Final Cast:
11:05 AM !r 1d10
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon 8 rolls
11:05 AM !r 1d6
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
New message input

The Pay:

Catfish {Chunked, Filleted, Whole or Nuggets}
2mhl/lb -id 1311
2mhl/lb -id 1312
1mhl/lb -id 1313
2mhl/lb -id 1314
3mhl/lb -id 1315
Muskrat 3mhl -id 1306
Frog 1mhl -id 1309
Turtle 1mhl -id 1310

Cast 1: Tiny (1/2 lb) Trout, Tiny (1/2 lb) Cod, Muskrat

Cast 1 Payout: Trout 1 mhl (for half pound), Cod 1 mhl (for half pound) = 2 mhl

Cast 2: Medium (5 lb) Trout, Large (10lb trout)

Cast 2 Payout: 15 lb total of trout x 2 mhl / pound= 30 mhl

Cast 3: Turtle, Small (1 lb) Panfish, Medium (5 lb) Salmon, Small (1 lb) Catfish, Small (1 lb) Cod

Cast 3 Payout: Panfish= 1 mhl /pound x 1 lb; Salmon = 3 mhl /pound x 5 lb; Catfish= 2 mhl/ pound x 1 lb; Cod = 2 mhl/ lb x 1 lb = 19 mhl

Cast 4: Large (10 lb) Panfish; Small (1 lb) Salmon

Cast 4 Payout: Panfish- 1 mhl/lb x 10 lb; Salmon- 3 mhl/lb x 1 lb= 13 mhl

Cast 5: Large (10 lb) panfish

Cast 5 Payout: Panfish- 1 mhl/lb x 10 lb= 10 mhl

Cast 6: Large (10 lb) Catfish; Tiny ( 1/2 lb) Salmon; Medium (5 lb) Cod

Cast 6 Payout: Catfish- 2 mhl/lb x 10 lb; Salmon- 3 mhl/lb x 1/2 lb; Cod- 2 mhl/lb x 5lb= 31.5 mhl

Cast 7: Muskrat; Medium (5 lb) Cod; Tiny (1/2 lb) panfish

Cast 7 Payout: Cod- 2 mhl/lb x 5 lb; Panfish 1 mhl/lb x 1/2 lb= 10.5 mhl

Cast 8: Large (10 lb) Trout; Small (1 lb) Salmon; Medium (5 lb) Trout; Medium (5lb) Trout; Medium (5 lb) Catfish; Frog

Cast 8 Payout: Trout- 2 mhl/lb x 20 lb; Salmon- 3 mhl/lb x 1 lb; Catfish- 2 mhl/ lb x 5 lb= 53 mhl

Cast 9: Medium Salmon; Large Salmon

Cast 9 Payout: Salmon- 3 mhl/lb x 15 lb= 45 mhl

Cast 10: Medium Trout; Frog; Turtle; Tiny Panfish; Muskrat; Small Salmon

Cast 10 Payout: Panfish- 1 mhl/lb x 1/2 lb; Trout- 2 mhl/lb x 5 lb; Salmon- 3 mhl/lb x 1 lb= 13.5 mhl


Muskrat- 3 mhl each x 3= 9 mhl
Frog- 1 mhl each x 2 = 2 mhl
Turtle- 1 mhl each x 2= 2 mhl

Total Non-Fish: 13 mhl

Total Due: Fish= 227.5 mhl + Non-Fish = 14 mhl

241.5 MHL DUE
Gabriel Storm-Dancer
Posts: 169
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:13 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:25 pm

[22:36] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 706 mhl
[22:36] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 706 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
[22:36] <+Amara> (Bazaar freelance hunting 3 logs)

Name: Gabriel Storm-Dancer

Date and Time: Wednesday, Jan 30 2019. 1015 PM

Tasks Completed: Ten (10) casts with fishing net. Catches will be taken for gutting and cleaning and sold to Bazaar appropriately. Also encountered Ellyssa Flame and a small patrol of Thallis guards. Was given express permission to fish anywhere in Thallis, on the agreement to give some back to the rulers there or the market, and to help scout the land whenever working the area.


Log: TLI_Borderlands

— •Gabriel had made himself quite a nice little setup in the region. Somewhere along the river Thallis as it bends and yawns towards the coast. He'd cleared some snow from a circular section of the ground and had a fire going. Enough to radiate heat, but nothing large and magnificent. Nestled on a fur near the flames was that gorgeous hatchling. Charcoal grey in scale, with a lighter smokey colored mane and deep maroon eyes.
10:16 PM — •Gabriel One of the sub breeds from the jungle region to the south. The wolven himself was settled on a piece of fallen tree, working on something with a quill in his lap. Pipe tucked into his lips, mostly full bottle of what would assumed to be rum within reach. A fishing net was secure to the shore with the open end cast to the depths. He was dressed as usual, armed and all.
10:17 PM Ellyssa → •Ellyssa-THA
10:29 PM <•Ellyssa-THA> --- The Patrol had slacked off somewhat after the resignation of their former commander which had given any number of bandits, outlaws and ne'r do Wells the opportunity to get comfortable in various hideouts and hideaways throughout the Thallis region. But after the appointment of Commander Flamewing, they had stepped up their efforts. For though she may have looked soft and easy to intimidate on first glance, the rank and file
10:29 PM quickly learned to fear her. Eventually perhaps, that fear will change to respect, but for now, she seems content with their fear as they are beginning to do their jobs to her standards. And so it was that a report had been put on her desk concerning a well armed fisherman camped on the Thallis river and, so far at least, offering no violence to passersby, yet neither had he sought permission for his trespass. And so it is
10:29 PM that a squad of Patrol soldiers, mounted on horses are riding up the track toward the camp, led by the Commander herself who has been making a point of entering the field with each of her units in turn. They can be seen and heard from the camp well before they arrive for she had given orders not to try and set up an ambush in this case.
10:33 PM — •Gabriel narrows his eyes on his meticulous work as he finishes a line on the map, then peers through the haze of pipesmoke that encircled the space nearby. Looking out towards the net, he moves to push to his full height and go to check the contents. Hauling it in, he frowns at the lightness of it and then sighs once he sees the take. "Blasted place. Probably over fished...would make sense." As he peers down at the
10:33 PM — •Gabriel single, five pound cod in the net. He empties it into the basket and rolls his shoulders. "I was having better luck at our special fishing drop in the forest..." He mutters. Mostly to himself, partly to his Smoke, his mephos. "We'll give it a few more casts before moving on, sound good?" The little mephos just chortles and coos, and basks for a moment when he runs a dulled claw along the scales under her chin.
10:33 PM — •Gabriel Moving once more, he casts the net back into the waters and secures it. Then he stops and his lips draw into a silent snarl. It wouldn't take long for the sound of horses and riders to reach his keen wolven ears. Scents unknown at the moment, and sounding like several horses and riders, he peers outwards from the little camp site, taking up his bottle of rum and having a swallow, waiting for their arrival. If
10:33 PM — •Gabriel bandits, he'd handle it. If theives, he'd handle it. If otherwise, he'd find out.
10:47 PM <•Ellyssa-THA> --- The redhead with her fiery wings tucked tight to her back is dressed in mithril chainmail and a scarlet tabard with the blue badge of Thallis on her breast, mounted on a coal black charger which she handles with competence, if not elan. Beside her rides the corporal and behind them the four guardsmen that constitute his squad. The torian raises a hand to halt her little band as they come up to the edge of Gabriel's
10:47 PM encampment. Mismatched eyes sweep the area, taking in the work the wolven has evidently done and then they fasten on the wolven himself with recognition. "Greetings, Gabriel, isn't it?" She calls in friendly if formal tones. "Do you know that you are trespassing on the lands of Rayel the Viceroy of Thallis?"
10:54 PM — •Gabriel had turned from his bottle and went back to his net, pulling the haul in. He pauses and looks towards the armored force as they arrive on the fringe of his quickly assembled encampment. Noting the voice and knowing the owner of said voice, he resumes the work of pulling the net into the shallows. There he takes a moment to assess his catch. It was meager. Nothing more than a turtle, and a decently sized catfish.
10:54 PM — •Gabriel About five pounds or so. He crouches to start pulling each from the confines of the net, looking back towards Ellyssa. "Aye. That's me." He glances at the company of guards and then the lands around. "Trespassing?..." He says with a touch of confusion..."Never been bothered before, is this a new enforcement..." He shrugs, puffs out a smoke ring from his pipe. Meanwhile, the little mephos is on her feet hissing
10:54 PM — •Gabriel and bouncing around at the presence of a potential threat to Gabriel. He moves to her and collects her, drapes the beast around his shoulders where she stretches out, head circling back to his neck and peering at the group. "Fished here a time or two before without fuss." His tones neutral. His voice deep and husky with smooth and rich undertone.
11:03 PM — •Ellyssa-THA watches the man work with a certain intensity gauging his skill and and familiarity with the tools he wields. She has learned not to trust appearances. And some clever bandits have masqueraded as hunters or trappers. But he seems to be genuine in his skills and almost the only thing she knows about the man is that he has done some service the Empress deemed worthy. She eyes her soldiers sidelong for a moment and
11:03 PM — •Ellyssa-THA says a little stiffly, "The Thallisian Guard is under new management and is stepping up its patrols to combat the increasing bandit activity. As Commander of the Viceroy's Guard, I could wish you had come to the castle and requested to fish these lands before simply doing so. But I have no inherent issue with your working this River, provided we are made aware of your activities. Do you intend to keep fishing here
11:03 PM — •Ellyssa-THA for an extended period?"
11:09 PM — •Gabriel kept mostly to himself. Said little unless he needed to say more. Nominally he let his actions speak for himself, but not all of them were advertised, either. There's little he takes as genuinely as his work. Be that fishing, work for the empire, or anything that's put to ask. Also visible were some scattered parchment pages all showing workings of maps. As if he'd been drawing them out between casts. They were
11:09 PM — •Gabriel masterfully rendered and well detailed. "Ah." He nods. "I probably could have. Though I hadn't ever had much trouble before. I understand.." He motions to the net. "Either your region's highly overfished, or the thundering of shod hooves scared the fish away. I've not got much from my few casts here, but if you want them in payment, I can hand them over." He ponders her question, and shrugs. "Honestly, I have no
11:09 PM — •Gabriel idea, Ellyssa." She spoke freely to him, so he was going to speak the same to her, though it was respectful. "I never really know where I'm going to end up. Sometimes the river bears better yield before it reaches Thallis. Sometimes Thallis is the hot spot. Sometimes I go the frozen lands of Virelith. Hell, even people's river frontage where I've been given access. So...possibly? I still have a few more casts to
11:09 PM — •Gabriel try tonight before packing it in or moving."
11:19 PM — •Ellyssa-THA remains mounted for the nonce, though she relaxes somewhat and allows her horse to graze, as she talks to the other man at almost eye level rather than staring at his navel as she would on the ground. She shakes her head at his question. "No, no, no, nothing so crass" she says airily. "Your catch is yours, won by your own hands and I see no reason to attempt to deprive you of it. I am quite content to make it known
11:19 PM — •Ellyssa-THA to the members of my House that you are permitted to fish on the Thallis and in our lands so you will not be hassled by my Guards in the future. But, aside from asking that you sell at least a portion of what you catch to The Seneschal of the House, Traael, or in the city itself, I will have to ask one trifling little favor" She trails off.
11:23 PM — •Gabriel cocks his head while he listens. His hand lifts to pull the stem of that ornately carved meerschaum pipe from his teeth and exhale a plume of smoke into the frigid night. He takes up the bottle of rum and has a swallow as well, warming his throat and his blood once more. "Sell to the House Seneschal? Alright, I can do that. Will it be at market value? Or bulk, or...?" He leaves that open for discussion or
11:23 PM — •Gabriel declaration. "Trifling favor, eh? What's that?"
11:39 PM — •Ellyssa-THA waves a hand dismissively. "I'm sure you can get a fair market value from Traael or from the vendors in town and to be honest, I'm not concerned about profiting off the fish you catch. My primary concern is knowing who is moving on Thallisian lands. I notice you have some very fine maps started there. I can have my corporal here show you where in those maps our lands lie, and my request is merely that if you should
11:39 PM — •Ellyssa-THA happen to become aware of bandits of any sort, or any similarly untoward activities taking place on our lands, I merely ask that you relay such information to my office in Thallis or to the next Patrol unit you come across. We may even be able to arrange compensation for such reports."
11:45 PM — •Gabriel starts to work again, casting and hauling several more times. Ellyssa would be able to see the diligence he pays, and the care to the task. As time passes the catches get better. Salmon is a treat, and they sell well. She'd spot a few larger ones from time to time. Not easy to catch, but worthwhile when you do. The basket was filling up, and he pauses there for a moment to regard her proposition. "Those maps?" He
11:45 PM — •Gabriel motions towards them. "They're not of Thallis. They're of Dethsiris. The newly assimilated southern region. I did a lot of work there, scouting, recon, cartography and bloodshed. I also mapped every region we came into, and discovered older maps there as well. So I'm reworking them and creating an atlas for the area." He shrugs, as if it was a common thing to do, but likely wasn't. Who knows how many outdated maps
11:45 PM — •Gabriel lie in holes and storage all over Nanthalion and it's associated regions. "As far as the favor...sure. I'll keep my eyes open for anything amiss. Or signs of anything in passing. If I find something, I'll let you or your people know. And assist if possible, and if wanted." He moves the net through his fingers once more, as if checking it's integrity for holes or frays. Seeming satisfied, he hefts the open end into
11:45 PM — •Gabriel the water once more. "One or two more times and I should be finishing up."
11:50 PM — •Ellyssa-THA finds herself interested in a man who is compiling maps of the new lands the Empire is claiming, but she doesn't have the time to talk at length with him. "Well that's all I can ask" she says cheerfully. "I will make free to wish you luck in your endeavors and bid my farewell. Corporal! Round them up and get them moving!" She barks to the young man. "Until we meet again, Gabriel" she says with a nod and reins her
11:50 PM — •Ellyssa-THA horse into a turn, setting off down the track at the head of her squad.
11:50 PM ← •Ellyssa-THA left ( ""
11:56 PM — •Gabriel finishes up his fishing adventure with a few strong final catches. "Well Smoke, I think it's time we get going. I don't want to overfish the area. And we've probably made the best haul yet tonight. All in all, it's a good night." He mutters to the creature, scritching it lovingly. He begins to break down the camp bit by bit and clear it out as though he was never there, leaving no trace of his passage behind. Like
11:56 PM — •Gabriel the ghost he was becoming. "Time to get this stuff off to market. Or to Traael. Or Thallis fishmongers." He shrugs. One way or another he'd get his coin. Taking the basket and hefting it to his shoulders, he balances it there while making his way back, following the river and slipping through trees when able.
11:56 PM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

Rolls: TLI_Quest

•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
10:02 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
10:02 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:02 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:03 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:03 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:03 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:03 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:03 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:03 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:03 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:03 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:03 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:03 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:03 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:03 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:03 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:03 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:04 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:04 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:04 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:04 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:04 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:04 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:04 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
10:04 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:04 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
10:04 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:17 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 cast 2
10:17 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:17 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:17 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:18 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:18 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:20 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 cast 3
10:20 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:20 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:20 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:20 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:20 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:20 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:20 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:20 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
10:20 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:21 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:21 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:00 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 cast 4
11:00 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:00 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:00 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:00 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:00 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:11 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 cast 5
11:11 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:12 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:12 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:12 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:12 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:12 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:12 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:12 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:12 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:12 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:12 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:12 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:12 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:13 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
11:13 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:27 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 cast 6
11:27 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:27 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:27 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:27 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:27 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:27 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:27 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:28 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:28 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:28 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:28 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:28 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:28 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:28 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:28 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:28 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:28 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:28 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:28 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:28 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:28 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:31 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 cast 7
11:31 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:32 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:32 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:32 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:32 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:32 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:32 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:32 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:32 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:32 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:32 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:32 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:32 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:34 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d0 cast 8
11:34 PM !r 1d10 cast 8
11:34 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
11:35 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:35 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:35 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:35 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:35 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:35 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:35 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:35 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:35 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:35 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:35 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:35 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:35 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:35 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:35 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:35 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:36 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:36 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:36 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:36 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:36 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:36 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:36 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:36 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:36 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:36 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:36 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:36 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:36 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
11:36 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:46 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 cast 9
11:46 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
11:46 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:46 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:47 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:47 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:48 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:48 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:48 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:48 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:48 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:48 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:48 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
11:48 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:48 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
11:48 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:49 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d0 cast 10
11:50 PM !r 1d10 cast 10
11:50 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:51 PM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:51 PM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1

The Breakdown:

Cast 1: 8 rolls on d10= 45 mhl

1. Medium (5lb) Cod- 10 mhl
2. Large (10 lb) Salmon- 30 mhl
3. Nothing
4. Muskrat- 3 mhl
5. Nothing
6. Tiny (1/2 lb) Catfish- 1 mhl
7. Nothing
8. Frog- 1 mhl

Cast 2: 1 roll on d10= 2 mhl

1. Small (1 lb) Cod- 2 mhl

Cast 3: 3 rolls on d10= 11 mhl

1. Nothing
2. Turtle- 1 mhl
3. Medium (5 lb) Catfish- 10 mhl

Cast 4: 1 roll on d10= 5 mhl

1. Medium Panfish- 5 mhl

Cast 5: 4 rolls on d10= 12 mhl

1. Tiny (1/2 lb) Trout- 1 mhl
2. Medium (5 lb) Catish- 10 mhl
3. Nothing
4. Frog- 1 mhl

Cast 6: 5 rolls on d10= 53 mhl

1. Small (1 lb) Panfish- 1 mhl
2. Small (1 lb) Cod- 2 mhl
3. Large (10 lb) Salmon- 30 mhl
4. Medium (5lb) Panfish- 5 mhl
5. Medium (5 lb) Salmon= 15 mhl

Cast 7: 3 rolls on d10= 40 mhl

1. Medium (5 lb) Cod- 10 ml
2. Large (10 lb) Panfish- 10 mhl
3. Large (10 lb) Catifsh- 20 mhl

Cast 8: 8 rolls on d10= 65.5 mhl

1. Large (10 lb) Catfish- 20 mhl
2. Small (1 lb) Trout- 2 mhl
3. Large (10 lb) Salmon- 30 mhl
4. Medium (5 lb) Cod- 10 mhl
5. Tiny (1/2 lb) Salmon- 1.5 mhl
6. Nothing
7. Frog- 1 mhl
8. Small (1 lb) Catfish- 2 mhl

Cast 9: 9 rolls on d10.= 51 mhl

1. Medium (5 lb) Salmon- 15 mhl
2 Nothing
3 Large (10 lb) Catfish- 20 mhl
5. Smal (1lb) Catfish - 2 mhl
6. Frog- 1 mhl
7. Large (10 lb) Trout- 20 mhl
8. Nothing
9. Frog- 1 mhl

Cast 10:

1. Nothing

Total Owed: 284.5 MHL
Gabriel Storm-Dancer
Posts: 169
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:13 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:20 am

[22:36] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 706 mhl
[22:36] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 706 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
[22:36] <+Amara> (Bazaar freelance hunting 3 logs)

Name: Gabriel Storm-Dancer

Date and Time: Tuesday, Feb 5 2019.

Tasks Completed: Four (4) Casts with fishing net.

Paid?: Yess!!

Log: TLI_Forest

•Gabriel grunts a bit as he hefts up his backpack and prepares for a bit of fishing. It wasn't ideal at the moment, but times are slow, and he'd had a couple fights yesterday, which he was still a bit sore from. Leaving the mephos pup at the cabin, he gathers up everything else he will need and starts towards a different spot. Not his usual, preferred spot, but somewhere further downriver, just as it bends towards Thallis,
10:06 AM — •Gabriel almost on the border between the two regions.

•Gabriel finds the spot he wants and begins to clear a small spot near the river so that he can set up his small camp. It'd be nothing more than simple fire, which he ignites to life. From there, he sets his backpack down as well as the wicker basket he used for hauling his catch to and fro. From within he pulls a bottle of rum, just simple, clear glass that's wrapped about halfway up with leather. Spreading out the net, he
10:30 AM — •Gabriel begins to assess it's condition, ensuring there are no holes, frays, or snags, or anything else that would detrimental to it's integrity.

•Gabriel finishes working the net and seems satisfied with it's condition. He moves to the edge of the water and gives it a few swings, then casts it into the depths. The open end flares out and sinks low into the waters. The end that uses to drag the net to shore, he secures around a stick and adds a bit of weight. Moving back to the fire, he sits and waits for a few minutes, taking some of the rum whilst he does.

•Gabriel sets the bottle down and pushes up to his full height and makes his way to the shoreline. Once there, he tests the resistance of the net as if to tell how full it might be. He whistles, apparently pleased with the weight of it. Removing it from the secure point, he starts to haul it in, hand over hand until the contents are dragged into the shallows. Moving to said shallows, he crouches to inspect. It was a good haul.
10:50 AM — •Gabriel A few medium sized salmon, which are the prize of any fishing endeavor, as well as some trout, catfish and cod. A frog worked it's way in there as well, but even those sold for a coin or two. Pleased with the first throw, he empties the contents into the wicker basket, then makes his second cast of the day. Once again he ties the net off to the shore and waits for the take.
10:53 AM

•Gabriel moves once to more check his take. Bringing the net in, he inspects what lies inside. Not a terrible catch at all, a few fish of various types. A turtle. All of differing sizes. Emptying the contents into his basket, he makes his third toss, hoping it will be as fruitful as the first two.

•Gabriel takes the bit of time to retrieve his net and look over the catch. It seemed to be a bit better than an average day. Things were positive on this front. Yet his mind was still plagued with other thoughts. Ones that had been gnawing on him incessantly for a while now. Decisions needed to be made. Soon. Grunting a bit against his own uncertainty, he sends the net in for one final passage. And would again bring it back to
11:29 AM — •Gabriel land several minutes after. This area was teeming, and little worked, so it would provide for some time, as long as he didn't fish it too often. Deciding to call it a day, he unloads the net into the basket and then coils the device up inside of it as well. He douses the fire, breaks down camp and erases what few signs of his passage there were. He'd gotten much better about leaving few, scant few impressions or any
11:29 AM — •Gabriel other signs of his presence on any terrain. Closing things up, he takes the backpack and slings it over shoulders, then takes up the basket and heads off to peddle his efforts away to the market.

Rolls: TL_Quest

•Gabriel> Stormdragon Fishing rolls for 2019/02/05 using net:
10:32 AM !r 1d10 cast 1
10:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 10 Result: 10
10:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:34 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:34 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:35 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:35 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:36 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat turtle frog
10:36 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:38 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 CAST 2
10:38 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:39 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:40 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon (nix that final roll)
10:40 AM !r 1d5
10:40 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:40 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:40 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:40 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:40 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:40 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:40 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:40 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:40 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:40 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:40 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:40 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
10:40 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:03 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d0 CAST 3
11:03 AM !r 1d10 CAST 3
11:03 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
11:03 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:03 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:03 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:03 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:03 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:04 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:04 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10 CAST 4
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 10 Result: 10
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
11:05 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:05 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
11:06 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
11:06 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
11:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat frog turtle
11:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
11:29 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

The Breakdown:

Cast 1: 10 rolls- 57 MHL

1. Medium Trout- 10 mhl
2. Medium Salmon- 15 mhl
3. Medium Salmon- 15 mhl
4. Nothing
5. Small Trout- 2 mhl
6. Nothing
7. Small Cod- 2 mhl
8. Medium Catfish- 10 mhl
9. Small Tout- 2 mhl
10. Frog- 1 mhl

Cast 2: 8 rolls- 42.5 mhl

1. Medium Salmon- 15 mhl
2. Turtle- 1 mhl
3. Small cod- 2 mhl
4 Nothing
5. Tiny Salmon- 1.5 mhl
6. Tiny Catfish- 1 mhl
7. Large Cod- 20 mhl
8. Small Catfish- 2 mhl

Cast 3: 7 rolls- 49 mhl

1. Medium Salmon- 15 mhl
2. Nothing
3. Tiny Trout- 1 mhl
4. Small Salmon- 3 mhl
5. Large Salmon- 30 mhl
6. Nothing
7. Nothing

Cast4: 10 rolls- 31.5 mhl

1. Nothing
2. Small Trout- 2 mhl
3. Frog- 1 mhl
4. Nothing
5. Small Trout- 2 mhl
6. Tiny Salmon- 1.5 mhl
7. Medium Salmon- 15 mhl
8. Large Panfish- 10 mhl
9. Nothing
10. Nothing

Total Owed: 180 MHL
Gabriel Storm-Dancer
Posts: 169
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:13 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Weissteufel on Sat Feb 09, 2019 12:42 pm

[15:44] <+Amara> !payout Robert 271 mhl
[15:44] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 271 Mhl, 0 copper to Robert Blackwood
[15:44] <+Amara> {Hunting worklog for Bazaar}

Name: Robert Blackwood

Date and Time: Friday, February 8th, 2019

Tasks Completed: Eight (8) Casts with fishing net.

Paid?: Yes

Log: TLI_Temple
Session Start: Fri Feb 08 20:23:09 2019
Session Ident: #TLI-Temple
[20:23] * Now talking in #TLI-Temple
[20:23] * Topic is ' 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. The Temples of Ishtar, nuzzling the flank of the town of Nanthalion and the Temple to AdenVer - see for more information'
[20:23] * Set by ChanServ! on Thu Jul 16 04:08:57 2015
[20:23] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Robert-
[20:23] -Desdaemona- Character Robert Blackwood logged in.
[20:25] * +Robert- took advantage of the early morning following the Empress' banquet, exiting his cabin and walking towards the his stable. While the event had been somewhat fruitful, he found pleasure in the solitude that the ten acres of land provided him. Mounted upon his chestnut charger, the sellsword headed for the forested hill that was part of his property, heading for the river frontage to test its fishing bounty.
[20:30] * +Robert- didn't take long to venture out to the river frontage, dismounting from Stranger and untying his small, two person tent from its spot beneath the saddlebags. Grabbing the stakes and other accouterments, he pitched the tent and made sure that its Warmth enchantment was active, before he guided the brass-scaled mephos hatchling Audax inside of it, and closed the flap. The wyrmling did not much care for the cold, and would want to warm up before venturing forth into the wilderness. Taking a seat upon the log he usually perched upon beside of the river, he cast out his fishing net, before stuffing his pipe full of cherry tobacco and igniting it with a snap of his fingers from a gauntleted hand. With the need for fire abated, he shrugged off the mithril hand protections, and reeled in a tiny salmon, and a massive catfish. Grinning at the gaping cat, he tossed them both into his wicker basket.
[20:35] * +Robert- cast the net back out, watching the fishing tool glide out atop the water. "Fucking hells," he grumbled, noting that he had accidentally cast it too far, and had become entangled with a dead, waterlogged tree branch beneath the river's depths. Pulling the net back ashore, he untangled the wood from the net with some more cursing and fumbling, and chucked the tiny cod that had come along with it into the wicker basket. Taking a few eep puffs from the burning, cherry flavored tobacco in his pipe, he resolved himself to have better aim with his next cast.
[20:40] * +Robert- leaned forward, contemplating as he watched the steady ebb and flow of the river before him, listening to the sounds of the water rushing and the wildlife surrounding him in his forested property. His left hand took the pipe from his mouth, thumb idly rubbing the meerschaum lion's head that made up its face, while he waited with more patience for the fishing net to do its work. The fish seemed lethargic in the winter's cold, so he would need to give them time to stumble into his fisherman's trap. After a few minutes pass, he stood up again, popping the stem of his pipe into his mouth, and hauled in the dripping fishing net. A grin formed upon his face when he saw what he had caught: two trout, one a five pounder and another a whopping ten, a tiny catfish, and a pesky, half-drowned muskrat. Like an alchemist, he would turn it all into coin. With those catches deposited into his basket, the mercenary cast the net again.
[20:46] * +Robert- hauled in that fourth cast, the mercenary finding this haul of the net heavier than the ones he had been hauling in so far. Perhaps the sun was finally warming the water enough to allow the fish some more freedom of movement, or he had caught himself a hefty log. Bringing the net to shore, he marvels at the luck of catching not one, but two salmon! One is massive, while the other of a medium size. Quickly tossing them into the basket, along with a medium sized cod, Robert began to let some excitement of the sport creep into his movements, and he tossed that net out once again.
[20:58] * +Robert- watched as Audax finally came out of the warm tent, the Mephos hatchling having basked in the radiance of the warm interior, and the tingle of magic from the enchanted utility item. The wyrmling was growing, and fast, now the size of a large dog as he held his head up proud and high, surveying the forest about him. Soon, he would be learning to fly, if he wasn't already and just rarely did due to being a touch on the lazy side, like Robert. "About time you stopped sleeping," the sellsword muttered playfully to the brassling, and Audax trilled a playfully rude sound towards the man in kind. Chuckling with amusement, Robert hauled in the net, and his excitement was felt through the bond to the Mephos, who was similarly enthused for his partner. They had hauled in three large fish; salmon, panfish, and cod, with a smattering of other medium sized specimens. Audax looked towards the large salmon with a greedy look in his eyes, and Robert glared towards the keen eyed creature. "Hey, those are for the market. If you want something to eat, there are apples in Stranger's pack, or you can hunt." With the ultimatum being given, and Audax giving a playful growl towards the man, the brass-scaled mephos darted off into the forest. Robert smirked, and cast that net out once more.
[21:03] * +Robert- finished his pipe, the sellsword turning it over and tapping out the ashes of the tobacco within it into the winter's dead grass, before he hauled in the next catch, the net heavy with the weight of a large catfish, a medium trout and panfish, but rounded out with a tiny, teasing trout. Robert cast the nett back into the water after depositing the fish into the wicker basket, before he went about packing his pipe again. Reaching down, he picked up one of the mithril gauntlets he had tossed to the wet, snowy ground, slipped it on long enough to use the Ignite enchantment to light the pipe, and then shook it off again.
[21:09] * +Robert- hauled in the next cast, the man looking at the net with a disappointed glare. The cast had been well placed and executed. "Gods damn me," he cursed, chucking two muskrats into the basket, followed by a tiny catfish. The redeeming quality in the cast was revealed once the muskrats were out of the way, with two beautiful, medium, pink salmon. Letting his glare turn into a decent smirk around that pipe, he took in a deep inhale while adding the salmon to the rest of the morning's catch. He took a moment to simply stop, and exhale that smoke, taking in the peace of the forest. The recommendation from Theressa had been a good one, and he was pleased with the solitude that the parcel afforded him. Inhaling again from the cherry smoke, he cast his fishing net out once more.
[21:13] * +Robert- brings in his final cast, the eighth. He wasn't sure why he felt it was right, but he deposited the fish from the net into the wicker basket, and whistled for Audax. The mephos was intelligent enough to find his own way home, but he wanted to ensure that not only through the bond, but through hearing, that the brassling knew that Robert was heading home to gut and prepare the fish for sale at the Bazaar.
Session Close: Fri Feb 08 21:14:04 2019

Rolls: TLI_Quest

Session Start: Fri Feb 08 20:23:13 2019
Session Ident: #TLI-Quest
[20:23] * Now talking in #TLI-Quest
[20:23] * Topic is ' 18+ Only! The channel within which quests associated with TLI are run - see for more details and viewforum.php?f=114 for Quest-related info.'
[20:23] * Set by ChanServ! on Sat Jul 25 19:03:25 2015
[20:23] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Robert-
[20:23] -Desdaemona- Character Robert Blackwood logged in.
[20:25] <+Robert-> Cast 1:
[20:25] <+Robert-> !r 1d10
[20:25] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[20:26] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:26] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:26] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:26] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:26] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:26] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[20:26] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:26] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[20:30] <+Robert-> Cast 2:
[20:31] <+Robert-> !r 1d10
[20:31] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[20:31] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:31] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[20:31] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:31] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[20:31] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:31] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[20:33] -Desdaemona- Mail listing (use '/msg Desdaemona !mail read #' to read)
[20:35] <+Robert-> Cast 3:
[20:35] <+Robert-> !r 1d10
[20:35] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:35] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:35] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:35] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:35] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:35] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:35] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:36] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:36] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[20:36] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:36] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[20:36] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:36] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[20:36] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:36] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:36] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:36] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[20:37] <+Robert-> !choose Frog Turtle Muskrat
[20:37] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Frog" from the 3 options supplied by Robert-
[20:41] <+Robert-> !r 1d10
[20:41] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[20:41] <+Robert-> Cast 4:
[20:41] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:41] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[20:41] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:41] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:41] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:41] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[20:41] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:41] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[20:41] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:41] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:42] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:42] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:42] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:42] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:44] <+Robert-> Cast 5:
[20:46] <+Robert-> !r 1d10
[20:46] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
[20:46] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:46] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:46] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:46] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:47] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:47] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[20:47] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:47] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[20:47] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:47] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[20:47] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:47] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:47] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:47] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:47] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:47] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[20:47] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:47] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:48] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:48] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:48] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:48] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[20:48] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:48] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[20:48] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:48] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[20:54] <+Robert-> Cast 6:
[20:54] <+Robert-> !r 1d10
[20:54] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:54] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:54] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[20:54] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:54] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:54] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:54] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:55] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[20:55] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[20:55] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:55] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[20:55] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[20:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[20:55] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[20:55] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[21:03] <+Robert-> Cast 7:
[21:03] <+Robert-> !r 1d10
[21:04] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
[21:04] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:04] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[21:04] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:04] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[21:04] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:04] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[21:04] <+Robert-> !choose Frog Turtle Muskrat
[21:04] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Robert-
[21:04] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:04] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[21:04] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[21:04] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[21:05] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:05] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[21:05] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[21:05] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[21:05] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:05] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[21:05] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:05] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[21:05] <+Robert-> !choose Frog Turtle Muskrat
[21:05] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Robert-
[21:05] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:05] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[21:05] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[21:05] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[21:05] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:05] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[21:09] <+Robert-> Cast 8:
[21:10] <+Robert-> !r 1d10
[21:10] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[21:10] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:10] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
[21:10] <+Robert-> !choose Frog Turtle Muskrat
[21:10] <@Desdaemona> I choose "Muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Robert-
[21:10] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:10] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
[21:10] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[21:10] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
[21:11] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
[21:11] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[21:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
[21:11] <+Robert-> !r 1d6
[21:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
[21:11] <+Robert-> !r 1d5
[21:11] <@Desdaemona> Robert- rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
Session Close: Fri Feb 08 21:15:03 2019

The Breakdown:
I have attached a spreadsheet to this post with a full breakdown of fish caught in each cast, total number of fish, and the detailed valuation.
Panfish: 25mhl
3 Medium, 1 Large

Catfish: 23mhl
3 Tiny, 1 Large

Cod: 31mhl
1 Tiny, 1 Medium, 1 Large

Trout: 72mhl
2 Tiny, 3 Medium, 2 Large

Salmon: 109.5mhl
1 Tiny, 1 Small, 3 Medium, 2 Large

Non-Fish: 10mhl
1 Frog, 3 Muskrat

Total Owed: 270.5mhl
Fishing Log.xlsx
(14.43 KiB) Downloaded 19 times
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:31 am

[15:44] <+Amara> !payout Robert 271 mhl
[15:44] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 271 Mhl, 0 copper to Robert Blackwood
[15:44] <+Amara> {Hunting worklog for Bazaar}
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil: viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186

"If my heart could beat, it'd beat for you." Valley of Silence


"And yet you did not chose me blindly. Certain expectations were aroused.
Let's not be coy; you were hoping I would satisfy all the desires you're
too shy to name, or at least show you a good time." The Crimson Petal and the White
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:31 pm

[22:36] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 706 mhl
[22:36] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 706 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
[22:36] <+Amara> (Bazaar freelance hunting 3 logs)
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil: viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186

"If my heart could beat, it'd beat for you." Valley of Silence


"And yet you did not chose me blindly. Certain expectations were aroused.
Let's not be coy; you were hoping I would satisfy all the desires you're
too shy to name, or at least show you a good time." The Crimson Petal and the White
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Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:45 pm

[15:26] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 164 mhl
[15:26] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 164 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
[15:26] <+Amara> (Bazaar hunting worklog)

Name: Gabriel Storm-Dancer

Date and Time: Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Tasks Completed: Five (5) Casts with fishing net.

Paid?: No. Total Owed= 163.5 MHL

Log: TLI- Forest

•Gabriel had just finished setting up camp along the river. One of his favorite fishing drops, and known to those who knew him. A small fire was crackling, his pack set on the ground nearby. The large wolven hadn't been seen in a little while, but that wasn't uncommon. Retreats into the wilds were happenstance for him, and occurred perhaps more often than desired, but usually when needed. For the moment, he stood at the shore
9:09 AM — •Gabriel of the river, letting the net filter through his fingers as he checks it for damage.
9:28 AM — •Gabriel seems satisfied with the condition of his net. Before casting it to the waters, though, he pulls his favored pipe from the confines of his longcoat. A bit of homebrewed pipeweed tucked within. Cinnamon mixed with a clove-ish sort of smoke. Using the magic on his bracers, he ignites the item to life and has a deep drag. Exhaling a thick smoke ring overhead, he grumbles a bit and then finally casts the net into the
9:28 AM — •Gabriel waters. The free end gets secured and he settles down on an old log to contemplate while he waits for the net to fill.
9:37 AM — •Gabriel pushes to his feet after taking a long hit from the pipe and exhaling a plume of smoke. More grumbling. Apparently he was a grumpy one today. Checking the net, the feels some weight to it and begins to haul it into the shallows. Inspecting his catch, it's not the worst, but far from the best. A few medium sized fish, smaller ones too. Some junk like frogs and turtles found their way in as well. Taking the load to his
9:37 AM — •Gabriel basket, he dumps it and prepares for the next cast.
9:52 AM — •Gabriel pulls up his net a second time, this time yielding even less than before. A smaller panfish, and a decent sized cod. He shakes his head and grunts. "Apparently today isn't my day." He shrugs and dumps the couple of fish into his basket and prepares for cast three

•Gabriel pulls in the next load. Though smaller than the previous two, the fish within would yield more coin that his previous two casts combined. Salmon sold well, and he had a couple of them in his net. Now less grumpy, he takes another draw from his pipe and exhales a smoke ring, then casts his net back into the waters for the fourth cast of the day.

•Gabriel rolls up to his feet once more and moves to check his net. Fourth cast of the day, lets see how it does. He could tell immediately that it held promise, the weight of the fish in the net evident even as it still sat in the water. Slowly and with a well practiced method, he beings to haul the load in. Keeping it in the shallows, he inspects the catch approvingly. Lots of fish, and a wide variety of them to boot. This
10:24 AM — •Gabriel was probably he best recovery so far. Placing the fish into the basket, he casts out once more for his fifth and final cast of the day.

— •Gabriel finishes off his smoke, tossing the remnants of the pipe weed into the small fire that he'd assembled. After dousing the pipe and secreting it away again into his pocket, he moves for the net. Well trained hands work the net to shore and the contents empty into the wicker basket that he brought. It wasn't a terrible haul. Not his best, not the worst either. It was sufficient for now. He takes some time to erase his
10:44 AM — •Gabriel presence there, destroying all traces of his passage. What little there were to begin with. Hefting the basket up and taking up his backpack, he heads off, bound to eventually peddle the fish to the market.
10:44 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

Rolls: TLI-Quest

•Gabriel (voiced) joined • Channel mode: +mnrt
9:30 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
9:30 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
9:31 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:31 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
9:31 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:31 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
9:31 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:31 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:31 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:31 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
9:31 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:31 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
9:31 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:31 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
9:31 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:31 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:31 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:31 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
9:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
9:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
9:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
9:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
9:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
9:32 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
9:32 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
9:33 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
9:33 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
9:48 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
9:48 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
9:49 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
9:49 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:07 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
10:07 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:08 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:08 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:09 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:09 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:09 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:09 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:09 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:09 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:11 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
10:11 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 9 Result: 9
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:12 AM !r 1d6
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:12 AM Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:12 AM !r 1d6
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:12 AM Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:12 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:12 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:13 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:13 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:13 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:13 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:13 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:13 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:13 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:13 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:13 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
10:13 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:14 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
10:14 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:15 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:15 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:15 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:15 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:15 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:15 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:15 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:15 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:15 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:15 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:15 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:15 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:15 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:15 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:15 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:15 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:16 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:16 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:16 AM <•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
10:16 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:44 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

The Payout:

Cast 1: 38.5 mhl
9 rolls on d10:

1. Turtle- 1 mhl
2. Tiny (1/2 lb) Panfish- .5 mhl
3. Nothing
4. Large (10 lb.) Cod- 20 mhl
5. Frog- 1 mhl
6. Frog- 1 mhl
7. Nothing
8. Medium (5 lb) Catfish- 10 mhl
9. Medium (5 lb) Panfish- 5 mhl

Cast 2: 10.5 mhl
6 rolls on d10:

1. Nothing
2. Tiny (1/2 lb) Panfish- .5 mhl
3. Nothing
4. Nothing
5. Medium (5 lb) Cod- 10 mhl
6. Nothing

Cast 3: 43 Mhl
3 rolls on d10

1. Medium (5 lb) Catfish- 10 mhl
2. Large (10 lb) Salmon- 30 mhl
3. Small (1 lb) Salmon- 3 mhl

Cast 4: 64.5 mhl
9 rolls on d10

1. Large (10 lb) Panfish- 10 mhl
2. Tiny (1/2 lb) Trout- 1 mhl
3. Small (1 lb) Catfish- 2 mhl
4. Turtle- 1 mhl
5. Large (10 lb) Cod- 20 mhl
6. Medium (5 lb) Catfish- 10 mhl
7. Tiny (1/2 lb) Panfish- .5 mhl
8. Large (10 lb) Trout- 20 mhl
9. Nothing

Cast 5: 16 mhl
5 rolls on d10

1. Tiny (1/2 lb) Salmon- 1.5 mhl
2. Medium (5 lb) Cod- 10 mhl
3. Frog- 1 mhl
4. Tiny (1/2 lb) Salmon- 1.5 mhl
5. Small (1 lb) Catfish- 2 mhl

Total Owed: 163.5 MHL
Gabriel Storm-Dancer
Posts: 169
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:13 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Mon Apr 08, 2019 8:28 pm

[15:26] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 164 mhl
[15:26] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 164 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
[15:26] <+Amara> (Bazaar hunting worklog)
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil: viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186

"If my heart could beat, it'd beat for you." Valley of Silence


"And yet you did not chose me blindly. Certain expectations were aroused.
Let's not be coy; you were hoping I would satisfy all the desires you're
too shy to name, or at least show you a good time." The Crimson Petal and the White
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Posts: 1538
Joined: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:16 am
Location: Umbara

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Thu Aug 29, 2019 4:02 pm

[09:40] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 132 mhl
[09:41] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 132 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
[09:41] * +Gabriel ( has left #TLI-town ("")
[09:41] <+Amara> {Bazaar huntin' worklog}

Name: Gabriel Storm-Dancer

Date and Time: Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tasks Completed: Five (5) Casts with fishing net.

Paid?: No. Total Owed= 132 MHL

Log: #TLI-Borderlands

→ •Gabriel (voiced) joined • Channel mode: +mnrt
10:23 AM
— •Gabriel settles into a comfortable spot somewhere along the river as it filters out of Nanthalion proper and feeds into other regions of the Empire. It'd been quite some time since the wolven had taken some time to fish and just enjoy the quiet. Today, he was able to afford such a luxury. A quick assessment of his fishing net was done, a drink of rum had, then his ornately carved pipe was struck. A deep inhale of
10:23 AM
— •Gabriel the cinnamon flavored tobacco was enjoyed before a stream of smoke was exhaled. Settling in, he tosses his net out to the waters for the first of hopefully many casts.
10:38 AM
— •Gabriel settles back and enjoys, waiting for his net to fill. The coin would help sure. And this would provide him the time he needed to consider his options. There were some offers on the table, the question was which one to accept. Hard decisions, and at the moment he is still unsure.
10:44 AM
— •Gabriel finally moves in order to pull in the first haul. He takes the fish, an odd collection of cod and trout and dumps them into the basket he usually brings with him on his trips. Pipe clenched between wolven teeth as he does. A fine haze of smoke wafts from it as he empties the net and then casts it into the waters once more.
10:56 AM
— •Gabriel continues to consider his options, either working for the empress directly....investing himself into the IG, or staying put where he is. Then there were some other considerations to note as well. He closes one eye as he weighs everything out in his mind, other eye focused on the net. Noting the weight of he, he pulls himself to his feet and goes to check. This load was a little bit better. A good assortment
10:56 AM
— •Gabriel of fish. He nods as he sorts through them and empties the keepers into his basket.
10:56 AM
— •Gabriel finishes that ritual and then heads to the waters to cast it out for the third time.
11:11 AM
— •Gabriel grumbles things about working for the empire and the necessity for coin to finish paying off his land, and then expanding it even further. He groans as he gets up to move to the shoreline. Once there, he hand over hands the net until it is pulled up to the edge. Crouching down, he takes a look through it's contents. Nothing amazing, but it's definitely not the worst catch of his life. Satisfied, he finally
11:11 AM
— •Gabriel moves to the basket to empty the third haul of the day into the basket. Once finished, he again moves to cast out the fourth time.
11:23 AM
— •Gabriel allows ample time for the fish to come. The relaxation was nice, too. Not that he lived a stressful life anyway. The fourth haul, once brought up, would prove to be just as universal and just about as plentiful as the rest. It was turning out to be a rather average day of fishing, which was just fine with him. The fish make their way from the basket into the net and the net itself heads to waters again for
11:23 AM
— •Gabriel a fifth and final cast.
11:38 AM
— •Gabriel draws in the net for the last time and deposits the fish in the basket with the others. Satisfied with the work, he douses the pipe and begins to collect his things and roll up the fishing net. After getting himself together, he heads off towards town to sell the fish at market!
11:38 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

Rolls: #TLI-Quest

→ •Gabriel (voiced) joined • Channel mode: +mnrt
10:24 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d10
10:24 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:24 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon ! 1d6
10:24 AM !r 1d6
10:24 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:25 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:25 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:25 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:25 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:25 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:25 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:25 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:25 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:25 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:25 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:25 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:25 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:25 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:25 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:26 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:26 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:26 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:26 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:26 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:26 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:26 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose muskrat turtle frog
10:26 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "frog" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:28 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon CAST 2:
10:28 AM !r 1d10
10:28 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:28 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:28 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:28 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:28 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:28 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:28 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:28 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:28 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:29 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:29 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:29 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:29 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon CAST 3:
10:30 AM !r 1d10
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:30 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:30 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:31 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:31 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:31 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:31 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:31 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:31 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:31 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:31 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:35 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon CAST 4
10:35 AM !r 1d10
10:35 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 7 Result: 7
10:35 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:35 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:35 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:35 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:35 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:35 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:35 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:35 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 6 Result: 6
10:36 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:36 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:36 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:36 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:36 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:36 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:36 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:36 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:36 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:36 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:36 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
10:36 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "turtle" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:38 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon CAST 5
10:38 AM !r 1d10
10:38 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 8 Result: 8
10:38 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:38 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:38 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:38 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:38 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:38 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:39 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 5 Result: 5
10:39 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:39 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:39 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:39 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d6
10:39 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 6 sides per die: 2 Result: 2
10:39 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:39 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:39 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:39 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:39 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:39 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 1 Result: 1
10:40 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:40 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 3 Result: 3
10:40 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:40 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:40 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !r 1d5
10:40 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Gabriel rolls for 1 dice at 5 sides per die: 4 Result: 4
10:40 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
10:40 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:40 AM
<•Gabriel> Stormdragon !choose frog muskrat turtle
10:40 AM
<•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot I choose "muskrat" from the 3 options supplied by Gabriel
10:42 AM ← •Gabriel left ( ""

Total Owed:

Cast 1l:

1. Frog - 1 mhl
2. Small Trout - 2 mhl
3. Small Cod - 2 mhl
4. Lg Trout - 20 mhl
5. Tiny Cod - 1 mhl
6. Tiny Cod - 1 mhl

Total: 27 mhl

Cast 2:

1. Lg Salmon - 30 mhl
2. Nothing
3. Nothing
4. Tiny Panfish - .5 mhl

Total: 30.5 mhl

Cast 3:

1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Medium Catfish - 10 mhl
4. Tiny Trout - 2 mhl
5. Small Salmon - 3 mhl
6. Tiny Cod - 2 mhl
7. Small Salmon - 3 mhl

Total: 20 mhl

Cast 4:

1. Turtle - 1 mhl
2. Small Salmon - 3 mhl
3. Small Cod - 2 mhl
4. Tiny Salmon - 1.5 mhl
5. Tiny Catfish - 1 mhl
6. Nothing
7. Lg Catfish - 20 mhl

Total: 28.5 mhl

Cast 5:

1. Small Trout - 2 mhl
2. Muskrat - 3 mhl
3. Medium Catfish - 10 mhl
4. Medium Panfish - 5 mhl
5. Small Trout - 2 mhl
6. Nothing
7. Tiny Catfish - 1 mhl
8. Muskrat - 3 mhl

Total: 26 mhl

Gabriel Storm-Dancer
Posts: 169
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:13 am

Re: The Bazaar Hunting Logs

Postby Amara on Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:42 pm

[09:40] <+Amara> !payout Gabriel 132 mhl
[09:41] <@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Amara has given 132 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer
[09:41] <+Amara> {Bazaar huntin' worklog}
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil: viewtopic.php?p=136186#p136186

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