Privately Played Scenes Used in IC Land

Questions and suggestions about the rules of the roleplay and how things work

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Privately Played Scenes Used in IC Land

Postby Rhezha on Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:42 am

So, I've been wondering about this lately and since it applies to a current SL, I thought I'd ask here to get a solid answer. I've looked around on the site, but I can't seem to find anything concrete, though I may just not be looking in the right places. So before going further with the SL and getting burned for it, I'll confirm my understanding is correct.
There are scene types that are never allowed. Ever. But, there are scenes which can be started in a public IC room but must be carried to completion privately, stated several times on the site to be acceptable play *in private.* My question is this. Are these scenes allowed to have an influence on "IC events?" That is, can the character be played as having participated in the privately played scene in public scenes? These examples might be a good way to explain what I mean.

Character Jenny and Tom play a scene (or scenes) in which Jenny becomes pregnant and has a child, only to have the child taken away or stillborn at birth. Would this character then be allowed to be upset over the fate of their child in public channel? Or if asked, explain what has upset her so?
Now take another scene, in which Jenny "snuffs" Tom during a sexual act. Would the character Tom be 'allowed' to be dead in the game channels and have the requisite rezzing? Would the scene have to be edited for the public such that Tom was killed sometime after sexual relations to be "channel safe?"
Obviously, the players of Tom and Jenny aren't going to go around describing in gruesome detail, either ICly or OOCly, the scene played out for the sake of those who prefer not to know the details of such private scenes, since this is the reason for the private scene rules to begin with.

Bottom line: Is it allowable to allude to the events of a private scene in channel without sharing... delicate details?
I understand there's going to be a grey area in this and anything pushing boundaries or making people uncomfortable is immediate cause to move beyond the subject or to obscure details. Furthermore, I would hope that there is plenty of OOC discussion to ensure anyone involved in such a Story Line is comfortable with the amount of details divulged and the topic of the SL.
It is my hope that this can be answered in a definite manner and in a way which does not stifle players looking for occasional darker scenes which can lead to interesting character development. And if this is answered elsewhere, I deeply apologize for wasting time!
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Re: Privately Played Scenes Used in IC Land

Postby L`aquera on Thu Dec 06, 2018 9:45 pm

Since both situations are not allowed any type of play in TLI then you can't bring them up in TLI Channels for IC purposes. If "Sally" raped "Kitten" and it got a little to gory and they took it to a private channel and came back in after the fact could it be said "Kitten" has marks that a healer had healed as far as they could? Yes. Different scenario. If its not legal to play here then don't mention it in here.
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