Voyages of the Tempest: How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth

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Voyages of the Tempest: How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth

Postby CallieO on Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:43 am

Voyages of the Tempest: How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth
A Quest at Sea
August 27, 2021

Dramatis Personae:

Aavran, male Magi; admiral of Thallis Navy
Mae; female black-winged torian necromancer
Gabriel Storm-Dancer; male Tribesman/wolven Warrior/Mist Raider
Tennibrook Balmossie; female vulpine/High Human knight/paladin
Carthellen Orcrist; male barbarian warlord
Richard Nighthawke; male high human warlord
Calixa; female halfling healer

<+Admiral_Aavran> Once again a shipment of fruit had been put in the cargohold of The Tempest, one of the ships that belonged to the Dethsiris Navy. Six days it would take the ship to arrive in Thallis, six days in which they could face various kinds of travels but so far the first two days had been very quiet, giving the people on the ship some chance to talk and get to know each other better. Of course things would go much quicker if the crates were carried through the portals the Empire had, but for some reason the fruit would instantly rot when exposed to such magic. No other kinds of magic had been discovered that had the same effect, but still everyone on the ship had been forbidden to head into the hold and the strong Undead minions of Mae were making sure that that rule was enforced. At the moment the Admiral of the Dethsiris navy was spending time behind the helm himself, gaining experience steering the ship. There were more people on the ship that just the normal crew of the ship, some extra muscle hired or those that were creative in finding solutions for problems. And here on the waters of Dethsiris… problems could arrive in many different ways.

Gabriel had been familiar with the waters in and around Dethsiris. Even spent some time in Thallis, and fighting some of pirates that ravaged the coastlines and traderoutes. For the moment, the wanderer sat quietly on a coil of line on the deck of the ship. Both of his longswords were worn easily, but he brought his bow and mithril tipped arrows this time. The elven warbow was blackened to the point of being an almost smokey ebon color with mithril engraved tips. The string of the bow a composite of strange materials, definitly custom designed with his own components. He didn't have his animal meangerie with him, not willing to lose any of his beloved beasts on the high seas.

Mae was laying on a sunbed on the ship. Getting a tan. Her undead minions indeed protected the cargo so far and things had been quiet so far. The black winged torian beauty wore a sexy black outfit [], her two whips and her mithril scimitar on her hip and black heels. She had her eyes closed as she was relaxing. Admiral_Aavran still promised her to teach her how to steer the ship as well but for now she would simply let him do the work. It had been two rough days already and she decided to relax for a bit as you never know when she would needed to get in action again.

Nighthawke spent the day preparing for the potential shipment that was to depart shortly... After he had finished doling out the patrol assigments for the Knights he got from behind his desk and readies himself... It would not take long before he rode to the port and didmounted to make his way to the ship....A bit out of place, he was dressed for a war,,,,He was wearing his complete mythril black armor and black sword ( ) along with his long bow and mythril tipped arrows,,He looked around at everyone that was boarding the ship then quietly went on board the ship and stood off to the port side railing of the bow and waited to see what the plan was for this journey.

Dame Tennibrook Balmossie is on deck, dressed and ready for war. She has her mithril chain mail on over a green-and-gold gambeson; black pants, and black boots, with her mithril longsword and mithril dagger on her hips, wrist crossbow on her left wrist, and circular metal shield on her back. She has her visored helm covering her head. She's watching from the starboard.

Gabriel leans back almost lazily on his coil of line and rests his shoulders against the hull. Bottle of rum that's always carried in his backpack was brought to lips, cork pulled, then a long drink taken as he looks out over the waters.

Mae would hear the cork being pulled from Gabriel s bottle and she would open her eyes and look at him with teasing eyes and a grin on her lips. ¨May I have a sip as well dear?¨ she gave him a wink as she motioned him to join her. It had been quiet so far and she was going to enjoy this little quiet moments while they last.

Calixa chews her lower lip thoughtfully- hands on her hips as she gazes about the bosun's bunk that would have to serve as her surgery while she was on board. Although by the halfling's standards, it was quite spacious- for any reasonable number of the big folk it could get quite cramped if there were an outbreak or something, or even a battle- as implausible as that seemed. For perhaps the fifteenth time, the healer rummaged through her leather satchel, her fingers tripping lightly over the medical supplies stashed there- lingering for a moment on the razor sharp dagger that doubled as a scalpel sometimes. Hmm. Dismissing the stray thought, Calixa re-tied the thin bandana that gathered her white-blonde braids to the back of her head, and padded her way silently abovedeck to take in the sea air.

<+Admiral_Aavran> Things had indeed been very quiet the last few days. The weather was quite lovely, perhaps rather hot to those that weren’t used to that kind of weather but most were most familiar with how the weather in Dethsiris was and would simply be happy that the heavy rainfall hadn’t bothered them for the last days. Despite the peace and quiet, most still looked like they were ready for war.. or at least for any challenge that would come to find them this day. For the time being there was nothing in sight that looked like that today would be any different from the last few days. At times a few fish could be noticed in the water or could be heard chewing on the wood of the ship.. the wildlife in this part of the world could be very interesting but for the time being the ship would be fine until their next stop for repairs.

Calixa cinches the leather belt about her waist tighter, in an effort to keep the breeze from catching her dark wool dress quite so freely. Not that the chill was the problem- she'd provided herself with very sturdy wool leggings, and she'd long ago invested in road-tested boots. The sunlight glittered slightly off of a narrow circlet of mithril that she wore upon the dome of her brow as she turned- and spotting a well-known Vulpine, strolls over to Tennibrook. "Heya Tenni," she calls, in her high-pitched whistle of a voice, "How are they biting?"

Gabriel looks up and over as Mae calls to him and inquires about the rum. He siiiiighs at the fact that he has to get up, but does so with a bit of a grudge and moves towards where the torian is working on her tan and offers her the bottle. He was in one of his quiet moods today.

Tennibrook's sensitive ears can detect the fish nibbling lightly on the Tempest's wood, and the vixen smiles and turns to face her dear halfling friend Calixa when she hears her speak. "They're biting quite well, actually. Unfortunately, biting the Tempest, not any bait that we've got. How are you today, Calixa?"

NIghthawke remained to himself while everyone were making motions as he leaned against the railing still, keeping mostly to himself...

Gabriel takes the bottle back with a nod and opts to find a spot on the deck again, sort of lounging more this time. Probably a bad habit he'd picked up from...somewhere. Eyes turn to the skies, then out to the waters once more. He seems to have a thought and fiddles around in his backpack and produces a spyglass. One made of boar tusk and carved with a floral motif. He extends it, then takes a better look around their surroundings.

Calixa "Oh well. They probably taste of mud and salt anyways." Lifting her sloped shoulders in a shrug- Calixa ponders the ship's rail. It was like a ramparts or a palisade to her. But she got a view between two pieces of the jewel-like water. "I'm fine. Bored. I don't understand why lord Ray wanted me to be on this voyage. One of his whims." Shaking her head, she stuffs her hands into her pockets to keep them out of the breeze. "Think any of our fellow passengers would play a game of cards this evening?" she speculates.

Mae would look for a moment when Gabriel left and then she would shift her eyes and see NIghthawke standing alone. She would get off the sunbed and walk towards hip, her hips swaying as it was just her walk. She would lean on the edge of the ship, her ass pressed more back as her elbows rested on the edge. She looked at NIghthawke and gave a soft smile. ¨Hello dear. How have you been?¨ She asked him curiously.

"Might be nice," Tennibrook says. "And it would help pass the time. I brought some dice to play Greedy Pig with. We might could do that, too."

<+Admiral_Aavran> Nighthawke was the first to spot the dark flecks in the distance, high in the sky. The spyglass from Gabriel would be most useful to get a better view of what was coming towards the ship. It clearly was not a dragon but it was some kind of flying reptilian. A long snake-like body with on either side a chirot-like wing that was about as long as its body. It was not a creature any on the ship would have seen before, but right now there were about a dozen from them, coming towards the ship although still too far away to be made out by the others…

<+Gabriel> "Eyes up!" He calls out to those on vessel and points upwards towards the specs coming in their direction from the heavens. "Looks like we got some company..."

Calixa laughs, and nods agreeably. "Oh? Well- why not. We can see if your Lady favors you in luck as well." The wind, although balmy, was already starting to redden the tips of her pale ears and the point of her noise. "Well-" she says, with a stretch, "Better count the salves and herbs again. And see if someone's tried drinking the disinfectant again." With a lazy wave of the hand, she turns from the rail and wanders towards the hatch to below.

NIghthawke glanced at Mae when she spoke to him.....He was about to reply when something caught his eyes out on the horizon approaching from the sky... Eyes narrowed with a bad feeling..."We're are not alone... something is approaching.. You better tell Aavran....we'll talk some other time..." He answer was very shot and he wasn't interested in small talk.. something morepreswsing was coming..

Mae would suddenly see something in the corner of her eyes and then heared the call from Gabriel. She would raise a brow. ¨What are those?!¨ She said confusing. She would stand up from the railing and take a few steps back and she would fly towards Admiral_Aavran. ¨Aavran, we have company.¨ She would point towards the direction of the flying creatures. ¨Not sure if they exactly comming for us..but to keep eye out.¨ she said to him and then her eyes shifted to the flying creatures.

Gabriel continues to watch them and track their movements through spyglassing like a beast. "Seems about a dozen or so of ' I can figure." He says loud enough to be heard. He isn't gonna start issuing commands, this is Aavran's show being the Admiral of Dethsiris. For now, he continues to to watch and wait.

Tenni looks to the sky and sees several flying beasts moving towards them. They're far enough away that the vixen isn't able to identify them.

NIghthawke glances back at one of Aavran's crew and and tells him to bring him shreds of linned and a couple of buckets of black pitch as he removed the two quivers that were full of mythril and standard arrows and sets them by the railing and gets his longbow ready just in case he needs them...Whatever the flying creatures were sur didn't look very friendly by the look at how fast they were flying towards the ship...

Admiral_Aavran didn’t see more than the flecks that the others could also see while Gabriel was the only one able to see more of them with his spyglass. They all could tell however that the creatures were flying in their direction and getting lower to the water than they had first been but for the time being they were still far away and far above the ship. “Prepare for trouble.” Aavran shouted over the ship, his voice loud and easy to understand. The Magi had no reason to expect that this was trouble, other than the main believe that everything could be trouble out here. Most things they encountered in the wild were hostile and it was better to be ready for that than to be caught offguard. “Stay close to the ship…” Those words were mostly for Mae herself, although she could use her scouts. “Feel free to prepare the Ballistae.” He also suggested, but the Magi himself would continue to steer the ship.

Gabriel lowers the spyglass and collapses it back. he stuffs it into his backpack and shrugs the thing off and lets it drop to the deck. He readies his elven warbow, keeping it held in hand, but lowered. His arrows were strapped to his back in the quiver. He doesn't draw yet, but simply waits.

Calixa pauses just at the lip of the hatch- picking up on a rising air of tension on the deck. Glancing from one stern, anxious face to another, She chewed her lower lip again, and then disappeared down into the hold of the ship. Flattening herself against the wall of the passage as a couple of crewmen bustled by, the healer made her way to what passed for the galley, and with a snap of her fingers, reignited the fire below the soup kettle. Then, she grimly rolled up her sleeves and pinned them in place with what looked like hatpins. "...Right." She muttered to herself, and set about clearing more space for patients- when they inevitably showed up.

NIghthawke takes torn up linned and wraps them around the arrow tips and then dips them into the black pitch getting them readis to set aflame...He turns seeing the twp ballistae's and moves to one of them...More pitch was ordered and set next to the launcher nerxt to the projectiles and has the first one readied if need be...

<+Admiral_Aavran> Rather soon everyone could see the creatures that were coming towards them. Flying snakes would be a rather crude description for them. “Do as you see fit.” Aavran answered Mae, knowing how quick she could think.. and that she would blame him if something happened to her crows. As if he could control what those enemies did that came towards them. The ballistae were being prepared but for now the snakes were still out of range, but they were coming in range of some of the spells in existence, although Aavran wasn’t sure what spells the people currently on deck had to their access.

Tennibrook mans the other ballista, aiming for one of the creatures, coordinating her targeting with Nighthawke. But she wouldn't fire until she was ordered to.

Mae would raise a brow for his short answer to her but she would simply nod. She would turn around and starts to run to the edge of the ship and then jump from the railing into the air with her large undead crows. She would fly closer to the creatures. ¨Snakes with wings?¨ She said with a frown, confused what she saw. Well..surely she could get the snake side of the creature activated. Chirot wings? Well if there is any chirot in that wouldn´t like could be a good diversion. She would fly with her crows closer until she was in front of the creatures at a safe distance but that they still could see her. She grinned deviously. ¨Well Well Well..very interesting creatures you are..¨ She would fly a few times around them, in front of them with her crows, making sure their eyes were on hers, making sure they are irritated and would follow her and her crows, then she would fly the opposite direction once she knew she was being followed.

Gabriel pulls a single arrow from his quiver, knocks it to the bow string, and waits. He has no magic to hurl at these things, just arrows and blades.

NIghthawke returns to the portside railing then picks up his longbow and pulls out a pitchsoaked arrow from the bucket and readies to set the tip on fire as he knocks it against the string and waits...

Admiral_Aavran needed his attention to remain on the ship and it was clear that the flying creatures were quicker than the ship so heading in another direction made little sense. Of course he kept some attention on Mae as she moved closer to the snakes while also taking notice of the ballistae being prepared. Some of the snakes would clearly head towards Mae while the other came in range of the large weapons. Each of the snakes had been quite stretched but now the closest to Mae moved more up, using its wings to take a fixed spot in the air and then it spit towards Mae. Luckily the thing missed. “Shoot the damn things.” Aavran gave his permission. Another snake spit at the crows and managed to hit and Mae would see that the spit was very acidic in nature.

Gabriel watches as Mae tries to draw them in, noting the acidic spittle that they seem to use as weapons. Fun! He stands there, watching, waiting. Sometimes he regretted not having magic, but he'd managed this well so far without it.

Mae would observe the creature. Her eyes would widen when she suddenly saw the creature trying to spit and she would quickly go to the side. She would look at one of her crows when it hits and she would see the acid. ¨Acid?¨ She would let this know through a message to Admiral_Aavran so that he could inform the rest. Her eyes started to fill with darkness. Oh they are going to be added to her collection..that´s for sure. She would then fly towards one of the creatures and she would simply touch the creature, casting [poisen touch]. She managed to do that safetly and the creature would suddenly feel something happening inside. As if the poisen was eating it alive. Her crows tried to attack one of the snake creatures but misses. A devious grin on her lips and her eyes filled with more and more darkness. Oh how she loved this! Killing things! That feeling of power!

[Gabriel poofs.]

Calixa glances up as she hears the thud of footfalls on the deck again, then wanders slowly to the bosun's cabin, commandeering the hammock for a stretcher later. Thought she'd have to pressgang a few people to actually maneuver the dratted thing. She reflected again how annoying it was to be a medic among giants, if you didn't have a couple of orderlies at your beck and call. Something for the future, maybe...

NIghthawke moves back to the ballista that he got prepared.. He set down the bow and placed the projectile in the cradle and soaked it in black pitch then turns to Tennibrook and he also nods back to her... He lights the projectile on fir then takes aim at one of the serpents and fires,,,,the first shot was off mark as the serpent twisted left to avoid the shot...

Tennibrook has her ballista bolt soaked in pitch, sets it on fire, and launches it towards the flying serpent that she'd been tracking for the last minute or so. The bolt hits the creature in the chest, on the opposite side from its heart.

[Carthellen jumps in.]

<+Admiral_Aavran> The magic Mae used on the snake that had spit at her was clearly taking effect, but the first contact hardly seemed to damage the flying snake. Not like the ballistae bolt that Tenni send flying towards the snake that had come closest to the ship by now. That really did a lot of damage but the creature kept coming closer to the ship, badly wounded as it was. The bolt that Nighthawke sent towards the group was evaded by them, so clearly the snakes had some sort of intelligence. Three snakes remained with Mae and her crows for now, the others were continuing their path to the ship, now coming in range of any kind of combat other than hand to hand. Mae had several attacks to endure, but spitting snakes was clearly something Mae had a lot of experience with. The other snakes started to spit at the people on the ship, but didn’t seem to target anyone as far they could tell. The ship was quite able to withstand the acid for now.

Calixa glanced up again at the muffled thud of recoiling ballistae overhead, the healer sitting for the moment belowdecks. Well- maybe the creatures would be scared off. The general amount of shouting and the lack of screams told her senses-finely tuned from years on the caravans- that the battle hadn't truly engaged yet. For something to do, she headed back to the galley and checked on the huge kettle that served to boil the ships water. It was starting to steam.

Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth drew his blade and as the snakes circled overhead he watched climbing up onto one of the upper decks brandishing his shield as he roared slamming the flat of his blade against it. "Come get some!"

Mae would see how it had effect. Good. Well of course it didn´t gave as much inmediately damage..but..the damage was consistent. This creature was already dying now..and that was the whole point. One enemy that needed to have less effort in it. She would see how three of them were in front of her and her crows. She would simply go to another Snake and cast the same spell again. Hoping to get another dying snake. She would fly and touch the other snake. She grinned more deviously. ¨Your body is going to be mine as well.¨ She said deviously..wickedly.Her crows tried to attack one of the snakes but fails. Two dying snakes..good...

NIghthawke readies another projectile in the cradle, he places more pitch setting it aflame.. he makes an adjustment as another serpent comes into range and fires sending the projectile in a high arc flaming down at the serpents head...The shot misses again....

Tenni is gladdened by her first successful shot, and lines up another shot with the ballista, firing-- but the snake-like creature weaves its tail out of the way and the bolt misses.

<+Admiral_Aavran> The snakes were rather small to be hit with the Ballistae as now both Tenni and Nighthawke found out, but the shots taken at them did cause them to keep some balance from the ship. Mae managed to affect another one with her magic, both taking damage over time, but still surviving for now. Mae would be faced with more spit attacks against her while the third continued to aim for the crows. The snakes at the ship would now aim for people on the deck. It was still unclear what goal the snakes had, but this seemed far from natural behaviour for any kind of animal. The group would also see that the acid started to bite holes in the deck of the ship…

Calixa nods with approval at the boiling water- starting to hear more urgency to the cries coming from above. From her satchel, the healer carefully pulls a bundle of herbs wrapped in linen against the salt air. Climbing up onto the counter, she carefully unwraps the herbs and measures out a portion to be placed into deep bowl scavanged from the galley. It would take a bit longer until it was effective. Hopefully the melee above could wait until then.

Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth lined up and as one of the snakes came into his range he lunged and swung wildly with a beastial warcry. That acid was going to become a problem for certain. He'd need to give them a target to avoid damage to the ship itself! His blade slashed through the air towards one of the reptillian buggers.

Mae would see how one of the snakes tried to spit her and she managed to diverse but then the other snake spit as well. She would feel one of her feathers hit and she groaned. She would then grab that feather and pulled it out of her, not wanting the acid to spread or pierce her wing. Her eyes filled with more darkness, a black fog came off of Mae. She would groan and leap to the other snake that hadn´t been poisened by her. Trying to make him dying as well but she misses. Her crows helped Mae and this time they did attack one of the snakes.

NIghthawke abandons the ballista as a snakes spits acid at the balista. Some of the acid glances against his armor,, minor damage to the finish can be he recovers his longbow as the serpents are now in range.. He sets the arrow aflame and takes aim for between the eyes of the closest serpent and releases,,,,the arrow strikes the serpent between the eyes as the flame burns out the left eye sending the creature twisting to the left away from the ship...injured..

Tennibrook misses with the ballista bolt, and then lets out a cry of pain as the snake's acid hits her in the chest, making a sizable hole in the mithril chain mail and burning down to her gambeson, but not penetrating it. She readies a crossbow bolt in her wrist crossbow and fires it at the snake that she'd hit in the chest earlier. It hits.

<+Admiral_Aavran> Not only did Tenni manage to hit the already wounded snake with her crossbow, she also managed to kill it and the snake ended up in the water next to the ship. The undead crows also managed to down one of the poisoned snakes, leaving 8 flying in the air, one of them still being poisoned and growing weaker with every moment that passed. Night and Carth managed to deal some damage but the snakes wouldn’t retreat and instead continued to spit. They really appeared to be no more than snakes with wings, no claws or any other limbs part of their body. It didn’t look like the snakes did more damage to the ship, but the acid that was already biting away at the wood continued to do so.

Calixa hops down from the table- stumbling slightly as she misjudges the roll of the ship- and then pads towards the ladder to the deck above- just in time to see a gobbet of spit sizzle overhead. She ducks reflexively, and looks about at the scene in the air. She was particularly skittish of flying predators. However, with a professional resolve she looks around the deck, looking for anyone in immediate need of help- So far no one- but there was the matter of the ship itself. Musing, Calixa observes one caustic puddle. Then,disappearing below she loads up a leather bucket with water from a barrel. Creating a disc of force to carry it, she surfaces once more, and splashes the acid with the water, trying to dilute it from the deck.

Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth kept up the assault slamming his blade at the snake snarling as he tilted his head snarling as he stabbed at the scales.

Mae would see how one of her snakes went down into the water. Good! She grinned more as she looked at her crows for a second. She would then shift her eyes back to the two snakes. She would try to fly to the last snake that needed to be poisened again. She would touch it and she could see the effect but then she would widen her eyes that were filled with some darkness and let´s out a very loud cry that could be heared by the others as the other snake managed to grab her wing. Her eyes widened and she would shiffer as she could feel the acid and then the snake would make a move with it´s head and like a puppit he would throw Mae with a hard speed into the water. Mae fell into the water with a injured wing and went down under. Her crows tried to take revenge for their mistress but missed. Mae was now underwater.

NIghthawke takes a hard hit from the acid sending him backwards.. and growls as the acid puts a hole in the chestplate and eats some of the chainmail but doesn't reach the skin.. He recovers as he draws hios black sword and attempt to sidestep the passing serpent he injured and slash down behind the head to sever it but it passes by too fast and he misses....

<+Admiral_Aavran> Calixa would see that diluting the acid with water worked quite well and no further damage seemed to be done by the ship. Not with the acid that was already part of it, nor by any new spittings done against that part of the wood. Sadly one of the snakes managed to spit and hit her instead. Near Mae both snakes were now poisoned and slowly losing health, but both continued to fight and the same was true for the snakes assaulting the people on the ship. The snakes were growing weaker, but most of the group would get out of it with some new wounds and burns. At least that was the assumption…

Calixa lets out a sharp cry as a glob of acidic spittle hits her between the shoulder blades as she made another trip with her one-halfling bucket train, spinning her to the side and making her writhe as the acid worked its way through the back of her wool dress. Frantically, she toppled herself into the bucket she was ferrying, washing some of the acid from her skin. But duly chastened, the healer tipped her bucket onto another patch of acid, and then scuttled below decks, jaw gritted against the pain.

Tennibrook gets hit again with another acid burst, and lets out a groan of pain as more of her mithril chain mail is burned. She's burned so badly that she falls to the ground, and doesn't get up.

Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth growled a bit continuing to swing trying to draw fire off the ship.

Mae was laying underwater. Her eyes closed. Her arms and legs spread as she sank deeper and deeper. Her wing was injured.. For a moment nothing happend. Then suddenly Mae´s eyes opened but instead of her blue eyes, they were black and darkness escaped from her. A black fog went to the two snake corpses that were in the water with her as well. A devious wicked grin appeared on the lips of Mae. Her hair started to slowely turn black..her skin started to turn slowely pale...and the black fog? Started to fill the holes of the snake. Starting to reanimate. Her crows were up in the air and managed to attack the snakes to revenge their fallen mistress.

NIghthawke falls as another his of acid gets him on the left thigh.. he tries to recover as he sees Tennibrook fall...Tenni !!!! he yells out as another snake comes flying at him...he turns and growls and slashes and severs the head clean off killing it...

Tennibrook regains consciousness and casts a Message spell to Calixa. "Calixa... I need your help," she calls out.

<+Admiral_Aavran> Mae’s crows managed to send another snake tumbling into the water and the last remaining one looked bad enough that it might just kill from the poison alone, even if neither Mae nor the crows managed to hit it with their next attack. For now it was still alive however and clearly making another attack at the necromancer. On the ship another snake was killed by Night. The body landing on the ship, but decapitated it would serve no purpose for Mae. Still 5 more snakes remained at the ship and this round they all ignored the people on the ship and started spitting more acid aimed at the ship. Almost as if they had some collective mind as they came to this action all at the same time. And their attack seemed to be very effective on the wood where Calixa hadn’t made things wet with water…

Calixa pauses partway down the steps, still ducking each time she hears the acid spatter the deck around her. the back of her dress was eaten away, and her pale shoulders had a worryingly bubbled look to them- but hearing the call not only of a patient but a friend drove her back up onto the deck, scurrying to Tennibrook's side like a rabbit through open ground. Her knees hit the deck with a thud, and she set to work trying to heal the worst of the damage on the stricken vulpine.

Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth snarled as he moved quickly trying to protect the ship.

Mae would suddenly get out of the water on the back of one of the flying snakes she just reanimated as her wing was still injured. She would have reanimated now three of the snakes that were in the water. Her hair black just like her eyes. Her skin pale. She was riding that thing as she starts to groan loud. She took her mithril scimitar and she would fly towards one of the flying snakes and cut´s it´s belly. The snakes she was controlling tried to attack themselves but missed. Her crows went to the nearest target and attacked the snake as well.

NIghthawke gets to his feet.. his leg burned from the acid,,,he turned more angry than ever and now the killing was on as hewould dive under a passing snake and would attempt to slash open the underbelly as it flew over to rip it open but it veered right and it wasn't hit...

Tennibrook feels Calixa putting her hands on her, trying to heal her, but the spell fizzles, and the vulpine grits her teeth in pain. "Potion vial," she murmurs to Calixa, feeling herself about to pass out. "Left pocket."

<+Admiral_Aavran> The moment Mae managed to animate one of the fallen snakes, some might notice a disturbance in the behaviour of the other snakes. Had they at first been very.. cooperative to each other, acting in unison.. now it was more as if they broke free from something and for a moment the ship and the people on it were ignored. Instead they flew up, higher up from the ship as if panicked. The moment only lasted for seconds and then it was as if they connected again. Rather than returning to trouble the ship, they started to fly away. What ever people thought from it, it at the very least would give Calixa all the chance to take care of Tenni.

Calixa kept her head hunched low between her slim shoulders, and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. Following the knight's instructions, she plucked the potion nimbly from the pocket, and gave it a quick scrutiny. Alchemical knowledge came back to her quickly, and she applied the potion to Tennibrook, with as much speed as she dared.

Mae would see how the rest of the snakes left and she would then land on the ship with her three new ´pets´. Her eyes still black, her hair still black and her skin still pale. She didn´t say anything. She just watched for a moment. Her wing was still damaged. She would get of the snake and let them go to the cargo just like her crows and she would shift her black eyes to Admiral_Aavran and grinned deviously wicked. ¨You..handsome..¨ She called and she would walk towards him, her hips swaying as she did. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him close. ¨I hope you have some healer who is experienced with healing a necromancer.¨ She looked at him. Admiral_Aavran knew better.

Calixa sits back, gathering her wits as the battle slides to a halt. She swallows, and sets to work applying the slow business of expending her own vitality to speed the healing of others- pausing only for the sake of modesty to cast a mending on her acid-spattered clothing. There were advantages to non-magical clothing after all, even if they didn't do much for you, protection wise.

Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth smirked watching mae and tilting her head as he shook his head sheathing his blade. "How bad is the damage to the ship? Should i get some putty?"

NIghthawke suddenly sees the remaining snakes fly away from the ship....The time to look at those injured in tthe fighting had begun....He wook a cloth soaked in water and cooled off the burn to his leg and then he wrapped a clean cloth around the wound and looked in on the others as the ship continued it's journey...

Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth immediately moved to help protect the ship having not been Wounded bad.

Mae would look over her shoulder as she saw that she was being watched by Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth. Her black eyes watched him..observed him. She would toss some of her black hair over her shoulder. ¨What are you looking at?¨ She squeezed her eyes at him. Perhaps he would notice that this wasn´t really exactly..Mae.. She would groan. ¨This body needs to be healed.¨ Her black eyes shifted to Calixa. ¨ are a healer. Once you are done I need you to look at my wing.¨ She groaned. She would then walk to Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth, her hips swaying as it was just her walk. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. Her black eyes watched him deep in his eyes. ¨Mmmm....I fancy this body fancy Mae..¨ She chuckles.

<+Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth> "We've had our time together..." he smirked eying her. "And you aren't mae then? That walk.. just oozing sex and confidence. Like it's a second part of you.

Calixa sits up and brushes a stray lock of hair from her eyes as Mae addresses her directly. "Oh? Oh. Sure." She watches the strange mage thoughtfully for a moment, trying out a few diagnoses in the privacy of her mind- before shuffling forwards and positioning herself behind Mae. Anything with blood was in her sphere, so she let the magic tell her what to do- and set to work on Mae

[Aavran poofs.]

Tenni is restored somewhat, and makes her way down belowdecks to Calixa's infirmary to get herself patched up.

Mae would look at Calixa as she reacted and her black eyes watched her as she approached her. ¨Good.. make sure it heals propperly..My wings are very important.¨ Her black eyes shifted to Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth. She was still holding his shirt. She squeezed. ¨Let´s just say I´m the better version of Mae.¨ She grinned deviously..wickedly. ¨Mmmm....let´s see..¨ She would then suddenly grab his cock through his pants and felt for a moment. ¨Mmm...not bad..not bad at all.¨ She grinned more and gave Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth a wink before she would let´s go of him and return her attention to Calixa who was starting to heal her. She closed her eyes and let the healer do her job.

Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth smirked a bit grinning to Mae winking. "If you want a real look any time you want it sexy."

Calixa rolls her eyes in the slight measure of privacy that four height of difference made, and concentrates on setting the process in motion that will make the delicate bones and muscles knit more quickly. It was gratifyingly precise work, and when she was done she felt the same quiet note of pride that she did with a really neat set of stiches.

Mae would open her eyes and watched Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth with a unimpressed look on her face. ¨I shall remember that.¨ She would chuckle and close her eyes again as Calixa was healing her. Once she was healed she would stand up. ¨Thank you.¨ She would say to Calixa. ¨This body needs rest now.¨ She would then walk towards the cabinet but her own skin color would return in the meantime. Her hair started to become blonde again. Her eyes started to become blue again. A slow progress. She would walk to the cabinets and she would nod to Calixa Tennibrook`Balmossie and Carthellen_Orcrist-Deth before she would go to the quarters of Aavran. Rest..she needed that..for a bit.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

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