How do you Become a Noble or Op?

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Moderators: Stormbringer, Ehlanna

How do you Become a Noble or Op?

Postby L`aquera on Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:21 pm

.... I see this question enough to make me want to hurl sharp objects. So! To waylay the next question that generally irritates us on one point and gives us pause on the other? We'll answer it in black and white.

How do I become a Noble?

1: There are several non op positions that will give you the title of a 'Minor' Noble.
A: Be Reeve
B: Be asked to run Valencia, ST. EVA, or a dutchy, port or Between Island for new discovered lands
C: Become an Op
D: Win a tournament, if ever one exists, we may at some time, or not, give you a title like Champion of The Emperor!

2: We've have Ops/Old Ops leave the game and leave their houses in chaos and madness and or empty. You could be picked by the HC to run it in their leaving, such as Twerlinger and Amara were, just so that folks didn't lose their RP mojo.

How do I become an Op?

1: This is a fair enough question but, when you prod us on it? We get pretty irritated. It shows us a grasp for power rather then you just as a player, grooving to the music and having fun. There really isn't steps for this beyond us, watching you the players, becoming outstanding community people. We don't tell you we are watching you and if we do? I'm going to be honest, we probably aren't anymore. If you speak to every Op that ever was, they are going to tell you a few things on how they became an Op. They were surprised when we asked them, they had no idea we would ask them until the point of and did they have time to devote to being one. Its a difficult bit of this world. You have to know your rules, know you can be wrong, know to watch for rule breaking, show compassion, show strength of will and be able to put your foot down on friends and to know that you are two separate entities in one body behind the screen.

2: While you probably got into trouble, we may still think you have the moxy to be an Op, we may think "Eh? So they made a mistake, however....." But. I'm telling you flat, if you had to be banned or tossed out or constantly spoke to or deliberately thought pushing the ops buttons was cool? You won't be one. Don't ask. Don't consider. Anyone showing us that they are about themselves and not about the whole general waves a red flag. It means you won't get the backing of any Op, much less the majority. And let me be clear. You think as a player I'm hard on you when you break a rule? Lord have Mercy on your soul if your an Op and screw up. I'm not the best boss in the world. I'm quite hard on the staff when they have it hard enough just trying to come in daily and do something they thought would be fun and helpful. Those poor, poor people. Our Ops have to look out for the players. We have to use our best judgement and roll with it. Not to mention Ehlanna totally spanks us every day. Well, some of us ;)

3: Frankly, I'm going to tell you, don't ask to be an Op. Don't ask if you would make good Op material. Don't ask if theres something you can do to become one. IF we chose you as an Op? You won't see it coming.
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