Updates to the Website & MB

News from the admin relating to developments in the roleplay, changes to the web site, etc

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Re: Updates to the Website

Postby miyuka on Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:35 pm

This update is for the Message Board. We have updated the how to build an IOP section to alleviate confusion and so people running new quest can understand how to properly create IOP's. The guidelines did not reflect the changes to the new system since IOP's can be gained at any time now and are not restricted to players reaching level 20.

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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:29 pm

It's been up for a while but I'd like to go ahead and add the announcement here to make it official! Updates have been made to the resurrection system, please take note:

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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:11 pm

Alright got a few updates that ya'll should be weary of even if they have not been put up on the site just yet:

A clarification for Wizard mark:

Wizard Mark:
Casting method: none
Defending method: none
Description: This spell lets the wizard magically place his or her mark on something. This mark cannot be removed by normal means and can only be placed on someone willingly, should the caster wish to mark a sentient being. Livestock and domesticated pets, including familiars, etc are not considered sentient beings for this spell and can thus have the mark applied. The only way to remove this spell is to have a caster whose level is higher than the original mark's caster "Erase" the mark, or to go to Unigo (a small fee may be assigned). Multiple marks can be worn by people and objects, but each caster may only have one mark to cast, as it is unique to them.

Pixie/Nixie fix. Under appearance you may note that the first paragraph just repeats the first part of the write up. The proper paragraph should read:

Nixies and Pixies, when in their natural small form, possess 2 pairs of wings, similar in appearance to a dragonfly’s. These wings are long and narrow, extending stiffly as much as 12 inches on either side of their bodies. When not in use, the wings fold upward along their backs and above the shoulders at slight angles. They appear thin and frail, often reflecting the light with a shimmering sheen of color. When flying, these magical wings give the Nixies and Pixies great maneuverability, able to dart quickly about and even hover for brief periods. Flying itself seems to require no effort on the part of these small creatures. Indeed, it seems the Nixies and Pixies are barely aware that they’re even doing it. While flying, the Nixies and Pixies are unable to carry any objects other than those normally carried on their persons. When enlarging, the wings disappear in a soft shower of sparkling dust; the so-called “Pixie-Dust” magical and rumored to give any person the power of flight if sprinkled over their head. This substance lingers but for a few minutes in the air, but small quantities stoppered in carefully crafted flasks are much prized by mages and alchemists.

Please note that this Pixie/nixie change is NOT something new. Old players of the race should already be aware of this, but for the newer players this may be a bit confusing, but rest assured this is how it's always been, there was just an issue with putting the wrong paragraph in there at some point. This is the write up as it was originally, before that mistake.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:18 am

It's not fully implemented on the website but Paladin should look like this, note that they have a mechanical advantage and disadvantage. wear as the website is missing such.


As much as the cleric is the Voice of their God/ess, the paladin is the enforcer, the justicar, the defender of his Deity and is driven by the consuming need to convert as many as he can to the folds of his God/ess by any means necessary. It may be by example, coercion and counseling, raping, or punishing, to the point of death, those that deny or openly oppose his chosen God/ess. While the paladin may be called into service in other areas, whether through the Temple or types of warfare {religious, spiritual, battlefield, etc.}, there is always that prominent expression of faith that is the core of the paladin - everything else is secondary. They march through this life as if it were their own and it is but only after their chosen Deity. He or She must come first in all the Paladin does. How others perceive them is of no mind to the Paladin, however, only the God/ess they serve dictates what they do in the life they own.

Character Creation

Allowable Races: Cat Person, Chirot, Dark Elf, Drak Sen (bejeweled), High Elf, Merfolk, Sithian
Qualifying Classes: Cleric, Knight

Type of Class: Advanced Physical
Spell Spheres Allowed: Racial, Common
Armor: A B C D
Weapons: A B C D
Class Bonus Stats:
Bonus Stats 2 4 4 7 0 0 1


As much as the cleric is the Voice of their God/ess, the paladin is the enforcer, the justicar, the defender of his Deity and is driven by the consuming need to convert as many as he can to the folds of his God/ess by any means necessary. It may be by example, coercion, and counseling, raping, or punishing, to the point of death, those that deny or openly oppose his chosen God/ess. While the paladin may be called into service in other areas, whether through the Temple or types of warfare {religious, spiritual, battlefield, etc.}, there is always that prominent expression of faith that is the core of the paladin - everything else is secondary.
As a Divine Warrior his sole interest is in battling and defeating any opposition that hinders spreading the Word of His/Her Deity by any means deemed acceptable by his Ethos {his code of honor and sworn bond to his God/ess}.

Due to the Divine bond of the paladin to his God/ess, he is gifted with abilities to aid him in his all consuming desire to serve; whether it be through sexual desires, nature or the path of a lone soldier. He harbors a nearly overwhelming drive to seek and follow a liege who sympathizes with his own beliefs and whom the paladin believes can guide them along their path of divine/spiritual growth and/or obsessions. Without this faith and this bond to the Divine, no abilities will manifest for these are what set aside this divine warrior from all others and enable him to be a powerful influence in making his God/ess' will known to all who will listen.


An air of spiritual conviction and surety of purpose becomes apparent to any who come in contact with a paladin. They are a willing instrument of their deity to cut away any enemies like chaff from wheat - whether by sexual prowess or physical might in their attempts to sway or defeat the unbelievers.
Their ways and beliefs are as varied as the Gods and though spiritual in nature and unseen by mortal eyes, the Divine is just as powerful as any tool and becomes outwardly visible through the unwavering devotion a paladin shows through his/her actions.

The demeanor of a paladin is generally calm, firm, and sure, even in the deepest of holy {or unholy} rage, times of adversity or greatest of sexual passions. It is that which sets them apart from other warriors, for they are divinely and guided. Paladins are committed, unshakable, and unwavering in their spiritual battles to equalize or best the opposing powers that be.


Faith Affirmed
A Paladin looks to their Deity to guide their hand in battle and believes in providence, not chance. While some might see an opportunity to strike first as a bit of good luck, the Paladin sees it as a direct affirmation of their faith; the hand of their Deity turning fate in their favor. This inspires in the Paladin a zealot's ferocity, making them that much more deadly in the initial moments of combat.

Mechanics: If the Paladin wins an !init roll, they receive +1 for each time Paladin is selected to all attacks for three full rounds.

Sense of Threat
Paladins spend their lives on the forefront in defending those of their faith from all forms of dangers. As such they have a heightened sense of where danger will come from and the intent of other characters. This will act as a 'lie hear spell' to those who are planning to harm the paladin or their faith.


Question of Faith
A Paladin looks to their Deity to guide their hand in battle and believes in providence, not chance. While failing to beat an opponent to the first strike might be seen as a bad bit of luck by most, for a Paladin it calls into question their Deity's approval, and can leave the Paladin struggling with the weight of divine ire, whether real or only imagined. This can hamper and distract the Paladin in the initial moments of combat.

Mechanics: If a Paladin loses an !init roll, they receive -1 for each time Paladin is selected to all attacks for three full rounds.

May my faith be shield enough
The Paladin takes great pride in their faith, and are unwavering in its superiority. As an exemplar of the martial strength of the divine, they know that their God will provide for the faithful in the toughest of times, and brook no argument on that point. Thus they are highly reluctant and will frequently outright refuse to accept help from any outside their faith. Accepting the aid of heathens and profligates can feel to them like an admission they do not trust their God to bring them through what tribulations they might face, or worse, a concession that their God is not strong enough to provide for them.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:20 pm

After some research a new spell has been added to the enchantment sphere:

Level required: 1
Casting method: none
Defending method: none
Description: Can be placed upon: All items
Cost 50mhl

When activated the item can either (caster's choice) shoot sparks or sustain a small flame long enough to ignite items that are flammable. Useful for lighting one's pipe or some tinder for a fire. Keep in mind that the enchanted item can not use this enchantment to light itself, so for example no self-lighting pipes or candles. The sparks or flame this enchantment generates is equivalent to a flint and striking iron or a small match and thus can not instantly start large fires or cause damage to someone.

A simple enchant for those that don't carry around flint and striking iron.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:35 pm

A small change to sweet bliss to ensure it's used properly:

Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: clomagdef
Description: This spell lets the caster touch a target and engulf their mind in a haze of euphoria so that they are incapable of coherent action. The spell must overcome the target's close magical defense for it to function and if successful will last ten minutes per level of the Caster before the target recovers. Someone who has failed their resistance roll is under the effects of this spell, having no actions of their own until either the spell effects pass. Or the spell is canceled. "I hasten to assure the reader that the rumors of the addictive properties of this spell if used repeatedly on a person have been vastly overstated..."

(Special OOC Note - The effect of the Spell on the victim is immediately broken if they are subject to any form of attack - magical or physical.)
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:09 pm

Another small fix this one is for chain lightning:

Chain Lightning:
Level required: 17
Class required: Air Mage
Spell prerequisites (must have all of): Energy Bolt level 10
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Description: Air Mage X2:

One of the most punishing spells available to Air Mages, this spell requires a great deal of concentration and preparation, as the conjuring of such energies consumes considerable time. Upon a successful casting, bolts of lightning shoot forth from the Air Mage's hands and toward his chosen target. Should the Air Mage know the spell well enough, and he impacts successfully against his chosen target, he can then redirect that spell against other targets. However, this secondary attack will be at a weakened state.

:MECHANICS: This spell requires that the Air Mage spend 'two' rounds casting this spell and if he is damaged during these preparation rounds, his spell is ruined and he must begin again. Making a Ranged Magical Attack against his opponent, should he succeed in getting the spell off, his opponent takes double damage from this spell's intensity. For every three slots in this spell, the Air Mage can target another enemy with this spell. However, for every target after the first, the damage is weakened in the following order. Target two Normal damage (@100%), target three @75%, target four @50%, target five @25% and target six @10 percent. This is a multi-target spell.

I know some of you are like 'well duh' but previously due to its mechanics (having a two turn cast time) there was confusion on if this was an AOE spell or a Multi-target spell, so now there is specific clarification that it will act as a multi-target spell despite having the two turn casting that AOE's usually have.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:07 pm

Priest(ess) update:


Every religion has faithful and devoted attendees, those knowledgeable in the Gods, those whose zeal encourages them to seek to spread the tenets of their pantheon. Those would be Clerics. Those who tend to, and convey the will of the Gods are the Priest(ess). In short, Priest(ess) are Clerics who have been initiated into the higher rites of their religion, or who are chosen by the God or Gods themselves to lead the faith. Where a Cleric focuses on the personal, the Priest(ess) sees the bigger picture. It is they, to whom their God will speak, to whom signs and portents will be given, whose duty it will be to instruct the Clerics under them. It is the Priest(ess) who forms the heart of the temple. Their devotion serves as a testament to others, and their wrath a reminder of the power of their Gods. One should keep in mind, though, that their devotion to their Gods are absolute, and that their motives are their Gods'.

Character Creation
Allowable Races: Cat Person, Centaur, Chirot, Dark Elf, Dwarf, High Elf, High Human, Merfolk, Minotaur, Sithian, Swan Maiden, Wemic
Qualifying Classes: Cleric
Dual-class restriction: Can only Dual with: Druid, Healer
Type of Class: Advanced Magical
Spell Spheres Allowed: Divine, Racial, Common
Armor: A
Weapons: A
Class Bonus Stats:
Bonus Stats 0 5 0 3 5 2 3


Most Priestesses and Priests will say that they were chosen or called to their position by the divine. Piety and faith should be assumed, though still evident, for they are chosen from the ranks of those sworn to the service of their God(s). Instead, there is a touch of the divine, a higher purpose, a grander fate in store for them. Often, this manifests as a talent for compelling oratory and a keen insight into the hearts and minds of their fellow mortals. Their counsel is wise beyond their years, as they receive the word of their God(s), and such powers can direct supplicants along auspicious paths. Authority is not some mantle they wear like a cloak, but a second skin they accept as naturally as their own. Their involvement in politics is inevitable, for it is their duty to make the will of the Gods known. In some areas of the world, they might be the only true voice their God has. How can they, then, not speak?


Divine Presence:
The Priest(ess) is a chosen servant of the divine, and will assume an aspect related to their patron(s) as proof of their Gods' favor and their mandate. As such, the Priest(ess) may (as a roleplay-only OOB effect) wreathe themselves in divine majesty, serving to inspire the faithful and remind others of the presence and gaze of the divine. A commonality across all such manifestations is the presence, the glimpse of something unearthly and powerful. Usually, this presence carries with it a feeling of authority, a demand for respect. In addition, there are sensory aspects to this manifestation that are particular to the God(s) whose majesty is being invoked. Examples include: An aura of fire, or a burning gaze (Uvelcra), unearthly grace and sensuality, or a heady musky scent (Ishtar), a fearsome darkness with intensely glowing red eyes (Kirva), a booming voice that inspires valor (Aden Ver), and so on. Priest(ess) are encouraged to remember that this is a mere mote of divine energy, thus it does not affect physical changes and is purely for inspiration/intimidation purposes. A fire aura (for example) will not start anything on fire. Additionally, the observers may react to it how they wish in the context in which they see it. Thus, it may very well inspire a believer, or intimidate a follower of a different pantheon, but it might backfire as well.

The Voice of Gods
Those who follow the path of the Priest(ess) are those with unwavering faith in their God, those who lead the followers of their faith and even the unfaithful by prime example and deed, bringing forth their God's blessings and curses to demonstrate their patron's power and care. If they are at the center of one of their religion's focal locations, like a shrine or temple, those demonstrations go smoother than in the outside world.

Mechanics: The Priest(ess) is able to target multiple persons with Divine Sphere Spells. For each time the Priest(ess) class is taken, they may choose an additional target at normal stamina cost for the spells of the first target, and half stamina cost for every additional target. Focus Enchants DO NOT reduce that secondary stamina cost which is calculated normally. A 15 slot spell, in which the caster has 7 slots of focus would cost 8 Stamina initially and for every other target another 8 stamina. Should the Priest(ess) be at a shrine or temple of their faith, then there are no extra costs for additional targets. This is a very limited multi target effect and requires that the chosen targets be within 30 yards of the priestess. Please view the Divine sphere to see each individual spell that can be used for this advantage.


Divine Attunement
Calling forth a God's blessing is not something done easily, it requires concentration and time as well as devotion. Not just that, but also a very clear image of what the asked favor should do. Therefore, the Priest(ess) requires far more time to switch from prayers to offensive actions. A god's favor is, after all, not something easily gained, nor do they care for the fickle sways of mortal minds.

Mechanics: When a Priest(ess) casts a blessing onto his allies or curses his foes, he cannot use a prayer of opposing intent for as many times as he has targeted someone with a blessing or curse through 'The Voice of Gods'. That means a Priest(ess) that has used Shielding Hand on himself/herself and one additional target would then have to wait 2 turns to cast a curse.

Paragon of Faith
The Priest(ess) is the chosen of the Gods, but they are not chosen for the Priest(ess) personal glory. Instead, they are expected to be the first of the faithful, embodying the mindset of the pantheon. The Priest(ess) will most often be found on holy ground, exhorting the faithful to follow the will of the Gods, listening to divine wisdom, and performing the proper rites to keep holy order. When in public, the Priest(ess) is expected to embrace and demonstrate the tenets of their faith, to hold their Gods' views first and foremost and act upon them. A Kirvan Priest(ess), can be counted on to treat free High Elves with contempt (enslaved High Elves know their place, after all). Shearans can be counted on to scorn the presence of Kiroans, if not treat them with open hostility, and so on. Failure to adhere to the will of the Gods is swiftly punished. Nothing will seem to go right. Their rituals become clunky, their actions clumsy. Perhaps the milk they just bought yesterday sours and they find a worm broken in the next apple they take a bite out of. Misfortune and ill tidings follow until they offer their God proper reconciliation. Most religions have rites for such things, and usually call for a sacrifice or a service demonstrating their penitence. These rites are often performed by other Priest(ess). Should they be the only local one for their pantheon, the offending Priest(ess) might make the offering themselves.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:10 pm

Update/changes incoming to Divine sphere.

Battle Spells:

Divine Disfavor:
Level required: 10
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)

Description: The judgement of the Gods, even barring their direct divine intervention, is a weighty load for any soul to carry. To know that greater forces look down upon you in disapproval is often enough to drive a person to all makes of paranoid folly. Calling upon their favor with their God, the cleric or priest/ess entreats that Judgement weigh heavy on their foe, and burden their steps with the worst of luck.

A Ranged Magical Attack at standard cost determines the success of this curse. At slots 1-4 the effect has no influence in combat, and simply has the OOB effect of inducing paranoia/foreboding for two full days. For every 5 slots invested however, the victim suffers +1 damage for any successful attack made against them which incorporates a !damage roll, to a maximum of +3 damage. This does not apply when the victim is taking damage over time or any static amount of damage. This effect lasts two full days after casting, but cannot be used successfully more than once in a full week, and cannot be attempted on a character twice in the same day. Requires a clear and unobstructed line of sight.

Dull the Mind:
Level required: 15
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X4

Description: Intelligence is no sin, but those who get too wrapped up in their own wisdom are often responsible for the most grave of blasphemies. All too often will a brilliant magical mind find itself discounting the Gods, proclaiming themselves their equals or meddling in their plans. Loyal servants of the Gods have the ability to strip such blasphemers of the source of their hubris with a barked curse; siphoning off the powers of the mind to leave the wisest opponent drooling on their lapel.

MECHANICS: A standard !ranmagatk is made. If successful, the ensuing !damage roll does not apply to life-points, but instead reduces the victim's maximum intelligence where all non-defensive rolls are concerned, as in any roll used on the victims’ attack turn. The effect lasts until combat is resolved, and curative spells/potions are not effective in removing it. If cast again this ability does not stack, the new damage roll replacing the effect on intelligence only if the result is greater. If a perfect damage roll of 50 is achieved, and the victim has at least 50 intelligence to lose, the victim is rendered temporarily catatonic, and defeated. Recovery from this state takes roughly one hour, or several rounds of IC interaction, and is not immediate upon the end of combat.

Holy Strike:
Level required: 5
Casting method: other
Defending method: N/A
Class: Cleric
Level: X2

Description: With a battle-hymn or word of prayer a Cleric can bless their chosen blade or bludgeon for battle, imbuing it with the favor of their God. Such blessed weapons swing faster and strike truer, and radiate with a subtle aura. With enough focus, the aura itself becomes a source of scalding heat or bone-rattling cold, making it all the more deadly.

MECHANICS: For every 3 slots invested, the player gains +1 to any melee attack using the weapon they chose to bless. At Cleric x6, an additional 1 damage is dealt on a successful hit. At Cleric x7, this is increased to 2 additional damage. This does not stack with any other spell or ability which increases weapon power, nor does it function on summoned weapons, but it does stack with any and all enchantments. Stamina cost is standard to activate. The first attack using this effect costs 1 additional stamina, the second 2 additional stamina and so on, each new attack compounding the extra stamina cost by 1. Using !evade ends this effect. This can be used once per combat encounter.

Keep the Faith:
Level required: 5
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: clomagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)

Description: Faith, piety, devotion, certainty. These are the cornerstones of greater service to the Gods, and the most guarded relics within the minds of their servants. Manipulating the thoughts of such individuals through spellcraft is inherently more challenging; the cracks and seams through which corruption might seep filled out with the caulk of the divine.

MECHANICS: The Cleric or Priest can interrupt the effects of any spell which manipulates the mind for more than one round, including all truth spells, seduction spells, and fear spells. In combat, an attack turn can be used at standard stamina costs to end the effects of such spells, so long as slots used match those used by the opponent applying them. In combat, these spells include: Fear Aura, Deadly Repetition, Mimicry, Eye of the beholder, Lavish Attention, Torrent of Tears, Dull the Mind, Spindle of Emotions, Sex Smell, Smell Sex, Sex Thought, Allure, Arousal. Mask of Desire, Obsession, and Sexual Suggestion.

Level required: 6
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Class: Cleric
Level: X2

Description: This cursed word afflicts the target with the weight of Divine ire, turning the wheel of fate against them. A parry when one should have leaped, a stumble on a rock when a shield was raised too high, a backward trip over a wandering stray dog; the effects can be insidiously subtle or terrifyingly apparent, but will endure until the one who suffers them has fallen.

MECHANICS: A standard ranged magical attack is made. If successful, every defense roll made by the victim from that point on must be repeated immediately, the lowest of the two defense rolls counted as the victims defense. This effect persists for 1 round per 3 slots invested, or until the victim fails to defend. At least three full rounds must pass after this effect is ended before it can be attempted again.

Patron's Grace:
Level required: 17
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X4

Description: There have been many warriors through the years that have boasted that the Gods favored them. To this, the Clerics only smiled and gave their amulets a light rub. For it is 'they' that are favored by the Gods, and this Blessing is solid proof of it. Upon reaching a certain level of intimacy with their chosen God, upon reaching that level of understanding, the Cleric or Priest awakens one morning with a small amulet laying next to them. This amulet, crafted and given to their favored servants, allows the Gods to grant them a touch of Luck in their dealings. Not so much as to ruin free will, but enough to aid. Those possessing an amulet of Patron's Grace are often seen snatching victory from defeat, evading blows that would normally bring death. But, they are few and far in between.

Mechanics: Once per combat scene a Cleric can use this spell to receive an additional roll of any chosen action, with the opportunity to choose which roll they prefer. This includes efforts to attack, defend, evade, escape, or break free of special effects. Use of the ability must be declared prior to rolling or within the roll itself, and cannot be used after a roll has been made. Stamina cost is greater the fewer slots one has in the spell, costing 15 stamina at 1 slot, 1 stamina at 15 slots (at 2 slots, cost would be 14 stamina. at 13 slots, cost would be 3 stamina). Each new slot reduces the cost by 1. This is in addition to any stamina costs of the action itself.

Level required: 5
Class required: Cleric X2 Priest(ess) X1
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: none

Description: A devout follower often has to balance two very important aspects to their Devotion. They must work hard to bring more and more souls to the bosom of their God, converting those that they can and keeping the faith pure against unwelcomed heretics. To this end, the Gods have given this Blessing to welcome the faithful and quietly discourage rivals and other clergy. By calling on their God, bringing attention to their needs, the Cleric draws enough power from their Patron to instill an area with an almost tangible feeling of the god's presence. This both calms and brings peace to the faithful, and disquiets and brings chaos to the souls of those who would rival a God in such a Sanctified area.

MECHANICS: this Blessing must be cast upon an area designed to be used for worship such as a Temple or Shrine. This shrine or Temple must belong to the God or Goddess of the caster's faith (if one is a worshipper of Ishtar, then the temple or shrine must be dedicated to Ishtar). Upon casting, this spell last the duration of the combat scene. Those who are not of the same faith as the caster (and therefore of the temple/shrine) will find their dice reduced -1 for every 2 slots of the spell to a maximum of -7 to both attack and defense at 15 slots. This cost 1 stamina plus amount of slots used.

Shielding Hand:
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X1

Description: While aloof and distant, the Gods do care about their charges, the mortals that call upon them for aid and in turn fill the Gods with power through worship. It behooves the Gods to defend them whenever appropriate. Entreating their God for protection with all their focus and fervor, the faithful trust in the power of the divine to protect them from harm, and can even bequeath this protection to others in need.

MECHANICS: At the cost of 2 stamina per slot invested, the Cleric or Priest(ess) receives +1 physical and magical defense for every slot invested in the spell. At the standard cost per slot, the caster can instead apply this blessing to another character, granting them +1 physical and magical defense for every 3 slots invested. In both cases duration in rounds is equal to the defense modifier granted. This ability does not stack its defense values with those of the spells physical armor/magical armor or similar out-of-sphere spells, but also does not remove those spells, replace their values if those values are greater, or prevent them from being cast. For example, if a character who is granted +5 physical/magical defense through this blessing decides to cast physical armor at 10 slots, their bonus to physical defense will be only +10, but the +5 magical defense from the blessing will remain for its duration, as will the +5 to physical defense from the blessing still be in effect should the physical armor spell wear off/be canceled first.

Weaken the Flesh:
Level required: 18
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X4

Description: The Cleric or Priest(ess) is best aware of his own mortality, more so than even the warrior, for he is confronted often by the Immortal. Like Wizards, the warriors can sometimes forget their humility in the face of the Gods, and this Curse is often cast upon one who would mock the power of the Gods. The accursed will find their flesh rebelling, refusing to do more than quiver and collapse when needed most. Weak as a kitten, shaking muscles, no stamina for the fight. No physical changes are caused, it is their strength that is shackled and bound within their flesh.

MECHANICS: A Ranged Magical Attack is rolled, and should the target fail, his strength will be reduced by 2% for every slot used up to a maximum of 30%. The spell will last one round for every time the class has been chosen (5 rounds for priest, 7 rounds for cleric). This curse will only stack with other divine sphere spells and will cause all other non Divine sphere negative effect spells to be removed. This spell cannot be cast again until the effect has run out. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage "The Voice of the Gods".

Anywhere Spells:

Unshackle the Spirit:
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: N/A
Class: Cleric X2, Priest(ess)

Description: The Gods do compete with each other, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. In the course of these conflicts, Curses are often hurled to punish those that displease the Cleric and his Patron. Those so Cursed find that ordinary magic cannot remove the stain from their spirit and so turn to other Clerics for aid. This aid, however, never comes free of charge, and the cost of such help is decided by the Cleric doing the Unshackling. By calling upon their Patron, pleading the Cursed ones' case for them before the Divine, the Cleric can convince their God to remove the Curse, dispelling it with ease. The Gods see all, hear all, know all. If the Cursed is truly contrite, or truly wronged by the Curse, then the cost is minimal. If the Cursed deserves their fate, or is simply trying to get out of the Curse by appearing repentant, then it fails automatically, and the Cursed will be lucky to walk away without an additional Curse.

MECHANICS:: Those afflicted by Battle Curses are often the most likely to be freed of the Curse for free. Those Cursed for other, more personal reasons, find that the Gods do not interfere in the games of Mortals without compensation of some sort or another. Ishtar's price is likely to be very different from that of the Grove of Balance's price. Clerics have the easiest time of being freed from their Curse, while others would have the hardest time, and pay the highest price, either in coin or service.

Both parties roll a Close Magical Attack roll, with the Cleric/Priest/ess adding in their X amount of times the class was taken. Only 'one' attempt within a 24 hour period can be made by the Cleric/Priest/ess to remove the Curse. Other Clerics/Priest/ess can try, in turn. Only a Cleric/Priest/ess of equal Ranking or higher can attempt to remove a Curse from another Cleric/Priest/ess. It's an immediate 6 stamina +1 per slot put into this 'blessing'. It's never easy to undo what has been done before.

OOB spells

Level required: 27
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Class: Cleric
Level: X6

Description: Clerics often find themselves confronted with great excesses in their fellow mortals. Those that go to extremes and thus throw themselves into harms way, endangering their souls by not seeing the beauty and obvious Truth that is their God. So, the Cleric can call upon their Patron to restrict a mortal from their favored, from their most cherished thing. It is a method of instilling humility upon the lay worshipers and punishing those that consistently fail to control their own lusts.

MECHANICS: An OOB, OOC consensual Cursing, the Cleric draws the Wrath of their God down upon the offending target, instilling a deep sense of disgust and dislike for a 'single' chosen pleasure. This must be worked out beforehand and have OOC consent. It lasts for 2 days per time that Cleric Class has been selected, to a maximum of 2 weeks. Things such as 'food' and 'water' are prohibited as choices, and it is suggested strongly that something relevant to the Character, ICly be chosen. This is a punishment and should be played as one.

Endless Hunger:
Casting method: other
Defending method: other

Description: Clerics and Priests call attention to many mortal sins, punishing those that trespass against their chosen God's path. This Curse is one of hunger, forcing the Cursed to be confronted with the cost of their passions. Upon being Cursed, the victim cannot go a single day without binging on the one thing that they most desire in life. Be it sex, food, combat, song, wine, pain, coin, whatever. They must indulge in that passion for half the day, from sun up to sun down before the lust for it fades instantly. No great physical changes comes from this curse, so a girl could stuff her face with food for 12 hours and not gain an ounce. She could drink gallons of wine and not get a single bit drunk. She could fornicate for 'hours' and not get a single orgasm. But, she must feed that hunger, without fail.

MECHANICS: An OOB curse that requires OOC consent/collaboration between caster and victim, this Curse has no combat effects, but should be considered an RP device for players to enjoy. The victim is Cursed by an overpowering urge to indulge in their favorite pastime or pleasure from dawn till dusk, but to gain no fulfillment from it. Sex leads to pleasure, but never an orgasm, food is pleasant, but they never feel "full", drink goes down easily, but their thirst is never quenched. Their Passion is robbed of all gratification.

Level Required: 30
Casting method: other
Defending method: other
Cleric x7, Priest(ess) x5

Description: Clerics are often seen as the guides in life, the ones that show the way to a brighter day. In some cases, that light can be painful. Calling their God's attention to a chosen target's selfish nature, imploring their Patron for the Curse or Gift of Illumination, the target gains insight...into himself. In a moment's time, all of his actions are seen again, through a different light, outside of himself, forced to see himself as others see him, especially the Cleric judging his actions. He is suddenly forced to experience all the suffering that he has handed out, all the pain, all the fear, all the horror. Further, he sees the end results of his actions, he is made aware that his failures live on after he has forgotten his deeds. And it 'lingers' with him for a time. In essence, his Conscience returns to him with the force of a sledgehammer between the eyes. Naturally, things that were good in the eyes of their patron are rewarded and encouraged to repeat, as well as taking on a new approach to life itself under the benevolent gaze of their god.

MECHANICS: The ultimate gift that can be granted to someone is to fully understand their rights and their wrongs. By means of this spell can the Cleric twist his target's view on life itself, on the things he took for granted and those he didn't, this is an OOB device and requires strict OOC consent, both parties should agree on what exactly it means for the character placed under this spell. This spell is quite life-changing and meant to be an awakening, a most powerful look through one's own actions. Further, it 'must' be noted here again, that rape is not a great sin in this world, self defense also is not likely to stir much guilt but the cruelty behind words and actions may. Guided by the Cleric's own values and those of his faith, this spell can be a Curse to the unwilling and a Gift to the seeking. Strong imperatives can be placed on the target, often meaning drastic changes in their style of life and interaction with others. Which changes actually happen is strongly influenced by the Cleric's own faith, someone being target of Illumination brought upon them by a Cleric of Aden'ver will definitely be guided into another direction than someone given Ishtar's guidance. The Duration of this spell is 3 days per time Cleric/Priest is taken. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage "The Voice of the Gods".

Sacred Plea:
Level required: 20
Casting method: other
Defending method: other
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: Clericx5, Priestx3

Description: The gods are powerful beings and their favor is often sought after. Strength to defeat ones’ enemies, protection in time of need, the stamina to outlast any others and many more are often asked of but it takes more than a simple prayer muttered through lips to truly grab a God's attention, and even more to please them and get their blessing.

A ritual must be performed, one that takes hours and embraces the God's domain. Such as a long sexual scene if not an outright orgy for Ishtar or a long trial of strength and endurance for Aden'ver. Once the ritual reaches its climax the leader of the ritual can attempt to contact their God and ask them for a boon for their self or another.

One must always remember, however, that even the most benevolent of deities are fickle beings and the boon they give may not necessarily be the one asked for.

MECHANICS: A lengthy ritual MUST be played out IC'ly. At the end of the ritual, The caster rolls a !r 1d7 to determine which boon is given. Additionally: the casting of this spell and the boon granted must be logged on the caster's & the beneficiary's character sheet with date/time/boon awarded/caster/beneficiary. Can be used once a month. After a number of days equal to the number of times cleric has been taken or two plus the number of times priest has been taken, the blessing dissipates. The blessing can be canceled earlier by either the priest or the blessed one for any reason, or by the god (Ops) should the blessed one act against the will of the god whose blessing is upon them. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage The Voice of the Gods.

1: The character is blessed with a Divine health, they look more radiant and cannot be affected by non magical poisons. In combat the blessed reduces the result of any damage roll by 1 point per time Priest(ess)/Cleric is taken (to a maximum damage reduction of 5 for Priest(ess) or 7 for cleric), however this blessing may never reduce any incoming damage to less than 1.

2: The character is blessed with Divine stamina, are very energetic and have incredible vigor, causing any actions that cost stamina to be reduced by one. In combat this cannot reduce costs below one (i.e an action that costs only one stamina will still cost one). A character will receive an additional point of stamina per time cleric or priest(ess) is taken, to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess) or +7 for Cleric upon an !evade.

3: The character is blessed with a Divine resilience becoming much more hardy and able to take pain with greater ease to the point in which they may not notice they have become gravely wounded until their body gives up on them. In combat the character receives an additional point of resilience to all rolls for every time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess) and +7 for Cleric.

4: The character is blessed with divine speed and agility. The player can run faster than those of their race and become incredibly flexible reaching contortionist levels of flexibility if they aren't already naturally gifted with such flexibility. Those with natural flight can out fly their peers with great ease. In combat the character gains an additional point of agility per time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, up to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess) or +7 for Cleric to all AGI rolls.

5: The character is blessed with Divine physical strength. Those of the smaller races such as Humans, Halflings, and Pixie/Fae in large form gain strength as if they were a Minotaur or Troll. Those of the larger races such as Wolven, Minotaur and Trolls are capable of all the more amazing feats such as the ability to uproot a tree from the ground. In combat the character gains an additional point of strength per time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess)ess or +7 for Cleric to all STR rolls.

6: The character is blessed with Divine protection. The very gods themselves have an eye out for this player and when harm should come their way, the Gods change small things to make sure the person can stay out of harm's way. Mages may find their bolt spells moving slightly to the right or left, the blessed character tripping down a flight of stairs may suddenly land on their two feet with the greatest of ease. In combat the character gains an additional percent to their defense rolls per time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, up to a maximum of +5% for Priest(ess) and +7% for Cleric to all defense rolls, stacking with any other defense mods, spells, and abilities.

7: The character is blessed with Divine intelligence, they are seemingly much more brilliant for the duration and gain an understanding of all Languages that are spoken and written. In combat the character gains an additional point of intelligence per time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess) and +7 for Cleric to all INT rolls.

Still the Mind:
Level required: 10
Casting method: other
Defending method: other
Class: Cleric X2, Priest(ess) X1

Description: The horrors of combat and life, in general, are hard on most folk. Civilians and soldiers alike are often left scarred by the things that they've seen or done, and Clerics often see the worst of these scars. By calling upon their God, the Cleric is able to see 'within' the tormented one, find the source of their suffering and soothe it. By pleading with their Patron, showing sincere desire to be whole, the Cleric can undo mental trauma brought on by magical means or any other way in a supplicant.

MECHANICS: This Blessing is strictly OOC consensual, as it requires both IC cooperation and OOC understanding of what is being done. This Blessing can remove phobias, terrors, nightmares, aversions, fixations, obsessions, multiple personalities and other mental problems, and keep them from returning, for the period the players agree on in OOC. Performing this blessing cost an immediate 6 stamina. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage "The Voice of the Gods".

Titan's Touch:
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: Cleric X1 : Priest(ess) X1

Description: Sometimes, a strong hand is required to do Divine work. Calling upon their God in a mighty voice, the Cleric/Priest(ess) is empowered by the God's strength, able to do great things in their Patron's name. His strength and stamina doubles and he becomes capable of truly miraculous feats. Tearing doors off their hinges, lifting great weights to free a comrade, smashing stone with his bare hands, etc. The cost, however, is that when the loaned power fades, the Cleric is left on the verge of collapse, worn out from the housing of Divine strength.

MECHANICS: This spell is not usable in combat, not intended by the Gods for such use, so it gives no combat advantages. OOB, however, it is the stuff of legends. As long as the Cleric/Priest(ess) is able to get good leverage, he could move anything when infused with Titan's Touch. The blessing lasts for 1 round at Cleric/Priest(ess) X1, 2 rounds at Cleric/Priest(ess) X3, 3 rounds at Cleric/Priest(ess) X5 and 4 rounds at Cleric X7 with the completion of the feat his stamina is completely wiped out down to 1 stamina. Upon the ending of this Blessing, the Cleric is literally on the verge of passing out, so it is a dangerous Blessing to call out.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X1, they can move anything from a downed small tree, to a boulder 3X their weight.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X2, they can move anything from a downed tree of near medium size (roughly 8 feet in height), to a carriage hooked to one horse.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X3, they can move anything from a downed tree over 12 feet in height, to a carriage with one horse and a pony attached.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X4, they could move anything from a downed tree of over 16 feet in height or even push a medium sized tree over of the same height.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X5, they could effectively knock over a good sized round old oaken tree of some 20 feet in height.
At Cleric X6, they could move a tree or near uproot one up to 22 feet tall. They could also shift the foundation of a small building. Shift, not undo.
At Cleric X7, they could uproot a tree of 25 feet in height.

Ward the Enemy:
Level required: 10
Casting method: Other
Defending method: Other
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: Cleric X2, Priest(ess) X1

Description: The Cleric or Priest(ess) calls upon his God to secure a location from the victim of this curse. By placing wards against the entrance of the Cursed into a particular location, whether it be a building, a grove or a place of sanctuary. Often placed to provide humility to the Cursed or remind them there are powers greater than themselves. This curse prevents the Cursed from a cherished place, such as keeping a drunkard from a tavern, an overzealous fighter from an arena or an abusive master from a safe house.

MECHANICS: This Curse does not require dice, but is intended as an OOB RP device. The Curse lasts for 1 day per times the class was taken (IE: Cleric x2 lasts for 2 days). Should another try to take advantage of this curse to, for example, attack the cursed and then hide within the area the cursed can not enter, with full knowledge of the curse and its effects, they will have the curse inflicted upon themselves for the remaining duration as well. The Gods do not take kindly to those seeking to use their Curses for their own benefit. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage "The Voice of the Gods".

World of One:
Level required: 8
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: clomagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X2

Description: Not all Clerics and Priest(ess) are interested in showing the fallacies in man. Some indulge in their God's preference for selfishness and gratification. To these, the selfless ones and their supplicants are the truly deluded and so these Clerics can call upon their God to show the chosen one just how they 'should' see the world. The targeted one is suddenly suffused with the knowledge, the undeniable truth of his importance. The rest of the world, for the most part, becomes something of a playground, a game, little talking toys that move and play at his whim. Not really 'people', not like him. Things to be used for pleasure, manipulated because he can. Only the 'self' remains, only the 'self' matters. Only the God that has bestowed this 'blessing' upon him is considered to be greater in power and importance, gratitude for the 'gift'. One so Cursed is not compelled to act in any way, it is merely his thoughts that have been altered for the time being. Thus, when it fades, he is left with the fact that even if he was Cursed, he did what he did because he 'wanted' to do it.

MECHANICS:: Curse - OOB only, although its effects will carry on through battle until the conclusion of this curse. When inflicted by this curse, which lasts for 1 day per time the Cleric/Priest(ess) class has been taken. Once inflicted by this curse, the target simply believes they are the only thing of importance in the world, that nothing has consequence if they wish it, and nothing ill will befall them regardless of their choices. And the player should rp out their character as believe and acting as such, fights, rapes, arguing, destruction of property.. anything can be considered as that character is simply the only thing that matters. Once the curse runs its course, the victim of this curse is suddenly, over the space of 1 round per day, spent under its influence, bombarded with the sudden realization of everything that he's done and the consequences that might well befall him because of his actions. This does not negate OOC consent required for actions, and should be only cast after discussion between the players as to what this will entail.

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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Infernis on Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:25 pm

miyuka wrote:Update/changes incoming to Divine sphere.

Battle Spells:

Divine Disfavor:
Level required: 10
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)

Description: The judgement of the Gods, even barring their direct divine intervention, is a weighty load for any soul to carry. To know that greater forces look down upon you in disapproval is often enough to drive a person to all makes of paranoid folly. Calling upon their favor with their God, the cleric or priest/ess entreats that Judgement weigh heavy on their foe, and burden their steps with the worst of luck.

A Ranged Magical Attack at standard cost determines the success of this curse. At slots 1-4 the effect has no influence in combat, and simply has the OOB effect of inducing paranoia/foreboding for two full days. For every 5 slots invested however, the victim suffers +1 damage for any successful attack made against them which incorporates a !damage roll, to a maximum of +3 damage. This does not apply when the victim is taking damage over time or any static amount of damage. This effect lasts two full days after casting, but cannot be used successfully more than once in a full week, and cannot be attempted on a character twice in the same day. Requires a clear and unobstructed line of sight.

Dull the Mind:
Level required: 15
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X4

Description: Intelligence is no sin, but those who get too wrapped up in their own wisdom are often responsible for the most grave of blasphemies. All too often will a brilliant magical mind find itself discounting the Gods, proclaiming themselves their equals or meddling in their plans. Loyal servants of the Gods have the ability to strip such blasphemers of the source of their hubris with a barked curse; siphoning off the powers of the mind to leave the wisest opponent drooling on their lapel.

MECHANICS: A standard !ranmagatk is made. If successful, the ensuing !damage roll does not apply to life-points, but instead reduces the victim's maximum intelligence where all non-defensive rolls are concerned, as in any roll used on the victims’ attack turn. The effect lasts until combat is resolved, and curative spells/potions are not effective in removing it. If cast again this ability does not stack, the new damage roll replacing the effect on intelligence only if the result is greater. If a perfect damage roll of 50 is achieved, and the victim has at least 50 intelligence to lose, the victim is rendered temporarily catatonic, and defeated. Recovery from this state takes roughly one hour, or several rounds of IC interaction, and is not immediate upon the end of combat.

Holy Strike:
Level required: 5
Casting method: other
Defending method: N/A
Class: Cleric
Level: X2

Description: With a battle-hymn or word of prayer a Cleric can bless their chosen blade or bludgeon for battle, imbuing it with the favor of their God. Such blessed weapons swing faster and strike truer, and radiate with a subtle aura. With enough focus, the aura itself becomes a source of scalding heat or bone-rattling cold, making it all the more deadly.

MECHANICS: For every 3 slots invested, the player gains +1 to any melee attack using the weapon they chose to bless. At Cleric x6, an additional 1 damage is dealt on a successful hit. At Cleric x7, this is increased to 2 additional damage. This does not stack with any other spell or ability which increases weapon power, nor does it function on summoned weapons, but it does stack with any and all enchantments. Stamina cost is standard to activate. The first attack using this effect costs 1 additional stamina, the second 2 additional stamina and so on, each new attack compounding the extra stamina cost by 1. Using !evade ends this effect. This can be used once per combat encounter.

Keep the Faith:
Level required: 5
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: clomagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)

Description: Faith, piety, devotion, certainty. These are the cornerstones of greater service to the Gods, and the most guarded relics within the minds of their servants. Manipulating the thoughts of such individuals through spellcraft is inherently more challenging; the cracks and seams through which corruption might seep filled out with the caulk of the divine.

MECHANICS: The Cleric or Priest can interrupt the effects of any spell which manipulates the mind for more than one round, including all truth spells, seduction spells, and fear spells. In combat, an attack turn can be used at standard stamina costs to end the effects of such spells, so long as slots used match those used by the opponent applying them. In combat, these spells include: Fear Aura, Deadly Repetition, Mimicry, Eye of the beholder, Lavish Attention, Torrent of Tears, Dull the Mind, Spindle of Emotions, Sex Smell, Smell Sex, Sex Thought, Allure, Arousal. Mask of Desire, Obsession, and Sexual Suggestion.

Level required: 6
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Class: Cleric
Level: X2

Description: This cursed word afflicts the target with the weight of Divine ire, turning the wheel of fate against them. A parry when one should have leaped, a stumble on a rock when a shield was raised too high, a backward trip over a wandering stray dog; the effects can be insidiously subtle or terrifyingly apparent, but will endure until the one who suffers them has fallen.

MECHANICS: A standard ranged magical attack is made. If successful, every defense roll made by the victim from that point on must be repeated immediately, the lowest of the two defense rolls counted as the victims defense. This effect persists for 1 round per 3 slots invested, or until the victim fails to defend. At least three full rounds must pass after this effect is ended before it can be attempted again.

Patron's Grace:
Level required: 17
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X4

Description: There have been many warriors through the years that have boasted that the Gods favored them. To this, the Clerics only smiled and gave their amulets a light rub. For it is 'they' that are favored by the Gods, and this Blessing is solid proof of it. Upon reaching a certain level of intimacy with their chosen God, upon reaching that level of understanding, the Cleric or Priest awakens one morning with a small amulet laying next to them. This amulet, crafted and given to their favored servants, allows the Gods to grant them a touch of Luck in their dealings. Not so much as to ruin free will, but enough to aid. Those possessing an amulet of Patron's Grace are often seen snatching victory from defeat, evading blows that would normally bring death. But, they are few and far in between.

Mechanics: Once per combat scene a Cleric can use this spell to receive an additional roll of any chosen action, with the opportunity to choose which roll they prefer. This includes efforts to attack, defend, evade, escape, or break free of special effects. Use of the ability must be declared prior to rolling or within the roll itself, and cannot be used after a roll has been made. Stamina cost is greater the fewer slots one has in the spell, costing 15 stamina at 1 slot, 1 stamina at 15 slots (at 2 slots, cost would be 14 stamina. at 13 slots, cost would be 3 stamina). Each new slot reduces the cost by 1. This is in addition to any stamina costs of the action itself.

Level required: 5
Class required: Cleric X2 Priest(ess) X1
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: none

Description: A devout follower often has to balance two very important aspects to their Devotion. They must work hard to bring more and more souls to the bosom of their God, converting those that they can and keeping the faith pure against unwelcomed heretics. To this end, the Gods have given this Blessing to welcome the faithful and quietly discourage rivals and other clergy. By calling on their God, bringing attention to their needs, the Cleric draws enough power from their Patron to instill an area with an almost tangible feeling of the god's presence. This both calms and brings peace to the faithful, and disquiets and brings chaos to the souls of those who would rival a God in such a Sanctified area.

MECHANICS: this Blessing must be cast upon an area designed to be used for worship such as a Temple or Shrine. This shrine or Temple must belong to the God or Goddess of the caster's faith (if one is a worshipper of Ishtar, then the temple or shrine must be dedicated to Ishtar). Upon casting, this spell last the duration of the combat scene. Those who are not of the same faith as the caster (and therefore of the temple/shrine) will find their dice reduced -1 for every 2 slots of the spell to a maximum of -7 to both attack and defense at 15 slots. This cost 1 stamina plus amount of slots used.

Shielding Hand:
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X1

Description: While aloof and distant, the Gods do care about their charges, the mortals that call upon them for aid and in turn fill the Gods with power through worship. It behooves the Gods to defend them whenever appropriate. Entreating their God for protection with all their focus and fervor, the faithful trust in the power of the divine to protect them from harm, and can even bequeath this protection to others in need.

MECHANICS: At the cost of 2 stamina per slot invested, the Cleric or Priest(ess) receives +1 physical and magical defense for every slot invested in the spell. At the standard cost per slot, the caster can instead apply this blessing to another character, granting them +1 physical and magical defense for every 3 slots invested. In both cases duration in rounds is equal to the defense modifier granted. This ability does not stack its defense values with those of the spells physical armor/magical armor or similar out-of-sphere spells, but also does not remove those spells, replace their values if those values are greater, or prevent them from being cast. For example, if a character who is granted +5 physical/magical defense through this blessing decides to cast physical armor at 10 slots, their bonus to physical defense will be only +10, but the +5 magical defense from the blessing will remain for its duration, as will the +5 to physical defense from the blessing still be in effect should the physical armor spell wear off/be canceled first.

Weaken the Flesh:
Level required: 18
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X4

Description: The Cleric or Priest(ess) is best aware of his own mortality, more so than even the warrior, for he is confronted often by the Immortal. Like Wizards, the warriors can sometimes forget their humility in the face of the Gods, and this Curse is often cast upon one who would mock the power of the Gods. The accursed will find their flesh rebelling, refusing to do more than quiver and collapse when needed most. Weak as a kitten, shaking muscles, no stamina for the fight. No physical changes are caused, it is their strength that is shackled and bound within their flesh.

MECHANICS: A Ranged Magical Attack is rolled, and should the target fail, his strength will be reduced by 2% for every slot used up to a maximum of 30%. The spell will last one round for every time the class has been chosen (5 rounds for priest, 7 rounds for cleric). This curse will only stack with other divine sphere spells and will cause all other non Divine sphere negative effect spells to be removed. This spell cannot be cast again until the effect has run out. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage "The Voice of the Gods".

Anywhere Spells:

Unshackle the Spirit:
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: N/A
Class: Cleric X2, Priest(ess)

Description: The Gods do compete with each other, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. In the course of these conflicts, Curses are often hurled to punish those that displease the Cleric and his Patron. Those so Cursed find that ordinary magic cannot remove the stain from their spirit and so turn to other Clerics for aid. This aid, however, never comes free of charge, and the cost of such help is decided by the Cleric doing the Unshackling. By calling upon their Patron, pleading the Cursed ones' case for them before the Divine, the Cleric can convince their God to remove the Curse, dispelling it with ease. The Gods see all, hear all, know all. If the Cursed is truly contrite, or truly wronged by the Curse, then the cost is minimal. If the Cursed deserves their fate, or is simply trying to get out of the Curse by appearing repentant, then it fails automatically, and the Cursed will be lucky to walk away without an additional Curse.

MECHANICS:: Those afflicted by Battle Curses are often the most likely to be freed of the Curse for free. Those Cursed for other, more personal reasons, find that the Gods do not interfere in the games of Mortals without compensation of some sort or another. Ishtar's price is likely to be very different from that of the Grove of Balance's price. Clerics have the easiest time of being freed from their Curse, while others would have the hardest time, and pay the highest price, either in coin or service.

Both parties roll a Close Magical Attack roll, with the Cleric/Priest/ess adding in their X amount of times the class was taken. Only 'one' attempt within a 24 hour period can be made by the Cleric/Priest/ess to remove the Curse. Other Clerics/Priest/ess can try, in turn. Only a Cleric/Priest/ess of equal Ranking or higher can attempt to remove a Curse from another Cleric/Priest/ess. It's an immediate 6 stamina +1 per slot put into this 'blessing'. It's never easy to undo what has been done before.

OOB spells

Level required: 27
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Class: Cleric
Level: X6

Description: Clerics often find themselves confronted with great excesses in their fellow mortals. Those that go to extremes and thus throw themselves into harms way, endangering their souls by not seeing the beauty and obvious Truth that is their God. So, the Cleric can call upon their Patron to restrict a mortal from their favored, from their most cherished thing. It is a method of instilling humility upon the lay worshipers and punishing those that consistently fail to control their own lusts.

MECHANICS: An OOB, OOC consensual Cursing, the Cleric draws the Wrath of their God down upon the offending target, instilling a deep sense of disgust and dislike for a 'single' chosen pleasure. This must be worked out beforehand and have OOC consent. It lasts for 2 days per time that Cleric Class has been selected, to a maximum of 2 weeks. Things such as 'food' and 'water' are prohibited as choices, and it is suggested strongly that something relevant to the Character, ICly be chosen. This is a punishment and should be played as one.

Endless Hunger:
Casting method: other
Defending method: other

Description: Clerics and Priests call attention to many mortal sins, punishing those that trespass against their chosen God's path. This Curse is one of hunger, forcing the Cursed to be confronted with the cost of their passions. Upon being Cursed, the victim cannot go a single day without binging on the one thing that they most desire in life. Be it sex, food, combat, song, wine, pain, coin, whatever. They must indulge in that passion for half the day, from sun up to sun down before the lust for it fades instantly. No great physical changes comes from this curse, so a girl could stuff her face with food for 12 hours and not gain an ounce. She could drink gallons of wine and not get a single bit drunk. She could fornicate for 'hours' and not get a single orgasm. But, she must feed that hunger, without fail.

MECHANICS: An OOB curse that requires OOC consent/collaboration between caster and victim, this Curse has no combat effects, but should be considered an RP device for players to enjoy. The victim is Cursed by an overpowering urge to indulge in their favorite pastime or pleasure from dawn till dusk, but to gain no fulfillment from it. Sex leads to pleasure, but never an orgasm, food is pleasant, but they never feel "full", drink goes down easily, but their thirst is never quenched. Their Passion is robbed of all gratification.

Level Required: 30
Casting method: other
Defending method: other
Cleric x7, Priest(ess) x5

Description: Clerics are often seen as the guides in life, the ones that show the way to a brighter day. In some cases, that light can be painful. Calling their God's attention to a chosen target's selfish nature, imploring their Patron for the Curse or Gift of Illumination, the target gains insight...into himself. In a moment's time, all of his actions are seen again, through a different light, outside of himself, forced to see himself as others see him, especially the Cleric judging his actions. He is suddenly forced to experience all the suffering that he has handed out, all the pain, all the fear, all the horror. Further, he sees the end results of his actions, he is made aware that his failures live on after he has forgotten his deeds. And it 'lingers' with him for a time. In essence, his Conscience returns to him with the force of a sledgehammer between the eyes. Naturally, things that were good in the eyes of their patron are rewarded and encouraged to repeat, as well as taking on a new approach to life itself under the benevolent gaze of their god.

MECHANICS: The ultimate gift that can be granted to someone is to fully understand their rights and their wrongs. By means of this spell can the Cleric twist his target's view on life itself, on the things he took for granted and those he didn't, this is an OOB device and requires strict OOC consent, both parties should agree on what exactly it means for the character placed under this spell. This spell is quite life-changing and meant to be an awakening, a most powerful look through one's own actions. Further, it 'must' be noted here again, that rape is not a great sin in this world, self defense also is not likely to stir much guilt but the cruelty behind words and actions may. Guided by the Cleric's own values and those of his faith, this spell can be a Curse to the unwilling and a Gift to the seeking. Strong imperatives can be placed on the target, often meaning drastic changes in their style of life and interaction with others. Which changes actually happen is strongly influenced by the Cleric's own faith, someone being target of Illumination brought upon them by a Cleric of Aden'ver will definitely be guided into another direction than someone given Ishtar's guidance. The Duration of this spell is 3 days per time Cleric/Priest is taken. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage "The Voice of the Gods".

Sacred Plea:
Level required: 20
Casting method: other
Defending method: other
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: Clericx5, Priestx3

Description: The gods are powerful beings and their favor is often sought after. Strength to defeat ones’ enemies, protection in time of need, the stamina to outlast any others and many more are often asked of but it takes more than a simple prayer muttered through lips to truly grab a God's attention, and even more to please them and get their blessing.

A ritual must be performed, one that takes hours and embraces the God's domain. Such as a long sexual scene if not an outright orgy for Ishtar or a long trial of strength and endurance for Aden'ver. Once the ritual reaches its climax the leader of the ritual can attempt to contact their God and ask them for a boon for their self or another.

One must always remember, however, that even the most benevolent of deities are fickle beings and the boon they give may not necessarily be the one asked for.

MECHANICS: A lengthy ritual MUST be played out IC'ly. At the end of the ritual, The caster rolls a !r 1d7 to determine which boon is given. Additionally: the casting of this spell and the boon granted must be logged on the caster's & the beneficiary's character sheet with date/time/boon awarded/caster/beneficiary. Can be used once a month. After a number of days equal to the number of times cleric has been taken or two plus the number of times priest has been taken, the blessing dissipates. The blessing can be canceled earlier by either the priest or the blessed one for any reason, or by the god (Ops) should the blessed one act against the will of the god whose blessing is upon them. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage The Voice of the Gods.

1: The character is blessed with a Divine health, they look more radiant and cannot be affected by non magical poisons. In combat the blessed reduces the result of any damage roll by 1 point per time Priest(ess)/Cleric is taken (to a maximum damage reduction of 5 for Priest(ess) or 7 for cleric), however this blessing may never reduce any incoming damage to less than 1.

2: The character is blessed with Divine stamina, are very energetic and have incredible vigor, causing any actions that cost stamina to be reduced by one. In combat this cannot reduce costs below one (i.e an action that costs only one stamina will still cost one). A character will receive an additional point of stamina per time cleric or priest(ess) is taken, to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess) or +7 for Cleric upon an !evade.

3: The character is blessed with a Divine resilience becoming much more hardy and able to take pain with greater ease to the point in which they may not notice they have become gravely wounded until their body gives up on them. In combat the character receives an additional point of resilience to all rolls for every time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess) and +7 for Cleric.

4: The character is blessed with divine speed and agility. The player can run faster than those of their race and become incredibly flexible reaching contortionist levels of flexibility if they aren't already naturally gifted with such flexibility. Those with natural flight can out fly their peers with great ease. In combat the character gains an additional point of agility per time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, up to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess) or +7 for Cleric to all AGI rolls.

5: The character is blessed with Divine physical strength. Those of the smaller races such as Humans, Halflings, and Pixie/Fae in large form gain strength as if they were a Minotaur or Troll. Those of the larger races such as Wolven, Minotaur and Trolls are capable of all the more amazing feats such as the ability to uproot a tree from the ground. In combat the character gains an additional point of strength per time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess)ess or +7 for Cleric to all STR rolls.

6: The character is blessed with Divine protection. The very gods themselves have an eye out for this player and when harm should come their way, the Gods change small things to make sure the person can stay out of harm's way. Mages may find their bolt spells moving slightly to the right or left, the blessed character tripping down a flight of stairs may suddenly land on their two feet with the greatest of ease. In combat the character gains an additional percent to their defense rolls per time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, up to a maximum of +5% for Priest(ess) and +7% for Cleric to all defense rolls, stacking with any other defense mods, spells, and abilities.

7: The character is blessed with Divine intelligence, they are seemingly much more brilliant for the duration and gain an understanding of all Languages that are spoken and written. In combat the character gains an additional point of intelligence per time Cleric or Priest(ess) is taken, to a maximum of +5 for Priest(ess) and +7 for Cleric to all INT rolls.

Still the Mind:
Level required: 10
Casting method: other
Defending method: other
Class: Cleric X2, Priest(ess) X1

Description: The horrors of combat and life, in general, are hard on most folk. Civilians and soldiers alike are often left scarred by the things that they've seen or done, and Clerics often see the worst of these scars. By calling upon their God, the Cleric is able to see 'within' the tormented one, find the source of their suffering and soothe it. By pleading with their Patron, showing sincere desire to be whole, the Cleric can undo mental trauma brought on by magical means or any other way in a supplicant.

MECHANICS: This Blessing is strictly OOC consensual, as it requires both IC cooperation and OOC understanding of what is being done. This Blessing can remove phobias, terrors, nightmares, aversions, fixations, obsessions, multiple personalities and other mental problems, and keep them from returning, for the period the players agree on in OOC. Performing this blessing cost an immediate 6 stamina. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage "The Voice of the Gods".

Titan's Touch:
Casting method: other
Defending method: none
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: Cleric X1 : Priest(ess) X1

Description: Sometimes, a strong hand is required to do Divine work. Calling upon their God in a mighty voice, the Cleric/Priest(ess) is empowered by the God's strength, able to do great things in their Patron's name. His strength and stamina doubles and he becomes capable of truly miraculous feats. Tearing doors off their hinges, lifting great weights to free a comrade, smashing stone with his bare hands, etc. The cost, however, is that when the loaned power fades, the Cleric is left on the verge of collapse, worn out from the housing of Divine strength.

MECHANICS: This spell is not usable in combat, not intended by the Gods for such use, so it gives no combat advantages. OOB, however, it is the stuff of legends. As long as the Cleric/Priest(ess) is able to get good leverage, he could move anything when infused with Titan's Touch. The blessing lasts for 1 round at Cleric/Priest(ess) X1, 2 rounds at Cleric/Priest(ess) X3, 3 rounds at Cleric/Priest(ess) X5 and 4 rounds at Cleric X7 with the completion of the feat his stamina is completely wiped out down to 1 stamina. Upon the ending of this Blessing, the Cleric is literally on the verge of passing out, so it is a dangerous Blessing to call out.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X1, they can move anything from a downed small tree, to a boulder 3X their weight.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X2, they can move anything from a downed tree of near medium size (roughly 8 feet in height), to a carriage hooked to one horse.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X3, they can move anything from a downed tree over 12 feet in height, to a carriage with one horse and a pony attached.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X4, they could move anything from a downed tree of over 16 feet in height or even push a medium sized tree over of the same height.
At Cleric/Priest(ess) X5, they could effectively knock over a good sized round old oaken tree of some 20 feet in height.
At Cleric X6, they could move a tree or near uproot one up to 22 feet tall. They could also shift the foundation of a small building. Shift, not undo.
At Cleric X7, they could uproot a tree of 25 feet in height.

Ward the Enemy:
Level required: 10
Casting method: Other
Defending method: Other
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: Cleric X2, Priest(ess) X1

Description: The Cleric or Priest(ess) calls upon his God to secure a location from the victim of this curse. By placing wards against the entrance of the Cursed into a particular location, whether it be a building, a grove or a place of sanctuary. Often placed to provide humility to the Cursed or remind them there are powers greater than themselves. This curse prevents the Cursed from a cherished place, such as keeping a drunkard from a tavern, an overzealous fighter from an arena or an abusive master from a safe house.

MECHANICS: This Curse does not require dice, but is intended as an OOB RP device. The Curse lasts for 1 day per times the class was taken (IE: Cleric x2 lasts for 2 days). Should another try to take advantage of this curse to, for example, attack the cursed and then hide within the area the cursed can not enter, with full knowledge of the curse and its effects, they will have the curse inflicted upon themselves for the remaining duration as well. The Gods do not take kindly to those seeking to use their Curses for their own benefit. This spell can be used with the Priest(ess) advantage "The Voice of the Gods".

World of One:
Level required: 8
Casting method: clomagatk
Defending method: clomagdef
Class: Cleric, Priest(ess)
Level: X2

Description: Not all Clerics and Priest(ess) are interested in showing the fallacies in man. Some indulge in their God's preference for selfishness and gratification. To these, the selfless ones and their supplicants are the truly deluded and so these Clerics can call upon their God to show the chosen one just how they 'should' see the world. The targeted one is suddenly suffused with the knowledge, the undeniable truth of his importance. The rest of the world, for the most part, becomes something of a playground, a game, little talking toys that move and play at his whim. Not really 'people', not like him. Things to be used for pleasure, manipulated because he can. Only the 'self' remains, only the 'self' matters. Only the God that has bestowed this 'blessing' upon him is considered to be greater in power and importance, gratitude for the 'gift'. One so Cursed is not compelled to act in any way, it is merely his thoughts that have been altered for the time being. Thus, when it fades, he is left with the fact that even if he was Cursed, he did what he did because he 'wanted' to do it.

MECHANICS:: Curse - OOB only, although its effects will carry on through battle until the conclusion of this curse. When inflicted by this curse, which lasts for 1 day per time the Cleric/Priest(ess) class has been taken. Once inflicted by this curse, the target simply believes they are the only thing of importance in the world, that nothing has consequence if they wish it, and nothing ill will befall them regardless of their choices. And the player should rp out their character as believe and acting as such, fights, rapes, arguing, destruction of property.. anything can be considered as that character is simply the only thing that matters. Once the curse runs its course, the victim of this curse is suddenly, over the space of 1 round per day, spent under its influence, bombarded with the sudden realization of everything that he's done and the consequences that might well befall him because of his actions. This does not negate OOC consent required for actions, and should be only cast after discussion between the players as to what this will entail.

These are mostly combat spells. The last time we looked at the Divine Sphere, we were told that SB specifically wanted spells that were neither Healing spells, nor Combat-related spells.

Has he changed his mind on that point?
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:21 am

They've had combat spells for quite some town now, most of these are just updates to clarify what's already written
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:39 pm

incoming update to the magic page. Changes are in red. This update is to specify how stuns work and to ease up on the abusive use of them in combat situations. There is also a clarification on how things should work when refreshing a spell.


Offensive Spells
An offensive spell targets your opponent(s) with the intention to cause damage to them. They may only be used in combat. Refer to the section regarding Combat to learn the specifics of how to deal damage. Each slot purchased makes the spell a bit more powerful, up to a maximum of 15 slots per spell.

Defensive Spells
A defensive spell is used in combat to increase the user's ability to withstand either physical or magical damage. Like Offensive Spells, they may only be used in combat. Each slot purchased makes the spell a bit more powerful, up to a maximum of 15 slots per spell.

Healing Spells
Healing spells have two uses. In combat they can be used to replace lost LFE or STA points, enabling the contender to keep fighting. Outside combat they can be used by a mage to repair damage to another character or to themselves.

Area Spells
An area spell like fireball is useful if there is more than one opponent involved in the combat. This effectively makes a magical attack on all opponents simultaneously. It can only be used by advanced magic users.

Debuff Spells
When it comes to detrimental spells (debuffs) a player cannot exceed a negative more than 50 percent. This does not include players who have disabilities. This only means that the negative received from a spell or combination of spells can be as high as -50%.

There are a variety of spells that use the effect known as stun. A stunned player may not commit any offensive actions, but may still defend as normal, including if they wish to activate defensive spells, evade or stumble away. If a player is targeted by any offensive spell while stunned, the stun immediately wears off. A character cannot be affected by a new stun effect until 2 full turns have passed since the original effect has worn off.

Anywhere Spells
Some spells may be used anytime, anywhere. Be it combat or not, you may use these spells for fun, fighting, or more carnal activities. Each slot purchased makes the spell a bit more powerful, up to a maximum of 15 slots per spell.

Refreshing spells
While there are some spells that are specific in how they work as far as being refreshed, the general rule for spells that have any kind of duration whether offensive or defensive is that they cannot be refreshed until their original cast time has worn off. In the case of defensive spells you must use a turn to first cancel the spell and then use another turn to re-cast the spell. You cannot continually cast spells with a stun attached to them to refresh the stun duration on a spell. The opponent cannot be affected by a new stun effect until 2 full turns have passed since the original effect has worn off.

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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:20 pm

New Race is now live the Amahil: http://belariath.com/races/amahil/intro.html
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby L`aquera on Mon May 07, 2018 6:20 pm

now that makes me happy :D
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:01 am

Swap Gender has been re-written to be clearer and easier to understand, including restrictions that it was vague on before:


Basically if your character was born the opposite gender and lived the same life, this includes all changes from gender A to gender B (so loss/gain of wings for a sithian as an example). You will still be recognizeable though, Jim Bob becoming Jane Doe will still be recognized as Jim Bob by those who know him, just a very clearly female version of.

Additionally it was always intended but never worded properly that if your race has no opposing gender, such as nymphs, this spell does not function for you.
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