Rules of Enforcement Please read

News from the admin relating to developments in the roleplay, changes to the web site, etc

Moderators: Stormbringer, Ehlanna

Rules of Enforcement Please read

Postby L`aquera on Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:07 pm


Every once in a while, the Ops to the Admins of TLI believe that while some rules are fine as they are, others need changing as things crop up and troubles brew. Just so you are aware, these things will be up on the site but it is also good to put them here for all to read and understand. Please make yourself at home while you read and understand them. If someone hasn't seen these rules, feel free to pass along the link to this. I'm sure it will be most helpful.

Ops will be enforcing the 'Respect Ops Respect Each other!' Rule. What does this mean for you? It means, cut the sniping in OOC to each other and to the Ops. What do I mean 'sniping'? Do we get new rifles? Heavens no! Thats dangerous! It means IE As jonie for an example! Jonie is sitting in the OOC and someone says something 'edgy' Jonie says.. "STFU already!" We will then calmly enter your PM and say "Jonie dear.. Stop. Another one, we will have to boot you from ooc for one hour!"

If for some strange reason, you don't catch the first clue and continue more sniping in the OOC at your fellow players, at Ops. You will be booted from OOC for 3 hours.

If for a very odd strange reason, you had a lobotomy! And somehow, forgot you shouldn't be doing these things for a third time! We will with firm authority, ban you from OOC for one week. IF for another very strange reason it happens again? We will speak on the matter and you likely will be banned from the OOC for a length of time we feel is appropriate.

So you have a clear concise ideal of whom you can go to in case, heaven forbid! Even an Op makes this mistake. The order of Authority starts with Stormbringer / Ehlanna Co-Owners. L`aquera HC Head Sr. op that all Ops must answer to, Archaon Sr. Op. Ielenia Sr. Op. Elthorian Sr. Op Op, Kuromaku Sr., Cleothina Sr. Op/Advisor, Sutara Sr. Op, Scathian Sr. Op, Sabina Sr. Op. Regular Ops in order of authority! Raphalwean Op, Takao Op, Istoaj Op, Junior Ops, Miyuka and Kain. This is the chain of command. Please note whom is whom and remember, if you have a problem with one of these Ops, whom to take said complaint to! Please make sure it is a legitimate complaint. Not just "L` just jumped into my PM and gave me what for about a rule or some such nonsense!!" We as OPs must enforce rules. You aren't going to like 'any' Op that has to come into your PM and discuss it. Thats just natural. We understand that!

I would like to insert that while you now know the chain of command. Op hoping, is NOT encouraged and CAN get you into a world of hurt. We the Ops do keep in touch with each other on a more than regular basis which means, any complaint brought to an Op has found its way to our Op forums so that we can be kept up to date! So if you suddenly decide you don't like what one Op just ruled, and you think to slyly maneuver to the next Op that 'might' give you your way. Please, think again. Likely if you are found to be an Op Hopper, you can expect XP to be zapped to being told in a firm manner that you now have to deal with the first Ops ruling. You really don't want to be one of these. Again, we Ops DO TALK TO EACH OTHER! There is a reason for that.

There will be no favorites of Ops. If you suspect such is occurring, you have the lineup to send an Email/MB PM to the one in charge to be addressed. We have our 'favorites' IE as in, whom I'm most likely to chatter with! But I will not play favorites as in IE Who gets my boot if it is deserved. I do! Separate Friend From Friend Needs boot to ass. And this is also, and will be followed by all Ops.

All Pseudo RP, while fun to an extent! Should never cross a line! Try not to, just grab someones tits in the middle of OOC if you are unsure you know them well enough to do so. It does make many of us, uncomfortable! Try NOT to lounge about in OOC wearing a pert lil short skirt and walking about pinching bottoms for an hour or so and proclaiming you are playing with your barbies or, pop into ones PM with lewd things that WILL make another uncomfortable. Think about it, do you want me popping into your PM saying "Oh baby, you made me wet.." ? I sure the heck don't want it. Please remember that IC is IC in channels. When you Pop into another's PM, that is them, the Mun if you will, the person, behind the screen and it may not be taken as IC. It usually isn't.

This is going to be considered a serious offense of Harassment, so please, from this point on, mind yourselves carefully! Mistakes WILL happen! We understand fully! But it is now time to start realizing it isn't always considered just 'fun pm play'. Whats going to happen is the Rule on the Site that speaks of Harassment. Your JOB as a player, if someone invades your PM in that manner, is to tell them immediately "NOT APPROPRIATE!" If they continue after that firm nudging, report it.

Please bare in mind that while you might 'Think' an Op doesn't like you, we STILL have a job to do! If you have a serious issue and an Op is on, you either A: Don't like or B: Thinks they don't like you, it doesn't matter. Their Job is to keep the peace, keep the rules, and listen to any complaints and to act in a Neutral Manner.

Going IC! And the OOC room. You do not earn, xp, sitting in the OOC room. Now and again, the Ops, patrol the IC rooms! IF we see some very good scenes that follow the theme of TLI or simply nab our attention, we WILL tap you on the shoulder and tell you, we have rewarded you with XP! Now and again, we may even, announce in channel, that there is a Quest in progress if you wish to 'join' it, or a mini-event! Do you get extra XP for that? Sometimes! We must see exceptional RP or perhaps, you were acting as your char. would despite the circumstances of the moment. JUST in case you've somehow missed one fine or key point to this. While its fun to goof about in the OOC chatting away, keep in mind you do not earn any XP for doing so. If you linger about for 24 hours in here and don't go IC, don't expect to gain a level nor to be rewarded. Also, don't complain your fellows next to you, just got a promo and you didn't if all you do, is sit in OOC.

We have all agreed that a more relaxed atmosphere in the OOC is nice. We do not, ban you for sitting about in the OOC. Just a reminder that you gain nothing from it.

Events and Mini Quests/Events! Simply PM an Op on duty and tell them "I want to run a raid of large rats on the Inn and heres what I had in mind! The Op may have some suggestions! But other than that, that's all you need to run such an Event! We will ENCOURAGE you to do so! And would love to see more of them happen! Speak to the Op on duty about rewards. They will let you know what will be allowed and not allowed! If you have an idea that may run longer than say, A few hours to a night of RP, please turn it into the Quest team and we will work with you. Quest team members you can turn in ideas to events/Quests are ! L`aquera, Sutara, Vladimir/Kain, Ray`el, Jonie.
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Re: Rules of Enforcement Please read

Postby Stormbringer on Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:16 pm

This isn't just L`aquera spouting off at random, in case you were wondering. This is the public face of an extended discussion about what we want to see. It has the full backing of Ehlanna and myself, as well as the support and understanding of all Ops.

You may like or dislike L`. That is a matter of no regard to me. But she was appointed to lead the Ops because she WILL fight for them and she WILL fight for the players when she believes the Ops are wrong. You won't gain anything by bitching about her and you won't gain anything by kissing her ass. But if you have a valid problem, there is no one better to approach with it.
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Re: Rules of Enforcement Please read

Postby L`aquera on Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:13 pm

I'm nudging this topic a bit to clarify something to all. I realize its all in good fun that in the OOC we like to prod at a player about whom they are playing with, however, there seems to be a trend going on here I'm not much liking.

If someone you don't like, is seen with a certain player constantly, please don't feel you have the need or right to pm the other player with things like "I saw Marina playing with Tobby the Train! Better watch out! They might try to steal her!"

Or, even worse, sly little innuendos meant to bug and or harass each player. Its a lot of childish bs to be honest. I haven't experienced it, but I see it now and again. It doesn't and shouldn't matter to anyone in there whom anyone else plays with. You are not secular and you have no rights to tell another whom they can and cannot play with nor should you 'helpfully' point out whom someone else is playing with. Its starting to look pretty catty and its bordering again, on harassment.

Lets be honest, you aren't going to like everyone! We are, after all, human! Who knows, someone might rub you the wrong way or said something snippy to you or maybe shoved your character around. But what we do want you to remember is, this isn't high School. You don't need to run to Bertha and tell her whom her IC lover just was screwing with, literally. So keep it in your pants ladies and germs. And keep in mind what you say to someones PM isn't always going to be taken so lightly and if your sole aim is to aggravate one person to the next? Rethink, you won't like what happens.
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