Thallis Port Incident

For all things IC and OOC pertaining to the sea and river port of Thallis.

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Thallis Port Incident

Postby lyllamarie on Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:42 pm

To all able bodied soldiers and Guards, both Imperial and from Thallis.

Last night, Officer Cirri and mineself went down to Thallis Port to check on the progress of construction and the new Viceroy's guards. Once we got there, we saw a fight break out in front a newly docked ship while spilled and wrecked cargo burned on the pier.

The Captain and Quarter Master were squaring off -- according to our intelligence, the Captain had stolen a 'Sacred Egg' from an island south of Thallis. The 'egg' was said to belong to a local Sea God, who in the wake sent a ugly, nasty beast to the port to destroy the ship that had housed the egg, and anything associated with it.

Unfortunately, wherever the item in question was, is no more. The crewman, several of whom were taken into custody of the Imperial Guard, admitted the egg had been stolen from them, after it was house in the breast of the mermaid figure attached to the front of the ship.

Crews have been designated to sweep the wreckage of the ship in search of any container that can be used to Scry for the missing item, as well as clues to the eggs whereabouts. Though the monster had been taken care of, it is our belief if the item is not recovered, more incidents will be occurring and stopping any progress Thallis Port may have.

Any information, please contact the Viceroy Ray`el or mineself. There will be a contingent of Imperial Guards transferred to the Imperial Barracks located just outside the Port to re-enforce local patrols in the event of further outbreaks. We do not want merchants and traders getting cold feet about bringing their wares into the country just because of a few broken eggs.

Captain Sutara of the Imperial Guard
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Re: Thallis Port Incident

Postby Phaing on Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:01 pm

Looks like Phaing picked a hell of a day to come in to port for introductions. :roll:

I can appreciate the concept of portable wealth, but when are people going to stop messing with strange baubles?

"I can both swim and have a knack for Deep Diving. Just make sure everyone refrains from dumping their trash for one turn of the tide... and that includes taking a dump in the water too! ... and I'll be glad to have a look around."
People swim best naked, but she will use Armor spells, physical and magical, before diving. Pre-cast a flight spell too, just in case a quick exit from the water is needed. That, a little direction as to where the "egg" might be, and her Mithril spear... good to go whenever you are.
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Re: Thallis Port Incident

Postby Kree on Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:50 pm

From the ports the girl would make an assumption.. Not one of mere halfassery either.. "Bandits are constant.. From the point the ship was wrecked and found, I would be one to think some of the local thieves have found this egg and taken it further inland."
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Re: Thallis Port Incident

Postby lyllamarie on Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:15 pm

In the days that followed, search was still active for the item in question.

On the morning of third day, a fog rolled into the port, thick and hard to see through. Afterwards, a ship, broken and lurching in the water, its mast destroyed, all but a few crewman left alive, hobbled into port side. The surviving men told of an attack on the ship, how the monster had destroyed everything in its hull and most of the ship along with it.

Two other ships, scheduled to arrive that same week, were late in reporting in. The idea of pirates overcoming the two were immediately taken by many, but some, glancing to the destroyed vessel now threatening to sink in the bay, had other ideas.
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Re: Thallis Port Incident

Postby Malekith on Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:30 pm

He walked through the port, watching, listening, he had been intrigued by the previous attack, having been there when the monster attacked the first time, he sees the destroyed ship in the harbor, and had heard the rumors of the fate of its crew. He had to assume that it was more of the same beasts as before, coming trying to find that egg. He made his way along the docks, watching, listening...
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Re: Thallis Port Incident

Postby WhiteMist on Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:49 pm

The night of the attack at the docks had been chaos, a perfect cover for his theft. The distraction of the fight couldn't have worked out better. While the others had been running around trying to safe the ship....a hopeless cause....he had pried open the hold on the mermaid's statue and taken the lock box. It was a simple thing to drop into a bag and hide under a coat. No one had even noticed as he slipped off the deck and ran into the night.

The thief had posed as a crewmen during the voyage, barely pulling his weight with the ship's duties, just biding his time until they returned to dock, all the while plotting the theft of the egg. He had no idea what the egg was or what it could do...still didnt, but if a whole island worshipped it and it was really the egg of a sea god, well that had to be worth a fat payday.

The lockbox had been heavier then he thought so once he had made it safely outside of the port town, he had cracked the lock and opened the box, throwing the empty box back into the water as he cradled the egg. A sudden rush of wind drove into his back, nearly knocking him over as he held his new treasure in his hands. A chill ran down his spine, but he ignored it as he examined the egg. A giddy laugh left his lips, "Stupid natives." The egg was wrapped in a cloth to protect it before it was returned to the bag. The thief stole a horse from the last house he came upon, not the best of mounts, but the old nag would carry him away from the port.

For two days he traveled, hiding in the daylight, moving at night. The road followed the coast northward. His dreams were troubled, the winds seemed to hound him and pound into his back as he rode. The old nag tripped in the dark and broke it's leg, forcing him to leave the wounded beast and continue on foot. Around every turn it seemed shadows followed him, the wind tugging and grabbing at the bag.

By the third day he believed the egg was curse! Haunted! He knew this land...he could follow the split at the mouth of the river or he could continue to follow the coast. Already there were dark circles under his eyes, his mind was playing tricks on him. "I have to get rid of this bloody thing." The wind made such a hollowing sound as it rushed through the caves where he hid that the man started to shake in fear. "The sooner the better!" He dug a hole, burying the bag and the egg with it.

He staggered out of the cave and headed towards the nearest town, Nanthanlion. He knew the tricks of the trade, knew the lines that he had to follow to be rid of it, the kitten would help him....she would be willing to pay a pretty mehril for the egg.
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Re: Thallis Port Incident

Postby Phaing on Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:00 pm

lyllamarie wrote:Two other ships, scheduled to arrive that same week, were late in reporting in. The idea of pirates overcoming the two were immediately taken by many, but some, glancing to the destroyed vessel now threatening to sink in the bay, had other ideas.

Phaing shrugs off the chatter and makes ready to go out and have a look around. She is confident that her ship can out-run anything it can't out-fight, and the other way around, too!

Would anyone like to come along?
(will be on tonight 6-11 PST and most of the day Sunday)
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Re: Thallis Port Incident

Postby Eraelabryn on Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:24 pm

It had been discussed.

Her own hand pinned the missive for those she would send to aide, her own assistance offered as well. Mate had given the leave for her to send those from his house, the interest of the Empire must be protected.

“To the Vice-Roy of Port Thallis,

Please accept the ones being sent to from House of Kathahles. It is, Lord Kathahles wish, that their skills be employed to aide and assist in repairs, and the hunt that is afoot. I myself, offer my aide and skill sets, to see to the Port's repairs, and in discovering the reasons for those attacks which have impeded.

Feelers have been laid out, for those who might attempt to sell the item that was 'lost'. One would hope that it will be found before the attacks grow more powerful, or more to point, that they grow until trade routes are interrupted. I will be taking a ship out, to see if we can intercept, or discover the very path that is being taken, hopefully, it will buy enough time to suss out the mysteries that remain.


To Sutara, there was another missive, penned and sent by her hand:

“House Kathahles has offered their aide to Ray`el, and the Port itself. One of my ships is being readied to see if we can find the pathing of the beasts. Do let me know, when the bodies are able to be rezzed, from the wreckage itself, and I will return to see them 'questioned.” Feelers have been placed amongst those who might find themselves with strangers offering to sell such an item, however, the shadows have ways of attempting to conceal their own darkness.

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Re: Thallis Port Incident

Postby WhiteMist on Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:50 pm

Irony.....sometimes it played in the kitten's favor. The moriel she had seen in the Inn, Eraelabryn had been entertaining herself with some newest pet as she had been on the prowl herself, finding herself a new student and spending some later hours ravishing Macavity, a slave she would need to steal at some point from Naidria. She left the man worn out and sleeping, slipping out of his room at the inn so that she could sneak out and finish her night's work as a thief.

Already she had heard of this 'egg' that had gone missing, a stranger had sent a message asking to meet. It wasnt the first time she had received such a message, and considering her line of work wouldnt be the last. Her thoughts drifted back to Eraelabryn back at the Inn, their conversation had been brief, too many ears around for the woman to be blunt, but when had she ever come out and said exactly what she ment? Of course if she had, the kitten would have been more suspicious of her.

The kitten was in the ruins of the old town, a favorite meeting place for smugglers and thieves. The locals believed the sight to be haunted, and that suited her needs just fine. The thieves guild had cleared out the squatters some years ago and had worked out a deal with the goblins....most of the time they stuck to it, allowing them to travel through the marshes mostly unharmed. A gust of wind blew suddenly around her, the smell of salt was heavy in the air. She frowned, the town was miles and miles from the nearest salt water....she shouldnt be smelling the sea in the air. Before she could question it further a man stumbled through some under brush, his clothing was ragged, his face haggard and dark shadows stained under his eyes. A hand was hidden under her cloak, fingers curled around the hilt of her dagger as she stared at him. The man fell to his knees at the sight of her, shoulders slumping in relief as he gasped out the code word that would tell her he was her appointed date.

The man collapsed and she approached him, they were alone as far as she knew, he didnt have anyone with him. She knelt beside him, he was cold and shaking. "Do you have it with you?" She asked, whispering for some reason. He moaned, his words jumbled but she listened carefully, the kitten making him repeat it over and over...just to be sure his story hadnt changed. The man died with his next breath and when he died...the wind that had been blowing around them suddenly stopped, an erie kind of calm surrounded her.
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