Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Jokes, word games and general un-serious stuff because Jonie said there isn't enough fun on the board

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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Hashmulan on Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:36 am

Rida_Cherryglade wrote:Follow up question if you haad to pick another race and stay that way wish would you go for?
Image“Ehhh?? Not be a fae? Why would you do that to Airy?! B.. But... if Airy had to be something... She’d be a Catbat like Miss Crow! That seems like fun! Being fuzzy and able to fly! Airy’s gotta be able to fly. It’s i nthe name. AIR-y!! Very important! But Fuzzy-wuzzies are important toooo!”There’s a peeeer over at Amethine. “... Isn’t that right, kitty~~!?”
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Amethine on Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:44 am

Rida_Cherryglade wrote:Do you have any skills that the others dont know about?
Image"Eh heh heh heh.... well, I mean. We all know what USEFUL skills we all have, since y'know, we're a team! We know each other's useful talents! But uh... well, I don't think either of them know just how skilled I can be at a good blowjob! I don't get an awful lot of chances to do it, since there's just so few men (or certain spellcasting ladies for that matter) that I can trust to... well, not be ready to knock me out or have a collar at the ready or something while I'm so... "distracted". But yeah, that's a skill neither of them know about! Mostly since we don't really talk about THAT kinda stuff!" *Eyes Airy.*
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:49 am

Rida_Cherryglade wrote:Do you have any skills that the others dont know about?
Image"I'm usually pretty transparent with Airy and Ammy... 'cause friends do have ta be honest with each other, right? But... they've never asked but I AM skilled in something that they probably wouldn't know about. Between ya and I.............. I... happen ta be VERY good at stacking cups...! I was the best when I lived with the dwarves and I was very proud of it! Sometimes when I see cups, I think about how fast I can stack them up on each other! There, I said it...! ...huh? 'Stupid'?? It's a lot harder than it looks, dammit!
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Hashmulan on Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:53 am

Rida_Cherryglade wrote:Do you have any skills that the others dont know about?
Image“Skill that no one else knows about? Hmmm, that’s tricky.. what if Airy doesn’t want to reveal it? Fine, Airy will tell you of the most amazing and bestest skill nobody knows Airy has... Are you ready? This one is a bit of a doozy. Airy can... Jumprope super well, without even cheatying and flitting!! Keke! See, you’re surprised!!”
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:35 pm

What is your guilty pleasure(s)?
Image"Guilty pleasure? Well... if I've ta be honest, it's..." *looks around* "... getting praised! I don't show it a lot and most times I don't care fer 'em... but on my worst days, they always help perk me right back up. Mercenaries like me don't always get words of gratitude and it's something I've gotten used ta, but... damn it if they don't feel good. Airy and Ammy do that a lot too and I really enjoy most of 'em. Like, as soon as they're done, I feel like smilin' hehe....... but I do that in my head now. After you've lived your whole entire life being told yer scum or bein' told off that people like me take work from honest, hardworkin' people... a praise or two is a nice change. ... except when they don't make sense ta me, that is. Some people call me 'pretty', but I've seen far more prettier people; so those kind of words really lose their meaning ta me. I like a bit of recognition, not lies!"
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Hashmulan on Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:39 pm

What is your guilty pleasure(s)?
Image"Huh? A guilty pleasure? Huhhh... That's a real hard one..." The fae thinks long and hard, even flipping upsidedown in the air to keep thinking. "...If Airy had to say... It's those terrible books that Lady Hashmulan has in her book collection! Not the neat books Airy can learn from, no sir. But those ones that call themselves 'romances'... Airy doesn't ever see what's romantic about them, but Airy just can't stop reading them!!"
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Amethine on Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:40 pm

What is your guilty pleasure(s)?
Image"A guilty pleasure? Oohh that's... curious. But... I mean, if we have to answer truthfully.. Well... I kinda have two, and both involve the other two. Airy somehow always has the BEST sweets! Hands down! I dunno where she gets them, or if she makes them, but whenever Ra-Vethine can steal some.... oh... oh it's so good! I can only steal a few at a time since she gets super suspicious, and she already knows Ravey's been thieving cooking supplies that I need for alchemical purposes! But as for Abby... hehe, well... she'd kill me if she ever found out, but she has had no idea yet! But... well, her "toys" are SO much better than mine! They just... reach places mine just wont, and they rub in just the right way! A clean spell afterwards and remembering how they were placed has let me avoid detection so far! Just, don't tell Abby! I don't want to think how she'd react if she found out!"
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Tori on Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:16 pm

If an anonymous employee of The Lonely Inn with a high Alchemy skill spiked your drink with a Potion of Swap Gender and you woke up the next morning with a huge cock, what would you do?
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:00 pm

Tori wrote:If an anonymous employee of The Lonely Inn with a high Alchemy skill spiked your drink with a Potion of Swap Gender and you woke up the next morning with a huge cock, what would you do?
Image"... well! I'm DEFINITELY making sure of the contents of my drinks next time at the inn from now on! And ta be fair, how would that potion make us wake up with 'huge' cocks? What if they're normal-sized? Or small-- wait, no, that's not the point of this question now, is it? Okay, -I- think I would freak the fuck out. Yeah! Freak the fuck out! Wouldn't anyone? Wakin' up in the mornin' only ta find somethin' like that danglin' between yer legs? ... buuuut. I s'pose it -would- help me understand men more... Perhaps to find the good in a bad, I might as well give 'it' a try! Find a man or woman and... ya know... 'test' it out! ... also, I've always wondered how men feels when they masturbate. What? People keep tellin' me ta look at the bright side of things and this is it fer this particular situation! ... wait, would any of my pants even fit anymore with somethin' like that down there? So many questions..."
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Amethine on Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:02 pm

Tori wrote:If an anonymous employee of The Lonely Inn with a high Alchemy skill spiked your drink with a Potion of Swap Gender and you woke up the next morning with a huge cock, what would you do?
Image"Wow! That... well that's certainly a question! Yikes! Uh.. waking up with a... hm. Well... is this a different kind of Swap Gender? It's delayed so... would I still have my tits? Does this particular potion affect ALL of me or just like, "down there"? I'd have a bit of a panic attack either way waking up like that! I'd definitely feel more comfortable if it was just the dick that appeared though, and my robes would cover it fine I guess, I'd get best of both worlds then, right? Lesse... what'd I'd so... well, I mean, I'd have to TRY it right? "Whack off" or whatever it is they say? Like, the most advanced bean-flicking ever! Ohhh I could do all sorts of stuff actually to see how it differs for men! What do balls even feel like when I juggle them about between my fingers? Would licking the sack even matter? Oh I could answer so many questions... I wonder if having one would mean I could cum faster? Oh! You think Abby would let me try it on HER? Sounds like it'd be the most fun research ever! Wait how long does this potion last...?"
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Hashmulan on Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:06 pm

Tori wrote:If an anonymous employee of The Lonely Inn with a high Alchemy skill spiked your drink with a Potion of Swap Gender and you woke up the next morning with a huge cock, what would you do?
Image"Ummm... What is a cock? Ohhh, wait, wait hold on Airy thinks she has it... you mean THAT thing! Airy only hears it called a 'cock' when Lady Abby is paying more attention to a man then her! Stupid Lady Abby!! Or when kitty is... being frankly a very weird kitty! Airy supposes she'll just see what it does and then... Return herself back! Sounds kinda like a weird thing to do to a fae, yaknow! Someone who might need a zotting!"
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby CallieO on Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:24 pm

If Airy miniaturized the other two members of the A-Team, what sort of things would you want to do together?
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Rida_Cherryglade on Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:53 am

question for Airy specificaly! is that allowed? anyways whats youre thoughts on Nixies and Pixies? do you fancy them at all?
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Amethine on Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:55 am

CallieO wrote:If Airy miniaturized the other two members of the A-Team, what sort of things would you want to do together?
Image"You know, that actually happens more often than you'd think. It's not unheard of that both me and Abby shrink down and we try to run through an obstacle course or something of bottles and toys and thread spools and other small objects. We keep needing to tell Abby it's for training though, she'd never do it if she found out we were just doing it for fun! Sometimes we make a little maze as well and try to find the center first, fun things like that! Though I think Airy wants to take it way further... like, me and Abby riding Ra-Vethine and Abbee in the air or sneaking around with one of us to prank the other. There was also that time when I was happily dry-cleaning my old dress at the CVC... though I wasn't small for that... what even DID happen with that? I keep getting wierd memories from Ravey!"
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Sun Jan 27, 2019 3:57 am

CallieO wrote:If Airy miniaturized the other two members of the A-Team, what sort of things would you want to do together?
Image"Well, she's done that plenty, but... I s'pose it'd be a good way ta avoid the crowds. With... the risk of getting stepped on, I mean. Like this one time Ammy had these people gathering ta announce the new armbands fer the Healin' House... Lots of people and I didn't wanna show up late and interrupt things. Plus, there was that whole... nonsense with those people hatin' on vulpines and bein' Manager of The Works, I didn't wanna get spotted or some of 'em might target The Works and all. So Airy shrunk me down and we made our way through the main room running from under one table to another. It's not always the most practical, but... it CAN be useful if yer plannin' on makin' an ambush. Enemies lookin' fer normal-sized people and then... bam! We return back ta our normal size and cause trouble! ... another thing would be... well, uh... I've always wondered what it'd be like ta... *AHEM* ... bathe in warm milk. ... what, -I'M- not allowed ta think 'bout things like that? I have an imagination too!"
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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