REB Commands Primer

For sales of property and improvements. Not for roleplay unconnected to purchases (ie: not for raping the customers). See the separate forum for making mortgage payments.

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REB Commands Primer

Postby Avarwraith on Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:39 am

Primer Topics

Following is a set of links that should easily take you to the different parts of the Primer based on what you are doing or what commands you need.

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Selling a Property

Postby Avarwraith on Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:44 am

Selling a Property

  • Checking Information on a Property
  • Working Out the Price Required
  • Finding the Proper Abbreviations
  • Adding Improvements to the Property
  • Changing Ownership of the Property

Checking the Information on a Property:

This is done to make sure that the property is not already owned, or does not have improvements left over on it from a previous sale.

Code: Select all
/msg Desdaemona !reb display <plot or improvement> "<name of thing>"

For example: /msg Desdaemona !reb display plot "KO" would reveal:

<Desdaemona> Information on plot "KO":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 550.00
<Desdaemona> 4ac - 0/550
<Desdaemona> -- no improvements
<Desdaemona> End of information

Working Out the Price Required

This is done by taking the listed price including multiplier

For example: 4ac - 0/550

This is broken down as follows

4ac - How many acres the plot is
0/550 - Cost of buildings/Cost of Land

To work out the cost of land, if improvements are made, you simply need to take the values of the improvements required, and add them to the existing land value.

Currently, for Out of Town property, the highest land value is Waterfall 350 mhl.
If the buyer wishes any other improvements, you take the additional costs and then add them all together, so Waterfall, Pond and River Frontage, would be 350 mhl(Waterfall) + 200 mhl(Pond) + 250 mhl(River Frontage) for a total of 800 mhl

To work out the final land value, you then take the existing Land Value, and add it to the value of the improvements wanted, to work out a final total. So for Plot KO this would be 550 mhl + 800 mhl for a total of 1350 mhl

Finding the Proper Abbreviations:

Each item in the database has it’s own unique abbreviation, this abbreviation must be used to put it in the system.

Code: Select all
 /msg Desdaemona !reb search <plot or improvement> "<search string>"

This is the command that can be used to run a search, always try to use vague searches, such as ‘Stone’ ‘house’ ‘cabin’ Rather than the whole ‘Stone Cabin With Full basement’

<Cami{Aram}> !reb search improvement "stone"
<Desdaemona> REB Improvement matching "STONE":
<Desdaemona> -- End of matches

Adding the Improvements to the Property:

Once you have the proper abbreviations and a property that is available and unimproved, you will move on to actually adding the improvements to the property.

Code: Select all
 /msg Desdaemona !reb improve "<plot>" "<improvement>"

For example using /msg Desdaemona !reb improve "KO" "S.COT W/FBSMT" will result in:
-Desdaemona- Improvement "S.COT W/FBSMT" added to plot "KO" - to be ready: now!

This can be done with all additions, including land improvements such as stream/creak/cavern.

Changing Ownership of the Property to the New Owner

This part is pretty self-explanatory; it is usually done once all the details and the price are nailed down, usually after the downpayment has been made. Unlike the other codes which are done to Desdaemona, this code can only be done in the #TLI-Town channel.
Code: Select all
 !reb set owner "<plotname>" "<character name>"

Once the land is set to the new owner then we need to run one final command to set the price in Desdaemona correctly. Please run
Code: Select all
 !reb set paid "<plotname>" value
with value being that as a word, not the amount paid. This should set the paid tag of the plot to what the value is, so that we can perform other things with it later on
Please ensure that the new owner is informed to add their new purchase to their character sheet to prevent problems in the future

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Selling OFF MAP Land

Postby Avarwraith on Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:46 am

Selling OFF MAP Land

The process for selling Off The Map Land is almost the same as selling any other property, with the following couple of differences

You can not do any commands to Desdaemona with regards finding out costs, or adding Improvements as the plot will not exist until it is entered into the system by a manager.

What you will need to do:

    1 ) Is talk to the customer to find out exactly what Improvements they wish upon the land.
    2 ) Check the Improvements Page - to double check what is required for those improvements to be had. IE Waterfall: hill/mountain terrain plus stream/creek
    3 ) Work out the new Land value for all of the required and needed Improvements
    4 ) For Off The Map Land. Each acre starts off with a base value of 100 mhl for the firest acre, then 50 mhl per acre thereafter
    5 ) So to work out the total cost of the land, you would take the land value for the improvements and add it to the cost of the acres that are required.
    6 ) You can then work out costs for Buildings that the customer wants upon their land.
    7 ) Once you have these two values, you can add them together to find a final cost for the customer and then carry on the sale as for normal
    8 ) The last thing that you will have to do, after taking the coins from the customer, is to send Twerlinger a pm over the Message Board, stating what is required by the customer, including amount of acres, improvements to land and buildings that is to go upon the land and the direction that the land is to be based in (North, East, South, West)
    9 ) Please ensure that the new owner is informed to add their new purchase to their character sheet to prevent problems in the future

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Upgrading Improvements on a Property

Postby Avarwraith on Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:49 am

Upgrading Improvements on a Property

  • Checking the Information on a Property
  • Finding the Proper Abbreviations
  • Removing an Old Improvement
  • Adding the New Improvement

Checking the Information on a Property:

This is done to make sure that the property is owned by the client and to double check what improvements are actually on it. Another nice thing about this part is it gives you some of the abbreviations that you will need for the next part.

Code: Select all
/msg Desdaemona !reb display <plot or improvement> "<name of thing>"

So using /msg Desdaemona !reb display plot "AL" will bring up:
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "AL":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: Greywind Darkholm
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 2150.00
<Desdaemona> Greywind Darkholm has paid 0.00
<Desdaemona> 5ac - 850/1300 - Stream
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#1243) 2h-sbrn - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#801) bathhouse w/porch - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#1263) Hot Spring - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#800) S-GARD-LG - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#1244) S.cot - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> End of information

Finding the Proper Abbreviations:

Each item in the database has its own unique abbreviation; this abbreviation must be used to put it in the system.

Code: Select all
 /msg Desdaemona !reb search <plot or improvement> "<search string>"

This is the command that can be used to run a search, always try to use vague searches, such as ‘brick’ ‘house’ ‘cabin’ Rather than the whole ‘Brick house with full basement”

<Desdaemona> REB Improvement matching "BRICK":
<Desdaemona> -- End of matches

Removing an Old Improvement:

When you’re doing an upgrade, you only get 75% back on what is being destroyed in order to create something bigger. Once the deal has been sealed, the first thing you need to do is remove the improvement that is going to be replaced. In this example we are going to be replacing a Stone Cottage with a Brick House with a full basement. This is done, preferably, after the sale is complete.

Code: Select all
 /msg Desdaemona !reb reduce "<plot>" "<improvement name or #id>"

In this case, you would use the command: /msg Desdaemona !reb reduce "AL" "S.cot"

-Desdaemona- Improvement "S.cot" removed from plot "AL"

Adding the New Improvement:

Once the Old Improvement has been removed, you can now add the New Improvement. In this case we are adding the Brick House with Full Basement that we looked up earlier.

Code: Select all
 /msg Desdaemona !reb improve "<plot>" "<improvement>"

So using /msg Desdaemona !reb improve "AL" "BRICK HOUSE W/FBSMT" will give you the confirmation:

-Desdaemona- Improvement "BRICK HOUSE W/FBSMT" added to plot "AL" - to be ready: now!

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Buyback Commands

Postby Avarwraith on Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:50 am

Buyback Commands

  • Checking the Information on a Property
  • Remove Improvements From the Property
  • Setting the Property to Unowned
  • Payout

Checking the Information on a Property:

This is done to make sure that the property is owned by the client and to double check what improvements are actually on it. Another nice thing about this part is it gives you the exact abbreviations that you will need for the next part.

Code: Select all
/msg Desdaemona !reb display <plot or improvement> "<name of thing>"

So using /msg Desdaemona !reb display plot "AL" will bring up:
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "AL":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: Greywind Darkholm
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 2150.00
<Desdaemona> Greywind Darkholm has paid 0.00
<Desdaemona> 5ac - 850/1300 - Stream
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#1243) 2h-sbrn - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#801) bathhouse w/porch - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#1263) Hot Spring - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#800) S-GARD-LG - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#1244) S.cot - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> End of information

Remove Improvements From the Property:

This must be done for each plot that is either In Town, or Out of Town. Off The Map Plots are done differently and require a message to be sent to Twerlinger to delete the plot in question.

Code: Select all
 /msg Desdaemona !reb reduce "<plot>" "<improvement name or #id>"

Using this we can take the information we already have and carefully remove the house and all non-land improvements. So using /msg Desdaemona !reb reduce "AL" "2h-sbrn"

-Desdaemona- Improvement "2h-sbrn" removed from plot "AL"

Setting the Property to Unowned:

This command must be done in the #TLI-Town channel.

Code: Select all
 !reb set unowned "<plotname>"


The person selling gets 75% of the total worth of the property back for selling it to the REB.
The command to do this is !Reb BuyBack "Plot" which will buyback the plot from the character, and payout the required amount of money. Any discrepancies, need to be sent to me, along with the original unedited printout from des as to what was on the land before the buyback process was started.

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Postby Twerlinger on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:14 pm

To set up a mortage on a plot, you must first work out the total cost of what is required to be mortgaged.
If it is a new mortgage, then a minimum deposit of 25% must be given before the rest can be turned into the mortgage value.

After deducting the deposit from the origional value. The reminder is what will be used to run the mortgage command.

There are two types of mortgage, 3 or 6 months. A 3 month mortgage has a 5% interest rate, A 6 month mortage has a 10% interest rate.

When you are ready to do the mortgage itself, the command is

Code: Select all
!mortgage define "plot" Period(3/6) x mhl x cop

for example

!mortgage define RO 6 1000 mhl - would add a 6 month mortage to plot RO, and would automatically add the 10% interest value to the total amount of the mortgage

Repaying the Mortgage

When it comes time to make the monthly payments, the owner of the plot, or someone in their stead simply has to execute the following command

Code: Select all
!mortgage pay "plot name"

and it will automatically deduct the months payment from their funds.

What Happens If????

Q. What happens if I miss a months payment?
A. A 30 mhl late payment fee will be added to the total required to pay off the mortgage. If 3 months without payment pass, then the land will be repossessed. One month after that, and it will be put back up for general sale. If during that month you wish to reclaim it, then full payment will be required to reclaim the land.

Q. When does the month run from/to?
A. The month for the mortgage starts the day that you put down the deposit and are sold the land, the first payment must happen before the same day the following month, and so on for each extra payment.
Example. You take a mortgage out on the 12th of January. Your first payment is required by 12th February, Your second payment is required by 12th March.

Q. Will you remind me if I miss a month's payment?
A. No. It is your responsibility to remember what and when your payments are due. We are more than happy to remind you icly of when your date is.. if you ask us, but we will not remind you when you have missed a payment.
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Postby Twerlinger on Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:24 pm

Until further notice.

Keeps require floor plans to be submitted to the manager of the REB, and require the approval of said manager before purchasing can be authorized for the building.
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Re: REB Commands Primer

Postby Twerlinger on Sun May 06, 2012 8:50 am

Transfer of Plots

All plot transfers require the OOC consent of all parties involved, and a fee of 50 mhl will be charged for the administration IC. If both parties are not able to be present at the time of finding an REB clerk, then please ensure that you have the ooc consent of the other party involved so that the REB clerk can have the consents for their logs and knowledge.
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Re: REB Commands Primer

Postby Twerlinger on Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:32 pm

Updated with comments about adding to character pages after purchasing
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Re: REB Commands Primer

Postby Twerlinger on Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:41 am

Updated posts to reflect the
!reb set paid "plot" value command being implemented
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