Question about Crafting Items

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Question about Crafting Items

Postby Ithilwen on Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:25 pm

I've looked on the site and I can't find anything about crafting items. I know that there are ranked skills of handling certain types of items, Alchemy for potions, Architect for buildings, Brewing/wine making for creating alcohol. I have a character who is a seamstress and had the required general skill, which would allow her t make clothes. The problem is that I don't know how to do so. I've asked in channel and gotten the answer people who work at the Naked Bird, or Bellodana can make clothes. No one has told me how a free lancer would go about it, or what the process for creating a dress is. I've checked the website under finding work, and it mentions role playing the process out. Does this mean I have to role play the creation of a piece of clothing, buying materials and going about its design and creation that is fine, but then how does one obtain the item they just created for sale ?
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Re: Question about Crafting Items

Postby Twerlinger on Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:28 pm

I can't speak for everyone, but this is the way I've done freelancing work in the past

Twerl makes specific items upon demand, which normally works out as agreeing the item to be made, then visit the shop in question that might sell such, so for clothes either the Naked Bird or Belladona, buy the required item with its description and such so you have the item listed in Des but to RP out buying the materials instead. Then rp out making the item, so arranging for measurements to be taken, fittings and the like, keeping your logs of all of it as proof of work done. When its all done and finished.. give the item to the buyer, charge them whatever has been agreed upon and they can say they have got a handmade item by such and such a person.

A couple of threads that might help out


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