Equipment Slots

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Equipment Slots

Postby Aerin on Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:16 am

I am currently irritated by our equipment slots system.

I feel like I understand its purpose as far as questing goes... doesn't make sense for folks to be a walking armory, right? But the way it is implemented seems to run contrary to the purpose, which is to facilitate RP.

For instance, my bard, Aerin, bought a writing kit, to have stuff to write down songs, etc. She didn't have to, I could have just RP'd her writing, but it struck me as fun and incentive to patronize the GS, offer RP to an employee, etc. Had I been thinking in terms of questing, though, that would have been stupid... just say you have it in a scene, and save those slots for something you might need on an adventure.

I'm currently in the process of having Aerin buy a wagon and horses for her Mistresses and slave sisters to travel around with. It's a cool little character moment, and its getting derailed by the fact that four horses to pull the thing is a LOT of slots to sell.

That doesn't make even questing sense. If you have a horse, shouldn't you be able to carry MORE stuff, rather than less? Same with slaves.

What I would propose is a system variable that you can use in Des to mark whether an item is equipped or unequipped. That way, there's nothing stopping people from buying a whole mess of weapons and armor and picking what suits them for any individual quest. All it allows is more RP opportunities at the shops and more ways to spend those mhls.

If you wanted to get REALLY fancy with it, we could also institute a system where the number of things stored by the player are dependent on their living situation. A vagabond can only keep what they can carry, someone with a room at the INN or CVC could keep maybe a chest worth of stuff, houses add more storage (A reason to spring for the basement beyond sex dungeon!) etc etc etc.

It gets people to expand their opportunities by participating in the world, rather than the abstract process of adding equip slots via lvl up.

Just a thought.
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Re: Equipment Slots

Postby miyuka on Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:18 pm

That sounds rather complex for our incredibly simple system. Also...does a writing kit take up an equipment slot? I know horses do (I have 4 myself for my carriage). You are right, you could just say you had something in a scene instead of taking the time to go to the shop or elsewhere to obtain it and RP getting it, but then that's just bad form. We're all adults here, it's all about the RP in the end, while such a system would be pretty kewl and certainly would make more sense that the more things you buy to hold things would mean more -slots- so to speak to hold things, It's ultimately not necessary. Equip slots are Equip slots. If anything, it's odd that mounts and horses and slaves take up those slots, but that's the system we have. It limits your access to having a lot of those things unless you spend the points to have them.
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Re: Equipment Slots

Postby Farvel on Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:04 am

Yeah, that seems way too complex a system to implement for this game.

That said, I never understood the rationale behind slaves taking up two equipment slots. Nothing else in the game does, apart from the heaviest armor types. At 4 points per slot, that means everytime you want a new slave you need to spend almost a level's worth of points just to be able to have them, which is just silly. "I wish I could collar you but I have to keep you in a pretend collar until I can level up", and "since now I have someone to cook my meals I can't learn the spells I wanted" are quite absurd concepts.
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Re: Equipment Slots

Postby Naomh on Sat Dec 08, 2018 6:26 am

For some reason the writing kit does in fact take an equipment slot, it may be an artifact from older times as it mentions enchantable inkpots I believe... which is now any inkpot but small things.

Additionally, a large tent from the GS takes 2 equipment slots, which one can argue the reason for is that a tent can be used in place of a house, so....

Either way, having an 'equipped item' equipment list is not a viable thing as I imagine it, so while an idea it's one I do not see happening.
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Re: Equipment Slots

Postby Amara on Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:16 pm

While the proposed idea does seem a bit complex for our system, it wouldn't hurt for Dev, when we get some time,
to take a peek into the Equip slot system.

It was a nice suggestion, thank you for that.

I dumped Amara's writing kit a long time ago, along with some other items to make room for Beasts and Slaves.
It can be frustrating for sure.

Physical classes get more equip slots.
Magical classes get more spell slots.
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Re: Equipment Slots

Postby Stormbringer on Tue Jan 01, 2019 1:47 am

One of the main points of this game is that it provides a character with limitations. They have to make choices on race, class and also what they can carry. No, slaves as equipment doesn't make sense but like so much in the game it was brought in to prevent abuse, not to cater to sensible players. As far as equipment goes generally, we assume that all characters will buy, steal or make everything they own. Otherwise we might just as well freeform it and say anyone can carry the complete contents of MMR in a bag.

So the system exists for a purpose but it isn't perfect. If something shouldn't need a full equipment slot, say so. We can always tweak if we agree with you. My own suggestion if any changes were made would make more sense than this, and would be to have your house have equipment slots so you could store things there. But again I think the coding would be too complex for what is supposed to be a very basic roleplay and which has already grown massively beyond what I originally envisaged thanks to the wonderful work of Naiya and Ehlanna.
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