Familiars (Ritual bond) intelligence and speech

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Familiars (Ritual bond) intelligence and speech

Postby Naomh on Wed May 07, 2014 9:41 pm

(From http://belariath.com/shops/ss/familiars.html )
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Ritual Bonding ((Full bonding)): Provides the owner with a complete mental link, allowing for full understanding between Familiar and Owner and vice versa. With this anchoring the familiar is able to manifest a full version of itself into the plane of Belariath. Also the familiar shares a mystical link between its owner and itself, allowing it to infuse its owner with full effects from the crossing of body and mind. This link shares fully between master and also familiar.

Benefits of the Ritualistic Bonding: Telepathy with Familiar - speech is able to be made by the familiar as if normal human. A bonus of +3 to intelligence to the owner is received.

Side Effects of Major Bonding: The same level of pain is felt between master and familiar. If a familiar is stabbed in the leg the master will feel the same amount of pain without actually suffering the wound itself. Also the Master starts to share quick's and small parts of activities as the Familiar would have. For example: an owner with a dog or wolf familiar would enjoy having there tummy rubbed or scratched behind the ears and such. If the familiar is Permanently Destroyed, the owner will fall in a coma for 1 week from the strain on his mental abilities. The next week the owner will feel a strong sorrow as if losing a part of him. All abilities for a week are cut in half until sorrow is passed. All benefits will be stripped.

Mechanics of the Major Bonding: The owner is able to have a full control of his familiar. Communication is actually possible between the master and others beside him as well, and the level of conversation from the animal is like sharing conversation with other humans. Verbal commands from the owner are completely understood by the familiar as it works. The visual images are now telepathic messages which are sent to its owner. The telepathic strength enables the owner to have a full conversation with his familiar as if he was standing next to it and it would talk back to him. This is effective as long as the familiar is within Line of sight.

I have seen some (including myself) be confused by the above as other players and some Ops have stated that this is not the case. So I am asking for clarification on the above.

***First off, the biggest source of confusion, it implies above that the owner and familiar share such a strong connection, they share parts of intelligence, at least to the degree that talking with the familiar 'is like sharing a conversation with other humans' and that (Telepathic!) communication is possible from familiar to people near their master. However in a conversation with an Op earlier today they said that this was not the case, that familiars are only simplistic animals with a bit of magic to call them to you and give less then a sentence thought to you.

---The question is then, for the strongest bonding available (ritual), do familiars actually get a boost to their own intellect, or are they still just beasts that happen to have such a strong bond with another the two can understand each other as well as two humans talking about the weather despite the complete difference in intellect and communications?

***Second, I have seen some use their familiars to relay messages from themselves to others.

---Since it states that the telepathic bond only works from familiar to master and those close to them, unless you have your familiar deliver a letter like a carrier pigeon or similar, is this also a big no-no? Where does 'close' to the master begin and end? Intimately close, around the same table close? Within line of sight close?

I'm not trying to raise any sort of fuss, it's just when the site implies or says one thing, and the Ops another, it tends to cause confusion and frustration for all, and sometimes it could be down to a simple misunderstanding at the time of the conversation or something misworded on the site.
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Re: Familiars (Ritual bond) intelligence and speech

Postby lyllamarie on Mon May 12, 2014 8:09 pm

The website is pending change on this matter. We will keep you posted.
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