A new poison??

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A new poison??

Postby Thunder on Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:20 am

this is a poison that came about in thought from back in March of 2017 Thanks to the race for the cure that Joe did. It got me to thinking ooc and got my character to thinking ic sense she was looking for that cure she came up with a poison all in the work of finding that one little cure. here is the results and the type of poison she will make a cure if this poison is accepted.

Name: Kiel Aphyon (Slow Death)
Category: 5
Type: Ingested, Inhaled, contact
Form: powder/liquid/ lotion
Activation time: Immediately
Cure Level: Healer X7
Cured by: The only potions that can cure Kiel Aphyon is Qee'lak Dro (Quick Life) (it is posted on down in the thread)
Created by :Thunder
Cost’s: Powder 125 mhl, Liquid 250 mhl, and Lotion 250 mhl

Description: As a powdered it is light red with the sent of roses. as a liquid it is a light brown thought as a lotion it is a pink with the sent of roses.

General Effects: Attacks your senses and in the end causes death if not cured

Partial Effects: You are robbed of all your senses, one at a time. The first day you go blind, the following day sight is restored as though nothing happened. The third day you can't hear, the following day you hear everything clearly. The following day you lose the sense of smell, except a cloying sent of roses that pervade your senses. The sixth day everything is again normal. Day seven dawns and you cannot taste anything except roses for some strange reason, everything you eat or drink tastes like roses. On the eight day of this strange malady everything returns to normal, but on day nine you lose your sense of touch, unable to grasp or hold, or pick up anything without dropping it. Day ten all senses return to normal.

Full Effects: Yet on day eleven and twelve you think all is well for nothing has happened but on day thirteen they become ill once more loosing all their senses where they are laid up in bed unless they wish to try to move and do. but on day fourteen is death for if they do not have sure by then it is by their death that they are cured.

Double Effects: Days one though 10 you lose your sense yet they come back but to the end for two days you have a break form the pain in which these have taken important things from you until the final blow is that of your death unless you get a cure.

((Cure for poison on the sixth post))
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Re: A new poison??

Postby CallieO on Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:30 am

Interesting. I like it. This is one of them poisons where you better let your doctor know what's happening to you!
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Re: A new poison??

Postby Balard on Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:37 am

I like the idea of the poison, the lotion form would have some interesting scenes for anyone wanting to apply it to a victim or something, as for the cure my question would be besides another potion would a spell from the healing sphere work?
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Re: A new poison??

Postby Thunder on Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:39 am

With this poison you can not heal with the cure poison spell or potion. If I can get the poison approved I will do my very best to get the cure for it I am writing approved as well.
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Re: A new poison??

Postby Twerlinger on Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:46 am

Name: Kiel Aphyon (Slow Death)
Category: 5
Type: Ingested, Inhaled, contact
Form: powder/liquid/ lotion
Activation time:5mins
Cure Level: Healer X5
Cured by: The only potions that can cure Kiel Aphyon is Thurac (writing up)
Created by : Ilkrac and Thunder
Cost’s: Powder 125 mhl, Liquid 250 mhl, and Lotion 250 mhl

Activation time should be in rounds not min, to allow for ease of understanding when its effects start. Given your time frame on how it progresses, you might as well have it be activated immediately, as your first effect doesn't happen till the next day, having a delay on it doesn't make much sense in that case.

If your having it cured by only something else, you need to remove the cure level, as the way it reads right now a healerx5 could cure it so that conflicts with your intent on it.

Personally if your trying to make it hard/difficult to cure, maybe make it Healerx7 and/or your other means, which gives people a chance to hit up a healer and get it done, if they can find one, or go and find the other cure.. and that cure is something you should have written up to go alongside this, otherwise your going to have a lot of people running to buy this to poison people before a cure even exists.
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Re: A new poison??

Postby Thunder on Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:21 am

Thank you Twerlinger I agree I was not sure how to write some of it. I am actually writing up the cure for this poison at this time. I will fix what you have brought to my attention.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Re: A new poison??

Postby Thunder on Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:51 am

Well this is what I have for the cure at this time. I will work more upon it. I hope you enjoy. Please leave posts to let me know what you think of the poison and the cure.

Name: Qee'lak Dro (Quick Life)
Type: Ingested, Inhaled
Form: powder/liquid
Activation time: 1 day
Cure For: Kiel Aphyon
Created by: Thunder
Cost’s: Powder 125 mhl, Liquid 250 mhl

For this cure you need the petals of these flowers: pink lily of the Incas, purple Hydragae, pink with yellow strips Cock’s Comb, bright fuchsia-pink Bleeding Heart. Once you have each of these petals you will grind them up into a fine powder.

You will also need these herbs: Feverfew use the leaves and flower, Lavender , Lemon balm leaves, thyme leaves.

Liquid needed is: Ol’ 4 Fingers

When you create this cure you take each item crushing them. This is to just make the powered form. Be careful not to inhale the dust. If you are crushing correctly the dust will come up a bit. If you inhale it you will not have enough for the cure. Take six petals of each of Pink Lily of the Incas, Purple Hydrangea, Pink with Yellow Strips Cock’s Comb, and the bright fuchsia-pink Bleeding Heart. In another bowl you will mix your herbs Feverfew, Lavender, Lemon Balm and Thyme.

To make the liquid form you will need all of the powder for mixed together you add Ol’ 4 Fingers to the powder mix and turn it first to a paste. Once it is a paste you slowly mix more of the Ol’4 fingers until it becomes a fine shinny black liquid.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Re: A new poison??

Postby VanMasterson on Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:08 pm

Van does not really use poisens but this one sounds good and pretty close to home in rl standards heh. He will never use it but I can see the attractiveness of rping it all out as well as long as people are fully willing to rp the effects and not ave themselves either "too strong for the poisen to work" or magically have a cure simply cause they did not want to rp the effects anymore. This is a wonderfull idea Thunder honand will force many to rp outside the box and experience a new style of rp if they wished.

Might have Van be effected by it one day and have a Lovely drak sen and sithian dancer tend to him ;) hehe.
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