A minor suggestion regarding Searching For...

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A minor suggestion regarding Searching For...

Postby Infernis on Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:50 am

The idea for Searching For is solid and I'm sure plenty of people have found RP via that.

That said, I had an idea that was, naturally, inspired by other things I'd seen in other places.

I was thinking...Perhaps a section of Searching For, dedicated to character intros, along with a detailed listing. The idea being to create a place where people can go to sort through the listed characters to see if they can find someone that they're interested in playing with.

Fioana was kind enough to give me a rough template, which I modified slightly to go here:

Power Exchange:
Body type / Basic Description:
Unique physical details:
Hard limits:
Time Availability / Time zone:
Role Play preferences:

This, of course, is just a rough idea. Just wanting to get a good feeling for if people think this is a good idea or not.
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Re: A minor suggestion regarding Searching For...

Postby Naomi on Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:54 am

good idea. i am sure many would make use of it
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Re: A minor suggestion regarding Searching For...

Postby Celestyn_Auros on Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:58 am

i think this is a good idea for an off-shoot from "Searching For" and if nothing else, it will possibly bring new interest to -all- characters, new or old that are posted to such a thread.

A small suggestion though, rather than making people re-write descriptions, perhaps ask that people just link directly to the character they are 'advertising'.


Character Name: (though obviously this should be in the thread title, sometimes redundancy isn't a bad thing) Bobby Bloodvine
Gender: Male
Age: Over 9000
Orientation: Bisexual
Power Exchange Sought: I'm a Dom seeking my next conq - er sub.
Race: Elf, duh.
Link to Profile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Of Note (About the Character): I have a massive uh, ego.
Settings Desired: Indoors
Likes/Kinks: I like spoons. I'm a kinky guy.
Hard Limits: Eggs, I just don't like em.
Time Availability / Time Zone: PST
Role Play Preferences: Alone in a dark room.
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