Spirit Sphere Spells

Questions and suggestions for new spells, changes to spells and the magic system

Moderators: Stormbringer, Ehlanna

Spirit Sphere Spells

Postby Ithilwen on Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:23 pm

Shaman's focus mostly on the spirit sphere and the pickings are slim, or rather lack any sort of what feels like theme in there selection. I'm hoping that these spells will help add a bit more variety or theme to the class.

Anywhere spell

Summon Familiar.
Requirements: Shaman x1

Description: The shaman forms a temporary contract with a spirit and brings it into our plane of existence. The familiar can aid the shaman in whatever the task is required. This could be scouting out the area ahead or aiding the shaman in combat.

Mechanics: The shaman summons a familiar at basic bonding level at shaman x1. The familiar has a life total equal to the shamans life total multiplied by the number of times shaman was taken. For each odd level of shaman taken the bond between shaman and the summon familiar is increased. If the familiar is destroyed the shaman feels the effects of the appropriate bonding. A shaman may summon a familiar at a lower bonding level but they will have a lower hp pool to the distrust the spirit has in the shaman. Familiars summoned have half the normal calculated hp pool.

Shaman x1 basic
Shaman x3 minor
Shaman x5 normal
Shaman x7 major

Out of Battle Spell

Spirit Walk

Description: The shaman has learned to enter into the spirit realm and walk among it to view things they might normally be able to see in there physical form.

Mechanics: The shaman leaves there physical form entering into a spirit form. They may travel 3 feet from there body for every time shaman had been chosen as a class. With the aid of scrying spells such as Far Scry, Ice Guard etc. The shaman may use the spell to project there spirit form to the area and use this item as an anchor. The shaman is in an incorporeal form and can not interact with anything in the physical plane. The only exception to this is if the shaman is duel classed or has a spell that would allow spirits to interact with the physical plane. Like a seductress with the sexual spirits spell. The shaman is vulnerable as they are not in there physical body, and hostile actions will cause the shaman spirit to be teleported back into its body.

Changes to the following spells


Spirit Armor:
Level required: 5
Casting method: other
Defending method: none

Description: Shaman X2:

A common defensive spell known by most Shamans, this conjuration summons the protective energies of the spirits. By means of this spell, the caster is able to wrap himself in these energies, which cling to his form, skintight. Upon finishing the incantation, these energies manifest and can be seen each time a spell is cast directly at the shaman, a flaring of white energies in the form of warding 'hands' appear to deflect the spell, intercepting and neutralizing it. This spell is a close cousin to Spirit Barrier and most Shamans possess both spells.

:MECHANICS: A Ranged Magical Attack is rolled and halved to determine the amount of Magical damage the Spirit Armor can neutralize before it fades away. Direct targeting spells are affected by Spirit Armor, but not area effect spells suck as Ice Storm and Fireball. Stamina cost is doubled that of most spells, 2 Stamina for each slot utilized. Also, for every slot used, the spell lasts 1 round. This spell can not stack with Magical Armor or Spirit Barrier. Should a targeting spell hit the caster with enough damage to overwhelm Spirit Armor, then the total remaining Spirit Armor is deducted from the damage and the remainder cuts through to the Shaman. This spell has no effect on any sort of Physical attack, either Ranged or Close.

Changed version

Spirit Armor:
Level required: 5
Casting method: other
Defending method: none

Description: Shaman X2:

A common defensive spell known by most Shamans, this conjuration summons the protective energies of the spirits. By means of this spell, the caster is able to wrap himself in these energies, which cling to there form, skintight. Upon finishing the incantation, these energies manifest and can be seen each time a physical attack is cast directly at the shaman, a flaring of white energies in the form of warding 'hands' appear to deflect the spell, intercepting and neutralizing it. This spell is a close cousin to Spirit Barrier and most Shamans possess both spells.

:MECHANICS: A Close Magical Attack is rolled and halved to determine the amount of Magical damage the Spirit Armor can neutralize before it fades away. This spell defends against all Physical Attacks, both Ranged and Close, but has no effect on 'any' spells directed at the caster, either targeting or area-effect, such as Fireball. Stamina cost is doubled that of most spells, 2 Stamina for each slot utilized. Also, for every slot used, the spell lasts 1 round.This spell can not stack with Magical Armor, nor Spirit Barrier.

Synergy: If summon familiar has been used before this spell the shaman may use it to bolster the defensive properties of the armor. The familiar will leave the corporal form giving to it and take the shape of armor themed after its physical form either and transparent in appearance. The spirit can only maintain the appearance of armor during the duration of spirit armor. In order to bolster the armor defense properties the familiar adds half its life total to the amount of damage the armor can take before it breaks. If the new total is surpassed then both the armor and familiar are destroyed. If the spell ends the familiar will return to its corporal form losing the hp used to join the armor. This can not be used if the result of halfing the life would destroy the familiar.


Spirit Barrier:
Level required: 8
Casting method: other
Defending method: none

Description: Shaman X2:

This spell is very closely related to Spirit Armor and both incantations draw upon the same spirits to defend them from their enemies. Upon completion of this spell, the caster is surrounded and encased with invisible energies; the spirits themselves come to defend the caster. Sheathing the shaman in their protection, these spirits defend against attacks from both hand to hand attacks and ranged weapons such as arrows and thrown daggers. Each time an attack comes, the energies flare into the form of a warding hand that deflects or blocks the attack, translucent and ghostly. This spell does nothing to defend against spells flung at the caster or touch attack spells.

:MECHANICS: A Close Magical Attack is rolled and halved to determine the amount of damage that can be absorbed by the Spirit Barrier before it fades away. This spell defends against all Physical Attacks, both Ranged and Close, but has no effect on 'any' spells directed at the caster, either targeting or area-effect, such as Fireball. Stamina cost is doubled that of most spells, 2 Stamina for each slot utilized. Also, for every slot used, the spell lasts 1 round.This spell can not stack with Physical Armor, nor Spirit Armor.

Changed Version

Spirit Barrier:
Level required: 5
Casting method: other
Defending method: none

Description: Shaman X2:

This spell is very closely related to Spirit Armor and both incantations draw upon the same spirits to defend them from their enemies. Upon completion of this spell, the caster is surrounded and encased with invisible energies; the spirits themselves come to defend the caster. Sheathing the shaman in their protection, these spirits defend against attacks these energies manifest and can be seen each time a spell is cast directly at the shaman. Each time an attack comes, the energies flare into the form of a warding hand that deflects or blocks the attack, translucent and ghostly. This spell has no effect on any sort of Physical attack, either Ranged or Close.

:MECHANICS: A Ranged Magical Attack is rolled and halved to determine the amount of Magical damage the Spirit barrier can neutralize before it fades away. Direct targeting spells are affected by Spirit Armor, but not area effect spells suck as Ice Storm and Fireball. Stamina cost is doubled that of most spells, 2 Stamina for each slot utilized. Also, for every slot used, the spell lasts 1 round. This spell can not stack with Magical Armor or Spirit Barrier. Should a targeting spell hit the caster with enough damage to overwhelm Spirit Barrier, then the total remaining Spirit barrier is deducted from the damage and the remainder cuts through to the Shaman. This spell has no effect on any sort of Physical attack, either Ranged or Close.

Synergy: If summon familiar has been used before this spell the shaman may use it to bolster the defensive properties of the barrier. The familiar will leave the corporal form giving to it and join the barrier to strengthen it. The spirit can only maintain the barrier during the duration of spirit barrier. In order to bolster the barrier defense properties the familiar adds half its life total to the amount of damage the armor can take before it breaks. If the new total is surpassed then both the barrier and familiar are destroyed. If the spell ends the familiar will return to its corporal form losing the hp used to join the barrier. This effect can not be used if the result of halfing the life would destroy the familiar.
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Re: Spirit Sphere Spells

Postby Naomi on Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:38 am

I for one would like to see Spirit Walk adopted. As for familiars? Familiars can be called by enchanters at the Sorcerous Santuary
Because I am one with the taker of life, and I love pain and suffering, misery and death as it loves me. These are things I am not willing to give up, if death is release then let it never find me so I may live long and suffer much.
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Re: Spirit Sphere Spells

Postby Ithilwen on Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:33 am

More things.

Spirit Bind

There are times when the shaman requires aid in restraining those that would do harm to them. For this the shaman asks the spirits in there aid. The spirits attempt to snare and capture a chosen target.

Mechanics: A standard Ranged Magical Attack and requisite Ranged Magical Defense are used to determine if the victim is caught. The victim is caught, and unless otherwise obstructed, can speak clearly, but cannot cast magic, or attack as their hands are caught. If the victim is attacked the spell ends. The shaman may have the spirits drag the victim closer to them once caught.

Ethereal Servant

Casting Method: None
Defending Method: None

Description: Shaman x1

The shaman summons an invisible, mindless, shapeless spirit from the ethereal plane. The servant performs simple task until it is no longer needed by the shaman.

The servant is invisable to all but the shaman, or to other shamans. Ethereal Servant can perform task like a regular servant. Able to fold clothes, serve food, cleaning, fetching items. Once you give a command the servant will perform the task to the best of its abilities, until it completes. The servant will then wait for its next task. Ethereal servant can not harm others, nor can it be used for sexual scenes outside its basic function.

Ethereal Whisper

Casting method: ranmagatk
Defense Method: Ranmagdef

Description: Shaman x2

The shaman can use the spirits in order to suggest courses of actions that the target might want to take. The target will hear the spirits whispering to them to take this course of action.

This spell last 1 hour for each spell slot put into the spell, and a range of two feet up to a max of 30 feet at max spell slots. The caster will give the spirits a course of action (limited to a senteance or two) for the spirits to whisper into the targets ear. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the course of action sound reasonable. Asking the target to harm themself ends the spell. The target must make a ranmagdef roll versus the casters ranmagatk. Upon a successful defense roll the target is able to ignore the sugesstion. Failing the defense roll makes the purse the action suggested to them to the best of there ability. The shaman may also impart a trigger into the suggestion, if the trigger is not met before the spell ends the action is not performed. OOC consent must still be given for sexual suggestions.

Ethereal Sight

Casting method: None
Defense Method: None

Description: Shaman x6

By placing there hand on an ally the shaman can imbue the choosen target with its ability to see into the future for a limited time, but with this also comes the down sides of it.

The shaman may imbue there passive Knowledge of the unknown and Spiritual recklessness onto a target for as long this spell last. This spell last one turn for each time shaman is taken.
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