A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Questions and suggestions for new spells, changes to spells and the magic system

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A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:24 pm

These are just a few ideas that I've been thinking over to add to the Warrior Mage's spell selection. There will be more coming in the future and as this is my first time making any suggestions I am more than welcome to any advice on how to change or better tweak the spell mechanics.

I also want to be clear that my only intentions here are to expand upon War Mages and make them feel more defined, unique, and truly a part of the world. I've taken care to try and ensure that none of the spells I've suggested are out of line or more powerful than anything other classes can do while having what I feel is a 'unique' War Mage feel and flavor.

Shifting Shield -
War Mage X1
Casting Method - other
Defense Method - other

Description - This shield shows the Warrior Mage's devotion to balancing himself between the magical and the physical realms. Upon casting it a shimmering shield of arcane force springs up and surrounds the Warrior Mage. He declares whether it will defend him against magical or physical attacks and the shield will then absorb the force of whichever attack has been made against him and reflects it back in a bolt of sudden energy against his attacker.

Mechanics - When casting the spell the Warrior Mage declares whether it will defend against physical or magical attacks. It will then reflect damage back upon the attacker. The amount of damage done is 1 point for every 3 slots invested, up to a maximum of 5 damage reflected. The spell lasts for one round for every slot invested and costs 2 stamina each round active, on top of the normal stamina for the initial cast. This spell may be used with defensive spells magical and physical armor, or defense enchantments, but not with any other defensive spells or magical shields.

Siphoning Strike –
War Mage X1
Casting Method - clomagatk
Defense Method – clomagdef

Description – By means of this spell the War Mage can attempt to strike out with his hands unleashing his own magical energy into his opponent in order to siphon off a portion of their strength and imbue himself with it. If the spell is successful it does no damage to his opponent’s life but instead damages his stamina and transfers a portion of it to the Warrior Mage.

Mechanics – How much stamina is drained by this spell depends on how much the spell penetrated his opponent’s defenses up to a maximum of 2 points per spell slot used in the spell.

Arcane Charge - War Mage X2
Casting Method - Other

Description - The Warrior Mage has dedicated himself to the art of blending Arcane and Martial talents and this spell is a reflection of that discipline. When engaged in combat the Warrior Mage may cast this spell and then is able to choose a destination within 30 feet of himself and teleport to that location instantly. This spell is not castable outside of the chaotic flow of combat where the Warrior Mage may seek the Balance within himself to channel this spell.

Mechanics - Intended to be a quick means for the Warrior Mage to move around the battlefield this spell would take 1 round to cast and then the Warrior Mage could teleport to his chosen location once per combat.
(I feel that limiting this ability to once per combat and only castable while engaged in combat makes this a viable 'strategy' spell allowing the Warrior Mage the option either 'charge' into battle, reposition himself, or attack from range with a ranged spell and reflects the Warrior Mages distinct 'different' combat feel of being a blend of Spell/Melee prowess. This is intended to be differentiated from spells such as the Mage Dimension Door and other movement spells.)

Elemental Bolt - War Mage X2
Casting Method - ranmagatk
Defense Method - ranmagdef

Description - The Warrior Mage not spending as much time studying tomes as his Mage counterparts have and has learned to hone that to his advantage. They have taken up the study of Runic Magic and with a quick gesture tracing out the Runic symbol of the element he desires unleashes a quick bolt of magical energy attuned to that element upon his target.
Mechanics - !ranmagatk - The element that the War Mage summons is declared and if it strikes then does it's damage/effect according to the outlined elements below.

1- Flame Bolt: The target will be hit by a small flaming bolt of energy. It does 1 damage per 2 slots invested up to a maximum of 10 damage and sets the target on fire. The target takes 1 point of burning damage for every 7 slots invested in the spell each round after a successful hit. The target burns for 1 round per 3 slots invested in the spell up to a maximum of 5 rounds.

2- Frost Bolt: The target will be hit by a small bolt of icy cold energy. It does 1 damage per 2 slots invested up to a maximum of 10 damage and freezes the target. The effect of being frozen is that the target can't attack for 1 round per 7 slots invested in the spell up to a maximum of 2 rounds. Being attacked instantly breaks the effects of the spell.

3- Acid Bolt: The target will be hit by a small of burning acid energy. It does 1 damage per 2 slots invested up to a maximum of 10 damage and blinds the target. When blinded the target will have a 30 % reduction in their attack rolls. This lasts 1 round for every 3 slots in casting up to a maximum of 5 rounds. This does not stack with any other visual impairment, natural or spell induced. When in doubt, only the biggest penalty applies.

4- Thundering bolt: The target will be hit by a small bolt of booming energy. It does 1 damage per slots invested up to a maximum of 10 damage and deafens the target. When deafened the target takes -25% to all defense rolls. This lasts 1 round for every 3 slots in casting up to a maximum of 5 rounds. This does not stack with any other hearing impairment, natural or spell induced. When in doubt, only the biggest penalty applies.

The duration of the effects last per each individual mechanic, or until magically healed. This spell cannot be recast at the same individual already suffering effects (excluding damage) from the spell until the previous wear off.

Energy Throw - War Mage X2
Casting Method - clomagatk
Defense Method - clomagatk

Description - The skilled Warrior Mage has learned how to buy himself some time in close quarters combat against his enemies when he is being overwhelmed. He is able to unleash his magical energy in a sudden violent outburst of force that slams into his opponent and sends them flying backward away from him so that he is granted a moment to regroup and rethink his attack.

Mechanics - This spell does no damage to the Warrior Mage's opponent. It is a simple clomagatk versus a clomagdef attack and if successful then the Warrior Mage's enemy is thrown backward away from the Warrior Mage a distance of 15 feet and is stunned for one round from the force of the impact. If the target defends successfully against the spell then they resist the spell and nothing happens to them.

In addition, for every two additional ranks of Warrior Mage that is taken, the Warrior Mage may choose to have this spell hit an additional target up to a maximum of 3 targets at Warrior Mage X6. Each additional target must make a clomagdef against the Warrior Mage's original clomagatk roll to successfully defend and resist being thrown backward.

Power Surge - War Mage X3
Casting Method – Other
Defense Method – Other

Description – Casting this spell allows the Warrior Mage to imbue his chosen weapon, the one with which he has formed his bond, with the power to break through his enemies defenses with a powerful assault of his choosing in the form that he needs it most. It takes one round to cast, and on the next round, he may strike and unleash the magical energy stored in the blade or use it to empower one of his spells. He may only imbue his own chosen weapon or a spell that he knows with a damage component to empower with this spell.

Mechanics – The attack is considered a normal close physical attack or magical attack (close magic attack or ranged magic attack depending on the spell that is empowered). Armor and enchantment bonuses are taken into effect for the defensive roll. If the opponent fails the defensive roll, damage is normal with +1 damage added per 2 slots the Warrior Mage uses when he casts this spell and costs 1 stamina per slot used to in casting the spell. Only the Warrior Mage's weapon or spells with a damage component may be empowered this way. It requires one round to cast the spell, and on the next round the Warrior Mage rolls his chosen attack. If no attack is made the energy may be stored until the end of current combat at which point it is lost.

Elemental Blade
War Mage X3
Casting Method - other
Defense Method -other

Description - The evolution of Elemental Bolt. The War Mage has learned to channel and control the random raw elemental power by imbuing it into his bonded weapon. When this spell is cast the War Mages weapon will become infused with one of the four elements of his choosing. As an example, his blade may erupt with smoldering flame or become rimed with icy frost, crackle with electricity or begin to drip with corrosive acid.

Mechanics - The War Mages weapon will become imbued with the chosen element after the spell is cast and each element offers the following bonus on a successful attack with the weapon.

Fire - The target takes no additional damage from the initial weapon strike but is instead ignited with searing flames for 1 round per 3 slots invested in the spell up to a maximum of 5 rounds. The flames deal 1 damage per 7 slots invested in the spell up to a maximum of 2 damage.

Frost - The target takes no additional damage from the initial weapon strike. Instead they are chilled with numbing cold that freezes them and momentarily prevents them from attacking for 1 round per 7 ranks invested in the spell up to a maximum of 2 rounds. Being attacked again instantly 'shatters' the frost and disrupts the spell breaking its effect early.

Acid - The Target takes no additional damage from initial weapon strike but is instead assaulted by the corrosive acid coating the weapon. This acid burns the target and hinders their ability to fight as effectively imposing a 30% reduction on attack rolls. This effect lasts for 7 rounds per slot invested in the spell up to a maximum of 2 rounds. This does not stack with any other impairment that also reduces attack rolls, natural or spell induced. When in doubt, only the biggest penalty applies.

Thunder - When the Target is struck with this spell it unleashes a thundering boom of electricity. The target takes an additional 1 damage per 3 slots invested in the spell up to a maximum of 5 damage. The target is also deafened by the 'boom' of thunder for 1 round per 7 slots invested in the spell up to a maximum of 2 rounds. When deafened the target takes -25% to all defense rolls. This does not stack with any other hearing impairment, natural or spell induced. When in doubt, only the biggest penalty applies.

Branding Strike -
War Mage X4
Casting Method - other
Defense Method - other

Description - The Warrior Mage being adept at fighting up close or at range may choose to unleash this spell either as a bolt of energy or as a touch attack when fighting face to face with his enemy. When struck by this spell it deals a small amount of damage and also 'brands' the Warrior Mage's target with an arcane rune that is visible to the Warrior Mage and his allies as it glows with a fiery brilliance and transfers a small bonus to hit on the first attack made in the next round by the Warrior Mage or one of his allies.

Mechanics - If this spell is successful in striking its target it does 1 damage per spell slot used in the casting of the spell. On the next round the first person, as long as it is the Warrior Mage or one of his allies, to strike the target gains a bonus to their attack roll up to a maximum of +5 to attack at a full 15 slots invested in the casting of the spell. After a successful attack lands on the target using the bonus, the brand fades and must be recast again. If no attack is successful against the target, the band will fade after lasting up to five rounds at a maximum cast of 15 slots invested in the spell.

Spelled Blade - Warrior Mage X5
Casting Method - Other
Defense Method - Other

Description - The ultimate display of the Warrior Mage's dedication to the Cosmic Balance both within himself and in the world around him. He is able to channel a portion of his arcane energy into his weapon and store it for a short time choosing when to unleash it as he might need it against his enemies.

Mechanics - At the start of combat the Warrior Mage may spend a round casting this spell and store a spell inside of his weapon to unleash it later if he needs it. At the first 10 slots he may choose a spell of up to War Mage X1, at a full 15 slots invested it increases to X2 spell option. The spell will remain stored in the Warrior Mage's weapon until the end of combat or until the spell itself has been cast and the energy stored in the weapon unleashed. When a spell is cast this way it functions as normal but there is no stamina cost to War Mage as he has already stored the energy used to power the spell inside of his weapon. This spell may only be cast one time per combat session and spells function as normal.

Bonded Blade
Out of Battle Spell
Warrior Mage X1
Casting Method – Other
Defensive Method – Other
Description – Through this spell, the Warrior Mage is able to imbue his chosen weapon with whatever appearance he desires it to have when it is in his hands. A longsword might appear to have its blade wreathed in blue flame for example or it may appear to be shining with ethereal magical energy when in the Warrior Mage’s hand.

Mechanics – This spell is meant purely for Roleplay benefit for the Warrior Mage to represent his magical connection with his chosen weapon that he has bonded to himself. It is meant to allow small changes to the Warrior Mage's attuned weapon. It cannot make the weapon appear to be a different weapon altogether, for instance or dramatically alter the size or shape of the weapon. It can merely be used to add some small visual effect to the weapon itself, such as glowing runes inscribed along the blade, or a bow that glows with magical energy in the Warrior Mage's hands.

Lore and a Potential New Magic Sphere for War Mages

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I feel War Mages need a little class 'identity'. The core mindset, background, and concept of the class are all wonderful and I love that and I don't want to change it all. The only thing I hope to accomplish in this thread is to expand ob the lore and on the class itself to help further ground it and give it a sense of fully existing and belonging in the world we all enjoy being a part of so much. I feel that adding in new spells, working to come up with lore behind the class, it's concepts and beliefs, and possibly adding in their own separate 'sphere' in the same fashion as the Necromancer/Fire/Air/Water/Earth all already have would all truly help to make this class feel fully fleshed out, represented and more attractive to those who might have been looking at it.

Let's begin by looking at how I justify adding these spells and this new sphere to the War Mage class by looking at its core concept taken straight from the webpage itself.


Those that seek this Path find it a long and arduous one, falling behind in both Magical and Physical mastery compared to their fellows who dedicate themselves to one or the other. Indeed, they can never really match a Warrior of equal experience in purely physical combat, nor could they ever truly defeat a Mage of equal experience in purely Magical combat. This Wizard is truly split between both worlds and so loses out on much of what it means to be either. Instead, he forges a unique place in the world, dedicated to his internal Balance, and learning unique talents. It is a slow climb to power for this Wizard, but he is best suited for the climb.

A treatise on Class Identity
Class Identity is what defines a class. It is what makes that feel unique, grounded both in the world and in the Lore of the setting. It is what ultimately draws a person into building a character around that class. The War Mage has tons of flavor and an appeal to a certain mindset. What it lacks, however, is it's own unique identity in the world. The class benefits and drawbacks are well done but they need to be better explained. You stats must be kept equal as you level, but what does this mean, what is the gap, and what exactly is the penalty for failing to do so and uphold the 'Balance'. This needs to a better and more detailed explanation.

The benefit, I think can remain as it is, honestly. It isn't the best but it isn't the worst either. As to the main point, where the class is lacking is Class Identity. Other classes have their own Spheres of magic. Things dedicated to the class that help to define it. Things a potential player can look at and 'Oooh' and 'Aaaaah' over as they imagine their character's rise to power unlocking the secrets of combat or magic that have been expounded upon, studied, and built upon in the world itself. The War Mage as it stands has access to the Arcana Sphere and two unique spells to call their own.

I would honestly propose that they gain their own unique spells, their own Sphere of Magic at which point they keep what they learned as a Mage (as the other Mage classes do) but become locked off from acquiring new magic in the Arcana Sphere in favor of gaining spells from their own new War Magic Sphere. It only stands to reason that War Mages, if they have existed in the world, would have developed their own techniques, their own forms of magic that blend Sword and Arcane together to perfect their art.

I think given these changes the class would have a wonderful revival. It is good as it is now. It has a good base to be built upon and I truly think that with only a little effort (I know the Development team works hard to bring changes and I feel these changes would require the least amount of work and have the best impact) that the War Mage class could become the amazing class. It is already a wonderful class and my favorite and I would simply like to see it reach it's full potential for the betterment of the game, the setting and the community as a whole.

And now for a bit of discussion and possible expanded lore on War Mages and a new magic sphere 'War Magic' for the class.

As we can see here that while the Warrior Mage is split between the Magical and the Physical, seeking balance in both, he also is intended to forge his own unique place in the world dedicated to that 'Balance', learning new unique talents as he grows in power. It makes perfect sense to me then that there would evolve a special 'sphere' dedicated to the sorts of spells I'm proposing blending physical and magical talents and offering the War Mage a little bit more of a sense of place, of 'identity' and 'lore' like they truly belong and a part of the rich fabric of the background of the world.

So let's start by first exploring that concept a little bit with a little bit of expanded lore.

The art of War Magic and of blending the Magical and Physical worlds together with a foot planted firmly in both worlds. From the dawn of the First Era of the world, War has been waged. People have dedicated themselves to the Sword or to the Arcane arts to spill blood and bring down their enemies since those earliest times. And even in those earliest times, people sought to combine the might of the Sword with the might of the Arcane. Out of that desire arose the earliest War Mages and the first who sought to walk the path of Balance.

These War Mages learned that while being devoted to the Balance, both within themselves and the world around them, limited them from attaining the skills of a true Blade Master or a powerful Master of the Arcane Arts that there were benefits and secrets that could be tapped into and learned by one who dedicated himself to mastering the struggle of his own internal Balance. They learned to successfully combine the Sword and the Magic into a number of dangerous and beneficial new spells and they deemed this 'magic' the 'War Magic' sphere and reserved its secrets for only those who were truly dedicated to mastering the internal struggle for Balance as it is a lifelong journey for those who pursue it.

Possible History and Lore behind Warrior Mages and War Magic

It seems to me that War Mages and War Magic itself likely could have come into being during the Elven Kin War between the High Elves and the Dark Elves. Elves being regarded as one of the first races would have made this one of the first major conflicts and Elves being so closely tied to Arcana magic would likely have explored trying to find a way to combine it with martial prowess in an effort to gain an advantage over the other side.

As we can see from Elven racial page, most elves have a natural affinity for magic and at least some talent and training with it. So it stands to reason that one side or the other would have sought to blend it with physical tactics. In this time of strife, they would have been spurred to explore new avenues and attempt new things and I think it likely that this is where Warrior Mages and 'War Magic' first evolved. Just as the Moriel were created, the Exalted became the High Elves and the Preservers became the Sylvan Elves that we know today perhaps there was also a lesser caste that came about in that time as well. Not a new race, but a new sort of fighter that laid down the foundations of what know today as Warrior Mages and War Magic itself.

So let's start with that premise in mind and let's call this new faction The Wardens. The Wardens were founded from a dire need during the Elven Kin Wars. As the leaders of the Preservers and the Exalted were already being assaulted by the Moriel faction and weakened from warring with each other another lesser-known and less influential faction was formed known as the Wardens. Their ranks were filled with soldiers of lesser castes in Elven society, not as skilled or trained in martial prowess as the Elven Soldiers and not as learned and powerful as the Elven Magisters. These Elves nonetheless felt the calling to defend their homelands and went into battle wielding a sword in one hand and magic in the other.

After the battle of Ken'Las, rather than disband completely, some of the Wardens found that they had discovered a higher calling. They had learned that like their own people they needed Balance, both in themselves and in the world around them and they committed themselves to studying what they came to call The Cosmic Balance. Out of this came the foundations and the principles that came to define the Warrior Mages and sphere of War Magic as we know it today as these principles were eventually handed down and adopted by many of the different races of the world also felt a calling to serve The Cosmic Balance and find that same Balance inside of themselves.

As it stands now this is just a basic write up that can still stand to be punched up and tweaked here and there but I think it can begin to help provide a nice background and lore behind the Warrior Mages and a new sphere of magic of their own.


1) Bonded Blade - Description changed to be more specific on what it can and cannot do at Dev suggestion.

2)Spell titles and ranks were bolded for easier reading.

3) Sharpen Blade - Changed to 'Power Surge'. The new spell better emphasizes the War Mage's committment to balance and adaptabity in combat by allowing him to channel the energy to 'empower' a melee or spell attack.

4) Elemental Blade added at War Mage rank 3 - The spell is meant to show the War Mage learning to master the earlier 'Elemental Bolt' by channeling it into his weapon to further emphasize the War Mages dedication to 'balance'.

5) Arcane Charge added at War Mage Rank 2 with my thoughts and reasoning for the spell. It is meant to represent and show the War Mage's unique combat style of blending Magic and Melee on the 'fly' and emphasis the 'Balance' they strive to attain between the two.

6) Added A bit on 'Class Identity' that expands on my feelings about the War Mage class with suggestions that seem the simplest but most effective to implement as well as my reasoning for suggesting them.

7) Tweaked the 'Power Surge' spell to better emphasize the War Mage's commitment to balance. This spell is meant to symbolize the War Mage's long hours spent working with his Bonded Weapon by allowing him to chose to empower the weapon or a potential spell with a damage component for a stronger attack. It is also meant to symbolize the War Mage's balance between Arcane and Physical, allowing him to chose to store a portion of his magical energy in his bonded weapon either to use immediately or to save for a tactical moment.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby miyuka on Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:37 pm

pretty kewl spells. Bonded Blade may be a bit to vague in what it can do, however.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:05 pm

I will work on making it more specific. My thoughts were basically to add a way for the Warrior Mage to symbolize his 'attunement' with his chosen weapon by offering a way for the player to basically 'customize' their weapon a little bit with some RP flair.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:22 pm

I've gone ahead and tweaked Bonded Blade to make it a bit more specific in what it can and can't change and will continue to change it based on the thoughts/opinions of others.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Amara on Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:35 am

Oooh! Love the suggestions!

We'll save this for when we get to tweaking the sphere of spells and see if we can adopt any!

Nice work!
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:56 am

Thank you so much for the feedback and positive responses. I will continue to add to the spell list to add choices. The whole point of this is just to give the War Mage a few 'class only' spells to further flesh out what they can do and offer players a bit more of a 'class identity' and a feeling of having something 'unique' like most of the other advanced 'mage' classes get in their spell selections without adding in anything that feels overpowered.

Just to further clarify, I'm not looking to rework or completely redo War Mages. I -love- the class for what it is and what it represents. I just feel like they could use a little bit of 'identity'. If any of these suggestions were taken or even all of them, I'd personally love to see them added to say a 'War Magic' sphere that was added to Warrior Mages to keep them from cluttering up the Arcana sphere and separate the two a little bit.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:39 am

I've bolded the spell titles and organized the spells by ranks (X1, X2) to make for easier reading.

**Added Shifting Shield and Chaotic Bolt to the potential spell list suggestions and will continue to add a couple more at rank X5 to round out the full list in the coming days.

**Spelled Blade, the first War Mage X5 spell suggestion has been added to the list.

** Energy Throw a War Mage X2 spell has been added to the list.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Farvel on Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:32 pm

I like this so far. It adds a much needed identity to what is now a bland class, and the spells seem balanced enough with none of them being OP.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:30 am

Farvel wrote:I like this so far. It adds a much needed identity to what is now a bland class, and the spells seem balanced enough with none of them being OP.

Thank you so much! That is my intention really to just bring a bit of identity to the War Mage and help the class find its own personal feel and flavor. I noticed before I ever changed Zed to a War Mage (which was my original plan for him) that they have only 2 class spells.

Part of that, I think is because they also share access to some of the Arcana sphere, which makes sense. I am going to be adding to this thread a little write up to add a little more 'flair' to the Warrior Mage and to propose as I suggested earlier that they have their own sphere 'War Magic' added to the class which as the spells I've been suggesting show would be more of a blending of physical and magical energies. I feel like that would keep the Arcana sphere from being over crowded as well as help the class find its own 'footing' and roots with the more developed classes in the game world and lore.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Mon Jan 21, 2019 5:28 am

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I feel War Mages need a little class 'identity'. The core mindset, background and concept of the class are all wonderful and I love that and I don't want to change it all. I only want through this thread to expand on the class a little bit, adding in spells, give them their own spell sphere 'War Magic' sphere and a little lore to go along with it where some or all of the suggested spells I'm working on could possibly go in the future.

Let's begin by looking at how I justify adding these spells and this new sphere to the War Mage class by looking at its core concept taken straight from the webpage itself.


Those that seek this Path find it a long and arduous one, falling behind in both Magical and Physical matters compared to their fellows who dedicate themselves to one or the other. Indeed, they can never really match a Warrior of equal experience in physical combat, nor could they ever truly defeat a Mage of equal experience in Magical combat. This Wizard is truly split between both worlds and so loses out on much of what it means to be either. Instead, he forges a unique place in the world, dedicated to his internal Balance, and learning unique talents. It is a slow climb to power for this Wizard, but he is best suited for the climb.

And now for a bit of discussion and possible expanded lore on War Mages and a new magic sphere 'War Magic' for the class.

As we can see here that while the Warrior Mage is split between the Magical and the Physical, seeking balance in both, he also is intended to forge his own unique place in the world dedicated to that 'Balance', learning new unique talents as he grows in power. It makes perfect sense to me then that there would evolve a special 'sphere' dedicated to the sorts of spells I'm proposing blending physical and magical talents and offering the War Mage a little bit more of a sense of place, of 'identity' and 'lore' like they truly belong and a part of the rich fabric of the background of the world.

So let's start by first exploring that concept a little bit with a little bit of expanded lore.

The art of War Magic and of blending the Magical and Physical worlds together with a foot planted firmly in both worlds. From the dawn of the first Era of the world, War has been waged. People have dedicated themselves to the Sword or to the Arcane arts to spill blood and bring down their enemies since those earliest times. And even in those earliest times, people sought to combine the might of the Sword with the might of the Arcane. Out of that desire arose the earliest War Mages and the first who sought to walk the path of Balance.

These War Mages learned that while being devoted to the Balance, both within themselves and the world around them, limited them from attaining the skills of a true Blade Master or a powerful Master of the Arcane Arts that there were benefits and secrets that could be tapped into and learned by one who dedicated himself to mastering the struggle of his own internal Balance. They learned to successfully combine the Sword and the Magic into a number of dangerous and beneficial new spells and they deemed this 'magic' the 'War Magic' sphere and reserved its secrets for only those who were truly dedicated to mastering the internal struggle for Balance for it is a lifelong journey for those who pursue it.

Possible History and Lore behind Warrior Mages and War Magic

It seems to me that War Mages and War Magic itself likely could have come into being during the Elven Kin War between the High Elves and the Dark Elves. Elves being regarded as one of the first races would have made this one of the first major conflicts and Elves being so closely tied to Arcana magic would likely have explored trying to find a way to combine it with martial prowess in an effort to gain an advantage over the other side.

As we can see from Elven racial page, most elves have a natural affinity for magic and at least some talent and training with it. So it stands to reason that one side or the other would have sought to blend it with physical tactics. In this time of strife, they would have been spurred to explore new avenues and attempt new things and I think it likely that this is where Warrior Mages and 'War Magic' first evolved. Just as the Moriel were created, the Exalted became the High Elves and the Preservers became the Sylvan Elves that we know today perhaps there was also a lesser caste that came about in that time as well. Not a new race, but a new sort of fighter that laid down the foundations of what know today as Warrior Mages and War Magic itself.

So let's start with that premise in mind and let's call this new faction The Wardens. The Wardens were founded from a dire need during the Elven Kin Wars. As the leaders of the Preservers and the Exalted were already being assaulted by the Moriel faction and weakened from warring with each other another lesser known and less influential faction was formed known as the Wardens. Their ranks were filled with soldiers of lesser castes in Elven society, not as skilled or trained in martial prowess as the Elven Soldiers and not as learned and powerful as the Elven Magisters. These Elves nonetheless felt the calling to defend their homelands and went into battle wielding sword in one hand and magic in the other.

After the battle of Ken'Las, rather than disband completely, some of the Wardens found that they had discovered a higher calling. They had learned that like their own people they needed Balance, both in themselves and in the world around them and they committed themselves to studying what they came to call The Cosmic Balance. Out of this came the foundations and the principles that came to define the Warrior Mages and sphere of War Magic as we know it today as these principles were eventually handed down and adopted by many of the different races of the world also felt a calling to serve The Cosmic Balance and find that same Balance inside of themselves.

As it stands now this is just a basic write up that can still stand to be punched up and tweaked here and there but I think it can begin to help provide a nice background and lore behind the Warrior Mages and a new sphere of magic of their own.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Sat Jul 13, 2019 7:13 pm

Changed 'Sharpen Blade' to 'Power Surge'. I feel the new spell better emphasizes the Warrior Mage's devotion to Balance between physical and magical by giving him the option to store energy in his weapon and then unleash it to empower either his next attack or the next spell that he casts on the following round.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby L`aquera on Wed Jul 31, 2019 4:50 pm

I really like the elemental touch to it all. Well done. I hope Dev takes in these spells when they are going through Warrior Mage. Excellent work dear
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby Zeddular on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:51 pm

Wow, thank you so much for the vote of confidence. I made sure as I was coming up with these spell ideas to try and balance them around what was already in place for other classes while at the same time coming up with fresh ideas for the War Mage.
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby L`aquera on Sun Aug 04, 2019 2:45 am

A suggestion ... Contact Miyuka for the Dev team dear ;) Just sayin :D
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Re: A few Warrior Mage spell suggestions

Postby miyuka on Mon Aug 05, 2019 1:24 am

oh no worries I'm here and seeing this. We just aren't currently doing WaM stuff right now is all. Physical skills first, then we'll get back to fixing/re-doing magic stuff. WaM will def get a look at again.
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