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Enchantment Idea: Recall

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 5:40 am
by Akaton
I've had this idea and I think it would be fun. Its really just simple in nature. I figured id toss it here to see what people thought of it.

Casting method: none

Description: Can only be placed upon: Thrown weapons CANNOT BE MADE PERMANENT
This enchantment allows the user to magically have their thrown weapons return right back to their hands.

Mechanics: As your action for the turn you may activate this enchantment to call back magically to your hand the thrown weapon it is on. Can also be used OOB as an RP effect. Like target practice. And such.

Re: Enchantment Idea: Recall

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 6:49 pm
by miyuka
Something that's usually done for like Special items and what not. We will not be using this one for the time being.