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Divine Smite

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:00 pm
by SensoryCrossover
Spell Name: Divine Smite
Level required: 1
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef
Description: Cleric/Priest
Class Restriction: {Divine sphere only, Cleric/Priest)

Description: This spell has many forms, colors, and shapes. By praying to their deity a cleric or priest is able to summon a direct attack from the heavens that is directly proportional to the faith and power of their devotion. A cleric of a fire god might summon a flaming pillar while a follower of a warrior god but summon an ephemeral weaopon (Effect to be used for rp only). The point is the god/goddess themselves intervene and empower the cleric with divine wrath.

:MECHANICS: This spell grows in radius or effect with more slots put into the spell. I have no idea really what to put here for mechanics. More priest/cleric make it stronger?

Extra reason why something like this needs to be a thing. Clerics and Priests have no basic attack spell that I can see and are woefully short of spells to begin with in comparison to the litany of spells other casters have.