Thieves guild reboot

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Thieves guild reboot

Postby Wadeywade on Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:51 pm

I see alot of talk about a reboot, and about how someone will have to come forward to lead it.. but nobody seems to want to step into the ring. so I am officially volunterring to do the reboot, all I need to know is what is expected from the powers that be. hiwever (based on suggestions given in OOC, this is some of wht I would like to help impliment:

thief based quests
I imagine the suggestion meant quests particular to the class, and it is a sound idea. it lacks writers, and this is a capacity I can help fill in.

It was also mentioned that the TG should have some influence, like the same way a Noble house might. However, reeve is picked by vote and the "King of Thieves" or whatever the guildmaster will be called, should be a democratic process with the same term lengths and limits as Reeve, in order to streamline the idea into the system better.

Information network:
a network will have to be built from scratch,because what other way would the Guild hold its own except by secrets? Money isnt the only currency of the realm, and Thieves have for ages used this system. it would give them a specific sphere of control that can be accessed, used and utilized by members and those with the right friends.

I expect others have ideas, and I would like to hear them, I can liase between the players and Ops to find whats needed to get the guild rebooted and running strong again.
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Dughal on Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:45 pm

Thieves Guild Update

Abstract: To make the Thieves Guild into an organization that helps facilitate RP without requiring extra interaction with other organizations, such as shops and noble houses.

Summary: The Thieves Guild will go from being a loose organization of pick-pockets into mercenary company that works primarily for their own interests. This will include theft, larceny, assassination, intimidation kidnapping and extortion. These activities will be played out in quests against NPC organizations unless otherwise agreed upon by all the participants.

First Proposal: The creation of a new position within the Thieves Guild called the “Task Master/Mistress” that will act in concert with the current Guild Leader. The purpose of this role is to create and run quests that at centered around knavery, in all it's various forms. These quests will only be open to members of the guild in most instances.

Second Proposal: The Thieves guild will be opened up to all characters who are primarily physical classes. This will allow for a much wider range of players to join, while still keeping the focus on characters who “fit the bill”. This also gives physical classes something unique to them, if they want it.

Third Proposal: Higher standards and barriers to entry to help encourage people to “work for it” rather then having it be something automatically given to a character simply because he is a certain class. The barrier for entry will still be lower for Thieves then other classes.

Fourth Proposal: A Ranked skill that can only be learned from the thieves guild called “Hand Talk”. This skill will allow communication between members who wish to share information privately between themselves in almost any situation.

Hand Talk
Rank 1 - They can understand half of what is being communicated. They can sign basic words and ideas, but the motions will be easily noticeable.
Rank 2 - They can understand whatever is signed. They can communicate single words without being noticed.
Rank 3 - They can communicate single sentences without being noticed. They can recognize it if they see someone else using a different type of sign language.
Rank 4- They can translate in real time something spoken into hand talk without being noticed.
Rank 5 - They can hold a verbal conversation and a signed conversation at the same time without being noticed.

Lore update:
The Thieves Guild is not a group of simple cut-purses. They aren't the local thugs who bully coins from peasants. They are professionals dedicated to the goal of making themselves rich. They rely on the skills and abilities of the other members of the Guild to accomplish jobs that none of them could do on their own, as well as offering each other some protection from reprisals when things go pear shaped. It's a group that survives only because each and every member knows it can rely on every other member to back them up in a fight and keep their mouths shut if they get caught. Anyone who fails to live up to those simple standards often come to terrible ends rather suddenly.

Having established themselves in Nanthilion some time ago, the Guild recently came to terms with the local authorities. Promising to take no jobs that undermine or work against the interest of the Empire, they are allowed to operate out of the town with minimal interference. Officially, StormBringer and his government have no love for such criminals and will offer no protection or help if they are caught. Unofficially, it is to the benefit of the Empire that they continue to operate, as these freelance agents can gather valuable intelligence that traditional methods would miss. So, the underlying agreement is that the Thieves Guild may continue to operate and exist so long as they prove useful.

To join the Thieves Guild:

You must be at least level three.

You must pay a 250 mhl joining fee. (This is waived if one of your classes is “Thief”)

You must be primarily a physical class character. This means you cannot take ranks in a magic class then a physical class. Ex; A Mage x5/Thief x2 could not join. A Warrior x2/ Shaman x2 could.

Membership Requirements:

You do not talk about the Thieves Guild in public, or in front of non-members.

All members of the Thieves Guild are expected to participate in at least 1 Thieves Guild related quest every 2 months.

Any illegal or illicit activity a member wishes to conduct MUST be approved by the Guild Master/Mistress or the Guild Task Master/Mistress before being done. This includes shop thefts and pick pocketing at various events.

Any member caught breaking these rules will be removed from the guild after one warning is given, unless the transgression is so severe that it warrants immediate expulsion. For example, drunkenly bragging about the guilds exploits to a big chested Minoess at the Inn, loud enough for everyone to overhear.
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Tehya on Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:32 pm

I like this write up, there are a few things like having to be lv3 to join. Maybe allow level 1 with a disadvantage so they can enjoy their rp too.That takes some time for someone who has a lot of characters to level up. I have had a level 1 thief for some time but haven't found a lot of situations in story-line to play her. Excluding sexual rp.

I exceptionally like they are allowed to exist within the Empire. We really need some balance in story-line and it will bring out fun rp.

Hand talk another good idea.
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Dughal on Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:26 pm

I can easily see the level requirement being removed. :)

The purpose of it is more for the sake of lore... so we all are able to trust one another in a scrap. However, that's a VERY minor detail. I just want being a member to be something that seems "earned" rather than a given... even if it's only earned from the in character perspective.

Is there another way we could set that up? I mean, we could set up an auto-quest, maybe... where, in order to join, you have to either pick-pocket or otherwise take a coin from an NPC in a strange location that is then presented to the Guild? That's the only other idea I can come up with... so if anyone else has more, by all means, toss them about! :)
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Jodice on Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:49 pm

What about an invitation after the prospective thief has done a shop steal? Usually rolls are made in OOC for all to see. Perhaps someone from the guild can act as a " Witness" to the prospective thief ( Eliminating the need for the level requirement)

This may help with IC storylines as well. If the shop steal is a success, then the guild is impressed and may invite the thief to join, introducing a new set of requirement as yet to be discussed. Like an initiation or something.

If the attempt was blundered, Des is fickle after all, then maybe the thief can get some IC training? Just something to push for more thiefly interaction.

But I like this idea and would like to see Jodice involved in this
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Kooky on Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:07 pm

I suggest also "rankings" be a possibility. Rookie, initiate, apprentice.. or perhaps more along the lines of titles, with thief, pick-pocket, lock-picker.. Titles which deem an area of expertise.

Perhaps both. It would help match up mentors and apprentices for teaching, as well as partners for teaming up based on the job at hand.
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Tehya on Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:25 pm

Oh I love that idea about initiation, more than dice rolls. The rp it could create would be awesome. Perhaps they would have to go through 3 feats in moving up in the guild until they reach level 3.

Like level one Initiation: Ring of lust, stealing a ring off a victim without them even realizing it.
Two: Intimidating or causing a commotion for the higher level thieves to strike their target
or steal from a location.

Just throwing ideas out there!
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Dughal on Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:28 pm

I really like a lot of the ideas put up here and I think many of them could be folded into the Thieves Guild.

The reason I would hesitate to add in things like "ranks" and positions more then is suggested currently is that it would be slower to get off the ground. As it is written, it should be fairly simple to implement once the finer points are figured out; such as what methods there are that one can use to join. For example, based on the talk in this thread, I came up with, what I think is, a neat idea!

Marks of the Unseen Hands

These blank looking tokens will be found on certain members of the Thieves Guild and close allies. They can be pick-pocketed in the place of coins, sold, traded or acquired by whatever means the potential applicant wishes to employ. Anyone carrying one of these marks has ALL other requirements waived when they try to join. Fakes have been attempted before, and so genuine marks are enchanted to react when held next to another, a faint red hand will appear just bright enough to be seen by the naked eye in pitch blackness.

These marks could be placed in the inventory of one or two select shops as well, so that they could be acquired with multiple methods for all the different kinds of thieves we might have. This allows there to be two distinct paths to entry, one of them requiring a little patience, the other requiring a little effort; but both helping to make it into a more "secret" organization.
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Tehya on Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:35 pm

That sounds great to me.
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Dughal on Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:51 pm

The Thieves Guild

The Thieves Guild was once a loose organization of pick-pockets. Now, it is a mercenary company that works primarily for it's own interests, taking on jobs that pay well but might not be the nicest. This includes theft, larceny, assassination, intimidation, kidnapping and extortion. Anyone wishing to join needs to possess a strong constitution and fluid moral character; otherwise they might find themselves at odds with a group of people who are willing to do nearly anything for a bit of money.

Lore :
The Thieves Guild is not a group of simple cut-purses. They aren't the local thugs who bully coins from peasants. They are professionals dedicated to the goal of making themselves rich. They rely on the skills and abilities of the other members of the Guild to accomplish jobs that none of them could do on their own, as well as offering each other some protection from reprisals when things go pear shaped. It's a group that survives only because each and every member knows it can rely on every other member to back them up in a fight and keep their mouths shut if they get caught. Anyone who fails to live up to those simple standards often come to terrible ends rather suddenly.

Having established themselves in Nanthalion some time ago, the Guild recently came to terms with the local authorities. Promising not to take jobs that undermine or work against the interest of the Empire, they are allowed to operate out of the town with minimal interference. Officially, StormBringer and his government have no love for such criminals and will offer no protection or help if they are caught. Unofficially, it is to the benefit of the Empire that they continue to operate, as these freelance agents can gather valuable intelligence that traditional methods would miss. So, the underlying agreement is that the Thieves Guild may continue to operate and exist so long as they prove useful... and avoid too much notice.

Proposed alterations and additions

First Proposal: The creation of a new position within the Thieves Guild called the “Task Master/Mistress” that will act in concert with the current Guild Leader. The purpose of this role is to create and run quests that at centered around knavery, in all it's various forms. These quests will only be open to members of the guild in most instances.

Second Proposal: The Thieves guild will be opened up to all characters who are primarily physical classes. This will allow for a much wider range of players to join, while still keeping the focus on characters who “fit the bill”. This also gives physical classes something unique to them, if they want it.

Third Proposal: Higher standards and barriers to entry to help encourage people to “work for it” rather then having it be something automatically given to a character simply because he is a certain class. The barrier for entry will still be lower for Thieves then other classes.

Fourth Proposal: A Ranked skill that can only be learned from the thieves guild called “Hand Talk”. This skill will allow communication between members who wish to share information privately between themselves in almost any situation.

Hand Talk

Rank 1 - They can understand half of what is being communicated. They can sign basic words and ideas, but the motions will be easily noticeable.
Rank 2 - They can understand whatever is signed. They can communicate single words without being noticed.
Rank 3 - They can communicate single sentences without being noticed. They can recognize it if they see someone else using a different type of sign language.
Rank 4- They can translate in real time something spoken into hand talk without being noticed.
Rank 5 - They can hold a verbal conversation and a signed conversation at the same time without being noticed.

To join the Thieves Guild:

You must be at least level three.

You must pay a 250 mhl joining fee.

You must be primarily a physical class character. This means you cannot take ranks in a magic class then a physical class. Ex; A Mage x5/Ranger x2 could not join. A Warrior x2/ Shaman x2 could.

OR, if you are have the Thief class you may choose to do the following;

You can acquire and present a Mark of the Unseen Hands to the Guild Master/Mistress.

Marks of the Unseen Hands
These blank looking tokens will be found on certain members of the Thieves Guild and close allies. They can be pick-pocketed in the place of coins, sold, traded or acquired by whatever means the potential applicant wishes to employ. Any thief carrying one of these marks has ALL other requirements waived when they try to join. Fakes have been attempted before, and so genuine marks are enchanted to react when held next to another, a faint red hand will appear just bright enough to be seen by the naked eye in pitch blackness.

Membership Requirements:

You do not talk about the Thieves Guild in public, or in front of non-members.

All members of the Thieves Guild are expected to participate in at least 1 Thieves Guild related quest every 2 months.

Any illegal or illicit activity a member wishes to conduct MUST be approved by the Guild Master/Mistress or the Guild Task Master/Mistress before being done. This includes shop thefts and pick pocketing at various events. This rule typically only applies when you get caught... so don't get caught!

Any member caught breaking these rules will be removed from the guild after one warning is given, unless the transgression is so severe that it warrants immediate expulsion. For example, drunkenly bragging about the guilds exploits to a big chested Minoess at the Inn, loud enough for everyone to overhear.
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Wadeywade on Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:55 pm

just a dumb question.. what if its one member of the guild steal from another and they get caught? not referring to any past case, but for future reference I just wanna know if there is a penalty or method it is dealt with internally.
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Dughal on Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:01 pm

I don't see the guild having much in the way of a Justice system. If you get caught trying and steal from another member, you'd likely get thrown out of the guild to start... and depending on the situation you did it it under... you might have a whole lot of pissed off people looking to get some revenge. By that, I mean if you were to take a chest of gold while they fought off the guards; chances are it would become a part of the next quest that the other members of the group hunted your arse down!

I know that isn't a clear answer... that is just how I see it going down. WhiteMist would be the one who actually determines the final sentence of any member in most situations... you are better off just stealing from other people. Don't piss her off! ;P
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Wadeywade on Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:11 pm

yeah, it can be a sticky thing. robbing e wrong fellow thief could end badly for a person, lmao.
just sayin.
the writeups look good so far.
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Kooky on Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:54 am

I could also see the thieves having a set up game of traps, and the two with a dispute would have to go through it and beat each other in a race or test of skill. Then the winner could decide the other's fate/place in the guild or maybe even 'own' them for a day to teach them their place and how to steal or sneak better.

I don't see the guild just outright just simply booting someone, as even though they're thieves, they're a community of thieves. And there are SOOOoooooo many better ways to handle a betrayal or a tiff. *Evil grin*
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Re: Thieves guild reboot

Postby Dughal on Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:27 pm

That's a really good idea for a quest or RP between a couple of the members of the guild, Kooky. It would be a great way for them to settle things "between themselves" rather than reporting the incident to WhiteMist. There are lots of opportunities like that in the RP that players themselves could come up with. The "rule of thumb" for most anything is, so long as it never gets reported, it isn't an issue. It's on you, the player, to come up with a way out of a tight spot if you happen to get yourself in one... but it sounds like you have more then a few good ideas on that front!

I do see the guild outright booting people, though not all that often. Really, the restriction are fairly lax and so long a you clear it with the higher ups in the guild, you can do nearly anything you want... just not to a member or "friend" of the Guild. Friends will include fences and people in the Imperial power structure the guild just DOES NOT want to piss off. That's all part of the finer details that can be hammered out ICly, and would be more fun done that way. :)

Keep in mind that this is NOT a community, in character; it is a business. The guild is for people who want to make money and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty doing it. That also means that dissension and discontent among the ranks is more likely, so keeping things from getting out of hand is paramount for the leadership. Or at least, from an In Character perspective, that is what I am envisioning. Chances are, it'll be a totally different thing in the end; but I am thinking about it like a group of wash-outs, criminals and reprobates all are looking for a big score, no matter what it costs.
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