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The Dethstrier

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:13 pm
by Archaon
The Dethstrier ... aba8b0.jpg

The Dethstrier is a small canine roughly the size of a typical terrier sized dog, but with some real unique characteristics. Instead of normal canine ears, these unique pups have ears that resemble rabbit ears. Their tails appear bushy, and colored variously in white and orange, much like the colors of a koi fish. They are short furred, with exception to their head and chest which are not much more furred than their bodies are. Whatelse that makes the Dethstrier unique amongst other canines are their eyes. Their eyes are one solid color, normally a baby blue, but have shown uncommon difference of color ranging from greens and reds to yellows and even more rare.. a purple color. Aside from these unique physical traits, they appear to resemble miniature huskies in terms of fur coloring. They typically weigh no more than 25lbs, and are roughly 9 to 15 inches in height from paw to shoulder, and live relatively long for any sort of canine.

Abilities: Exceptional hearing, as well as a strong sense of smell that can sniff out a rodent from 300 feet. Their solid color eyes are also finely tuned, able to visibly see in all color ranges, as well as see heat patterns (think Predator). They excel at hunting down rodents of any size, and do show a slice more intelligence than a regular canine, being able to recall friend and foe.

Disadvantages: Their visual senses can cause them to stay away from lots of intense heat as it may cause temporary or even permanent blindness if exposed for too long. Their ears are also pretty sensitive to very loud noises and it may spook them easily. They also have a tendency to chew on clothes and shoes if they feel bored.

Special: The Dethstrier can be trained just like any other canine breed to understand commands, guard, hunt, and even be home trained. Their exceptional senses can be an asset when guarding a home, or used for hunting down small game and rodents.

In Battle: The Dethstrier does not have any combative capabilities outside of natural instincts to bite, bark, and chase down whatever they perceive as a threat or if they are on the hunt for rodents.

Re: The Dethstrier

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:13 am
by Aramis
Will this be an option as a familiar?

Re: The Dethstrier

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:55 am
by Archaon
The idea behind them will be as a pet much like any other canine once they have been ICly discovered, and most likely sold under canine prices, imported to the General Store for such :)

Re: The Dethstrier

PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 4:46 pm
by L`aquera
Soooooooooo cute.... One problem. L` can't OWN one! :lol: :evil:

Re: The Dethstrier

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 7:40 pm
by Amara
I love this!!
