To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:39 pm

Sorgram did knowe she did not burn it. The binding of the God was stilled etched on their forearms. However it was hard for him..after seeing her in Morgan's presence that way. He had always been jealous of that man and he felt that she had been driven to the man and perhaps with good cause. So he left her with him. It hurt breaking his heart and so he told her all she needed to know to end it all. He could not do it himself. So he Branking in his office.. bottle gone. Two more opened. Door locked avoiding all. He blooded as he thought back his mind playing out what happened after he left. "Oh morga...." glass shattered as empty bottle shatter in the hearth. He hated that man. Wanted to kill him for being there for h e r. Wanted to go to sher trip her from him and teach her a lesson of her own as morgan lay smoldering. He drank more.. second bottle emptied.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Tawny on Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:43 am

Silently she stood by the locked door with palm against it. She heard his words and the crashing of glass and felt his pain. She longed to help take that pain away but the locked door told her he wanted time and space to deal with the pain and to settle everything within him. Softly she kneels by the side of door, there to remain until he needed her or wanted her or until he unlocked it and came out settled once more. Her heart was still aglow with the words he spoken to her just a few weeks past and nothing nor anyone would get her to move from this spot but he himself. She settled and Caeth awaited Ardwy, girl awaited Master and Meadow awaited Sorgram. It was now as it has always been and would always be. Soft Jade eyes closed and through meditation she tried to send him comfort and all that he would know that encased. Soft hand went back to the door and rested there, palm against it waiting.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Tehya on Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:12 am

Her hands were healed, but still rough and dry, She had the sense to pack up her things and hug Morgan goodbye. He had helped her when no other offered with even in her events at the palace, and well they were friends. Never would she do anything to cause Patron pain, and Morgan could attest to that if asked.

The journey stopped at the fire temple and she asked the driver to wait. Stopping at the temple she sat looking up in thought. It was time to cease the letters, to cease the span of work separation. Dressed in a soft green dress covered by the multiple patched cloak. she entered the warm temple tapping her feet for the snow to dissipate.

Going towards the room she seen Meadow there and knew something bad was going on. It didn't dawn on her that Sorgram knew she didn't burn the hair to end it all. Looking down at Meadow she whispered, "Let me try and talk to him."

Another few taps on the door, and chills ran up her body. The stress had taken hold of her and she really looked distraught.

"Patron, may I come in?"
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Cangelosi on Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:40 am

Morgan chose not to accompany Tehya to the temple. Wouldn't have been proper of him after all. Even after seeing his good friend in such a state a few days before, he knew it would do the elf good to sound out her husband. It was a delicate situation to handle, and the human knew any sort of interference on his behalf could be ruinous. Wars have started for less after all.

True, he had let the bard stay at DragonRose for a few days, even had the maids prepare a bedroom for her. Other than that, he had not taken advantage of her. Maybe he was being too much a gentleman for his own good. In any case he had his men stay in wait until they heard otherwise from Lady Tehya. If things did not work out, he would be ready to send servants to fetch her things from Sorgram's keep. Gods, knowing the tense mood, even that could be fraught with danger.

He loved Tehya. How could he not? She needed no manipulation to win his love. She only needed to listen, to bring out the story that was within him, and to better himself. Once an old disgraced soldier, now a hero of the Empire. Yet even so, he did have Jessika, his loving and caring wife as well, so patient with him and his licentious ways, and for that he could never part with her. Tehya knew that too...but did Sorgram?

By Syune and AdenVer and the God Emperor, may cool heads carry this sad chapter to proper resolution...
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Tawny on Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:13 am

Meadow heard the foot steps before she knew who was nearing her. The voice heard as eyes stayed closed. Meadow had not tried to enter leaving Sorgram to his time nor was it her place to say anything about Tehya knocking on that door. She would not move from where she knelt and hand did not withdraw from the door. her place was by his side. Which side was completely up to him and she would stand at whatever side he choose. She let Tehya know she had heard her with a soft nod of head but for now, there were no words. Tho without notice she held her breath and listened to her heart beating as she waited to see if that door was opened.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:02 pm

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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Isla on Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:00 pm

Isla had heard the yelling, had heard the angry cries and all that had been happening. She had also been stuck and unable to move a whole lot to see what was exactly going on. She had managed to pull herself from the bed, to find her staff, though broken, close enough for her to grasp onto though with great difficulty. She leaned upon it the best she could, holding it tightly with her right hand she propelled herself upward. A Priestess’ robe was laying nearby, after a bit of fidgeting with it she managed to pull it about herself and tie it tightly. Her face still felt as if it had been kicked in, which she was sure it had been at one point, her left eye still swollen shut she managed to at least upright herself and drag herself from that room though the pain did not help.

She hobbled her way from the room, one slow, excruciating step at a time and through the corridor. All the guards seemed to have disappeared for that moment so she continued to drag herself toward where she had felt the pull of chaos. She felt like passing out but it was to late to turn back and so she continued forward, stopping mid-hall, her left hanging oddly to the side she stared out of the right eye at the situation. Her face bruised, the deep purple, black and blue spilling across it like some painting of the galaxy had been smeared, the edges rimmed with yellow, the other half of her face white, drained of all its color in the fact that she was simply to depleted.

She stared at the scene though, her eyes taking in all that was happening, she sighed quietly, pain washing over her as she turned and headed into the temple proper to pray.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:32 pm

A page walks by as they are at the door, moving to both of them, he presents a scroll to each.

Tehya: Wyrms Nest Inn. L. Sorgram.

Meadow: I will find you shortly, do not worry. I need something cleared up and clarified. L. Ardwy.

Isla: Stay in your room until the healer comes, chains have been authorized. L. GMallus.

The page went off to find Isla to deliver the third scroll.

(ALL play moving IC. Closing here)
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