The return of the oread

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The return of the oread

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Sun May 16, 2010 5:03 pm

fluora has been on her mountain, weak with the loss of the Gods, both the one she worshiped and the one that created her.... she had been afraid to leave her cave, afraid she would lose contact with the mountain that anchored her to this world. But it had been so long since her Master had come to visit, or sent word, and her mails and messages had gone unanswered.... and she worried. And so, the oread makes her way to the Temple of the Firey Mountain God to look for her Master, or the Mallus and find out what was going on... she clutches the stone from the heart of her mountain to her chest, keeping it close as she walks, the normally light-hearted stone nymph moving slowly, trudging her way to the Temple.... slipping inside the big doors, she goes to her Master's room.. finding His things, but no Master.... where was He, where was Mallus? she moves out to the alter, curling up on top of it, still clutching the heart of her mountain... and waits... someone would come.
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby Sorgram on Tue May 18, 2010 6:41 am

The dark draks patrolled his temple. Lending an ear to those in need. He moved into the great hall, nnear the anvil. Approaching it to feel its warmth he noticed the form on it and moved to investigate . Seeing the limitless oread there he moved to her and took her into his arms to hold her. He said nothing waiting for her to speak.
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Tue May 18, 2010 5:40 pm

the mottled grey flesh of the slave seems.. duller, paler than normal... she curls into the Mallus's arms... only then does she allow herself to cry... still cradling that bright blue stone against her. "The God is gone.... Mallus... the mountain.. I cannot feel Him and I cannot move the stone.... and. and.." her voice hitches, for this was the most disturbing to the girl... "I can't find Master at all... He's not answering me, He won't come see me... is He angry with me, Mallus? was I bad? I did not mean to be bad... I don't know what I did wrong." her voice soft, horse, as if she has not spoken for a long time.... eyes bloodshot, flesh thinner, the feeling of bone protruding more than it should... "I was afraid to leave the mountain, afraid I would lose Him completely, but I had to come... to find Master, to find out why..." she trembles... all the light gone from her eyes, her expression...
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby Sorgram on Thu May 20, 2010 9:41 pm

Stroking her hair, he found it strange that he was so gentle with her. Perhaps it was a mutual loss that they shared, he would not dwell on it as it would cause him to question things about himself. So, he dropped it and moved on to trying to explain. His fingers massaged her neck as he talked.

"The Mountain has left us for a time, to allow us to know that he is there and that we should show our devotion to him again. With his leaving, he has taken with him his gifts to us. I believe that he will return shortly but in the mean time, we must persevere. Your Master has gone to speak with him concerning a disagreement they have had shortly after the Mountain's departure. Your Master was a bit combative with the Mountain and the mountain took none to kindly to it. An order was given and your Master was slain. Your Master will return once the Mountain has finished speaking with him and allows me to bring him back. As of now, No one can be brought back from the deaths. All of the gods have left us and taken abilities from all of us. I am only sure that our god will return, I have done my best to see to it. I am on the hunt for a way to bring your master back as well.'

He knew she would have questions and would allow a few.
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Thu May 20, 2010 11:01 pm

fluora took some comfort in His stroking of her hair, shivering lightly... "but.. the Mountain is still there.. it's just.. quiet.. distant...." a bit confused by this, how did a Mountain leave.. it could not walk.. and she had been on it... and then the rest of it sinks in, or at least part.... "Master is dead??" her voice rising in panic.... the only real experience she'd had with death had been animals, and animals never return. "Who killed Master?? What do I do now?? How will I live without a Mountain *and* without a Master? I do not want to be alone!" her temper simmering now... "Who killed Him? I will bury them in stone.... I will bite them.. I will pull out their hair and take their eyes!" much like a small volcano herself.. hard to anger, but when she was..... blue eyes flashing with rage and grief.... her whole body shaking harder... seeming stronger than she had in days as the emotions flow through her.... "I do not want a new Master I want *THAT* Master!!"
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby Sorgram on Fri May 21, 2010 2:26 am

The chaos priest continued to pet her, stroking her softly.

'The stone that is the mountain has not left, only the spirit of the mountain. Until it returns, the mountain will seem dead. Your master is such as your mountain. He is with the Mountain and when it returns, he will return. Until that time, you will need to remain patient. Attach yourself here and stay with us, until the returning is complete. that is all that we can do, until the gods come back to us.'

His hand was lazily stroking her as he looked to the pit and prayed it would be soon.
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Fri May 21, 2010 2:37 am

fluora lets His touch soothe her ire just a bit... she would find out who had killed her Master... she'd save that anger up for now... she was patient, she could wait... but eventually she would find out, and then... well, one did not lightly anger a mountain, nor a mountain nymph....

"so.. He is with the spirit of my mountain, and the mountain will bring Him back? Him? not a new Master, but my Master?" looking to the Mallus for guidance once more... trying to understand... such concepts were new to her... and foreign.. but she nods.. "I will be patient Mallus and I will stay here. I can stay in Master's room? can I do something to help the Firey Mountain God to return? To help Master come back?"
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby Sorgram on Fri May 21, 2010 5:03 am

Nodding, he would say, 'Sing to him of your need for them and let him hear you. Let him know that you miss them both and beg them to return. through our prayers and desires, they shall return. let them know they are needed.'
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Fri May 21, 2010 12:40 pm

the oread nods.. "yes Mallus" she says softly... feeling better that her Master was with her Mountain... the Mountain would watch over Him, and bring Him home, as it often did her... she would be patient, she would help Him... and then, when He was home, she would find the one who hurt her Master.... she was like the mountain, patient, silent, waiting...but she was just as capable of erupting when the time was right. song, prayers, and desires... well she did not know much about singing... but she knew how to pray, and desire was something the little nymph was very familiar with... though without her Master she'd have to release those desires on her own... unless she could find someone to help her... she glances at the alter... she would think of something....
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby Sorgram on Sat May 22, 2010 12:20 am

The flame loving priest sat upon the altar petting the little oread. Sensing a need within her as most masters can, he stroked her neck. 'Little one consider me your master until we can drag his furry ass back to us.' His hand was hot on her skin. The caresses was tender but meant to communicate a certain demand as well. Eyes blazed with inner fire as he looked down on her and over her small form. His hand threatened to travel further about her frame.
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Sat May 22, 2010 1:19 am

fluora snuggles into His lap, the stroking the caressing raising a nymph's normal desires.... soothing her further, and changing that raging grief and anger into something different.... quivering lightly at His words... "yes Mallus." she answers softly, peeking up at Him... not shying away from what she saw in His eyes... He'd used her before, and she did not fear Him, though He was not her Master... even now. she nuzzles against His chest, letting her hand trail over Him lightly, teasingly... after all.. she'd served as sacrifice on this alter before, and such may help return her Master to her....
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby Sorgram on Mon May 24, 2010 6:52 am

The oread was such that succumbed easily. This he knew and he stroked her in delightful ways as she stroked him, taking her offerings as she gave them willingly. Lifting her slowly, as his lips kissed her neck softly, teeth nudging her shoulder with a mark. His hand found flesh to carress and behold, massaged and teased, her soul was not his but her body was his to command. With silence and deft fingers, he placed orders at various places upon her form. Pert breasts, supple thighs and plump buttocks were all give instructions.
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Mon May 24, 2010 9:34 pm

fluora moans softly as His lips and teeth find and mark mottled flesh lightly head tipping to give Him better access to collared throat.... body trembling in His grasp.... thighs parting widely for Him, breasts thrusting towards Him at the touch of His fingers... hips grinding against His, soft helpless mews coming from her lips.... eyes half lidded in pleasure.. something she had not felt for many weeks.... that inner rage changing further to inner passion, still hot, stoked by internal fire....
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby Sorgram on Tue May 25, 2010 9:15 am

Manipulator of fire, no matter the form, he would continue to explore her form, teasing those areas moreso, adding more to his attentions. Hands exploring under clothing, divesting such from the nymph. His clothing is made scarce as he allows her to see that which she will soon beg for. tugging of hair, nipping for flesh, casual carresses and deliberate thrusting all to drive the nymph to her extremes.
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Re: The return of the oread

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Wed May 26, 2010 3:14 am

fluora moans as she's so quickly stripped of the dress she wore... hands teasing over her flesh, bucking, grinding against those touches, hair tugged, flesh nipped... she writhes against Him, against the anvil... becoming more wild with His teasing, reaching for His bared flesh to pull Him to her.... lips seeking His neck, His shoulders.... desperation, heat and fire rising.... urged on by His touch, His teasing nips and caresses.... leash swaying between parted thighs.... her sex dripping, wetness slicking the anvil's surface...
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