To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

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To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Isla on Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:04 pm

She lay in the snow, her eyes opened enough to watch the snow fall about her, piling around. She was freezing slowly, she knew it, there really was no getting around it. She felt warm despite the cold around her, she could no longer move her legs, hands, her skin was turning blue. It was a quiet where she was, just on the boarder, having taken a long way around to different areas, boats and wagons, she was exhausted from the travels. Preaching had been something that she enjoyed but now she just wanted rest. Her rest was coming, in the soft snow that fell about her, the breeze that blew over her skin. Her cloak was soaked through, offering no real protection anymore. The fire had long since died and she was left there in the chill and cold.
There was a moment of laughter, her lips cracking as she did, a hot searing pain rushing through from the little bit of movement, “some fire priestess I ended up..” she said with hollow words, her voice barely audible even to herself. She had stopped just inside the boarder of the land, had felt a familiar magic surround her but it was a little late, ripped and stained clothing, hair disheveled with locks chopped in unceremonious fashion. Brigands had jumped her before she could make it back. The last day and a half walk before she had settled inside the boarder was one of the worst she had ever had to deal with. Pain washed through her the whole way, leg broken, ankle broken at least, face beaten black and blue, she’d come home at least, bloodied and broken but she was home, if nothing more than to die out on that deserted road.
She felt sleep coming, it had been harder to move, she could not move her fingers, it was going to be over soon she knew. She lay in the cold, caked in her own blood, barely able to see and all was mist around her. Yes, sleep would be a wonderful thing for her right now.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Sun Dec 18, 2016 9:57 pm

Sorgram left the Dream with dark portends in his mind. Mostly, there were the normal thoughts of overtaking the empire, ruling it while subjugating and enslaving the masses and coopting all females for his service of harem. Such a delightful dream, in most cases, death destruction, frolicking and fornication, all pleasant things. However, this dream leaving left him with concern as it was not often Uvelcra disturbed his meditations, preferring to deride and insult the Priest on everything from his member size and latest conquests not hooting and hollering enough, saying he could do better. All that happened when Sorgram was awake and could fume about it. This time however, he found it was not such, there was a thought. "isla needs you. Valencia.' Dammit, why the fuck could he have not said which direction at least. Frakking gods and their mysterious enigmas. At least he said Valencia instead of the Forest of Sha`hir or whatever the fuck it was. He jerked his robe around him and he would move out to get his mephos and begin his search. A spiral search granted, orders Scoria to make it and he would use her eyes to look and see what was on their ground. Several hours passed and he spotted something dark on the ground. flying lower, he would see red hair on the ground, splayed about a body face first in the snow. Moving to her, he would instantly melt any snow around hem to warm water. His eyes looked around for any attackers and gently rolled her over looking for brigands. His lips were tight and he studied her, bathing her in his presence to being her thawing process, Looking her over, he would strip and wrap her leg as best as possible, so that he could carry her back to the Temple where he would confine her for the duration of her healing. Lifting into the air, he sent a message to the guards. 'Send a message to Isla's house, she has returned."
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Isla on Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:04 am

Isla had been at the brink, her mind had shut down to barely conscious. She felt the heat rushing over her, her body shuttered at the feeling, pain washing over her along with the heat. Her body trembled as he moved her, her frozen face now starting to thaw started to swell, her whole body was staring to swell from the rush of warmth to her. The bruises became more pronounced, the pain washing through her, thawing her blood, making it start to run from her lips, a trickle seeping from her. She let out a small groan while he stripped her leg, gasping at the feel of him bandaging it, the small signs of life returning, the pain washed through her again as he lifted her to take her home. Her head lulled to the side, eyes cracked, her vision blurry she still knew the face. Her lips opened a little, though the more she tried the more blood was spilling from them so she stopped, her lips closed and she allowed herself to lull against him, the cold wind slapping her as they flew.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:11 am

She was carried in his arms, lifted up and his wings spread, carrying her himself to the temple. Healer sent for, reaching out, he touched her and laying her upon a bed nearest his office, he would lay her down, strip her of wet clothing, pressing a hand to her heart, he felt its beat, closed his eyes and let his body share some of her pain as to lessen it. Water and a sponge with towels was brought as he would then gently begin to clean her and seek to warm her form with his own heat, seeking to stave off hypothermia and frostbite. 'stupid woman' he muttered, knowing if she had called for him or messaged him she would have had a ride back to the temple, right back to this spot, in better condition for sure. he growled as he tenderly tended her needs for now. TGea was sent for as well with herbs in it to help her warming and heating, he would see if she might drink a bit.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Isla on Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:23 am

She shivered as the heat from the temple rolled over her, the warmth helping her to come back to consciousness. She groaned while he removed her clothing, the warm water made her groan again, her eye slowly opened, hearing him mutter she jerked a little in what would have been a laugh. She moved her hand, resting it on his, the best she could. Her eyes still closed though she took a breath, her chest hurting she licked her lips, feeling the pain from that. “not..” she managed to croak out.
Her eyes cracked open a moment, shuttering while she did, smiling ever so lightly at him, “hi..” she managed to say, a weak smile was about the most she could manage as she stared at him.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:28 am

Sorgram would hear that croak and did not answer instead making her take some of the herbal tea to help her warm up reenergize and to dampen the pain until they could get a healer to care for her. He had sent to the villages below as there local would come faster to him than those outside. Looking her over, he would shake his head, 'Isla,' he kissed her lips taking more of her pain to himself, 'you have much explaining to do. You know I am going to punish you for this' he said, looking over her naked body, 'after you are healed and healthy, whispering softly. 'you scared me, Joiner, you truly did' He tells her as he holds her close without squeezing and nearly dropping the tea cup down her back but not spilling it thankfully.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Isla on Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:36 am

She took a breath, stopping herself from speaking more, it hurt a bit too much, her eyes widened as he kissed her though, a shiver again, pain washing over her. She groaned a bit, laughing as he spoke, “will not..” she croaked again, the tea had helped but she was feeling raw, hazy. She shifted a little bit and started to try and move herself, first an arm, then a leg, she twitched a bit and sighed ever so quietly. “Did not mean to..” she whispered, her stiffness seeping away so she could feel her muscles wanting to move again, enjoying the moment as he held her to him, the heat washing over her, her eyes closing and her head lulling against him as she slipped unconscious for a moment in time.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:58 am

Sorgram held her to him, cursing slow healers, he should have sent scoria to snatch one from the field like a damned sheep and carry it back. However he was patient, letting the tea work on her while he held her thee and shook his head at her folly. 'will' he muttered as he began to thoroughly inspect her form, knowing full well that her leg was broken in one spot, suspecting two as he moves his hand down her arm and then her ribs, seeing if there was broken or painful bruising. Taking his time he moved over her body, naked as it was, he prevented his mind from viewing her sexually. A first for him, though he knew as she healed it would change. However, he was glad she was back, in his arms for one and immensely grateful she was alive. He wa angry she left if little contact, did not seek an escort in the dangers parts of the land and third had left in the Gods be damned first place. She was due for a lecture, and more.. much more. He kissed her forehead.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Isla on Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:07 am

She smiled weakly, letting out small groans as he touched her arm, but when he touched her ribs she let out a yelp, blushing, her body was covered in bruises that were now coming to light since she was warming. She was pained but alright, her eyes closed again and she just lay back, forcing herself to be calm. “Am not..” she muttered again, the smirk she usually wore came and went like a shadow. She knew he was angry, fairly sure that none of her communications had reached him, faes were not the most trusted of creatures when it came to deliveries. She’d suspected that when he had not written back. She groaned a little again and moved her hand a bit, smiling at the kiss to her forehead, attempted to lift her hand fingers brushing against his cheek before her arm dropped back down, a sigh leaving her. “how?” She managed to say, curious just how he had found her.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:41 am

He tended her before speaking as he pondered it himself since he had found her and even on his way, though his urgency drove him to find her. 'I was in the Dream, focused outward. I cannot say for sure but I believe Uvelcra sent me to find you. Else, we are connected via the Dream so my worry was that you would choose not to return to me, rather than be lost to me. Both are heartbreaking, but I could always search you out, enslave you and drag you back, but death is fickle and a resurrections is no guarantee that I can get you back' He strokes her hair, looking for damage to her head.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Isla on Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:10 am

She shivered against him, “mmm glad that someone was looking out for me..” she grinned, the skin cracked a bit and she groaned a little, taking a breath, “I’m fine..” she tried to move her head but it was held tight. She watched him a moment, “as far as enslaving me, you can’t.. and you wouldn’t want me like that anyway..” she shivered again, her fingers moving to touch him, they were still cold, they still hurt but at least they weren’t nearly as blue as the last time she’d seen them. “Do you honestly think you could get rid of me that easily?” She managed a joke, the tea helping her feel warmer, helping her throat feel less rough. Her eyes closed again and she lay her head back a bit, letting out a breath, a shutter washing over her. She licked her lips, “as far as us being connected.. why would that surprise you.. you have always been able to track me down..”
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:26 am

The drak looked on her and he shrugged. 'You have always been elusive, I have always felt you could always hide from me. but now you say I could always find you.' He laughs softly, stroking her hair and her cheek, caressing it lightly, massaging her neck and jaw lightly. About then a village healer would come in and as she did, he covered her with his blanket, keeping her modesty. the woman inspecting her, waving her hand and seeing what was needed, would move to her leg and ankle, advising. 'wont urt much' and set the leg. applying a splint to it, she would wrap it. the ankle was found to be dislocated and with Sorgram's help, it was popped back into place. the woman said 'painless' as Isla's sounds. she added, 'for me' Sorgram walked her out, 'she will still need a healer but should one not come immediately, she will heal in a few weeks' she said, she was piad and she left. He moved back to her bed and lay down next to her, slipping under the covers not to provide her warmth.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Isla on Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:53 am

Isla laughed a little, her eyes closed as he touched her, “I’m sure that it was always possible, I do not think I have ever purposely hid from you in any way..” she shivered while he massaged her neck and jaw. She licked her lips, blushing as he covered her, smiling warmly. She watched the woman moving down and let out a cry as the leg was set and the splint applied. She lay her head back, taking a long deep breath while he walked her out. “Painless my ass..” she mumbled to herself, touching the split lip a moment then sighed quietly. She took the few moments of silence to reflect and enjoy the warmth that surrounded her. She let out another sigh and smiled when he came back, “I’m going to hate to see the bill for this..” she quipped, attempting to bring her own mood up so she did not fall into meloncoly. She blinked when he crawled into the bed, a small laugh leaving her as he moved a bit closer, “cheeky..” she laughed then groaned, immediately regretting the laughter.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Sorgram on Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:43 am

Pressing into her, he would hold her close and whisper into her ear, seeking to sooth her, sensing her melancholy coming over her. he held her to him and told her. 'isla, dear, you are home, where you belong. you are Home, with me.' he reminds her and strokes her hair from her face as he kisses her neck. 'this place has gone to ruin since you left, I have had to do all the paperwork, and my research is far behind. I am near a break through and well, I need you. Not just for the Temple. you balance me and you know it.' he tells her a bit of reprimand for her as to remind her that she should have no doubts of her worth and desired presence with him.
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Re: To sleep is yet to die (for Sorgram and other friends)

Postby Tehya on Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Walking into the temple there was a strong scent of brimstone. Most days she returned home, he was off working outside the temple. He must be home, and as she walked by the guards the one bully of a guard made sexual gestures to her... see that is what not wearing clothes inside the temple in front of the guards did. She would remind Sorgram she wouldn't walk nude by them again, and she gave the guard a mean little stare, "Fuck off!" She could be the kindest sweetest person there could be until someone crossed her. Today she had arrived with a bundle of pine to decorate the temple, so she balanced the pines heading down the hall and looking in the rooms that needed decorating.

Snowflake wasn't here to help her this year, so she would have to rely on the help within the temple. When looking in one doorway she blinked and dropped the pines in shock. There was Sorgram, but Isla was back? She stared for at least a few minutes and then backed out of the doorway leaning against the wall. She always liked Isla in fact she married them. Many times when others were married she wondered where Isla was.

A thought came to mind, something Sorgram had said after they married. Her face drained of color and she tiptoed back from the door. Being Lady of Sorgram's house she was quite contrary to that title and what it meant. She believed in freedom, even though.....

She disappeared quickly using her teleport to a place she knew, the palace and the tower
Even though she did feel happy Isla returned, Tehya was curious about one thing.
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