Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

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Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Achillia on Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:16 am

Achillia surveyed the cabin after being shown to the place by one of Rebecca's servants..apparently her new liege was tied up on urgent business and was not available. The young warrior was glad though to not be staying in the keep, one look at the boxy structure told her that while it was strongly constructed, it was not built for war. Fine tall windows, ornate drapes and chandeliers seen within, dark mahogany paneling. No. It was a display more of wealth and comfort than for sustaining a seige while inflicting the maximum death and destruction to would be invaders. 

Sighing, she was relieved to see that the cabin was quite stout and least from the outside. As the servent left, pressing a key to her palm, she watched the girl go and returned her ocean blue pools upon the structure. The key fit perfectly and the heavy wooden door opened promptly. Then an immediate frown appeared upon the warriors face as the light of day spilled inside thru that threshold, illuminating the fine decor, the interior elegant in fact. It was everything but a cabin! In fact, the inside seemed to match the gaudy splendor of silk, gold and crystal that she glimpsed through the windows of the keep. "By AdenVer's huge balls" was a curse she only muttered when completlely alone.

Stepping inside, her eyes swept the interior and she surveyed the rooms. A small kitchen, very well stocked, a dining area...well the round dinner table and wine rack, which was very well stocked, did appeal to her spartan tastes at least. Then a bath, and by the gods, it smelled of the perfumes of 20 whores! Quickly exiting that, she finally came to the bedroom, a very lavish affair for a cabin, drapes, candlebras, a large mirror, chests full of dresses and fancy clothes. All useless save the bed and one of the blankets and pillows which were heaped about it. But she appreciated that there was a smaller fireplace in the bedroom, matching that in the main living room. The cabin would be very warm in the winter.

Fireplaces! Thoughts quickly turned to action and in no time, the dark haired squire had both fired up, flames dancing and flickering, casting warm light among the growing shadows about the spaces of the cabin as the sun fell. Plenty of illumination to work by. And work she did, after stripping off her weapons and armor and sharpening and oiling, first things had to be done first, now only wearing a skimpy loincloth and a cut off sleeveless top, she began 'fixing' her new home. Beginning with the drapery and ornate she couldnt really acertain its purpose..and fed these to the fireplaces, which seemed to consume the functionless items with gusto, snapping and popping, these items and things reduced to embers floating up the chimneys. 

By morning, her task was done. Every room was stripped to the essentials only. In fact, she could pack up all her belongings into a backpack, or two, and leave in under an hour. The bedroom appeared as an AdenVer temple, a simple..if large... bed, a single chest for a few strips of clothing, a display for her armor and weapons. A bed stand with her prayer book and ritual oils. The living room appeared more like an armory with her bronze round shield on the mantal, spears and bows and arrows and blades of all sorts displayed, enough to arm her five times over. And one specific large piece of furniture had been trimmed and cut and moved to the wall by the door for one serve as a barricade should she need to block the entrance complety.

Everywhere, in each room, every wall, every corner..all was simplified to a military purpose...or burned. Satisfied, she strode outside in the morning glow of the rising sun, golden rays streaming through the now fading smoke from the chimneys. Taking out a dagger, she began to carve letters onto the front door, at eye level. A prayer. A warning.
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:40 am

Meanwhile in another part of the estate Rebecca was -most- pleased with her adorable self. Well she was until her wife rocked up and they engaged in.....discussions. But that, gentle reader, is another story indeed!

No, she was most content with, not just another squire - for a gal of Rebecca's vanity rather enjoyed adding to her entourage- but having a gal close and on tap almost? Well it was near as damnit having home delivery, no? Alright so Achi was a bit loopy as far as Rebecca was concerned, but she had other attributes that cancelled that out. And besides Rebecca was so looking forward to teaching the gal those things that a slightly older and more experienced woman...I mean Warlord teach her charge.

Besides, she'd let the gal have her privacy and whatnot. And wasn't the cabin fabulously decorated in any case? Aye, she'd made sure it had every comfort. Albeit not originally for Achillia of course. But for herself. But surely she has a jolly nice keep? Aye, that she has. She also has a jealous wife in the form of India who doesn't trust the adorable one further than she can throw her either for some reason. Shocking, I know. What is the world coming to?

So no. Rebecca didn't plan to boff anyone at home if she could help it. Well..unless the need arose. Y'know like she got a bit squiffy or it was late or they had really decent legs Rebecca had put in the place what she thought was the most cunning contingency plan. The keep wa too dangerous, her house in town too obvious. But a cabin? On the keeps grounds? Under her wifes -very- nose? Too hard to resist! And that was why the cabin had been furnished so.

And it gave Rebecca some comfort to know, or at least so she thinks, that not only would dear Achi be in comfort during her stay but that, should Rebecca pay a call...just out of courtesy you would she be.....
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Achillia on Mon Oct 09, 2017 10:31 pm

Achillia finished etching the words into the wooden door, smiling at her work, the deep carved letters unmistakable. The power of the prayer practically vibrating on the surface of the oak. Stabbing the blade into the door frame, she then rests her hand against the portal, palm against the surface, sensing its strength, its weight. Then bowing her head in prayer, long locks falling about her face to hide her features, lids closing, her lips moving in silent worship, she uttered words that only He could hear and as she did so she could feel her soul fly free of her body, basking in the warmth of His glory, war drums echoing off in a glorious dawn on a distant horizon....

Some moments passed when suddenly her long lashes and darkly lined eyelids popped open, her windows to her soul as bright and blue as a fresh autumn dawn. Excitedly, she then stepped back, looking around her, noting immediately that there was a break in the trees that allowed her to see a particular corner of the top section of the keep, some 200 or so yards away. She wondered if anyone in those windows could see her, if anyone was looking, and with a shrug she realized that she did not care.

Muscular and toned arms crossed over her head, hands finding the simple cotton fabric of her sleeveless cut-off top, pulling it up and off, baring her chest, marked with white scars randomly, some more prominent than others. small breasts swayed just, her pink nipples stiff from the morning chill. Then she was off like a doe leaping through the forest, running in headlong dash with laughter upon her lips, disappearing like she was never there, leaving only the morning songbirds and chirping squirrels to mill about.

An hour, perhaps two, she returned, her entire chiseled form shiny with sweat, her limbs red from random vines and small branches that attempted to impede her flight through the woods to no avail. Breathing hard, panting even, she went inside her new home, quickly appearing again with a large bucket in both hands. First lifting it to her mouth to drink deeply, she then up-ended the entire thing over her head in a cascade of crisp water, drenching her body and soaking the bit of cloth hanging between her thighs, the thin material clinging to every curve and crease. "gods that feels good"...

Then she thought about the rest of the day. No appointments. No word from Lord Sorgram. Not even anything from Rebecca. Nothing. That left her to her own devices and free to spend it as she saw fit..and what better way than to celebrate her devotion to her god. Setting the bucket down, she made a beeline to the kitchen and to the bath, collecting a large pot of boiling water she had set in the morning, pouring the steamy contents into the tub, followed by another of cool water to make a comfortable mix, followed by bits broken off from a large chunk of lavender scented soap that was the sole survivor, among the many many others, that were fed to the purging fires (well, except for a simularly scented bottle of perfume).

Stripping completely, she then settled into the tub, the bubbles wrapping her like a soft warm blanket. But she wasted no time like most women, scrubbing her body and limbs, her hair to dark luxurious foamy pile, then taking a sharp razor to groom her intimate parts completely, followed by her legs and had to be properly clean to conduct rituals after all. Then she stood, rinsing off, before stepping out and drying herself with the same rough rigor she showed in the tub, her skin a pink-rose all over when she was done.

Now came her favorite part, the ritual itself, the time spent with Him. Heading off to the bedroom, naked as the day she was born, she began collecting the items she would need. A prayer book. A bottle of sacred body oil. And a sword.
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:01 pm

It had been a -most- tiring evening. Well evening turned night turned morning if we're being entirely accurate. On reflection addressing her dearest as a "mad scaley harridan" whilst tied starkers to a rack with the littlest nightmare looming over perhaps hadn't been wise....

That be as it may. It was a sore and thoroughly cheesed off Rebecca that planned to pour herself between her sheets and stay there forever.....when she pauses. Over the forest dotting her mountains...was smoke.

And not just common old garden smoke. Thick oily plumes snake into the air and she dashes to the window to work out just -what- the deuce was happening. With horror she realises it is from the cabin.

To her credit she was actually concerned about her squire. Less to her credit was that it was her fourth thought. After being concerned about the cabin being discovered; the state of the cabin itself and where would she now boff in secret. But...Achi was in her thoughts. So that -was- something I suppose.

But Gods the smoke. If India woke from her nap....No, that didn't bear thinking about! And so the adorable one, wincing and bitching to any Goddesses in range, gets herself down the stairs and makes for the cabin....
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Achillia on Tue Oct 10, 2017 9:02 pm

As Rebecca approached the cabin, that inky smoke fading as the morning passed, she would see that the place appeared perfectly normal, excepting the fact that the front door had a new decoration of some sort, a somewhat permanent one without extensive repair or replacement involved, and appeared to be slightly ajar, the bright morning making what lay behind the threshold appear completely dark within. A keen eye might spot the cotton top hung casually by a nearby tree branch but the dagger stabbed into the door's frame was very apparent, the blade actually gleaming as it caught the sunlight streaming down from above. Squirrel's darted and birds lifted to the air as the warlord approached but soon something new might have caught her attention.

Achillia's clear and young voice could be heard emanating from inside the cabin, feint at first, a soft hushed whisper rising to a more clear utterance, almost a rapture, which also had a note of stress to it, as if she was straining or pulling at something. Or being held down. It was impossible to tell but she was not at rest. Also, the scent of incense came from that dark gap of the ajar doorway along with vanilla, which Rebecca might recognize as being from the candles she had stocked the bedroom with....

"I am here O' my god...Down on my knees again... I surrender to You...Surrendering All..."

"As You draw me near, like a mighty storm...stir my soul...stir my soul..."

"With my arms stretched wide...I know You hear my cry....Speak to me now...Speak to me now..."
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:31 am

And lo, in answer to her prayer a figure appeared. And it cast its eyes down upon it's servant and was displeased at what it saw. And in answer to the warriors prayer the figure did spake - and it's words were full of wrath as it does.

"I'll stir your sodding backside, you bloody little vandal!"

Ah. Not AdenVer then. Well not unless he'd picked up a cut glass english drawl, and grown himself a decent pair of bouncers....

Rebecca looks around in horror. She'd known something was wrong with the smoke of course but to then see the blade in the door, the discarded clothing outside and hearing the seeming sounds of struggles from within....well she'd drawn certain conclusions of course. To her surprise and shock it had been worse than she'd feared. The soft furnishings had gone!

Rebeca of course had expected to see her poor squire being raped or assulted. A crying mess on the floor no less. And as she stands there, booted legs apart, the coiled whip in her hand she decides that it would be a damn shame to waste the imagery......

" You want an oncoming storm poppet? damned bad form for me as a host to disappoint, hrm?"

Aye, the popsy's bloody God would hear her cry alright. At least if the adorable one had any say in the matter!
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Achillia on Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:22 pm

Achillia was in the mental ecstasy of her self-induced religious fevor, eyes pinned shut. Kneeling on both knees, spread shoulder width, upper body ramrod straight with her arms extended out wide and level before her, palms up, fingers extended, the muscles along her shoulders and upper limbs quivering with effort. She appeared as a sculpted bronze statue, polished to a bright sheen as her athletic naked body was covered with body oil from head to toe.

How long she had been in that position not even she could tell, so caught up as she was in her own ceremony. Skin gleaming as her raw form was illuminated eruptly by the sudden deluge of sunlight coming from the doorway as the door flew wide, her eyes popped open in surprise, pupils dilating down as she only saw mostly brightness and purple spots as her retinas were overwhelmed by the sudden change from near black darkness, which had been softy kept back by a few candles, to blindingly bright intense daylight.

The mithril sword laying across Achillia's palms also reflected that luminous intensity, the sharp blade flashing as the rays of sunlight ran down the blade, the weapon being the source of the warrior's efforts.

But she did not flinch, she dared not drop the sword...staring up in awe as she made out the image of what appeared to be an angelic war angel that suddenly manifested itself with a bright aura around the certain silouhette...of Rebecca. Confusion set in.

So lost she was in her heavenly euphoric trance, Rebecca's words were recognized as being from her, that accent, that pitch and tone unmistakable even across the Inn when it was overcrowded, but they were not comprehended. And the look upon Achillia's face as she stared up at Rebecca was that of a new born child who was seeing a mother for the first time...innocence mixed with pure awe. A wonderous state of shock.

The conflagration of emotions and thoughts and what logic remained in her head almost put her into a coma as she tried to process the meaning of the answer to her prayer...for that could be the only reason why Rebecca suddenly appeared when she she she did...standing there like a General of Elysian armies. Still unmoving, Achillia could only stare and when she tried to speak, her mouth was too dry, causing her to utterly nothing, her lips moving without speaking any comprehensible words. Finally, she managed to get one thing out.

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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Achillia on Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:43 pm

Achillia woke up slowly, unlike her usual, aches and pains making her wince as she stirred, having been sleeping face down, her head rising from a pillow. She looked a mess, dark locks tangled, strands of hair stuck to her face, what remained of the body oil she had slavered all over herself and the sweat from what followed smeared still upon her bare skin. Gods she hurt, her young body felt like she had she had been through a desperate battle. And in a way, she had. And in her mind, it had been a victory.

Sliding from the sheets, the large bed having been reduced from its former plush pile of fine comfort and a plethora of soft pillows to a simple military style wool blanket to go over the sheets, her bare feet found the floor and she stood, her naked frame aching from head to toe. It was like a day of penance in the lodge, but she had done no wrong, committed no sin.

Reaching up over her head, she stretched with supple grace, arching her spine, a groan uttered from her lips. Then she padded over to the full length mirror set along the wall, looking at her reflection, her wiry body a collection of coiled lean muscle and feminine ferocity, a warrior. And she had new marks upon her, standing out from the multiple white scars that decorated her skin.

First there were the whip marks scored horizontally across her chest, just on the rise of her breasts, bright red welts, the skin almost cut. Wearing armor would be uncomfortable she thought. Then her eyes flicked down to her sore left breast, the small globe of perky flesh aching, a circle of fingernail marks, again almost cutting into skin. It was if a succubus with talons had almost attempted to rip her breast from her body. Bruising had started to appear.

The ice blue gaze taking in the assessment of her body then drifted lower. Rope marks circled her chest and waist and both arms, as if a thin snake had wrapped her tight, seeking to devour her. But she knew that would heal fast. It was the least of her injuries. Spinning in place then, craning her neck around so she could see into the mirror, the warrior then checked for the ones that hurt the most.

A small gasp was uttered as her pupils focused. Her small butt was a red lattice work of whip marks, each cheek expertly criss-crossed with a grid of raw pain. She would not be riding for awhile and sitting would have to be done carefully for sure. No wonder she could not sleep on her back at all throughout the night. Gods... she would need an ointment to speed the healing process along. And then there was the unseen pain, the agony of what had transpired as her strength had failed her during that one test Rebecca had put her through. But, she had survived, obviously. She would be stronger.

The physical inspection over, Achillia then cleaned up, needing a delicate sponge bath and dragging a comb to fight through her bed ridden hair, straightening it out in some semblance. Then she dressed in a simple white cotton sleevless tunic and strapped sandals to her feet, a dash of lavender perfume added with a sudden impulse.

Then after a quick breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries, the door to the cabin swung open and she stepped out into the breaking day, listening to the birds sing, looking up at the sea of green foliage around her, glimpses the bright sky above, the scenic rays of sunlight filtering through tree branches and leaves. And despite the ordeal she had been through, a grin appeared on her young face, for in the end, she had won. Her god had cleared the way through the enemy lines so to speak, as He always does.

Stepping off with new found boldness, confident as a lioness on the prowl, she made her way towards the keep, a spring in her step, the Litany of Victory whispered from her lips. Without a doubt, a victory had been scored and as she emerged from the mountain forest onto the keep's grounds proper, striding like a conqueror, she reflected on her thoughts.

Every war started with that first step taken on the march. A resolute steadfastness was required to stay the course no matter the cost in order to win. There would be setbacks, there would be sacrifices. But in the end, there would be a most righteous and high achievement. And Rebecca had shown that she would follow, she just needed more prodding, more encouragement. Divine Will obviously deemed it so.

Yes, Rebecca's conversion was simply a matter of time.
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:18 am

"It was like a day of penance in the lodge, but she had done no wrong, committed no sin."

Yes she bloody had! She burnt the bedding! :wink:
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Tue Oct 17, 2017 9:28 am

Well that was that done!

Gods, she 'd known Achi was a bit of a God botherer but really! she thinks, not entirely sure how burning her curtains was what -any- God or Goddess would want. They had, after all, been jolly nice curtains.

Still a few choice words, a bit of whip-crack-away and, what Rebecca liked to think of as the "becca manoeuvre" and she'd had the gal eating out of her hand. I said hand....

Cheeky little moppet though she mulls as she made her way back to the keep, rather hoping to sneak back in before the littlest nightmare had noticed her absence. I mean all that toot about her, Rebecca, calling some bally Gods name? And a chaps too? Not dashed likely.

No in the competition between AdenVer and Rebecca there had been only name called out that night - and it wasn't the one with the extra limb.

So. A necessary evil had been done. Achillia had been shown exactly who she had to worship and, finally things could get back to normal.

Give the gal a couple of days to heal and...well, we'd see. Send her some decent clothes over, spruce her up a bit and she'd be a half-decent rattle to have on hand, as long as Indy didn't find out of course.

Hrm. Speaking of Indy, what was she to do there? Keep Achi out of sight? I mean, Rebecca could mention she had a new squire and just wheel Quasarint out every now and again. She wouldn't exactly be fibbing either. The fact she had two squires and one was boffable....well, wouldn't be her fault if India didn't ask for a headcount now would it?

I mean what was the alternative, she thought, as she crept back through the doorway "Hullo Indy old gal. This is Achi. Bit loopy but she has a nice arse so keeping her around. Alright by you dear?". No...she couldn't see that one working!

Well she'd think of something. But at least, she thinks, regardless that was an end to all that Gods cobblers.......
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Re: Moving in to Rebecca's Cabin by the Keep

Postby Achillia on Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:44 am

Achillia circled around, heading to the front the keep, seeing the architecture and manicured grounds up close, the sheer opulence overwhelming her senses like the stench of a cesspool that has been in the hot sun...and she hadn't even been inside yet!. She could almost taste the disgust in her mouth. Rebecca had so much to learn about priorities. Basic defenses. Military protocols. Everything! With a toss of her head, long dark hair shimmering in the bright morning sunlight, she controlled her feelings, hoping the expression of contempt is not too plainly obvious. Of course, contempt was good, it shielded one from evil complacency and the heresy of being weak. Being soft. Something would have to be done about the place, but, first the woman, then her keep. She looked up, imagining battlements with His banner upon the roof. Ballistas at each corner, ready to rain death upon any foe.

Coming around a large fountain, she made her way to the ridiculously ornate front doors, seeing a guard box next the portal one. Obviously it appeared to be made for a soldier on guard and there was a bell hanging just inside, an alarm should it be required to alert the watch in case of danger. Looking around, anger boiling up inside, she suddenly realized...there is no watch. No guards. N-o-t-h-i-n-g!

Rebecca, despite her advancement up the ranks to becoming a Warlord of the Empire, failed to understand posting guards, sending out patrols. It was preposterous! Was she only the commander of the Valencian Lighy Cavalry for dress parades? Maybe taking this squire position was really really a bad idea she thought....No. It had been fate. AdvenVer deemed it so. So in addition to bringing Rebecca to His embrace, now she has to train her as well to not just prance around like a drunk noble woman, but actually be a valiant general. A Lord Commander of Crusader armies. A tool for His righteous will and the coming glorious crusade to bring death and purge all that is foul. ...This thought made her smile, if but for a moment.

Well, one had to make a statement sometimes to get things done. Reaching up, she grabbed the cord hanging from the bell...and rang the damn thing with all of her might, announcing herself, actually curious as to what may happen. She had half a mind to stage a mock attack, howling like a banshee bent on murder and rape, but just in case that other squire was around...whom she had not met...she didn't' want to have to kill that person just to make a point. Although he or she was obviously an ill-trained ignoramus too.

So, hands of hips and full of military bearing and the look of a drill sergeant ready to dress down new recruits, she waited, foot tapping. Yes, things were going to change around here, that was for sure!
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