The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

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The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:58 pm

Free as ever even though she pledged herself as Wildfire with her mate all things come to an end it seemed. Standing there before a bonfire by Stormbringer's temple she found the ceremony best held outside. Who knew what the lock of hair would burn into.

After running through the forest, standing there in shock by her decision she had this maddened expression on her face. Blood dribbled down her arms from running through the brambles in the forest, and she looked up to the sky and prayed. Her hand swooped up and she threw the lock of her husband's hair into the fire.

She remembered his words, "Bind it into an effigy and burn it. When YOU do that it will be done."

That is just what she did, and the hair burst into a ball of fire, much larger than she expected. The suffocating heat made her come to her senses, and the bitterness of the lie was tucked away. She was the Imperial bard and would have to be cordial to all the nobles, and with that bit of luck she looked down at the tracking devices and bracelet Sorgram gave her which were also thrown in the fire.

"Odd watching the jewels melt away. 'But' I shall sing at your next wedding!"

That smile became a twisted smirk and she turned to go back home to the palace. It would be nice to watch the snow melt from her Tower window, such pretty snow gone just like her bonding. This resulted in a more aware Sylvan with a shield of armor around her heart.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Miranda on Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:04 pm

It would take time.

These things always did but, like spilled ink spreading across a page, the news would slowly spread out unstoppable. A priest might notice her absence and speak to a fellow priest; a maid might overhear them and, in boredom, mention it to the delivery man. He would tell his wife as he thought of something to say over dinner to avoid another night of silence. She would go to the Inn and tell a friend....and Miranda would hear.

Not everything. Certainly not the facts. But she didn't need the facts. She needed something she could use to keep her act fresh. Something to entertain and amuse whilst she tried to turn a coin. And given that Miranda took great delight in cocking a snook at the nobility and getting away with it? That night she began to write a new song.....
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Cangelosi on Mon Feb 27, 2017 1:47 am

He had delivered the message as promised.

Granted, it did seem out of place at the wedding of Traael and Tsisana, a wedding that Sorgram presided, talking about imperfections and lasting, loving mating. Perhaps that was a way the drak was coping. It was not his place to know, nor did he care. All he knew was the hurt he had seen in Tehya's eyes, the blood still fresh from the cut in her hands.

"She will live," he had told Sorgram as the remains of Tehya's wedding dress laid on the floor between them, noting the nervous stares of Isla and her pet as they stood nearby. "She will survive this. You tore out her heart, but she will survive. Both of us know this. Perhaps the both of you will be better because of it." And the dagger. No...he did not forget the dagger. He held it in front of his body, showing the crusted blood still stained upon it.

"And if ever your love falters again, and you cast aside Isla the same way you did her...I will see that this tears out your heart as well."

He full expected Sorgram to attack then, but he didn't. No, he saw the anguish, the way he snatched the dagger away, cutting himself, letting his blood stain the dress as well before rendering it into flame. Other words the drak spoke, but they were bred of pain, of anger. Silently he memorized them, a fumbled reply. Then, he left.

Oh, the dragoon knew this would not be the last word. Of that he was certain.
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:09 pm

Morgan was right.

It wasn't to be the last word by any means although perhaps from an unexpected direction.

Rebecca hadn't been to the wedding. She knew neither Traael or Tsisana well enough to legitimately attend and she was self aware enough to know that peoples faces didn't exactly light up when she entered the room. Which, as a rule, was fine by her. She had her wife, her horse and a cat. She didn't need anyone else - or so she tells herself.

And so the night of the wedding she was at the garrison doing the dull administration that comes with any occupation force when the province is placid - and then she heard what had happened.

The story that reaches her ears gives her the broad sweep. Morgan had pulled a knife and made threats. Some nonsense about a dress too but that didn't concern her. The knife did. Shield of Valencia. The title of the one who defends the viceroy - and when needed she'd been miles away. In short - she had let him down. Failed in her one task.

Piqued at Morgan's bad manners of doing what he did in public, shamed at her failure to discharge her duty and keen to do something to restore her lords faith in her she rises and fastens on her sword. A soft pair of gloves so rarely worn but now considered essential are tucked into her belt and Rebecca quietly departs the garrison.

She tells no one of what she plans. Sorgram would forbid it; Isla would try to talk sense into her; India would just tie her to the bed. All would have worked. The only clue to her intentions is the fae dispatched to Keani. Probably the only person she feels she can really trust asking her to act as her second.

And so she rides out to challenge the only man she thought of as a friend. The only man in fact that she'd willingly given herself to but it's duty and pride not friendship that decides her actions.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:04 pm

Morgan left with her blood soaked wedding gown to give to Sorgram, he then could burn it and end things forever. When Morgan left she couldn't rest, there was no recovery from this hideous lie. That is what Tehya felt at the end, the whole thing was nothing but a lie especially the end, after he swore to lose her he would cut his own heart out.

The bard had a dark side, but it was his breaking his oath that riddled her mind with questions. The best place to be was in her God's Stormbringer's temple. She arrived nude and wrapped in a white fur coat.
The Imperial bard dropped her fur coat before the podium and danced for hours around the altar. Her dance steps were slow and dramatic as she portrayed what was on her mind and in her heart. She needed to know, before delving back into her first and foremost goals, her profession.

Candles flickered over her nude body and there was music played by another bard and follower of her god. The flames of all the candles cast golden rays throughout the temple and it seemed like someone else were there listening. No one could see but the temple itself seemed to breathe a new life into her. Even that she was close to collapsing and beseeched her god in song.

Wyldfire he named us, let me keep your lie

No one will ever know the words you spoke

Will always be harbored inside me

And now my God all I ask from you

Is to guide me into a future of no lies

Let me once again trust instead of longing to die

Will the spring ever be as beautiful?

Will the summer still warm me as his hand

Will the autumn still burst into a colorful stage

Will the winter still drape the trees in jewels

Please give me a word in what to do

I have prayed for months seeing this coming

Longing, and so tired of the lies I beg of you!

Looking up at the windows of the temple it was snowing outside. Strange weather from the nice warm days to the forlorn coldness like her heart was feeling. But lo and behold there was an answer to her prayer.
Her cornflower blue eyes widened as streaks of lightning could be seen hitting the earth outside and the temple shook her to pay attention. She fell to her knees at the altar and heard words spoken like thunder.

"Find someone stronger."

She looked up at the temple's ceiling and a bright streak of lightning flashed and just disappeared against her fingertips. That is when the bard felt something come to mind and she stood up in all her defiance. The dance was over and it was time to get on with life. She would actively ask all bards, entertainers, and artisans to join in the Artist`Ambit to plan a grand artistic celebration of life.

That sneaky servant stood at the temple door watching and turned away seeing the new life breathed into the bard and it was like he read her mind. Scripting invitations to all bards, artisans and entertainers of a grand prize for expressing themselves in their talent. 50 mhl would be given to them byTehya. Her generous spirit returned and Lancaster knew this would be her first goal. Underneath he outlined the topic of her desire. "Of all things lost, new beginnings flourish.

(OOC) You can post dances, stories, poems, works of art in description or pictures. Anyone talented in character can enter don't have to be professions listed above. You may rp it here or in person, but post your work here when done to be paid.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Miranda on Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:36 pm

Somehow (!) Miranda had got one of the invitations. Well, she supposed, she was known in the Inn as an entertainer. Certainly ever since the incident with the egg at any rate. There was a moment when she nearly threw it away, but then the "50 mhls" lept out and hit her between the eyes! Well 50 mhl was 50mhl now wasn't it?! And given she'd already been working on a song when the invitation arrived...No, that was a lie. She'd been working on -adding- to the song when the invitation arrived. She'd already sung it - as indeed had quite a few people in the Inn by the time they'd got the hang of the choruses. She writes a note!

To her most gracious imperial bard,

Please find enclosed a song that I have composed. It is liked in the Inn and your ladyship is seen most favourably because of it. I trust it causes -you- no offence.

I remain, your most obedient servant.


Now interestingly anyone who had -heard- Miranda would not have ascribed those words to her - but that perhaps is another story. Of more relevance is the attachment. A much folded piece of paper which contains the following song lyrics:

The balard of Sorgram and Tehya

So now here's a story about a marriage that broke, as Tehya turned that effigy to smoke; and she smiled as she turned and walked away - for at least it was an end to a lousy lay. It wasn't what he did that made her sick, it was really the fact that he came too quick; no wonder he shagged all the girls that were nice; none of the others would have him twice!

*Chorus* Sorgram and Tehya, it really is quite sad, the marriage is over, the sex was too bad. Sorgram and Teyha, she is the bard, and he is the man who needs help to get hard

"Oh he struts around but the girls they all mock, for when having sex he still wears his socks, it's Tehya we're sad for - for she is sweet; and for these past years she's put up his feet. No wonder the poor girl has had the blues, for next to her bedroom he keeps his shoes, not even the sulphur could cover it up, no wonder lately the volcano threw up!"

*Chorus* Sorgram and Tehya, it really is sad, the marriage is over, the sex was too bad. Sorgram and Teyha, she is so sweet, and he is the one with stinky feet.

"He has an altar for kinky play, well he has to tie them to something to make them stay; and even if his socks do start to pong, girls can take comfort it won't take that long. A quick thrust or two is all he does need, but I tell the ladies they won't be in need; no itch to scratch as the altar they're on, for that they would have needed to be turned on"

*Chorus* Sorgram and Tehya, it really is sad, the marriage is over, the sex was too bad. Sorgram and Teyha, a woman so kind, a pity that love often wants to be blind.

"And why in the sack, is he so bad? He likes ladies bums? No! he likes the lads!; oh he's in denial, he'd be in shock - but the truth is he really wants cock" "Oh? You don't believe me about what I say? Well he shagged that Rebecca and now she is gay"

*Chorus* Sorgram and Tehya, it really is sad, the marriage is over, the sex was too bad. Sorgram and Teyha, it was no fun, for Sorgam just wanted poor Teyha's bum!

"He asked *Can we dress up?* as he held a dress nice and thin, but imagine her face when the dress was for him! She did try her best, she gave all the feels; but she finally quit when she saw all of his heels. A girl has her pride and a girl has her shoes but when her husband has more, then she had nothing to lose. And so...

*Chorus* Sorgram and Tehya, it really is sad, the marriage is over, the sex was too bad. Sorgram and Teyha, he was such a flirt, so manly so powerful - and so cute in a skirt!

Well...50 mhls -was- 50 mhls!
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Sun Mar 05, 2017 10:22 pm

A new note, delivered in secret, marked secret, to his guard, the Imperial guard and shop keeps in nanthalion and valencia as well as thallis.

'Reward for the capture of any person male or female performing the songs know to have been sung by Miranda, or information as to her whereabouts. Delivered upon capture of Miranda. Alive or Dead. 300 mhl and a weeks service of the aforementioned miscreant upon resurrection.

miranda is said to a blond female human though disguises are suspected.

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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Thunder on Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:24 pm

Such Pain

Tears of pain,
There is so much left to gain.

Breaking of a true heart,
Only thing left is the shadows on the walls from lights passing in the dark.

A mask worn for all to see,
Falls apart from the touch of an old friend yet will never be.

Nothing more nothing less,
That hurts and is such a mess.

The life taken so quick,
Put out like the fire on a candle wick.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Thunder on Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:25 pm

Broken Trust

The words that pass your lips,
Talk of trips.

Are lies dripping with venomous lies,
You should have just said good-bye.

Touches of death,
They kill slowly like meth.

Drop the bullshit,
There is nothing left but a big deep dip.

You took a big piece of my heart,
That now bares your mark.

How could you be so cruel,
You lost me you were such a fool.

So many things left unsaid,
That is running through my head.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Thunder on Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:25 pm


Fallen tears that matter not,
Should have been just a robot.

Cut past the pain,
For there is nothing left to gain.

You took what was broken,
And crushed those pieces as a token.

Why not just leave it all be,
Can you not see it just isn’t me.

You made me a promise,
Yet you was not being honest.

Could you not see,
You was everything to me.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Miranda on Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:15 pm

Sorgram wrote:A new note, delivered in secret, marked secret, to his guard, the Imperial guard and shop keeps in nanthalion and valencia as well as thallis.

'Reward for the capture of any person male or female performing the songs know to have been sung by Miranda, or information as to her whereabouts. Delivered upon capture of Miranda. Alive or Dead. 300 mhl and a weeks service of the aforementioned miscreant upon resurrection.

miranda is said to a blond female human though disguises are suspected.

Lord Dream and Nightmares

He wasn't the only one who could write notes! And so Miranda did too - and in a rather neat hand!

I know what you've done. One of the shopkeepers told me. Wasn't that nice of ...them. But since you like my poetry so much to pay for it, here's a new one. Just for you. On the house!

I've been to the shops and I've been to the Inn,
And when your chaps arrive I disappear ag'in!
I've been to the town - and to the baths
I've been to the temple and had a laugh.
Catching me seems hard to do!
Is it because your cav is poo?

Love and kisses,
Miranda XXXX
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:53 pm

The minstrel, Miranda, had not been seen for two weeks. No one had seen her since the figure had been taken in the Inn. Rumours bounded from mouth to ear like a sexually transmitted disease in a house of ill repute in another land.

'She's been kidnapped by that green elf fellow'

'She stole the heart of a noble and he ran off with her.'

'She crossed Ehlanna and she is testing all the panties she has collected for fit and sizing.'

'She was taken in by a dark elf Mistress and is being taught dominance in the nethergloom.

'She was captured by the Valencian Lord and she is being kept as a personal knob polisher'

'She was found by Dowjin and Kir Trelander to whom she is providing fashion advice for night ware.'

'She was taken my ZabugDabug and is now the goblin Queen and is pregnant with the first Heir.'

'She is holed up with MorganDrakewing and being taught the art of the Lady... but she is expected back soon as there is no hope for her

None of the rumors would be found to be the truth. No one knows when it happened or how it was done. Only that one day, in the Middle of the Lonely Inn, kneeling on her favorite stage, is a blonde, short haired corpse. Kneeling with hands on a dagger shoved into her stomach, directly into her heart. The angle and insert point could lead to one thinking that she was killed and arranged this way or she committed the acted her self. Lain out before her, written on a piece of scroll.

'Do not stoke the Temper of the Dragon, It can erupt.' signed M.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:51 pm

In the palace she sat writing at her dragon shaped desk that once was a furnishing in her home with Sorgram. There was a greedy little satisfaction to the fact everything in his home that reminded him of her was gone, right down to her panties. If she could strip him of his wealth and fame she would do that too.

No fury like a woman scorned, especially the Imperial bard who encouraged the arts like she has.

"Miss, Miss!"

The same wandering servant came to whisper something in her ear, but backed up quickly after he spoke. His obscure hooded face was shaded, and he clenched his hands while waiting for her to answer.

She couldn't believe her ears and thought immediately Sorgram has become a hideous beast with no sense of humor like he used to have. In the past he would laugh or punish,even speak prose, but to kill someone for a song.

A slow derisive grin graced her blue lips, not about the death of Miranda but she was thinking out loud.

The servant was told to fetch the corpse of Miranda, and to bring it to Morgan Drakewing's home until a healer could rez her. He ran off immediately right before a small ball of glass was smashed against the fireplace. Shards shot out everywhere and there were tears of anger in her eyes.

"Fucking hell where did the old Sorgram go! I will shield her from him."

Miranda was more than an upcoming star... but someone she enjoyed working with. In fact she was going straight to the drak sen and demand the money it cost for the rez and a full new wardrobe for Miranda.

He should be paying Tehya a monthly sum anyways, after his hideous lie about ripping his heart out.

Packing up her things she decided to join both the servant and corpse until something could be done.

Morgan offered her shelter, and after meeting his wife, she was sure they would be safe.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Vladimir on Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:59 pm

ZabugDabug was bored. Bored, bored, bored! Though the warm comfort of a woman be she moaning or flailing was enough to distract him from this pervasive boredom, he could only fuck most of the hours of the day away, and what in the world was he supposed to do with the other two?

Something was missing in his ludicrously luxurious life by any standard of his kind; some key component in his repertoire of entertainments that he increasingly realized life wasn't the same without. It dawned on him one day, chin to fist, big black eyeballs slow-blinking lashless green lids toward the stage, the Goblin sitting stiffly upright to blurt:


The search was on from that point forward, a gaggle of goblins wrangled up and put to work as sleuths and investigators, quite predictably turning up a few turnips and a serviceable wagon-wheel. After a few elaborate beatings and a more specific redeployment, one would return to him with answers.

"Deadz....? She'z DEADZ-like...? Dey'z KILLZED herz...?! Fur-Singzin'.. Fuckzin'... SONGZEZ??! DaZabugDabug LURVZED doez SONGZEZ! Whut-da-FUckz elze Songzez we'z Getzin', huhz?! 'Da-purdy treez an'growzin' flowerz, letz singz abootz dem fur hourz-n-hourz!' FUUUUUCKKKZ DAT!!! Hur songz wuz 'bout BOOBZ! Her songz wuz bout BUTTZ!!! Her songz wuz bout all da-Dumb FUCKZEZ, an'da DUMB fuckzin' STUFFZEZ dey DOOZ!!! An'Dey'z KILLZZED HERZ?! Nuh-Uhz, My-Gobbozez, NO-FUCKZIN' MOREZ!!! We'z gotzta STOPZ deez SONGZY-KILLZERZ, beee-forez ALL-DA-GURD Songz iz gonez FURR-EVERRZZ!!"

And while the speech might have been significantly more rousing if he hadn't been beating the Goblin who'd broken the news to him to a pulp while he made it, the others would nod among each other and take up the nervous call.
Full fathom five thy father lies; of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, but doth suffer a sea- change into something rich and strange. Sea-Nymphs hourly ring his knell: Ding-dong, Hark! Now I hear them, - Ding-dong, Bell.
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Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:27 pm

gwyn hears about the body being found and shakes her head...the whisper of an inn slave, or fugly muttering under her breath, or perhaps the idle chat of the cooking Trolls while gwyn had been fixing food for Someone or Another... death and pain of that sort not being something the girl had ever looked on with ease. however, she hoped it was a lesson for the Woman and Others who would follow Her... and that the lesson did not have to be repeated again. Miranda had been alive and feeling... fine... when gwyn had last seen her.

a girl had learned to be cautious over the years, of fire mages, of Lords, pleasing, but cautious. Perhaps others should learn the same.

gwyn finishes her wine and leaves the Inn.. a feeling of quiet melancholy over her for the Woman's suffering, even if She had brought it on Herself. Hopefully it was a lesson that would not have to be repeated. Baiting Dragons always had been a fool's game.
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