New to Tli? Read This

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New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:26 pm

Welcome to Belariath, the home of the Lonely Inn. Call me, Adonai, or even Ayres.

A Lot of people have been here for a long time, and even more for a brief time. So, our goal is to try to help you find some of the information that is buried within the forums and help locate those buried within the site with links. From the simple how to join the server, clients to download, and even make your own character. Feel free to post suggestions or the like upon the bottom of it.

This guide will never cover things on how to cheat or glide/bend rules, how to exploit things to reach min-maxing as soon as possible or anything of the like.

Also, caution, I am not rewording this all, a lot of it is from the site directly, but a lot of the site is outdated, so I will do my best to help.

So Enjoy and offer help.
Note the contents aren't done so they aren't fully in order, I will do my best to keep them in order.
Table of Contents:
Post 1: General Beginnings.
1) IRC Clients
2) Character Creation
3) How to Level up
4) Skill points
5) General Information, very basic
Post 2: Combat
1)Stat And Rolls Explanation
2)Combat Dice
3) Calculating Damage
4) Quest Dice
5) Free-Forming Combat
6) Combat Miscellaneous
Post 3: Weapons & Armor.
Post 4: Slavery
Post 5: Job/Noble/Religious Abbrevs.
Post 6: Miscellaneous
1) Stealing
2) Hunting
3) Society, about Bondings and the like!
Post 7:
Post 8:
Post 9:
Post 10:
Post 11:
Post 12: Abby's Corner (All her work)
Post 13: Credits

Adding a section of common courtesy here, to show fellow rpers kindness, and not law written rules, but the first alone I have seen mods enforce.

1) If there are more than 4 people in a channel, KEEP your post at 4 buffers tops. Do not flood out entire channels, it is rude, you can always move to another channel to continue the scene.
Someone asked me to add these:
2) You are only able to be in ONE IC channel at a time, I.e. Forest, Magic, Baths, Inn, Arena and, Temple. And OOC, Also you can be in Quest, for events, quest, and fights as well. (menhir)
NOT a rule but...Guide Maker’s tip: DO NOT rush into being a slave for anyone or taking a slave, take time, learn to get to know the person, take a week or three. It takes a month before can be uncollared via absence, but for some people, it can put your character in limbo if it goes bad.

This is a MAJOR work in progress, feel free to add and address things, first up getting started! I have lost a LOT of the past guide so yeah, feel free to add to it, this is mostly all fresh. So bear with it.
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:09 am

So, new to TLI, new to RP? Want to try to join our community? Well, welcome!, We are going to start with the basics, so I apologize if any of this seems insulting, I just wish nothing to be missed.

1) IRC Clients
B) Channels
2) Character Creation
3) How to Level up
4) Skill points
5) General Information, quest and the like.

First off, what is TLI? TLI Stands for The Lonely Inn, we have many channels, many enjoyable things to explore here.

Now, let's get you a chat client if you don't have one, if you do feel free to skip it:

IRC Clients (one a lot of people are familiar with in the channel) another client I see used often.

/server for regular connection
/server for ssl connection and if you use mirc
/server -m | /server -m and are already online on another network it is -m opens up a new server window

OOC Channel: #Lonely_Inn_OOC
Role-Play Channels:#TLI-baths, #TLI-arena, #TLI-forest, #The_Lonely_Inn, #TLI-Borderlands, #TLI-magic, #TLI-town, #TLI-temple

Guide Maker’s tip: If you are unsure, and want to just meet the people. Go to the OOC channel, and POLITELY private message an Op, they have @ at their name, they may change: @Ehlanna, @L`Aquera, @Matwyn, @Archaon, @Elthorion, @Miyuka, @Viktor’Corsarris, @Sorgram, @Kir^Trelander, @Callie`Volopa and, @Naomh.

Character Creation:
Starting off? Well here, choose a Race and a Class, they are constantly under review, and that isn't bad it is a good thing, it means we are very active.
For a pre-made starter guide already made on the website:
And another from Kir^Trelander:
Note: Kir’s link above, has some good info on it, for what you should do. Plus, the better your stuff looks, the more likely people will go, OOH i wanna play with! NOTE: This does NOT mean you won't have people doing so already.

Quick Start:

Some info you may easily get confused in this game, is Belariath is NOT the name of the town, in fact, it is the Planet. The country is The Ilfirian Empire and the town that we all role-play mainly in is Nanthalion. We also have another country we had conquered a few years ago known as Valencia.

Character creation:
Another important link on this is: This can help you see if there is any name similar to yours, to help with stopping confusion.
Make sure to read this page, because, it does hold some important information, like what Class and Advanced Classes anyone Race can take. As well to the Half-breeds you can become:
As well as the single races, there are certain combinations available. Note that only those listed can be used here. Also, half-breeds are considered sterile, so they cannot have descendants involving any more complex mix of races. For the purposes of stats and abilities, only those of the primary race are counted. The secondary race is for aesthetic reasons, modifying appearance but having no other effect. So if the secondary has wings, for example, you do not gain flight without the relevant spell. Only a primary with wings would give automatic flying ability.
Primary Races For Half-Breeds
The Tribe
Cat Person

Secondary Races For Half-Breeds
Cat Person

Sex: Yes please, right? Anyway, why would I place this? Male and Female only right? For the most part, correct. But, I figured I would put down info from Lord Stormbringer on it as well:

Guide Maker’s tip:I have heard from quite a few in the past who have played said chars, IF you are lucky enough to get it if it is what you want, you are not allowed to basically become a total nympho that fucks everything that moves just because you are one. (if an OP or HC wishes to correct me feel free to.)

Classes: System:

Arms and Armor:


Now, all of this gives info that goes towards creating a character, now it may be confusing so let's look at it in depth, We will make an example template right here:

Name <You put your characters name here, we will call him...> Bob
Email <Email goes here..>
Email (again) <Email goes here... Again..>
Base Race <Now this is what you pick from the aforementioned Races, we will pick..> Centaur
Race Description <This can be any description you want, tribe/colors...>
Class <Now let's see, the basic classes a centaur can be is, Warrior, Ranger, Druid, Shaman, Cleric, Healer, Artisan, Entertainer, Laymen, we are going to choose...> Warrior.

Profession <This you can make up it can link to your backstory, so let's say...> A Centaur trained to be a skilled mercenary
Sex <Sex, well of course! Erm... I mean, Male, Female or Neuter, the last can only be chosen with OP'S Consent, we will make him a....> Female (A female named bob just makes me chuckle, and we all need one now and again)
Description: <Well this is used to describe your character, it can be hard for some, but try to make it at least a paragraph and describe your character's looks for others, a lot of use this to see how you look in character.Also, feel free to ask help with improving it, we aren’t all novelist, a lot of people are willing to help>
Background<This, like the description, tells your story, your journey to the Inn, it doesn't have to be long but will be important, so make it a paragraph of two, trust me on this, you can always add to it.>

Next, you hit continue, and you get the Stats screen:
STR - Strength - The ability to do physical damage and the ability to absorb damage while continuing to fight
AGI - Agility - Increases the possibility of making a physical attack and also the possibility of avoiding an attack
INT - Intelligence - As cunning it manifests into an increased chance of successfully making a physical attack or avoiding one at a distance. As the mental ability, it increases the chance of forming a spell and directing it
RES - Resistance - The ability to ignore outside influences and concentrate the mind. Useful for both making and avoiding magical attacks. A secondary effect is the ability to withstand debilitating conditions such as poison.
STA - Stamina - How long you can keep fighting for without getting tired. If STA falls below 2 then it is not possible to fight but the player can evade until STA is recovered. If STA falls to 0 the player can no longer move and loses
LFE - Life - The amount of damage you can take before becoming too wounded to fight on. If LFE falls to 0 or below the combatant is incapacitated and loses the fight
Guide Maker’s tip: When you fight, you need to decide if you die, or if you are just knocking out the other person. Death is NOT final! Just takes a day to resurrect.

STR, INT, AGI, RES, LFE - Each extra rise of one stat point needs you to spend two level points.

STA - Stamina stat points can be increased one for one.

So, since she is a warrior, I would put some points into, STR, and AGI, but that is me personally, so, to do so, drag the drop box to strength, hit 'continue' twice, then once more for agility. And, this would be the end result:


You then will hit 'Continue' and proceed to the next creation screen

Where you see Weapons, Armor selection, and spells, as the number of states, you will start with four spell slots as a centaur warrior, (other classes have more or less) Then a single OOB (out of battle spell, these will always be this way.)


Now, the spells here can all come from two different 'spheres' as a warrior (NOTE you do NOT have to do this right off if you are unsure. Also, those spells, if you are unsure what you can use, look at your class, it will always tell you. More in depth later), and those are:

Now hit continue, and if you haven't already, you have two options;
1) POLITELY ask an OP, one who has a @sign by their name, example: @Ehlanna, @L`Aquera, @Matwyn, @Archaon, @Elthorion, @Miyuka, @Viktor’Corsarris, @Sorgram, @Kir^Trelander and, @Callie`Volopa(sorry if typoed)
2) OR, wait a day, and it should be approved and you will be able to log into @Desdaemona (She is a bot, do NOT ask her for help)

Guide Maker’s tip: The Op list above is subject to change, so be warned that it may not always be accurate, I will do my best to keep it updated.

And there you have it your character is made, now all that is for you to do, is go to your email and retrieve the password, you can do this part before mind you, Let's say the random password you got was AVK2389d:

Go, here to Character Edit

Character Name: Bob
Password: AVK2389d
Click 'Continue'
Now you can edit your description, background spells even and see what your cash is, also two new options, Skills, and Notes, we will touch up on that later, you will see what money you have as well, at the bottom, you will see:
If you wish to change your password, enter it twice in the fields below. Leave them blank otherwise.
New Password: Earth2
Again: Earth2
In those, you will enter your password that you want, and that will be it so we will say it will become... Earth 2, click 'continue' and Now your login will become:
Character Name: Bob
Password: Earth2

Now, the way you Log-in, is when you go any IC channel, or in OOC to chat and talk to others, type this, (in the status if you want to be safe) or double click @Desdaemona’s name so you can make sure you do not spread your password out, has happened before, to many.

/msg Desdaemona !login Earth2 Bob

Now, to touch upon those Skills, you see and Notes, if you're an I must know right now gimme! Well here it is:
Notes: Here are some things you can type about, maybe your Wizard Mark, your defining features.

Now this is a bit advanced sounding, but it isn’t really.

Skills: Now this is a fun thing, with a deep immersion, your character will get FIVE skill slots for level 1, and you can choose from the two different skill sections, TWO you may ask?! Here they are:
(Unranked general skills are purely for role-play and effect. They define things your character knows and can do. They do not give bonuses of any kind and do not affect rolls in any way )

Ranked: (Crafting and Expertise Skills (bought using General Skill Points
All ranked general skills are broken down into levels of Mastery. For many, this will simply indicate a level of training Which the person has achieved in their skill. For some, this may mean they are paid more, for work they do relevant to their skill, for others it will mean the ability to work with more difficult items or means. The skill levels are:

Novice - Someone new to their craft and skill. They have barely received any training.
Apprentice - Has spent time training and learning their craft, usually from a mentor.
Journeyman - This person is solid in the craft or ability. Able to do most tasks.
Expert - An expert excels at their skill. They can work with most all materials and mediums.
Master - A master is someone who has mastered their craft. No material or job is too difficult to accomplish or work with.)

Now, the major difference from the two, one is purely for role-play purposes, the other can also be used for roleplay purposes but it can also give you raises in your jobs if you pick the right ones...

Now, That whole mass of information helps with character creation, if it is complicated, ask, we have many helpful people, I tried to make it as user-friendly as possible.


Now with leveling, you can go to advanced classes, for the Centaur, we said warrior, correct? Now the warrior has a few advancements, as a Centaur, he can only become a Warrior-Mage or stay a Warrior, you do not have to advance once you reach level 10. Also, do remember this, Levels are in the game they CAN open role-play, but should by NO means be what drives your role-play, we are all here for fun, to enjoy role-play, not to level monger and go 'Oh I am mightier than you! Haha, I got more str than you!'


Most promotions are automatic once you have the correct number of experience points. But some levels are considered significant, so to achieve a promotion to Levels 5, 10 and 15 you will need to pass a test. Until that is completed, you will not be able to move on. As an example, you could be stuck at level 9 forever because you have not completed the requirement to reach level 10.

At levels 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 you have the opportunity to take a class as well as the normal upgrade benefits. You can add a second class or take an existing class again to reinforce it. This provides the extra points associated with that class. You can not drop a class you have already taken and you can never have more than two classes.
From level 10 you can also have the option to evolve a starter class into an advanced class. Note that you can only ever have one advanced class.

Now you remember those in depth backgrounds or at least up to two paragraphs I said to write, well when you hit LVL four you will need the following to hit, Five.

Promotion Requirement: Level five characters have a character bio page in the Characters section of the site. To complete promotion to level five, you need to write the contents of this and send it by email to Stormbringer. This must be accomplished before you can reach level five, so you should be sending it mid-way through level four to avoid any delays.

Then at level nine, you have to do the following to reach level ten:
Promotion Requirement: In order to successfully move up to level 10, you must either provide the log of a recent role play (public or private) to demonstrate that you can play your character effectively. Or you can submit a detailed story or informational piece centered on your race on Belariath, for use on the website. Email your log or story to Stormbringer for approval. Remember to specify your character name. Also, remember to get the permission of anyone else

involved if the role play was in private. You will need to complete this before moving on to level 10 and beyond so it's a good idea to send it off mid-way through level nine.

How do I level up?

Simple answer, Roleplay, but there are many things that can be done, but remember, this is a game for Roleplaying, this is not an RPG Video Game, while stats do help, they are not what should decide your gameplay. Other ways include doing things to help benefit your fellow players, by creating content and having fun. Just.. don’t rush it, have fun, enjoy!

Here is a link to help:
Things people may not notice, you can gain a free enchant of DEF or ATK:
Lvl 5: 1 point
Lvl 10: 2 point
Lvl 15: 3 point
Lvl 20: 4 point

There are a few level barriers, but nothing hard;
Lvl 5: Your Background sent to Stormbringer ( (send around level 4, better early than never)
Lvl 10: Send in a rp log (with others permission of course) To Stormbringer
Lvl 15: Automatically decided by ops around Lvl 14

Interested in helping the community with a quest? Maybe a fun event? Ogres running on a rampage? Goblins terrorizing a town? Here is the place for the help:
Quest, Events, and Storylines; The What and the How's of Running them.

Above the quest can be explored, and you can ask the Quest people for help: L`aquera, Amara, Tehya, Shogeton, Naomh, Sorgram, Adonai. (May need confirmations!)

As they must be approved to run.

Still, Questions that the forums and the website?! Well, you are in luck, a recently created forum that has questions answered often.
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:09 am

1) Stat & Rolls Explanation
2)Combat Dice
3) Calculating Damage
4) Quest Dice
5) Free-Forming Combat
6) Combat Miscellaneous

Stat & Rolls Explanation

So, first we will start with Explaining the stats a bit more and what they are for in here.

STR - Strength - The ability to do physical damage and the ability to absorb damage while continuing to fight
AGI - Agility - Increases the possibility of making a physical attack and also the possibility of avoiding an attack
INT - Intelligence - As cunning it manifests into an increased chance of successfully making a physical attack or avoiding one at a distance. As mental ability increases the chance of forming a spell and directing it
RES - Resistance - The ability to ignore outside influences and concentrate the mind. Useful for both making and avoiding magical attacks. A secondary effect is the ability to withstand debilitating conditions such as poison.
STA - Stamina - How long you can keep fighting for without getting tired. If STA falls below 2 then it is not possible to fight but the player can evade until STA is recovered. If STA falls to 0 the player can no longer move and loses
LFE - Life - The amount of damage you can take before becoming too wounded to fight on. If LFE falls to 0 or below the combatant is incapacitated and loses the fight

Strength: Strength has a few parts to play:
1) Its main part will count on how many armors and weapons you can carry and wear upon your character. This aspect also requires you to also have Equip Slots with each item. (Larger races get a rather decent boost to this stat for armor only, not combat.)
2) For offensive purposes, it is used in Close Physical Attack, Ranged Physical Attack, Close Magical Attack.
3) For defensive purposes, Close Magical Defense


Now, Agility is a bit more unique in the aspect it is used in aspects of Shop Steals and Pick Pocketing, these will be covered later.
For offensive purposes, it is used in Close Physical Attack.
For defensive purposes, it is used in Ranged Physical Defense, Ranged magical Defense.

1)This one is similar to Agility, it is used in the aspects of Shop Steals and Pick-Pocketing.
2) For offensive purposes, it is used in Ranged Physical Attack, Close Magical Attack, Ranged Magical Attack
3) For defensive purposes, it is used in Close Magical Defense

For offensives purposes, it is used in Ranged Magical Attack
For defensive purposes, it is used in Close Physical Defense, Close Magical Defense, Ranged Magical defense

Combat Dice

Close-in Physical Attack: STR AGI
Close-in Physical Defense: AGI RES
Ranged Physical Attack: STR INT
Ranged Physical Defense: AGI INT
Close-in Magical Attack: INT STR
Close-in Magical defense: RES STR
Ranged Magical Attack: INT RES
Ranged Magical defense: RES AGI

So, there are mainly two basic type of dice for combat Combat Dice, and Quest Dice, both are rather simple, now before I go into this, it could sound a bit overwhelming so I do apologize, I will go as slow as I can and in as much detail as I can without boring you. There is also !Claw but I will explain a bit more on that later.

Guide Maker’s tip: When you fight, you need to decide if you die, or if you are just knocking out the other person. Death is NOT final! Just takes a day to resurrect.

First, Vysanth had a guide on combat, I am unsure if it is outdated but, not much if anything has really changed with Combat, just the variables. This guide also has a lot into min-maxing as well so i can’t vouch for it all.

So, the basics, Combat Dice is the most basic and common type people use, and yes it can be hard if you are lower at times, but, remember, anything with dice is a randomly generated number. So, don’t be disheartened, just try to enjoy the game!

So, first, let’s look at stats because this will be the basis of everything we need to know and remember!

Combat is normally one on one, but again in public places, people can jump in without consent. Not very honorable but not everyone will be.

Dice Roll’s and their stats that are used for them
Below, I will bold the type of attack and the stats, the rolls I will underline:
Close Physical Attack: STR AGI !clophyatk
Close Physical Defense: AGI RES !clophydef
Ranged Physical Attack: STR INT !ranphyatk
Range Physical Defense: AGI INT !ranphydef
Close Magical Attack: INT STR !clomagatk
Close Magical defense: RES STR !clomagdef
Ranged Magical Attack: INT RES !ranmagatk
Ranged Magical defense: RES AGI !ranmagdef

Evade:Restores a degree of lost stamina can only be done when it is your turn to attack. When you use your attack turn to regain stamina, your opponent automatically regains 2 stamina also.
Neutralize: Attempts to remove ongoing negative effects such as sleep or poison. Can only be done when it is your turn to attack.
Yield: Can only be done when it is your turn to attack. See Yield Rules for details.

So, now while we have them, combat is a game of action and reaction, think of it like turn-based RPG type game.

So, we will use Bob again. So, a warrior most likely will use Close Combat.

So, the way we will roll as him would be simple:

!clophyatk (Close Physical Attack)

And, let’s say Bob is fighting Bill.

Bill would do !clophydef (Close Physical Defense) Now, defense is a free part, so to say.

Now, it is Bill’s turn, he has two options, say he has 1 stamina left, he can roll !Evade, it gives the roller Stamina back and it also gives the opponent some as well so while it is a boon, it is a burden so to say.

So, real quick, with stamina:

Each attack and defense use some of the contender's stamina irrespective of whether the attack is successful:
Close Physical
Attacker and defender both use 2 STA
Ranged Physical
Attacker and defender both use 1 STA
Magical Attack
Close or ranged magical attack costs one STA plus one STA for every slot put into the spell used
Magical Defense
Close or ranged magical defense costs two STA
Having an active magical shield spell in effect will use extra STA every time it is called into use. See spell lists for details.

Certain other spells and enchantments may also increase or decrease the amount of STA used to attack or defend. See lists for details.
Running Out of Stamina
When your STA drops to zero you can no longer take any action to either attack or defend, so you must yield. The only exception would be if your final attack took your opponent down to 0 LFE. Since they would have the next action, and since at zero LFE they are dead, you regain 2 STA during that final round. So you can drag yourself off the ground to win the combat.
Passive Actions
When it is a character's turn to move, they may choose to make a passive move rather than attack. This may be backing off to regain stamina (evasion), or an attempt to remove the effects of a negative spell such as sleep or poison, or the use of a potion to modify their stats or call forth defensive power. In these cases, the defender does nothing and so regains 2 STA.
Regain Stamina - Evade
If attempting to regain stamina the attacking character rolls a !evade. They regain stamina according to the result of the dice roll up to their maximum figure. Your opponent regains 2 STA at the time you roll.

Sorry for the little segway, now the important part. Damage!

Calculating Damage

How do we calculate damage?! It is actually the most simple thing about combat, so back to the example of Bob and Bill fighting:

Lets say Bob rolled a 27 for damage so it would look like this. Sorry stats a bit higher but yeah still works:
<+Bob> !clophyatk
<@Desdaemona> Bob (Bob) makes a close physical attack roll for (d50)25 + (d50)22 + 0 = 27 (unmodified) giving result of 27
<+Bill> !clophydef
<@Desdaemona> Bill (Bill) makes a close physical defense roll for (d50)10 + (d50)11 + 0 = 21 (unmodified) giving result of 21

After that, Bob, the attacker will roll the damage, with Y and Z, Y= attack of the attacker, Z = the defense of the defender

<+Bob> !damage 27 21
<@Desdaemona> Bob (Bob) Gets a normal damage (1d6) roll result of 6 with no modifier for final result of 6

And, that is honestly, how you find the damage. If the person does NOT defend, then you roll the full attack I believe. (need confirmation)

Now, we go to the next the easiest of combat, a type mainly used in a quest, and events, now this one can be more frustrating, because of the RNGods.

Quest Dice

Want to know how easy this is, really, it is very simple.
That is literally all you roll, sometimes quest and events will have set Health. And healing rules for the rolls, each Quest Master is different.

Free-Forming Combat
So, now this one is more fickle. So many people have totally different ways they want this, but the general consensus. Is DO NOT GODMODE, because during a fight, if someone feels you are just flat out acting like nothing hits, nothing affects you, they can then ask Dice. And as soon as a person says, Dice. You are required by the rules to abide this and start dicing. There are a
few people around level 100 who have been beaten, raped, abused by a Lvl 1-10. Heck, free forming even applies to pickpocketing, some honestly have given them the money even if they failed, they just chose to ignore it to be nice.

Combat Miscellaneous

This section is exactly what it sounds like, it will address things you may not always understand or want to assume about combat.

Disabilities and Dice
There can be on occasion an event or reason that a character might come into a fight with a disability, or as a result of the fight, earn one. The penalties quoted for the various injuries, impediments etc., are for use for pre-existing injuries as well as any injuries of the relevant type gained during a combat. This also includes any environmental or spell effects, etc., that might occur, such as stepping into a marsh whilst dodging or being caught in a spell effect that restricts free movement. Keep in mind, if a spell effect that mimics a disability states differently, then the stronger of the two is used when determining what to roll.
The correct way to use those modifiers is to take the difference between the amount of a fully efficient roll (100%) and the disability (IE -25%), and add that result to your corresponding attack or defense in the syntax of !combat dice 1dStat1 1dStat2 @##% +Mods. Modifiers should always be added after the percentile unless it is specified that the percentile affects both the attack and its modifiers together.
If a person is affected by multiple disabilities, the effects will stack with each other unless otherwise stated by spell, skill or ability. So for example, if a person is deaf and blind, they will take the detriments at -30% to close physical attack, and -55% (-30% + -25%) to close physical defense before any modifiers are tacked on.
Fred the Ogre loses his right hand during a fight with Jane. He loses 25% of any close physical attack made. On his turn. Fred will roll a !combat dice 1dStat1 1dStat2 @75%. The dice automatically calculates that result of Stat1 and Stat2 and reduces it to 75% of the total or the -25% required.

Passive Actions
When it is a character's turn to move, they may choose to make a passive move rather than attack. This may be backing off to regain stamina (evasion), or an attempt to remove the effects of a negative spell such as sleep or poison, or the use of a potion to modify their stats or call forth defensive power. In these cases, the defender does nothing and so regains 2 STA.

Group Combat

Each of the contestants takes it in turn to make a move. These work in exactly the same way as in single combat. So, for example, if there are five weaker players attacking one strong character, they attack one after another. Each attack is met by a defensive roll so the strong contestant could end up making five defensive moves before it is their turn to attack again.
That attack could be an Area spell such as fireball which affected all within range, or it could be a personal attack on just one of the attackers.
Dual Wielding
Carrying two weapons has no effect on combat rolls unless you possess a specific skill where a second weapon can be brought into play. Otherwise, the secondary weapon is purely for roleplay effect and does nothing to modify attack or defense rolls.
Changing Combat Styles
Switching from magical to physical, or from ranged to close, or vice versa does not use up a combat turn. It happens as part of an attacking turn.
Flight in Combat
Natural fliers may elect in combat to fly into the air given enough space to do so. While flying they expend an additional 1 Stamina point for any attack or defense, unless stated otherwise in their racial write-up. Those attempting to fly via a magical spell must use a full combat turn to succeed in gaining flight and use up stamina in accordance with the spell's mechanics. Neither natural fliers nor magical fliers may !evade for stamina in flight. Landing does not take up a combat turn for any type of flier, but after landing a flier requires a full combat turn to regain flight, regardless if the flier is natural or not. While in the air the flier may only engage ground targets with long ranged attacks and is immune to close ranged reprisals. However, those in the air may engage other targets in the air at any range.
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:09 am

Personally, I am picky with how I like armors and weapons classified, so, we will have all of these organized by weapon type, then by class.

Weapons & Armor Listings


Ammo (Arrows/Bolts/Darts)

Ballista Bolt
Caged Fire Ballista Bolt
Crossbow Bolt
Mithril Tipped Arrow
Mithril Tipped Bolt
Sling bullets

Bows and other projectile launchers:


Weapon class A:
Staff Sling
Wrist Crossbow

Weapon Class B:
Short Bow

Weapon Class C:
Composite Long Bow
Elven Warbow
Heavy Crossbow
Long Bow
Repeating Crossbow

Bladed Weapons:

Weapon class A:
Mithril Dagger
Small sickle

Weapon class B:
Mithril Longsword
Mithril Rapier
Mithril Short Sword
Mithril Scimitar
Two-Handed Sword

Weapon Class C:
Bastard Sword
Mithril Bastard Sword

Weapon Class D:
Buster Sword
Great Scimitar
Great Sword
Two-handed Sword

Axes & Hammers
Weapon class A:
flail 1 headed

Weapon class B:
flail 2 headed

flail 3 headed
flail 4 headed
Hand Axe
Morning Star
War hammer

Weapon class C:
Battle Axe

Weapon class D:
Crusher Axe


Weapon Class A:
Stabbing Spear

Weapon Class B:
Metal Stave
Mithril Spear
Staff Nunchaku

Weapon Class C:

Melee Weapons:
Weapon Class A:

Knuckle Duster

Weapon Class B:
Iron Claw Single
Iron Claw Paired
Tonfa Paired

Racial/Class Weapons:
Crystal Sword

Weapon Class A:
Drak Sen Stinger

Weapon Class A:
Mithril Pick
Practise weapon - single handed

Weapon Class B:
Practise weapon - two handed

Now, for the actual weapons and the stats and prices:

Ammo (Arrows/Bolts/Darts)

Ballista Bolt
Caged Fire Ballista Bolt
Crossbow Bolt
Mithril Tipped arrow
Mithril Tipped Bolt
Sling bullets

Ammo (Arrows/Bolts/Darts)

Description: Usable by: bow Sold by the 10. Arrows fired need to be deducted with the !itemuse arrows command at each use to deduct the one that was just used
Strength (STR) Required: 0
Attack Modifier: 0
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 10 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class:
Price: 2.00 Mehrials

Ballista Bolt
Description: A four foot long bolt that is fired from a ballista.
Strength (STR) Required: 0
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 0
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class:
Price: 300.00 Mehrials

Caged Fire Ballista Bolt
Description: A four foot long bolt that is fired from a ballista. Has a cage behind the tip that can be filled with hot coals. When in flight the rushing air easily lights them on fire, making it an ideal weapon to light the opponent’s deck or sails on fire.
Strength (STR) Required: 0
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 0
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class:
Price: 400.00 Mehrials

crossbow bolts
Description: Usable by: crossbow Sold by the 10.
Strength (STR) Required: 0
Attack Modifier: 0
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 10 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class:
Price: 2.00 Mehrials


Description: A 'large' dart, some 6"-9" long, vaned. They come in lots of 5.
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 5 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 30.00 Mehrials

mithril tipped arrows

Description: A set of arrows with mithril head. They come ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements. Sold by the 10.
Strength (STR) Required: 0
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 10 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class:
Price: 102.00 Mehrials

mithril tipped bolts
Description: A set of bolts with mithril head. They come ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements. SOld by the 10.
Strength (STR) Required: 0
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 10 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class:
Price: 102.00 Mehrials

sling bullets
Description: Usable by: sling
Strength (STR) Required: 0
Attack Modifier: 0
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 10 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class:
Price: 2.00 Mehrials

Bows and other projectile launchers:


Weapon class A:
Staff Sling
Wrist Crossbow

Weapon Class B:
Short Bow

Weapon Class C:
Composite Long Bow
Elven Warbow
Heavy Crossbow
Long Bow
Repeating Crossbow

Description: A ship mounted, overly large crossbow that fires 4 foot long bolts. Useful for punching holes in the side of ships and in people’s torsos. Takes 2 turns to load. Deals double damage to individuals. (cannot be purchased for outside ship usage)
Strength (STR) Required: 30
Attack Modifier: 15
Equipment Slots Used: 0
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class:
Price: 850.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class A:

Description: A throwing device that can impel arrows or darts to a longer range than by hand alone, thought not to that of an arrow fired by a bow. The ATK value (like a bow of cross-bow) adds to any ATK value of the missile. Ammunition is either the dart or arrow.
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 45.00 Mehrials

Description: Requires sling stones for use
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 18.00 Mehrials

Staff Sling
Description: A 6' or so staff with a leather loop at one end for the casting of sling bullets. If used as a close combat weapon it functions as a normal staff - ATK: 1 Requires sling bullets
Strength (STR) Required: 7
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 45.00 Mehrials

Wrist Crossbow
Description: Requires bolts for use
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 70.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class B:

Cross Bow
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 105.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 6
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 100.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class C:

Composite Longbow
Strength (STR) Required: 26
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 250.00 Mehrials

Elven Warbow
Description: Extremely rare, normally given as a gift
Strength (STR) Required: 18
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 750.00 Mehrials

Heavy Crossbow
Description: Takes one action to load Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 22
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 210.00 Mehrials

Long Bow
Strength (STR) Required: 18
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 150.00 Mehrials

Repeating Crossbow
Description: Can fire 4 times, once per round, then requires two full actions to reload.
Strength (STR) Required: 14
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 500.00 Mehrials

Bladed Weapons:

Weapon class A:
Mithril Dagger
Small sickle

Weapon class B:
Long sword
Mithril Longsword
Mithril Rapier
Mithril Short Sword
Mithril Scimitar

Weapon Class C:
Bastard Sword
Mithril Bastard Sword

Weapon Class D:
Buster Sword
Great Scimitar
Great Sword
Two-handed Sword

Weapon Class A:


Description: A simple utility iron dagger, suitable for cutting, tool use or combat. Includes such types as throwing, kukri, sai, and kunai.
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 15.00 Mehrials

Description: Bronze blade
Strength (STR) Required: 5
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 35.00 Mehrials

Mithril Dagger
Description: A basic dagger made of mithril. It comes ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements.
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 200.00 Mehrials

Description: A sharply curved blade distinguishes this weapon being semi-circular in shape. Too large for delicate work, but useful for dealing with larger 'weeds'
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 40.00 Mehrials

Small Sickle
Description: A 'weapon' with a sharply curved blade, also good for cutting herbs and plants.
Strength (STR) Required: 2
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 20.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class B:


Strength (STR) Required: 9
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 85.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 6
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 60.00 Mehrials

Mithril Longsword
Description: A long sword made of mithril. It comes ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements.
Strength (STR) Required: 5
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 350.00 Mehrials

Mithril Rapier
Description: A rapier made from mithril. It comes ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements.
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 300.00 Mehrials

Mithril Short Sword
Description: A short sword made of mithril. It comes ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements.
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 250.00 Mehrials

Mithril Scimitar
Description: A scimitar made of mithril. It comes ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements.
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 350.00 Mehrials

Description: Scabbard has small compartments hidden within, and handle is wrapped with 20' of silk cord
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 75.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 6
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 40.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 10
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 60.00 Mehrials

Short Sword
Strength (STR) Required: 5
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 40.00 Mehrials

Description: Not usable by Rangers; Dual-bladed, one blade at each end of a long(ish) handle
Strength (STR) Required: 10
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 70.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class C:

Bastard Sword

Description: May be wielded either single or two handedly
Strength (STR) Required: 20
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 110.00 Mehrials

Description: Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 18
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 200.00 Mehrials

Mithril Bastard Sword
Description: A bastard sword made of mithril. It comes ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements.
Strength (STR) Required: 16
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 550.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class D:

Buster Sword

Strength (STR) Required: 34
Attack Modifier: 7
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: D
Price: 325.00 Mehrials

Great Scimitar
Strength (STR) Required: 18
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: D
Price: 110.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 36
Attack Modifier: 8
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: D
Price: 450.00 Mehrials

Description: A 2 handed form of the katana, with longer blade
Strength (STR) Required: 22
Attack Modifier: 6
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: D
Price: 300.00 Mehrials

Two-handed sword
Strength (STR) Required: 26
Attack Modifier: 6
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: D
Price: 350.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 24
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: D
Price: 275.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 32
Attack Modifier: 7
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: D
Price: 350.00 Mehrials

Axes & Hammers
Weapon class A:
flail 1 headed

Weapon class B:
flail 2 headed
flail 3 headed
flail 4 headed
Hand Axe
Morning Star
War hammer

Weapon class C:
Battle Axe

Weapon class D:
Crusher Axe

Weapon Class A:


Strength (STR) Required: 2
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 25.00 Mehrials

Flail 1 Headed

Strength (STR) Required: 4
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 20.00 Mehrials

Description: Can be thrown
Strength (STR) Required: 3
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 30.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class B:

Flail 2 Headed

Strength (STR) Required: 5
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 40.00 Mehrials

Flail 3 Headed
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 60.00 Mehrials

Flail 4 Headed
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 80.00 Mehrials

Hand Axe
Description: Can be thrown
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 45.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 50.00 Mehrials

Strength (STR) Required: 10
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 55.00 Mehrials

War Hammer
Strength (STR) Required: 18
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 70.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class C:

Battle Axe

Description: Can be thrown Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 24
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 100.00 Mehrials

Description: Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 26
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 90.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class D:

Crusher Axe

Strength (STR) Required: 30
Attack Modifier: 6
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: D
Price: 325.00 Mehrials


Weapon Class A:
Stabbing Spear

Weapon Class B:
Metal Spear
Mithril Spear
Staff Nunchaku

Weapon Class C:

Weapon Class A:


Description: Metal shod staff
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 40.00 Mehrials

Stabbing Spear
Description: A short (c. 2') hafted weapon, used primarily for stabbing
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 55.00 Mehrials

Description: Basic unshod staff
Strength (STR) Required: 3
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 1.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class B:


Description: Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 9
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 50.00 Mehrials

Description: Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 16
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 90.00 Mehrials

Metal Stave
Description: A metal quarterstaff
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 60.00 Mehrials

Mithril Spear
Description: A spear with a mithril head. It comes ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements.
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 175.00 Mehrials

Description: Includes Javelin, hunting spear, etc.
Strength (STR) Required: 12
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 75.00 Mehrials

Staff Nunchaku
Description: 3 sectioned staff Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 14
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 95.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class C:


Description: Doubles as Spear (ATK 3) when used dismounted Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 22
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 90.00 Mehrials

Pole Axe
Description: Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 20
Attack Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 95.00 Mehrials

Description: Can be thrown
Strength (STR) Required: 20
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 85.00 Mehrials

Melee Weapons:
Weapon Class A:

Knuckle Duster

Weapon Class B:
Iron Claw Single
Iron Claw Paired
Tonfa Paired

Weapon Class A:

Knuckle Dusters

Strength (STR) Required: 3
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 30.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class B:

Iron Claw (paired)
Strength (STR) Required: 5
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 50.00 Mehrials

Iron Claw (single)
Strength (STR) Required: 5
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 35.00 Mehrials

Tonfa (paired)
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 45.00 Mehrials

Racial/Class Weapons:
Crystal Sword

Weapon Class A:
Drak Sen Stinger

Racial/Class Weapons:

Crystal Sword

Description: Only for Torian race, or Advanced Classes PA or DP
Strength (STR) Required: 26
Attack Modifier: 9
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class:
Price: 2000.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class A

Drak Sen Stinger

Description: A leather sheath with spikes for attaching to the tip of the tail
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 85.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class A:
Mithril Pick
Practise weapon - single handed

Weapon Class B:
Practise weapon - two handed


Weapon Class A:

Mithril Pick

Description: A weapon developed from the earth moving/mining tool, and honed into a dangerous piercing implement. t comes ready enchanted with a +1 ATK value, and it costs 75% of normal cost for future enhancements.
Strength (STR) Required: 9
Attack Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 275.00 Mehrials

Description: A weapon developed from the earth moving/mining tool, and honed into a dangerous piercing implement.
Strength (STR) Required: 9
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 70.00 Mehrials

Practise weapon - single handed
Description: A wooden practise weapon, which can be anything from short sword up to katana in size, used for training purposes. It cannot be enchanted with ATK or DEF.
Strength (STR) Required: 2
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 25.00 Mehrials

Description: Either bullwhip, or cat o'nine tails
Strength (STR) Required: 2
Attack Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 20.00 Mehrials

Weapon Class B:


Description: Not usable by Rangers
Strength (STR) Required: 14
Attack Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 100.00 Mehrials

Practise weapon - two handed
Description: A larger wooden practice weapon that can come in all sizes to duplicate any of the bladed two-handed weapons. It cannot be enchanted with ATK or DEF.
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Attack Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Two-Handed? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 50.00 Mehrials


Class A:
Mithril Circlet
Mithril Coif

Class B:
Visored Helm

Class C:
Fanged Helm
Horned Helm
Winged Helm

Class D:
Great Helm

Chest Piece:

Class A:
Faux Half Plate
Leather Armor
Mage Robe
Robe of the Arch Magi
Robe of the Magi
Studded Leather armor

Class B:
Chain Mail
Chain shirt
Elven Chain mail
Elven Chain shirt
Mithril Chain mail
Mithril Chain shirt
Mithril Elven Chain mail
Mithril Elven chain shirt

Class C:
Half Plate
Mithril Half Plate
Scale Mail
Splint Mail


Class A:
Leather Bracers
Mithril Gauntlets
Mithril Vambraces


Class A:

Class B:
Chain Leggings
Mithril Chain Leggings


Class A:

Class B:

Class C:
Kite Shield
Large Shield
Spiked Shield
Tower Shield


Class A:

Armor Sets:

Class D:
Body Plate
Mithril Plate and Chain
Plate and Chain

Class Oriented:

Class A:
Necromancer's Robe
Seductresses Robes/Dress

Class B:Shadow Weave


Class A:

Description: Plain metal band that goes around the head Int +3
Strength (STR) Required: 2
Defense Modifier: 0
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 550.00 Mehrials

Description: Mail hood
Strength (STR) Required: 3
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 75.00 Mehrials

Mithril Circlet
Description: Plain mithril band that goes around the head Int +3 Cost for enchantment is 75% normal.
Strength (STR) Required: 2
Defense Modifier: 0
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 675.00 Mehrials

Mithril Coif
Description: Coif made from mithril. A mail hood. Enchantments cost 75% of normal cost due to ease of enspelling.
Strength (STR) Required: 2
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 250.00 Mehrials

Class B:

Description: Plain helm, open faced
Strength (STR) Required: 3
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 100.00 Mehrials

Visored Helm
Description: A standard helm with the addition of a partial visor covering eyes and nose.
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 175.00 Mehrials

Class C:

Fanged Helm
Description: With visor Sta +2
Strength (STR) Required: 10
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 400.00 Mehrials

Horned Helm
Description: With visor Str +2
Strength (STR) Required: 10
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 400.00 Mehrials

Winged Helm
Description: With visor Agi +2
Strength (STR) Required: 10
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 400.00 Mehrials

Class D:

Great Helm
Description: Magic Use by WaM
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: D
Price: 150.00 Mehrials

Chest Piece:

Class A:

Faux Half Plate
Description: Also known as Poser's Plate. It has absolutely no defensive value at all, and cannot be enchanted to have any. It does, however, look the real deal with all but a close inspection.
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Defense Modifier: 0
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 45.00 Mehrials

Description: A quilted undersuit that can be worn UNDER armour for a extra piece of armour, it's a full body suit, doesn't cover hands or feet though.
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 100.00 Mehrials

Leather Armor
Description: Sturdy leather jerkin, slightly padded
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 50.00 Mehrials

Mage Robe
Description: Plain robes in the classic style
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 60.00 Mehrials

Robe of the Arch Magi
Description: Res +2
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Defense Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 900.00 Mehrials

Robe of the Magi
Description: +1 Res
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Defense Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 600.00 Mehrials

Studded Leather armor
Description: Leather armour with additional protection via metal studs/washers set with in
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 75.00 Mehrials

Description: A plain woven tunic, available in a variety of revealing styles.
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 45.00 Mehrials

Class B:

Chain Mail
Description: Hauberk - long sleeved, knee length Magic Use by WaM
Strength (STR) Required: 16
Defense Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 250.00 Mehrials

Chain shirt
Description: Byrnie - short sleeved, waist length Magic Use by WaM
Strength (STR) Required: 13
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: B
Price: 150.00 Mehrials

Elven Chainmail
Description: Hauberk- long sleeved, knee length
Strength (STR) Required: 10
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 200.00 Mehrials

Elven Chain shirt
Description: Byrnie - short sleeved, waist length
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 140.00 Mehrials

Mithril Chainmail
Description: Hauberk made from mithril, mid thigh length with total coverage of arms. Enchantments cost 75% of normal cost due to ease of enspelling.
Strength (STR) Required: 12
Defense Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 750.00 Mehrials

Mithril Chain shirt
Description: Byrnie made from mithril. Waist length with short sleeves (to mid upper arm). Enchantments cost 75% of normal cost due to ease of enspelling.
Strength (STR) Required: 10
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 450.00 Mehrials

Mithril Elven Chainmail
Description: Hauberk of mithril made by the elves. Mid thigh length coat of mail with sleeves to the wrists. Enchantments cost 75% of normal cost due to ease of enspelling.
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 600.00 Mehrials

Mithril Elven chain shirt
Description: Byrnie of mithril made by the elves. Waist length coat of mail with sleeves to only mid upper arm. Enchantments cost 75% of normal cost due to ease of enspelling.
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 425.00 Mehrials

Class C:

Half Plate
Description: Breast and back plates - a cuirass
Strength (STR) Required: 18
Defense Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 500.00 Mehrials

Mithril Half Plate
Description: Cuirass (front and back plates) made from mithril. Enchantments cost 75% of normal cost due to ease of enspelling. Spell-Casting by Warrior-Mage (only) permitted
Strength (STR) Required: 13
Defense Modifier: 5
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 1500.00 Mehrials

Scale Mail
Description: Overlapping scales of metal plates on a leather backing. Magic Use by WaM
Strength (STR) Required: 14
Defense Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 275.00 Mehrials

Splint Mail
Description: Magic Use by WaM
Strength (STR) Required: 20
Defense Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: C
Price: 275.00 Mehrials


Class A:

Description: ATK 1 when used as weapon (i.e., a punch) NO spell casting possible whilst being worn
Strength (STR) Required: 3
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 75.00 Mehrials

Leather Bracers
Description: Arm protector for archers
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 35.00 Mehrials

Mithril Gauntlets
Description: ATK 1 when used as weapon (i.e., a punch) NO spell casting possible whilst being worn EXCEPT by the Warrior Mage advanced class. Cost for enchantment is 75% normal.
Strength (STR) Required: 2
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: A
Price: 325.00 Mehrials

Mithril Vambraces

Description: Mithril lower arm guards. Cost for enchantment is 75% normal.
Strength (STR) Required: 3
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 275.00 Mehrials

Description: Piece of armour covering the lower arm from the wrist to the elbow
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 75.00 Mehrials


Class A:

Description: basic shin/lower leg protection ATK 1 when used as weapon (i.e., a kick)
Strength (STR) Required: 3
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 75.00 Mehrials

Class B:

Chain Leggings
Description: Chausses
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 200.00 Mehrials

Mithril Chain Leggings
Description: Chausses made from mithril. Enchantments cost 75% of normal cost due to ease of enspelling.
Strength (STR) Required: 7
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 375.00 Mehrials


Class A:

Description: Small shield
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 40.00 Mehrials

Description: A moderate sized round shield, leather faced with bronze or steel edging and central boss. Weighing around 5lbs it is the perfect device for Torian or Chirot. It offers DEF 1 against small missiles (arrows, bolts and sling bullets).
Strength (STR) Required: 6
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 75.00 Mehrials

Class B:

Description: +1 DEF vs missile weapons (arrows, bullets,bolts)
Strength (STR) Required: 7
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 60.00 Mehrials

Class C:

Kite Shield
Description: +3 DEF vs missile weapons (arrows, bullets,bolts)
Strength (STR) Required: 13
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 100.00 Mehrials

Large Shield
Description: +2 DEF vs missile weapons (arrows, bullets,bolts)
Strength (STR) Required: 10
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 80.00 Mehrials

Spiked Shield
Description: ATK 3 if used offensively, +1 DEF against missile weapons (arrows, bullets, bolts)
Strength (STR) Required: 11
Defense Modifier: 2
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 100.00 Mehrials

Tower Shield
Description: A large, rectangular-shaped shield that covers over 50% of a body. Cannot be used whilst mounted. Has an ATK value of 1 if used to 'punch' with. Adds additional +4 DEF against missile weapons (arrows, bolts, darts, etc.).
Strength (STR) Required: 17
Defense Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: C
Price: 200.00 Mehrials


Class A:

Description: Groin protector/armored codpiece
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Defense Modifier: 0
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 35.00 Mehrials

Description: A quilted undersuit that can be worn UNDER armour for a extra piece of armour, it's a full body suit, doesn't cover hands or feet though.
Strength (STR) Required: 1
Defense Modifier: 1
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 100.00 Mehrials

Armor Sets:
(These are basically parts of armor that are very expensive but have MULTIPLE pieces to them.)

Class D:

Body Plate

Mithril Plate and Chain
Description: Complete plate suit, including great helm, gauntlets, vambraces and greaves. See individual items for details.
Strength (STR) Required: 32
Defense Modifier: 13
Equipment Slots Used: 3
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: D
Price: 1500.00 Mehrials

Plate and Chain
Description: As half plate but with chain leggings (chausses)
Strength (STR) Required: 28
Defense Modifier: 7
Equipment Slots Used: 2
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? No
Weapon Class: D
Price: 800.00 Mehrials

Class Oriented:

Class A:

Necromancer's Robe
Description: +1 OOB spell if used by Necromancer class
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 400.00 Mehrials

Seductresses Robes/Dress
Description: Females only, +1 OOB spell if worn by Seductress
Strength (STR) Required: 4
Defense Modifier: 3
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: A
Price: 400.00 Mehrials

Class B:
Shadow Weave
Description: The armour of thieves ... dual layers of thin and supple leather in between which lies a layer of bound and enchanted sundered shadows to add resilience and add to stealth. Grants a bonus of +2 to Agi. Due to the mixed nature of the armour it can accept 2 enchantments. Despite being Class B this CAN be worn by Mist Raiders.
Strength (STR) Required: 8
Defense Modifier: 4
Equipment Slots Used: 1
Number of Uses: 0 (0 = unlimited)
Allows Spellcasting? Yes
Weapon Class: B
Price: 1400.00 Mehrial
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:10 am

The bread and butter of The Lonely Inn

Slaves, Slavers and Slave Owners

No one can force your character to be a slave if you do not give OOC consent. Not for any reason. And no one can tell you, as a player, that you don't belong here if you don't want to roleplay as a slave or a slave owner. While many people do play those games, it is only essential that you accept their existence within the roleplay. Not that you do it yourself.

Slavery, no matter how Belariath changes, this will always be its prime business. The world is of Might Makes Right. With anything, yes there are people against it. But, most of them are normally ex-slaves, or someone who had friends or family forced into it.

So I will give comments on all of this, straight from the website, the first page, basically WHAT and WHY is slavery so well accepted here?

Slavery - such an emotive word it can be. Enough to spark a civil war at the least. But in Belariath it has a lot less serious connotations. It's a way of life. Might makes Right, so why shouldn't you take what you want and slap a collar on it to mark it as your property?

Slave Ownership Explained

What is slavery here in the world of Belariath? A justified question indeed. Slavery within the world of Belariath means one character is either captured by another, who becomes their owner, or they choose for themselves to give up their freedom and let a Master or Mistress rule over them and control their lives. It means putting on a collar. Now, what's a collar? No not what you've seen dogs wearing though the symbolism relates closely to that situation. The collar symbolizes your freedom given over into another character's hand. It symbolizes a tag or the name of the Master/Mistress to whom you now belong.

In roleplay, a tag, as we refer to it, will be put onto the end of your nick like this "Wynona{JaE}". Notice the {--} within those brackets is where you put your Master/Mistress tag name. These brackets represent a tag that either hangs from the collar itself or is embedded into the collar, depending on what the collar is made of and what you and the owner-player prefer.

Guide Maker’s input: Technically, any race CAN be a slave, there are many who live in this way, some are a weird, exception. If you demand your slave to give their allegiance to you above all other, there is at least one race that can NOT do this, no matter how -strong- you are, it will go against their literal fibers, the Magi.

Can I come into the game as someone's slave? Yes, you may but you must also go through the proper channels to wear that tag. You must post into the Slave Registration: with a clear OOC consent given to be collared to another character.

How do I post clear OOC consent?

How is consent posted? Well, it is honestly pretty simple. Going to the link above:, you create a new topic and post. Well, we will use our favorite character’s name say that Bill lost to Bob in the fight, and Bob would make Bill into a slave!

Both people need to post exactly this format, just replace the name. Perfect examples here with Miss L`aquera:

a) I give OOC consent for -char nick- to collar/be collared by -chat nick-.
b) I, the player of -char nick- give consent to collar/be collared by -char nick-.
c) I give OOC consent for -char nick- to be uncollared from or to uncollar-char nick-.
d) I, the player of -char nick- give consent to be uncollared from or to uncollar-char nick-.

As she said, both parties must be included name wise. So! With our example:

Post 1: I, the player of Bob, give my OOC consent to collar Bill.
Post 2: I, the player of Bill, give my OOC consent to collar Bob.

Now, it doesn’t always matter who post first.

Still interested in all this work? Great! Now, it does cost you some in-game money, Meherial. But, before that!

Guide Maker’s tip:
Now, while I do love that someone could give newer players time like this, this is not a demand or a rule, but it is smart to do in the long run. Interested in being someone's slave? Then PLEASE take about two weeks first before even posting it on the forums. Get to know the Dom/sub, make sure things are discussed, ideas, what you want from the RP, any goals. And to make sure you get along as well.Well, if you do rush into it, and it fails, guess what, if you are a slave, you can not be recollared for 30 days.

Now let's go onto the Company that makes this all possible other than the wonderful Mr. Stormbringer:

The Imperial Slave Authority.

What is the ISA?

Imperial Slave Authority

What was once the Academy of Submission now houses the Imperial Slave Authority. And, though the academy is no longer, training can still be found within the stone walls, in the rooms that have heavy doors to provide privacy, as well as mute the screams, and other sounds of agony, or perhaps even pleasure, that echo inside. The building is imposing, nestled amongst tall, ancient, trees west of town, just past the Baths and the Lonely Inn. A large sign depicting the Emperor Stormbringer's banner with the words "IMPERIAL SLAVE AUTHORITY," in a pristine white paint, is above the double wooden doors of the main entrance.
Should you decide to continue your explorations, the door latch disengaged, and one of the heavy oaken doors pushed open, you find yourself in a large entrance room that has little by way of comfortable furniture. True, there are armchairs near the large fireplace to the right, and various tables and chairs that occupy some of the space, but it's a room of practicality more than one that offers comfort and luxury. To the left is a wide hallway with many doors down its length, then if you look hard enough, you can see the shadows of a descending stairway at the end of the hall. The doors that are visible are -very- heavily made, with small square windows that are barred, and padlocks hang just above the door latches. Some padlocks are open, some locked, leaving you to wonder just what is kept on the other side of those locked doors. Suddenly, a shrill scream
reaches your ears, high pitched and sharp with pain, sending a shiver down your spine. If you happen to be one with the kind of constitution that cannot withstand the thought of pain inflicted on another, discomfort settles heavily in the pit of your stomach. Then again, if you cater to the darker side of nature, the shiver you feel may very well be one of excitement as you try to picture just what is happening and wishing it were by your hand that such a delicious scream was born.
Now your curiosity takes a turn and you wonder just who would be in charge of such a place. Your memory flickers back to the small sign hanging outside, the title of Head Mistress that you see clearly in your mind's eye, and next to it, the name Tawny. Your gaze slides back to the right where another stairway is seen, this one ascending. Before you know it, your steps are leading you to them, and before long you find yourself on the second floor. You cannot help but feel surprised at the differences between the first floor and the second. The doors are excellently crafted, the latches well oiled and gleaming with care, ornate sconces light the hallway, and the wooden floor is polished and smooth. There are only a few doors here, and it's safe to assume that each leads into an office. As you move down the hall, you look at the plaques, seeking one in particular. At the end of the hall is a single door, and it's there that you see the name you seek: ISA Head Mistress - Tawny. Reaching out with a clenched hand, you knock upon the door. A soft voice calls out, "Come in." and you make your way within.
The first thing that captures your attention is the Sexy Cat Girl seated behind the large cherry wood desk. Hair of a warm soft light brown flows down her back, accenting her darker brown soft ears and tail. Eyes a black as a moonless midnight sky will meet yours as a welcoming smile touches her lips and she stands, "Greetings, I am Tawny, Head Mistress of the Imperial Slave Authority. Please, take a seat, and tell me what it is I can do for ye this day". Most would think she looked to sweet and kind to be sitting behind the Head Mistress of the ISA desk, yet there was the name plate on the desk that reads Tawny. Her voice so warm and comforting that you do as she bids without thought. As You sit there your mind tries to figure out how a woman who looks so soft and gentle could possibly be in charge of a place that caters to the ownership, training, and selling of slaves. Yet, it is very clear she is the one in charge as you watch her settle back into her chair. She tilts her head as she continues to watch you, curiosity in the depths of her gaze,
After taking all this in, you cannot help but say, "I find it hard to believe that a Catgirl that looks as delicious as you do, is the one in charge". She just smiles a warm gentle smile, but in her eyes, a dangerous warning flashes "Well thank ye. But it would do ye good to remember there is a lot more to one than meets the eye". "Now, what is it that brings ye to my office this day"?

What are the benefits!

Normal Slave: Benefits of Registration
The slave must wear a character collar in TLI in the form of <name{Owner Abbreviation}> signifying their status. And are unable to hide their collar or armband, it is punishable offense icly. (Not oocly)
2)The owner's name will be shown in a slave description via Desdaemona.
3)A slave owner gets the security of having the empire protect his property from harm where needed, especially when he is absent.
4)Should a slave be abducted, the Authority will pay all fees for a bounty hunter to effect their recovery and for any punishment of the abductor.
5)Slaves have the knowledge that they can approach officials for help if their owner mistreats them beyond reasonable limits.
6)Slaves do not pay the standard 10Mh/month for room and/or board as they are considered fed and housed by their owner.

What Type of slaves are there?!

Business Slave:Shops and other official bodies are allowed to buy and own slaves to assist in the activities of their enterprise. Such slaves are subject to normal acceptable use but may also find their duties are more varied. They are not considered the personal property of the shopkeeper but that individual is ultimately responsible for the correct behavior of any slaves owned by their organization.
Two slaves may be owned by any officially recognized shop or enterprise except the Lonely Inn, which has no restrictions.
A business collar takes the form of {NB} for example to denote the Naked Bird.

Concubine: The status of concubines may vary a lot in how their owners treat them and their expected public demeanor also differs from that of a slave to a significant degree. But so far as registration and deregistration is concerned, the system is exactly the same as for that used to register a slave except that the fee for a concubine registration is 50% that of a slave registration

Guide Maker’s tip:While there are some personal ‘slaves’ that are not collared, know this. They are NOT protected by any law. They are not your property by law unless you go to the ISA and register them. They are your submissive, not a slave. I know this sounds weird to say, but it needs to be clarified, you can call them yours, bonded one way or another, but it affords no protection, not any protection that you won’t see them abused, raped or beaten.

Again, I apologizing and over defining. But this is NOT a subject that should be brushed over softly. It is probably one of the most detailed sections because of its great importance to the game.

You want to become a slave?

Defining a Slave:
The simplest definition of a slave is that they are owned property in exactly the same way as a horse or a pair of boots. They have no rights and can be treated as an object to be used, given, sold or thrown away by their owner as he wishes.
Naturally, in practice, there are as many variations on this as there are relationships. Everyone interprets differently the degree of possession and the amount of freedom a slave is allowed. While the game is tolerant of these interpretations, the definition above, tempered by the mores of civilized behavior, are the basis for all attitudes towards a slave.
If you don't feel that is the sort of character that you can play, then you should consider carefully whether you want to become a slave.
OOC Note: While the IC expectation is a quiet and well-behaved slave, role playing one who is unhappy at having been captured, rebellious about their training and resentful about their position is very acceptable and opens up a lot of opportunities for interesting scenes. Of course, you should discuss this OOC with the owner-player to make sure it fits the type of relationship they desire. You should also be aware that such actions do carry IC consequences too.

Becoming a Slave

Becoming a Slave[

Inherited Slaves:
1)People who come to the Inn already in master/slave relationships are welcome to retain that relationship in character providing they follow these steps:
2)The posting of OOC consent is required under the normal posting rules
3)Under NO circumstances is the collared slave to appear IC before the collaring takes place (this means the owner must see a registrar IC'ly without the presence of the slave)
4)DO NOT log the slave character into Des for -any- reason until the collaring has been completed
5)The 100 mhl registration fee still applies
6)The waiting period is waived

Merchant Slaves:
Anyone can sign up on the Slavers Bait list in the Message Board to become a slave. Once on this list, you are considered fair game for slavers to kidnap and sell. Once a kidnapped slave is collared by a slaver as merchandise (with OOC consent) they may be trained until a sale is arranged. Slavers normally sell their captives via the Slave Authority auctions with OOC consent from the slave as to who buys them.

Alternatively, you can privately arrange your capture with another individual. This is normally on the basis that you will be kept as a slave by your captor.

Rarely, you will see some go to a slaver and ask them to help train them.

OOC Note: Since only licensed slavers are allowed to take slaves as merchandise, you will be registered as the personal property of whoever captures you and have to keep that collar for the required amount of time. So it will pay you to consider who you allow collaring your character. Get to know the player first and make sure you share a common view on slave ownership.

Debt/Money Slaves:
If you work yourself into a debt or are in need of money you can pawn or sell yourself as a debt slave until you are back on your feet again. This is organized by the Pawn Shop at the General Store.

Common Slaves:
Several locations such as the Lonely Inn own slaves for general use. This involves your character being owned by a business rather than an individual. For example, Inn slaves are expected to serve and also service customers on demand (with OOC consent). If you want to be a slave but not owned by a single individual, this option gives some wider options for role playing with numerous other characters.

1)Registering as a slave is compulsory but it does carry certain benefits.
2)You can wear the collar on your nick in IRC
3)Unregistered slaves are not considered owned and may be stolen with no official censure

4)Registration gives you the protection of the empire, both against predatory characters and against unreasonable actions by your owner

Rules for Slaves:
There is no such thing as a protective collar or an 'I'm not reeeealy a slave' collar. You are either a slave or you are not a slave.
2) Slaves must have given their OOC consent before taking a collar
3) Slaves must visit the Message Board to confirm their ownership. Unregistered slaves are not recognized as such and have no protection from the empire.
4) Until registration is complete, you cannot add the collar to your nick in the channel.
5) A slave can only list a single owner at any one time. If you choose to be owned by more than one character that is your affair. But there will only be one registered owner.
6) Slaves cannot own other slaves. They also do not own weapons, equipment or money except by permission of their owner.
7) If a slave is put to work, any money they make is the property of their owner. Whether the owner chooses to allow the slave to hold the money or not, since a slave owns nothing, that money is not her own.
8) An owner can only take a slave's money with her OOC consent. A slave left without money by an owner who dumps her may be taken as merchandise by a slaver.
9) While normal slave discipline is a matter for the owner, the Empire, via the Authority or it's Imperial Guards, may step in and lock up a slave who is behaving outrageously. This may result in a fine for the owner, enforced training for the slave, or other penalties.
10) Slaves who are abused beyond their OOC consent can request Slave Authority protection. If upheld the slave will be protected by the Empire until the matter is resolved.

Defining a Slave Owner:

Being a Slave Owner:

In simple terms, a slave owner is the possessor of a piece of property in exactly the same way as your character may own a sword. The slave has no rights to hold any possessions of her own or to do anything without your permission.

So that sounds wonderful, doesn't it? An attractive girl who will do whatever you want, anytime, anywhere. But with ownership comes responsibility. This is your possession, so you are responsible for the care and maintenance of it. A good owner will take care of his slave's needs (as opposed to wants) and will provide guidance and training to help her become a better slave and thus increase both the value of his property and his enjoyment of it. A bad owner will let his slave run free without any rules, mistreat his property or neglect it. But consider this: if you don't tie your horse up properly and it escapes to cause damage, you are responsible for its actions.

Similarly, if your slave gets into trouble due to your carelessness or neglect, you are responsible for the consequences.

If you don't feel able to give that degree of commitment to the ownership of another character then you should consider carefully if taking a slave is the right thing for you to do at this stage. You should be especially careful of collaring a number of characters in a short period. Careless decisions will come back to haunt you.

OOC Note: You are very strongly advised to make sure you understand not only the implications of taking a slave but also your prospective partner's understanding of what is involved. Get to know the person OOC first and discuss what you both want from the owner and slave relationship. It avoids a lot of pain later on.

Remember too that you are collaring a character, not the player. Doing so gives you no rights at all to regulate the activities of the player concerned. Trying to do so against her will is considered a form of harassment and will result from it OOC action against yourself.

An owner is responsible for his slave's actions whether he is there or not. Owners may be fined or suffer other penalties for his slave's misdemeanors. If an unruly slave is sent for training by the ISA you will have to pay the bill.[

Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:10 am

Adonai wrote:Post 5: Job/Noble/Religious Abbreviations

Business Abbreviations:

When you are doing a job, whether it is working in a Noble house, a business or a temple. Note much more will be done on this late.

Adonai-MMR means that I work at the Might Makes Right.

Ryo- Falcon
Elthorion- Kinslayer
Matwyn- Verkot

Temple of Ishtar: Toi
The Cave of Dwindling Light: CoDL
The Grove of Balance: Grove
The Lodge of Strength: AdenVer
The Temple of Uvelcra: Uvelcra


Body Arts: BA Tattoo/Peircing
Naked Bird: NB Clothing
General Store: GS
Might Makes Right: MMR Weapons and Armor
Real Estate Broker: REB
Bazaar: Market Misc/furniture
Chocolates to Cherish: C2C chocolates
Anvil's Horn:
Apothecary: Apoth potions
The Silent Embrace: TSE or SE poisons
Sorcerous Sanctuary: SS spells/enchants
Valenica Mall
Belladonna: Bella clothing
Sugar and Spice: SnS
The Arena: Arena
The Siren's Call: SC Instruments
lValencia Real Estate Brokers: VREB
House Corsarris Slave Trade (sorry, do not have the link yet) :HCST

Also, while working you are required to be in the OOC, with Tag on as well!

Also on the topic of nobles: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=21424&p=147440&hilit=noble#p147440


Current Nobles active and in Game:

Elthorion Kinslayer
Kir Trelander
Ray El

Considered still and given title of Noble Status but with a Minor Noble understanding;

Morgan Drakewing

Nobles but non-active;

Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:10 am


1) Stealing
2) Hunting
3) Society, about Bondings and the like!


Thieves Den
Is the thieving page on the forums, i am copying the guides here as this is basically a compendium.

Pick Pocketing
There are multiple pickpocketing guides, some may not understand one or the other so I will post all, Miyuka’s is the most simplistic:
Offical Site
Whitemist's version and the rolls
Strawberry Princess Miyuka’s Guide

How it works?

First, I will try to explain it as plain speak as I can.

The roll is a simple contested roll: Pickpocket - Victim

To succeed in their attempt the thief must beat the victim’s score.

A successful use of this skill can take up to the difference in the rolls in Mhl, with the obvious limit of how much the victim has, and a further limit of the lowest of the two stats the thief uses (i.e., the lower of their Agi and Int).

Regardless of the outcome of the roll, the victim has a chance of noticing something amiss, the chance being higher if the thief failed. This chance is equal to the victims Int (halved for characters untrained in stealing) – the result of the stealing attempt roll, with a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 75%.

Not only the victim but any person that can see the thief has a chance of noticing the attempt (successful or not). This chance is 1% for those untrained in Stealing and 2% for those so trained.

Consequences of being caught stealing.
See, the best thing about pickpocketing, while it isn’t always the most profitable in in-game cash. It affords you a better goal, Role-play, while some getting caught or pickpocketing scenes may be simply: Yoink! Thanks for the cash!

Sometimes, people will allow you to pick all the cash on them as a reward for great RP, so yes it can sometimes add up to thousands of Meherial. But, as I said the best reward is roleplay. So never be afraid to go for it, to enjoy, maybe you get a temporary kidnapping, maybe a rape or some molesting. Who knows, maybe even enslaved if that is what you want, but the best part, this all equates to role play!

How to roll for Pick Pocketing: Courtesy of Miyuka

1) The initial Pick Pocket Roll

Thief: rolls Int+Agi ( !cd agi int )
Victim: rolls int+agi ( !cd agi int )
For a none thief char this roll would be divided in half: !cd int agi @85%

2) Amount Stolen
A successful use of this skill can take up to the difference in the rolls in Mhl, with the obvious limit of how much the victim has, and a further limit of the lowest of the two stats the thief uses (i.e., the lower of their Agi and Int).

Thief's roll minus the victims roll

3) The Spot Roll
Each time Thief is chosen, grants a better chance of getting away without being spotted. To see if you spot a thief, roll 1d100 and consult the table. If not spotted, then they get away with their haul.

Thief x0 - 1-95 caught
Thief x1 - 1-35 caught
Thief x2 - 1-30 caught
Thief x3 - 1-25 caught
Thief x4 - 1-20 caught
Thief x5 - 1-15 caught
Thief x6 - 1-10 caught
Thief x7 - 1-5 caught

Bystanders get a 1% chance to see it all happen meaning they most roll a 1 on a 1d100 (2% if holding a Thief Class or considered a Thief)

Shop Stealing

Shop Stealing:
These rules overwrite the Website until the website is updated
Any shop steal requires either an OP or a Shop Manager to be present (ICly or OOCly) to witness the event. Only in these conditions can a shop steal be done. Please do not assume that because someone fitting this description is on a channel, that they are able to witness, always ask and get confirmation.

Set up rolls:

These rolls are made pre-scene.

Mod roll:

Some rolls in the shop stealing scenario receive a bonus from a higher class of thief. X2 thieves and higher make a roll that corresponds to their X-level and what is relieved there is added on to other rolls.

x1 = Unmodified
x2 = 10% (1d10)
x3 = 20% (1d20)
x4 = 30% (1d30)
x5 = 40% (1d40)
x6 = 85% (1d85)

x7 = 60% (1d60)

Which shop:

Which shop:

This roll determines which shop will catch the thief’s eye. This roll is important because it determines which items the thief will gain access to be able to steal and whether the shop they are stealing from will be closed or open (not up to the thief). Please use the appropriate channel for the shop steal according to which store you are thinking about robbing.

!r 1d12
1 = The General Store (Nanthalion)
2 = The Naked Bird (Nanthalion)
3 = Might Makes Right (Cash ONLY) (Nanthalion)
4 = Body Arts (Jewelry ONLY) (Nanthalion)
5 = C2C (Nanthalion)
6 = The Bazaar (Nanthalion)
7 = Silent Embrace (Tower of Umbara)
8 = Apothecary (Tower of Unigo)
9 = The Works (Nanthalion)
10 = Siren's Call (Valencia)
11 = Belladonna (Valencia)
12 = Real Estate Office (Cash Only - Choice of Nanthalion or Valencian Office)

How much:

The next roll is to see how much worth of items the thief is able to steal away. This is made with a 1d5 roll. The thief can steal a number of items to total up to the limit of their result from this roll.

!r 1d5
1 = Can steal items valued up to 20 mhl
2 = Can steal items valued up to 40 mhl
3 = Can steal items valued up to 60 mhl
4 = Can steal items valued up to 80 mhl
5 = Can steal items valued up to 100 mhl

In Action:

The next step is dependent on which shop the thief is stealing from – if the shop is closed, continue with section A. underneath this note labeled as Closed. If it is open, skip down into section B labeled Open.

Closed Shop:

This means that the shop that has caught the thief’s eye is closed at the time and thus the thief will be trying to gain entrance into the shop with their skills (or perhaps a rock) depending on two rolls.

2) Door pick:

The first method the thief will try to gain access to a shop is through the door, a roll of 1d100 will determine what state the door is locked in, ranging from impossible to pick to the door being left open. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.

!xr 1d100+mod#
1-20 = Impossible lock - Failed attempt, go to a window.
21-40 = Stubborn lock - 3 rounds of RP to unlock it
41-60 = Sticky lock - 2 rounds of RP to unlock it
61-80 = Easy Lock - 1 round of RP to unlock it
81-100 = Hooray! Some idiot left the door unlocked!

3) Window pick:

If the door is found to be impossibly locked, then the thief will move on to trying a window. A roll of 1d100 is made to determine what state the window is locked in, ranging from impossible to open to it being left open. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.

!r 1d100+mod#
1-20 = Impossible lock - Break the window (Go to Step 2)
21-40 = Stubborn lock - 3 rounds of RP to unlock it
41-60 = Sticky lock - 2 rounds of RP to unlock it
61-80 = Easy Lock - 1 round of RP to unlock it
81-100 = Hooray! Some idiot left the window unlocked!

If the window is impossibly locked as well, the thief may then choose to break the window to gain access to the shop.

The Steal:

Now that the thief has gained access inside of the store, he or she role-plays out stealing items from the closed shop up to the worth limit but not exceeding it. No rolls are made during this part.


Now that the thief has their ill-gained goods, it is time for them to make an escape. A 1d100 roll is made to see if the thief has left behind any evidence that could be used to determine their identity in the case that the Imperial Guards are called about the break-in, or they find it during their patrols. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.

The type of evidence left behind is up to the thief, but it needs to be something that could clearly identify the thief as from their person (footprint, hair, a combination of other things).

!xr 1d100+mod#
1-40 = Automatic Failure - CAPTURE or a BRIBE may be attempted
41-70 = 85/85 - IG rolls 1d2 to determine if the Thief is caught
- 1 = CAPTURE or BRIBE; 2 = Escape
71-100 = Automatic Success - Escape

If the shop is open:

This means that the shop that has caught the thief’s eye is open at the time and thus the thief will be trying to steal from it using their guile.

Getting in:

Since the shop is open, there is no need to pick the door or window to gain access inside of the shop.

The steal:

The thief can pocket an item while pretending to shop like a normal customer, this roll is made with a 1d100 to determine if the thief is caught trying to shoplift an item or if the shopkeeper is oblivious to the actions of the thief. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.

!r 1d100+mod#
1-40 = Automatic Failure - Shop Worker sees you (see NOTE), a BRIBE may be attempted.
41-70 = 85/85 - Shop Worker rolls 1d2 to determine if the Thief is caught shoplifting
- 1 = Discovered, a BRIBE may be attempted; 2 = Unseen
71-100 = Automatic Succes

The Escape:

If the lift was not detected, then the thief should be able to just stroll out of the shop as a regular customer that has decided to not buy anything.

In the event that the thief is caught by the shopkeeper while trying to pocket an item, or arrested by a member of the Imperial Guard by evidence left over from breaking into a closed shop, the thief may attempt to bribe their way out of trouble, failing that they will have their punishment taken onto the thief.

The bribe option is allowed if both parties agree to it oocly, and the thief must be able to pay for the bribe out of the money on their person, not allowed to go to the bank.

How much:

A roll of 1d5 is made to determine how much mhl the thief will bribe the other person with. If the amount is more than the thief has on their person, then the bribe fails and it becomes a capture.

!r 1d5
1 = 20 mhl
2 = 40 mhl
3 = 60 mhl
4 = 80 mhl
5 = 100 mhl


A roll of 1d2 is made to determine if the bribe is accepted or fails. If the bribe fails, then the thief will also have to pay a fine equal to the amount they tried to bribe with in addition to their punishment and it becomes a capture.

!r 1d2
1 = The bribe is accepted

2 = The bribe is refused

The thief has now been placed under capture and a punishment is to be determined. A roll of 1d5 is made to determine what punishment the thief is deserving of.

!r 1d5
1 = 1-week Criminal Enslavement
2 = 2 weeks debt slave to shop
3 = 3 days on the slave poles
4 = Captor's Choice (personal punishment - current scene only)
5 = Combat (only if IG are present, otherwise roll again)


Good Samaritan

A citizen that observes the actions of the thief may report them to the Imperial Guard or take it on themselves to capture and punish the thief (in additional to the rolled punishment). This requires consent from the thief for the other player to become involved and is meant to increase role playing.

Payout & Logging:
The Thief may keep the items he or she steals, as long as they do not take up an equipment slot (such as items from the Might Makes Right shop) or they may fence the items to exchange them for the value of the items (taking the money option). Payout is done by the OP observing the steal, or the shop manager.

Just as a reminder to all of those who attempt a shop steal, that logs must be provided in the following format

Which shop did you steal from?
How much were you stealing?
What items did you keep?
Was the shop Open or Closed?
Did you fail/succeed?
Who caught you?
Did you try to bribe them? If so, how much? Did they accept/deny?
If you were captured, what was the consequence?
If you escaped, who did the !payout? or are you still waiting?

Each character must have their own individual thread with the Thieves Den section of the MB. And that to note that shop stealing can only be done once per month.These rules overwrite the Website until the website is updated
Any shop steal requires either an OP or a Shop Manager to be present (ICly or OOCly) to witness the event. Only in these conditions can a shop steal be done. Please do not assume that because someone fitting this description is in a channel, that they are able to witness, always ask and get confirmation.


Hunting - this guide is here because I have never really seen a detailed guide for hunting so, here it is:

1> First, you join #Tli-Quest, if there is a quest going on, can do it in #Tli-forest
2> The Search: You roll the following:
a> !choose Deer Elk Bear
b> !choose Small Medium Large
c> !choose 3 4 5
(C chooses how many of each animal there is.)
3> Fighting the mob or killing it. All mobs have 10 HP you have 20 HP.
A> If melee:
I> Use !qdice, twice, the 1st is YOUR attack, the 2nd the creatures.
B> If ranged:
1> Roll !choice hit instant-death miss; if it is hit, roll !qdice.\

Note: it is best if you have hunting/trapping skills and butcher skills to cut up the meat.
without the hunting/trapping skills, you are limited to small games.
Hunting/Trapping(Any Class)
Novice - able to set a simple snare
Apprentice - able to set simple snares and traps and hunt down smaller prey.
Journeyman - Able to set most snares and trap and able to hunt down medium sized prey.
Expert - able to set intricate traps and work hunt down larger prey, nearly bear sized.
Master - knows the way prey thinks and can hunt and trap nearly any form of creature given the right circumstance.

Society, about Bondings and the like!


Relationships on Belariath are fundamentally different from those on Earth, though there are also similarities to be found. In a society where it is the norm to take what you want (and what you are strong enough to take), others will often be considered either prey or property and this is especially so in the case of females who are unable to protect themselves. As prey, they may be taken for a period which lasts no longer than the time it takes to subdue and make use of the weaker character before leaving them discarded. But should one seem especially tempting, it is also not unusual that a more permanent form of ownership is employed.
So it is most common that an individual will either be free or owned by another, though in rare cases there is a coming together of individuals in a form of equality similar to marriage. However, many inhabitants tend to look upon this type of relationship as an aberration or even a sign of weakness. The Empire does not lay down too many rules on how individuals interact but it does recognize the value of humans as property in all the various permutations.
Here then are the recognized forms of relationship, leaving out the basic state of being free and uncommitted: Note that a character can only hold one status at a time - free, bonded, concubine or slave.


Bonding is a sacred ritual between two characters who wish to establish a significant relationship blessed by their deity. Each religion sets its own specific guidelines on how this is achieved, the limitations and how such a bond may be broken. Normally a character will only be bonded to a single mate at any one time as this is considered a very significant relationship.
The Empire's recognition of bonding is based upon the following:
- The bond must be created in a place sacred to a recognized major or minor religion by a priest(ess) or high priest(ess) of that religion
- At least one of those being bonded must be a follower of that religion
- In cases where the precepts of a religion allow a character to bond with more than one other at the same time, only the first of those bondings will be recognized by the empire
- No new bond will be recognized until any existing one(s) are broken under the requirements of the same religion which created that bond.
On those terms and providing the bonding ceremony is recorded in the annals (on the message board) then the Empire will recognize a significant relationship between two of its subjects. Whilst this bond does not carry much in the way of benefits and restrictions in Imperial terms, the existence of it is such that a character whose bonded mate is abducted may apply to the Imperial Guards for their assistance in gaining that mate's return. This help is not automatic and it is not free. The IG Commander will consider a plea on its merits and, if justified, set a fee for the IG's help. Any help will be refused if it is believed that the bonded character left of their own free will.

A concubine is less than a bonded mate or a free person and shares several common attributes with a slave. Unlike a slave, a concubine is not captured, she gives up her freedom, willingly in some cases, maybe for the security of being owned or perhaps even for love. In other cases, she gives up that freedom less willingly, because of having been manipulated into a situation where she has little option. But she still gives it up by choice. However, once taken as a concubine, there is not the same ability to remove herself from that state. She can only become free again by being released.
This consensual act of allowing someone to take possession of the girl (or guy) means that there is a lot of variation in the exact relationship between the concubine and his/her owner. Some will treat their concubines as minor wives but given the nature of life on Belariath, most will consider them sexual playthings, pets, or somewhat less restricted slaves. Those lesser restrictions do not guarantee a concubine being pampered or given an easy life by their owner, however. He can treat her as softly or as harshly as he wishes and she will have no one to appeal to if she doesn't like it. She has become his property to use as he sees fit.
Aside from the personal choice of the owner in how he treats his property, any idea of reduced restrictions has more relevance to how the concubine is allowed to behave in public compared to a slave. There is no particular social convention that she defers to free people, though as she is marked a concubine, she may not be shown as much respect except in relation to times when she represents her owner, or when the status of her job inspires it. There is also not the same limitations on work, spells, and weaponry.
There is no required religious ceremony to take a concubine, it is a purely temporal relationship like slavery but unlike slavery, there is no oversight on her behavior by the ISA if she attacks a free person. Of course, she will still answer to her owner, as well as to the Imperial Guards if she comes under their scrutiny. Also unlike slaves, a concubine cannot be sold and has to be either kept or freed.
Registration of a concubine is handled by the ISA and only concubines registered via the ISA are recognized by the empire. Once registered, the owner is able to appeal to the ISA for assistance (such assistance being given by an ISA call to the IG) if his concubine is abducted. However, the ISA will not intervene if a concubine runs away. Formalities are much the same as for slave registrations. Both owner and concubine must post OOC consent on the board and both must be present for the registration IC. Equipment slots, waiting times and freeing concubines are the same as for slaves, except that the registration fee is 85% that of slaves. Both female and male concubines are allowed.
Typically the owner of a concubine will want to mark his property in some way and will use the same tag ID as for his slaves. The method of marking a concubine is not so regulated as for a slave though and may take a form such as a pin or other jewelry, a tattoo or almost anything else. The only requirement is that the marking identifies the owner and also identifies the girl as concubine rather than a slave. Naturally, as concubines are property, they cannot own either slaves or other concubines themselves, though they can retain ownership of such things as land and property.
In public, a concubine can act much as a free person would. They can carry and use weapons or offensive spells and they can work at any level of employment, providing they commit their loyalty whilst working to the empire or the shop employing them. A concubine is also not expected to show deference to others, except at the demand of their owner. Though whether they are considered equals by those who are actually free is far from guaranteed.
So in summary, a concubine chooses to enter a condition of being owned, for whatever purpose, whilst retaining many of the benefits of a free person. Within that relationship, she may be treated well or badly at the whim of her owner but that is a chance she takes when she seeks the security of his tag.

The traditional way of life on Belariath would tell you that someone is either free or a slave. Though depending on their abilities, a free person may often be thought of as a slave waiting to be captured by someone stronger than they are. And whilst slaves may be either male or female, it is a fact of life that female slaves are usually more prevalent and more highly valued. Their capture and training tend to form a staple entertainment in a society without a lot of so-called modern conveniences and slave ownership imparts an aura of status to those who possess them.
Slaves may be captured by raids on other villages or simply by seeing a desirable object in a lonely place and forcing her into a collar - though the empire will certainly take action against anyone who attempts to steal a valuable slave belonging to someone else. For the purpose of gaining that Imperial protection, it is highly recommended to have slaves registered by the ISA. Also, although most slave owners take pride in handling all aspects of capturing and training their property, the ISA maintains registers of slavers and slave trainers who are able to provide services for those who need them.
Unlike a concubine, everything a slave owns and everything she earns from working become the property of her owner. If she retains property, she does so by his leave. If she carries and spends money, she does so with permission. A slave does not even own her own collar and she certainly does not own her own body. A possession cannot own other possessions after all and people would think you very strange if you told them the saddle you use belongs to the horse you ride.
In private, the relationship between slave and owner is their own concern. A weak slave owner may end up being dominated whilst a sadistic one may abuse his property considerably. Though it will take a lot of mistreatment before the ISA will take a slave away for protection, and in any case, some girls come to enjoy that harsh lifestyle. If free, they will actively seek a new owner who emulates it. In public, however, a slave is more restricted than either a free person or a concubine. After all, they are simply property in the same way as you may own a table or a horse. Few people would expect to be unchallenged if they allowed their goat to wander into the Inn and start eating the curtains and neither would it be expected that a slave was able to act out of their status without some retribution. But just as the owner of the goat would be held responsible for controlling his property, so too is the slave owner expected to be able to train and control his possessions.
Restrictions tend to fall into two categories: social and official. Typically the ISA will only take action against a slave and her owner in the event of a serious infraction such as that slave attacking a free person. The social expectations of how a slave will behave in public are much wider. Considered to be below the status of a free person, a slave is expected to show this by deferring to those who are free. As such, a slave who is demanding, raucous, pushy or generally objectionable is likely to find herself getting at least a slap from any nearby free person she offends. At worst she may find herself fastened to the slave poles until her owner can teach her not to embarrass him in public.
Since only slaves face this degree of both social and imperial expectation about their behavior, a concubine cannot aspire towards recognition as a Tu`turadil. That status is something only awarded to slaves who are seen to act as role models for other slaves. Also, whilst concubines can be used as a source of income or a cheap form of labor by their owners, in a wider commercial sense, the real economic benefits come from owning slaves. A concubine can be used to keep her owner's home clean, maintain his land or even go out to work and bring money into the household. But a business such as a shop or the Inn can own slaves who provide a cheap form of labor for no more than the cost of keeping them fed, housed and, in some cases, clothed. So it is slavery that really underpins the economy of the empire as well as providing an individual owner with the satisfaction of seeing how his training has created a girl who is a credit to him in public.
In summary, a slave is captured, whether willingly or unwillingly, by an individual or a commercial enterprise and so becomes owned. Once owned, she may be kept or sold. In private she may be used entirely as the owner sees fit but in public, she can expect retribution if she goes against either the expectations of society or the laws of the empire.
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
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Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:10 am

Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:11 am

Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:11 am

Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:11 am

Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:12 am

Abby's Corner

I would just like to personally say that despite the bumps along the way so far, I have been enjoying my time in Belariath immensely since I first arrived. But I am relatively still a new player compared to the players who have stayed around for years (some even since the game was made around a decade ago) and I notice that the rules of the game tend to be all over the place – though this is partly due to the game continuing to evolve to accommodate its players through the efforts from the Dev Team (I have not been a Dev member before but I am to understand that a lot of work and foresight are required).

So, this thread is meant to list down all the various ‘rules’ that tend to be ignored/forgotten or just hard to find that usually requires Ops or IC Business Owners to bring attention to. Do note that this list may be constantly changing but the intention should and will remain true: so these rules can be found in one convenient location.

And I would very much appreciate it if the lot of you can help me add more or point out any mistakes that I may have made:

The World
  1. Nanthalion is a town, NOT a city.
  2. 'Belariath' is the name of the world; 'Nanthalion' is the name of the main IC town; 'The Ilifrian Empire' is the name of the empire Nanthalion is located in, along with Valencia, Thallis, and Sha'shir. [Callie`Volopa; Neko Nightstalker - 19/5/2017]
  3. ICly, we do not go with IRL dates and Belariath DOES have its own calendar:
  4. With that said, if any of you ever wonder where anywhere is in Nathalion:
  5. Or Valenicia:
  6. Belariath has TWO moons.
  7. Mephos, Jhore, and Cameries ( are incredibly rare, with each one ONLY given to a character in an event or on special occasions in general.
  8. Outside of libraries, books (ICly) can be difficult to find. So visit your local libraries!
  9. We have airships! Please refer to Magi.

  1. Half-Breeds are made by a set combination of 'Primary Races' and 'Secondary Races', which you can find under 'Race' in the website. So no making half-breed Dwarven Orgres or Halfling Wolvens!
  2. For the purposes of stats and abilities, only those of the primary race are counted. The secondary race is for aesthetic reasons, modifying appearance but having no other effect. So if the secondary has wings, for example, you do not gain flight without the relevant spell. Only a primary with wings would give automatic flying ability.
  3. For the men: penises are all shaped like a human's. No horse cocks, or etc.
  4. Facial features of the furry races have elements of a muzzle but not a fully developed one. Teeth can be appropriate to the race.
  5. Here is a list of rules for characters with Fur: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=3174

  • Fae
    1. 'Fae'; 'Faeries'; 'Fairies'; 'Faery' - all appear to be applicable according to the site.
    2. The plural for 'fae' is either 'fae', 'fairies' or 'faeries'.
    3. The word 'Fairy' is the only one not mentioned anywhere in their Race page.
    4. There are NO male fae.
    5. Each fae is tied to a specific element through the Tribe they are born into and they all have their unique names: the Fae of Fire are known as the Bisque; the Fae of Earth are known as the Mauna; the Fae of Water are known as the Corlet; the Fae of Air are known as the Flinae.
    6. More information about the different types of fae and their own unique characteristics:

  • Magi
    1. The home of the Magi, Oceana, is a floating island! It is located far to west of Nanthalion, above the ocean.
    2. Their Navy have ships that can sail the skies via magic! However, they are very limited and the knowledge of how to build them is lost.

  • Merfolk
    1. All Merfolk may choose to begin with Journeyman skill in Navigation at no cost.
    2. Blacksmithing, glass blowing, horsemanship, carpentry, even cooking and baking... your average Merperson is positively terrible at them all. Merfolk CANNOT reach Expert or Master skill in any of the above listed ranked skills.
    3. A merfolk must bathe to water every two days day or so or risk dehydration and drying of the skin. [Marena - 20/5/2017]
    4. Their scales come over the hip when in tail form and blend into skin just short of the navel area. [Marena - 20/5/2017]
    5. The entry to their anal cavity (which runs from bottom to tail) is at the end of their tails not at the bottom area! [Marena - 20/5/2017]
    6. When a merfolk is aroused, the scales recede a bit to unhide their secrets; a male to show his sheath, a female to show a change in coloration to pinker/redder hues around the receding scale to expose their sex. [Marena - 20/5/2017]
    7. Their skin can thicken to cope with colder waters and climates and their water breath and strong lungs aid swims to fairly deep depths. [Marena - 20/5/2017]
    8. Deeper sea merfolk (living depths are between 1000m to 4000m but they can go to deeper depths for short periods) tend to have larger eyes, sharper teeth, thicker skin and more webbing of hand and come to the surface more rarely. [Marena - 20/5/2017]

  • Sithian
    1. Alcohol consumption would cause a Sithian to be immediately and violently sick, they would be unable to act as long as this poison is in their system. Cure Poison or some anti poison serum would be needed to counteract the effects of the poison. Over time, the poison might exit the system, but until they are cured of the poison, they will feel weak and lethargic.

  • Torians
    1. Torians' bones are hollow in order to enable ease of flight, and as such Torians are about as light as nymphs, resulting in a definite reduction in the ability to inflict physical damage (it is not stated in the page how this works mechanic-wise, however).
    2. Torians seem to not be bothered by the cold air at high altitudes. However they are affected by damp cold, or water cold, chilled somewhat easily unless hardened it against through practice and training or environment.

  • Vulpine
    1. Vulpines can be both full-furred and part-furred, while still being considered full-blooded vulpines. [Callie`Volopa - 20/5/2017]
    2. Full-furred vulpines are called vash'ri; those with fur on ears and tail ONLY are called nal'ri. [Callie`Volopa - 20/5/2017]

  1. At Level 1, a character generally gets FIVE skill points to use for Ranked or Unranked Skill.
  2. 'Speak: Common' is a free skill.
  3. Speak: Dwarven is a thing but is missing from the Unranked Skills list.
  4. Unranked Skills do NOT have any mechanic benefits. For example: 'Improvise Weapon'. These are all simply to enhance your RP experience.
  5. There is a Ranked Skill for Dancing and also an Unranked Skill for Dancing. The former is for the more advanced kind of dancing while the Unranked basically means you can dance 'good' - just not great enough to be sought out for or to be paid.
  6. Skills are mostly here to enhance your Roleplaying Experience and to prevent a character from being 'Mister/Miss Perfect' at Level 1.
  7. Here is a list of Ranked Skills: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=3585
  8. Here is a list of Unranked Skills: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3584

  1. Some classes are only available to specific races. Please refer to

  • Warlord
    1. Warlord ONLY gets to attract an Entourage if they have a keep.
    2. The Warlord's 'Entourage' do not actively involve themselves in combat outside of Quests and Events.
    3. The Warlord's 'Entourage' are NOT fighters. They are there simply to help make the Warlord's duties and life easier, such as helping them care for their animals or carrying their equipment.
    4. However, if combat is necessary, the Entourage fights with 25% of the Warlord's stats. HOWEVER, they all fight as a SINGLE unit, which means that even with five members of the Entourage, you only roll attack once.
    5. When announcing to use 'Tactical Prowess', you need to also OOCly announce where you plan on putting the bonus to.

  1. Casting any spell requires a combination of a verbal incantation and the use of one or both hands. Naomh - 19/5/2017
  2. To cast a spell at full power, a mage requires BOTH their hands. Losing the use of one of their hands or casting a spell with one hand would incur a penalty of 50%. Naomh; Farvel - 19/5/2017
  3. Only a Magi Class can cast any spell ONLY from the Common Sphere without the use of combining both hand gestures and chanting. If the Magi's hands were tied up, they could chant and if they were only gagged then they could do the hand gestures. Sadly, if they were both bound and gagged, then this ability is null. [Balard - 19/5/2017]
  4. Any spell MUST require a verbal incantation. Losing the ability to speak will neutralize a character's ability to cast any spell. [Naomh - 19/5/2017]
  5. There are some spells that DO NOT ignore armor, especially ones that can be found in the Necromancy Sphere.
  6. A mage can freely control the power of their spells (for example: choosing to use 7 out of the 15 slots of their spell); however, a character who relies on spells enchanted into their belongings cannot: it's 'All or Nothing'. That means if a character has 15 slots of a spell ENCHANTED into their item, they can only choose to use 15 Slot. Decide wisely! [Naomh - 19/5/2017]
  7. Not all spells can be permanently enchanted. If it does not say that it 'Can Be Permanent', it cannot be made permanent. The approved and current list can be found here: ... nchantment
  8. Elemental Spells Fire Bolt, Energy Bolt, and Ice Shard can be permanently enchanted into a weapon. HOWEVER, hitting an elemental mage with the weapon enchanted with an opposing element does NOT incur the 25% damage bonus. Just the 'Elemental Damage Bonus' (+1 to +9) much like it would with any other character struck by said weapon. So hitting a fire mage with a sword with Ice Shard permanently enchanted into it does not mean you will need to roll !damage # # @125%. At the same time, hitting a fire mage with a fire sword does not mean you have to roll !damage # # @75%. [L`Aquera; Miyuka; Crow ]
  9. Speaking of Permanently Enchanting Spells into Weapons: the elemental damage bonus DO stack to a possible maximum of +9 (if you permanently enchanted all three spells at its max in a weapon). Do take note that 15 Slots of ONE of the spells permanently enchanted into a weapon will grant a max of +3 bonus damage (+1 Damage for every 5 Slots) and it will be VERY expensive (permanent enchantments cost FOUR times the usual cost).
  10. A character CANNOT choose to change/replace just one of the enchantments in an item that has two or three. It is possible to destroy the enchantment, but the other enchantments will have to be destroyed along with it. So choose wisely and carefully!
  11. The Tongues Enchant spell only allows a character to UNDERSTAND every language; it does not allow a character to speak those languages.
  12. Stat Enchantments are restricted in the sense that they cannot be enchanted in just about anything. This is especially true with shop items:
      - Cloaks: Resistance only
      - Boots: Agility only
      - Gloves (and Gauntlets): Agility and Strength
      - Jewelry: Intelligence and Stamina
    [Note: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=20729 Good reference]
  13. Contrary to popular belief, Healing Magic does NOT instantly heal broken bones, and ICly your character should not be able to do somersaults until at least a few days later.

Shops and Businesses (Subjected to Changes as per Manager)
  1. For those working in Shops and Businesses, you MIGHT find items in Des' listings that are not in the Website or in the MB (for example: the Icebreath Potion): these items CANNOT be sold.
  2. Different shop/business owners have different rules - it pays to ask your Managers if you're not sure!
  3. Given the nature of Belariath, sex is common even in the workplace. HOWEVER, it is a general rule that sex is allowed as long as the Employee does NOT ignore their customers and can still work.
  4. Employees, however, are subjected to receiving NO PAY if sex is the ONLY thing they do during working hours.

  • The Lonely Inn
    1. Food and drinks come with the monthly 10 mhl deduction. Everyone gets 20 Mhl every month they RP, or rather, everyone gets paid 30 Mhl and the 10 Mhl feees are automatically deducted, so in practice they earn 20 Mhl. [Farvel - 19/5/2017]
    2. The Lonely Inn DOES have its own menu:
    3. Contrary to somewhat popular belief: the food and drinks in The Lonely Inn are decent than 'poorly made'. Looking at Fugly might cause a person to lose their appetite though.

  • Might Makes Right
    1. No sex is allowed in the Might Makes Right. [Joe]
    2. Employees are NOT allowed to sell any weapons/armor to another Employee if the latter has their work tag on. [Joe]
    3. A character cannot wear a circlet and a helm at the same time.
    4. A character cannot wear a tunic and armor at the same time. Gambeson is the only armor that can be worn along with other armor.
    5. Mithril is too light of a material, which is why there can be no large mithril weapons. [Dragovar; Teras - 19/5/2017]

  • General Store
    1. OOCly, when a customer orders a custom item, the custom item must be sold on the day of that order. ICly, however, they have to pick it up in a few days.
    2. Employees are NOT allowed to sell any items to another Employee if the latter has their work tag on.
    3. Animals not listed in the General Store Price List are NOT available and can NEVER be made available for sale or purchase. So no selling/buying elephants!

  • The Works
    1. The Works have two branches: one in the Valencian Mall and another in Nanthalion.
    2. The Works used to be The Anvil's Horn and therefore, The Works can sell the items under The Anvil's Horse price list.

  • The Silent Embrace
    1. There is a jhore locked up in the back room! [Ilkrac]

Arena (Subjected to Changes as per Manager)
  1. Mentors CAN officiate Gladiator Fights. [Dragovar - 19/5/2017]
  2. In Gladiator Fights, a gladiator cannot summon an Elemental to fight alongside them and make it a two-on-one fight. [Dragovar - 19/5/2017]
  3. Spells - defensive or otherwise - cannot be cast before an official Gladiator Fight. [Dragovar - 19/5/2017]
  4. Gladiators may heal once via potions or whatever other means they have during a Gladiator Fight. [Dragovar - 19/5/2017]
  5. Gladiator Fight is NOT to the death. [Dragovar - 19/5/2017]
  6. Practice Weapons are available at the Arena, providing +1 to Attack Modifier if One-Handed or +2 if Two-Handed. Characters cannot take the Practice Weapons outside of the Arena; if they want one, they can purchase from the Might Makes Right.

Combat - Magic
  1. Spells in general - unless the Focus enchant is available - will cost 1 + Slots Stamina.
  2. With that said, some spells do have their own unique mechanics.
  3. AoE Spells cancel out Mirror Image and Illusional Person.

  • Arcana Sphere ... ere=Arcana
    1. The spell Blindness is one of the spells that take armor into account.
    2. Blindness cannot be cast again until the duration has run out and it cannot be cast in conjunction with other spells that affect vision (Mirror Image or Illusional Person for example).
    3. Shocking Grasp is an 'Anywhere Spell', as opposed to its counterparts Burning Fingers and Chilling Touch which are both strictly 'Combat Spells'.
    4. Sleep is the only Out of Combat spell in the Arcana Sphere.

  • Air Sphere ... sphere=Air
    1. The spell Dust Devil does not 'bounce' in a duel, so it cannot neutralize illusions. [Miyuka - 19/5/2017]
    2. Chain Lightning currently counts as AoE so it could work well vs Mirror Image/Illusion Person. [Miyuka - 19/5/2017]

  • Earth Sphere
    1. Quicksand does not affect flyers.

  • Necromancer Sphere
    1. Tendrils of Death is a multi-target spell, not an AoE. [L`aquera - 22/5/2017]
    2. Tendrils of Death cannot be used to attack more than one wall from Earth Sphere’s Rock Wall. [L`aquera - 22/5/2017]
    3. Tendrils of Death is, however, very effective against illusion spells like Mirror Image/Illusion Person as it creates ‘multiple targets’ for the tendrils. [L`aquera; Crow - 22/5/2017]

  • Symphonic Sphere ... =Symphonic
    1. The example for Poetic Justice can be misinterpreted easily: the spell does not counter the attack with just !ranmagatk but instead with whatever roll the attacker used. For examples:
      - Poetic Justice vs RanPhyAtk = Bard rolls !ranphyatk for Poetic Justice
      - Poetic Justice vs RanMagAtk = Bard rolls !ranmagatk for Poetic Justice
      - Poetic Justice vs CloPhyAtk = Bard rolls !clophyatk for Poetic Justice
      - Poetic Justice vs CloMagAtk = Bard rolls !clomagatk for Poetic Justice
      [Miyuka - 19/5/2017]

  1. These are the ways your character can become either a Noble or a Minor Noble: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=17797
  2. What is a Reeve? viewtopic.php?f=74&t=21198

More will be added soon! Feel free to share what you feel would make things more convenient for players, or point out any mistakes I have made, if any!
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:48 am

Thanks to all who helped:

Thanks to Dragovar with help on a combat thing or two I forgot.
Thanks to Isla for help with some of the grammar and the like.
And Miyuka for her help as well on clarifications of a few things.
And Abby's Work for Abby's Corner.
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Yeardly on Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:27 am

This is magnifico! Thank you muchly. :D
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Location: USA

Re: New to Tli? Read This

Postby Adonai on Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:41 pm

Armor updated
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:03 am


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