The Legend of Dragons

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

The Legend of Dragons

Postby L`aquera on Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:35 pm

As is fitting in a land of Might makes right, it was a cooler night then expected and the mists had begun to roll along the sodden grounds buried in leaves from the few trees that Littered the Temple of that which is known as he who is fire.

It roiled and rose and became that which was thick, dense and cool to the touch. An unusual night that found the Noblemen Sorgram alone in his Study pouring over ancient text. It wasn't the mist or the unusual crisp night that caught his attention but rather that of a rumbling, an ingrained feeling of home. Of purpose. Of light and warmth ever and always. He sat straight and set piercing gaze to window, only to find piercing gaze looking back. How is that possible? He was far above ground. Thinking it some joke by lover or friend, he set a grin to his handsome features and shoved the tome aside to rise up and make his way to window. His call out of good natured ribbing was unanswered until he could lay those intense orbs to rest upon that maw and the breathing that was fanning the windows to fog them.

All went still and so to, did the drak.

It took him more minutes then he might have understood from staring at the image of a dragon and one, he knew deep in his soul. And then another to realize he shouldn't be so lapse in manners to run from his study. Down stairs and out many a door until the evenings air swirled around him. Astonishment, wonder. So many confusing but known emotions ran through him and he found himself communicating with the beast.

Beast? No. Dragon. Unusual. Large. Feared. All these rang through his ears as tail swayed until he heard them. No, not with his ears, but within the mind. A most educated if not strange, mind. Soon he found himself surrounded by many a wing. From gold to silver to reds and blacks. He couldn't count.

Finally he understood. They weren't here to harm but to recognize and uplift. Him. He asked.. But what of those I leave behind.... Behind? Was the reply... You leave nothing behind, but only go forward, for ever and ever. To fly among us, to be among us, to watch over and know and understand. He was not afraid after those words, rather he found himself looking forward, never back but there was a haunting sound on the winds. That of a man finally satisfied he'd received that which he'd always wanted. To shed the dream and become, the Dragon.

Those guards and workers on duty that night at the Temple, reported the strange happenings of seeing their Lord crash outside and become just that, a dragon... They'd run to tell their hysterical tale to what man or woman they could but sooner then expected, those that resided in Palace heard and ran to investigate. Magic was a tricky thing yes? It took them a few days to figure it out. And finally rather quietly, they told those of the Lords House that he'd finally become what he'd wished for so long and placed the Noble, Matwyn within charge of Religious matters and the Concubine, Meadow, to manage the House as it were as best she could.

There were tears shed. Not for the loss but simply that Sorgram would be missed so very greatly and because of such emotions, workers were paid and recruited to erect a Statue in his image. The image all knew and the Dragon behind him so that none would forget he'd received that which all of his race strived for. So that hope and understanding, never died.
Don't breath, don't think.. for I am the shadow that will forever over take you..
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