The Fall of Shadow and Light

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

The Fall of Shadow and Light

Postby Gavin on Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:27 am

It was one of those quiet nights where even the wildlife knew not to disturb the silence. The lull was light that that came right before the storm. It was the sound often heard just before one opened the door of a burning building and the all consuming flames of wrath spilled out. And so they came to the door to be answered by none other than the tall of the midnight blue wings. They flared out behind him and elation danced across his eyes for he knew them, he knew their sigil. It was Hers. She must be behind them. He raised up to see her glorious face that had been denied him these nights of painful solitude. He would get one of the special bottles of wine for her. Yes he would! He looked a bit harder those Torian eyes training hard from face to face before disbelief gathered in those azure depths. Clouds began to form over those pupils as realization dawned upon him. She was not there. Why would she not be there?

One of the group of her expedition reached a slender hand forward and wrapped it around his wrist. He placed the brooch of her family into his hand. She would not be without that for all the reason in the world...unless. A pack of her tomes was left at his feet and though he raged against the belief he heard their story. He recorded every detail in his mind. The location. The encounter. All of it. He would never forget it. She...was gone. She had been taken from his existence. He was free once more in the worst possible way. But in those cold recesses of his eyes there rested something else. Fury. Wrath. Vengeance that would not be denied. What had found his Mistress in the depths of the earth...he would find it. And he would make it regret every moment of it's miserable existence.

But there would be time for that later. He took all that was left of her in this world and he held those items close to chest as if the very effort might bring her back. He had been her concubine, but in that there was freedom. There was safety. He had been hers in every way that mattered and she had cared for her in her own way. He looked back to their first meeting and the time in the Library. The woman who had told him of her unusual birth and the blindness that had accompanied it. Magic alone had salvaged that situation and as he stood there breathing in the scent of her from that pack and cloak tears ran down his face. Magic would salvage this situation too. What had taken could never be returned. But he could eradicate this abominations existence forever more. A plan began to form in his minds eyes. He needed knowledge. But how to get it was the question.

The lessons of his teacher rang back through him as did those of his Mistress, he would have to cultivate the resources and assets around him. Only specific people could know the truth of his quarry. Many would not be prepared to do battle with it if they knew what he marshalled them towards. He drew deep on the well of darkness within that often rested in the silence of mental cave. Reconciling himself to the task and to his nature was the most challenging part of it all. But he supped deeply of the darkness and when finally the smith's large hands reached forward into backpack containing her tomes a unity of selves and facets filled him. "It's time to go to work." Angst. Durigon. Caolan. Vexademus. Ray'El. And many others. He would need them all. And for this all to work his influence would have to grow. It was time. He wrapped the cowl of purpose about himself and went through those tomes reaching deeper and further for knowledge. Some things he could not begin to understand but he made note of them. The shadow that had claimed her witchlight from this world. He would end it, or he would master it. But would he burn the world to see it done?

In the mean time though...he had a memorial to plan. So off he took himself after writing up the news of the loss of one Syneria Zyr'lytharan.

On a piece of parchment tacked to a notice board in the Lonely Inn were a few simple words. "A light and a shadow has passed from this world. Syneria Zyr'lytharan is no longer amongst the living. Friend. Confidant. Mage. Mistress. Scholar. Potion Maker. Scribe. She was a hundred things to as many people. And I weep for the loss of her in this life. I will be planning a time of remembrance for her. If you have any questions or wish to assist in any way please contact Gavin Talshine, Master Smith to the MMR and the Works, as well as PortMaster of Thallis."

It is signed Gavin Talshine.

Around the edges of parchment there are tear drops. In the top right corner is a mark of blue feather crossed with red feather in a coat of arms. Below them is a hammer. And above them both is the symbol of the woman herself, a spider.
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Re: The Fall of Shadow and Light

Postby CallieO on Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:40 am

A moving tribute.
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Re: The Fall of Shadow and Light

Postby Amara on Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:19 pm

Lovely tribute. <3
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