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Rite of Ascension - June 18-21

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 5:48 pm
by Joshua_Jericho
Scrolls can be found pinned to boards and walls scattered around Nanthalion, an elegant script in Common adorning them as follows:

"The anniversary of the Arrival is come again, and there shall be much rejoicing. Friends of the Magi should consider themselves cordially invited to a feast day on Waterday, in the third week of Steelrule, graciously hosted by the Lord Archaon of Dethsiris, at his Keep. Guests and performers in honour of the great Goddess Morpheous welcome. "

This last script is added as if an afterthought, and in somewhat smaller writing :

"As is custom, a speech will be given by Infernis, the newest member of our joyful community."

It is signed only with an elaborate S.

OOC Notes : There are a series of Magi important religious days June 18-21, culminating in a feast day on the 21st to be hosted in Dethsiris! I'll be looking to start things around 9 PM GMT, but can move times around to suit folks. Saph will be organising more things (food, hopefully some bardic types) in the next few days. Feel free to DM/post here/grab me if your character would like to perform!

Re: Rite of Ascension - June 18-21

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 6:15 pm
by Joshua_Jericho
Folks - I have apologies to make here - I've got IRL stuff causing me all kinds of grief on my side of things, so I'm unlikely to be around to do the necessary prep work/run this. Massive apologies :(.

Re: Rite of Ascension - June 18-21

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:29 pm
by Infernis
I'll be hosting this tomorrow, the 19th, for the Dethsiran Magi, along with any others who want to attend.
