The Imperial Guard Codes of Conduct

The Oath of the Imperial Guards, Known criminals. Laws for criminals punishment.

Moderators: miyuka, Balard, lyllamarie

The Imperial Guard Codes of Conduct

Postby L`aquera on Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:19 pm

What will follow are the guidelines of the Imperial Guard. What it should and does mean to be one.

All Vice Captains are in charge of passing this along to their Subordinates. It is there duty to keep those hired and newly hired into the Imperial guard what will transpire in this long post. If you are found to not be passing along such vital information, you can and will be replaced with someone that will. This is part and parcel of that job.

The IG is an elite group of people chosen for several reasons.

1: An ability to free yourself from personal insult.
2: An ability to understand and follow the orders given you.
3: That only Imperial Property and the needs of your Emperor and all that he reigns over is protected.
A: What does that include? Shops being destroyed. Shop workers brutally beaten down without giving their aggressor reason to do so. Shop workers murdered while on duty. The Emperor harmed. Nobles. The Reeve. Acts of War within the Empire to those town and countries outside of Nanthalion. Theft of an Imperial Building. Attacks upon Caravans.
B: What this does not include. Arguments between others. Slave and Master/Mistress issues. Someone coming to a guard and pointing a finger at there rapist. Personal honor fights. Getting beat upon on a one on one fight. Temple wars.

The Imperial Guards are not to be considered some Beat Cop, but a member of the Trusted within Stormbringers Command. They are not everyone’s personal guard. They do not come when heralded unless a real emergency brews. They will not fight your fights for you. Petty thief is not their jurisdiction. Someone breaking into your home is not their problem. Buy a dog. Lonely Inn Squabbles are not their issues, unless furniture is broken or the fight is about to escalate out of control with more then one on one fights. They are as close as one can get to an air of arrogance for they protect the most valuable person in this land. The Emperor himself.

How should you conduct yourself? With dignity, pride of whom you are now. What your job entails. Looking at things with a neutral eye. Always wear your Imperial Guard badge when on Duty. Do not under any circumstances drag your life into what the Imperial Guards stand for. If you are attacked while not on duty, you are considered fair game and the Imperial guards on duty will ignore your pleas. And should. For you are a normal citizen at the time and no Imperial Guard would be heard shouting for help unless he is in a two on one fight. If you are not strong, you are likely not Imperial Guard material. Fight the good fight Precious, but don't drag your fellow Guards into it.

What follows is as well also printed on the site. Please read it, understand you have as a guard, sworn or will swear fealty to Emperor Stormbringer or you will not be hired.



The Empire may be a fairly new and rather lawless place but that does not mean those in control do not wish to maintain their status. The Emperor may not care too much if a citizen gets robbed or raped, but he does have certain things he needs protected. These include himself, obviously, certain key individuals and the essential aspects of trade by which he maintains his rule.

Imperial Guards do not worry themselves over trivial matters. Small skirmishes, people being raped, small time thieves running around unchecked, and other such matters or conflicts do not warrant the attention of the Emperor’s guard, unless any of them is meant to tarnish the Emperor's good name or property. The small matters are beneath them as it is just daily life occurring and they will not waste their time and energy to solve these issues unless given a direct order by Emperor to do so. The Imperial Guards view their purpose as only protecting against large problems that the town cannot manage and the official buildings of the Empire.

It is considered an honor to be selected as one of the few that will be given the right to ensure the safety of so many. That anyone chosen to serve under the Emperor should show the pride of the duty that they have been given.

The Imperial Guardians primary focus is the protection of the Emperor’s personal investments, his businesses. The Empirical structures, commerce and trade are a top priority for the guards to monitor and oversee their protection. Upon becoming an Imperial Guard, they have sworn life and limb in service to the Emperor and the Empire during their time of duty. It is an oath to remain loyal and in service until the time comes when they are killed, dismissed from their term of service, or they choose that they have fulfilled their obligation to the Emperor and wish to go on with their life as a common citizen.

The Imperial Guards train their bodies, mind and spirit constantly. It is a passion for one to spend most of their time practicing and training to become better at their talents to benefit the ones they serve and serve with. The guards spend countless hours working with others. They study strategy and tactics to ensure that they will be superior in any situation where conflict may arise. A common citizen does not see most of these studies and trainings though, as the guards often train in locations hidden in the forests or Imperial Woods away from public eye. This is to keep their strategy, strengths, and weaknesses alike secret.

Codes of Conduct:

As an Imperial Guardian, I swear to…

* Honor and Respect the Empire, Guests of Nanthalion, and Laws governing the Empire. (Obey all laws and rules governing Belariath)

* Keep myself physically strong, mentally prepared, and maintain high moral values while on duty. (Though play your character as you normally would, don't change your characters values and ideals just because you are swarmed by overwhelming odds)

* While on duty, respect each member of the Guards and treat them accordingly. (They may not be your best friend, but respect the fellow role player. Ex: Bob and Fred have had problems with each other in the past icily, though during the planned event for the Guard Bob and Fred will work side by side for a greater purpose. Afterwards they can just back to normal.)

* Give my weapon, and life if need be, to serve the Emperor, his investments and follow the orders of my Superiors to the best of my ability.

* Obey the orders given to me with the understanding that it is for a greater cause. (Open communication between Guard and Ops must be kept as to not infringe upon anyone’s rights.)

* Be truthful in all matters... (Speaking the truth of events at all times even if you are in the wrong)

* Behave in a manner becoming of an Imperial Guard. (Follow the duties and rules of engagement thoroughly. Keep to the mindset.)

* Never use my status as an Imperial Guard to enforce rules upon other citizens when off duty. (Using the IG for personal power or gain is PROHIBITED. One will not use the IG in a manner of finding support and backup for getting oneself out of trouble. If any guards fight as a group outside defined scenarios without at a minimum the OOC consent of the victim, all those involved may be removed from their positions without warning. Guards who are off duty are regular individuals and will play as such. Personal matters are left as personal matters and not IG Duties.)

* Never seek out my fellow Guard to fight my personal battles (Each person is held accountable for their own actions and teaming up to cause war is prohibited without prior consent from Admin).

* Never leave my Superior's side and remain loyal to them through thick and thin. I shall never abandon my post for this is a mark of disloyalty and will be punishable (based upon severity of the issue, punishments will be dictated by the Superiors, Nobles, Admin, and/or Emperor.)

* Show mercy to those begging for forgiveness. (All combat rules apply as do yielding unless overruled by an Op-Noble)

If I break any of the Codes of the Imperial Guardians, I swear to…

* Accept punishment handed to me by my Superiors according to the severity of the rule broken. (For IC infractions: I may be fined mehrils, punished physically, or even be banished from the Guards if the rules are not kept. For OOC infractions: Loss of XP or bans may be a result.)

* Be willing to discuss my actions in a respectful manner and not hold grudges.

* Do my best to correct my mistakes and to learn from them so I may not make them again.

When I feel my time of service has ended… (no longer wish to be in IG)

* I have the right to ask for my release from the Imperial Guards and will perform any tasks that are asked of me to be released.

* I shall live out my life to the fullest (continue to follow all rules of the game; you need not follow the rules of conduct that you were previously governed over. Meaning that while you still follow all rules of the game you do not have to show the same respect to a superior that once was, when one feels that their tour in the Imperial Guards is complete.)

Cloak and cape description

Upon each cloak, falling over the left side of the Imperial guard’s chest rests the Imperial symbol. The symbol of Lord Stormbringer that the guards serve, a silver circle with a lightening bolt arching from the top right to the bottom left of the circle. Overlaid within the four inch circle is a black silhouette of a dragon, outlined in a thin line of silver though not taking away from the brighter silver of the circle. Resting between the lapels of the cloak is a mithril chain pulling the cloak about the Imperial neck. Enchanted upon each mithril chain is the message spell and locate spell aiding the Imperial guards while on duty. The cloaks are dark green trimmed in black, for the cooler months and capes with the same symbol upon them for the spring and summer.


The purpose of the Guards is to enhance role play and to provide more storylines through training, being of service, and protecting the Empire. Characters can unite under the same cause and carry out storylines together and work as a team. What is expected is a guardship that respects the rules of the game and does not use the Guards as a way to intimidate others OOCly. Nor indeed ICly except in proper scenarios that are carefully controlled.

The Guards are not a protection agency that gives the right to break rules or start fights. If you are caught doing such, severe penalties shall be given and possible bans will be put into place if this rule is not followed. If there is ever question on what you are doing or may be breaking rules, ask for an Admin ruling or your Superior's approval before taking any actions. Above all, this is for fun and to create a unique role-play atmosphere, so please do not abuse the privilege of an organized Guards system for your own personal gain to destroy or skirt the rules governing the system or you will be removed from the position and will face an extensive ban.

Guards have two states - on duty and off duty. On duty they work as a team in planned storylines and they fight as a team. Off duty they are individual characters and will NOT use other Guards, whether on or off duty, to help fight their personal battles. The Guards code of honor insists they fight for themselves, even if they are sure to lose.

Imperial Guards are allowed to organize group rapes and such, but again, the rules are never to be overlooked. Proper OOC consent is mandatory from the victims and in the case of scheduled scenarios; all must be approved prior to being done.

Ops may direct the guards to appear 'on duty' for a specific purpose such as breaking up a fight, protecting an imperial building, or as part of a more complex storyline. Nobles do not have any such right, except in so far as they are acting as Ops. The Guards are Stormbringer's praetorians, not a general police force.

On duty, they may use the -IG modifier to their nick and may be taken to wear some visible symbol of their status.

All dice modifiers are exactly the same should combat come to such. The modifiers of each individual based on the enchantments and armor class that they currently have will determine the appropriate adjustments. However, should a citizen willingly engage into combat with an Imperial Guard while on duty, the Nobles may be used with harsher consequences.

Also the combat dice system could be put in place of regular stats; it would put everyone on an even playing field and has worked well in the past. Or just freeform any fights that may occur during one of the planned events.
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