Mating of Doppler Zero and Cirri

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Mating of Doppler Zero and Cirri

Postby Cirri on Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:36 pm

The journey of two souls, so different in appearance and nature, but truly meant for one another is the story of Doppler and Cirri. Fate had them meet when she had done a valiant deed for the Empire years ago and sacrificed her life to save others and he brought her back from the home of the Gods. Then he held on to her, taking her as his own slave until such a time as she knew she could not be restrained any longer. Thus he let her go into the wild for five long years. Upon her return, their love that never had waned, but simmered in gentle embers until the time was right, flared into the heat of passion that only the powerful Firemage could manage and the Warrior Mage could withstand.

Together they once more felt the bond within their hearts and through service to the Emperor, they began building a new life and discovering the love they had which blossomed and on yester-eve, they shared with others within the Empire to formally declare what they had known in their hearts for many years.

13[18:15] * +Cirri is looking at a mound of fabric, lace and silk and the warrior mage sneered, her claws almost going into the delicate gown as she tries to get it on with no avail. The sun was setting and soon it would be time and she pondered what she was told about this being the uniform required for this sort of ceremony
[18:17] <+Eraelabryn> The arrangement of things, left to the minions and servants she employed or coherced dependant upon it. Wraith like Moriel in those leathers strode forwards, checking upon the last minute details before the bonding itself would take place. Murmer to pause hand upon the shoulder of one and make sure the bride had arrived, taken to the tents set up. Her own movements would lead her there, enough room for her to open flap and slip within, quiet as the shadows that tended to her. Smile curved lips as she laughed. "It isn't as easy as one would think it would be is it...did they sell you underthings for it?" †
13[18:19] * +Cirri looked at Eraelabryn for a moment and the pile of chemises, garments etc that were in a pile, "Which is which? They all look the same here. I don't know what to do and where I should put these things...I have no idea..." She growled and then threw the dress down on the table where she had everything and then she looked around, knowing that there was hustle and bustle out there, "So what do I do with all...." she waved her hand around, "...this?"
[18:29] <+Eraelabryn> Her own movement forwards, gloved hands sliding to touch a few of the garments before she would shake her head. Light movement, just it. as she would stride forwards within. Hands came to hips and head tilted ever so slightly as words were issued from the lips. "Well first off strip down, then lets find the underthings, chemise and panties..corset then atop it..if suckle in stomach and †
[18:29] <+Eraelabryn> † make you stand a bit straighter. You are sure you want it all on.." near lightheared how she stated it. †
13[18:31] * +Cirri looked at her and then she looked down at her flat belly, "Why would it be suckled?" She shook her head, stripping out of all her clothing, not being too timid about being naked. She stood there, very tall and straight, as a proud wolven she never thought hto cower even when she was as slave she never put on the mask of demureness. She held out some of the clothing parts to Eraelabryn and said frankly, "Okay fix then."
[18:33] <+Eraelabryn> Oh she turned head upwards, little Moriel not one to 'dress' much, herself, the amusement with it as she would slide forwards, disgruntled that slave was not there to do this for her, however. The clothing stripped away from proud wolven flesh and she would drift, to select up the panties, tossing them over. "I can fix it, and you will be stunning darling. Come now, put those on.." Even then †
[18:33] <+Eraelabryn> † sorting them into the sections that would be slipped upon form. †
13[18:35] * +Cirri muttered and she grabbed the panties, something she had never worn before and she slithered them up to fit and then she looked around for a moment or two and then looked at her, "What next? The shift?" She muttered softly and looked around for a moment and then she watched the short little moriel, looking lost and losing her confidence with every passing moment.
[18:38] <+Eraelabryn> The smile given, as she would hand it over, that movement to aide slipping tail where it should go in those things. Shift handed too for the wolven to put on, as she would loosen corseting, the strings pulled and plucked. "Think of it as fucking armor, as shields against the eyes that might wish to pry, or steal away loves's sweetness from you." the crux of the matter, one side of mouth raising †
[18:38] <+Eraelabryn> † upwards as she would hold the corsetting out to be slipped into after shift was put upon. †
13[18:40] * +Cirri blinks, completely confused about what the woman was saying and then she felt the corset tighten and she gasped in agony for a moment and her bracelet seemed to glow and it turned into a gauntlet. "Damn you bitches, no this is not a attack now stow it!" The gauntlet shimmered and went back to a bracelet and she loked at Eraelabryn for a moment, getting the shift on and cursing the entire time.
[18:44] <+Eraelabryn> The chuckle from her as she would lean back the strings pulled even tighter once it was embracing the line of body, amusement of course with the bracelet that glowed and turned into gauntlet. "No it isnt the time for battle, but it does feel like an attack yes?" The lilted tones as she lashed the corseting lines, ties wrapped up into the slip knots to sustain it. Her own movement back to †
[18:44] <+Eraelabryn> † appraise as she looked for stockings then realized wolven would likely not be wearing them, or the garter belts or would she? †
13[18:45] * +Cirri looked at the stupid stockings, "If yu even try those things...I will flame them." She tried her best to breathe in the corset and then she looked at the rest of the dress and picked it up, "Okay so the rest of this is easy right? Just throw it on, tie it up and off we go, right?"
[18:49] <+Eraelabryn> "Deal" whispered out as she would lower head and pluck up the main part of the gown then seeing the underskirting and sighing. Face was made as she plucked up those underskirts and then waited for them to be put on as well, so she could tie the back of them, bind and hold the waist held by corset so skirt would flow right.
13[18:51] * +Cirri wiggled and she shifted, pulling down a few of the layers of the skirts and then she grunted. "Damn stupid....what....IS this stuff...." She growled at the lace and then finally got it to where the bodice fit on her boobs right, but the sleeves, my goddess you could hide an army in those bloody sleeves and the frilly lace and ribbon stuff...."If you even dare put a ribbon in my ears, I will bite." She looked around and noticed the little tiara veil and grumbled softly.
[18:54] <+Eraelabryn> "It is what they wear.." Offered out so quietly as she would take up the overskirting and then pull it over the head, moving until she 'could' that sudden movement as she would laugh. "Bite me, and I will bite back, darling. " Only that said as she would attempt the movements jerks on cloth to seal the form within, see it set to perfection. Lazy in her own intonations as she reached behind, †
[18:54] <+Eraelabryn> † grabbing tiara and veil and waited for wolven to lay down proud head enough for her to affix it too. †
13[18:57] * +Cirri looked at Eraelabryn for a moment and then she lowered her head so she could reach Cirri's head. Once it was afixed, she stood up, straightened everything and looked at her, "And they assurd me that this was the correct uniform...right?" She thought about it for a mooment and then she looked in the reflection glass and muttered softly, "He better appreciate this because if he doesn't....I will bite him instead." She watched Eraelbryn for a moment andthen she held the huge thing of flowers that someone had left for her and she sneezed violently, the tiara nearly falling off.
11[18:57] * +Shogeton-NB flew through the air, the sun finally up. The Chirot was flying as fast as his wings coudl carry him, with the load he was bearing. And that was of course an outfit matching the one that had been sold to CirrI. Between the paladin being held for weeks by Kain, and the loss of light, it had soemhow been neglected. Now, there were only a fe w moments, or else Doppler might haveto stand at the altar naked. A pleasant thought
[18:57] <+Shogeton-NB> {( continue)}--> tar naked. A pleasant thought of course. <--{( end)}
[18:59] <+Eraelabryn> Oh there, she could affix it and arrange that veiling her own incline of head given, the way of curls to move. "He will , I am sure, you are absolutely beautiful." The sneeze, that near drop from the flowers, as she would step back and leave the tenting. Holding it open incase another might wish to come within. Lighter movements her own once outside, the side of mountain beautiful place to hold †
[18:59] <+Eraelabryn> † the wedding lights upon the pathway showing leading to the chairs and tables set up. Walking forwards so she could see to her own things hidden underneath the arbor, prepared for the bonding itself. †
03[19:01] * Ray`el` ( has joined #TLI-Temple
[19:02] <+Ray`el`> the man moved slowly into the temple. eyes sliding left to right, hands clasped behind his back as he moved with the small motions now. he was wondering what he was coming to
11[19:02] * +DopplerZero muttered just a bit, flicking his fingers some with a small glimmer of a blue flame over his gloves, shaking his head a bit with a sighed "About time.." With the sun going dark, his magic dying out for a good while, and his cavern turning rather cold for the summer.. he wasn't a happy drak in the least. At least things were returning to normal for his wedding. At least he hoped. All this while standing just barely inside the tem
11[19:02] * +DopplerZero - returning to normal for his wedding. At least he hoped. All this while standing just barely inside the temple, tail giving a flick.
11[19:03] * +Matwyn road towards the temple taking his wagon, upon which somethign rather large and buly covered in a tarp. the shaman leading the oxen as he hummed lightly lookign up at the sun shakign his head faintly as he flicked an ear moving for the temple grounds.
13[19:03] <+Cirri> The gardens outside the temples were decorated with flowers and tents. Slaves and servants had set out chairs and food to the side and there were candles lit up all along the garden edges, leading to a main tent where there was an altar that seemed to be dedicated to all gods.
11[19:05] * +Shogeton-NB saw the people gathering, and made a hasty landing near the outside of the temple, seeing a familiar figure. "DOPPLER!" He said, landing quite heavily, his descent a bit too quick. He eyed the man, seeing he was wearing less than opulent clothing. "Am I on time, am I not too late? Sorry, was kept stuck on a boat by Kain for weeks. No excuse, but I have the outfit with me." He held a package of clothing ,wrapped in linnen i
[19:05] <+Shogeton-NB> {( continue)}--> clothing ,wrapped in linnen in his hand. "Consider them my wedding present to you. I'll pay for them." <--{( end)}
11[19:07] * +DopplerZero glanced over his shoulder at the shout, half ready to throw a fireball at whoever it was.. if he could. He didn't want to test his luck with the way his magic was right now. But the sight of Shogeton there with a package made him sigh in relief, on more than one front. "..Got yourself tied up again, huh?" All he said with a bit of a chuckle, unwrapping the package and looking at the contents rather gratefully.
11[19:07] * +DopplerZero - a bit of a chuckle, unwrapping the package and looking at the contents rather gratefully.
11[19:08] * +Helliss She'd approach the Cave of Dwindling Light with hands frequently checking the polished buttons of her dress-uniform, a fine imperial green and jacket-like tunic, long sleeves black-striped with gold-trimmed epaulets, buttons shiny brass, the Imperial crest embroidered in one breast, her badge pinned to the other. She wore that formal jacket draped over her hips and seemed almost like too <next>
[19:08] <+Helliss> <more> short a skirt given her only other garment, a terribly tight and sheer pair of immaculate white leggings. trapping up a jutting butt that jacket couldn't begin to properly conceal. "S'looks like th'place..." she'd murmur seemingly to herself, the girl bearing a burning street-lantern in one hand inspite of the lingering light of day. <end>
[19:09] <+Ray`el`> the huge man did not seem worry or care about the area. soft yawn given then as he stretched out and moved towards the the wedding area. a smile given as he plotted what he was going to do.. or sayu. this was indeed going to be a nice night.. he was coming see two old. friends. mate and become offical.
13[19:09] * +Cirri paced back in forth, holding on to the massive skirts and if she found the person that told her that this was typical...she might introduce him to her lovely sword. She thought about it for a moment and then she peeked to see if people were showing up and then she noticed a few of the people that were coming and she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, wondering what she was supposed to do next and completely confused.

11[19:14] * +Shogeton-NB scowled. "Tsh, one day that Krioan bastard is going to get what's coming to them, but I'll need to train more." Doppler would fidn the outfit... opulent. It was all black and whitee; A white tunic, fine silk and docorated with lace, with a black vest to go over it, richly decorated with silver embroidery, a large dragon above his heart, and the neck with an ample dose of fur lining, all made of the absolutely finest silks.
[19:14] <+Shogeton-NB> {( continue)}--> f the absolutely finest silks. Grey tights would cover his legs, with black boots, gleaming leather, with silver clasps. <--{( end)}
11[19:16] * +Matwyn pulled up outside the temple, as he spoke to some of the slaves the wagon backed up near where any gidts were to be laid out or close enougth, the oxen taken away, as he hopped off the wagon, atired in his usual robes neatly groomed though he always was. giving the air a sniff.
[19:16] <+Eraelabryn> Her own movement to the front of that garden set place, the candles that brightened, the main tent where the altar was. Amusement as she would toss a cloth over one of the deities forms then remove it, that careful smile given as she set Kirva's statue at the forefront. Quirk of brow, and quiet contemplation as leather bound Moriel would move withdrawing the sacred oil and pouring itsichor into †
[19:16] <+Eraelabryn> † the bowl before her. Slip of hand and a few herbs flittered to the top, her hands touching rubbing the sides of the metal bowl until the splashes mixed together the essences inside. Those who would attend would begin to gather and she would wait until sign was given for her to start the ceremony. †
11[19:21] * +DopplerZero took a moment to look over the clothing, then back up to Shogeton with a smirk. "I see you still know my tastes in clothing, at least. Remind me to throw a few coins your way." With that said he ducked into the temple he was outside of, giving a mumble a bit as he got himself garbed up and dressed, smoothing out his coat and fluffing up the fur a bit before walking back outside.
11[19:21] * +DopplerZero - out his coat and fluffing up the fur a bit before walking back outside.
13[19:21] * +Cirri looked at Bryn as she peeked out, the panic look still shimmering in her eyes and she nodded, wondering if Doppler had even gotten there yet. She noticed that some of her friends were there and she smiled for a mment, but then noted that a few of the people she did know and care about were absent. Shrugging her shoulders, she surmised that they were working or having fun with a slave and she smiled, closed her eyes and then ducked back in, almost too nervous to come out in the dress that Shogeton picked for her.
11[19:23] * +Shogeton-NB chuckled. "You know I never forget something, Doppler. Though it isn't quite like the first dress I got you." He chuckled. "Well, I'm fine with money. I guess there's not chance for a final blowjob before you're colla... eh... mated." He said with a chuckle and a wink, following him closely.
11[19:23] * +Helliss She was unarmed but for the grinning sheild slung over her back, something she considered more an extra guest than a weapon really, "Wow... s'nice..." spoken as she walked amongst the decorative setting raised on the path up to the cave, checking the lapel of her jacket once more compulsively, "...what'd'y'think its all about..?" The invitation she'd recieved had been a very formal one, and <next>
[19:23] <+Helliss> <more> a prominent name upon it had been a certain cadet of hers, and so she'd thankfully come dressed for the occassion. Still, she wasn't entirely clear on what the occassion -was-, exactly. <end>
11[19:25] * +DopplerZero chuckled a bit with that. "Have to ask the wolf on that. Though, probably a bit after this whole ceremony and such.." He fixed the coat and tugged the cuffs a moment before looking back towards all the tents. "Though this.. is going to be fun. Neither of us are good with weddings. Last wedding I went to ended up being an ambush and, well.."
11[19:28] * +Shogeton-NB chuckled. "Hah, shouldn't you be fully focused on her, Doppler?" He patted him on the shoulder. "You'll do fine. She's lucky to have you. You're skilled, you're clever and you have a very, very nimble tail." He addjusted his own outfit a bit, and arranged his hair. "So, it about time to start? What god is overseeing the ceremony? YOu Drak Sen worship the dragons, right? Do you have clerics for htat?"
11[19:30] * +DopplerZero shakes his head a bit. "I've never been able to get a temple to the Elders even brought up. Same with Archaon." He shrugged a moment with that, tail flicking a bit. "Eldiel will probably be watching this whole thing in his own way. He's taken a special little.. pride.. in watching me get myself into trouble.' A huffed chuckle came before he took a few steps towards the tents.
11[19:30] * +DopplerZero - A huffed chuckle came before he took a few steps towards the tents.
11[19:31] * +Shogeton chuicled. "Well, you can always purchase a shrine. It's how I did it with Sheara. If I ever get married, it's there. If only there was a proper priest or priestess to Sheara around the Empire;" He followed dopplerzero close behind.
11[19:32] * +Matwyn glanced towards doppler chuckling "lazy drak sen need to go build a temple with there own hands, what the vulpine did, and by them i mean me" he smoothed out his robes offerign doppler a grin and a bow as he gave the air a sniff looking about. "i hope you got some good refreshments"
[19:34] <+Eraelabryn> She would move, the lift of chin the way of hand to drift forwards. Just that, and lavender eyes turned gazing over those gathered. Bard who had been commissioned to play given the gesture to allow the music to start, the summoning forth of Cirri, only to happen as she would gesture for Doppler to join her at the front of the Altar itself. Ribbon within her hand, plucked from it, upon one side †
[19:34] <+Eraelabryn> † the wolf and and on the other side the Dragon, slumbering thing. Held out before her as she would draw in breath. "If all will be seated, we can begin.." the softer tones, as music would start to play dance lightly across the ears. †
11[19:35] * +DopplerZero glanced over to Matwyn with a huff. "Yeah, you try figuring out a proper kind of temple to build to a bunch of dragons. You have it easy, nature-loving tree-huggers." He stuck his tongue out a bit before taking a look around, walking towards the altar finally with a ruffle of his wings and a sway of his tail.
11[19:36] * +Helliss Against all odds then that lantern she bore would softly answer her, 'It seems to me a marraige...' the voice pleasent, but strange... wavering in an otherworldly sort of way. When the girl looked down to that lantern in confusion, the flame within it would speak on, "...when two people agree to share eachothers lives and homes, sometimes used to tie families together for the sake of <next>
[19:36] <+Helliss> <more> business and trust... more often a matter of publicly expressing the bond of love." Helliss blinked and mouthed those words, 'bond of love', silently... "..I ain't never heard of that." said softly. "It is not common in here. Often a Marraige implies monogomy... that the married may only love one-another. I believe this land rejects such notions." A shiver would run through the girl at the <next>
[19:36] <+Helliss> <more> thought of being cared about that much, though she'd sit as Erael urged, setting that lantern down in a chair beside her. <end>
11[19:36] * +Shogeton chuckled, then took to his seat, seeing the elf overseeing the proceedings. He still didn't know in whose name the ritual would be. That's the confusing thing with all these different gods. He only ever needed one. "Go get them, Doppler." He said.
11[19:37] * +Matwyn rolled his eyes "just make a big pile of coins and treasure to lay on like your elders.. nice dank cave like the dragons like.. maybe a princess staked out the front" he waved a hand. taking a seat upon the side for the brides guests smoothing out his tails turning his nose up. as hed relax.
13[19:38] * +Cirri heard the notes and then Cirri took in a deep breath and she straightened the many skirts for a moment. She closed her eyes, making a silent prayer to the ansecstors and then she came out of the tent that she had been hiding, a little vulpine temple slave holding the long train of the dress behind her and she seemed to stride down, between the others, the flowers holding down to the side as she strode and her bracelet seemed to be glowing slightly and only those with exceptionally good hearing would hear her little curses and "shut up bitc" as she tried to walk without falling over either the train, the sleeves or this veil that seemed to cloud some of her vision. Finally making it to next to Doppler, she stopped and the poor little vulpine behind her seemed to be near panting for breath to keep up with Cirri. ((dress: ... -Gowns.jpg ))
11[19:40] * +Shogeton blinked as he heard Cirri's cussing quite clearly, the paladin's hearing likely the best of the whole gathering. Still, he looked with some pride, as the couple was standing next to one another, both of them dressed in outfits designed and picked by him.
15[19:40] * +Ray`el` ( Quit (Quit: irl calls and life has to call at times)
11[19:41] * +DopplerZero watched Cirri, giving a bit of a whistle and a soft chuckle with that, shaking his head some. "Takes a crisis to get her in a dress like that.." All he said with a smirk as she walked up to the altar, taking one glance down at her bracelet with a huff and a pointed, almost scowling finger. "You lot. Hush up for once."
[19:42] <+Eraelabryn> The smile given, patient thing Moriel was, slight against the both of them. Leathers worn no decadant show of anything, tattered and torn in places, but cleaned to the point they gave their own light shine when candle light hit them. Shadow wrapped vision, the way of it, easiy thing as she would hold out her hand for Doppler to take his intended Mate's hand as she moved drifted down the asile as †
[19:42] <+Eraelabryn> † beautiful as she was. Listening as Doppler would chide whatever was making the curses carry. Breath pulled in and let go, and voice would come and carry. "Each of you, is here to bear witness to the bonding of Doppler and Cirri, to bear witness to their words, spoken to one another, the sharing of flesh is common place within the Empire itself. The offer of love, devotation and dedication to one †
[19:42] <+Eraelabryn> † another is another matter entirely. It is the union of forms and souls within in some ways, chosing to share a path for however long that road may lead both upon the same one." †
13[19:45] * +Cirri smiled briefly as she took Doppler's hand and she noted his little conversation to the troops and she winked at him, not saying a word. Here she was in a dress that seemed to be more of a danger than anything else and when she heard the words of the moriel, she stopped, feeling the warmth in her heart, the passion that rose any time she saw this handsome male before her, the male who won not only her heart, but her very soul.
11[19:48] * +DopplerZero kept himself quiet after that, standing there with a squeeze to Cirri's hand, looking out oever everyone as well as Bryn before turning back to Cirri, tail giving a slow sway before he smiled and just listened. Along with wondering just how important this was to get Cirri in THAT much cloth.
11[19:49] * +Helliss She'd watch as Cirri and Doppler took their places before Eraelabryn, her bright jade eyes going wide to see them so beautifully dressed, beginning to gloss over with moisture as Eraelabryn's voice carried out onto the air. The flame beside her would simply behold the occassion, as flames had for as long as such occassions had taken place, the very reason it had been so very knowledgable <next>
[19:49] <+Helliss> <more> about the preceedings. Still, as the young human on the edge of her seat sniffled out, the flame would softly ask 'Are you alright, miss Helliss...?' "Shhh..!" was her immediate answer, though in the next moment she was dragging that lantern up into her lap, practically embracing it as she mewled an "..I'm fine..!" strained with the effort not to burst out into te <next>
[19:49] <+Helliss> <more> ars. <end>
11[19:54] * +Shogeton was quiet. Thsi was a religious ceremony, and a great and important moment for his friend Dopplerzero, so he kept quiet as things happened. He had a faint smile on his face, reminded of some vague memories of his parents. He hoped this'd end better than them. He sent a silent little prayer to Sheara to sheild them from Krioan treachery and trickery, even knowing Sheara's attention to the non-Chirot people was rather faint
[19:54] <+Shogeton> {( continue)}--> hirot people was rather faint <--{( end)}
11[19:55] * +Matwyn remained silent watching the pair smiling faintly as he eyed cirri ponderign makign a statuue of her in that dress grinning a bit as he leaned back tails pulled across his lap as he ran fingers though them.
[19:56] <+Eraelabryn> She would slip her hand outwards the ribbon wound about both hands slowly lacing them together,twining them about both of the ones presented fingers. Just that, as she smiled to Doppler and to Cirri each. "As this ribbon binds so are the chording and notes of your lifes. Before these witnesses you are chosing to live as a unit, as a group, as Dreamer and his Dream, or Pack if you will. What †
[19:56] <+Eraelabryn> † hurts one, will hurt the other in a smaller way, what brings joy to one will bring joy to the other, more often then not. It is not an easy venture to declare ones intentions or to offer to share one's path with another. But because you are two, it will be far harder to break either 'one'. " She stepped back drawing in the breath. "Have you anything to speak with one †
[19:56] <+Eraelabryn> † another?" †
13[20:02] * +Cirri looked into Doppler's eyes, knowing she would have to tell him that which she always held within her, that of her heart deep within. She grinned, "When I died, you were the first face I saw when the gods allowed me to return. From that moment, I knew there was a purpose. Through the darkness of my soul, the pain in which sent me to for that thing called to me, yearned for the heat and the passion as well as the love that Iknew was here." Tears started to fall down her furry little cheeks in this rare expression of emotion and she held his hands tightly, "Doppler, I returned because of you, because I knew that no matter how far I had travelled, my soul was empty and incomplete without your presence. I fought to return, in the hopes and dreams of seeing you and feeling whole once again. You complete me in a way that only the gods can understand and fathom. I loved you then, I love you now and forever more until the stars themselves dwindle from the night's sky."
11[20:07] * +DopplerZero couldn't help but blush some, shaking his head slightly with that. "Don't say that, these days.." He whispered under his breath a moment before meeting her eyes again, smiling. "I knew there was something about you whe I first met you. When I first had you in my cavern, curled up against me in bed. You were always my warrior wolf, always strong enough to fight back anyone that threatened you without needing any help. You were al
11[20:07] * +DopplerZero - wolf, always strong enough to fight back anyone that threatened you without needing any help. You were always the strong flame that kept warm through the winter, even without my help.. though with me you're even stronger. And Eldiel help anyone that tries to hurt you, for I will hurt them back.."
[20:08] <+Tehya> She had arrived a bit late, but dressed rather nicely. She wore a deep blue midnight dress with silver embroidery along the bustline. Her hair was pulled back with a silver ribbon, and delicate tendrils framed her face. It was back to the way things were for her, sun, color in her cheeks and she seemed much more relaxed. She slipped in quietly listening to the vows.
[20:10] <+Eraelabryn> Even Moriel in those leathers could smile to such declarations, the dedication offered to sound worded to be witnessed by each of the Guests. Her own breath pulled in as she would lay her hand atop of the ribbon that bonded the two. "Before the Gods and Goddesses of the Empire, before these witnesses, and those who do not witness, but shall be told. Let it be stated, their declarations are †
[20:10] <+Eraelabryn> † truth, to be held in one another's hearts in the darkest of days, as well as in the light. One does not take the step of bonding with light heart, or cowardice, but with the intention to shelter, shield, and steel if needed their Mate, to draw their interests into one grouping, and know one another as bond mate. Flesh may drift, lust may wane but the emotions stated are what holds one to †
[20:10] <+Eraelabryn> † another. " Her own movement as she would turn from them, the ichor, the sacred oil, a movement from her to brush fingers within it, then sprinkle it upon the ribbon itself. Rush of light, sealing thing around the hands tied off, fasted together as she brought her eyes over those gathered. "Do each of you, bear witness to such?" <wait>
11[20:12] * +Shogeton stood, holding a hand to his heart, and nodded. "By Sheara, I witness this bond, and may all glory be shared between these two."
11[20:16] * +Matwyn rumaged in his robe pockets pulling out a handfull of salt, the shaman hoppign to his feet tossing it at bride groom and preistess by there feet, as he pulled out a handfull fo dried white sage and a match lighting it, waving it in the air, as he spoke a prayer to the spirits tails swishing behind him before bowing low, letting the dried white sage continue to burn as he called upon the various elemental spirits."i witness this union
[20:16] <+Matwyn> blessed into this life and the next"
[20:16] <+Matwyn> <cut> the various elemental spirits."i witness this union for the spirits and the white lady may it be blessed into this life and the next"
11[20:18] * +Helliss was a mess. Tears poured down those sunkissed cheeks of hers, dripping down onto that lantern in her lap which steadily steamed them away, those great pearls of moisture dragging with them trails of that charcoal-stripe she wore across her eyes. With a great sniffle, she'd pipe up, "Uhuh...!" to Eraelabryn's question, gulping and swallowing down her sobs. The flame within that lantern simply <next>
[20:18] <+Helliss> <more> seemed a little perturbed by the pit-patter of 'rain' on his roof. <end>
[20:21] <+Tehya> Slipping into a seat quietly she listened to Byrn and the wedded couple. She seemed puzzled at the salt being thrown by Mat, and Shogeton, proclaiming witness, but she would catch up afterwards. Rummaging into her pocket she did have her flute if they wanted music after the ceremony in celebration. Tehya was always a little careful around Shogeton, curious because she thought he was off the ...
[20:21] <+Tehya> ... edge a lot of times, but that was her silent thoughts. The bride looked pretty, and of course she could relive what she missed in the magical mirror later.
[20:22] <+Tehya> "Yes I do!"
[20:23] <+Eraelabryn> She would step back, the light bursting forwards from the ribbons taking it's own effect as it moved upwrds, totems their own, one a wolf, one a dragon coiled around one another before disappearing into the top of tent, dancing and raining down much like Matwyns sage did. Flickers of colors, showering down upon the guests and the couple as she would draw breath in, let it out with sound. "What †
[20:23] <+Eraelabryn> † the Gods have set to path, and what mortal eyes have witness, should and shall be strong. In the eyes of the Empires, you are mated, and bonded. If you have tokens to exchange, please, exchange them now, or you may kiss your Mate.." the curve of lips as she herself would slip back, quiet movements, head lowering to let the silvered curls hide the sides of ashen cheeks †
[20:23] <+Eraelabryn> † . †
13[20:26] * +Cirri blinked at the thought of a token and she wondered what she was supposed to do or give and she looked at Doppler, wondering what to do and she leaned over, ready to feel his lips against hers once more and she felt her heart quicken with the words of encouragement and she waited for his kiss.
11[20:27] * +DopplerZero did the same blink as he looked at her, through shrugging it off before slipping his free arm around her and giving her that kiss, one of the few times he didn't say a single word to something, just savoring the moment as it was.
11[20:28] * +Shogeton watched the kiss, and slowly started to clap his hands, speeding up his clapping as the kiss lasted.
11[20:30] * +Matwyn let the cerimonial sage burn, making sure it didnt set the place ablaze, they wernt inside the Cavern fo dwindling light after all, it was the grounds between the temples. the shaman offering a few claps and a catcall "grab her ass lizard" chuckling softly.
13[20:31] * +Cirri smiled and she held on to him, falling into the kiss and holding it for the longest moment, forgetting that there were others there witnessing this display of emotion and she felt his arms, powerful and warm, holding her and she did not let go no matter what. Slowly she became aware of the need to breathe and she slowly looked back as Matwyn called out and she glared at the vulpine, muttering softly.
[20:32] <+Tehya> She seen the enthusiasm of everyone and puth the flute to her mouth playing a soft melody, only meant to be played in the background. Her fingers were a bit scratched from last night's battle, but other than that she seemed fine.
11[20:33] * +DopplerZero held his wolf close for that long, enjoyable moment, glancing just a moment to the side with the catcalls and claps, looking back to Cirri with a bit of a smirk. "You can hurt him later." ALl he said while keeping her held nice and close.
11[20:34] * +Helliss A shrill and terribly abruptly little cry from the girl at that kiss, a "YI-Ommff..!" or her near screaming out against the overwhelming sweetness of it all only to clap both hands over her mouth, shringing in on herself with a reddening of the face as she silently screamed herself silly into that palm. 'Are you ill, Helliss..? Do you need a healer...?' asked that flame from within the <next>
[20:34] <+Helliss> <more> lantern she cradled, her head giving a rapid little shake. <end>
03[20:35] * Cnu ( has joined #TLI-Temple
03[20:35] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Cnu
13[20:35] * +Cirri smiled, "Of course..." She nuzzled against him and she saw her superior officer from the guard, the small woman that held much power and she smiled, nodding and offering a small salute to her an her hand held his tightly as they looked at the others collected and she knew that there was food and drinks and plenty of celebrating to do.
03[20:35] * +Cnu ( has left #TLI-Temple
[20:37] <+Eraelabryn> Her own blessings uttered upon the happy couple as she would retreat back. Their day, their celebration, and head tilted, quiet thing that smile that danced upon her lips after the kiss. Breath left lips, her hands clapping as she would turn to altar, brush of fingers to the side of Kirva's statue. Quiet as she would let the others approach giving their gifts or greetings to the Mated pair. Her †
[20:37] <+Eraelabryn> † own fingers coming to sign parchment that would hold them as such in the eyes of the Empire itself. (Congrats you two!) †
11[20:42] * +DopplerZero smiles with the salute before he turned to face everyone, giving a flick of his tail with a smile. "Well, I suppose this is the point where everyone gets drunk and enjoys themselves, huh?"
[20:42] <+Tehya> She gave a side glance to Helliss and kept playing, at least until the song came to an end. A wedding without music seemed odd to Tehya and she looked over to Shogeton with a wink. How long was it since she spoke with him, must of been a year at least since the dinner was held in the old palace. At least someone was here from the IG and when the song was over she slipped the flute into her ...
[20:42] <+Tehya> ... pocket and joined in the applause.. Bondings with Eraelabryn there made her think of her own, and that was good memories.
11[20:43] * +Shogeton walked up to the new mated pair, patting Doppler on the back. "hah, Doppler is wearing my gift right now." He said with a wink. "You two make a great couple." Doppler's remark cuased him to smirk. "Oh, alcohol is one of the vices I don't partake in. What I think the people want to see is some dancing from the new couple." He looked at Tehya's playing the music, giving her a sharptoothed grin.
11[20:44] * +Helliss The moment Cirri made that little wave she was leaping up to her feet, toes wrapped in the sheer, tight white leggings that ran all the way up her legs padding across the grass before she was springing to wrap arms around Cirri, and for that matter Doppler as well, perhaps even Shogeton by sheer proximity...that lantern still swinging from one hand. "I can't believe you...! That was so..! <next>
[20:44] <+Helliss> <more> An' she was all..!" with a gesture to Eraelabryn, " yer both jus' so...!" and unless they took the reasonable step of preventing her, she'd plant a lush-liped kiss upon each of their lips. <end>
[20:44] <+Eraelabryn> <ok hate to do this, but :) RL is taking me!>
03[20:44] * +Eraelabryn (wud@6ca5ed74.6ca5f07f.62.243.imsk) has left #TLI-Temple
13[20:46] * +Cirri blinked and she gasped as Hellis grabbed her, the usually standoffish wolveness distant from others. She looked like a wild animal trapped, but did not say anything, thinking that this was usual for such ceremonies. She heard Shogeton and she smiled, kissing Doppler's cheek and whispering softly into his ear.
[20:46] <+Tehya> She grinned at Shogeton, when he said they needed to dance and pulled the flute out again, she had her violin outside on her horse, but she offered. "If you would like your first dance as a bonded couple I have both my violin and flute here." Mat being so close to her she leaned over whispering to him, "The salt is for?"
11[20:48] * +DopplerZero couldn't help but blush at the whisper, giving a bit of a smirk, even as he was patted, hugged, and chuckling some at the look on Cirri's face through the whole thing. "I think someone just got their first taste of how normal weddings work.."
11[20:49] * +Matwyn looked towards tehya as he flicked an ear "hmm it is for warding away and lingerign evil spirits and for purification.. and salt is a vital thign needed by all entities the earth giving to those who tread upon it.. that which comes from the sea" he waved a hand. "it is also fun to throw at peiple" he snickered standing offerign cirri and doppler a polite bow with a sweep of his tails behind him.
13[20:51] * +Cirri blinked, then she nodded to Matwyn for a moment before looking at Doppler, "I think I need a drink." She tried to make her way to where the food and drinks were, nearly tripping on the long skirts and she cursed was she had to heft up, showing off the fact that she was actually wearing panties, a corset and a chemise under her gown.
03[20:51] * +Ray`el` ( has left #TLI-Temple
11[20:52] * +Shogeton gave a surprised yelp as he was taken in the hug, the paladin rather lean and short and lifted slightly off the ground in the whole thing. "Yes, it's... very touching... help... air." He squeaked out, until he could manage to extract himself from that squeeze. "Hahah, give them a moment, Tehya, The bride has to get some liquid courage before she dares to dance;"
11[20:53] * +Matwyn gave cirri a whistle as he headed for her "need that vut a bit cirri dear. oh and doppler, you Two i have a present for you" he waved a hand heading for the large wagon with the large tarp covered onject weather or not they followed him the shaman hummign softly yo himself, as hed nimbly hop atop the buckboard.
11[20:55] * +DopplerZero could only chuckle, following along behind Cirri with a smirk on his face. "I'm surprised they managed to get you into that dress.." He turned to Mat with a raise of his brow, looking over to the tarp and the wagon. "Why do I feel like I'm going to be in pain soon.."
[20:55] <+Tehya> She grinned, those tainted blue lips found amusement only because Matwyn didn't throw any at her bonding. "Guess I am in trouble then, aren't I?" Waiting for everyone to greet Cirri and Doppler who was an old friend she stepped up next to them while Shogeton was craving air. She needed to go outside to get her violin, and first would congratulate them, "Congratulations may you have an ...
[20:55] <+Tehya> ... eternity of happiness." She felt her violin would be more suited, and being so warm now she went outside without a cloak just the midnight blue dress clinging to her hips and then flaring out at the bottom.
13[20:57] * +Cirri stopped and then she looked at Doppler, "Is this not the appropriate attire for a bonding?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously and she looked over at Shogeton for a moment and then back to Doppler.
11[20:59] * +DopplerZero chuckled just a bit. "It is.. for most humans. All that... fluff in the back.. I guess most of them wish they had a tail or something." He shrugged before looking to Tehya with a smile and a nod. "I think happiness is a Cirri with a mallet right now."
11[21:00] * +Matwyn looked to doppler "your pain has nothing to do with me, or mine gift.. im not goign to hurt you, thats for cirri on the honeymoon" he chuckled as he watched, moving to grasp the tarp pulling the thign from the "present" upon the wagon was a large black Marble Statue of a Dragon Dancing with a wolf around a empty basin. the detail skillfully done as he spoke "my gift to your keep.. just let me know where you set it..ill use my hammer
[21:00] <+Matwyn> water flows"
[21:00] <+Matwyn> <cut> ill use my hammer to set up an artisian well ebenath it, so the water flows"
11[21:01] * +Shogeton folded his arms. "it is, it absolutely is. And you looked amazing in it." he looked a bit cross at Doppler. "Your mate simply cannot properly measure my fashion genius."
11[21:01] * +Helliss She'd almost spring back at Shogeton's gasped words, "Sorry..! Sorry..." breathed, her head giving a rapid shake. What was she thinking? Just grabbing them like that! Had she ruined the whole marraige..? Oh J'kisteloer, had she spoiled it..?! 'Miss Helliss, are you sure you're alright...?' asked the concerned little voice inside the lantern. "I dunno, Erick.. I think I... WAIT..!" she'd <next>
[21:01] <+Helliss> <more> chrip abruptly, setting that lantern down on a chair and rushing off suddenly... dashing like the wind down away from that wedding party. The flame remained, and though it was but a flame, it seemed very distinctly to peer up at Tehya nearby. <end>
11[21:02] * +DopplerZero looked to the fountain, giving a smile with a bit of a chuckle. "I half expected something worse.. though I'll have to finally beat some sense into people, get my keep back on track.." With that he glanced over his shoulder to Shogeton, huffing. "Fashion genius.."
13[21:05] * +Cirri grumbles soflty and she looked at all of them, "Yes....Matty that is lovely and when we actually get the keep built...I know exactly where it will go." She grinned, taking a large tankard and she chugged down the drink for a moment and watched her beloved mate. Making her way back over to him, she wtched them all for a moment and then she chuckled, "I don't think that I will be causing harm tonight..."
11[21:09] * +DopplerZero just chuckles with that. "You, not cause harm.. the world truly is ending.."
11[21:10] * +Matwyn laughed a bit looking to doppler then cirri "i will of course , need the wagon and oxen back once you have moved it" he swished a tail as he reached under the buckboard pulling out a clayjug the top sealed with wax, as he moved to doppler handing it to him "and for the groom, some rice wine from my home village beyond the sheild wall..tradtionaly its snake wine.. but.. ehh i dotn think a drak sen appciate that"
11[21:11] * +DopplerZero just shot a look to Matty with that. "Wine.. out of snakes..' He shook that thought off a moment before huffing. "And I'm not a lizard.. All the other little lizards in the forest keep giving me weird looks as it is.."
13[21:12] * +Cirri chuckles and she looked around for a moment and then darted towards the tent that she changed in. She grunted and wiggled and was trying her best to get out of the gown she felt trapped in while the others were conversing. She needd to feel that she could fight if needed and knew that she would fall in a pile of satin and lace at the moment if that happened.
11[21:13] * +Shogeton looked at Doppler with a mock insulted expression. "I didin't see you complain when I came to the rescue. I saw the outfit you were wearing before I came in. You have no room to talk about fashion sense, Dopplerzero;"
11[21:14] * +Matwyn shook his head "no no not made from snakes.. it has a snake in a glass bottle, of rice wine, for virility and strength and gets the lust flowing" he waved a hand. glancing at the runaway bride as he simply chuckled.
11[21:17] * +Shogeton looked at MAtwyn. "You're gonna give Dopplerzero something to increase his lusts? Matwyn, no, what are you doing you fool? You doomed us all!"
11[21:17] * +Helliss came dashing back up that path then from the mount she'd left further behind, having suspected Jhore not wedding appropriate. In each hand an item was firmly clasped, one large and bulky, one small and slender... a polished steel helm and what seemed a simple candle. She'd blink to see Cirri missing.. had the bride run off..? Was that her fault..?! Swift shake of her head, and she was <next>
[21:17] <+Helliss> <more> advancing on Doppler, "S'cuse me..." offered up to him softly, the girl stepping in close and offering that candle up, " this is fer you...." <end>
11[21:19] * +DopplerZero sticks his tongue out at Shog, then at Matty before turning back to Helliss, raising a brow curiously before taking the candle and looking it over. "Thanks.." He was already looking at it like it would explode like one of those trick candles he got from Unigo once..
11[21:22] * +Helliss She'd blink up at his bewilderment, only to suddenly understand how petty a gift it seemed, giving her head a swift shake and stepping up against him to the tips of her toes, whispering of it briefly in his ear. She was stepping back then, offering him a bright smile, before going searching after Cirri... peeking around that curtain tentatively with a softly called "Cadet...?"
13[21:23] * +Cirri looked at Hellis, her hand trying to get to the laces at the back, "Ma' ......this......THING" She growled, nearly tripping over the long dress and she muttered, nearly falling and then she looked at Hellis with the look of desperation.
11[21:23] * +DopplerZero didn't think it was petty as much as he was used to things not being what they seemed around the town. He had exploding candles, bread that shot fireworks, and glowing beer before. Though he had to admit the glowing beer wasn't half bad.
11[21:28] * +Helliss Pink tongue would roll over her bottom as Cirri made that request, a soft "Yeah.." almost huffed as she set that helmet down on the ground, stepping in behind Cirri close as she'd begin to unlace that corset... having some small experience with such garments given her exceedingly eccentric wardrobe. "So... so all that stuff y'said out there... Y'really mean' it, huh..?" spoken as a chin near <next>
[21:28] <+Helliss> <more> pressed in against Cirri's shoulder, quiet "Lift yer' arms a lil.." breathed... <end>
13[21:30] * +Cirri lifted her arms up and she looked at Helliss, "I never say anything I do not mean. Get's me into trouble usually. But yes. Although I have never told him those things before. I thought it was time. Usually I just growl and throw a fireball at him."
11[21:34] * +Matwyn looked towards Shogeton "he will need it dealing with a wolven woman, she may grind his pelvis into dust, and its ment for the two of them.. and i didnt give him the snake wine, i simply gave him rice wine.. if the best from my home village.. i am going to have to return soon and get more, perhaps take my slave to see my five sisters"
11[21:35] * +Shogeton chuckled and patted Doppler on the back. "Well, as much as I'd enjoy seeing you dance, I'm afraid I have to get going. But I'll be sure to see and visit the happy couple at some point." he chuckled, giving some last well wishes before flying off.
11[21:37] * +DopplerZero just huffed, looking back to Shogeton with a nod and a chuckle. "I think Cirri might be visiting you first about that dress.."
11[21:37] * +Helliss She'd nod, a breath of laughter as she'd open up that corset-top, "Yer lucky..." spoken soft, as she'd begin to draw that whole frilly ensemble up over Cirri's head, pausing at perhaps the most inconvenient moment, "...I ain' never..." a shake of her head then, and she'd finish drawing that dress up over Cirri's head, dropping it to her side with a lack of gingerness which might have <next>
[21:37] <+Helliss> <more> Shogeton wanting to draw blood. "...yer lucky." spoken again as Cirri's body was mostly bared but for the lacey delicates such as stockings and garters. "I got somethin' fo you." <end>
13[21:38] * +Cirri looked at Helliss, "Yes, I know how fortunate I am.....He is my most treasured dragon dream."
03[21:39] * +Shogeton ( has left #TLI-Temple
11[21:43] * +Helliss She was bending over to collect the item in question then, and if the view this afforded of her jutting butt all trapped as it was in sheer white fabric was not gift enough, the girl was turning to offer up that helm to Cirri. "Was mine... so sorry its used n'all... an y'might need t'get th'visor 'justed a'lil.. but I got a big head... should fit. Yer gonna need it when yer full Guard... <next>
[21:43] <+Helliss> <more> can' go ridin' aroun' safe on a Jhore withouta helmet.." <end>
[21:43] <+Helliss> !item give Cirri Visored Helm
04[21:44] -Desdaemona- You have received the item 'Visored Helm' from Helliss
13[21:45] * +Cirri smiled and she took the helm, "Thank you very are wonderful..." She nodded andthen she put it on and smiled, "this is more like it..." She shrugged off the rest of the clothes, grabbed her mage robe and fastened it before heading back out to the small crowd of friends that had come and she smiled at Doppler, "I think it is time to head home, what do you think?"
11[21:48] * +DopplerZero nods some with a smile, slipping his arm around her waist with a chuckle. "I think you're right on the target there, my wolf.."

Written fr Doppler from Cirri-

Sleepless Nights

Dreams that come from afar
Settle in the minds of the young
Those that dare to see beyond
Are ageless beyond the stars.

How can the heart be broken?
Where does one go to mend?
Inside the dream
Within the soul
I go….

I can not see through this veil of night
Only in my dreams
Do I waken
From this slumber of my tortured soul.

Dreams of peace
Thoughts of love
I await for you
As you dream

In the night our hearts are one
Singing in harmony
The wakeful hours but a forgetful
As I think of you….

Wings spread wide to surround my soul
A dragon & wolf made one
Our dream comes alive
With the passions of our desire.

Think not of those clouded hours
When our forms are apart
Cherish the warmth that I give to you
From the silent depths
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:11 pm

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