Toraki/ Wemic/Warrior [expired]

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Toraki/ Wemic/Warrior [expired]

Postby Sheyaeri on Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:29 pm

She was born as the daughter of a great king of one of the smaller wemic cities, though she wouldn't grow up as a happy princess. She born as something special, something that her father wanted to keep a secret no matter what. So he bribed everyone who was present during her birth and threatened to kill them if they should tell anyone about this. To make sure her secret would never be found out he kept her inside her room at all times, only to special occassions she was presented to the city but only after making sure that she was safe. Toraki didn't know anything about her situation. She was taught that it was normal for her to be in her room all the time and that her body was normal aswell, her father tried to build and keep an illusion around her to make sure she was happy. But while she grew up the room was not enough anymore to hold back her wild side that she has from her mother that was a great warrior, that fiery blood flowing inside her aswell. So one day she broke to grand rule her father had set up: "Never leave your room!" she sneaked out and explored the castle, wearing normal clothes for her but in reality they were pretty much hiding the most of her body. Noone could find out about her at that time but her father still got really angry and scolded her for hours after wich she layed in some corner and pouted. She hated her father for not letting her wander around, she was certainly not an easy kid but with her condition her father had nothing but trouble trying to keep her safe. Her mother was almost never there, most of the time on adventures or attending to other duties. Toraki knew that her mother was a great woman but sadly not the great mother she would have wished her to be, not knowing that her father was indeed taking things sweeter than her mother would have done it.

Time went on but one day, Toraki was already a young woman, she was breaking her fathers rules again, playing with one of the maids that were responsible for her, the same age and had grown to be her friend. They played not the first time but the two had grown to be really close to another. They were young and their sexuality was just awakening, so they wanted to try out some things. Though it wouldn't be what they both thought it would be, Toraki thought the maid had the same body as she did while the maid thought the same about Toraki's body. When she found out about the princess' abnormal body, wielding sexual organs of both sexes things went down steep. The maid screemed out as she saw the extra bit on Toraki's body while she was stunned from the wierd reaction and the fact that the maid seemed to not posses it. A few people rushed in after hearing the scream and so there were half a dozen people that suddenly knew what was going on and the guards and others even accused her for wierd things, like being a freak, a curse or even a demon that had replaced the princess. When her father came to the gathering he frowned and growled in endless anger. What he did then broke her heart at that time but it was the best thing he could have done at that time as she did understand a while later. He accused her of the same thing, not to be his daughter but something else. He did order though that she should not be harmed but taken into custody. He made sure though that the people don't talk about that incident to 'keep the folk from concern'. In the end things were similar as before but now she couldn't get out anymore and her father only spoke to her a few rare times, trying to excuse this with his duties but she didn't listen to him, hating him for what he said earlier.
It was her former friend that she spoke with the first time. The girl was apologizing for what happened after her scream of suprise and then she said that she doesn't hate her for her abnormal body. The two planned a way to escape, run away and leave the city so they could do how they please to do, following their own rules. After a week that seemed endless to the trapped princess her friend and even a few other girls, who think her body was not a curse but a blessing from god, come to help her out. First they lure the guards away from her cell and then open the door with stolen keys. Toraki is wrapped in a cloak hiding her face and body and then the group heads out the prison and towards the gate leading to the marketplace. They hurry and soon hear shouts of the guards behind them, moving quickly to get into the multi-racial part of the city to hide and escape. They were 5 girls when they had left the gate but three kept there to try and stop or at least slow the guards a bit. Her trusted friend keeps at Toraki's side but when they are almost out of the city a few guards block their way at the last gate. Toraki's friend looked at her and said goodbye before she uses her body to open a gap for her to escape through. She sprints and jumps through that gap, running away a few feet before looking back, some guard chase her while others hold her friend back. She waves and with teary eyes she runs away, leaving everyone else behind, hoping they won't get into too much trouble for helping her out.

With that her adventure had just begun. She was wearing nothing more than her jewelry some revealing clothes and the cloak. She had no money aswell, so she had to earn money somehow or try to hunt on her own, she had to do so much things that she had never done before. Fighting, hunting, cooking. All those things she had learned through books or rarerly even actual training but now it was something entirely else. She had to do it all on her own, she couldn't ask questions. It was serious and could decide about living or dying. She traveled up to the north, she had heard many stories about these lands and wanted to see it for herself, aswell hoping she might find a new home where her special body wouldn't be a problem. The travel was rough and she had to starve in the evening more than one day but she made it, she didn't earn much money but people were often more than ready to give her water, food or a place for the night when they could touch her fur, discretely obviously, or hear stories about her home. It is painful to her but she manages to talk about her home when evading the painful and secret events. On her adventure she met many who wanted to get private with her but the most she turned down, though there was this girl she liked a lot aswell. A beautiful evening it should be, though it should not be what she thought it would be. Once the girl found out about her secret she ran away and left a broken hearted Toraki. She continued on to travel north and as her adventures go on she is lead into another occassion of intimacy, she was reluctant at first but was finally seduced into it. This time it was a completely different outcome, to the worse. It was a group of three, two women and a man and they seem to be connected to some kind of religion for wich her secret is the greatest of curses. They don't want to kill her but 'cleanse', wich they do by violence. They basically try to beat the curse out of her body, a painful procedure that lasted the whole evening. The hit her, used heat and wax, mostly on her special part and brought her to the edge of consciousness before they finally let go of her. They made sure that Toraki understood the message and they would come for her again another time, ending with the words that death would be too easy for her.

So with terrified soul and damaged body she stumbles through the forest, heading over to Nanthalion without knowing it while she avoids the normal roads so she doesn't run into these people again. She swears to herself that she would never show her secret to anyone again, keeping it a secret with all she got.
Last edited by Ehlanna on Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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