Familiar Submission: Rumble Bee

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Familiar Submission: Rumble Bee

Postby Kooky on Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:40 am

As apparently insect familiars need approval because they're monstrous in class to explain their larger size and intelligence, I'm submitting a bubble bee familiar.

Rumble Bee
"The Bumble Bee Familiar"

Size: Ranges 6"-1.5'
Type: Insectoid Companion

The Rumble Bee is called such because it for all intents and purposes, is a large bumble bee. This larger size means that those wings sometimes not just buzz, but rumble. They have a large football shaped body that is covered with soft fuzz in rings of yellow and black and six spiked black legs. Their wings are small, just like their counterpart bumble bee's, but just like them as well they defy logic with their ability to fly and hover.

Rumble Bees feed on nectar and fruits, as well as flowers. To them a sugar cube is quite a treat! Unlike massive wasps and spiders, Rumble Bees are calm and not often encountered in the wilds as killer predators. Despite they do not die if they sting someone, they avoid stinging others until it is a last resort, so their 3inch curved stinger is often tucked away hidden in their abdomen. They live in communities and serve no queen, instead building paper and wax nests for their homes and food stores. Their gathering of nectar and flower petals is a good source of pollination for plants and flowers, especially monstrous ones. They are favored by fae and small races like pixies and nixies for their ability to be used as mounts and their affinity for sugar.

Ability Outline:
Produce - Rumble Bees, when given proper food and lands to forage, can over time produce wax. It's not good for candles without being processed, but very good for carving and melting for building things. They can also create honey with the same opportunity. Both are good for many uses, including healing.
Gatherer - Rumble Bees like to gather things. They gather what they want, what you tell them, and what they think they should. They destroy gardens by doing this, but they're also useful for harvesting fruits from high trees. A Rumble Bee can carry a maximum load of 5lbs before it becomes hindered. They can't lift more than 8lbs at all.
Dance - Not quite an ability, but what it does. Rumble Bees love music and happily raise their forearms in the air and dance around in circles. Some think this is somehow communication. Others thing they're just party animals.
Fine Hairs - Beyond the soft snuggles, Rumble Bees are able to purposely shed fine hairs from their body that act as terrible irritants to those they touch. It's a good defense mechanism. Some people collect these and add them as ingredients to itching powder.
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Re: Familiar Submission: Rumble Bee

Postby lyllamarie on Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:08 pm

This seems nice
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Re: Familiar Submission: Rumble Bee

Postby lyllamarie on Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:17 am

We aren't keen exactly on a giant bumble bee. so This was not approved.
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Re: Familiar Submission: Rumble Bee

Postby Kooky on Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:32 am

Then can it be explained on the site how one gets an insect familiar? Or are spiders and butterflies all that are allowed? I can't think of one more harmless than a bumble bee.

Rare Familiars: 200 mehrials
Birds - Golden eagles, Owls, Scarlet Macaw, Harlequin Duck, Green Woodpecker, Sparrow Hawk, Toucan, Falcon, Raven
Reptiles - Chameleon, Thorny devil, Frilled lizard, Gecko
Small mammals -Flying Squirrel, Ocelot, Arctic Fox
Large Mammals – Horse, Cows
Insects - Butterflies, Spiders, and more ((these are the size of a small cat. i would offer these as magical monsters that could explain there intelligence from the link. reason they are rare versus summoned creature is that mystical creatures of inappropriate size in Belariath would exist))

Is there anything I could work on to tone it down, or is it a flat no due to being a bumble bee?
Just want to know where I go from here, to work on it or move on to new ideas.
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Re: Familiar Submission: Rumble Bee

Postby Kooky on Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:09 am

I also have another question to add to this.. is there any way that I could make this an IoP type thing or an "exotic pet" if OP approved? It would have the same rules as any other animal, and never be used for combat. Just RP fluff.

That's what I would really like it for if not a familiar. I'm willing to rework it in any way.
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Re: Familiar Submission: Rumble Bee

Postby Tehya on Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:50 pm

I like the bumblebee idea. Can you imagine the havoc that could create in rp. :lol:
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Re: Familiar Submission: Rumble Bee

Postby Kooky on Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:05 pm

I see it for many uses.. though less so havoc xD Lol

Bumble bees are not like wasps, who sting for no reason and can sting for multiple times. They're peaceful by nature, and would make really good companions for fae, pixies and nixies too. Kind of like a butterfly, but more masculine of a choice as far as insects go. And not as intimidating as a praying mantis, scorpion or spider, but still.. it's a bee! Despite it has -no- combat value whatsoever.

I've seen so many images and stories involving bees for diminutive races. And even beyond them, there's potential there. I see it akin to a dragonfly. Only fuzzy. And less frightening because those things bite and can have scary faces. And bees are fuzzy.

But a bee like this could certainly frighten one with a phobia!
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