Criminals being punished

The Oath of the Imperial Guards, Known criminals. Laws for criminals punishment.

Moderators: miyuka, Balard, lyllamarie

Criminals being punished

Postby Balard on Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:15 am

If anyone is arrested for anything like destruction of imperial property, theft of imperial property etc and put upon the slave poles or stocks in town, then they have consented to being put there by the Imperial Guard, so whatever punishment is dished out to them will stick, the punishment will also suit the crime.

Now the main point of the post, Anyone who tries to free a person upon the slave poles or the stocks or anything that is resulted as a Imperial Guard punishment will join that person that's being punished, OOC: Yes you can try to free them, if you got consent from them, but if you are caught by anyone in the scene/area and they can see you trying to free them and they can alert a Imperial Guardsmen by a alarm that is nearby then you will be hunted icly by the Imperial Guard. And quoted by Ehlanna herself "The gods help you if it was Ehlanna who put them on the pole .... ;)"
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